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131'31ACA .TOURIAL 1'011EH 13.11.111S 131tI.NT.
ZupervizorzNNNZpecial Session.
The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
County, met in Special Session at their
room in the Court House, in the village of
Ithaca; on the 18th day of June,1871, and
was called to order by the nomination of
Nelson Stevens as temporary Chairman.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury, Dr. C. C.
Cook was elected Secretary.
The roll of Supervisors was then called,
and the following members were found
present : P. o.
Danby—JosIAf Howse, Danby.
Dryden—JOHN M. Suri.. Ithaca.
Enfield—Joss G. WORTM N,...Enfleld Center.
Caroline—Joss WoL00TT, Motto Corners.
Groton—NRtsos STEVENS West Groton.
Laneinr--JAaaa M. W O BURY,.. SO. Lansing.
Newfield—CRRISTorsER C. Coos,....Newfleid.
Dlyssee—Tnoatse Bowie, 2nd.... Waterbnrgh.
The Board then proceeded to ballot for
permanent Chairman, with the following
result :
Nelson Stevens 2
Josiah Hawes 5
C. C. Cook ' 1
Josiah Hawes, Esq., was then declared
permanent Chairman.
The Board then proceeded to ballot for
Clerk, with the following result:
S. H. Wilcox 2
E. C. VanBirk 4
E. C. VanKirk was then declared Clerk
of the Board for the ensuing year.
The Board met for the purpose of con-
sidering the condition of the County
Treasury, and after taking the proper
measures in reference thereto, adjourned
sine die.
E. C. VAN KIRK, Clerk.
Zuperv!sorsHmHAnnual Zossion.
The Board of Supervisors of the
County of Tompkins, met in annual
session at their room in the Court
House, in the village of Ithaca, an
the 14th day of November, 1871,
and was called to order by the
Chairman, Josiah Hawes, Esq., of
The roll of Supervisors was then
called by the clerk, and the follow-
ing members were found present :
Danby—JosrAH HAWES.
Enfield—Joint G. WORTMAN.
Caroline—JOHN WOLco r.
Ulysses—THOMAS BOWER, 2nd.
On motion of Mr. Smith,
Resolved, That all resolutions offered
this Board be in writing.
On motion of Mr. Smith,
Resolved, That the daily hours of meet-
ing be, morning, 9 o'clock, afternoon, 2
o'clock, evening, '7 o'clock.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved, That all County orders issued
by this Board be countersigned by the
Chairman, and all Town orders by the
Supervisors of the respective town.
On motion of Mr. Smith the
Board adjourned until Wednesday
morning, 9 o'clock.
Wednesday Morning, Nov. 15.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
djournment, and was called to order by
the Chairman. All the members
present except Mr. Williams. Min-
utes of the previous day read and
The Chairman then announced
the following standing committees:
Sheriff's, Clerk's, Constables' and Jus-
tices' Accounts,—Stevens, Smith and Wil-
Treasurer's Accounts,—Williamsr Wort -
man and Wolcott.
Equalization,— Cook, Bower, Stevens,
Williams and Wolcott.
Poor House and Superintendent's Re -
,—Bower, Smith, Woodbury, Wort -
man and Cook.
County Claims and Judge's Accounts,—
Woodbury, Wortman and Bower.
U. S. .Deposit J ind.—Wolcott, Cook
and Smith.
Insurance, —Wortman, Stevens 'and
Printing,—Smith, Wortman and Wil-
On motion of Mr. Smith,
Resolved, That all bills and demands
presented to this Board be reported to the
I roper Committee, by the Chairman, with-
out further action by this Board.
On motion of Mr. Wolcott,
Resolved, That the County Treasurer
is hereby directed to pay to the Super-
visors of the . several , towns, all fines in
his hands properly belonging • to, said
towns. • - •
The Chairman presented the fol-
lowing communication from the
Comptroller, and the same was re-
ceived and ordered published with
the minutes :
Albany, September 28th, 1871.
Sta .—The' Board' of EQuializuitfon of
• ,Taxes;.impursuance, of ,Chapter 312 0.
the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate
valuation of property in your County; at
the sunfof $8,277,216; upon which amount
, a State, Tax of $46,835.25 must be levied
' for the current •fiscal year, (conhlenc+
ing October 1st, 1871, being'5:79-120 mills
,on the dollar,) for- the following purposes,
For Schools;'13' Mills, per Chapter 717,
Laws of1871. •
For. General Purposes; 1% Mills, per
' Chapter 717, Laws of 1871. ;
For Bounty Debt, 2 mills, per Chapter
y1'7;'Laws of 1811.
For New Capitol, s$ mills, per Chapter
717,,Laws of 1871.
Fon` CANALS- For Canal Floating
-1i Debt,' under Chapter 271 Laws of 1839, IA
mills, per Chapter 717, Laws of 1871.
For New Work and Extra Repairs, Y3
mills, per cliapter 930, Laws of 1871.
For Champlain Canal Enlargement, 1-5
*- mills, per Chapter 788, Laws of 1870.
Total ......'.:...:5 79-120 mills
Your obedient servant,
'A. P. NteuoLs, Comptroller
On .motion of, Mr. Williams,
R soled, That the Resolution adopted
by:the Board Nov. 23d, 1870, "That the
Town Meetings in the several towns in
.this County, be changed from the first
Tuesday in April to the first Tuesday in
February, of catch year, and this to take
effect on the first Tuesday in February,,
1872," be re -considered. Carried.
On nibtiiin of M•r. Williams,
23d, 1870, in regard to time for holding
Town Meetings, be, and is hereby repealed.
Carried. •
On motion of Mr. Wolcott,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board
be instructed not to deliver any of the
town or county orders for bills audited at
this,session of the board; to those persons
to whom the Same 'are payable, until after
the adjournment of the Board. Carried.;
Adjourned until afternoon.
Afternoon Session.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Present, all the members.
The report of the Superintend-
ents of the Poor was presented by
P. H. Farrington, Esq., and referred
to the proper 'committee.
The official Bond • of Wm. W.
Snyder,; Superintendent of the Poor,
was reeeeved,accepted and ordered
The Boatd was 'engaged 'during
the- afternoon.in the classification
and examination -of Bills.
Adjourned until evening. •
• Evening Session.
Board met at, 7 o'clock, all the
members present, and were engaged
during the'evening in the' examina-
tion of bills, and bills from No.1 1 to
27 inclusive were passed.
Board adjourned until Thursday
morning 9 o'clock: ' '
Thursday Morning, Nov. 16. •
Board n 'et pursuant to adjourn-
ment ; lire: epi all the member's.
On moti; n of Mr. Woodbury the
Board prof eeded to 'the County
Poor House. Returned from Coun-
ty House at 5 1): In. Mr. Smith was
excused' frt m attendance at evening
session. '
• Adjourned' until 7 p. m.
Evening Session.
Board met at 7 o'clock,' all the
members ,present excet t• Mr. N il-
• Reeofined; That the motion adopted No ..I Un motion of Mr. Wolcott, •
Reso?vett, That the Supervisors of the
several• towns ti«•, and are hereby directed
to drsw from the County, Treasurer the
excise money belonging to the several
towlis, La be applied by •thein to defray
the expenses of the town:poor..
The Board then engaged' in an
clifing bills; and 'Mills from No. '28
to 44,ineliusive; were passed.
OIL, motion adjourned until to-
morrow morning.
Friday.Morliing, Nov. 17, 1871.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the memhels'present.
initiates Of the_'previous dty read
and. approved., ,
The Chairman presented a com-
munication from the Superintendent
of the • N. Y. Asylum for Idiots,
which was referred to' the proper
The Chairman then presented the
following report of Committee. ap-
poiijted.to• examine applicants for
admission, to Cornell thi versity :
To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Tornp
kin Cou.n.ty
, • GENTLEMEN:—This is to certify t.ha:
Vernon L. Davey received from, your ex-
amining Committee the provisional cer
tificate of Scholarship in 'Cornell Univer-
sity, fin• the year 1871, atourexanlinat.irin
for said purpose, Belt] on or about the 19th
day of dune, •1871. He -is therefore entitled
to receive at your hands the regular cer-
tificate Of appointment.
Chairman of Board of ,acnaaners.•
On motion of Mr.'Stevens;
Resolved, That the report Of _the Cent-
mittr•e on examination dor Cornell Uni-
versity Scholarship be accepted, and that
the appointment of Vernon L., Davey ;be,
and the same -is hereby confirmed.
On motion of .Mr. Stevens,
'Revolved, That pursuant to the provls-
ions of Chapter 522 of the Laws of 1865,
the sums set down in the folib&ing sched-
ule be levied and assessed upon the tax-
able property of the persons whose names
are included in the several lists, and in the
sums respectively maned in said lists,
. 'submitted to the Board and furnished to
the Supervisors of the several towns named
in said schedule, by the Overseers of High;
ways, respectively of the'road di§tricta
included therein:
Lansing—District fan. l; 8X days:... 12 75
" 4, 6 .... a 00
" 38 9 11 .. 13 75
Da..by—District No. 10 11 rlays....$15 75
., `.. 21163i• .,.. 10 13
2 4.1 ' .... s 75
$ s3
Ithaca -,District No. 42 1 day .:_..;1' 50
Ulysses—DietrictNo:4...:13 days 419,50
•• "85, 8 `• 45y
11X ; 47 50
.,I '
$71 50
1l(....' 4 days. '.%$ 0 00
120... 10 • 15 00
155....13 19'50
41.... 1 a !' 1 50
.a . • 2
Dryden—District No.
4t2 u0
The several Committees were en-
raged during the balance of the
forenoon in examination, of bills. ' .
Adjourned until. a termini. . .
'Friday Aftei•ndon.',,
Board met pprstiant• to adjourn-
ment, all the members present,•
Board engaged in *the exarnina-
tion and auditing. of hills, and bills
from No: .45 to 48 inclusive, were
audited. •.
On.rnotion the Board adjourned
until, 7 o:cloek. • .,`i
• -'Evening$esaion:
Boa_ rd met ,pnrQuapt , to ;}}tijotii'n'
ment. Present all the mem ers.:,
'l'he'following report was received
and 'ordered printed with the min-
Sites :•
To the Board of Saper,isor.9e ,•
' ThirdAnnual Report of: thenm
sioners n i
of the Towof Ithaca, n, purstl-
:Ince of an Act of the Legislitture, t passed
April 17th, 1866:
Ainoriet of 13n9d+ 1rsued :li' 3JO.OhOt
•' Mon. -y rvt-era 30J 000
'Ithar•a St Athena R, R..etock
held ltrthe enl'•..... 300.000
amount or Intere-t to come arm' tfitych
1r •1872. '$2t.d00`. •
We therefore respectfilly report that
there will be required for the coming 'year
to pay interest on the said -Bond'; and by
virtue of said'aett the sum of '1•wentiytone
Thousand, (21,000) dollars, and ask•
that the same be assessed and levied upon
the Town of Ithaca.
LEONARD TREMAN, - Commissioners.
Per Leonard Treman Secretary.
On motion of Mr. Williams,
visions ot Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, en'.
titled, "An Act to amend an Act entitled,
'An Act to authorize the formation of
Railroad Corporations, and to regulate
the same," passed April 2d, 1850, so as to
permit municipal corporations to aid in
the constrnction of railroads, passed May
18th 1869, and ,of a netice served upon this
Board by the Commissioners of the town
of Ithaca for Geneva & Ithaca R. R. Co.,
there be levied and assessed upon the tax-
able property of the town of Ithaca, the
sum of Seven Thousand ($7000 00,) dol-
lars, to provide for interest coming due
April 1st, 1872, and October 1st 1872, on
bonds issued for benefit of Geneva & Ith-
aca Rail Road, and that the Supervisor of
the town of Ithaca pay said sum to such
Commissioners, to be expended for that
Mr. Williams presented the fol-
lowing report of indebtedness of the
Resolved, That, in pursuance df the pro-
visions ot Chapter 645, Laws of 1866, en-
titled, "An act tofacilitate the construc-
tion of the Ithaca & Towanda Rail Road,
(by Act of Feb 18th, 1870, now the Ithaca
& Athens R. R. Co.,) and to authorize
towns to subscribe to the capital stock
thereof," and of a notice served upon this
Board by the Commissioners of the Town
of Ithaca, there be levied and assessed up-
on the taxable property of the said Town of
Ithaca the sum ot Twenty-one Thousand
Dollars, ($21,000,) for the purpose of pay-
ing interest to come due March 1st,
1872, upon the Town Bonds issued for
said Rail Road, and that the Supervisor of
said Town pay said sum to the Commis-
sioners of said Town, to be expended for
that purpose.
The following report was received
and accepted :
ITHACA, Nov. 16, 1871.
To the Board of Supervisors of the County
of Tompkins, or the Town Board of the
Town of Ithaca :
Report of the Commissioners of the
Town of Ithaca, appointed in pursuance
of an Act of the Legislature, passed, May
18th, 1869.
The undersigned Commissioners ap-
pointed under said Act, issued bonds
bearing interest at seven per cent. per
annum, payable semi-annually, dated Oct.
1, 1871, redeemable Oct. 1, 1901, interest
to be paid on the first days of April and
October of each year.
Amount authorised to be issued, One
Hundred Thousand Dollars. Paid Gene-
va & Ithaea R. R. Co., $100,000 on stock.
We therefore respectfully report that
there will be required for the coming year,
to pay interest on said bonds, and by vir-
tue of said act, the sum of Seven Thousand
Dollars, and ask that the same be assessed
and levied upon the Town ot Ithaca.
C. M. T.Tus, ; Commissioners.
On motion of Mr. Williams,
Resolved, That, in pursuance of the pro -
town of Ithaca, which was accepted
and entered on the minutes :
To the Board of Superclean, County of
Tompkins :
In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws
ot 1870, I hereby report the public debt ot
the town of Ithaca to be as follows :
Bonds issued March 1. 1869,
(bearing interest at seven
per cent.) by Commission-
ers fir I. & A. R R.,.... ..... .. $300,000 CO
Amount of principal unpaid
April 4. 1871...... . . $300,000
Amount of principal paid to
this date, . none.
Amount of principal coming
due during my term of
office none.
Amount of interest coming
doe during my term of
office 21,000 00
Bonds issued Oct. 1. 1871,
payable Oct 1,1901. by the
Commissioners for Gene-
va & Ithaca R. R.. interest
on same payable semi -an -
annually 100,000 00
Amount of interest coming
due April 1, 1872, during
my term of office $3,600
Amount of interest coming
due Oct. 1, 1'12 3.500
Total indebtedness, princi-
pal and interest, to come
due 1872 $428,000 00
Against which Commission-
ers for 1..& A. R. R., bold
1. & A. R. R. stock to
amount of $300,000 00
Commissioners Geneva &
Ithaca R R.. bold Geneva
& Ifh•ca R. R. stock to
amount. of $100.000 00
Total stock held oy and for
benefit of Ithaca.... $400.000 00
Ithaca, November 17. 1871.
H. C. WILLIAMS, Supervisor,
7.000 00
Board adjourned until Saturday.
Saturday Morning, Nov. 18, 1871.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present..
The min.ites of the previous day
were read and approved.
Dr. C. C. Cook presented the fol-
lowing report of the indebtedness
of the town of Newfield, which H as
accepted by the Board, and ordered
entered on the minutes: .
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
County .
In accordance with Chapter 552. Laws
of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of
the town of Newfield to be as follows :
Bond. issued by Commissioners appointed by
County Judge. in favor of Pennsylvania .% Rndas
pay'R. R.. under the act to facilitate the con-
struction of Rail Roads pa -sed by the Legisla-
ture of 1850 and amended May 18, 1869.
Board was engaged in
tion of bills. •
Adjourned until 2 p. m.
Afternoon Session.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present.
The Board then proceeded to ar-
range the Grand Jury list for the
respective towns.
Hon. Milo Goodrich and A. D.
Donnelly, Esq., appeared before the
Board for the purpose of making
statements in reference to increas-
ing the salary of the County Judge.
On motion of Mr. Williams,
Resolved, That the evening session be
devoted to the consideration of the subject
of increasing the County Judge's salary.
Boafd adjourned.
Monday Evening.
Board met at the usual hotir,
present, all the members except
Williams, Cook and Bower, and
was engaged in auditing -bills, and
bills from 69 to 103 inclusive, were
Dr. C. C. Cook offered the follow-
ing resolntF'n : •
Resolved, That the County Judge's sal-
ary be fixed by this Board at $2,000.
Mr. Smith offered the following
amendment :
Resolved, That the County Judge's sal-
ary be fixed at $1,500.
The ayes and• noes being called
for on the amendment of Mr. Smith,
the same was adopted by the fol-
lowing vote :
Ayes—Hawes, Smith, Wortman, Wol-
cott, Stevens, and Bower
Noes—Williams, Woodbury and Cook.
The question then being as to the
passage of the original resolution as
amended, the same was carried by
the following vote:
Ayes—Hawes, Smith, Wortman, Wol-
cott, Stevens, Cook and Bower.
Noes—Williams and Woodbury.
On motion of Mr. Stevens,
.Amount of Bonds $52,000 00
Rate of inte'est 7 per cent
Amount of principal unpaid September 52.000
1st. 1871
Amount of interest coming due March 1 10
1st.. 1872 .
Amount of interest coming due Septem-
ber 14, 1872.
Amount. of Pennsylvania & Rodns Bay
Rati Road stock held by town of New-
fiel 52,[00 00
Newfield. Nov. lath, 1871.
The various Conimittees were en-
gaged during the balance of the
forenoon in the examination of bills,
after which the Board adjourned.
Saturday Afternoon.
The Board were engaged in the
transaction of miscellaneous busi-
Adjourned until Monday morning
at 11 o'clock.
Monday Morning, Nov. 20, 1871.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present.
Minutes of the previous day read
and approved.
On motion of Mr. Wolcott,
Resolved, That the Grand Jury list be
apportioned among the several towns as
Caroltne....25 Enteld....18 Lansing....32
Danby 24 Groton... .84 Newfield...27
Dryden 50 Ithaca 61 Ulysses....29
• 8
Resolved, That at the requeSt of the
Supervisors of the several .towns of this
County, .the sums. set forth in the fol-
lowing schedule be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the several
towns 'named, for ; the purposes therein
• Towns Town Audits Highways Poor
Caroline $472 66 $750 00
Dryden 916 6•;i • 5,256 00 $100
Enfield ' 871 68• . . 200 00
Qmt n 531 16. ' .650 00 40b
idewflelda..:,. 1,826 01•
U1yss,s 785 10
Lansing . 678 60 • 2,250 00
Ithaca. ;.,12,058 67 . 250 00 1,000
$18,462 89 , $9,250 CO $1,80(1
Mr. Smith, from Committee . on
Printing, offered the following res-
olution :
Resolved, That this Board accept the
proposition made by the Ithaca Journal,
to publish the entire proceedings of this
Board at 30, cents. per folio,, and furnish
1,590 copies of Supervisors' Proceedings,
in pamphlet' 'form, not to exceed 24
pages,..for $50. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Williams,
RRso0ved, That this Board ballot for two
papers to print the Session Laws of 1872.
The ballot being taken restated
in the choice of the Ithaca Journal
'and Ithaca Democrat.
Adjourned .until Tuesday morn -
.lug; .
Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 1871.
Board 'met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Minutes of.the previous day
read and approved.
'Mr. Bower presented the follow-
-ink report of the indebtedness • of
the town of Ulys: es, which: was ac-
cepted by.the Board, and ordered
entered on the minutes :
• To the Board of,Supervisors of "the County
• of Tompkins':'
' The': undersigned, Supervisor of the
town of .Ulysses, in said County, respect-
fully represents and reports that under the
act of 1869, Chap...907
m , and the amend-
ents thereofsaid town of Ulysses 'was
authorized to issue bonds' to the amount.
of Seventy-five Tlfobsand Dollars, in aid
•Lofthe Pennsylvania &,Sothis Bay R. R.
That in pursuance of such authority, Com-
missioners of said town, duly appointed
by. the County Judge, of Tompkins Co.,
subscribed the sum of Seventy -fie Thou-
sand Dollars' to the capital stock of,' the
Company organized•to build said. rtlilroad
the same, to be paid in the bonds of said
town, at par, bearing, interest froth the
first day of September, 1871. That all of
the calls made for said stock . subscription
are over clue; and that said' $75,060 of
bonds have in fact, been delivered to said
Company; in payment of said sullscription;
or are now due and payable therefor:
That it will be necessary for said town to
raise by tax upon the taxable property of
said town, the sum of Five Thousand Two
Hundred and Fifty Dollars, to pay the in-
terest on said bonds and subscription to
stock, from the fir3t day of September;
1871, to the first day of September, 1872 ;
the interest being paid semi-annually, 'on
the first days of March and September hi
each year, at, the Union Trust, Co., in
New York City. All of which is respect;
fully submitted.
Mr. Woodbury Presented the'fol-
lowing report of the indebtedness
of the town of Lansing, .which was
accepted by the 13oa,rd,'atld ordered
published with the minutes :
.7o the Board of . Supervisors of Tompkins
County :
In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws
of 1870, I hereby report the public' debt'of
the town of Lansing to be as follows': ' ..
Bonds issued, bearing interest at seven
per cent.. by the Conimissioners of
'the Cayuga Lake Rail Road...:......$75;000 00
Interest coming due the en wing year.. 2;(,25 00
Ca%uga Lake Rail Road stock Held by
the Town Com misrioners, for the ben-
efit of said town of Lansing 75,000 00
Ithaca, Nov. 20th, 1871. '
J. M. WOODBURY, supervisor..
On motion of Mr.. Williams the
following report was received. and
accepted :•
To the, Board of Stupervisors,gf the ,.County
of Tompkins :
The report of the undersigned Compnis-
sioners of the town of Groton, appointed
under the act entitled, "An. Act to facili-
tate the construction of the Southern Cen-
tral Rail Road and to authorize towns ,tp
subscribe to the capital stock thereof,'
passed April 7th, 1866, respectfully shows,
that they, as such Commissioners, •.have
issued the bonds of said town to the ag-
gregate amount of Fifty Thousand Dol- Southern Central Rai' Road
lags (x50,000); that the whole fit' stock held by town coin-
, e � missi�.ner- u�r bencflt of
bonds have been sold by the unilhisigned said town of Gro on - . .$550,000
as such Commissioners ; that no dividends Ithaca et Cortland Rail Road
Mire been received by the undersisned ;' Htock held by town Dom- -
missiouers'fur benefit of:
and there will become due and payable for esid town of Groton ... 15.000
interest upon said bonds during • the next • -- &5.000 •50
ensuing year, in the aggregate, the siun of NELSelN•STEVENS, supervisor:
Thirty-five Hundred Dollars; ($3;500;) and
that amount will be required to pay, said• Mr. vv ortman presented the fol -
in Brest. ' lowing report of the indebtedness
—And the undersigned,,as,such .Commis- of the town of• Enfield t Which was
sinners aforesaid theretere request that
that ttniount 'may be levied • Upon shid accepted and . ordered entered„ o f,
town of Groton to pay said interest, be -the nlirtt}tes : _
sides the expenses of collecting. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
Dated at Groton, N`I ., this 20th day county
of November, 1871.
A. B tCKUS, In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws
JFRour: HATHAWAY.of 1870, l' llereb_y repdrt•the public debt of
Wit.. H. BURNaAM, the the totvn Of Enfield to be• as follows :
Commissioners of the town of Groton. Beinds issued by ComntissionerS appoinoed by
noway Judie, in favor of the penile. 1vania &
On motion of Mr. Stevens,, setdue Bey R. R.. under the act .to nctiitate the
construction of Ruth Ritade. pas,ed by the Legis -
Resolved, That in pursuance of the pro- laeure of isi0. and amended May 10. 1809
visions of Chapter 433, of the laws of 1860, Amount of bonds'stied .i.*•25.000 00
lixte of mre•ry-t. seJeu per ce.,t.........
entitled, "An Act to 1 icilitutc the eon- ;1m nut or interest coming due, tele en-
strtict.ion of the Southern Central Tail suing year......... ... 1,450 00
Road, and to authorize towns .Lo subscribe Am,atnt or f ennsvlvania and Sodde.Bay
to.the capital. stock thereof; and of a no- deadR stock held by the town of.'En-
25,000 00
ticeserved en this Rtard by the Rail Road "Dated, Entield, Nov 1811, 1871.
Commissioners 'of the"towit'bf Groton, JOHN G. tt ORTMAN, suprvisor,
th"re be levied and assessed upon the tax- '
able property of, said town the,sum of Board adjourned. ••.• ,
tfi:rty-tire hundred.($3,500) dollas, for the ' • • ' Afternoon Session.
purpose of paying the interest upon the Board met at two p, m. all the
Rail R tad bonds issiied by said'town, itnd '
that the sum when eolleeted, be- paid to members present, and was engaged
the Supervisor of said town, to be expend- in examining bills and reports, af-
ed for that purpose. ter which, bills front No. 104 to
. lir. Stevens presented the follow- 109 incltisive Were audited.` .
ing report . of the indebtedness of On motion of Mr. Woodbury the
the town of Groton; which was ac- Board adjourned. .
cepted and ordered entered on, the Evening Session.'
minutes: . • • Board met •-pu,rsualnt to adjourn -
To. the Board ofTompkins
of Tomeat, all the ;members preseiii,"and
;, Cozzzzry atter some discussion and Inqun y in
of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of reference to bill, adjourned until
xhetown of Groton to be as follows :
Bonds i-,-ned, hearing in-
-b5•t'otnmissiouers for S. Board met pnl•stlarlt t . adjou n-
c.'it. R • $50,000 00 meat all the members llreseitt. The
Inteesrcpming due theen-
Suing year, . 3,500 0o m1,Ilutes,of .the previous day read
Bond- is -sed -by Commis- da
, stoners tor the Ithaca et • and approved. Board engaged it;
Cortland R R, bearing auditing bilis, and 'bills from 110
seven per cent, inter st,
• payab'e semi ann any 15,000 00 to 130 were, after some discussion,
-Intere-t on same .due and audited.
coming the ensuing year 1,032 54
In accordance with Chapter 552; Laws
9 o'clock `Vedncisday morning.
Wednesday Morning, Nov. 22, 1871:
tere,t at seven per cent.,
Board adjourned until 2 p. m.
Wednesday Afternoon.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the mgmbers present.
Board engaged in auditing bills,
and bills from No. 131 to 145, in-
clusive, were audited.
011 motion of. Mr. Williams,
Resolved, That the fine of fifty dollars,
paid byS. B. Beers to the Sheriff, in be-
half ofDavidLetts, on recommendation
of the Judge, be remitted.
On motion of Mr. Williams,
Resolved, That in pursuance of section
9, Chapter 585. of the laws of 1865, a com-
mittee of three be appointed by the Chair-
man of this Board, to act 1n connection
with the School Commissioners of this
County in the examination of such can-
didates as may present themselves for ad-
mission into the Cornell University, in ac-
cordance with the provisions of said law
of 1865, and that such committee meet
with the School Commissioners, at the
reading room of the Cornell Library As-
sociation, in the Village of Ithaca, on the
13th day ofJune, 1872, at 10 o'clock a m ,
for the purpose of making the examina-
tion ; and that the Clerk of this Board is
hereby required to notify the said com-
mittee of their appointment.
On motion the Board proceeded
to visit the County Jail.
On motion of Dr. C. C. Cook,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board
be authorized, and is hereby directed, to
draw on the Comptroller for the amount
apportioned to this County from the Or-
phan Asylum fund, when said apportion-
ment is made, and to pay the same to the
County Treasurer, to be placed to the
credit of thegeneral fund of the County.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury the
Board adjourned until 7 p. m.
Evening Session.
Board met at the usual hour, all
the members present. Board en-
gaged in auditing bills, and bills
from No. 146 to No. 149 inclusive,
were passed.
Adjourned until Thursday morn-
ing. Thursday Morning, Nov. 23, 1871.
Board met at the usual hour, all
the members present. Minutes of
the previous day read and ap-
The. Chairman appointed the fol-
lowing committee to examine stu-
dents for admission into Cornell
University :
Jackson Graves, Danby.
Sidney Hopkins, Groton.
S. R. Wickes, Trumansburg.
The committee on Treasurer's ac-
counts and Insurance, were en-
gaged in preparing their respective
reports, during the remainder of the
Board adjourned until afternoon.
Afternoon Session.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present.
Board was engaged during the
afternoon in the examination of tax
roll's and miscellaneous business.
On motion of Mr. Bower, Board
Evening' Session.
Board met purruant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present ex-
cept Mr. Smith. The Committee
on Treasurer's accounts presented
the following report which was re-
ceived and adopted :
The Committee on Treasurer's accounts
report the following as the receipts acd
disbursements of the County Treasurer,
from Nov. 17, 1870, to Nov 23, 1871, and
that they have examined all his books,
r. ceipts and vouchers, and find them cor-
Tompkins ronnty. in account with Geo. H. Brie-
tol, Treasurer, Dr. to
Paid Fines and Excise money, Caroline, $78 no
•• •• • Dryden, 12 00
Groton, 5 (10
Ithaca. 1.258 95
44 4 Newfield 119 00
44 64 Ulysses651 85
" Fuel and Gas bilis for Court House
458 06
2 288 98
957 91
80 00
N. Y. 1 sylom. at mica
Willard Asylum
Susqueh nna Valley Home
Monroe G .uuty Penitentiary
Idiot Asylum
School Commissioners' appropria-
tion Oat 00
` County Judge's salary 1.200 00
appropriation 50 00
" District Attorney's salary 575 00
Paid Special County Judge's salary. 50'00
Count) Treasurer's smary 500 00
•' Insurance on County buildings73 50
Cornell Library Association 321) lW
Supervisors' Clerk
B. t%lark, Janitor, appropriation115 00
Livery to County House. 8 00
Argus.Pubhabiug•Company 14 67
Expenses Tr.,asarers office, stamps 13 50
Cleaning Court House 25 23
Bill, lime and sand, Jail 2 40
State Tax.. 46.184 48
School money
It, jetted tax—formerly admitted2 88
School money, Caroline 2,046 64
• Denby 1.838 51
Dr. den 8.230 55
" Enfield . .. 1,340 37
•' Groton 243. ( 7
• Ithaca 4.517 0!)
66 66 • Lansing 2.262 47
• Newfield 2 301 15
46 •` `• Ulysses 2,237 0
Returned Taxes, Dryden 84
"• Groton. 5
" It.haca 4 3
46 sst " Lansing 23
•• Ulysses '75
` Caroline, Town expenses..
•• Highways
•• " Poor expenses
Fines—Chas. G. Day, J. P.,Ithaca, 701) 0000
H. H. Howe.. J. P..
Excise mons• , Ithaca, 30 01
Ftues—J. Hawes, Sup'r.. Denby, 5 00
P F. Hart. Groton,. .. .. .. 25 00
• W. H. Fitch, J. P., Lansing,5 00
11 D. Hall, J. P. 10 141
J. R. Emery..T. P., Ulysses, 161 10
Excise money, Ulysse', 204 00
Caroline,.... .. 32 00
Fines—J. B. Gilbert, J. P., Caroline, 5 0000
Return tax—Collector,
Cash—W. W. Snyder. on account of Mrs.
Bruce at Willard As)lum, .. 86 00
Cash, P. 11. Farrington. support of Mrs. 1
Rowe, 8 00
Floes -41 L. Root., Sheriff 3.52 0
School money received from State, 22.224 83
• in hands of Sup'r, Dryden, 656
Enfield, 23 35
-• 64 •• •• Ithaca,. 5 52
Taxes—Collector—Caroline, 4.185 73
Denby,. 5 290 37
1 `• •• Dryden, 16702 '78
36 " " Enfield 4.113 54
57 12,400 15
13 55.569 49
80gd 13.144 04
52 5.983 54
10.926 88
" Danby, town audita
677 01
'750 00
75 00
1,502 01
1 368 67
" `• Highways 250 00
" Enfield, Town Audits 1 149 60
`• Highways . 100 00
1,618 67
1.249 60
Dryden, Town Audits 1089 95
Highways .4,150 (10
•• •• Poor Expenses* 250 00
5,489 95
Groton, Town Audits 4 227 17
Highways 1 250 00
`• Poor Expenses.... 138 00
5,613 17
Ithaca, Town Audits 31.104 66
Highways 50000
•• Poor Expenses 1.000 00
32.604 56
Lansing, Town An.4its 769 08
•' Highways 1.975 00
L .nsiu
Newdel ,
$156.684 15
Balance—Deficiency unprovided for, 3.971 39
Total, $169,655 54
The Committee beg leave to offer
the following:
Resolved, That there be levied and
assessed upon the taxable property of the
County of Tompkins the sums of Thirty
Nine hundred Seventy-one 39-100 Dollars,
to provide for deficiency in the Treasury,
and Eight Hundred Forty -Four 10-100
Dollars to cover payments to be made to
the several towns on account of fines and
excise money. H. C. WILLIAMS,
JOHN WULco'rr,
2,774 08
Newfield. Town Audits2.111 17
Ulysses. Town Audits... 1.095 99
•` Highways 1,001) 00
Court orders
County orders
Poor orders, iu doors ..
• outduots
2,095 39
2.6112 85
11,063 90
...2.315 46
1 199 08
8.514 54
• transportation and ser-
vices.... 189 53
Fine remitted, Supervisors' order511 00
$160,655 54
Tompkins County, in account with Geo. H. Bris-
tol. T easurer, Cr. by,
Balance on handiest settlement
$4.612 82
On motion of Mr. Stevens, the
resolution offered by the Committee
on Treasurer,s Accounts be adopt-
ed. Carried.
The Board proceeded to the elec-
tion of a County.Sealer of Weights
and Measures, which resulted in the
choice of Joseph C. Burritt.
The Board then engaged in and -
ding bills, and some discussion
arising in reference to Bill No. 153,
the followilig resolution was offered
by Mr. Woodbury, Chairnian of
Committee on County Claims :'
Resolved, That the bill of the Cornell
Library Association, No. 153, amounting
to $300, for armory rent, be passed for theileave to report the • state of the IT, S. De.•
amount claimed.
Dr, C. C. Cook Offered the'follow pn hand per last report PRINCIPAL
1.115 68
ing amendment :
Posit ;Fund as follows : . " .•
Athuuut receivedlrom Loans.. 1 366 69 •
'I Resolved, That the bill lie audited for Amount Re -loaned • • . 2 44 ea
The ayes and On hand, subject to loan 60 2q
nays being .Balled Amountoute.tanriingonB„nd
for on the amendment of Dr. Cook . and Merr._age..... ,..,,f$68,178.66 •
, On hand 1'ur loan 60,27
the same w,as.lost by thefollowing - _--
vote: $68.238 99
• AYES—Hawes, Wolcott, Cook. i.
NoEs—Wortman, ' Stevens; Williams,
Woodbury. Bower.
Dir. Smith excused:
Amount received since'tast IT-
Vrt 4,731'52
Commissioners Fees..:..... 341 19
Amount return d and'io he're-
turncd'to State freasury 4,390 33
' The question then beingon the .
4731 53
paSs;l.ae of .the original resolution ' Theree are at�he present. date four delinquents
c yvhose, rO err t+ adven ,h,a for4,ale, anfomnting
the same was carried by the follow in the ag�reg.ue to 2240..
lno• vote' • atespectiully eubmitted.
AYES—Wortman, Stevens, Williams, Loan Commisioner.
Woodbury, Bower. The Committee on.: Poor House
NoEs—Haaes, Wolcott, Cook. , and uperilttendents" 1'eport, pre -
Dir. Smilll excused. •selited the following report, which,
. Bills from No. 150 to 153 inclu- with the resolutions. therein Con•
sive-were passed. . tailed, was adopted :
The Committee on• . Insura^,ce Your Committee, towiloui;was referred
which the r. port of the Superidiendcnts ot the
made the fiJlhiwing report,
was accepted bythe Board : 'Poor.of the County, would respectfully
ort, that nom the kith day of Nbvenl-
The Couunittee • on Insurance would ber, 18t1),. to bite 15113. day. of November,
respeetfully report; t[lat theme have ' caused 1871, there was supported in the Poor
policies of insurance to be renewed on all House as follows, viz:
the county buildings. The amount or County ptiupg,e " :. i4 •
insurance and preniiunls is as follows : • h'rom the town of Caroline.....,,.,... 2
- ON COURT BOUaE. ,.Dryden
Ins. Prem. „ Dryden ,• 16
Hartford of Hartford-Schu ler, A t F.ntteld:...... 5
Home; of New York, •• $26 0 $23 00 Ithaca.
a. 5
25J0 23 00 � 'Irhaca: 19•
ON JAI(.. bolsi ug... . . 7
Spriug6eld, of Maes—Whitou Agt. 3000 30 (0 6. Newfield. 3
Ulyeees• . 4
Springfield, of Mass'=N hitoh Agt:' 1000 6 00 Total' 139
Andes, of Cincinnati —1Vood •,• •
YauKirk, Agt's.1000 . 7 50
X10.000 492 5Q
• J.M. WOoDBU ay.
l.onnn t t tee,
The committee .on the U:, s'.. De-
posit' Fund. presented the 'followi'ng
report', which was received and ac-
cepted: .
To the Board. of Supervisors of 7onaplcins
(oiwnty: - '
The•undersigned, one of the Loan Com-
missioners ot Tompkins County, begs
The unnther of day. acid paupers have
been ettpported in raid P,. 'llonse
. ,. r!ti.802
and the whole amount ordrafts 44awn
on the County Trea-urer 101 bills and-
ited'by the Superintendent- for the
support of the institution. during the. -
said year, over and above the pro- •
ceeris 0f the farm, is . .:.$8,500 44
Which eum'wae expended as• oilows•
For out -door relief .. ..$1.216 13
Seri ices oft,verseere 143 75
Trattspi,rta ion 'of Paupers 45 64
D,enrauce 64 00
Chaplain "50 00
1,967 02
• Total 043 506, 41
The number ',,f pauper, in the Poor
House Nov 151),, 18711. was '5
•The number received during the )ear 93 '
" In -door expenses
The number of htrths 1
' Nntnber discharged '• 97
of dcatns 6
' " in Poor House at'this date36
— 139
The average nnniber in the Poor noise
, dliring the year, was.. , 46 12-365
The average expenses Of each pauper's '
. s,upport for the year. above the pro-
ceeds of the farm. was.:.,......... $43 18
The average rxpenses,per Week. 'was,
nearly '
4,953 days hoard Of Co. paupers, .$495, 30
•Clothing I •, 189'23 $681 53
.56 •days beard. town of Caroline 5 60
- ,'ltnh r " 52
1208 day- h,,,.rd, " Denby 126 80
Clothing "
13 47
, 8494 days hoard, `' , Dryden 319 40
Clothing •32 98
982 days board, " Groton 98 20
Clothing " 11 42
2136 dava hoard, " Ithaca 313 63
t'lothing " . 40 07 353,67
,.'325 days'hoard, . " Enfield ' 32 50
• Climbing. 4.97
' 951 da) s hoard, Lansing ..95 10
Clothing, ` 10 81
891 days hdaid, Newfield 89 10
Clothing, " " 110
746 days hoard, Ulysses 74 6,4
Clothing " 2 25 76 85
6 12
139 27
382 38
37 47
110 20
Shoats, wintering; 8,Turkevs; 100 Compton
In conformity to,the30th •gectton, Title 1st,
'hapter20th, of the Revised Statutes. the Super
intendentS estimate the expenses for conoty and
to..n panperA in the County House the euemng
year at $2800 00
For trmporary relief forCounty,
Paupers not in Poor blouse 1200 00
For the expenses of Overseers •
of the Pour and other officers 140 00
For expenses of transportation
of pauper to the Poor House 40 00
For Keeper's Salary 500 00
$4,C80 00
To meet this sum Of $4,680, your Com-
mittee ask leave to introdnce the fullo*-
ing resolution (after crediting amount left
on hand from .last year's appropriation of
$1173 66):
Resolved, That $1,000 be levied tind'col-
lected upon the County for county poor
expenses for the ensuing year. ,
Resolved, That the sums reported by the
Superintendents of the Poor to be due
from the several towns respectively for
the support of the poor of such towns in
the County (louse the. past year, be -levied
and collected in• said towns respectively,
as follows :
On the Town of Caroline $6 12
,t Danby 140 27
' Dryden 382 38
64 Groton 109 62 .
Ithaca 353 67
Enfield 37 47
Lansing 105 91 • ,
Newfield 90'20 •
..... ' 76 85— 1302 491302.49
Making $3,476 15
16,502 days, . Total amount $1,907 02
The following statement shows the
amount of:.liroducc raised and now on
• ,hand, during the year 1871:
454 Bush. of Wheat raised—On hand 381 Bush.
.. 602 ..
1660 Ears corn" . 900
• :450
Potatoes " 350 46'10 " Peas " 5 "
30 " Qnions `
5 .Brrts
54. " Apples "
12 Turnips "
.111 Beane •`
'200Reads of Cabbage ' •
:14Tonsof Hay. '` 13 tons
Corn stalks from 13 acres of corn nearly all on
The following statement shows the
amount of produce sold from the farm for
• the year ending the 15th of Nov., 1871 :
600 Oats "
• 2 .
15 "
12 ..
5 "
175 heads
200 'Bushels of Oats. sold at 62c
140 40-60 Bushels of Wheat at $1 50
206 lbs. of Butter, sold at 25ct pr. Ib.....
4 Pigs " $3 01)
Which amount was expended as follows
Paid f'. M. Bower one.gnarter salary
John Whiton, groceries
"• Nes ell & Biddle, grinding
" Gihettd, Farrington, merchandise
" Bostwick & Williams. lumber
" Wui. Farrington. bt ots m, shoes
" For supplies to Poor House
$121 00
211 0,
.. 57i 00
$397 00
,.$:25 i0
95 00
15 00
,. 19 87
7 79
.1 37 1,7
• 96 41
The whole amount asked for by the Superintend-
ents, less $1203 85. for defraying the expense,
01 the poor for thee, suing year. •
J. M ',Sartre.
Total n • '$397 00
The following stock belongs to the farm
and is now on hand : ,
r .One Yoke of oxen ; 6 Cows ; 2 Two year old
Steers; 2 Yearling Heifers ; 9 Yogi, fattening ; 9
On motion the Board adjourned.
Friday Morning, Nov. 24, 1871.
Board met puisuant to adjourn-.
ment, all . the members present.
Minutes of the previous day read
and approved. •
On motion of Mr. Smith,
• Resolved, That a committee of three be
appointed by the Chairman, to examine
and pass upon the, bills of the several
members of this Board. . ,
The Chairman then appointed Mr.
Srriith, Mr. 4V.00dbury and Mr.
Wortman as such committee.
On mo•ion of Mr. Smith,
Resolved, That at the request of the Su-
pervisors of the respective towns named
in the tbllowing schedule, the claims set
forth therein be added to the audits of
said towns, and levied and assessed upon
said towns respectively.
H. WI cox, Justice Peace... 813 00
G. H Houtz, Town Clerk 34 65
H. Bouton,Justice Peace 23 80
J. 11. George, " •' 8 00
J. M. Smith. Mipervisor 68 83
Wm. W. Snyder, Justice Peace 22 00
E. L. B Curtis, ex -Overseer of the Poor
Isaac J. Force.
Howell Bros
C. C. Howell, jr
Josiah Hawes, Supervisor
Recommended by Commissioner of
Highways ... ...
M. T. Denman
O. B. Curran
H. C.•Marsh
V. B. Groes
A. B. Rogers
Ithaca Journal
Wm. I). Mount
J. O. Marsh
P. F. Hart
Nelson Stevens...
Sidney Hopkins
Wm. D. M unit
B. H. Wakeley
H C. Marsh
Interest on Ithaca & Cortland R. R.
John Wolcott, Supervisor 88 80
Mathew Bull, Justice Peace 11 CO
D. B. Gilbert, 44 15 50
Mathew Buil, " 4 75
Benlamin Losey 18 00
Jar E. Vandemark, excess tax, '69 7 03
S. V. Snow, Assessor 20 00
H. 8. Krum, Inspector of Election 4 00
Jason P. Merrill 4 00
Cephas Stillman, house 16 00
C. L. Davis, Town Clerk 59 17
Willie $hurter. Constable 1869 15 50
D. B. Gilbert, Justice Peace 1 50
J. J. Peters, Constable 2 85
Geo. Mnir, 25
Chas. J. Rounsville, Justice Peace 18 14
$170 28
6 00 J. M. Lanning, Justice Peace,
14 96 Wm. Marshall,
4 U0 Richard Leonard, •` .....
4 80 J. M. Raker, '
2 U0 Joshua S. Miller, Town Clerk
J. M. Baker. Justice Peace
956 00 D. L. Biker (adegnates) Cons.able
2 00 J. G. Wortman. supervisor
_ Interest on Pennsylvania & Scions Bay
$489 75 R. R. bonds..., 1,760 00
$229 98
19 00
7 40
2 10
79 56
6 00 $1,948 30
10 oo DJ. R. Emery, Justice Peace 60 25
9 00 D. A. VauKirk, excess of tax, 1870 16 69
5 00 J. D. Bouton, Commissioner of High -
13v50 ways 17 00
10 00 S. Clough, Justice Peace 16 00
20 00 S. Bnrb•w. '• 18'('0
42 99 R. C. Taylor, Town Clerk 66 00
20 95 J D. Lewis, excess tax 12 06
It` 00,
18 00
33 CO
1,632 51
$1,838 53
J. M. Woodbury, Supervisor
Darius Hall, Justice Peace
W. H. Fitch,
Joshua Brown `•
J. M. Woodbury, "
O. M. Avery, Town Clerk
S. A. Brown
C. VanBuskirk, Constable
Interest on Cayuga Lake R. R. bonds
S. M. Paddock, Commissioner of High-
ways 24 00
Jacob Carman, Justice Peace 19 55
Stephen Clough, 2 tO
Thomas Bowe., 2nd. Supervisor 74 85
Interest on Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay
R. R. bonds. ' 5.250 00
2t $5,576 90
5380 2a The Committee on equalization
20 00 presented a majority and a minority
20 00 report.
3308 e following is the majority re -
1 50
2,625 00
$2.836 40
Nelson Cutter, Jnstice Peace 10
E. C. Thorn, " 8
John W. Dean, " 36
Benj. Starr, " 86
Wm. C. armer, Town Clerk.. 41
C. C.i'ook. Supervisor 61 20
Interest on Pennryl%anis & Sodas Bay
R. R. bonds 3,640 00
$3.832 95
O. B. Curran, Inspector of Election4
H• C. Williams. Supervisor, for bridge
on Newfield road 1.800
Interest on Ithaca & Athens R. R. bonds 21,000
Interest on Ithaca & Geneva R. R
bonds 7,000 00
$29,804 10
port :
The Committee on equalization would
respectfully report that the following be
the equalized valuation for each town in
the County of Tompkins for the year
1871 :
Caroline $307.654
Enfield 268 533
Danby 328,917
Groton 513.786
Dryden 993.422
Lansing 858,074
Newfield 352,237
Ithaca 1,6227420-
,622 420Ulysses 626,344
Real $5,901.237
Personal 1,195.250
Total $7,095,487
JOHN,WoLooTT, THOS. BOWER, 2nd, Com.
The following is the minority re-
port of the Committee on equaliza-
Caroline, 6 er cent. of assessment, or.. $353.458
/MO y, 6 4-10
Dryden, 167-10
Enfield, 6 6.10 "
Groton. 94-10 "
Ithaca, 23 5-10 "
Lansing, 14 9-10 "
Newfield, 7 3-10 "
Ulysses, 10 2-10 "
.. 983.778
.. 3.29,890
.. 553,748
.. 1,334 359
.. 430,t 35
The majority report was adopted
on the call of the ayes and noes by
the following vote :
Ayes -Hawes, Wortman, Wolcott, Ste-
, vens, Woodbury, Cook and Bower.
Noes—Williams and Smith.
Mr. Williams offered the follow-
ing. resolution :
Resolved, That the following bills or
parts of bills, in the matter of appeal on
equezation, viz.,
Josiah Hawes, for
C C. Cook,
John G. Wortman, for
John Wolcott, for.
J. M. Woodbury, for
Merritt King for
G. 8. Carman, for
Noes—Wortman, Wolcott, Woodbury
and Cook.
Smith, Stevens and Bower, excused.
On motion Board adjourned.
Friday Afternoon and Evening.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present.
On motion of Mr. Bower,
Resolved, That the rejected taxes as re-
turned to the several members of this
Board by the County Treasurer, be levied
and assessed upon the several towns re-
spectively as follows, viz. :
Dryden $34 86
4 8f
Groton 13
Ithaca 4033 83
Ulysses 75 52
>b27 248
77 04
39 60 0
63 76
600 00
30 00
812 82
that have been audited by this Board, are
rro'r legal claims against this county ; that
the expenses and services for which such
claims are made have not been in any
way authorized by this Board in its of-
ficial capacity ; and that the payment of
such claims should be a charge upon the
towns for whose benefit they have been
Dr. Cook offered the following
amendment :
Resolved, That all the names contained
in the above resolution, except Josiah
Hawes, be stricken out.
The ayes and noes being called
for on the amendment of Dr. Cook,
the same waicarried by the follow-
ing vote :
Ayes—Wortman, Wolcott, Woodbury
and Cook.
Stevens, Smith and Bower, excused.
The question then being as to the
passage of the original resolution as
amended, the same was lost by the
following vote :
• $642 88
The following is the assessed val-
uation of the real and personal
property of the County of Tomp-
kins, as appegrs by the rolls re-
turned by the assessors of the re-
spective towns :
Towns Acres Wel Pers'1 Total V. pr A
Caroline .30,166 313 932 16,480 330,412 $10 46
Enfield -22,096 274.013 15.20(1 289.213 12 40
Danby... 32.403 332.910 17,510 85 020
Groton...80.920 652 016 114,801 666 817
Dryden...61,380 877,024 82 116 959.140'
Lansing.. 37.892 897.459 136,303 1.033,762
Newfield.36,231 363.130 18.560 181.090
Ulysses ..19.575 659,309 159,830 819,739
Ithaca.... 19,233 1,621,095 634,450 2.255,545
289,896 5,890,888 1,195.2507,076,188
The following schedule exhibits
the valuation. of the real and per-
sonal property of Tompkins County
on the basis of equalization as
adopted by the Board:
17 85
14 28
23 68
10 53
33 68
84 28
Towns Acres Real Pers'1 Total V.prA
Caroline..30166 654 480 324134 10 20
Enfield. -.22,096 2,533 15,200 283.783 12 10
Denby... .32,403 328.917 17.510 846 427 10 15
Groton.'..30.020 543,'36 114,801 65,1,537 17 69
Dryden...61,380 993.422 82,,16 1.075.538 16 18
Lansing..37.592 858.074 136,303 994.377 22 64
Newiel.36,231 352.237 18,560 870,797 9 60
Ulysses... 19,515 626.344 159.830 78 ),1 81 90
Ithaca....19,233 1,622,820 634,450 2,256,770 84 35
289,896 5,901,2371,195,250 7,096,487
On motion of Dr. Cook,
Resolved, That the following sr'
levied and assessed on the taxa
erty of this County for the pu'
nated :
For School $10.343 52
For General Purposes • 11.341'18
-For Bounty !milt ,.16,554. 44
For New capitol 3 103 96
For canal Floating Deb`. un-
der chap. 271 law9 of9859 •' 1,034:85'
For Now work and Extra re-
pairs ' 2.759 07
For C1iamplairl. Canal 1.655 45
For Court Expenses.: • 2,500 00
For Fuel and Gas, County
Buildings 450 00
For state Lunatic Asylum.
Utica 2.3 t0 00
'ForWi lard Asvinm 1,l50 00
For t"iot Asylum.... 311 00
For S ho 1 Commissioners400 00
'Far Sa'ary Cu. Judge 1.500 00
' For 8 Bary 5'i CO .
For Salary Di-trict attorney,... 600 00
For Salary County Treasurer 500 00, `
For Salary Chaplain County •
House.. ......... . 50 00
For Salllry Sup.er, isors' Jan-
itOr ' 25 00
For Salary Supervisors' Clerk . lid 00 -
For Incident. IeJudge's office 50 00
For ineuranee County "Build-
- Ings 92 50
For Livery to County House 8 ou
For Incidentals 850 00
'For superintendent of the
F our ...... 1.000 00
For Deficiency in Treasury.. , 3.971 39
- Forines re-imhureed towns - 844 10
For County Audits 14,383 81
settle with the County Treasurer on or be-
fore the 30th day of January, 1872.
' The.metnbers were'engaged duly
ing the remainder of the session in
preparing ' abstracts' of .indebted-
ness of the several towns. '
On motion of Mr. Wolcott,
' Resolved, That'when this Board adjourn
it be to meet on ,the 9th day of Dec., 1871,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
.Oii motion Board adjourned. •
30 954 03
$77,290 OS
State Tax i $46.535 25
County Tax.... 30 454 83 , •
The following is an abstract of•the
names of all'persons'who prdsented
hills to lie audited by the' Boai(d of
Supervisors of Tompkins County,
at their annual session''NOV.,
No: Mamma. ' Nature o1 Claim. Claim'd 'All'd
1 J. S Granger & Co. supplies, 14 00- . 14 00
2 Lewis Primrose: Constable... 4 95 4 95
3 11. L. Root, clothing, for pris-
oners 500, 5 00
4 J. D. Lewis, Coroner • • 15 00 .15 00
5 Henry Rhode, transportation '
of paupers ...:... ... .. 2 16 2 16
6 John Goodyear; lunacy • 8 00 8 00
7 E. C. Moe, inquest 10 00 10 00
8.D F. Finch, stationery 64 00 54 00
9 J: W. Pickering, exhuming '
body 10 00
19 00'
• $77,290 08 10 E. R. Weaver, lunacy • ' 8 00 8 00
Board adjourned until Saturday11 M. B. (y i Hnekirk,ylunacy8 2.. • 8 00
12 R'. J. Gulick, Inuac 8 8 00
morning 13 Wilgus Bros.; supplies 42 79 42 79
14 J. J. Montgomery, lunacy7 00 7 00
Saturday Morning, Nov. 250871. 15 Wm. W • Buck, transportation '• ' '
of lunatic. • 30 00 30.00
Board met. pursuant to adjourn- 10 C. w. Carrier. lunacy 9 28 928
nient, all the members present. 17 C. W. carrier. lunacy 10 40 10.40
18 C. W. Carrier, post-mortem
Minutes of the previous 'day read examination 15 Q0
andapproved. 19 C C. Cook, lunacy 10 40
1 p 20 C. C. Cook. lunacy..... 9 28
On motion of Mr. Sm1th 21 P. H. Farrington, services162 50
, 22 Wm. W. anyder, services115 40
Resolved, That a committee of three be 23 S Jones, lunacy ..:,
24 D. B. Stewart & Co., .Ilnm-
10 00
appointed by the Chairman to direct such eey'e bill 30 00
repairs to be made upon the County build. 25 A. H. Flardeuburg, services31 00
ings as in their judgment may be deemed 26 M. T Denman, seiceees Su- 31 00
best for the interests of the County, , perinteIu ent of the Poor57 50 57 50
The' Chairman . a elated Mr. 28 T. J. McElheny, ex -Co. Clerk 177 47 177 47
pl) 29 T. J. McElheny, ex -Co. Ole,k .214 68 2o4 59
Smith, Mr. Woodbury and Mr. Wil. 30 Andrew Smith, constable; 8 45 8 45
31 J.R.'Emery, Justice 4 30 4 30
' Hams as such committee. - •
15 00
10 40
9 28
162 50
115 40
00 00
ao 00
00 00
00 00
On motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved, Tliat the Chairman- be added
to the above committee. • •
' 'On motion of Mr. Stevens, '
Resolved, That the Collectors of the sev-
eral towns of this County be requested to
32 J. J. Peters. constable 43 f8 48 s8
33 A. M. Tarbell, constable 4 50 ' 4 50
34 .1. W. Smith, constable 5 00' 5 00
8.5 Geo. Muir; constable 8 10 7 86
36 J M. Bakei•,•Justice, Enfield 4 55 4 55
37 E ewartout, cimetable 6 75 6 55
38 C. VauByskirk:constable... • 10 00 10 00
39 Lucien Beers, services 23'60 23 60
40 Lemuel Jennings, Jheticd of ' I
the Peace •3 15 3 15
41 Benj. Starr, Justice Peace.... ' 6 95 ' 6 75
42 G. D. Wait, constable 11 90
48 P. F. Hart, Justice Peace 80
44 Dan. B. Gilbert, Justice Peace 4 10
45 R. R. Howell, services 4 10
46 A. Neidick,constable ...... 2 55
47 Neidick, Seaman and VanOr-
der, police constables 84 67
48 G. D. Goldsmith, constable6 90
.49 M. M. Brown, coroner 91 50
60 Ira Gardner, services 4 00
51 Wilson & Mackey, services
and material 22 99
02 Ithaca Gas Light Co., tae11 70
53 Wm. Coryell, med. services. 83 00
54 J. L. Whiten, suppliesforjail 17 80
55 Wm. H. Summers, expenses. 122 80
56 Bostwick & Wilmot, supplies 18 00
.57 P. H. Farrington, expenses,
Overseer Poor 23 50
58 Andrus, McChaln & Lyon,
books for Clerk's office123 68
59 J. D. Carpenter, furniture for
office 26 '75
60 Luce and McCormick, hard-
ware 1 58
61 Gauntlett & Brooks,materials 4 15
62 Ervilla Casar, services 15 00
68 E. M. Latta. services, Co. A,
50th Regiment 37 00
64 Wm, Glenny, supplies for jail 8 25
65 E.. Holcomb, services, Co. B.,
50th Regiment 44 00
66 E. M. Latta, armory bill,.... 50 00
67 L. Eugene Hollister, armory
bill 18 00
68 Edwin 11 Nye, hall rent 25 00
69 S. P. Sackett, M. D., med
services. 61 00
70 B. R. Williams, printing679 00
'71 Jerome Rowe, costs 473 68
'72 Lyon & Donnelly. costs 628 40
13 Wesley Hooker, printing ses-
sion laws. 295 00
'74 R. H. Fish, repairs jail 82 00
'75 Edward Lounshery, services
Co. 0.. 50th Regiment 55 00
16 Uri Clark, services, rep. cl'k 1 50
77 Bostwick & Williams, repairs
jail 110 46
78 Dwight McIntyre, services65 60
'79 Rev. Thos. C. Stroug, ser-
vices, Board of Examiners. 5 00
230 Fillingham, Townsend &
• Brush, wheels for jury draw-
ing 8 00
81 Howard & Clement, chairs
for Clerk's office 10 50
82 W. L. Wheeler, M. D., med.
services 20 00
83 J. M. Heggie, labor and mate-
rial 19 50
.84 Alex. Smith. livery 7 00
85 Morgan a Bishop, med. ser-
vices 33 00
86 Treman, Valentine & Green,
hardware 32 47
87 M. M. Brown, M. D., med.
services 6 00
88 W. S. Smith, printing elec-
tion notices
89 Abel Burritt,
90 II. C. Marsh,
91 Oscar M. Wilson, "
92 Almon Boys, labor and ma-
93 Henry II. Howe, Justice of the
94 Arnold Mclntire,services
95 D. L. Baker, constable
96 S. B. Bays,
97 N. Mott,
11 90 98 A. Preston, constable 2 40 2 40
80 99 C, E. Lucas, " ' 3 96 8 95
4 10 -.00 S. 13. Beers, services 22 40 22 40
0 00 101 C. E. Lucas, services.... 9 25 9 25
2 55 102 O. H. Dean, services, const, 57 00 57 00
103 Marcus Hatch, •' 66 20 00 OD
84 67 104 Stephen Clough, constable3 80 3 80
6 65 105 Chas. G Day,`fusticeofPeace 51 82 51 82
74 50 106 A. M. Lucas. •, •• 64 85 61 60
4 00 107 Levi Leonard, services 29 10 10 85
108 Horace L. Root, sheriff' 1187 65 1187 65•
22 99 109 Horace L. Root, sheriff 2068 55
11 70 110 J. (4. Apgar, constable 4 50 4 50
55 00 111 R. 11. Fish, under.sheriff661 50 661 50
17 80 112 Doctor Tarbell, county clerk 878 15 860 85
000 00 113 Treman, King & Co., supplies
18 00 for jail 6 62 6 62
114 Tremau, King & Co. hardware
23 50 for county house 28 03 28 03
115 Smith & Thompson, coal for
123 68 Clerk's office 29 85 00 00
116 D. F. Finch. stationery 14 (6 14 06
26 73 117 Townsend Manuf'gCo., locks
'for jail 93 45 43 45
1 68 118 John Murray, services, lunacy 15 00 10 00
4 15 119 Josiah Hawes. supervisor80 20 80 20
00 00 120 Thos. Bower, 2nd, supervisor 10 52 10 52
121 J. M. Smith, supervisor 8 92 8 92
37 00 122 N. Stevens, supervi-or 12 12 12 12
8 25 12:3 J. (4. Wortman, supervisor85 60 85 60
124 C. C. Cook, supervisor 36 74 86 74
44 00 125 John Wolcott, supervisor48 52 48 52
50 00 126 J. M. Woodbdry, supervisor 73 32 73 32
127 Marcus Lyon, services and
18 00 expenses, Ferguson ca.," , 193 36 43 36
25 00 128 H. N. Hnmiston, service 10'00 00 00
129 H. C. Williams, supe). 7 00 7 00
50 00 180 Wm. Gee, constable... 55 20 52 50
679 00 131 M. Wick & Co., toba< for
473 58 prisoners ..- 13 86 13 86
628 40 182 G. A. Whaley, autopsy. 25 '10 10 00
133 A. Patterson, med. sr vices 11 00 11 00
295 00 134 S. H. Peck, med. servic s---. 13 00 13 00
82 00 135 G. S Carman,services intaking
testimony 45 00 30 00
55 00 136 D. Dumont, armory rent 10C. 00 100 00
1 50 137 Edward Lounsberry, armory
rent 30 00 30 00
110 96 198 Town of Danby, armory rent 50 00 50 00
00 00 139 Peck & • Anderson, armory
rent 25 00 25 00
5 00 140 T. G. Wortman, armory rent 25 00 25 00
141 Bowar & Miller, armory rent 40 00 40 09
142 C. H. Howe, cleaning gens, 9 00 9 00
8 00 143 H. McDonald, cleaning gens, 6 15 6 15
144 M. R Burdick, cleaning guns 25 50 25 50
10 50 145 C. S. Mincer, cleaning guns
and storage 31 50 31 50
20 00 146 H. A. Bowe, services as ref-
eree 497 31 497 31
19 50 147 Merritt King, extra expense
7 00 in Ferguson case 150 00 150 00
148 Merritt King, counsel for
23 00 board of supervisors 500 00 500 00
• 149 H. L. Root, sheriff 129 06 129 06
32 47 150 John J. Johnson, janitor C. H117 05 117 05
151 Weekly Ithacan, printing101 00 94 00
0 00 152 Wesley Hooker, printing76200 762 00
153 Cornell Library Association,
74 25 74 25 armory rent 300 00 300 00
74 25 74 25 154 Josiah Hawes, supervisor100 34 100 34 ,
75 37 75.37155 H. C. Williams do 1.20 48 120 48
80 25 80 25 150 C. C. Conk, do 112 26 112,i"
157 John Wolcott, do 106 22
26 84 26 84 158 J. M. Smith, do 127 00
159 J. G. Wortman, do '103 31'
6 '70 6 70 100 J M, Woodbury, do 110'
58 60 68 60 161 Thomas Bower, do 129
9 50 9 50 162 Nelson Stevens, do .12
5 45 5 45
6 45 645
Abstract of the names of all per-
sons who presented accounts to be
audited to the Board of Town Aud-
itors of the ToVn of Caroline on the
9th day of November, 1871, with
the amounts claimed by each, and
the amounts finally audited:
No.. Clainl'd Aliow'd
1 George J. Nelson, overseer of
the poor 6 00 6 00
2 Truman Spaulding, overseer
of the poor 20 00 20 00
3 C. F. Hornbeck, inspector of
election, dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00
4 D. C. Krum, inspector of elec-
t tion. dist. No. 2 4 50 4 50
5 C. L. Davis, clerk of election 4 25 4 25
6 L. 13. Phillips. inspector of
election, dost. No. 1 6 00 5 00
7 J. H. Snow, inspector of elec-
tion, diet. No. 1 4 25 4 25
• 8 John Cross. clerk of election
dist.. No. 1 400 4 00
9 Joel Evaps, clerk of election,
' dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00
10 8 D.•Stevens, assessor 28 00 25 50
11 Wm. E. Davenport, assessor 24 00 24 (0
12 C. H. Duel, excces of tax38 77 38 77
13 Wm Hungerford, do do 1 42 1 42
14 R. Johnson, M. D., physician
to poor 21 00 21 00
15 R. Jonusou, 50. D., physician
to poor 10 50 10 50
16 R. Johnson, M. D., physician
to poo: 7 00 7 00
17 J. J, Peters, constable 20 57 20 57
18 E. Emmett Legg. inspector of
election, dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00
19 A. J. Harding. undertaker15 00 15 00
20 E. Emmett Legg, excess lax\ 3 89 3 89
21 M. C. Krum, commissioner of
highways 69 50. 69 50
22 Peter J. Rose, attorneys fees 6 05 6 05
23 13. C, Wade, u e of house for
town meeting 10 00 10 00
24 C. J. Rounsville, use of house
for election 15 00 15 00
25 George Muir, constable 7 80 7 80
26 Moses Bull, excess of tax134 10 134 10
lowed by law, be raised in said town for
roads and bridges for the ensuing year.
C. L. DAVIS, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
John Wolcott. Supervisor
Mathew Bull, Justice Peace
1.). B. Gilbert,
Mathew Bull, "
Benla:nin Losey
Jas. E. Vaudemark, excess tax, '69
S. V. Snow, -Assessor
Krum, Inspector of Election
Jason P. Merrill
Cephas l3ulhnan, house
C. L. Davis, Town Clerk
Willis Shorter. Constable 1509
D. B. Gilbert, Justice Peace
J. J. Peters, e:onstable
Geo. Muir,
Chas. J. Rounsville, Justice Peace
Total $472 60 412 60
Town of Caroline, FF:
We do hereby certify that the foregoing abstract
is correct.
Dated this 9th day of Nevember. 1871.
JOHN WOLCOTT, Supervisor,
C. L. Davis, Town Clerk,
BENJAMIN Loser. Justice,
DAN. 13. GILBERT, do
At the annual Town meeting for
the Town of Caroline, held April
4th, 1871, the following resolution
was passed :
Resolved, That the stun of five hundred
dollars (4500) in addition to the suns of
two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) al-
38 80.
11 60
15 50-
04 75
13 00
7 02
20 00
4 00
4 00.
15 00
59 17
15 50
1 50
2 35
18 14
$229 93
Abstract of the names of all per-
sons who presented accounts to the
Board of Town Auditors of the
Town of Dryden, on the 9th day of
November, 1871, with the amounts
claimed and the amounts finally
allowed :
No. Claim'd Allow'd
1 lra Snyder, inspector of elec-
2 Jacob ugdeu, inspector of
3 James Snyder, inspector of
election.... ....
4 Jesse Bartholomew, inspect-
or of election
5 Weyburn Van Horn, inspect-
or of election
6 Ai Van Horn, inspector of
7 J. 11. Kennedy, inspector of
electi on
8 C. D. Bouton, inspector of
9 H. H. Houpt, inspector of
10 J. V. hose, inspector of elec-
11 J. S. Barber, house for elec-
12 II. P. Bonfield, clerk of elec-
19 D. W. Sperry, clerk of election
14 A. L. Tyler, clerk of election
15 J. Beach, clerk of election
16 1). C. Bunton, clerk 01 election
17 Willard Shaver, clerk of elec-
18 .1. M. Carr. clerk of election
19 J. P. Ferguson, clerk of elec-
20 Cyrus Tyler, clerk of election
21 W. D. Elis, house for election
22 E. R. Palmer, do do
23 Peter Mineah, do do
24 Moses Tyler. constable
25 A. Burlingame, assessor
26 D. A. Chatfield, do
27 Bradford Snyder. do
28 H. FL Pierce, undertaker
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 38
5 43
4 00
4 00
4 25
4 10
4 00
10 00
10 00
58 40
86 00
43 00
16 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
5 00
14 00
4 25
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 25.
4 10
4 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
68 40
42 00
36 00
16 00
29 G. W. Moore, hone fur town
30 Spear, Baucns 4.t Sears.
31 Samuel Stoddard, overseer of
the poor, Ithaca
32 R. M. Smith, commissioner of
33 John Southworth, land dama-
84 0. Lanning, physician
35 G. H. Sperry, overseer of poor
36 A. Ewers,
do do
50 00 50 00 sons who presented accounts to be
10 37 10 37 audited to the Board of Town Aud-
18 05 18 95 itors of the Town of Danby, on the
9th clay of November, 1871, with
ass 00 356 00the amount claimed and the amount
allowed :
No. Claim'd Allow'd
63 00
31 50
28 00
37 75
63 00
31 50
28 00
37 75
1 Zabnlon Smiley, excess of tax 5 61
Total 8915 63 916 63 2 George Ostrander, do do 4 79
3 Charles Banfield, poor supplies 1 00
We, the undersigned Board of Town Audito4s of 4 W m. 0. Wilson. poor account 27.00
5 R. It. Estaorook, physician... 5 00
98 00
4 00
8 97
1 55
1 95
17 00
17 00
the Town of Dryden, do certify that the forego-
ing abstract is correct.
J. M. SMITH. Supervisor,
11. BOUTON. do
W. W. SNYDER, do
H. Wilcox, do
G. 13. Hourz, Town Clerk.
At the annual Town Meeting of
the Town of Dryden, held on Tues-
day, April 4th, 1871, the following
resolutions were passed :
Resolved, That the sum of four hun-
dred dollars ($400) be levied and collected
iu said town for the support of the poor
for the ensuing year.
Resolved, That the sum of thirty-seven
hundred dollars ($3700) in addition to
the sum of two hundred and tifty dollars,
($250), as allowed by the statutes, be lev-
ied and collected in said town for the
support of roads al_d bridges for the en-
suing year.
The following resolution was
passed by the Board of Town Aud-
itors of the Town of Dryden, in
conformity with the provisions of
Section 1, Chapter 103, Laws of
Resolved, That the sum of thirteen hun-
dred dollars ($1300) be levied and col-
lected in said town, for the purpose of
erecting the bridge known as the White
Bridge, and for the completion of other
bridges now under construction.
I hereby certify that the foregoing are
true copies of the originals
GEO. H. Hourz, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
H. Wilcox., Justice Peace... ....... .. 313 00
G. H. Houtz, Town Clerk 31 65
H. Bouton, Justice Peace
J. H. George, " 44
J. M. Smith. Supervisor
Wm. W. Snyder, Justice Peace
23 80
8 00
68 83
22 00
$170 28
Abstract of the names of all per -
6 A. Austin. excess of tax
7 J. lin Linderman, poor bill.... 00 00
8 M. T. Denman 0 00
9 E E. Swartout, excess of tax 8 97
10 Joseph Grant. constable 1 54
11 Geo. F. Howlano, do 1 95
12 M. Handy, overseer of the poor 6 00
13 C. Slocum. assessor 17 00
14 Alfred Vose, do 14 00
15 Jacob Wise. do 17 00
16 Eli Beers, M. D., medical ser-
vices 9 50 950
17 A. W. Knapp, clerk 11 23 11 23
18 Benj. Williams. town "lerk35 50 34 50
19 J. J. Johnston, inspector of
election 4 00 3 00
20 Benj Jennings, inspector of o
election 4 00 3 00
21 J. W. Richard. inspector of
election 4 00 3 00
22 Geo. N. Nourse, clerk of.elec-
tion 400 300
23 Geo. Grant, constable 2 20 2 20
24 J.Van DeBogart, Justice Peace 1 00 1 00
25 J. Thatcher, justice of the
peace 700 7 00
26 Charles Howland, justice of
the peace 5 75 ' 5 75
27 A. Wadhams, justice of the
peace 10 15 10 15
28 L. Jennings, justice of the
peace 10 15 10 15
29 D. A. Marsh, commissioner of
highways 40 00 40 00
30 L. Jennings, surveying 3 00 3 00
31 J. Vorhis. overseer of the poor 7 26 7 26
32 J. Hawes, supervisor 24 33 24 38
`3 Homer Jennings, janitor of
hall 21 00 21 00
34 H. D. Miller 10 83 00 00
Total $377 32 277 49
We do certify that the foregoing abstract is
Dated, November 9th, 1871.
JOSIAH HAWES, Supervisor,
BENJ. WILLIAMs, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
E. L. B. Curtis, ex -Overseer of the Poor 6 00
Isaac J. Force. . 14 95
Howell Bros 4 00
C. C. Howell, jr 4 80
Josiah Hawes Supervisor 2 00
Recommended by Commissioner of
Highways 456 00
M. T. Denman 2 00
$489 75
5 61
0 00
ENFIELD. 2. C. D. Hart, 2d, insp. of election
3 Harvey Holden,
An abstract of the names of all 4 C. F. Mark
persons who have presented claims
before the Town Board to be aud-
ited, with the amount claimed and
the amount finally audited by the
Board. •
Enfield, Nov. •9th. 1871
No. Claim'd Allow'd
1 John H. Thrall, inspector of
election 4 50 4 50
2 Wm. H. Ammack, assessor27 00 27 00
3 Chas. Ramsey. 20 00 20 00
4 Richard Nash, 64 20 00 20 Oa
5 Richard Caiman, excess of tax 12 60 12 60
b Eugene Willis, inspector of
•election 4 00
7 William D. Bagley. poll clerk 4 00
8 L. 11. Vaii Kirk, inspector of
election 4 00
9 Joel N. Whitney, overseer of
the poor 27 00
10 S. B. Harvey, commissioner46 50
1l S. B. Harvey. disbursements447 00
12 D. Tarbetl, registering bonds,
etre 28 50
13 Edgar Brewer, R. R. Comm'r. 46 02
14 Wm. Miller, " 33 87
15 1. II. Newman. " 90 58
16 Harrison Gaskill, inspector of
election 4 09
17 Mrs. E. Van Marter, house for
town purpose.. 25 00 25 0-
18 David L. Baker. constable. 5 95 5 95
19 William Dean, excess of tax8 11 8 11
20 Wesley Hooker, printing 7 GO 7 00
5 R. Lanning, clerk of election
6 W. M. Little, " "
'1 A. S. Stearns, insp. of election
8 John Guthrie, "
9 M. D. Fitch, "
10 A. N. Fitch, clerk of election
11 D. Coggshall, "
12 Samuel Bowser, house for elec-
13 E. R. Nye, hall for election
14 D. B. Marsh, " " "
15 A. F. Norton, overseer of the
16 Wm. Williams, inspector of
17 John G. Stevens, inspector of
election and messenger
18 E. C. Moe. physician to poor
4 00 19 A. Robinson. " `
4 00 2O 8. 0. Reynolds. inspector of
4 00 21 M. D. Goodyear, clerk of elec-
27 00 22 M. D.tion Goodyear, physician to
46 50' poor
447 00 23 G. A. Wilson, commissioner of
28 50 24 Jacob Metzger, excess of tax
46'02j25 M. J. Conger,
33 87,26 John McKellar, "
96 58 27 John McKellar, assessor
28 W. H. Burnham, R. R. com-
4 00 missioncr
29 A. Backus, IL R. commissioner
30 John G. Cobb. assessor
31 Dr. J. Goodyear, physician to
32 J. C. Hatch, assessor
33 D. Tarbell, county clerk
Total $871 63 871 63
We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true
copy of accounts andited by the Town Board.
J. G. WORTMAN, Supervisor.
J. 111.. LSNNno, Justice,
J. M. BARER, Jus!
J. S. MILLER, Town Clerk,
(Added by Supervisors.)
J. M. Lanning., Justice Peace.. a
Wm. Marshall,
Richard Leonard, "
J. M. Baker.
Joshua S. Miller. Town Clerk
J. M. Baker, .justice Peace
D. L. Baker (adognates) Constable
J. G. ))'ortman, Supervisor
Interest on Pennsylvania & boons Bay
R. R. bonds .
6 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
6 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
10 00
25 00
10 00
6 00
4 00
10 00
25 00•
10 00.
57 50 57 50'
400 400
6 00
63 00
28 50
4 00
1 50
98 00
12 96
8 25
28 05
32 00
9 00
26 00
13 00
30 00
37 60
63 00
28 50
1 50
98 00
12 96
32 00
26 00
13 00
80 00
87 50
Total $581 10 581 16
We, the undersigned. the Board of Auditors of
the Town. of Groton, do certify that the within
named hills were audited by ns on this 9th day of
Novembtr, 1871.
A. B. ROGERS, Justice,
W. D. MOUNT, '
]9 00 P. F. HART,
H. C. MARSH, Town Clerk.
11 00 At the annual town meeting of
42 64 the town of Groton, held on the 4th
s ?� day of April, 1871, the following
72 56 resolution was passed.
1,750 00j Resolved, That the sum of four hundred
--idollars be raised by tax upon the town
$1,948 30 for the support of the poor for the coming
Abstract of the names of all per-
sons who presented accounts to be
audited by the Board of Town And,
itors of the town of Groton, on the
nth day of November, 1871, with
the amount claimed by each and
the amount finally allowed.
No. Claim'd Ailow'd
1 Dana Rhodes, militia return
tax 19 90 19 90
At a meeting of the Board of
Auditors of the Town of Groton,
held June 5th, 1871, the following
resolution was passed:
Resolved, That the Commissioners' 01
Highways be authorized to borrow the
suns of three hundred dollars for highway
purposes, in addition to the two hundred
and fifty dollars ($250) allowed by law.
I hereby certify the foregoing to be true
copies and of the whole of said original
H. C. MARSII, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
G. B. Curran
H. C. Marsh
V. B. Grose
A. B. Rogers
Ithaca Journal
.Wm. D. Mount
J. 0. Marsh
P. F. Hart
Nelson Stevens
Sidney Hopkins
Wm. D. Mount
B. H. Wakeley
H. C. Marsh
Int t Ithaca &
6 00
9 00
9 00
5 0))
13 60
10 00
20 00
42 9!)
20 25
10 00
18 00
83 CO
34 Chas. D. Johnson, inspector
of election
35 H. R. Kenyon, inspector of
elect ion
86 Geo. M. King. poll clerk
37 Harlan Hill, inspector of elec-
38 M. J. Barker, poll clerl'
39 J. 0. Itezeau. rent of house for
election I
40 C. E. Lucas, constable
41 H. L. Boot, sheriff
42 William Gee, constable
43 William Gee,
44 R. 13. Fish, deputy sheriff
45 Holmes & Stamp, rent and
feeding prisoners
46 Ithaca Democrat, printing
47 M. M. Brown, physician for
eres . on town
bonds 1,632 51 98 Neidick, Seaman & Van Order
49 Henry Moore, inspector of
ITHACA. 50 A. Neidick, constable
Abstract of the 'names of all per- 52 A. Stn th verycese m tax':::
sons who presented claims to be aud- 53 L. S. McWhorter, clerk's office
54 Isaac Shirley, sand
ited by the Board of Town Auditors 55 A. N. Hungerford, J. P
of the Town of Ithaca, on the 9th 56 weekly Ithacan, printing
day of November, 1871, with the
amount claimed by each and the
amount finally allowed.
4 (0
4 50
4 00
4 00
4 (6)
15 00
2 75
17 I0
20 85
80 90
40 45
4 00
4 03
4 00
15 00
2 75
17 (10
20 85
80 90
40 45
115 CO 115,00 •
6 00 600
174 09 174 09
359 68 359 68 '
$1,838 53
No. Claim'd Ailow'd
1 Samuel Stoddard, overseer of
the poor 2520 08 2520 C3
2 H. N. Humiston, by order of
overseer of the poor3 00 3 00
8 Geo. E. Priest. poll clerk 4 00 4 00
4 H. W. Ensign, inspector of
election. 4 75 4 75
5 A. N. Ackley, poll clerk 4 00 4 00
6 A. B. Wagoner, " " 4 00 4 00
'7 Daniel Strable, excess of tax 26 39 26 39
8 G. A. Tappenden, rent tor
town clerk's office 12 50 12 50
9 Andrus, McChain & Co., sta-
tionery 6 69
10 Peter Kline, assessor '84 00
11 Israel Lnce, plank 3 00
12 L. F. Colegrove, assessor 82 00
13 Miss r. Ackley, stationery2 00
14 A. W. Green, poll clerk 4 00
15 A. P. Head, rent, election pur-
poses 15 00
16 Ithaca Journal, printing 19 50
17 W. P. Williams, horse hire5 00
18 I. M. & F. Beers, lumber 3 50
19.E. D. Norton, town clerk 30 75
20 Nottingham atott, constable85 70
21 C. E. Lucas, ` 7 75
22 C. E. Lucas, " 11 15
23 Archer Preston, " 19 25
24 S. B. Beers, assessor 280 00
25 Commissioners of Ithaca, I. &
A. R. R., for 1.&A. R. R. Co 13060
26 John Masters, plank for bridge 69 55
27 Amos Smith, livery 10 CO
28 G. C. McClnne, highway56 00
29 H. N. Humiston, order of C. G.
Day 260
80 Cornell Library Association,
rent 25 00
81 E. M. Finch, counsel fees 250 00
82 H. T. Jones, inspector of elec-
tion • 500
83 Seth Warner, constable 30 80
6 69
84 00
3 00
82 00
2 00
15 00
19 50
5 00
3 50
20 75
85 70
7 75
11 15
19 25
280 00
130 50
69 55
10 00
56 00
2 50
25 00
260 00
30 80
400 4 00
42 90 42 90
7 50 750
4 00 4 00
17 50 17 50
3 50 3 50
40 75 40 75
200 200
57 H. H. Howe, J. P 55 00 55 00
58 Chas. G. Day, 5,7 00 57 00
59 Commissioners, I. & G. R. R 153 00 153 00
6O D. Tarbell, county clerk 88 40 88 40
6t F. R. Curran 12 00 12 00
62 H. C. Williams. supervisor153 55 15:3 85
63 C. F. McWhorter. town clerk 97 60 97 50
64 Treman Bros • 8 88 8 88
65 Thomas Jackson, refunded tax 6 53 6 38
66 John Northrup, assessor 12 00 12 00
67 Irving J. Norton, refunded tax 10 06 10 06
08 J. A. Cortright lumber 7 20 7 20
69 E. C. Seymour, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
70 A. M. Lucas, justice 328 '70 328 70
71 C. G. Day, " 340 05 340 05
72 H. H. Howe, " 186 85 186 25
Certificates to -
73 G. C. McClure, Dec. 29 550 20
74 "April 3 85 27
75 D. Coleg)rove, July 1 310 50
70 " •` " `• 299 28
77 G. C. McCune, Nov. 3, with-
out interest 1000 00
78 Samuel Stoddard, March 281401 07
'79 D. Colegrove, Nov. 132102 85-5746 17
Total $12059 17 12058 67
We hereby certify that the foregoing abstract
is correct.
H. C. Wn.LIAaes, Supervisor,
Cues. G. DAT, Justice,
A.M. HuxoERSORD, "
H. H. Howie,
A. M. LUCAS, it
C. F. MCWHORTER, Town Clerk.
At the annual town meeting, held
April 4th, 1871, it was resolved to
raise one thohsand dollars for the
support of the poor.
(Added by Supervisor.)
0. B. Curran, Inspector of Election4 10
H- C. Williams. Supervisor, for bridge
on Newfield road 1,800 00
Interest on Ithaca & Athens R. R. bonds 21,000 00
Interest on Ithaca & Geneva R. R
bonds 7,000 00
1$29,804 10
We, the undersigned Board of
Town Auditors of the Town of
Lansing, in the county of Tomp-
kins, do hereby certify that the
following statement of the accounts
audited by then at their annual
mecting, held this 0th day of No-
vember, 1871, is correct.
No. Claim`d Allow'd
1 J. B. Brngardes, clerk of elec-
tion, dist. No. 3
2 John T.Knettlns, clerk of elec-
tion,dist. No3
3 Benson Buck. inspector of
• ele^tion, dist. No. 3
4 G. W. Teeter. inspector of
eo-e• ion, dist. No. 0
5 H. Miler, use of house for
6 G. F. Drake. Nipples for poor
7 W. Hooker, printing hill
8 Jerry Jacobs. inspector of
election, dist. No. 2. ..
9 Benton Brown. inspector of
election. dist. No. 2
10 John Conklin, clerk of elec-
tion, disc. No. 2 •
11 Thomas Ross, use of hense
12 F.J. L'eardeley.poor supplies
13 J. W.Smith, inspector of elec-
tion, dist. No. 1
14 Chas. Dates, inspector of elec-
tion. dist. No. 1
15 J. W. Pratt., inspector of elec-
tion, dist. No. 1
16 J. '.. Burr, use of hall
17 Mervine Bower. assessor
18 Wesley De Camp, use of house
19 Manley Townley, highways
20 Harriet Butler, supplies for
21 F. M. Miller, repairs highway
22 A. H. Clark, examiniug sheep
23 L. Myers, clerk town meeting
24 D.T. Barr, medical attendance
25 la m N. Buck, overseer of the
26 D T. Barr, medical attendance
27 C. G. Begin. assessor and insp
24 Egbert Williams, `' " "
29 Havens & White, lumber • for
30 Knettlee, Clark & Hall, R. R.
31 Myron Halliday. commissioner
32 John T. Knettles, railroad ex-
83 A. H. Clark, railroad expenses
31 Asa W. Smith. clerk of elec-
tion, dist. Nu 1
35 Chas. 13. Smith. clerk of elec-
tion, diet. No: 1
4 00 -4 00
4 00 4 00
4 00 4 00
400 400
15 00 '15 00
4 66 4'66
7 50 • 7 60
400 4 00
4 00 4 00
4 00 4 00
10 00 10 00
6 34 6 34
4 00 .4 00
400 400
468 468
40 00 40 00
38 00 38 00
6 00 600
425 4t 25
45 50 45 50
255 255
12 00 12 Ou
4 00 400
6 59 6 50
17 50 17 50
600 600
72 00 72 00
65 00 65 00
11 72 11,72
122 50 122 50
90 00 90 00
13 50 13 50
24 40 24 40
400 400
4 00 4 00
Total $673 60 673 60
Dated, Lansing, Nov. 9th, 1871
J. M. WOODBURY, Supervisor,
Will. H. )!ITCH, "
0. M. AVERY, Town Clerk.
i certify that the above le a true copy of the
bills audited by the Town Board of Lansing.
Dated, this 9th day of November. 1871.
0. M. AVERY, Town Clerk.
At a special meeting of the Town
Board of the Town of Lansing, held
at Burr's Hall, at Ludlowville, in
said town, on the 10th clay of Octo-
ber, 1871, all the members being
present, at the request 'of Myron
Halliday, Commissioner of High-
ways of said town, it was
Resolved, That the Town Board of said
town hereby give consent that said Com-
missioner contract with the King Iron
Bridge Company of Cleveland, Ohio, for
the construction of a single track bridge
across Sanson Creek, in the Villagejo
Ludlowville, on the road leading to Ith-
aca, at an expense not exceedipg two
thousand dollars.
(Signed) J. M. WOODBURY, Supervisor,
Wal. FITCn, "
I certify that the above is a true copy
cf the original on file in this office.
• O. M. AVERY, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
I. M. Woodbury, Supervisor 53 27
Darius Hall, Justice Peace 36 40
W. H. Fitch, 25 25
Joshua Brown `• 20 00
J. M. Woodbury, " 20 00
0. M. Avery, Town Clerk 21 90
S. A. Brown 33 08
C. VanBuekirk, Constable 1 50
interest on Cayug Lake R. R. bonds2,625 00
Abstract of the names of all per-
sons who presented accounts to be
audited by the Board of Town
Auditors of the Town of Newfield,
on the 9th day of November, 1871.
No. Claim'd Allow'd
1 Simon Freese, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
2 Agustus Brown. inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
8 Nathaniel Henry, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
4 I. C. Rockwell, clerk of elec-
tion 4 00 400
5 Alvah Brown, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
6 George Ham, clerk of election 4 00 4 00
7 John J. Cornish, " " 4 00 4 00
8 M. C. Whitney, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
9 D. M. Kellogg, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
1 , u
10 L. H. Taber. inspector cf elec-
tion 4 00 4 00
11 John Sebring. surveyor . -1 50 1 50
12 Samuel Simpson, excess of tax 4 77 4 77
13 P. r. Dudley. bonding cumm'r 80 05 86 05
14 Merritt King, 80 40 30 93
15 Amos Shaffer,. " 30 05 30 05
16 T. Boardman. railroad bonds 78 23 78 23
17 D. Tarbell, rcgieter'g town " 31 40 34 40
18 Andrew Smith, constable 7 20 7 20
19 Abram Brown, assessor 26 00 .26 00
20 S. P. Dudley, commissioner60 00 60 04
21 Wm. I 'outclass, 40 00 40 00
22 Alvah Brown, nee of house10 00 10 00
23 George W. Ham, ex -clerk 4 00 4 00
24 Wm. R. Smith, overseer of the
poor. 10 00 10 00
25 Geo. D. Goldsmith, constable56 20 56 20
26 Jonathan Stamp, des of house 22 00 22 00
27 Martin Brower, cono-tutde7 00 7 00
28 John Beardsley. assessor 33 00 33 t0
29 Oney Daesance, 30 00 30 00
30 J. G. Rumsey,cobstable 10 05 10 05
31 H. S. Rockwell, inspector of
election 8 00 8 00
32 Geo. K. Teeter, excess of tax 8 52 8 52
33 J. W. Dean, clerk bfassessors 12 00 12 00
34 0. A. Seely, commissioner of
highways 5100 5100
35 L. D. Hamilton, constable14 13 14 1:3
86 Henry C. Smith, excess of tax 7 50 7 50
37 Benj. Starr, use of house 20 00 20 00
38 Commissioners of Highways1082 01 1082 01
89 Samuel Colegrove, constable2 00 2 00
Total ' $1826 01 1826 01
We do certify that the foregoing abstract is
C. C. Coon, Supervisor,
E. C. Tumor, Justice,
WM. E. FARMER, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
Nelson Cutter, Justice Peace 10 00
E. C. Thorn, 8 00
John W. Dean, 64 36 15
Benj. Starr, 66 36 60
Wm. C.. armer, Town Clerk 41 00
C. C. Cook. Supervisor 61 20
Interest on Penusylvauia & Sodus Bay
R. R. bonds 3,640 00
$3,832 95
We, the undersigned, composing
the Board of Town Auditors of the
Town of Ulysses, met, in accord-
ance with the requirements of the
law, for the purpose of auditing
accounts against said town, on
Thursday, Nov. 9th, 1871.
No. • ClaimtdjAllow'd
1 J. D. Lewis, physician 38 25 38 25
2 J. M. Stout, inspector of elec-
tton 854 854
8 J. & J. D. Lewis, physicians57 25 57 25
4 Elias Smith, inspector of elec-
tion and overseer of the poor 7 00 7 00
5 L. B. Curry, assessor 27 00 27 00
6 Isaac Bullard, use of house41 00 41 00
7 Thos. Vann, commissioner of
highways 80 00 30 00
8 Oscar Wilson, printing 8 75 8 75
9 J, M. Farrington, phyt•i,lan14 75 14 75
10 A. V. Van Liew, ex -commis
sioner of highways . 11 23 11 23
11 A. 11. Quigley, overseer of poor 10 25 10 25
12 S. G. Williams, constable . . 18 65 18 55
13 J. U. Pease, inspector of elec-
tion... 4 00 4 00
14 Stephen Young, inspector of
election 6 00 6 00
15 L. D. Krum, assessor 27 00 27 00
16 E. S. Pratt, 40 00 48 00
17 David smoke. constable 26 00 23 00
18 R. H. Fish, 21 40 21 40
19 M. T. Rohe, inspector of elec-
tion 4 00 4 00
20 A. P. Sears., use of house for
election 15 00 15 00
21 J. 1'. King, 1. Spector of elec-
lecttion 4 00 4 00
22 J. 1). Smith. clerk of election 5 00 5 00
23 T. Boardman, c.erk of election 4 00 4 00
24 J. D. Smith, attorney 10 00 10 00
25 R. Dunning, physician 20 00 20 00
26 11. 1). Barco, R. R. commies'r 70 00 76 00
27 T. Boardman, " " 137 13 137 13
29 I'. II. Farrington," " 60 00 60 00
29 W. Hooker, printing 7 00 • 7 00
3•1 C. H. Howe, It. It. cummiss'r 6 00 6 00
:31 T. J, McElheny," 13 00 13 00
32 0. K. Dean, constable. 7 00 7 00
33 H. G. Cooper, clerk of election 4 co 4 00
:34 C. VanAmburgh, insp. •' 6 00 6 00
35 Geo. Rightmire, cleik „ 2 00 2 00
Total $785 10 78.510
THOMAS BOWER23. Supervisor,
J. R. EMERY, Justice,
S. Ct.ouGH,
. S. BERLEW, '
R. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk.
I certify this to be a true copy of the Town
Audits now nu file in my office.
R. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
J. R. Emery, Justice Peace 60 25
D. A. VanKirk, excess of tax, 1870 16 69
J. D. Bouton, Commissioner of High-
S. Clough, Justice Peace
S. Burlew
R. C. Taylor, Town Clerk
J. D. Lewis, excess tax
S. M. Paddock, Commissioner of Iligh-
ways 24 00
Jacob Carman, Justice Peace 19 55
Stephen Clough, 2 h0
Thomas Bowel, 2nd, Supervisor 74 85
Interest on Pennsylvania & Sodas Bay
R. R. bonds 5.250 00
17 00
16 00
18 PO
66 00
12 06
$5,582 90
Saturday, Dec. 9th, 1871.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present ex-
cept Mr. Stevens.
On motion of Mr. Smith,
Resolved, That the several towns of this
County be empowered to elect a game
constable in accordance with the provis-
ions of Chap. 721, Laws of 1871.
Mr. Smith offered the followjr •
preamble and resolution, which 1' •
adopted by the Board :
WHEREAS, The bill of G. H. Houtz, for
armory rent, amountir.g to $44.66, from i
Aug. 1st, 1870, to Nov. 1st, 1871, was not
in time to be audited by this Board, there-
fore, be it
Resolved, That the County Treasurer be
and is hereby directed to pay the said G.
11. Houtz $44.66, out of any monies in
his hands not otherwise appropriated
said payment to be in full of said hill:
On'motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved, That the County Treasurer be
and is hereby directed to pay Joseph Ed-
sall, for repairs on Jail, the sum of $13.50,
out of any monies in his hands not other-
wise appropriated.
Mr. Williams offered the follow -
The Board then engaged in sign -
ng the warrants of collectors.
On motion of Mr. Smith,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board
be tendered to Josiah Halves, Chairman,
for the impartial manner in which he has
presided over its deliberations.
On motion of Mr. Wolcott,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board
are hereby tendered to E. C. Van Kirk,
for the faithful, efficient and impartial
manner in which he has discharged his
duties as Clerk.
On motion of Mr. Stevens the
Board adjourned sine die.
ing preamble and resolution, which
were adopted by the Board:
WilEnt.As, The Legislature has appro-
priated to the Ladies' Union Benevolent
Society, of Ithaca, the apportionment be-
longing to this County of, the Orphan
Asylum Lund, and as, by resolution of this
Board, the same has been directed to he
placed to the credit of the general County
fund, therefore,
Resolved, That the Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to pay over to the
proper officer or officers of the said Ladies'
Union Benevolent Society, all monies re-
ceived or to come into his bands from
such fund.
On motion of Dr. Cook,
Iu;solred, That the Supervisor of the
town of Ithaca having taken an appeal
from the action of this Board in equaliz-
ing the towns, we theretore authorize the
Chairman of this Board to appoint a com-
mittee of three to defend the action of
this Board, before the Comptroller, in
such manner as they -may think proper,
On niotion Board adjourned un-
til afternoon.
• Afternoon Session.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present.
The Chairman appointed the fol-
lowing committee, In accordance
with the resolution of Dr. Cook :
Dr. C. C. Cook. Thos. Bower, 2nd, John
On.motion of Mr. Woodbury the
Chairman was added to the above
ABSTRACT of charges against the
several towns.
General Purposes $520 12
Schools .
New Capitol
County Expenses.......
Town Audits, .. ..
Sup't of Poor
Support of Poor
472 84
756 54
141 85
249 03--2140 38
1391 79
702 08
6 12
750 00
Total $5090 37
General Purposes $ 555 40
Schools' 504 91
Bounty 807 86
New Capitol 151 47
Canal 265 92-2285 56
County Expenses1486 20
Town Audits 767 24
Sup't of Poor 140 27
Total ... $4679 27
General Purposes - $1725 38
Schools .... 15138 53
Bounty . 2509 65
New Capitol 470 56
Canal 826 09-7100 21
County Expanses 4616 95
Town Audits 1086 91
Return Tax 34 36
Sup't of Poor 382 38
Support of Poor 300 00
Highways .... 5250 00
Total $18770 81
General Purposes ....$ 455 25
413 86
662 18
124 16
217 97-1873
New Capitol
Canal '
County Expenses
Town Audits
Sup't of Poor
Highways ..... .
Int. on P.&S.B.R.It.
1750 00
$6149 01
General Purposes $1056 17
Schools 960 16
Bounty 1536 25
New Capitol 288 05
Canal 505 68-4346
County Expenses 2826
Town Audits
Return Tax
Sup't of Poor..........
Support of Poor
Highways ..........
Int. on S. C. R. R
Int. on I. & C. R. R.
787 15
5 57
109 62
400 00
550 00
3500 00
1632 54
$14157 40
Gen&al Purposes $3619 21
- Schools. • 3290 19
Bounty..... ..... 5264 31
New Capitol 987 06
Canal 1732 83-14893 6
County Expenses
Town Audits
Return Tax
Sup't of Poor
Support of Poor
Int. on I. & A. R. R
Int. on I. & G. R. R
T. & A. R. R. for sink-
ing fund
General Purposes......$1594 50
Schools 1449 55
Bounty 2319 28
New Capitol..... 434 86
County Expenses
Town Audits
Return Tax
Sup't of Poor
Int. on C. L. R. R
763 43-6561 62
4266 72
885 CO
23 80
105 91
2250 00
2625 00
Total......... ..... ....$16718 05
General Purposes......$ 594 10
Schools 540 09
Bounty 864 14
New Capitol . 162 03
Canal284 45-2444 81
County Expenses1589 74
Town Audi's... 2018 96
Sup't of Poor .. 90 20
Int. on P.&S.B.RR.
Bonds:• 3640 00
Total$9783 71
General Purposes......$1261 03
Schools 1146 39
Bounty 1834 23
New Capitol........ 343 92
Canal 603 77-5189
County Expenses
Town Audits
Return Tax
Sup't of Poor
Int. on P. & S. B. R. R
9684 64
13862 77
403 13
353 67 Caroline
1000 00 Danby..
250 00 Dryden
?1000 00 Groton
7000 00 Lansing
1 U12, sses .
113 8
3374 39
1118 00
75 52
76 85
5250 00
Total . 4
. $15084 10
.$ 5090 37
. .................... 4679 29
18770 81
6149 01
14157 40
68447 81
16718 05
9783 71
15084 10
$68561 62 Total..... .$158880 53
26 .
"TATaMENT showing the amennt of compensation
audited by the Board of Supervisors of Tomp-
kins County, to the members thereof, within
the past year, thettems and nature of such com-
pensation, the number of 'days the Board has
been in session, and the number of miles trav-
elled by the members respectively, in attending
County Canvass and the meetings of the
• y.
Days with Co. Can'rs. •
•:.acc.aaoc,aDays withB rd
: 1C �X?X?Xd r Board.
�. i'er diem allowance.
gam$52i Miles traveled.
�,'w: - iow-a.•- Mileage.
Ne �?N�e`gi5$$iso°i2a Copying roll.
]D t0
w.v.vou,..-.00w Miscellaneous.
+gr,z,t llemQB Total.
ttnvtsons' Roost, Dec. 3d, 1871. d
1 y
D m°pA.
ccgre$4�08 in03ee • • •
Icnh5,5!re at,_. Acres of land.
P. c a ,p$�
�!•�f�Aseeseed valve o *m°
>icl�S�cT�cmt:''ou realEeta[E.� smg
NIi7~1a—.m,—.- Assessed valve of e 4n
8•6oEeooeoaea personal estate. o�
gac, caiS Corrected aggregate t9 a
H s'toGOaocaSY: valuation. S'mo
m os
G til
alPg ell
E rot -w% .7 cn_a
6r Ai
Amount of town
Amount of county
Amountof8tate tax
for schools.
I S�°.�+a� yg Amount of state yo OPszez—ooaF.28„itaxes,exclusiveof
school tax.
Aggregate taaatien.
og000000o Rate of tax an $1
t°— valuation.
I, E. C. Van Kirk, Clerk of the Board
of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins,
o hereby unity that the precedingg is a
rue statement of the Aggregate Valua-
I hereby certifythat the Board of Supervis. t
ars of Tompkins County, were in session one day i
to making County Canvass; and sixteen and one
half days in November,1871. as a Board of Super- t
visors, and that the number of miles necessarily •
travelled by the members of the Board in per- s
formance of their duties; is as above stated, and 1
further certify. that.no accounts were audited bylt
said Board, without being properly verified ac-
sording to law. •
. E. C. VAN$IR11,
Clerk of Board of Supervisors, Tompkins (;o.
on of the Real and Personal Estates in
he several Towns and Wards in said
ounty, as corrected by said Board of
upervlsors, at their Annual Meeting in
he month of November, 1871.
E. C. VANKIRli, Clerk.
For the Year 1876.
The Board of:Supervisors of Tompkins County met in their room Nov. l6th,1876.
Taos. W. Bun" Clerk of the former Board, organized the meeting and called
the roll. The members were all present, as follows:
C. L. WATTLES, Dem..
NELSON STzynns, Rep.
JAs. M. WoonBURY, Rep.
On motion of Mr. C. L. WATTLES, NELsoN STEVENS of Groton, was made tem-
porary Chairman.
On motion of Mr. KING, an informal ballot was taken for permanent Chairman.
D. L. BURTT, 3
J. P. KING, 1
The formal ballot resulted as follows :
D. L. BURTT, 1
Blank, 1
On motion of Mr. BURTT, Mr. WATTLES was declared unanimously elected
Chairman of the Board.
Ballot for Clerk was,
IIe was declared unanimously elected.
On motion of Mr. MARVIN, a ballot was had for Janitor.
The vote was, J. WILSON, 5
J. Jcllinsox 2
Blank, 1-9
On motion of Mr. STEVENS, Mr. WILSON was declared unanimously elected.
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That all bilis and demands presented to this Board be referred to the
proper committees without further action of the Board.
On motion of Mr. STEVENS,
Resolred, That all resolutions presented to this Board by the members be in writ-
ing, unlees otherwise ordered by the Board.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed not to deliver any of the
ToWn or County orders audited at this session of this Board until after its adjourn-
On motion of Mr. VANKInK,
Resolved, That the sessions of this Board shall commence at 8 a. m. and 2 p. In.
Mr. BuRrr and Mr. BEERS were appointed to furnish conveyances for the Board
on its annual visit to the County Poor House.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That all County orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the
Chairman, and all Town orders by the Supervisors of their several Towns.
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay to the order of the Rev.
Joseph Wade (in the place of the Rev. E. R. Wade), fifty dollars, for services as
Chaplain at the County House during the past year, that amount having been
appropriated at the last session of the Board of Supervisors for that purpose.
The Clerk read the following reports:
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
SIR:—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of real and personal estate
required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 177 of the laws of 1836, and for-
earded to this office previvts to the second Monday in December in each year,
under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return of Incorporated
Companies liable to taxation. It is indispensable Putt this Report be furnished by the
time prescribed.
The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the laws of
1859, have filed the aggregate valuation of property in your County, at the sum of
$10,062,269, upon which amount a State tax of $34,798.68 must be levied for the
current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1876, as provided in said act and
amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, laws of 1874, being 3 11.24 mills on the dollar
for the following purposes, viz.:
For Schools, ...... .1j mills, per Chapter 381, Laws of 1876.
For General Purposes, including New Cap-
itol, ete - ....................1% "II 381, " 1876.
For Bounty Debt 34 " " " 81, " 1876.
Total.... ........ .... 3 11.24 mills.
Your obedient servant,
L. ROBINSON, Comptroller.
OvID, N. Y., September 1, 1876.
To the Treasurer and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
SIRS—The number of insane persons in the Asylum chargeable to your county
at this date is 25.
As it is probable the number will be added to during this year, by new admin-
sions, rather than diminished, allowance for the increase should be made.
The charge for board of patients for the ensuing year has been fixed at three
dollars per week, and is based upon the actual cost of support tor the past year.
It is estimated there will be required for the maintenance of the patients now in
the Asylum for the ensuing year, the sum of $3,900, and for clothing, $500. Total
You are respectfully requested to bring to the notice of the Board of Supervisors
at its next meeting, the contents of this letter, in order that the Board may act
understandingly in raising the amount necessary to meet the bills transmitted
quarterly from this Asylum.. •
In order to comply with the spirit and letter of the law, which requires that all
purchases for the Asylum be made for cash, and prohibits the Trustees from con-
tracting debts, the Board of Supervisors is respectfully requested to make the requi-
site'provision for the support of patients in the Asylum, to enable the Treasurer to
meet the current expenditures as they occur.
Respectfully yours
J. B. THOMAS, Treasurer.
BINGaAnrroN, N. Y., Nov. -13,'1876.
Clerk of•Supervisors Tompkins Co.:
DEAR SIR:—Enclosed please find bills due the Susquehanna Valley Home from
your County, as follows :
Bills due April 1, 1876, principal . ........$ 90 88
" " July 1, 1876, " 130 00
i. " Oct. 1, 1876, "
•••112 45
$333 31
I am directed by John M. Smith, Esq., one of your Superintendents, to send the
enclosed bills to you. The arrangement made by one of your Superintendents (his
name I have forgotten), with the managers of the Home was, that your County
would pay interest after bills were due. I have not added it, but should your Su-
pervisors ratify his arrangement you can do so
Respectfully yours,
A. C. MATTHEWS, Treas. of 8. V. Home.
Mr. KING presented the following reports, which were accepted:
J. P. KING, Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses:
SIR:—As Commissioners appointed in relation to binding the town of Ulysses in
aid of the Pennsylvania and Scdu3 Bay Railroad, referring to our report of Nov. 9,
1875, we herewith report for the past year:
Amount of bonds originally issued, seventy-five thousand dollars, ($75,000 00,)
with semi-annual interest at seven per cent. per annum.
Amount of bonds purchased and canceled the past year, eleven hundred dol-
lars, ($1,100 00.)
Total amount of bonds purchased and canceled, four thousand one hundred
dollars, ($4,100.)
Leaving a balance against the town unpaid of seventy thousand nine hundred
dollars, ($70,900.)
There is a balance after making provision for all coupons due, of twenty-three
and 20-100 dollars, ($23 20.) which is now in the hands of A. M. Holman.
The interest required by law to be raised the ensuing year is five thousand two
hundred and fifty dollars ($5,250), and it will be necessary to raise by tax the fore-
going amount for interest as aforesaid. The law also requires to be raised by tax
at least one per cent. as a sinking fund, which will be seven hundred fifty dollars
($750), making a total to be raised as required by law of six thousand dollars ($6,000.)
We hereby recomr.:end that the aforesaid sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000),
be raised by direct tax on the town for the purposes above stated, and hereby cer-
tify that the above amount, with the statements herein made, are to the best of our
knowledge true and correct.
Dated Trumansburg, November 5, 1876.
A. M. HOLMAN, Commissioners.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
In accordance with Chapter 552, laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of
the town of Ulysses to De as tonows, viz :
Bonds issued to the Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Co., under the act to facilitate the
construction of Railroads; passed by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May
18th, 1869:
Amount of Bonds issued ....................
.................... .... $75,000
Rate of interest, 7 per cent.
Amount of principal paid Nov. 6th, 1876.... 4,100
Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 9t1i, 1876........ 70,900
Amount of interest becoming due March 1st, 1877........... 2,625
Amount of interest becoming due Sept. 1st, 1877 ............. ... 2,625
Total amount of indebtedness ....$76,150
J. P. KINGI, Supervisor.
The following reports were adopted:
In accordance with Chapter 652, laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of
the- Town of Enfield to be as follows:
Bonds issued by Commissioners appointed by the County Judge of said
County in favor of Penn. & Sodus Bay R. R. under the act to facilitate
the construction of railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1850, and
amended May 18th, 1869.
Amount of bonds issued .. $25,000 00
Rate of interest seven per cent. Amount of interest coming duo the
ensuing year 1,760 00
Sinking fund as recommended by railroad commissioners of said town600 00
Sinking fund in the hands of commissioners of said town 1,007 98
Total amount of indebtedness less Sinking fund ............:.......... 26,742 02
Railroad bonds held ................... 25,000 00
To L. H. VANKIRK, Supervisor of the Town of Enfield :
We the undersigned Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Enfield wouldre-
spectfully report :
. That there has been issued against the Town aforesaid, Bonds to the amount of
twenty-five thousand dollars to aid in the construction of the Pa. & Sodus Bay R. R.,
and that we hold certificate of Capital Stock of said R. R. Company for the above
amount. That the property belonging to said company has passed out of their
hands, owing to mortgage foreclosure and sale of said property.
The bonds outstanding against said Town of Enfield, bear even date of Septem-
ber 1st, 1871, and bear interest at seven per cent payable semi-annually on the 1st
of March and September of each year; Interest and Principal payable at the office
ENFIELD, Nov. 8, 1876.
of the Union Trust Co. of New York. The amount of money required to pay the
interest to become due the next year is seventeen hundred and fifty dollars, 01750 00),
and we ask you to assess and levy a tax for that amount against said town to meet
said interest when due.
We would also report : That we now have on hand and securely invested a
Sinking Fund amounting to one thousand and seven 98.100 dollars. and we farther
request you to raise in like manner by tax the sum of five hundred dollars to be
applied on said Sinking Fund toward the final liquidation of said bonds as provi-
ded by Section Six, Chapter 907 of laws of 1869.
WILLIAM MILLER.Commissioners.
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York.
We the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Lansing,duly appointed under
the provisions of an act of the legislature of the State of New York, entitled an
act to facilitate the construction of the New York and Oswego Midland Railroad
and to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof passed April 5th,
1866, and of the several acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, do
respectfully report that the consent in writing of a majority of the taxpaying inhab-
itants of said town of Lansing authorized the execution and issue of bonds of said
town to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars to be used to aid in the con-
struction of the said New York and Oswego Midland Railroad and its branches,
that under that authority we have executed, issued and sold seventy-five thousand
dollars of bonds of said town, that said bonds were all sold at par, and the amount
of money so raised by us was expended by us In the purchase of stock in the said
New York & Oswego Midland Railroad, and the security we hold for the same is
the stock of the New York & Oswego Midland Railroad to the amount of seventy-
five thousand dollars, the scrip for which is in our possession.
And we further report that no part of the principal of said bonds is due or to be-
come due.or payable within the ensuing year, that no dividends have been paid or
received by us upon said stock. And we further report that the interest is now
due on the aforesaid seventy-five thousand dollars from the first day of September,
1873, until the first day of September, 1876, amounting to ....$15,750 00
Likewise the interest to become due from the first day of September, 1876,
to the first day of September, 1877, payable on the first day of March,
and the first day of September, 1877, amounting to ..... 5,250 00
Total .......................... ..... $21,000 00
Which sum of twenty one thousand dollarsyour bond is by authority of the afore-
said acts authorized and required to cause to be assessed and levied and collected
upon the real and personal property of said town of Lansing, and to cause the
same when collected to be paid to us as such commissioners to be applied to the pay-
1n rtt of tic amount of interest nDw due and so to become due and payable during
the coming- year, and that duty you are respectfully requested to perform.
Dated, Lansing, Nov. 15, 1876.
CIIAs. G IIAGIN, Commissioners.
On motion of Mr. KING,
IVtuutE.As, The down ci Ulysses having passed, at its last annual Town Meeting,
a resolution purporting that hereafter the Town Meetings in said town should be
held by election districts, therefore be it
Res:deed, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three to prepare an act to bo
passed by the Board to carry into effect a law passed June 5th, 1575, by the Legis-
attu•e of the State, allowing the several towns to so hold their Town Meetings.
Messrs. KING, STEVENS and BURTr, were appointed a committee in accordance
with the above resolution.
After further preliminary work the Board, at 6 p. in.. on motion of Mr. Marvin
Board met at 8 a. m.
Roll call and all members present.
• On motion of .lfr. VANhIRIi,
Resolved, Th At in accordance witlt the law of the State this Board do now proceed
to visit the County Poor Ilouse for the purpose of making an examination of the
premises and noting what is necessary to be done there.
The Board spent the day in accordance with the above resolution, returning ia
the evening.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Committees were at work during the day, and previous to the adjournment, un-
til Nov. 23th, inst. at 10 a. tn., the followiu, resolutions were passed.
On motion of Mr. MAnvts,
Rs39,'ee.l, That the Committee on Repairs be requested to procure cushions for the
chairs iu the Supervisors Rooms.
On motion of Mr. STEVENS,
Rer:lved, That we extend the time of receiving the County Clerk's bills from the
19th until the 22d inst.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Ro11 call.
Minutes of Saturday read and approved.
On motion of Mr. DING,
Resolved, That the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars, 41;250) bo levied and
assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses for highway and bridge
purposes, two hundred and fifty dollars, ($250) upon the application of the Commis.
sioners of Highways, and one thousand dollars, ($1,000,) pursuant to a resolution
passed at the last annual town meeting.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars be assessed to the
town of Danby for the repair of roads and bridges, as per estimate of the Commis-
sioner of Highways of said town.
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That the Superintendents of the Poor be and aro hereby authorized to
employ a Chaplain for the County Poor House at a salary not exceeding fifty dol-
lars, and to be paid upon an order of the Superintendents on the County Treasurer.
On motion of Mr. ' OODBURY,
Reso'ved, That the Clerk of this Board be authorized and directed to draw an or
der on the County Treasurer for thirty dollars for ten copies of Thomsons Super-
visors' Manual.
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
Resolved, That Grand Jury list be apportioned among the several towns of tho
county at the saute proportion as in 1875.
The following reports were accepted :
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, in accordance with Chapter
652 laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the town of Lansing, to be
as follows, viz:
Bonds bearing interest at 7 per cent issued by the Commissioners of the Cayuga
Lake Rail Road, seventy five thousand dollars `75,000 00
Cayuga Lake Rail Road Stock held by said Commissioners for the benefit of said
town .... $75,000 00
'Bonds bearing -interest at'seven per cent issued bythe Conmissioneis of the New
York and Oswego Midland Rail•Road,-seventy-five thousand dollars.. .•.$;5,000 00
New York and Oswego Midland Rail Road Stock held by said Commissioners.
for the benefit of said town.. • ,. : $$75,000 00
'The above report is basal entirely upon the statement of the Rail.' Road 'Commis:,
`sioncrs of the turn, and I deem it proper -to so far qualify my report as to• state
that I cannot say anything in reference to the issuing of said Bonds or of the holding
:of the Stock of said Roads for the benefit of said town of my own personal.. knowl-
'edge, and the legality of the proceedings in reference to the bonding of said town -
for thebenefit of said roads being now in litigation, I am -unable to present` a. cleft
nite report of the indebtedness of said town on account of said roads until the finale
decision of the suits now pending in reference thereto.
' Dated Nov.: 201h, 1876. - . • J. M.WOODBUP.Y,
Roll call.
Minutos of Monday were read and adopted.
Bills to No. 69 were passed upon by the Board:
On motion of L. II. VANKIRE,
Resolved, That in accordance with the request of the Commissioner of Highways; -
.of the town of Enfield, I would ask that the sum of two hundred and fifty. .dollars
be levied and collected from said town, for the purpose of defraying the expensee
• :of highways during the coming year.
.Board granted hearing at 2 p.m. 22nd inst., for S. Love, Esq., in behalf of Z. ,Tyler.
The following paper was served upon the Board
Circuit Court, United States :
Judgment rendered against the Town of Lansing, in favor of Francis H. Brown:
Time of docketing judgment, Nov. 21, 1876, 11 a. m.
Perfected in U. S. Circuit Court, Northern District N. Y , Nov. 17, 1876, 2. p. m.
Damages, . „ •$3,516 61
Costs, ,
' 130 46 '
3,647 07
(.certify the above is a correct transcript from thc.Docket of Judgment
( ' j kept inIuy office: • . D. TARBELL, Clerk.:' '
Dated Ithaca, Nov. -21, 1876.
'FRANCIS 1i. ,13i�('WNi l
Il �iltl25t �_
TILE'1'otv_N_ur LAN•
The certified copy of docket of judgment in Hits case, now before you 'shows
amount clue Nuv.,17th, 1376, *3,647 07
Interest cinnputed to 1st Monday in Feb. 7, 1877,_ is. . ... 56 02'
for.certified copy of judgment roll herewith-'67_l•olios, 10c.. 6 70'
.To, L,e,levied, assessed and collected.
To rho Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :
The petition of Francis 1I. Brown of the city , of Boston, in tire. State of - Massa •
chusctts,.by David Wright, of the city of Auburn, in the State"uf New York; his
Attorney respectfully shows • .
.Ttirt your petitioner on the 17th day.of November, 1S76, recovered a judgment, •
in. the Circuit -Court of the United States for the Northern` District of New York .
against the i'own,of Lansing, one of the towns in said County. of Tompkins for the
sun, of three thousand six hundred and forty seven dollars and seven cents, duuia-
ges, interest .and costs. A certified copy of the record of which judgment . is 'here-
with presented.
And your petitioner by his aforesaid. Attorney further shows, that said jedgnient
• 11as.not been suspended by Writ of Error or otherwise, nor Inas said judgment ;been
.paid or satisfied, but the whole .of said sum of three thousand six hundred and forty
seven dollars and seven cents, together with interest thereon from the said seven
tecnth day•of November, 1876, remains duc.and wholly unpaid thereon:
`Your petitioner therefore prays, that you. as the Board of Supervisors •of the.
County of Tompkins, will add the amount of said judgment, toether with interest
thereon from the said seventeenth day of November, 1876,(the time when the same
was so as aforesaid recorded) to the first Monday in February next, and also the
expenscs•of said certified copy of said judgment record, to the tax to be laid upon
.said Town of Lansing, to be assessed, levied and collected as other contingent ,
charges of said town, to be paid by the County Treasurer to your petitioner.
,Dated_at Auburn, N. Y. this 23d day of Nov. 1876.
by RATIO \VRIGIIT, his Attorney.
David Wright of the city of Auburn, N. Y., being duly affirmed says, that ho. •
is au Attorney and Counselor of the Circuit Court of the,, United States, or tit
- Northern District of New York, that he acted as such Attorney and, Counsel for
Francis 1I. Brown, the petitioner named in the foregoing petition, in the action. in
which the judgment mentioned and referred to. in.said petition. was recovered "and,
SUPERV1SOI:s' 1'ItneEEDINas. i3
that he is the Attorney for saii petitioner, and as such., au Ionized to lake
sat,y and proper means to codes- the monies clue and to gr:,ec clue thereon
Thathe,,tltis :lflirmaut has react the foregoing petition, and knows the e(UI!; nts.
thereof, and thatthe same arc rue of his own knowledge. D. \VIII ;IIT. •
Aftirnud before me this 23:1 day of Nov. 1876.
A. M. 1VIIITE. Notary` Pubic.
At 12 m. the Board adjourned.
At 2 p. in. the Board convened. Committee of ladies from the the State' Cheri- . .
. ties Aid Society visited the Board, and Mrs C M Titus on behalf Of said society
made 0 statement and presented the following petition.
To the honorable; The Board of Supervisor's of Tompkins County- :' •
The members of the Visiting Ccmuuittee State Charities Aid Society, in their-
several visits to the County House have been greatly impressed with 1he. need of a
clial ge in the quarters at present Irrocidcd for the invalids of Ihe. iustituti fru
It no doubt has come to the notice of your• honorable body, that there is not in
the County }louse a suitable hospital 10001 or at.least a separate room for the s —k. ,\
It being the custom to have the sick and well, the boisterous 11011 unfeeling, idiots
any= there be, occupying the, same rooms. To the aged sick, to the new 'n s, . to
the debilitated, to those suffering ones, the custom of having the inmates c;f. the .
County House, sick and well in the same apartments must be so painful ant- ag
gravo1ing that We trust some change nae be made. This cap •only, be dome by
• providing apartments separate from those in common use. Rooms so located as to
• be quiet, and in every particular comfortable, well ventilated and lirovidecl with •
the modern sick•roomt appurtenances.'
-.-Wt; appear here to-do to earnestly request your honorable body to take such ac-
tion in the premises as will provide the way and means to..c:tuse tate additional
roiens to be constructed for the purpose above mentioned.. We do 'not • ileum it
necessary to particularize the many objections that inn be made to the present .,:.=
rangenetts', nor tri allude in an intrusive manner to any of the prevailing cus!nnls •
WhicL Gait be'said as to the consistency of our request, brit Nye HIT: eo0S!raincd '10
believe that your Honorable Body. will entirely cencul' with its, and•that whatever is
expedient anti pt•cpe•r w111 be clone.
Wethe numbers of "The State Charities, Tompkins County Visiting. Commit-
tee," in the perk:: fiance ()four duties, feel that we Ile not overstep the• hounds of
propriety in taking the liberty of bringing to vont. notice in this manner,, vi'hnt to
seems :All important measure .of reform and progress in the mauiagement'ot' the
County 1fduse. for the needy and afflicted. We therefore bcg that you will cunsid.
e1' 0111' rcgnest all of which we't•espectfully submit. • •
• '-The'ladies,ofthe 'State Charities, Tompkins County Visiting Association. •
Illiaca, Noir. 187G.
The petition- was ordered on the minutes.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
WHEREAS, The ladies of the Tompkins County Visiting Committee, having pre•
sentecl an application for an improvement in the County Poor House, for the better
accommodation of the sick, therefore be it
Resolved, That this Board appoint a committee of three to enquire into and en
deavor to make proper arrangements thereunto pertaining, said committee to re•
port duffing the present session.
Dr. Beers, Mr. Burtt and Mr. King were appointed a committee in accordance
with the above resolution.
The following document was served upon the Board:
JOIIN J. STEWART, )Judgment July 11, 1870,
is. Damages, $3,170 25
THE TOWN OF LANSING, Costs, 110 95 $3,287 20
Docketed at Utica, and transcript duly filed and docketed at Clerk's Office of
Tompkins County, at Ithaca, Oct. 14, 1876.
JAS. R. COX, Plaintiff's Attorney.
Auburn, N. Y.
The Board then adjourned.
Ron call, and all members present.
Minutes of 21st read and approved.
On motion the Town Abstracts of Enfield, Dryden, Danby, Ithaca, Groton and
Lansing were accepted and allowed.
On motion the following reports were accepted :
To the Board of Super visors of Tompkins County :
Eighth Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, pursuant of
an Act of the Legislature passed April 17tH, '66.
Amount of Bonds issued for the Ithaca and Athens Road, $300,000 00
Expended for Ithaca and Athens Stock, 300,000 00
Ithaca and Athens Rail Road Stock 300,000 00
There will be required for the coming year to pay interest on said Bonds, and
'by virtue of said act, the sum of twenty-one thousand dollars, ($21,000), and ask
that the same may be assessed and levied upon the Town of Ithaca.
JOHN L. WHIT()N, S Commissioners.
Ithaca, Nov. 13, '76.
• :IIesollv:1 That in pursuance of Chapter 645, Laws of 1866, entitled An.Act to -
facilitate theeoristruction of the Ithaca and Towanda Railroad, by an'act of. Feb.
113th, 1870, now Ithaca and Athens' Railroad .Company, and to' authorize • town to
subscribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a notice served • upon, this Board; by
the,Connnissioners.of the town of Ithaca, there 'be levied and assessed upon the
taxable"property of the said town of Ithaca, the sum of twenty-one thousand dol-
lars, for the purposo of paying interest to become clue March 1st, 1877, upon the
own bonds issued for said Railroad and that the Supervisor of said town pay .said
sum to the Commissioners of said town to be expended for that purpose.
ITIIACA, November 20,.1876."
Report of the Commissioner of the Geneva &•Ithaca,Rail Road.
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: •
Thc'undersigned commissioners. report to your honorable body, that they have a
- • sinking tund ou hand in payment of bonds issued in aid of the Geneva and -Ithaca
Rai! Road, -as follows.
Bonds.issued in aid of said .road,...- ............ ........ $3,000 00
Accumulated interest on bonds, etc., .. .....................301 09
Total - . .. . .. $3,301 09
The bonding law of May 18, 1869, makes it obligatory on the commissioners at
ter three years, to call for. a tax of not less than one per cent. to be laid aside as a
sinking -fund for the payment of said bonded debt. The. three years having ex- ,
pired, we therefore ask"that your honorable body 'levy a tax on the taxable prop
erty of the Town of Ithaca, of not less than two per, cent. on $100,000.00; amount'
-,of bonds issued in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca Rail Road, for the purpose of cre-,
ating a sinking.fund provided by law.
C. 11 I. TITUS. Commissioners
'JOHN I;,UMSEY, I of the
Town of Ithaca.
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 907, Laws of 1869; enti-
tled an `act to amend an Act," to authorize the formation of Railroad corporations
and to regulate the same, passed April 2d, 1850, so as to permit municipal co•pora-
tions to -aid in the construction of railroads, passed May 18, 1869, and ,of a notice -
served upon this Board, by the Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for the Ge-
neva and Ithaca Railroad Company, then be levied and assessed upon the taxable.,
property of the town of Ithaca, the sum of two thousand dollars'($2,000), being, two
Iter cent of the bonds issued to aid in the construction of the Geneva and Ithaca•.
Railroad, for the purpose of creating a sinking fund as provided by law.
• 'To the'Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :
'In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws 1870, I,hereby'report the public debt -.of
theaown'of Ithaca to be as follows:
Bonds issued iVlarcli 1st, bearing interest at Seven ,per cent..:...... $300,00000
by Commissioners for I. S; A. It: R.
Arnount of.prineipal unpaid. . . ;$300;000 00
: Aiuount'of interest for the current year,— ....... .. . 21,000.00. -
Bonds issued Oct. 1st, 1871, payable Oct. 1st, 1901, by the Commis-
sioncrsfor.the Genua and Ithaca Railroad, interest on same, payable
semi-annually; 100,600 00 .;
Amount of interest coming"due April ist, ,1877 . . . .3,500 00',
,Amount of interest coming due October 1st, 1877 3;500 00
'$428,000 00
". Less sinking fund on hand in payment of bonds .. . ............. . . ",.301 09
$424,693 91.
D. L. BURTT, Supervisor.
I•rieAcA, November 20, 1876.
To the I-Ionorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins,:
'• Sixth Annual Report of tite Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for bonds is.
sued in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca Railltoad.
Amount of bonds issued in aid of said'road, $100,000 00
Interest to cone due April'lst, 1877,.... .. 3,500 00.
• -Interest to come due Oct. 1st, 1877 ................................. 3,.500 00 '
IVe therefore report that there will be required for the .coming year, to pay, in•.
terest on the said bond, the sum of seven thousand dollars. We therefore ask that
the same be assessed and levied upon tlic Town of Ithaca.
C. A[. TITUS, Commissioners
111 Town of Ithaca.
Resolead, Thatin pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, esti•
tled an Act to anlho•iza the fornialion of Railroad corporations and to regulate the
Same, passed April 2d, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to aiid in the
.cons:rnction of railroads, passedSfay 18, 1869, and of a notice- served upon this
Board. by the Co,:.missioners of the Town of Ithaca, for the Geneva and Ithaca
„Railroad Company, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable properly of the .
town of Ithaca, the sum-of"seven thousand dollars, to provide for interest tenting
due April 1st, 1877, and October 1st, 1877, on buds issued for tile' benefit of IIIc-
Geneva and Ithaca Railroad, and that the Supervisor of .the town of Ithaca,. pay- _
said sum to such Commissioners, to be expended fur that purpose.
On.motion cf. i\ir. I'irNG,
Resolvcr7,--T11at Joseph Willson be appointed County Sealer for the ensuing year. •
-The follewiug rcportswere accepted-:
` Resolted, That in Pursuance'of the provisions of Chapter 433; of t:hc.Laws of 1866-
•'entitledT"an'Act to facilitate the construction of :the Southern Central Raib.oid;',
surEnVIsors' •rubor:Entxcs.
and to authorize towns to subscribe to the ca phut stock • thereof, and .of a it 1!ice, • ;
served upon th`s marl by the Railroad Commissioners of the -town of Groton'• -
there be lt:v1cd•and assessed upon the taxable property id said town, the sum •.of.,
oneahonsand seVcnliundred and tiny dollars for the pnrposc'of paying t•ne iotcrest
'upon the Railroad Bonds issued by said 10 W and now nnp:ud. tind twelve thous
and 11ve.1 undred dollars as principal. The aggregate f,:urtecn 1hciusand two
died and fifty doi1ara, and Brat -the sante when collected be paid to 4Le Cotn nis-
sioucrs of said town appointed pursuant 10 this act. Ile it also •
' Rsdve:l, 'Phar in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 907 of ilr? Laws .of .1S69
and notice having been served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the town
`of Groton, there be levied and assessed upon the,iaxable property of said town :of
Groton thc,sunt of one thousand and thirty-six dollars and eighty eight cents for, •
• the purpose of paying the interest upon tin: Railroad bonds issued under this, et in
the totvn.of Groton, also the sum of one. hundred and fifty .dollars be levied. and.
assessed upon the taxable property of -the town of Groton fur the purpose .of crea-
ting a sinking Rintl, according to instructions in said Chapter 907 of the Laws of
1S69, and that the saniowhen collected be paid 10 the Commissioners of said town,
appointed under this act, to be expended for the above purpose.
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of .Tompkins
In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt' of
.the town of Groton to be as follows, viz :
Bonds remaining unpaid, issued by'Commissionc,rs bearing interest.at per,
-cent- for the Souihern Cental Railroad . •v25,h00 00
• Intcrest on the saute coming due the ensuing year;• .. . . 1,600 00
Bunds issued by Commissioners for the lthaca and Cortland Railroad; •
bearing interest at seven per cent_ payable semi-antutlly. 15,000.00
Intcrest on Baine coming due the ensuing year,. .. .. 1.016 S4
One Per cent on said Bonds for sinking fund .. . . .. 150.00 •
Total indebtedness, . . 'S-19.786:84
N. STEVENS, Supervisor.`
• To•the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
The report of the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Groton, appointed •
-. nuclei -the, Act entitled "an Act to facilit to the construction of the Southern, Ccn..
• tral.Railroad, and to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital' stock thereof`
• passed April7, 1336, respectfully shows, that they as such commissioners have. is-
-sned the bunds of said -town to the agi;rcgate amount of fifty thousand'doll, rs,• that
the whole.cf said bonds have been -sold Itytlte nndtrsioned as such. commissioners.
• That no dividends have been received by the undersigned, and there will become
due 111(1 payablc for principal and, interest upon Same. bonds during the etit .ensu:
ing year in -plc. -aggregate -the suet of twelve thousand five hundred• dollars, triuci
pal due on_same bonds, and the sum of seventeen hiindred and fifty dollars;. and •
those amounts will be required to pay said princilial,and interest.
And the undersigned as such Commissioners aforesaid, therefore request that
these amounts may be levied upon said town of Groton to pay said principal and
interest besides the expense of collection.
Dated at Groton, this eighteenth day of November, 1876.
of the
Town of Grcton.
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :
We the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Groton, appointed under the .
Actpassed 11tay 18th, 1868, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would:respectfully
subniit the following report:
That the amount of bonds issued in aid of tho Ithaca and Cortland Railroad
is •
.$15,000 00
That the amount of Town Bonds exchanged for Stock in the Cert -
land and Ithaca, versus U. I. & E. railroad, is....... 15,000 00
Tliat the interest falling due Feb. 1st, 1877; is five hundred and
,...twentyfive dollars (525), less thirteen and 21.100 dollars. The thirteen
an4 21.100 dollars is interest upon 8,525, loaned at five .per cent from
Feb. 1st, 1876, to August 1st, 1876, this being in accordance with in-
structions in Chapter 537, Laws of New York of 1871. Therefore we
ask foi an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds for Feb. 1st, 1817,
the sum of . . 511 88
Also, an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds, Aug. 1st, 1877,
of . . 525.00
Also, an appropriation for a sinking fund to liquidate bonds, of .... 150 00-
Aggregate . $1,186 88 •
•'We therefore report that will be required for the year 1877, to pay interest
on the above named bonds in addition to what is on hand, the sum of one thous-
. and thirty•six and SS -100 dollars, (:1;l,036 88). Also, one hundred and fifty -dol.
tars (x"150), as a sinking fund toward liquidation of said bonds.
-We therefore respectfully ask that the same be assessed and levied upon the tax--
ax-able property of said town of Groton.
,Dated at McLean, Nov. 17, 1876.
J. 13. HART.
1 Commissioners..
Roll call:
Mr. Samuel Love, Esq., made an argument before the Board in behalf of the Rev:
Z. Tyler. Mr. Tyler's property having been assessed contrary to law,' although his
own it is,on.record as the property. of his children. The question' was taken into
consideration by the Board.,.
The following Report of Committee on Printing was accepted :
GENTLEMEN -In accordance with the'requirements of the Board your coinmit
tee solicited proposals front the Ithaca Weekly Journal and Ithaca 1Veekly, Democrat,
• to publish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, also to publish two' thous-
and (2,000) copies of the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet forth. Matter to be ,
set in wide measure and printed on book paper.
In response to the above your committee have duly received the following pro=
posals from each of the printing companies, (viz) :
ITIIACA, Nov. 21, 1876.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
GE\TLE]IEN—The following is our estimate for publishing the proceedings ,of •
your body, publishing proceedings in Daily and Weekly .Journal, thirty- cents per .
-folio, publishing two thousand (2,004pamphiets, (not to exceed:32 pages] on book
paper, matter to be set in wide measure, seventy dollars, (870.00) and seventeen 50-
100, 017 50-100) dollars for every eight pages exceeding thirty two.
Respectfully etc.,
ITt!ACA, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1876.
To'the Committee on Printing, Board of Supervisors :.
...GENTLEMEN—We Will publish proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in Ithaca'
Denocrat for 30 cents per folio. r
- .We will print two thousand (2,000) copies of proceedings in pamphlet form: in
good type and on good paper, not to exceed 32,pages for eG5.00,,every additional
.eight pages for $16 25-100. _ • Yours very Respectfully, •
-In accordance with the proposals of. the Ithaca Weekly Journal and Ithaca.
Weekly Democrat your committee submit the following resolutions :
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed to contract with the Ithaca'•-
Wee1•ly Journal and Ithaca "Relay Democrat to publish the proceedingsof this Board
at 30 cents per folio.
That a full report of tate proceedings of the extra sessions of. the Board •
.of Superi•isors of 1875 and 1576, held.Feb. Sth, March 18th, April loth; Sept. 2d,
',:and the rcgplar.session of this Board of Supervisors be prepared by the Clerk who-
shall furnish the same to the, Ithaca, Democrat; for publication, and. contract' With
said-firin to publish 2,000 copies of the proceedings of the.Board in pamphlet form,
matter to be printed in }vide measure and'in good tape in accordance with the pro
posals submitted, the 2,000,copies.to be ready on the first day of January, 1877.
20 SUPEnVlsolls' t'RoCEEDrNGS
Rewlce1, That when the said pamphlets ore ready for delivery it shall be the duty
of the. clerk of this Board to examine the pamphlets and if in his judgment they :;re in
compliance with the contract he shall accept the same and disu•ibotc them to the
Supervisors of the several towns in proportion to the Grand Jury list.
W. 11'f)(.)DBURI. Commissioners.
Committees were engaged at comm'1tee work until adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of e\ cdnesday rend and approved.
Cummittcesbegan work and convened for adjournment at 12 m.
Roll call.
The abstract of Town Audits of Caroline was passed.
Committees engaged until adjournment.
Roll call.
On motion of Mr. WoormURY,
lirsaic-?, That each ofticcr .when conveying prisoners to the Monroe County Pen-
itentiary shall' be allowed eighteen dollars in full for all expenses and fees. and for
every additional prisoner when taken at the same time he shall he allowed four
dollars but in no case shall such 0111Cer be allowed for transporting one when two
or mere prisoners are under sentence at the same time.
Bills were passed to No. 120.
Board divided into committees until noon adjournment.
Mr. Wood of Auburn, presented the petition of Francis II. Brown of Poston, by
his Attorney, Mr. Wright of Auburn, for the payment of the judgment against the
Towu of Lansing ; also, a copy 01 the Judgment Record of sante case.
Roll call.
Mr. Samuel Love, Esq., again appeared in behalf of Rev. Z. Tyler, and argued
the abrogation of Mr. Tyler's property from the assessment roll of. Ithaca. The
finaldisposition of the matter was postponed until 2 p. m.', 25th inst.
• The abstract of Town Auditors of Newfield was passed. •
\1r.'Cox, Jr., for J. D. Cox, Esq., of Auburn, presented 0 paper in relation" to a
Judgment rendered against the TOwn of Lansing, and docketed at Utica as fol-
lows, viz:
Ari Ils, N. T., Nov. 24, 1376.
'To the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Co., N T,., Ithaca.
D,t•:ar' S:rt—I beg to -enclose herewith, and invite the attention of the Board to the.
. Judgment obtained by my client, lir. Stetvart, against the Town" of Lansing. It
has ilot peen appealed, 00 1 there is,'so fm• as 1 ani aware, no reason v.'hy it should
.not be provided for by the Board ,of Supervisors, now in session, levied "anti paid.
1 have written Mr. Woodbury upon the subject, and furnished hint with a state -
And my object in'writing you, is respectfully to engtoire, whether. the Board ato
disposed to provide for it, payment, according to law ; or whether We are to be put
to 1)1 ('1 ltei't 1))111)10 and costs, in an aliplication for the Writ of 1Izndanots, ivltii 1e will
make further expense, and litigation for th, town to pay.
You will see the rea"sonableness of it prompt answer to my reasonable enquiry, so
that if 1110 Board Itesitate to act, or refuse, I shalll have time to:procure and serve
the I[uulanttt , while the Board are in session.
Will you be so kind as to answer my enquiry ? .
Very respectfully your obedient servant, • .
JAS. R. COX, Att'y for 'Plaintiff.
:On minion of lir: 11ARVIs, the following report was accepted and ordered on
the minutes.
To the, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors :
St: -The committee appointed by you to visit the Countyliouse to ex -at -nine the
accommoaatiuns provided for the sick, as per resolution adopted by the Board" of
"Supervi,,ors, Nov. 22d, have the honor to report as follows : .
We inspected the rooms used for hospital purposes in the County 33ottsc; on "the
230 days Of the present month, and found them inadequate. The distension of• the
ward for Igen being -about 44x15 feet, the room for women, 15x18'feet. The ceiling
of either apartment is nine feet from the floor. 'fiiese measurements give ii cubic'
cap0ci!y of 1,800 feet, and 2,430 feet. We learned that the average number of sick
• in tidier ward was four, this being the case, each man would only be allowed 473
feet tabic space, and each woman 605 feet cubic space. ,From all respectable .au-
thors updn hygiene we learn that the room necessary for each patient in a "cloto:
hospital,'ti> be of at"lcast1,501) cubic .feet' capacity. •
r. From the above -figures you • will readily comprehend the pitiful condition
whicii•our invalid paupers are placed.
Upon careful examination we found' that by removiiig a partition between :tlie
:male turd, and.one adjoining sleeping rocfIten feet farther south, a nail. of
E4x15 feet could be obtained. We • fonnd that the partition between tlic female
card and sitting room could be moved to the south, tlius securing an' apartment• of
• .18±19 feet in dimension.
• -Your,committee recommend that at least two ventilators be placed in each. ward,
also that,pn outside door be built for'the woman's sick room.
By inquiry we learned that one Anthony Onin, an idiot, occupied the sick room
in couurion with other patients. This we consider very objectionable, and ask
-that the Superintendent's of the Poor be instructed In have him removed to a room
. by himself.
• WVe •present herein a diagram of the ground floor of the County Ilouse which •
'may assist you in understanding the changes your committee• recommend. All of
which is respectfully- submitted.
'D. L. BURTT, -Committee.
Roll call—all members present.
Minutes of•Friday read and adopted.
Bills were passed to No. 132.
The committee on Treasurer's Accounts made their report and it was withheld
forfurther consideration.
• Judge LYON'S report was presented and accepted.
,The R. R. Commissioners' Report for the Town of Newfield was presentedand.
accepted, and also the report of the indebtedness of the town of Newlicld.•
To EZRA MAnIo:v, Supervisor of the Town of Newfield :
The undersigned Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, appointed in pttrsu
. ance of the statutes of the State of New York, authorizing towns to subscribe to
the capital stock- of railroad corporations, and to issue bonds therefor, respectfully
report.that it will be necessary for said town of Newfield to raise, by tax, the "sum
of.three thousand six hundred and forty dollars (63;640), to pay interest from . Sep-
tember 1st, 1876, to September 1st, 1877,.on bonds of the said town of Newfield to
the'amount of fifty-two thousand dollars (.52,000), issued to aid in the .construction
of the Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Rail Road; said interest being payable semi •
annually on the first days of March and September in each year ; also to raise as
aforesaid an additional suns of five hundred and twenty dollars ($520), being : one
per cent of said bonded indebtedness, to provide for a sinking • food.
P. S. DUDLEY - ) Comtuissioiers
A111OS D. SHAFFER, . of the
MERRIT'T KING, - ) Town of Newfield
To'the' Board of Supervisors of the County of'Touipkins.,.
'In iiccord nce' ith Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I.hcrcby report; the pLLlic. debt.
of the Town of Newfield to be as follows, to wit: •
Bonds issued by Commissioners appointed by the County Judge in favor' of the
• Pennsylvauia•and Sodus Bay Rail Road under the act to faciliatc the constriction":
--of Rail Roads passed by the Legislature of 1850, and amended M y' 18, 1869.
Amount of Bonds . ..................: $52,000 00
Bate of interest seven per cent.
• Amount of principal unpaid Sept. 1st, 1876 ............ 62,000 60
Amount of interest coming due March 1st, 1877,... 1,S20 00
Amount of interest corning due Sept. 1st, ]377,... '1,S20 00 -
Interest payable semi-annually.
One per cent. on said bonds for sinking fund to bc.raised the 'coming
year, .. ......:................................ 530,00,
Amount of Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Rail Road Stock held by -the
Town of Newfield,.... 52,000 00
'Amount of sinking fund raised in 1875, and now in the Commission,
er's hands,.... 520.00,
Newfield, Nov. 25th, 1876.
EZRA MARION, Supervisor._.
- Roll call. Messrs. KING and WOODBURY were excused from this' afternoon ses-
sion. _
• The Report of the committee on United States Deposit Fund was presented and •
accepted. ,
The following resolution of Mr. MARcih was postponed` until 2 p. m., 27th. •
Adjourned to 10 a. m., Monday 27th.
- To the Board.of Supervisors, Tompkins County :
•The undersigned, one of the .Loan Commissioners for Tompkins Co-unty, liege
leai,e to. report the condition of the United States Deposit Fund as follows . •
• Ainount on hand at last annual report,....$1,297 89
Amount recd since last report, .......:....7,084 00
Ainount reloaned,
On hand subject to loan . ........ ........... ...............
:Amount outstanding,.... 67,916 28
'On ]rand, 321 89 Aggregate Ain't..
Amount ree'd since last report, $4,701 87
Including dues from .four delinquents,.
' • Ad anced interest as follows'
Feb. 22. 1876, By check; .6.6.22
-:Noe•. fi; Check to Oct .'1, 1876, .:...:.......4,000 00
Coa:missione'rs'-fcps,. : ..:......341 19
Dile from delinquents, tt7 u0
Babinec dile.coniptroller, ...................206 96
There are at present four delinquents whose property is advertised,
of which amounts to 87 and 50.100 dollars, the amount being included in the above
I certify tliat the above statement of the condition of the United States Deposit '
Fund in Tompkins County is true.
. ALLEN GRAY, Loan Commissioner.
Ithaca, Nov. 21st, 187G.
The committee -on Loan Commissioners accounts respectfully, report that they •
have estunined the b oks of the Loan Commissioners and found the statement of
the receipts and disbursements in tlic above report to be correct.
EZRA MARION, `Committee.
D. L. BURTl', 1
• Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of Saturday read and approved.
Bills were passed to No. 14G..
Comutittees were engaged until noon adjournment.
Roll: call,
Rosolution of Mr. -M. uroN in relation to the petition of Rev. Z. Tyler was, passed.
On motion of \Ir. \I.1RION, •
Zen:;RL:\S, Zacicai•ia Tyler having petitioned the Board of Supervisors oto exempt'
from taxation a certain piece of property which he alleges is owned and occupied
• •by him, and whereof he claims exemption on account of his being a minister of th0
Uospel, .and
`VtrEnE\s, Said property was properly assessed by the assessors to persons' •
holdin,i the title thereof, said Tyler not occupying the premises when the assessment ••
roll loud finished and .delivered to•tlie Supervisor, and as tlii3 .Board ; questions the
propriety to exempt from taxation said property,•thereforc bc.it -
I& olisa, That the el 'aim of the Rev. \L. Tyler be not entertained' by this Board. ' •
The report of the committee on Treasurer's Accounts was accepted and ordered
on the minutes, as follows :
The committee on Treasurer's Accounts, report the following as the receipts and
disbursements of the County '1 reasurer Irons Nov. 19th, 1875, to Nov. 24th, 1876,
and they have examined all the books, receipts and vouchers, and find them correct
except an error of 1 35-100 dollars.
Tompkins County in acct. with K. S. VanVoorhes, County Treasurer.
To amount due Treasurer on settlement, 1875, ........ $2,015 73 $2,015 73
" paid Comptroller State tax,... 55,901 50
Y canceled tax, heretofore admitted_for
town of Ithaca,• ....... ••24 03
" paid school money, town of_ Caroline, 2,065 17
ti" Dryden, ... • „••
3,249 15
" " it
" Groton, 2,609 25
it it
" " Lansing,......
• • 2,265 98
" " " " Ithaca, .......
5,520 21
" if If
" Enfield, .... ...... 1,313 43
" Danby, 1,883 30
It " " " Newfield, 2,188 58
" "66" Ulysses, ................ 2,233 71 23,328 78
Y To paid Supervisors' Janitor,. 80 00
" " " Clerk,.. . .... 125 00 205 00
" " Fuel and light, Court House and Jail
• • • • :: • ... 409 69 409 69
" " Supplies Treasurer's Office,....... 20 00
• 20 00
55,925 53
" " Salary, County Judge . .............. • • ........ 2,500 00
" " Special County Judge, 50 00 '
" " District Attorney,. . 600 GO
" " School Commissioners, 400 00
" " County Treasurer, 500 00
" " Chaplain, Pool House, 50 00, 4,100 00
" " Supervisors' note, Tompkins County Bank,...... 650 00 65000
" " Susquehanna Valley Home, .......... ... 188 06
" " Willard Asylum, 4,094 00
46 ItN. Y. State Lunatic Asylum, 1,328 97
! " " Monroe County Penitentiary, 541 08 6,15211
" Returned fines, town of Dryden, ........... •....... 143 00
" " " " Groton, .. • .......... • .. 48 75
" " " " Ithaca,.... .. 276 30
468 05
" paid County Audits, .... 15,847 70 15,847 70
" " Court Orders., ....... ...... • • •......... 5,838 38 5,838 38
" " Superintendent's Orders in doors, 2,75989
" " `, " out " 1,29101
"" rt " " Transportation, 27 00 4,077
" Taxes returned as uncollectable from Danby, ......... 15 57
« '< 1i " Newfield, 13 77
" " " " Groton, 65 61
« f 1 '° " Dryden, ........ 23 43
« « " " Ulysses,........ 113 20
" " " " Ithaca,.... 329 11 560 69
" paid audits, town of Caroline ....... 618 11
" " Highways " " .. 251 50 869 61
" " audits, town of Lansing, 2,022 04
" " Highways " " 3,068 00
" '• Poor, ............ 60 00 5,140 04
" " audits, town of Danby, .... ........... 333 56
" " Highways, ........... 1,185 50 1,519 06
" " audits, town of Newfield, 1,649 62
" Interest on Pa. and Sodus Bay R. R. Bonds, 3,640 00
" Sinking fund,... .............. 520 00 5,809 52
" audits, town of Groton,......... 18,137 76
" Highways, ... 254 89
"° Sinking fund R. R. Bonds, .... 107 20 18,499 86
" Highways, town of Dryden, ........... 2,985 00
" Town Poor, ........ 250 00
" Audits, .... ... 1,250 84 4,485 84
" audits, town of Enfield, ... 1,092 65
" Interest on R. R. Bonds, ... 2,000 00
" Highways, 250 00
" R. R. Commissioner, ....... 11 92 3,354 57
audits, town of Ithaca, ........... 11,384 41
" Highways,.......... 260 00
" Interest I. & A. R. R. Bonds, 21,000 00
" Sinking fund, 976 59
" Interest G. & I. R. R. Bonds, 6,909 51
" Sinking fund, . 3,000 00 43,619 51
" audits Town Ulysses, . . . . 1,837 62
" Highways 1,077 24
" Overseers of the Poor, 200 00
" Interest Pa. & Sodus Bay R. R. Bonds, 6,250 00
" Sinking fund, 760 00 9,114 86
" amount due from George HBristol,..... 5,194 60 5,194 60
Cash on hand ............................... 659 05
$217,766 07
And your committee would further report that the Treasurer's books show in ad-
dition to fines in above report received since settlement, fines from,
B. M. Hagin, Sheriff, ......... 25 00
A. M. Lucas, J. P., Ithaca, ......... ......... 19 70
Wm. Marshall, J. P., Enfield, .... 15 00
{ Cr. by taxes from town of Lansing, 16,909 66
" " " Danby, 6,500 84
59 70
ft if Newfield,. .... 11,009 59
44 44Groton,............. ........ 26,969 42
it 4.44Caroline, 5,077 46
IC " Dryden, ....... ..... 17.064 67
44 4C Enfield 6,700 78
Ithaca,. 73,821 73
.` " " Ulysses, 20,086 38 184,140 53
" School money from State, 23,328 78 23,328 78
1875, Nov. Cr. by note dis. Tompkins County Bank,638 41
1876, May 2, " " " 5,000 00
Oct. 10, " " " " 1,500 00 7,138 41
Cr. Cash from Sheriff on Atwater's Bond, ....... 2,210 25 2,210 25
" by fines from Sheriff, .............................. 196 35
town of Groton, .... . ......... 2 31
" " Lansing, ... 40 00
R " " Ithaca, ................ 94 82
" Caroline, 25 00
" Board of patients, Willard Asylum, 589 62 589 62
358 48
$217,766 07
Statement of accounts for which appropriations were made and amounts paid
thereon :
Paid Comptroller State Tax ....$55,901 60
Cancelled ... 24 08
$66,925 63
Amount Appropriated ................... 55,901 50 $24 03
Paid County Audits 16,847 70
Amount Appropriated 15,761 75 85 95
Appropriated for Court Expenses 3,000
To supply deficiency 1,862
Note at Bank ... 638 41
" " ..... ................ 1,600
$7,000 41
Paid Court Order ...... • .... 5,838 38
$1,162 03
Paid Superintendents' Orders.... 4,077 90
Appropriation ... .$2,232 00
Paid by Towns ................. 1,838 06 4,070 06 7 84
State Lunatic Asylum ........................
Transferred to Willard ........
1,328 97
671 03
$2,000 00
Amount Appropriated.... 2,000 00
Amount appropriated Willard Asylum........ 3,000 00
" Transferred from Utica .............. 641 03
" Received Board of Patients 589 62
$4,260 65
•/ Paid ................................ 4,094 00 166 64
Appropriated Salary Co. Judge....... 2,500 00
« Paid ................................ 2,500 00
Appropriated Special Co. Judge...... 50 00
Paid ... 50 00
Appropriated District Attorney 600 00
" Paid .... 600 00
" Appropriated School Commissioners.. 400 00
Paid ... 400 00
Appropriated County Treasurer....... 500 00
Paid 500 00
Appropriated Chaplain Poor House... 50 00
Paid ..... 53 00
Appropriated for Note at Bank....... 650 00
" Paid ... 650 00
Paid Fuel & Gas, Court House & Jail. 409 69
" Appropriated ....... ........ 400 00 9 69
$127 51 $1,328 68
,amount forward 127 51 1,328 68
Amount appropriated for Insurance........... 133 00
Paid.... 000 00 133 00
40 Paid Monroe Co. Penitentiary........ 541 08
Appropriated ........... .. 350 00 191 08
Paid Supervisors' Clerk ..... 125 00
" Appropriated 100 00 25 00
Paid Supervisors' Janitor............ 80 00
Appropriated ....... 40 00 40 00
" Fines returned to Supervisors .... 468 05
Appropriated ................•........ 000 00 468 05
Paid Susquehanna Valley Home...... 188 06
Appropriated .... 000 00 188 06
Paid Supplies Treasurer's Office... .. 20 00
Appropriated 00 00 20 00
Taxes 1875 Returned... 560 69
" 1874 Collected .... 459 50 101 19
Fines of 1875 on hand...
received on Atwater's Bond 2,210 25
Paid Geo. H. Bristol Balance 2,015 73
Due from Geo. H. Bristol 5,194 60
Received from Note at Bank 5,000 00 194 60
To amount on hand 659 19
358 48
194 52
$2,014 68 $2,014 68
.Amount Principal due Heirs...........
" Secureties on Hand ... $65,042 64
" Uninvested 37719
$65,419 83
$65,419 83 $65,419 83
Amount of Securities received Geo. H. Bristol $62,947 13
Cash " 1,975 39
" Principal " Since Jan. 1, 3,769 43
paid " "
3,272 12
clue Heirs ........................ 65,419 83
$68,691 95 $868,691 95
Amount of Interest paid ... $3,756 28
$3,634 52
" due Treasurer ... 121,76
$3,756 28 $3,756 28
" " received
• All of which we respectfully submit.
J. E. BEERS. Committee.
And the Committee would further report that they re-examined the securities of
the Infant Heir Fund, and compared them with the abstract furnished by the
Treasurer, and find them to agree, and that they have examined all the books,
vouchers and receipts, and find them correct, except an error of three 46.100 ($3.46)
dollars, which is added to the amount due the heirs for the purpose of balancing
the account.
And the Committee would further report that they have examined the Military
Fund, and find the balance on band as follows:
Amount appropriated ............ .. .............. $500 00
Amount expended per Orders ............ .......... 481 69
$18 40
The Committee on Poor House and Superintendents' Reports presented the fol-
lowing report :
On motion of Mr. MARVIN, the report was adopted and the amount of money
asked for by the committee was ordered raised.
Report of the committee on Poor House and Superintendent's Report.
L. H. VAN KIRK, Chairman.
Your committee to whom was referred, the report of the Superintendents of the
Poor of the County of Tompkins, wogld respectfully report that from the 15th day
of November, 1876, there was provided for in the Poor House as follows, viz :
County, Paupers. 143
From the Town of Caroline........... 1
Danby........................... 7
Dryden ........... 4
Enfield 2
Groton. ........... ; 4
Ithaca, ................... 15
Lansing, 5
Newfield, .. 5
Ulysses,.... ....... 9
Total........ ....... .
The whole number of days said paupers were supported in said Poor
House was ........ ..... 16,954
The whole amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills
audited by the Superintendents for the support of the institution du-
ring said year over and above the proceeds of the farm, was.......... $4,709 05
Which sum was expended as follows, viz :
For out door relief ...................... 1,797 54
" Services of Overseer .......................................... 16195
" Transportation of paupers .. 33 48
" Insurance ..................... ........................ 64,410
" Children in Asylum . 111 27
' • Building henry .................... ...... 10,06
" Indoor Expenses... 2,5305
Total ............ $4,709.05
Of the above, there is unpaid on drafts drawn on the County Treas-
urer, the sum of ....... .. 739 31
The amount of produce raised on the County HIouse farm during the
said year, and the amount on hand the 15th day of November, 1876,
is shown as follows, viz : •
30 bushels of Wheat raised ......
824 " Oats raised....
775 Ears Corn tt
400 " Potatoes "
5 Peas
20 " Onions `t
4 " Beets tt
8 id Beans if
200 " Apples `t
400 Heads of Cabbage tt
12 Tous of Hay t` ....
........ 180 on hand
...•.... 2
et •
tt •
u •
12 u ,
Corn Stalks from 12 acres of corn all on hand.
Stock on farm belonging to the County, and on hand is as follows, viz :
1 Yoke of Oxen, 7 Milch Cows, 2 Yearlings, 4 Spring Calves (extra), 9 Hogs (fat.
tening), 10 Shoats (for wintering), 1 Bull (fattening), 200 Common Fowls. There is
also on hand 300 pounds of butter, 6 bushels of Carrots, 38 Tons of Coal, 20 Cords
of wood, a quantity of Fulled Cloth, Flannel, &c., and many other articles belong-
ing to the house.
We further report that all children sent to the County Poor House are transfer-
red to the Orphan Asylum at Syracuse and Binghamton.
The number of paupers in the Poor House November 15th, 1875,
was............ 37
The number received into Poor House during the year was 155
The number of births... .... 3 195
The number discharged from the Poor House during the year,
was, .... .......... ........ ........ • ... • • .• .... • • • • .• • . 145
The number absconded was , -- 5
The number of deaths was... - • .. 5
The number in Poor House at present........... 40 195
The average number in the Poor House during the year was 46 164-365
The average expenses for each pauper supported above the proceeds of
thefarm was... • ................................ $54 70
Theaverage expense per week was ............................. . 1 04%
Whole number of days board of county paupers ... .. ... . 6,619
Cost of board and clothing...... . 991 93
Town of Caroline, days board ....... ... . 365
Cost of board and clothing ......................................
54 70
Town of Dryden, days board ... 1,048
Cost of board and Clothing ...................... 157 05
Town of Danby, days board ................ 1,048
Cost of board and clothing 263 39
Town of Groton; days board ................. 638
Cost of board and clothing 95 61
Town of Enfield, clays board 108
Cost of board and clothing........ 16 19
Town of Ithaca, days board 3,018
Cost of board and clothing ... 451 53
Town of Lansing, days board . .... 725
Cost of board and clothing 108 80
Town of Newfield, days board..1,028
Cost of board and clothing 108 80
Town of Ulysses, days board....... .............. ...1,518
Cost of board and clothing 227 49
16,954 $2,540 75
The following statement shows the amount of produce sold from the County
farm from the 15th day of November, 1875, to the 15th day of November, 1876, and
where applied :
For Hams sold .... $ 60 00
" Oats ........ ... 304 38
" one pair of Oxen sold ..... .................................. 125 00
Total . . ... $489 38
Which is expended as follows.
Supplies, Mattison & Loomis ... ............ $ 15 00
Shoes, William Farrington ...................... .. ... 38 65
Coal, Roswell Wilcox 218 16
" D.,L.&W.R.R ..... ........ 1063
Services, Mary Nolen 15 00
For Tramps, J. E. Vandermark ............ . 3 00
Lumber, Williams Bros 32 60
Fresh Mecat, E. Murphy 56 54
Taking Children to Asylum . . . .. 10 75
Beans and Corn. ... 31 40
Expenses, &c .. . .. ....... • • 5 00
Draft Book, Andrus & McChain.... 7 75
Pork, A. B. Woodworth . 45 00
f otal ........ . - • • . $489 38
In conformity to the 30th section, title 1st chapter 20th, of the revised statutes
the Superintendents of the Poor for the County of Tompkins estimate the expenses
for the support of the County poor in the county and towns for the ensuing yeai:"
at....... .$2,500 0P.
For transporting Paupers to the Poor House •, ... 40 00
For temporary relief for County Paupers not in Poor House. 1,500 00
For Overseers of the Poor for services ... ....... 150 00
For Poor House Keeper, salary ............... 500 00
Total estimates ........................... $4,690 00
To meet the deficiency now existing and to provide for the poor expenses for the
ensuing year, your Committee ask leave to introduce the following resolution:
Resolved, That the sum of $739 31 be levied and collected in the County of
Tompkins to meet the unpaid drafts drawn on the County 'Treasurer for said
amount, and also the sum of $2,260 69 for the support of poor during the ensuing
Your committee ask that the sums expended by the Superintendents of the Poor
for the support of the poor in the several towns of the County of Tompkins, be
levied and collected on said towns according to the following statement, which
shows the amount due from the several towns for the support of their poor in the
Poor House from the 15th day of Nov., 1875, to the 14th day of Nov., 1876 :
From the town of Caroline ...................................... $ 54 70
f{ Dryden ............................ .. 157 05
`. Danby... .... 283 39
44Groton . 95 61
44 Enfield ...• ••.. .
••- 16 19
44 .4 Ithaca ... .. 451 53
" Lansing ... .... ...... '
..08 80
" tt Newfield ........
............. .... 154 06
« " Ulysses ................... 227 49
Total....... $1,548 82
We also ask that the following sum be levied and collected from the County
of Tompkins, for the support of its poor for the time above mentioned$991 93
Total for Town and County Paupers .......$2,540 75
The amount of money on hand and raised for the support of the poor
during the year was........... $2,232 00
The estimate of the Superintendent's call for... 4,690 00
To supply deficiency... 739 31
Total amount $5,429 31
The amount to be collected from the several towns of the county $1,548 82
66 46 by resolution of the board ..
3,000 00
Total amount....... $4,548 82
Making the amount for support of the poor in the county $880 49, less than the
sum of the estimate of the Superintendents and the deficiency.
Your committee would further report that the buildings, stock, fence and every-
thing connected with the farm, as being in good condition, and it is their belief
that after making a thorough investigation and inquiry that the inmates of the
house are properly cared for and kindly treated. To the Superintendents we ex-
tend our thanks for their kindness in imparting all information called for, and to r
Mr. Bower and family for courtesies received.
EZRA MARION, } Committee.
The Abstract of Town Audits from Ulysses was passed.
Committees engaged until adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of Monday read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That hereafter no additional compensation will be allowed to and
County Officer for extra services performed, they having accepted their respective
offices with a full knowledge of the salary to be received.
On motion of Mr. STEVENS, the following was presented,
Resolved, That we request the clerk of Tompkins County to ask for bids for all
printing matter which comes by law through his office and that he let the same to
the lowest bidder.
The yeas and nays being called for resulted, yeas, Wattles, Marvin, VanKirk.
Stevens, Burtt, Woodbury, Marion, King, Beers. -9. Nays -0.
It was declared carried.
Mr. BUtTT presented the resolution passed at the annual Town Meeting, Apri
4th, '76, as follows :
At the annual Town Meeting held April 4th, 1876, in and for the town of Ithaca,
at Military Bali. The following Law was voted upon and declared carried.
Laws of New York passed June 6th, 1876. Chapter 482, Section 25.
Tax Receivers—To authorize any town which shall make application therefor by
the vote of an annual Town Meeting, to elect a Tax Receiver in place of a Collec-
tor whenever the aggregate of State, County and Town, taxes in such town shall
exceed the sum of fifty thousand (50,000) dollars, and in such case to prescribe the
mode of the collection of taxes, the security to be given and the commission or
other compensation to be allowed to such Tax Receiver for his services.
I certify the above to be a correct copy of the records in my office.
A. B. WOOD, Town Clerk.
An Act to authorize the Town of Ithaca to elect a Tax Receiver in place of a
WHEREAS, The Town of Ithaca at the annual Town Meeting held at Military
Hall, in the town of Ithaca, on the fourth day of April, 1876, by vote of town
meeting has made application to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to
elect a Tax Receiver in place of Collector, pursuant to Section 25 of Chapter 482,
of the Session Laws of the State of New York, passed June 5th, 1875.
41. Be it enacted by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, that at the
next annual town meeting of the town of Ithaca, there shall be elected by ballot
and in the same manner that Town Collectors of taxes, are now elected a Tax Re-
ceiver for the town of Ithaca.
$2. No person shall be eligible to the office of Tax Receiver unless he shall be at
the time of election an elector and resident of the town of Ithaca.
§3. Every person chosen or appointed to the office of Tax Receiver before he
enters on the dnties of his office and within eight days after he receives notice of
the amount of taxes to be collected by him shall execute to the Supervisor of the
town of Ithaca. a Bond with two or more sureties to be approved by such Supervi-
sor in double the amount of such taxes conditioned for the faithful execution of his
duties, which bond shall be filed in the County Clerk's Office within 6 days after
its execution.
§4. If such person so chosen or appointed to the office of Tax Receiver shall not
give such security as is above required within the time limited for that purpose,
such neglect shall be deemed a refusal to serve and create a vacancy in the office
which shall be immediately filed in the manner provided by Chapter 13, Section
11, Part I, Revised Statutes of the State of New York, for filing vacancy in the
office of Collector.
c5. Immediately upon the receipt by said Tax Receiver of the warrant, he shall
give notice by publication in two or more newspapers published in the town of
Ithaca ; That for thirty days he will attend at a certain place to be named within
said town, and receive from any person or corporation, his, her or their tax without
charge, for thirty days succeeding the expiration of the first period two per cent.
will be added, and upon the tax unpaid at the expiration of sixty days five per
cent. will be added and collected by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of
the person or corporation assessed and in arrear. The compensation of the Tax
Receiver shall be four hundred ($400) dollars for. the collection of said tax and all
services required of him under this act; and such services in the execution of the•
warrant and return as are now required by law and rendered by Town Collector's.
O. In the collection of the taxes remaining unpaid at the expiration of sixty
days after notice, as provided in Section 5, the Tax Receiver shall proceed to col-
lect the same in the manner and by the proceedings provided by Article First, Ti-
tle 3, Chapter 13, Part 1, Revised Statutes of the State of New York, for the collec-
tion of taxes by Town Collectors, and shall pay the percentage collected thereon to
the Supervisor, pursuant to the directions of his warrant to be by him disposed of
. as the Board of Town Auditors may direct.
They.were; passecl by the Board.
On motion of Dr. BEERS,
Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three to examine the Coun-
ty Clerk's Office Building with a view to arrange the rooms in said building so as
'to provide offices for the Sheriff and County Treasurer, and that said committe be
required td report during the present session of this Board.
Beers, Marion and Woodbury, were appointed such committee.
Bill No. 147 was passed.
owing Insurance Report was adopted :
• To the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors :
BIR—The committee on Insurance report that they have insured the County
buildings in the following companies :
Amount. Insurance•
Connecticut Fire Insurance Company ................ $1,000 $6 00
North British " 2,000 12 00
H. J. GRANT Agent.
Amazon Fire Insurance Company 2,000 25 00
Hanover Fire Insurance Company 2,000 25 00
H. J. GRANT, Agent.
Phoenix Fire Insurance Company... 2,500 25 00
T. P. STJoirr, Agent.
Queen's Fire Insurance Company ....... 1,500 is 00
A. BURRITT, Agent.
Liverpool & London Fire Insurance Company........ 2,500 25 00
A. BURRITT, Agent.
$133 00
Your committee recommend that the Clerk be directed to draw orders on the
Treasurer for sums so allowed in favor of such persons above named.
T. P. St John, Agent ....... $43 00
Allen Gray, Agent... .26 00
H. J. Grant, Agent ... 25 00
A. Burritt, Agent. .. . 40 00
$183 00
On motion of Mr. WOODBURY, Mr. BURTT was appointed a committee to investi-
gate and take charge of the matter of $10, claimed by Wm. D. Andrews, for a
driven well in jail yard.
On motion of Dr. BEERS,
Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 791 of the Laws of 1868, the
sums placed in the following Schedule be levied and assessed upon thetaxable
property of the persons whose names are included in the several lists and in the
sums respectively named in said list, submitted to the Board and furnished to the
Supervisors of the several towns named in the said Schedule by the Overseers of.
Highways of the road districts included therein.
District No. 27
" 50
District No. 10
District No. 65
" 3
f° 6
days 2%
" 33
days 5
days i
" 2
District No. 141 days 2%
62 " 2
" 35 " 6
101 " 16
" 47 " 1%
" 139 "
129 " 1%
" 132 " 1j
at $3 75
5 26
$9 00
non-resident $7 50
$1 50
8 28
$12 75
$3 z5
3 00,
2 25
2 25
1 60
" 2
District No. 16 days 24
6 u 1
.c 24 " 2
cc 84 cc 3
30 " 2
District No. 32
days 11%
2 25
3 00
$51 75
$35 50
1 50
3 00
4 00
3 00
$47 00
at 1 60 $17 00
Roll call.
Milo Goodrich appeared and made a statement in relation to the legal proceed-
ings between the Board and the town of Lansing.
A motion was made to ballot for papers to publish the Session Laws the ensuing
The ballot resulted :
Ithaca Democrat
Groton Journal
The Ithaca Democrat and Ithaca Journal were declared duly elected for publish-
ing such laws.
On motion of Mr. Mt uox,
Resolved, That in accordance with Section First and Second of the Laws of 1845,
the papers heretofore designated by this Board to publish the Session Laws, shall
print only the General Laws of the State and the laws local to this County, and
that this Board accept the propositions of the Ithaca Journal and Ithaca Democrat
to publish the same at forty cents per folio.
Adjourned until 10 a. m., 4th December.
Roll call.
Minutes of 28th November, read and approved.
The following Report and Act were presented and passed.
Your committee to whom was referred the drafting of an Act to provide for the
holding of Town Meetings byelection districts in the town of Ulysses would re
spectfully submit the following :
An Act to provide for the holding of Town Meetings by election districts in the
town of Ulysses.
The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County in pursuance of the power con-
ferred upon them by Subdivision twenty-six of Section 1st, of Chapter 482 of the
laws of the State of New York, passed June 5th, 1875, do enact as follows :
SECTION 1. Hereafter all Town Meetings in the town of Ulysses shall be held by
election districts, such election districts shall be the same as are set apart in said
town for the holding of State elections. The duly elected Inspectors of election in
each district shall provide a suitable place for the holding of town elections in said
town, and act as Inspectors of Election at all Town Meetings held in said town'
and shall be governed by the same rules, have the same powers and receive the
same compensation as are now allowed said Inspectors for services at State Elec-
tions. A. statement of votes cast at any Town Meeting shall be delivered, duly cer-
tified by the Inspectors or by one of them deputed for that purpose to the Supervi-
sor of said town within twenty-four hours after the same shall have been subscribed.
If there be no Supervisor or he shall be disabled from attending the Board of Town
Canvassers, such statement shall be delivered to the Town Clerk of said town.
4 2. The Board of Town Canvassers shall consist of the Supervisor, Town Clerk,
and the Justice of the Peace, having the longest time to serve and shall meet at 10
a. m., on the second day subsequent to the holding of any Town Meeting at the
office of the Town Clerk of said town and choose one of their number as Chairman
The following oath shall then be administered to them by some person qualified by
lawlo administer the same :—I do solemnly swear that I will support the constitu-
tion of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I
will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of canvasser of the votes of the
Town of Ulysses, according to the best of my ability. They shall then proceed
without delay or adjournment to canvass all the votes cast at said Town Meeting,
and declare and record the result in the book of records of said town.
i 3. Whenever any Commissioner of Highways or other officer authorized so to
do shall make an application for money to be voted for at any Town Meeting for
any special purpose it shall be the duty of the Inspectors of election in each district
to prepare a box for that purpose upon which shall be written or labeled "In regard •
to raising money for " The ballots upon such question shall be in
the following form, "In favor of raising dollars for " or "against
raising any sum whatever for ." In case the vote in favor of raising
any particular amount shall be greater than the vote in favor of raising any other
particular amount voted for at that Town Meeting, such amount shall be declared
to be the amount voted to be raised for the purpose required. In case the votes
against raising any sum whatever shall exceed the whole number of votes cast in
favor of raising any sum then the Town Canvassers shall declare, and record that
no sum whatever has been voted to be raised for the purpose named. The votea
upon this question shall be counted and returned in the same manner as directed
in the first section of this act.
4. All reports heretofore or hereafter directed to be made at any Town Meeting
shall be made in each election district by the Supervisor or by, some one duly au-
thorized by him to make such report.
D. L. BURTT, . Committee.
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this board be instructed to transmit a certiOed copy
of the above act to the Town Clerk of said Town, to be by him recorded in the
Book of Records in said Town.
Board met in Committee of the Whole on bill 48.
The Committee arose at 12 m. and, through its Chairman, Mr. BURTT, reported
Adjourned to meet at 2 p. m
Roll Call.
Mr. BURTT reported that bill No. 48 passed Committee of the Whole for $43.60.
On motion for adoption of.the above report, yeas, Beers, VanKirk, Stevens, Wood-
bury -4. Nays, Wattles, Marvin, Burtt, Marion, King -5.
The bill was then rejected by the following vote : Yeas, Wattles, Marvin, Burtt,
Marion, King -5. Nays, Beers, VanKirk, Stevens, Woodbury -4.
On motion of Mr. MARVIN,
Resolved, That the Collectors of the several towns in Tompkins County be
requested by this Board to settle with the County Treasurer on or before the 15th
day of February, 1877.
Resolved, That the County Treasurer be authorized to extend the time for the
collection of taxes in any town in this county, when such extension may be neces-
sary, as provided in the 13th Subdivision of Sec. 1st, Chapter 482, of the Session
Laws of 1876.
On motion of Mr. V NE:t x,
Inasmuch as it is customary for each Board of Supervisors to visit the County
Jail at its annual session, therefore be it
Resolved, That this Board now proceed to visit the County Jail and make an ex-
amination of the condition of said institution.
On motion of Mr. VANE:tux,
Resolved, That the editor of the Ithaca Democrat be requested to print 600 addi-
tional copies of the proceedings of this Board which shall be distributed and paid
for according to former resolution and contract.
Board was engaged until adjournment at 6 p: m.
Roll. call.
. Minutes of Monday read and adopted.
C. D. Johnson personally assured the Board that he would assume any cost
imposed by the driven well claimants.
Doctor Tarbell gave notice that he would have counsel make a motion before
Judge Murray at 2 p. m., asking the judge to issue an order compelling the Board
to audit bill No. 148.
Mr. Woodbury was appointed to secure a counsel to oppose the motion.
Committee on Equalization, and the committee on the examination of the County
Clerk's building were engaged until noon adjournment.
Roll call.
Bill No. 48 was reconsidered and passed in full amount claimed.
The report of the committee on the County Clerk's building was made as follows.:
Resolved, That the Sheriff and County Treasurer be authorized to cut a door
through the partition between the County Judge and District Attorneys offices
and erect a partition through the said District Attorney's office, east and west nine
feet more or less from the south wall of said office, making an additional office fol. -
the County Judge, and that the Sheriff and County Treasurer be allowed to occupy
for au office the room now used by the County Judge as a private office, and that
the work shall be done in a good and Workmanlike manner, to correspond with the
other offices in said building, and at an expense not to exceed fifty dollars to , the
On motion of Mr. I IARVIN,
Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board be authorized to borrow upon the
credit of Tompkins County by bank note or otherwise payable January 20th, 1877,
the sum of one thousand and five hundred dollars for the purpose of paying the
present deficiencies in county expenses.
Resolved, That the following amounts be transferred to the current expense ac
count, viz :
Amount on hand from Atwater judgment .... $194 52
Amount of fines and balance of Atwater judgment received from ex -
Sheriff VanKirk, . .... 121 25
From the amount of cash on hand the suns of ... 300 71
$616 48
Resolved, That the Treasurer be requested to appropriate the proceeds of the
bank note given by this Board in the month of Dec. 1876, to the following accounts
in the following amounts.
State fund account $218 63
County " 85 95
Superintendents of the Poor 7 84
Monroe County Penitentiary. . 191 08
Supervisor's Clerk. 25 00
Supervisor's Janitor ............................ ............. 40 00
Fines due towns. 474 05
Susquehannah Valley IIome.. 188 06
Treasurer's Stationery..... 20 00
return Tag............ 101 19
$1,351 80
And the balance to the fuel and gas account.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874
thatthere be levied and assessed upon the following:towns the sums set forth in
the following schedule to reimburse the county for the amount of monies paid to
Willard Asylum to December 1st, 1876.
2 Inmates chargeable to Newfield. . . . $350.77
2 4S ,, Dryden,. .. . .. • 54178
2 " „ Groton, ................................ 330 97
2 ' ' " Caroline, ................ 335 92
1 Lansing... 6129
2 If 61 Danby.. ...... , . 246 82
2...................................... 296 86
7 It 6, Ithaca 1,167 07
$3,331 48
Members engaged in business until adjournment. •
Roll call.
:Minutes of the 5th read and approved.
On Motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
Resolved, Tliat the Superintendents of the Poor be instructed to make repairs in
• the hospital rooms of the Poor House according to the reco'nmendation of the com•
niittee, presented and accepted Nov. 24th ultimo, said repairs be made forthwith.
Committee on Equalization were engaged until noon adjournment.
Roll call.
' Mr. Woodbury being. ill was excu;,ed for his absence.
Bill No. 149 was passed.
Onmotion of Mr. MArVIN, -
WHEREAS, The Trustee and Collector of School District No. 21, in the town- of
Dryden, have madeQurns of uncollected School Tax against the New York .and
Oswego Midland Rail Road Company in said district, to the County Treasurer, and
. the.same having been presented by said Treasurer to this Board for insertion in the
tae listagainst said Rail Road Company, therefore be it -
Resolred, Tliat the amount of such uncollected tax, being $31.77 together with the
addition of seven per cent ($2.22) making a total of thirty-three dollars and. ninety
nine'cents, ($33.99) be levied and collected upon the property of said New York .
and'Oswego Midland Rail Road Company, for the benefit of said School District'
No. 21 of the town of Dryden:
.On motion of Mr. MARVIN,
•Resolvea, That the Chairman,of this Board be authorized to renew the note of
this county, given for ,the suns of $5,261 03 payable at the Tompkins County' Na-.
' tional Bank and clue January 18, 1877, for any length of time he may think advisa-
ble;rot'esceeding one year from the 18th day of January, 1877. •
On'niotion of Mr. STEVENS,
..Resolved, That the District Attorney of Toiupkins County be required to report 'to
tliis Board at its annual Session each year according to Chapter 406, Laws 1867,
all fines imposed asthe result of his prosecution and all fines and forfeited- recog
nizanees paid to him,' and what disposition be has made 'of the same.
Members engaged in the business of the Board until adjournment.
' Roll call. Mr. Woodbury- took his seat shortly after and engaged in business o
the• I3oard.
Minutes of the 6th inst., read and approved.
'Committee on Equalization were in until noon adjournment.
Roll call.
The following report was ordered on the minutes.
To Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, Dec. 7, 1876.
Supplementary Report of County Treasurer, showing the actual state of
and monies in my hands at this date.
Court Expenses.
By amonnt due on settlement..........:. $1 160 03
" balance on Atwater Judgment ..
rec'd VanKirk, Sheriff............
" Fines 44 44 ......•.....
" Fines rec'd IIaa n, Sheriff ..............
Fuel and Gas.
DueTreasurer ................. 9 69
134 39
134 52
71 95
50 00
75 00
Amount appropriated ..
On hand... ..
Willard Asylum.
Due County....
Due County.....
$1,552 80
124 70
166 65 166 65
133 00 133 00
$1,977 16
K. S. VAN VOORHIS, County Treasurer.
Bill No. 150 was passed.
Committee on Equalization in session until evening adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of the 7th read and adopted.
Bill No.151 was passed -in full.
Mr. Marvin presented the following as the report of
The Committee on Equalization respectfully report
the several towns as reported by the Assessors for the
the Equalization Committee :
that the assessed valuation of
year 1876, is as follows:
Real. Personal. Total.
1,050,946 79,825 1,130,770
1;581,151 228,533 1,809,684
962,346 41,150 1,003,496
670,656 25,620 696,276
588,288 34,040 622,328
1,721,383 177,150 1,898,533
741,910 31,240 773,150
1,313,794 342,702 1,656,496
3,412,306 573,575 3,985,881'
291,723 12,042,779 1,533,835 13,676,614
We the undersigned committee on Equalization would respectfully report the
following to be the equalized valuation of the real estate of the several towns in the
County of Tompkins for the year 1876.
Acres. Real. Personal Total.
Caroline, 31,253 580,659 41,150 621,809
Danby, 33,286 721,094 25,620 746,714
Enfield, 22,007 522,602 34,040 556,642
Groton, 30,725 1,030,019 228,533 1,258,552
Ithaca, 19,233 3,879,554 573,575 4,453,129
Lansing, 37,731 1,644,832 177,150 1,821,982
Dryden, 61,232 1,807,324 79,825 1,887,149
Newfield, 36,169 708,685 31,240 739,925
Ulysses, 20,037 1,148,010 342,702 1,490,712
291,723 12,042,779 1,533,835 13,576,615
NELSON STEVENS, 1 Committee on
J. P. KING, ; Equalization.
D., L. BURTT, ' J
On motion of Mr. MARION,
.Resolved, That each Supervisor in this county add to his town abstract three dol-
lars to reimburse the Clerk of this Board for furnishing to each a copy of Thomp-
son's Supervisors Manual.
Bill No. 140 was reconsidered and passed for 81,514.43.
On motion of Mr. MARVIN, Chairman of Committee on Equalization,
Valuation•of the County for 1876, as equalized by the State
Assessors $10,062,249 00
For Schools 11,/,:l mills... $12,577 81
" General purposes including. new capitol and for bounty
debt % mills.... 22,220 87 34,798 68
For Court Expenses... 3,003 00
" Wood and .Gas Court House, Jail and Surrogate's Office 300 00
" State Lunatic Asylum....... 1,000 00
" Monroe County Penitentiary... 300 00
" School Commissioners 400 00
" Salary of County Judge ....... 2,500 00
" Quarter deficiency in County Judge's Salary 626 00
" Incidental for Surrogate's Office ................ 50 00
" Susquehanna Valley Home. 350 00
" Note at bank for Court expenses deficiencies........ 1,524 74
" Salary of Special County Judge ...................... 50 00
" Supervisors' Clerk ................... 100 00
<< « " for transcribing minutes and proceed-
ings of Board.. 50 00
" Supervisors' Janitor ................... 40 00
" Court House Janitor .... 150 00
" County Treasurer's Salary........... 500 00
" Chaplain to the Poor House .... 50 00
" Note at the Bank for deficiencies in county expenses. 1,500 00
" Expenses in the case of the Supervisors vs. Bristol and
others ............... 125 00
" County Audits.. . ............ 12,136 43
" Willard Asylum ....3,500 00
" Less amount paid by towns ....... 3,331 48 168 52
" Superintendents of the Poor 3,000 00
" District Attorney's Salary.. .... 600 00
"0 1 Quarter deficiency in the District Attorney's salary150 00
28,669 69
Less amount returned from Ithaca........... 24 03
28,645 66
For postage for Supervisor's Clerk 5 00
$28,650 66
On motion of Mr, MAP,iov,
Resolved, That at the request of the Supervisors of the several towns named in
the following Schedule, the claims set forth therein be added to the audits of the
said towns and levied and assessed upon said towns respectively.
Newfield Supervisor's Manual 3 00
E. Marion, assessment roll and paid charges on coupons 1 25
M. King, Railroad Commissioner 6 00:
Luther S. Ham, Justice of the Peace 8 004
Sinking fund 520 Oa
Interest on Pennsylvania and Scdus Bay Rail Road ... ..... 3,640 00
- e4,178 251
Returned Tax 14 24,
4,192 44
Ithaca Supervisor's Manual...... 3 0
H. C. Williams, Town Auditors... ... 9 0D
Peter Apgar " ..... .. 9 00
D. B. Stewart. " ' 9 Ott
Highway purposes ...... •.... •
Sinking fund ....... ..........
Interest on Ithaca and Athens Rail Road Bonds ................
G.I.S,A.R. R ....:.........
. 250 00
2,000 00
21,000 00
7,000 00
30,280 00
G. I. & A. R. R. Tax reserved ... .. . .... . 871,92
Groton Supervisor's Manual. . .. .. .
Dudley Andrews Justice of the Peace ..........................
George E. Barney, Town Clerk :.........
George W. Davis, Inspector of Election
Charles N. Tarbell, constable ..........
31,152 02
3 00
3 50
2 45
2 25
3 00
4 00
9 20
$27 40
Enfield Supervisor's Manual. . . . 3 00
Assessment Roll......... 75
Highway purposes. . . . . ............. 250 00
Sinking fund. ... .................. 250 00-
PInterest on Pa. and Sodus Bay R. R. bonds .................... 1,750 00
H. Curry, Superintendent of Poor . 8 00
$2,261 75
Caroline Supervisor's Manual 3 00
John Wolcott, Clerk of Election. 4 00
Russell F. Abbey, Excise Commissioner ........................ 3 00
$10 00
Danby Supervisor's Manual 3 00
J. E. Beers, meeting State Assessors 3 12
Uncollected Taxes. . . . • • • • • 16 00
$22 12
Ulysses Supervisor's Manual.... . . . 3 00
Sinking fund ........... 750 00
Interest on Pa. and Sodus Bay R. R. bonds......... 6,250 00
A. G. Updyke, Town Auditor ... 6 00
J. Stilwell CC 6 00
E. C. Seymour ,, 9 00
Bridges .............. .. r , 1,250 00
$7,274 00
Dryden Supervisor's Manual............ 3.00.
Harrison Marvin, Tax Book 2 00
John E. McElheny, Appraiser 6 00
Leonard Griswold, `, 6 00
Joseph A. Genoung, Auditor... 9 00
A. L. Tyler, it
... 9 00
John H. Kennedy " 9 00•
Highways and bridges voted at Town Meeting 850 00
{( '° by Auditors. . . . . . 995 00
Land damages and laying out new roads... ... ... 683 30.
Debt to S. D. Hamblin, voted at Town Meeting.... 56 85
Lansing—For highway purposes............
Supervisor's Manual
$2,629 15
250 00
3 00
8253 00
Roll call.
The report of the Committee on Equalization was adopted by the following vote:
Yeas, Wattles, Marvin, VanKirk, Stevens, Burtt, Woodbury, King. Nays, Beers
Bills were passed to No. 163.
Bill No. 140 was re•reconsidered and passed for 1,459 56.
Members engaged in business until adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of the 8th read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. MARVIN,
Resolved, That the following sums be levied and collected upon the several towns
for the purposes therein named :
State tax .............................. 1,593 78
County tax. 1,312 20
Highways............... ... 250 00
Town audits. . . . .• . . 668 83
Willard Asylnm................................................... 335 92
Superintendents of the Poor54 70
Overseers of the Poor.. ......................:...... ', 125 00
4,340 43
State tax.. .... 3,829 89
County tax ............................................... 3,145 84
Highways ... ..................... 1,250 00
Town audits. . .. 812 g8
Willard Asylum ................... 296 86
Superintendent of tin; Poor.... 227 49
Return tax. .. . ... . 114 42
Interest on Rail Road Bonds ........................................ 5,250 00
Sinking fund .................................................... •. . 750 00
15,668 38
State tax . ............... 1,913 93
County tax 1,575 78
Town audits ...... 369 98
Highways........ 250 00
Willard Asylum 246 82
Return tax ............................... 16 00
Superintendents of the Poor. 283 39
4,855 90
State tax.. .... ...... ...... .......... 3,225 83
County tax. 2,655 92
Town audits.... ,....... 2,556 77
Highways ............................. 250 00
Superintendent of the Poor....... .... 95 61
Willard Asylum .. 330 97
Interest and principle on Rail Road Bonds.... ,... 15,436 88
Return tax 67 57
Thompson's Supervisor's Manual.... 3 00
24,622 5g
} State fax ...................... 1,896 53
County fax ............... 1,561 46
Town audits 3,273 87
Superintendents of the Poor ........... .......................... 154 06
Willard Asylum. •...,...... 36077
Interest on hail Road Bond ., 3,640 00
Sinking fund 520 00
Return tax 14 24
11,4'0 93
State tax 4,837 02
County tax ....... 3,982 45
Highways ........... 2,585 15
Town audits 1,002 85
Willard Asylum........ 541 78
Superintendents of the Poor ........................... 157 05
Return taxes 24 13
13,130 43
Less amount in Supervisor's hands............ 232 39
$12,898 04
State tax .............. 4,669 99
County tax ................ ....................... 3,844 91
Town audits... 3,894 73
Highways ........................ 1,550 00
Willard Asylum .:.... 61 20
Superintendents of the Poor ................................ 108 80
Judgment on bonds of N. Y. & 0. M. R. R 3,709 79
Judgment on bonds of Cayuga Lake R. R ....... 3,414 74
21,254 25
State tax 11,413 96
County tax 9,397 42
Town audits....... ... 13,307 71
Interest I. & Athens Rail Road Bonds 21,000 00
Interest on Ithaca cC Geneva Rail Road Bonds.... 7,000 00
Sinking -fund 2,000 00
Town audits added by Supervisor 30 00
Returned tax assessed on town. 4 16
Amount to reimburse county 24 03
Superintendent of the Poor .......... 451 53
Return tax .. .. ........... 333 45
Willard Asylum 1,167 07
Highways .... ... 250 00
G. I. & A. Rail Road sinking fund 871 92
568,251 25
State t.ax, ... 1,626 75
County'tax.: 1,74 68
Tower audits .. 477 62
Interest on Rail Road Bonds... 1,750 06
Sinking fund. 250.00
Highway. . 25000.
Overseers of the Poor 8:00
Superintendent of the Poor. 16 19
Assessment Roll....... .. ....................................... • 75
$5,363 99
On motion of Mr. BEERS, -
Resolved, That Dr. William Coryell be employed as attending physician at the
' County jail, and that he be allowed a reasonable compensation for. same, and that
the Sheriff be furnished with a copy of these resolutions.
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
Resolved, That this Board do now adjourn to meet Saturday next, for the purpose
of disposing of the remaining business of the session.
Board wet pursuant to adjournment, and all members were present.:;.
The,mentbers Were. occupied during tlie day in filling collectors: Warrants, &c..
On -motion of Mr. -MARYIN,
Resolved, That the Senator front this Senatorial'District (Ilon. J: H. Seikreg), and -
tlie Member of Assembly from this County (Hon. S. R. Wickes); be requested .to
introduce, hand use their influence for the passage of, a general or local law applic=
On motion of Mr. MARroN,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are ;ustly due, and are hereby tendered
to Chauncey L• Wattles, Esq., for the kindness, firmness .and uniform courtesy
manifested by him towards each and every member of this Board, and for the
faithful and impartial manner in which he has discharged his duties as Chairman
during the session of this Board.
Mr. STEVENS, upon rising to second the adoption of the above resolution, said
that such was often but custom, and passed as such; but he belived that the senti-
ments of the resolution existed in the heart of every member of the Board.
On motion of Mr. VANKiRR,
Resolved, That the thanks of the Board are due, and are hereby tendered, to Mr.
Thos. W Burns, for the gentlemanly and efficient manner in which he has dis-
charged the duties of Clerk the Board.
On motion of Mr. MARVIN,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due to Sheriff B. M. Hagiu, for the
orderly and cleanly manner in which the jail is conducted.'
The Board then adjourned sine die.
A table of Incorporated Companies in Tompkins County.
Caroline. Assesed Valuation. Personal. Tax.
Delaware L. & W. R. R. Co $50,000 $216 50
Utica I. & E. R. R. Co... . 42,000 181 86
D. L. & W. R. R. 12,000 80 40
G. I. & A. R. R 40,000 268 00
U. I. & E. R. R... 40.000 571 00
Southern Central R. R.... 30,000 342 60
N. Y. & 0 Midland R. R...:6,000 68 52
D. L. & W. R. R. 1,500 17 13
Pa. & Sodus Bay R. R 2,000 17 20
S. C. R. R ........................ 55,400 758 93
U.I. & E. R. R 7,000 95 90
First Nat. Bank .... 8,500 116 45
Groton Carriage Co ................. 16,000 219 20
2 H. H. Smith, commissioner of highways46 00 45 00
3 W. II. Jones, inspect(); clerk of election 4 00 . 4 00
4 A. V. Lanning, assessor 23 00 23 00
5 Munson Potter, commissioner of excise 3 00 3 00
6 Eliphalet Covell, justice of peace .... 12 00 12 00
7 " .. 500 500
8 Elish Horton, " 2 85 2 85
9 Wm. Marshall (i16 90 16 90
10 James M. Lanning, (‘12 00 12 00
11 D. W. Bailey, ex -supervisor .... 33 40 33 40
12 Moses L. Harvey, for use of house for town purposes 40 00 40 00
13 Eugene G. Willis, inspector of election 4 30 4 30
14 J. S. Miller, poll clerk.... ,. 4 00 4 00
15 Hiel T. Havens, constable . 3 75 3 75
16 L. F. Palmer, overseer of highway 51 63 51 63
17 George W. Budd, inspector of election 4 00 4.00
.18 John Hetherington, constable.... 2 30 2 30
.19 Edgar Brewer, R. R. Commissioner, services and
disbursements 15 91 15 91
20 William Miller, R. R. Commissioner, services and
disbursements.... 12 66 12 66
21 Isaac H. Newman, R. R. Commissioner, services
and disbursements 9 66 9 66
22 Christopher Smith, commissioner of excise 6 00 6 00
23 L. Lawrence Soule, assessor 20 00 20 00
24 S. V. Graham, ex commissioner of highways for
services. .... .... ........ .... .............. 12 00 12 00
25 S. V. Graham, ex commissioner of highways for
disbursements in case of Enfield vs. Protts 26 73 26 73
26 J. R. Sage, assessor 20 00 20 00
27 Rob. R. Updike, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
28 Hermon Barnes, for excess of taxes, 1 50 1 50
29 T. Burns, supervisor's manual 3 00 3 00
30 L. H. VanKirk, supervisor services... 14 30 14 30
31 Miles Rumsey, for excess of taxes 12 23 12 23
32 Wm. Barber, ex town clerk services 8 00 8 00
33 John Russell, town clerk service ... 29 50 29 50
34 H. Brewer, town auditor... 3 00 3 00
35 D. L. Aiken, 3 00 3 00
36 H. A. Graham, 3 00 3 00
$477 62
Harrison Curry, overseer of the poor 8 00
1 Tax Roll. 75
D. L. AIKEN,Auditors.
GROTON: Tompkins County, New York, 1876.
Nov. 9, 1876. At a regular meeting of the Board of Town Auditors held in and
for the town of Groton, the following hills were passed upon by the following
On motion C. P. Atwood was chosen Chairman present.;
C. P. ATWOOD, Chairman.
GEO. E. N. BARNEY, Clerk.
1 Zeno C. Pierce, poor account 73 60 73 50
2 S. U. Jones,, medical 35 60 35 50
3 Frank Clement, constable 4 35 4 35
4 Dudley Andrews, coffin and attendance 20 00 20 00
6 John A. Kinney, excess tax 3 75 3 75
6 M. D. Goodyear, clerk of election ........ 4 00 4 00
7 M. D. Goodyear, medical 35 60 35 50
8 Dudley Andrews, justice of peace 8 00 8 00
9 William Niver, assessor 48 25 48 25
10 W. D. Mount, justice of peace 19 35 19 35
11 Hugh Halsey, justice of peace 6 00 6 00
12 Lewis M. Ogden, assesssor 34 15 34 15
13 Walter W. White, assessor... 14 00 14 00
14 J. B. Hart, commissioner 7 45 7 45
15 B. H. Wakely, commissioner • 7 45 7 45
16 Groton Journal, printing..... 15 45 15 45
17 A. F. Morton, poor account 67 13 67 13
18 John Goodyear, medical....... 8 50 8 50
19 Tompson Metzger, assessor 34 00 34 00
20 C. P. Atwood, auditor 3 00 3 00
21 Frank L. Tarbell, election inspector........ 6 00 6 00
22 E. R. Nye, use of hall ................... 25 00 25 00
23 A. B. Buck, election inspector 4 00 4 00
24 A. B. Rogers, use of hall.... 10 00 10 00
25 Alvin S. Stearns, election inspector....... 4 00 4 00
26 John Sellen, °` 4 00 4 00
27 Ezra Halsey, constable.... .... .... .... 4 65 4 65
28 M. D. Fitch, election clerk.... ..... .. ..... 4 00 4 00
29 J. M. Tarbell, election clerk 4 00 4 00
30 Timothy Loomis, constable.. .... .. .. . ..... 3 60 3 60
31 R. E. Spence, excess tax dogs 10 50 10 50
32 Dana Rhodes, justice of peace. 32 15 32 15
33 H. D. Spencer, excise 10 00 10 00
34 Paschal Fitts, excise......... 9 00 9 00
35 N. R. Weaver, medical.... 32 50 32 50
36 Thomas Morgan, use of hall 10 00 10 00
37 Albert Morton, poor bill 50 75 50 75
38 George H. Hart, election inspector. 4 00 4 00
39 V. B. Gross " 6 00 6 00
40 Warren Little, .` 4 00 4 00
41 R. Lanning, °' 4 00 4 00
42 N. Stevens, .. 2 75 2 75
43 S. C. Reynolds, 4 00 4 00
44 V. B. Gross, supervisor 31 07 31 07
45 Nelson Harris, excise. 21 00 21 00
46 C. H. Spaulding, constable....... ..... 18 95 18 95
47 Dana Rhodes, justice of peace........... 1 00 1 00
48 S. A. Niver, assessor's clerk.... ..... ........... 6 00 6 00
49 Wm. Burnham, rail road commissioner 9 00 9 00
50 Artemas Backus, 4
1 3 00 3 00
51 J. M. Thomas, election inspector 4 00 4 00
52 George E. Barney, town clerk. 36 28 36 28
53 Charles Newton, highway commissioner1,697 54 1,697 54
54 John Reynolds, auditor.... 3 00 3 00
55 Lyman Darling, auditor.... 3 00 3 00
56 Nelson Stevens, supervisor's manual. 3 00
57 Dudley Andrews 3 50
58 Dudley Andrews..... 2 45
59 Dudley Andrews 2 25
60 G. E. Barney. ...... .. ........ .. .......... 3 00
61 G. W. Davis........ 4 00
62 C. N. Tarbell 9 20
$2,559 47
We the undersigned, the Board of Auditors of the town of Groton, Tompkins
County, New York, do certify that the within named bills were duly audited by us
on this 9th day of November, 1876.
Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the
Board of Auditors of the town of Ithaca on the 9th day of November, 1876, with
the amount claimed by each one and the amount allowed.
1 Tompkins County National Bank 105 20 105 20
2 Truman Spaulding.............. 8 00
3 S. K. VanVoorhees, poll clerk 8 00 8 00
4 Robert Howell, constable -17 80 17 80
5 P. G. Ellsworth, consultation ................... • 15 00 15 00
6 W. F. McClune, poll clerk, 2d district............ 4 00 4 00
7 L. P. Kennedy, inspector 2d district... 4 00 4 00
8 Ithaca Journal, advertising 25 00 25 00
9 C. D . Johnson, inspector 2d district4 00 4 00
10 Eugene B. Maurice, poll clerk 1st district5 00 4 00
11 L. V. B. Maurice, repairing desk ........... 2 00 2 00
12 T. Hollister & Son, ballot boxes 15 75 15 75
13 A. H. Phillips, poll clerk 2d district 4 00 4 00
14 J. Burritt & Son, keys for lock .................. 1 90 1 90
15 A. H. Phillips, ex town clerk......... 16 00 16 00
16 0. H. Gregory, ex coin. and printing............ 41 00 41 00
17 Linford Mood, ex cora ........ 36 00 36 00
18 Royal Thompson, assessor....... 96 00 96 00
19 W. J. Totten, making assessment roll .......... 30 00 30 00
20 W. J. Totten, service bill ... ................ 40 00 40 00
21 W. J. Totten, justice....... 44 83 44 83
22 Warren H. Lyon, poll clerk 1st district 4 00 4 00
23 Thomas Nelligan, inspector 1st district........ •. 4 00 4 00
24 Charles L. Taber, inspector 1st district 6 00 5 00
25 Daniel M. Fowler, `E 5 00 4 00
26 James H. Tichenor, service bill assigned to H. C.
Williams, treasurer 46 00 46 00
27 James H. Tichenor, justice, assigned to C. F.
Blood 7183 7153
28 James H. Tichenor, assigned to S. L. Tichenor.. 206 32 . 206 32
29 James H. Tichenor, justice....... 77 80 77 80
30 J. F. Bradley, surveyor....... 10 00 . 10 00
31 T. P. St John, inspector 3d district........ .. 4 00 4 00
32 C. F. Blood, office rent 65 00 65 00
33 S. P. Sackett, poor doctor 150 00 150 00
34 James H. Tichenor, justice, assigned to R. A
Crozier ..... , 618 50 618 50
35 Dr. A. Bishop, poor doctor 150 00 160 00
36 L. S. Mackey, oiling clerk's desk ................ 2 68 2 68
37 J. C. McWhorter, inspector 3d district.......... 4 00 4 00
38 Samuel Stoddard, poor account,
Paid the poor. $2,772.72
Service bill No. 1 ................. 389.30
Cr ............... . $3,162 02
By cash and certificate1,000 00 2,162 02 2,162 02
39 James Gardner, constahle73 35 73 35
40 A. B. Stamp, feeding prisoners and use of house
for election. 265 00 265 00
41 Enos Buckbee, Military Hall, for town meeting.. 35 00 36 00
42 John Rumsey, hardware 4 18 4 18
43 A. B. Wood, town clerk ............... 127 31 127 31
44 D. L. Burtt, supervisor 159 30 159 30
45 William Andrus, printing and stationery........ 13 40 13 40_
46 George B. McCormack, poll clerk 3d district.... 4 00 4 00
47 A. J. White, equalize school tax....... 2 00 2 00
i) 48 P. M. Blodgett, constable 60 00 60 00
49 Ithaca Democrat, advertising....... 5 00 5 00
50 Spence Spencer, inspector 2d district... 4 00 4 00
51 Spence Spencer, stationery 3 10 3 10
52 S. H. Millets, ex commissioner 36 00 36 00
53 Finch & Apgar, poll book ....... 2 50 2 50
54 H. Lamkin & Son, livery ................ 7 00 7 00
55 D. J. Seaman & Son, livery ...................... 7 00 7 00
56 Samuel B. Beers, assessor... 250 00 250 00
57 B. L. Almy, services, overseer of. poor.......... 55 00 55 00
58 Charles G. Day, service bill. 49 00 ' 4n 00
59 Charles G. Day, justice ............... 108 19 108 19
60 A. R. Whitaker, constable, assigned to J. D.
Beardsley .. 30 35 30 35
61 F. P. Randolph, inspector 3d district ............ 4 00 4 00
62 James E. Puff, constable, assigned to Washington
Davis, ............... .. ..... 15 85 15 85
63 E. G. Phelps, constable 41 15 41 15
64 Dr. M. M. Brown, services.... .............. 3 00 3 00
65 13. L. Almy, service bill with town boards. 2 00 2 00
66 J. W. Willson, constable 5 00 5 00
67 L. F. Colegrove, com. highways work and
material ....... ...$3,853 25
service bill 696 00 $4,549 25
Cr, by R. R. tax........ $136 00
Cornell University ...... 25 00
Certificates3,350 00
Error bill rendered 2 50 r,3,513 50
68 Charles G. Day ........... ....
69 Lewis Clark, constable, assigned to K. S. Van -
Voorhees ..............
70 H. N. Humiston, deputy constable
71 A. M. Lucas, service bill ......
72 A. M. Lucas, justice
73 A. R. Whitaker, constable ............ ...
74 John L. Whiton, rail road commissioner........
75 P M Blodgett, constable ..........
76 Myron Sexton, assessor....
77 Dr Tarbell, abstract of sales ....................
78 Ithaca Police, assigned to S B Beers.......
79 Ithaca Police, B R Williams, chief ...
80 Jonah Sincepaugh, coal.
81 A S Wesley use of house for election, assigned to
S B Stewart, C W Blackmer ...................
82 E Ellis, use of house for election, assigned to D B
Stewart.. . .
83 A B Wood, design, quantities and estimate, six
mile creek bridge... .......
84 D L Burtt, supervisor's manual. ..
We the undersigned Town Auditors certify that the
to be correct.
1,035 75 1,035 75
12 54 12 54
6 65, 5 65
13 25 13 25
46 00 46 00
253 59 253 59
2060 2060
20 00 20 00
75 75
94 94 94 94
1500 1500
319 U5 31460
607 20 606 20
1 75 1 75
15 00 15 00
15 00 15 00
12 00 12 00
above abstract of accounts
Town certificates issued from November 5th, 1875, to November 9th, 1876, Com-
fort Hanshaw, Commissioner of Highways, November to April.
Certificate March 31, '76 $' 66 02
Interest to January 1st, '77 8 72 174 74
L F Colegrove, Commissioner of highways, April to
Certificate June 29, '76.... — $800 00
Interest to January 1st, '77 28 00
Certificates August 14th, '76 ............ $500 00
Interest to January 1st, '76 .............. 13 11
Certificate September 29th, '76 ... . $650 00
828 00
513 11
Interest to January 1st, '77 .............. 11 75 661 75
Certificate 29th, '76 ... ........... $1400 00
Interest to January 1st, '77 25 31 1,425 31 3,602 91
Samuel Stoddard, overseer of poor
Certificate March 31st, 76... .......$975 59
Interest to January 1st, '77 51 22 1,026 81
Certificate March 31st, '76 $187 18
Interest to June 1st, '77 9 83 197 01
Certificate September 9th, '76 $500 00
Interest to June 1st, '77 11 08 511 08 1,734 90
$13,293 26
Statement of Poor account from November 5th, '75, to Nov. 9th, '76.
Disbursements for town poor.. .... 6,391 09
Cash from supervisor's excise money .............. 2,566 30
Town certificates .................................. 1,662 77
Balance due Samuel Stoddard............ 2,162 02 6,391 09
Statement of highway account from November 5th, '75 to November 9th, '76.
Comfort Hanshaw, work and materials from Novem-
5th, '75, to March 31st, '76 416 02
L F Colegrove, work and materials from March 31st,
'76 to November 9th, '76 ............. 4,549 25 4,965 27
Cr. Comfort Hanshaw, cash from collector250 00
Town certificate ............. 166 02
L F Colegrove, rail road tax... 136 00
Cornell University 25 00
Certificates 3,360 00
Error in bill rendered 2 50
Balance due L F Colegrove ........................ 1,035 75 4,965 27
Abstract of bills audited by the Auditing Board of the Town of Lansing, Novem-
ber 9th, 1876.
1 J W Pratt, inspector and messenger of election..
2 Charles Drake, inspector of election .............
3 George Moreland, inspector of election..........
4 t: E Smith, inspector of election ................
5 H Teeter, inspector of election ...
6 Wesley DeCamp, use of house for election ......
$5 20
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
8 00
5 20
4 00'
4 00
4 00
4 00
8 00
7 James H Ross, inspector of election .. 4 00 4 00
8 G W Miller, inspector and messenger... 5 00 6 00
9 Dana Bower, 4 00 4 00
10 .1 F Rhodes, " 4 00 4 00
11 J H Conklin " 4 00 4 00
12 James W Houser, use of house for election 15 00 15 00
13 Dana Bower, justice ........... ...... 2 05 2 05
14 G M Beard, digging T Allen grave .............. 2 00 2 00
15 Thomas Miller, burial of T Allen 20 00 20 00
16 A. 11 Clark, excise commissioner ................ 3 00 3 00
17 Lamson Hedden, inspector of election.......... 4 00 4 00
18 W Seely, use of house 12 60 12 60
19 C G Hagin, inspector of election 4 00 4 00'
20 S B Fields, excise commissioner... 3 00 3 00
21 Jonathan Norton, inspector of election .......... 5 00 5 00
22 W D Williams, inspector and messenger........ 4 00 4 00
23 Alphonso Baker, constable ....... 2 60 2 50
24 Dr D Hall, medical .................... 26 75 23 00
25 David Crocker, justice of peace ... ....... 14 80 2 80-
26 Wm G Godley, town clerk........ — 4 00 4 00
27 John Wyckoff, assessor............ 38 00 38 00
28 L L Myers, constable 2 15 2 15
29 John Wyckoff, commissioner of highways 174 00 174 00
30 Isaac Hilliard, assessor 40 CO 40 00
31 Dennis Kelley, assessor... 44 00 40 00
32 Henry Miller, use of house for election 15 00 15 00
33 John Brown, for plank ................... 34 41 34 41
34 James Houser, care of T Allen .................. 15 00 15 00
35 Wm Mead, supplies for poor .... 30 15 30 15
36 S Stoddard. Ithaca, supplies for poor 14 80 14 80
37 P L Smith, supplies for poor 7 75 7 75
33 C G Benjamin 4 4 1 75 1 75
39 Harriet Butler,` keeping pauper ................ 52 72 52 72
40 Dr Gulick, medical 65 50 38 00
41 Newell Gibbs, burial Wm Jugly, pauper......... 40 00 30 00
42 Dr D T Barr, attendance H Lobdell ............ 7 00 5 00
43 Dr Wm H Barr, " Mrs Mack ... 12 50 9 00
44 A M Tarbell, constable ... 4 00 4 00
45 A M Tarbell, constable 3 65 3 55
46 J M Woodbury, supervisor ..................... 39 19 39 19
47 J M Woodbury, justice of peace 6 00 6 00
48 J M Woodbury, rail road expenses .......... .. 1,231 29 1,231 29
49 H D Donnelly, lawyer's fees ... 110 00 50 00
50 Jesse Havens 31 00 8 00
51 H L Comstock, lawyer's fees....:...... 439 42 439 42
52 Milo Goodrich, lawyer's fees....... 1,300 00 1,300 00
53 Wm N Buck, overseer of poor........ 33 15 33 15
54 N E Lyon, supplies to poor............ 28 20 27 50
55 D T & W I3 Barr, medical 5 25 2 75
56 A;W Knettles,board auditors 12 00 12 00'
57 D 0 Herring, " .12 00 12 00
58 Myron Halliday, " 12 00 12 00
59. Wm Mead, clerk of board auditors....... 6 00 6 00;
60 J M 'Woodbury, supervisor's manual ............ 3 00
3,894 73
D. C. IIERRING, Auditors.
WM. MEAD, Clerk of Auditing Board.
At a Special Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Lansing,
held at the house of Warren Seely in said town on the first day of July, all the
members present.
The following resolutions were unanimously passed.
Resolved, That the Board authorizes John W. Wyckoff, Commissioner of High-
ways for said town, to raise the sum of three hundred dollars on the credit of said
town to be expend!d in repairing the highway north of Ludlowville in said' town.
MYRON HALLIDAY, - Town Auditors.
At a Special Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Lansing,
held at the house of Warren Seely, in said town, all the members being present;
the 2d day of September, 1876, the following resolutions were unanimously adop-
ted : That they authorize John Wyckoff, Commissioner of Highways of said town,
to raise the sum of one thousand dollars on the credit of said town, to be applied as
follows : Five hundred dollars for iron bridge near B. M: Hugin ; two hundred
dollars for iron bridge at Lake Ridge, and the balance for the repairing of various
bridges in said town.
MYRON HALLIDAY, . Town Auditors.
Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to b: audited by
the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Newfield, on the 9th day of November,
1876, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed to each claim.
1 J H Seabring, ex commissioner of highways 29 05 29 06
2 Wm Hartranft, inspector of election 1st district4 00 4 00
' 3 S D Cook, 44 " 400 400
4 0 N Alexander, " " 4 00 4 00
6 Wm McCollum, clerk of board of inspectors 4 00 4 00
6 G W Peck, " 4 00 4 00
7 Oliver Crawford, assessor 37 13 37 13
8 D M Kellogg, assessor... .......... .. 38 30 38 30
9 Benjamin Starr, justice of peace. .... .... ... . 28 00 28 00
10 J W Dean, justice of peace....... 18 75 18 75
11 E A Curtis, excise commissioner.... 3 00 3 00
12 L H Bower, desk ;and table for clerk 14 00 14 00
13 P S. Dudley, railroad commissioner 6 00 6 00
14 P S Dudley, use of hall... 20 00 20 00
15 Amos Shafer, railroad commissioner12 00 12 00
16 Stephen Kennedy, excess tax..... 7 30 7 30
17 R H Carpenter, poor master ............... 38 00 38 00
18 8 A Seabnng, medical services.... 7 50 7 50
19 J 0 Everhart, assessor 34 30 34 30
20 Ezra Marion, supervisor 20 88 20 88
21 A J White, ex ,supervisor ...... 46 54 46 54
22 Samuel Simpson, inspector of election 2d district, 4 00 4 00
23 Abner H Stamp, ,, " 4 00 4 00
24 James Stamp, " " 4 00 4 00
25 Alvah D Brown, clerk of board of inspectors..... 4 00 4 00
26 J C Carpenter, ,, `` 4 00 4 00
27 Alvah Brown, use of house ...................... 10 00 10 00
28 Charles Knickerbocker, commissioner of highways 166 00 166 00
29 Jacob Puff, excise commissioner ................ 3 00 3 00
30 Benjamin Drake, excise commissioner.......... 3 00 3 00
31 Henry Taber, town clerk .................. 48 00 48 00
32 E C Thorn, justice of the peace 29 25 29 25
33 Charles Knickerbocker, commissioner of highways, 2,548 62 2,548 62
34 H S Rockwell, town auditor, three days........ 9 00 9 00
35 R C Estabrook, town auditor 9 00 9 00
36 N S Georgia " .... 9 00 9 00
37 Robert J Merritt, damage to horse and wagon.... 50 00 20 00
38 Ezra Marion, supervisor's manual... 3 00
$3,258 62
The undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the town of Newfield, do certify
that the foregoing abstract is correct. Newfield, November llth, 1876.
Resolved, That the Commissioner of Highways be authorized to expend the sum
of fourteen hundred and twenty-five dollars in the construction of abutments of
stone built on piles, and an iron bridge across the inlet near the house of William
P. Blakeslee, in this town, sail bridge having become impassable since the last
annual town meeting. E. MARION, Supervisor.
H. L. TABER, Town Clerk.
L. S. HAM, Justices.
NEWFIELD, July 28th,1876.
On motion it was resolved that the Commissioner of Highways be authorized to
expend the sum of $700 dollars to build and repair bridges in the town of New-
field, viz., on Chaffee Creek, three bridges to be repaired seventy-five dollars, by
Wordeu 200 dollars, in Tompkins District 125 dollars, by Kellogg 100 dollars, by
Madison Clark 100 dollars; for all others 100 dollars. Total 700 dollars.
E. MARION, Supervisor.
H. L. TABER, Clerk.
L. S. HAM. Justices.
Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the
Board of Town Auditors of the town of Ulysses, on the 9th day of November, 1876,
with amounts claimed by each and the amounts audited and allowed each, viz :
1 J P King, supervisor 52 80 52 80
2 S A Ammack, commissioner of highways... 104 13 104 13
3 A M Holman, bonding commissioner............ 12 00 12 00
4 T Boardman, " 18 50 18 60
6 0 M Wilson, printing.... ........ .. 5 00 5 00
6 E Sisson, clerk of election, etc....... 4 25 4 25
7 J D Smith, inspector of election 4 50 4 00
8 H A Bower `? 2 years8 00 8 00
9 J L Pope, " 4 60 - 4 25
10 F D Barto, clerk of election... 4 25 4 25
11 E S Pratt, assessor............ 43 75 43 75
12 C Burch, use of house for election 15 00 10 00
13 Lewis Clock, constable, assigned to Biggs & Bro23 40 17 65
14 Lewis Clock, constable..: 00 8 55
15 Lewis Clock, constable 3 15 3 15
16 W A Fuller, constable assigned to Biggs & Bro26 35 19 50
17 J D Bouton, justice of the peace 12 00 10 00
18 J R Emery, 33 60 31 60
I9 C C Mattison, commissioner of highways 11 00 11 00
20 George C Vann, work on highway 24 54 24 54
21 J F Flickinger, medical services 35 00 19 00
22 J F Flickinger, medical services 8 00 6 00
23 11 C Taylor, clerk of election 4 00 4 00
24 A. V VanLiew, ex commissioner of highways6 00 6 00
25 J G Jones, justice of the peace 4 00 4 00
26 James D Pease, commissioner of highways 25 00 25 00
27 John VanBuskirk, inspector of election 8 00 8 00
28 John VauBuskirk, coffin, etc. 19 00 17 50
29 Samuel Colegrove, assessor , .... 24 00 24 00
30 H B Chase, medical services.... 7 25 7 25
31 H B Chase, " 13 50 13 50
32 Abram Chase, ex town clerk 15 00 9 00
33 Elias Smith, ex overseer of the poor 6 50 6 50
34 Elias Smith, clerk of election 4 00 4 00
35 J Carman, justiee of the peace 3 85 3 85
36 Charles Bower, excess of taxes.... . ......... ... 4 90 4 90
37 11 G Cooper, town clerk 23 00 20 00
38 J M Farrington, medical services 75 62 53 12
39 Isaac Bullard, house for elections, etc... 46 00 27 56
40 11 Tallmadge, medical services 9 00 9 00
41 Rozine Fish, constable ... 4 00 4 00
42 Thomas Vann, ex commissioner of highways 4 00 4 00
43 L H Owen, commissioner of excise 17 44 14 44
44 Thomas Bower, commissioner of excise18 00 15 00
45 Henry Lucky, assessor 35 77 35 77
46 J D1 Stout, inspector of elections 4 63 4 63
47 Edward Pearsall, commissioner of excise 2 years, 27 00 24 00
48 G 11 Stewart & Sons, undertaking 30 00 25 00
49 A G Updyke, town auditor 6 00
'50 J Stilwell, 6 00
51 E C Seymour, " 9 00
52 Repairs of highways and bridges
23 Interest on Pa. & S. B. R. R. Bonds
' Sinking fund due ...
54 J P King, supervisor's manual ................
The undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the town of Ulysse
the foregoing abstract is correct.
Dated Ulysses, November 11th, 1876.
6 00
6 00
9 00
1,250 (,0
5,250 00
750 00
88,062 88
s; do certify that
JACOB STILWELL, `Town Auditors.
1 J M Farrington, medical services.
2 A Clapp, printing
3 Groton Journal, printing.
4 Ithaca Water Works Company....
5 Ithaca Gas Light Company
6 S H Peck, medical services. .
7 J J Montgomery, medical services.......
8 S P Sackett, medical services.
9 J V Wilson, painting and supplies
10 White & Burdick, glass, etc ............ .......
11 G C McClune, flag stone, etc .................. .
12 Cornell Library, rent Military Hall ...........
13 S J Parker, medical services
14 Spence Spencer, supplies etc., to supervisors
15 David Randolph, work, mortar, etc. .......
16 Town of Danby, armory rent
17 V B Gross, e1 supervisor .......:................
18 Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies, 1875 and 1876 to
jail, etc ...................
19 Wm Spence, gravel .......
$5 00
37 75
34 25
66 00
97 44
17 50
24 05
20 00
97 56
2 84
35 50
300 00
55 00
19 8.5
19 62
50 00
10 80
8 13
4 00
$5 00
1 50
3 00
66 00
97 44
13 50
24 05
15 00
97 56
2 84
35 50
300 00
30 00
19 85
19 62
50 00
10 80
8 13
4 00
20 Dr M M Brown, medical services as coroner
21 Wm M Smith, coal to jail, court, etc
22 A C,Carpenter & Co., wardrobe judge's office, 1875,
23 John Rumsey, supplies
24 P H Farrington, Sup't of poor,
25 M T Denman, "
26 J M Smith,
27 Dr Rightmire, medical services
28 J M Farrington,
29 M Beesimer, «
30 Hyatt & Oltz, carpentering and supplies
31 Simeon Smith, disburs'ts as District Attorney
32 J M McKinney, ex services as special co. judge
33 W N Buck, poor master services
34 J F Burdick, medical services...
35 Biggs & Co., armory rent
36 Henry Miller, armory rent and armorer
37 G Rightmire, medical services
38 G Rightmire,
39 D W Bailey, ex supervisor•.......
40 J M Farrington, medical service,
41 C P Farling, medical services.... ....
42 John E Beers, medical services........
43 Dawson & Co., printing court terms.......
44 John D Parsons & Co., supplies to co. clerk
45 A J White, ex supervisor
46 John Stoddard, meals to jurors...........
47 Eli Beers, medical services ......................
48 J K Folletts, livery bill
49 A .A. Haskins, constable fee ....................
50 A R Whittaker, constable fee
51 Charles G Day, justice fees
52 J H Tichenor, justice fees assigned to S C Tichenor
53 R R Howell, deputy sheriff and constable fees, as-
signed to Robert Reed
54 8 B Landon, deputy sheriff
55 E Snyder, constable fees
56 James Gardner, constable ...
57 Ezra Rumsey, constable
68 8 D Hamilton, constable ........................
69 W J Totten, justice of peace.......
60 Burr Rumsey, constable
54 00
SO 39
26 00
20 86
126 GO
68 50
150 00
5 80
11 20
10 00
18 40
78 37
150 00
23 65
20 00
25 00
49 50
5 00
5 00
25 68
5 00
9 00
7 00
13 90
8 88
0 50
7 00
4 00
1 45
9 35
13 65
114 31
58 55
15 51
16 10
10 90
8 25
7 65
2 60
6 65
36 00
80 39
20 86
126 00
61 00
150 00
b 80
11 20
5 00
18 40
78 38
23 65
14 00
25 00
49 60
5 00
5 00
25 68
5 00
9 00
7 00
13 90
4 50
8 88
6 50
7 00
4 00
1 45
9 10
13 65
113 71
58 55
15 54
16 10
10 90
8 25
7 65
2 60
6 65
61 P M Blodgett, constable................ 29 15 29 15
62 R R Howell, deputy sheriff.... .... .... .... .... 42 60 42 50
63 J M Fish, constable......... 34 55 34 55
64 R R Howell, deputy sheriff, assigned to William
Carpenter 38 24 . 3812
65 J B Bovee, constable ..... 4 15 4 15
66 A M Lucas, justice of peace ... 46 67 44 42
67 C J Meiian, constable, Evans Centre, Erie co.,N Y 44 50 44 50
68 Wm Waters, constable 11 60 11 10
69 Lewis Clock, deputy sheriff......... 6 48 6 48
70 C H Spaulding, deputy sheriff.................. 11 41 11 41
71 D J Seaman, livery for supervisors to county
house 12 00 12 00
72 A W Knapp, justice of peace.... 2 00 2 00
73 Henry H Houpt, census enumerator 1875........ 49 20 24 00
74 J H Wilson, work in jail, etc., cash paid out etc.. 20 81 20 81
75 Rankin & Son, supplies to court house 6 40 .6 40
76 Howard & Clement, spring swivil chair, county
clerk's office
77 J M Jamison, plumbing and supplies to jail and
court house. 26 97 26 97
Plumbing, etc., County Clerk's Office25 57
78 Lafayette Dusenbury, armorer ..... 9 75 9 75
79 A C Carpenter, supplies to jail, etc 31 25 31 25
80 M M Brown, coroner's fees 96 93 88 00
81 Dr Coryell, medical services .................... 35 25 35 25
82 J G Wortnlan, armory 50 00 60 00
83 Carrier & Winslow, medical services 5 00 5 00
84 W C Gallagher, medical services....... 35 80 33 30
85 Dr Gilbert, medical services 15 00 16 00
86 L S Mackey, glass and setting.................. 2 75 2 75
87 Mason Burdick, armorer............... 21 75 21 75
88 Edward Lounsbery, armory rent ..... ........ 25 00 25 00
89 D V Personius, armory rent .................... 2 45
90 Sandford Brothers, supplies, ... .... 1 00 1 00
91 J H Theal, armorer ....... 14 00 14 00
92 F P Randolph, labor and supplies, county build-
ings ..... 56 65 56 65
93 H .1 Wilson, supplies to jail4 59 4 59
94 Marcus Lyon, coal and janitor, money paid 91 10 91 10
95 W J Gulick, medical services.... ..;, 9 00 9 00
96 A. C Carpenter, burial of Descbner28 00 28 00
8 50
97 J W Dean, census enumerator 1875 2 00 2 00
98 Culver & Co., supplies to jail, etc............ 49 46 49 46
99 J L Ba1Baker, prosecuting Deschncr....... 5 00 5 00
160 H J Wilson, supplies to jail ..... ... .... .... .... . 61 38 61 38
101 C L Crandall, survey and map for Halliday in
i 1875, (people vs VanZoil) 32 00 30 00
102 F E Tibbetts, defending prisoner, assigned by
court, not county charge ........... 50 00
103 J T Morrison, supplies to jail 8 20 8 20
104 Finch & Apgar, stationery, etc 18 84 18 84
105 Hunt and Coryell, coal, court house and jail.... 57 01 57 01
106 .A. C Carpenter, repairing chairs, court house.... 12 50 12 50
107 Dr C Cook, medical services 10 00 , 8 00
108 D Randolph, mason and limp (assigned to B M
Hagin).......... 1516 1516
109 George H Houtz, armory rent 40 00 40 00
110 D Tarbell, armorer 30 88 30 88
111' Ford & Trowbridge, printing (not properly au-
thorized) . 46 87
112 John E Beers, supervisor's fees, (extra sessions).. 8 24 8 24
113 J M Woodbury, " " 32 96 32 96
114 b L Burtt, ." 39 20 39 20
115 C L Wattles 18 10 18 40
116 Harrison Marvin, " 33 48 33 48
117 S D Halliday, legal services, (civil case)........ 78 13 7813
118 L L Myers, constable ... 14 70 14 70
119 W H Goodwin, jr., justice of peace ....... .... 3 50 3 50
120 A R Whittaker, constable ... 5 05 5p'
121 Albert Neidick, constable '.'.....' 22 25 12 52
122 Lester Conklin, constable; ................... 4 70 4 70
123 N Underwood, constable .'...... .............. 29 00 29 00
124 Moses Tyler, constable....' ........::..... 12 65 12 65
125 1 C Marsh, Constable 17 20 17 20
726 1# R Williams, armory rent....... 40 00 40 00
127 John Goodyear, medical services.... .....:.... 43 50 12 00
128 F G Ault, armorer 46 49 46 49
129 'J P King, supervisor (extra sessions) 19 68 19 68
130 F G Manley, under sheriff, fees 123 29 123 29'
131 E G Phelps, constable • . . 8 00 8 00
132 C H Tarbell, constable 9 90 9 90
133 B M Hagin, sheriff, board of prisoners.. , . 2,218 85 2,218 85.
134 B M Hagin, sheriff, service bill ........ , 598 80 598 80
.1.3i R. R Howell, deputy ; sheriff (presented too late
.• for audit) 6 20
136 P G Manley, under sheriff.... .... .... .... ..... 248 26 248 26
137 B R Williams, Win Sullivan, Ed Mowry,
, . J Staley, constables, assigned to S B Beers..... 107 70 107 70
138 B R Williams, constable 94 90 94 90
139 Dudly Andrews, justice of peace 3 25. 3 25
140 D Tat•bell, county clerk, fees.... ...... .... 1,632 28 1,459 56
141 S A Seabring, medical services , .. , 10 00 • 8.00
142 Andrus, McChain & Co , supplies to co. officials368 11 368 11
143. Ithaca Democrat, pub co... 879.41 971 84
144 Ithaca Journal, 1,027 20 938 00
145 Trenton, King & Co., supplies for court house,
jail, etc , 1874, etc.... ........187 40 108 62
146 E C VanKirk, ex sheriff fees for board and
services ........... .. ....... 453 45 453 45
147 Williams Bros., lumber and cartage to jail, 1874 9 85 9 85
148 Hunt & Coryell, coal for co. clerk's office,1875, '76 87 20
149 Trenton, King & Co., stove for jail kitchen 53 95 53 95
150 T W Burns, extra service as clerk, etc:::..:83 75 83 75
151 Lewis Clock, deputy sheriff .:...:......... 24 93 24 93
i52 Nelson Stevens, supervisor 5 66 5 56
153 Nelson Stevens 81 99 81 99
154' L H VanKirk, supervisor ....................... 7 76 7 76
155 L H VanKirk, supervisor...... 71 33• 71 33
156 J E Beers, supervisor... .. 72 13 72 13
157 J P King, supervisor ............................ . 84 84- 84 84
158 C L Wattles, supervisor 73 69 73 69
159 D L Burtt, supervisor... 93 49 93 49
1,60. J 14I Woodbury, super visor . 77 20 77 20
161 Ezra Marion ................................. 8.56 , 8 56
162 Ezra Marion, supervisor............ 74 87 74 57
163 Harrison Marvin, supervisor 83 65 83 65
$12,136 43
In relation to Justice of the Peace and other County and Town Officers.
It is the desire of the Board of Supervisors of this. county to be controlled abso-
lutely by law and equity. The cases coming under their jurisdiction are generally
ministerial and controlled by statute. Many officers have in thepast so neglected
or refused to comply with the laws of the state and Boards. of Supervisors that
much time has been lost by the Boards in examining matters which reports from
such officers, in accordance with law, could have easily and readily made, clear,.
besides the possible wrong doing to some innocent parties. The past few years at-
test the truth of these remarks. And after due caution to such officials the Super-
visors have decided to be unsparing in their duties to the people. To many this
chapter may be beneficial. Justices of the Peace can find in Chapter 341, Laws of
1864, and Chapter 404, Laws 1863, their duty to the people by such reports.
The following is a list of the justices of the towns, and their reports according to
said laws :
J P Merrill, failed to report ...............
Frank Cortright, failed to report ....................
Mat. Bull,. ,.. .:...........:.......
A. T Lott,.. .
L Jennings, failed to report
J Thatcher, failed to report ................
Charles Howland, failed to report...........
Wm J Smith, failed to report........
John Snyder.......
J W Webster .............
Amt. received as per Report.
$25 00
Wm H Goodwin, Jr 15 00
Wm Marshall ..................
Elisha Horton ......
J M Lanning,
Eliphalet Covell, .......
W D Mount, failed to report
Dudley Andrews,........ .. 13 00
Dana Rhoades, failed to report
HughHalsey, .......... ...........
James Tichenor.... 88 00
A M Lucas, 19 70
C G Day, 30 00
W J Totten ... ..... 6 82
David Crocker, failed to report
Dana Bower, failed to report
Nelson E Lyon, failed to report.... ....
JM Woodbury ............ ...................
L S Ham.......
Benjamin Starr
Eivin C Thorn ....................................
J W Dean .................... .................. .
JR Emery ................
J D Bouton ...............
Jacob Carman ...
22 35
Statement showing the amount of compensation audited by the Board of Super-
visors of the County of Tompkins to the members thereof, within the past year, -
with the items and nature of such co: pensation as audited ; the number of days
the Board were in session; the distance traveled by the members respectively in at.
tending county canvasses and meetings of the Board within the past year.
Published pursuant to 14th section of Act passed December 14, 1874.
C. L. Watites........ Caroline
J. E. Beers Danby
H. Marvin Dryden
L. Van%irk... ...Enfield
N. Stevens . (Groton.......
D. L. Burtt 'Ithaca
.7. M. WoodburyLansing.....
E. Marion (Newfield
J. P. King Ulysses
D. W. Bailey Enfield
V. B. Gross Groton
.7. Hawes Danby.......
A. J. White , Newfield
$0 60
8 52
9 60
6 00
11 52
5 12
11 52
4 SO
'� u
$10 49
9 89
19 49
9 57
10 87
32 69
12 31
15 00
$92 09
78 09
86 47
132 69
83 43
98 52
25 6s
10 80
1 I
I $696 1101 I $1843 1 $134 95 1$1 00 $913 43
I hereby certify that the above statement is correct; that the Board of Supervi-
sors of Tompkins County were in session 17 days, and the number of miles traveled
during official duty by each member respectively is correct as stated. And that no
accounts were audited or allowed by the Board without being verified according to
Iaw, for any member of said Board or any other person.
THOS. W. BURNS, Clerk.
Statement of the aggregate valuation of real and personal estate, and amount of taxes levied, in the several towns and
wards in the County of Tompkins, as corrected by the Board of Supervisors at their annual meeting, in the year one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-five.
Ci 0
E.0 o N• 1 V y.k OPi
Vi -.1'
m r my �°+ ti.�.o U
N� ,5 1"
cn a)=I
Ithaca 19 233' 3,412,306 373,575 3,985,881 4,453,129 46,439 87 9,397 42 4,125 52 7,238 44 67,251 25 ,.0.37
Caroline 31 253 962,346 41,150 1,003,496 621,809 1,366 20 1,312 20 576 06 1,017 72 .00674
Danby 33 286 670,656 25,620 696,276 746,714 1,166 19 1,575 78 691 78 1,222 11 4,655 9p .0026
Enfield 22 007 588,288 34,040 622,328 556,642 2,752 50 1,174 68 515 69 911 06
Ulysses 20 0S7 1,313,794 342,702 1,656,496 1,490,712 8,701 65 3,145 84 1,331 04 3,820 89 15,668 38 .09111
Groton 30 725 1,581,151 228,533 1.809,634 1,258,552 13,740 50 2,655 92 1,165 96 2,059 S7 24,622 55 .0137
Newfield 36 169 741,910 31,240 773,150 739,925 7,942 94 1,561 46 680 49 1,211 04 11,4'0 93 .0148
Lansing' 37 731 1,725,883 177,150 1,898,533 1,821,928 12,739 35 3,844 91 1,657 94 2,U82 7005 21 22,254 25 .,254 25 .0112
Dryden 61232 1,050,945 79,825 1,130,770 ' 1,887,1491 4,31096 3,95245 1,73842
291 7231 12,042,77911,533,535 13,576,614 13,576,6441 104,160 241 28,650 66 12,577 811 22,220 S71 167,455 72
1, Thos. W. Burns, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a
true statement of the aggregate valuation of tho real and personal estate in the several towns and wards in said county as cor-
rected by said Board of Supervisors, at their annual meeting, in the month of November, 1875. TIIOS. W. BURNS, Clerk.
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors :
You are requested to call a special session for Feb. 5tb, 1876.
The Board was called to order at 2 p. m., by the chairman, Mr. BIIRTT..
At roll call all were present but Mr. Bailey, who came in and took part in the
proceedings shortly after.
The following communications were read by the clerk and ordered on the min
Susquehanna Valley Home and Industrial School,
Binghamton; N..Y., Dec. 27; 1875
T. W. Burns, Esq., Clerkof Supervisors, Tompkins County :
Dear Sir—The children for which the bills were sent, of which 1 wrote you, were
regularly committed to our care by P. H. Farrington, one of your Superintendents,
of:Poor, he signing the proper form of application, and they should have been no'•
tired in his report.
The'agreenient with your Supervisors dates back several years, though for a time
'there were.no cliildren here under it. :
The amount dile, $188 06. .
-O'ne of t'he'children is still with us. If the matter cannot be provided.for: out .o f"
• the appropriations and paid, we shall have to resort to our legal' remedies.• .
Yours respectfully, . JOSEPH- P. NOYES, Sec'y.
Journal Office; 'Jan"8, 1876.
To the Chairman of the Board,of Supervisors of Tompkins County: .
EAR Siir.—I learn that Messrs. Spence- R Gregory, of•.the.Ithaca Democrat,'have'
• refused to -publish the lams at the price specified ; I therefore,. also refuse to insert
the•laws at the price designated.by your said, Board at the ]ate session..
J.- H.' SELKREG, -Proprietor Journal: -
Office of Ithaca Democrat, )
Ithaca, N. Y. January 15, 1876. f
D. L. Burtt, Esq., Chairman Board of Supervisors .
DEAR SIR—We cannot publish the session laws as required by statute at the price
and to the manner designated by your honorable Board at its last meeting. Yours,
very respectfully, SPENCER & GREGORY.
On motion of Mr. WATTLES,
Whereas, There is a just claim against this county for $188 06 by the Susquehan•
na Valley Home of Binghamton, therefore
Resolved, That the County Treasurer be authorized to draw $188 06 from the
amount appropriated to the Utica Insane Asylum and pay it to the said S. V. Home.
On motion of Dr. White, the amendment of Mr. Gross to the resolution of Mr.
Wattles, in relation to the publication of the Session Laws, "That the price be 30
cents per folio," adopted at the late session of the Board was rescinded by the fol-
lowing vote.
Yeas, Wattles, Marvin, Bailey, Burtt, White, Woodbury, 6.
Nays, Hawes, Gross, King, 3.
Mr. Bailey moved an amendment to the same resolution of 40 cents per folio to
be the price paid for• said publication. Mr. Woodbury moved to substitute 35 cents
for 40 cents. Lost.
Mr. Bailey's amendment was then adopted.
Whereas, The last act of this Board at its .annual session authorized the Clerk
to superintend the publication of an abstract of all fees which come under the ac-
tion of town or county audits, and
Whereas, The said labor was in excess of the usual amount of labor performed
by the clerk of this Board, therefore,
Resolved, That the sum of $25 be paid him by the County Treasurer from the
surplus now in his hands.
The following was read by the Clerk and the Superintendents referred to the res-
olution of Mr. King adopted at the last session as having conferred full authority in
all such cases as therein stated :
JACKSONVILLE, Feb. 4, 1876.
To the honorable, the Board of Supervisors :
DEAR SIRS : Since your annual session, I have opened a correspondence with
the officers of the Orphan Asylum of Auburn and Syracuse, and the' best offer is
from Syracuse. They agree to take all the children that come under our care that
we cannot find proper homes for, at $2 per week, and find all the clothing, both
winter and summer; also all school books, and in fact everything they may need
to make them comfortable.
If you think it best for us to enter• into the contract, would you not advise us to
transfer the children from the Susquehanna Valley Home, at Binghamton to Syra-
cuse, as we will save the expense of clothing, and I think the children will be bet-
ter provided for.
We wish you to advise us in the matter, as there should be a concert of action
among the county officials. Truly yours,
The chairman stated that Sheriff Hagin requested the Board to regulate a certain
price for each journey to Rochester while in charge of prisoners, because the ac-
counts were many and cumbersome during the year. He said he had been to
Rochester twice, and the two trips had cost about $19, and he thought this enough
for the Beard to fix a price from.
Dr. White opposed granting the request because he had inquired of an ex sheriff
in regard to the matter, and learned that three dollars 'covered the necessary ex-
penses of one trip to the above named city; and also because it was for the pur-
pose of having the expenses certified to that he offered the resolution at tha last ses-
sion. The request was not granted. The Board then adjournedsine die.
THOS. W. BURNS, Clerk.
Special Session, relative to the affairs of Ex -County Treasurer Bristol.
Order to Clerk empowering him to call a special session.
To T. W. Burns, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
You are hereby requested to issue a call for a special session of said Board at
eir room, on the 18th oligarch next, at 10 a. m.
The Board met pursuant to call a,t 11 a. m., and all the Supervisors were present
but Messrs. Gross, Marvin and White.
The Clerk was instructed to notify Treasurer VanVoorhees of the session, and
he appeared and made a 'statement of the condition of the accounts as at present
between his predecessor, G. H. Bristol, and himself.
On motion of Mr. King, the Board adjourned until 1:30 p. m.
Roll call, and all members present.
County Treasurer VanVoorhees appeared batore the Board with his counsel, Mr.
M. King. Mr. King, by request, gave his views of the matter under discussion.
On motion of Mr. MARVIN,
Resolved, That the matter of the deficiency of the County Treasurer be referred
to the committee on Treasurers accounts, and that they be requested to report im-
mediately what action is necessary to be taken in the matter.
The committee then presented the following preamble and resolution, which
were adopted :
Whereas; The members of this Board have been notified that George II. Bristol,
the former County Treasurer of. this county, has refused or neglected to pay over
to his successor in office money and securities ivhich the said Bristol is by law re-
quired to pay to his successor, therefore.
Resolved, That a prosecution be, and the same hereby is, ordered against the said
Bristol and the securities upon his official bond for any and all deficiencies in his
accounts, and for the recovery of any and all moneys due from said Bristol and
which should be paid overdo his successor in office.
On motion of Mi . -BAILEY, the following wera adopted :
Whereas, The accounts of the County Treasurer are in a very unsatisfactory
condition, and from the statement of the present County Treasurer that there is
not only a deficiency of $5,000 in the cash account of the taxes of last fall, but also
in the infant heir fund of 48,000, therefore,
Resolved, That all persons that have any interest in the above named tund be re-
quested to present their account to the County Treasurer immediately, that the
Board of Supervisors may be able to ascertain if the above is the only deficiency
existing in said fund.
• Resolved, That the above notice be inserted in all the papers published in. the
. On motion of Mr. DIARvis,
Resolved, That a committee of three, of which'the chairman of this Board shall
be included, be appointed to prosecute, in the name of this Board, the claims
against the late County Treasurer for deficiency in his accounts, and to employ
counsel as they deem proper.
The chairman appoiated'Messrs. Woodbury and Bailey to act with himself as
such committee.
Resolved, That the committee appointed to prosecute the claim against the late
County Treasurer be empowered to call a special session of this Board whenever
they may deem advisable to consult in regard to the matter.
On motion of Mr. White, the Board then adjourned sone die.
THOS. W. BURNS, Clerk.
At Ithaca, April 15th. There weue present.from
Caroline—Chauncey L. Wattles, Dem.
Dryden—Harrison Marvin, Dem.
Danby—John E. Beers, Rep.
Enfield—Leroy II. VanKirk, Rep.
Groton—Nelson Stevens, Rep.
Ithaca—David L. Burtt, Dem.
Lansing—James M. Woodbury, Rep.
Newfield—Ezra Marion, Dem.
Ulysses—J. Parker King, Dem.
Mr. Marvin moved, and it was carried, that Mr. Burtt he elected temporary
Sheriff Hagin made a statement that one of the prisoners in the jail is poor and
destitute; that she is not in possession of clothes fit to appear before the court or
people, and asked that nine dollars be voted for the purpose of purchasing the
requisite clothing for her.
The following resolutions, on motion of Mr. Marvin, 'were adopted :
Resolved, That the sheriff be authorized to expend the amount of $9 towards fur-
nishing the prisoner the clothing necessary.
Resolved, That this Board when it adjourn meet at half past one p. m.
Resolved, That a member of the committee on settlement with the bondsmen of_
the late county treasurer be appointed by the chairman in place of D. W. Bailey.
The chairman appointed Mr. Marvin to fill the vacancy.
The Board adjourned at 11:30 a. m.
Roll call. All members present.
.Judge Ellsworth, counsel for the committee on Treasurer's Deficiency, made a
detailed statement before the Board, and
On motion of Mr. MARviN, it was
Resolved, That the committee appointed by this Board to prosecute the claim of
the county against the late county treasurer and his sureties be instructed to make
a thorough search and investigation of the widow and orphan funds in order to
ascertain the full amount of any deficiency that may appear, and that the commit-
tee shall be reimbursed for their time and the necessary expenses incurred in said
investigation. Such search to embrace the time between the 1st day of January,
1870, and the 1st day of January, 1876.
_Regvlved, That the time of commencing suit against George H. Bristol, late treas-
urer and his sureties, for deficiency in the accounts of said Bristol, be left to the
discretion of said committee.
Resolved, That the Committee appointed to prosecute the claims against the late
county treasurer be authorized; if necessary, to raise by bank note or otherwise,
the amount of money necessary to pay the state taxes due the 1st of May, 1876,
from this county.
On motion, Messrs. King and VanKirk were appointed to fill the vacancies made
by Messrs. Hawes and Bailey in the committee on repairs and supplies.
The Board then adjourned sine die. T. W. BURNS, Clerk.
Mr. Thomas W. Burns, Clerk of Board of Supervisors :
You are hereby requested to call a special session of the Board of Supervisors o
Tompkins county for Saturday, Sept. 2d, 1876, at 2 p. m. Signed by
SATURDAY, Sept. 2, 1876.
oard was Balled to order and roll was called by the clerk. All members present.
The contract between the county of Tompkins and the Monroe county Peniten-
tiary having expired, the following resolution was moved by Mr. King and adopted.
.Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board and the County Treasurer be authorized to
make a contract with the superintendent or agent of the Monroe coun.y Peniten-
tiary for the safe keeping of such persons as may be sent for criminal offences from
this county, said contract to expire January 1, 1879.
On motion of Mr. MARVIN,
Resolved, That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay the drafts from the
Willard Asylum from the funds appropriated for the State Lunatic Asylum.
On motion of Mr. MARVIN.
Resolved, That the chairman of this Board be authorized to raise, by bank note
or otherwise, to be paid on or before the 1st day of January, 1877, for the purpose
of paying the court expenses for October next, the amount of which note shall be
fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500 )
The Board then adjourned sine die.
T. W. BURNS, Clerk.