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. Saturday Dec. 6th, 1873. accom pa tivino. circular to be Carefully
The Board met at their rooms at 11
M.' pursuant to adjonrmneut.
Roll called by elm s, a quorum present. ear
The minutes of the last days meeting of
the Board. were -read and ipproved.
Theng Board engaged in signicollecrs
Adjourned till 2 o'clock P. M.
AFTERNOON SESSION. cu, motion of NI r. : 4
'Board met at 2P. M.. and'.called to or- Resolved, That
ed out. after the printing WI's for th(
rent year shall have been audited,aial
statement 1 eturned to the undersigued
ly as practicable.
Respectlidly, your • .4
Chairman of the Board of Supervisork
Suffolk COuntv. N.
at the request of the Board
der 'by the chairman. all the members Supervisors of stands: county, the clerk of th
Board, furnish to the chairman of the Board
st%ervisors of said county, the aggregate cost
the years 1512 & 1570.
ON motion of Mr. Rockwell
Resolved, That the collectors of the sever
towns, in Tompkins county, be requested by tbi
Board to settleWith the county treasurer on
before the 318t day of.January 1-74 • „
On motion ot Mr. Havens:,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board bete
dered-to 141r. Hawes, our:chairman, for the ati1.
von and impartial manner in whicli.k.
has discharged his duties as presiding officer',
this Board daring the present ,ession.
On motion Mr.
Resolved, Thatthe thanks of this Board; beat
are hereby tendered to J. L. Baker, out clerk, r:
itml Proptffi
, active, and ecient services, and
e correctness with whih che has discharged lc
duties as clerk of this Boa
On motion of Mr. Bower
Resolved, That J. Johnson's salary aejani
or of the court house for the coining year be litt
at the 00!!! of $1500::.
On motion of Mr. NVattlez:
Resolved, That we extend our thanks to t
publishers of the Ithaca .JOU) 111)1 ter their cotirf
sv in supplying the Board with their papers a
ring the present session.
011 Moticil of -Mr. Havens
• .The Board engaged hi • signing the
lectors warrants. and in general business.
The bill ot Wm. Haminond for $75,00,
No. 121 was on motiotL rejected.
The chairman of the. Board presented
the following commtinication.-.
• Surritvison'S OFFICE,
• Town ot Southampton.- •-
Suffolk County, N. Nov. 18, '73.
To the :Chairman of theToard ofSupervis-
Ori of the County of .ToTnpkins. e of
• New York; :
- SIR e -Board. of I•lt.inerviSors- of r'Suf-
folk •County," at 'its late annual • meeting,
appointed the undersigned a committee to
obtain information from the several ..coun-
ties:of this State in regard to the cost of
the..public printing under our uresent laws,
with a view to secure from the ..ext Leg-
islature such changes as will tend to a re-
duction of such -costs ; .and also to --invite
the co-operation of the several Boards offo
Supervisors in effecting the rerm.
It is believed .that a considerable volume
of -matter is printed that.might be entirely
omitted,- and that the tirne tor publishing
some other matter might be reduced with-
out detriment to the -public interest, and
lastly. that the price per folio is unneces-
sarily.high, .whereby.- a heavy buroen is
annually, imposed upon.taxpayers that
might and ought to be considerablyles-
Will you please bring the subject to the
• --- --attention of your Board for such action as
it may deem proper to take, and panic-
ularly. that it will cause the blanks in the
pu lic printing in the county Tompkios,
Resolved, That .J. J. Johnson, the jani
the court house, be tendered the thanks or,
Board, for his undivided attention in admit
ing to the comfort and convenience of this 10
dnring the present session. t
On motion. the Board adjourned 84
clerk of the Board of Supervisors ons8-73;
J. L. BAKER, Clerk.
Special Meeting.
A special meeting of the Board of
Supervisors of Tompkins county was
held in their rooms in Ithaca, on the
1st day of May, 1874, at one o'clock p.
I si. in accordance with the following
To J. L. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Super-
visors of Tompkins county:
Yon are hereby requested to call a special
meeting of the Board of Supervisors, to be held
ttheir rooms in the court house, in the village
o1 Ithaca, on Friday, May 1, at one o'clock p. m.
Dated April 28, 1874. - J. M. WOODEURY,
V. B, GROSS. ,
DAvro L. BURT,
The Board of Supervisors for 1874 is oomposea
f the following gentlemen :
Caroline, Chauncey L. Wattles.
Denby E R. Wade.
Ennbld, Josiah Hawes.
Enfield Ebenezer HavensGroto,
Ithaca, V. B. Gross.
Lansing, David L. Bart.
g, J M. Woodbury.
Newfield, Stephen Davenport.
IIlysees, Alfred B. Woodworth.
Ali the memoers present except Mr. 1
awes and Mr. Havens.
The meeting was called to order by
he Clerk in pursuance of the above re-
sest, when on motion of Mr. Gross,
favid L. Burt, of Ithaca, was elected
craporary chairman.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury, Messrs.
erris and Dowe were invited before
e Board to give their views on the
rIf in 'relation to what is called and
known as the 3 mill tax of 1872, their
fee for the same to be a county charge.
- Both the gentlemen appeared before
the Board and gave their views of the
Mr. Wattles offered the following
preambles and resolution, which were
adopted by the Board :
Ste of New
York has comme cThe o
mmenced lsuit ler of
by the Attorney
General of this state against George H. Bristol,
County Treasurer of Tompkins county, and his
bondsmen, to recover and compel him to pay
over what is known as the 3X mill tax cf 1872,
Whereas, The law under which said 3X mill
tax was raised bas been declared nnconstitntion-
al and void by the Court of Appeals, and
Whereas, The said Treasurer has heretofore
been direr -1- R >,
of the
said county of Tompkinst ooarf wiSulhho dors the pay-
ment of said tax, and
Whereas, The said money, raised in pursuance
of said lawwas by the Board of Supervisors of
said county, in the fall of 1873, apportioned back
to the several towns in said county and applied
to pay the state tax, and none of the same is now
in said Treasurer's hands, therefore
Resolved, That a committee, consisting of
Messrs. Hawes, Woodbury and Burt, be and
hereby is appointed to act in connection with
said Treasurer, to employ counsel, and if, in the
opinion of their counsel, said ,nit can success-
fully be defended, they are to de ,J11 the same.
The Board adjourned on motion of
Mr. Gross to Wednesday, Mav 5th next,
at one o'clock p. m. J. L. BARER,
WEDNESDAY, May 6, 1874.
The Board met on Wednesday, May
6th, pursuant to adjournment.
Present a full Board except Mr. Ha-
vens. Minutes of the last meeting were
read by the Clerk and approved.
Mr. Burt, from the committee elected
to attend the suit against the County
Treasurer, -announced that the case had
been left in the hands of attorneys.
There being no further business, on
motion of Mr. Hawes the Board ad-
journed. • J. L. BARER,
Annual ,Session.
The Board of Supervisors of Tomp-
kins county met in annual session at
their room in the Court House, in the
village of Ithaca, on Wednesday, the
11th day of November, 1874.
The Board was called to order by J.
L. Baker, clerk of the former Board,
who announced that the first business
in order was the election of a temporary
chairman. On motion, Mr. E. Havens,
of Enfield, was chosen temporary Chair-
The roll of Supervisors was called by
the Clerk and the following members
were found present :
Chauncey L. Wattles
E. R. Wade
Josiah Hawes
Ebenezer Havens
V. B. Gross
David L. Burt
J. M. Woodoury
Stephen Davenport
Alfred B. Woodworth
at 5 o'clock. Evening at 7 o'clock and adjourn
at 9 o'clock.
On motion of Mr. Davenport,
Resolved, That all bills and demands present-
resent ed to this Board be referred to the proper com-
om mittees by the Chairman, without further aonoe
of this Board.
On motion of Mr. Gross,
Resolved that all county orders issued by this'
Board be countersigned by the Chairman and all
town orders by the Supervisor of their respective,
On motion of Mr. Woodworth,
Resolved, That the County Treasurer be, and
he hereby is, directed to pay to to the Supervise
ors of the several towns all fines in his hands,
properly belonging to said towns.
On motion of Mr. Wattle s the Board
proceeded to ballot for permanent
Chairman, when Josiah Hawes, of
Danby, was unanimously chosen for
the ensuing year.
Mr. Hawes on taking the chair
thanked the Board for the confidence
they bad placed in him in electing him
Chairman, and expressed the hope that
he might still be worthy of their con-
fi,lence when the session closed.
TheBoard then proceeded to ballot
for Clerk. J. L. Baker, of Ithaca, re-
ceiving the unanimous vote, was de-
clared Clerk of the Board for the ensu-
ing year.
Mr, Burt offered the following reso-
Resolved, That all motions that comb before
this Board shall be in writing.
On motion of Mr. Wattles,
Resolved, That the hours of meeting of this
Board be 9 o'clock a. m., - and adjourn at 12
o'clock noon. Afternoon at 2 o'clock and adjourn
The Clerk presented and read the
following communication from the,
State Comptroller :
ALBANY, Oct. Sth, 1874 3y
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of tha
County of Tompkins :
Six :—I enclose a form of statement of the val-
al nation of the real and personal estate regniredtp
be made by you, pursuant to chap. 117, laws d,
1836, and forwarded to this office previous to th'
second Monday in December in each year, 'andel
a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a fo
of return of Incorporated Companies liable `e1
taxation. It is indispensable that this report 1a
furnished by the time prescribed.
The , Board of Equalization of Taxes
pursuance of Chapter 312, of the laws of
have fixed the aggregate valuation of property
your.connty,at the sum of 58, 469,924,.uponwhie',
amount a State tax of 361,406 95 must be lev18
for the current fiscal year, commencing Octet)
lst,.1874, as provided in said act and amen
ments thereto, by Chapter 351 Laws of 1874, b
ing7% mills on the dollar, for the following p ,1
poses, viz.:
For Schools, 1,1,‘ mills, per Chap. 417, Laws
For General Purposes,1g mills, per:Chap 41'
Laws of 1874.
For General Purposes,(defici.ency), 69160 mil
per Ch .p. 417, Laws of 1874.
For Bounty Debt, 2 mills, per Chap. 417 La
For New Capitol, 3r mill, per Chap. 417, La',
o 1874.
For Asylums and Reformatories, 6-16 mills,p'd
Chap. 417, Laws of 1874,
For Canal Floating Debt, under Chapter 21
Laws of 1859,.1-10 mills, per Chap. 417, Lawal
For New Work on Canals -and Extra Rep ,t
mills, per Chap. 399 .Laws of 1874.
For payment of awards ;,by Canal Apprais
and Canal Board and certain certificates of
debtedness, 7:32 mills,per Chap. 462, Lawdi`a
1874. 7X mills t 4
Your obedient servant,
The Clerk also presented and
tha following communication from = t
Willard Asylum, which was dired'�
to be placed on the minutes:
OR IRE INSANE, OVIn, N. Y., Sep. 1, 1874.
3o the Treasurer or the Clerk of the Board of
Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :
Sm:—The number of insane persons in the
jsylnm chargeable to your county at this date is
Itis probable the number will be added to dur-
ing this year. by new admissions, rather than
diminished, allowance for Itch ch increase shonld
he made.
Itis estimated there will be required for the
maintenance of the patients now in the asylum
orthe ensuing year, the sum of 34,368, and for
Ilothing 3560 ; total, 34,928.
You are respectfully requested to bring to the
botice of the Board of Supervisors, at its next
ieeeting, the contents of this letter, in order that
he Board may act understandingly in raising
he amount necessary to meet the bills transmit -
d quarterly from this asylum.
A prompt compliance with the spirit of this
tter by the several Boards of Supervisors will
enable me to meet the claims accruing monthly
lgeinst the asylum, and, generally, snbserve the
interests of the asylum and the counties, which
0eidentical. 'Respectfully yours,
Mr. Havens presented the following
esolutio n :
p8esolved, That the Clerk of this Board be in-
cted anot to deliver any of the town or county
ors for bills audited at this session of theBoard
ihose persons to whom the same are payable,
111 after the adjournment of this Board.
On motion of. Mr. Burt, '
1Eesolved That the Supervisors of the several
ens be and hereby are directed to draw from
oCounty Treasurer the excise money belong-
ato the several towns, to be applied by them
defray the expenses of the town poor.
The Chairman announced the follow-
g;standing committees:
Sheriff's, Clerks', Constables' and Justices'
eonnts.—Messrs. Wattles, Ravens and Wood-
teasnrer's accounts.—Messrs. Burt, Gross
1 Wattles.
Benalization.—Messrs. Gross, Burt, Woodbury,
tittles and Wade.
Poor -house and Superintendents' reports.—
hers, Wade, Davenport, Woodworth, Havens
minty claims and,Judees' accounts.—Messrs.
odbury, Davenport and Gross.
S: Deposit Fund.—Messrs. Woodworth,
Land Wade.
Insurance.—Messrs. Davenport, Havens and
stinting —Messrs. Havens, Davenport and
rhe rule was then suspended, and
e Board adjourned till Thursday
truing; at half -pat ;eight o'clock.
THURSDAY, Nov. 12.
®arsmet pursuant to adjournment.
11 called by the Clerk. All the
members present. The proceedings of
the previus day were read and ap-
Mr. Gross presented the,. following
Resolved, That this Board now proceed to visit
the county poor -house.
The remainder of the forenoon ses-
sion and most of the afternoon session
were spent in visiting the poor -house
and farm, and in testing the produc-
tions of, and imports to, the same, as
prepared by Thomas Bower, keeper.
On motion of Mr. Gross.
Resolved, That Peter H. Farrington, Superin-
tendent of the Poor, be, and he is hereby author-
ized to go at once to Wihard Asylum and inves-
tigate all matters connected with the insane in
said asylum ehargable to this county, and partic-
ularly the expenses of keeping the said Insane ;
and that he be and is hereby corseted to remove
any person from said asylum to the county poor-
house, who can be properly cared for in said
poor -house; and that he report to this Board as
early as convenient.
The Board adjourned pursuant to
resolution. ,.
Board met at 7 o'clock. All the
members present.
The session was spent by the differ-
ent committees in examining bills and
other matters that came before them.
At 9 o'clock the Board adjourned.
FRIDAY, Nov. 13.
The Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. All the members present. The
minutes of the previous day were read
and approved.
Mr. Woodbury presented the follow-
ing railroad commissioners' report of
the town' of Lansfno, which was ac-
cepted by the Board and ordered pub-
ublished, with the minutes.
The undersigned commissioners of the town
of Lansing, duly appointed under the provisions
of an act of' the Legislature of the State of New a+
York, entitled an act to facilitate the construction
of the New York & Oswego Midland railroad,
and to authorize towns to subscribe to the capi-
tal stock thereof, passed Aprrl 5, 1866, and of the
several acts amendatory thereof and supplement-
ary thereto, do respect report that the con-
sent in writing of a majority of the tax -paying
inhabitants of said town of Lansing authorized
the execution end issue of bonds of said town to
the extent of one hundred thousand dollars, to
be used to aid in the construction of the said
New York & Oswego Midland railroad and its
branches, that under that authority we have ex-
ecuted, issued and sold only seventy-five thou-
sand dollars of bonds of said town; that said
bonds were all sold at par and the amount of
money so raised by ns was expended by ns in the
purchase of stock in the said New York & Oswe-
go Midland railroad, and the security we hold
for the same is the stock of the New York & Os-
wego Midland railroad to the amount of seventy-
five thousand dollars, the scrip for which is in
our possession.
And we further respectfully report that no part
of the pr,ncipal of said bonds is due or to become
due or payable within the next ensuing year;
that no dividends have been paid or received by
us upon said stock, and that there will become
due and payable during the next ensuing year
for interest upon the said seventy-five thousand
dollars of bonds, the sum of five thousand two
hundred and fifty dollars, which sum of five
thousand two hundred au d fifty dollars your board
is by authority of the aforesaid acts authorized
and required to cause to be assessed and levied
and collected upon the real and personal property
of said town of Lansing, and to cause the same
when collected to be paid to ns as such commis-
sioners, to be applied to the payment of the
amount of interest so to become due and payable
and that duty yoa are respectfully requested to
Lansing, Nov. 11, 1874.
The following report of the indebted-
ness of the town of Lansing was also
presented by Mr. Woodbury, and or-
dered placed on the minutes:
To the Board of Supervisors of Tcmpkins
In accordance with chapter 552, Laws of 1870,
I hereby report the public debt of the town of
Lansing to be as follows:
Bonds bearing interest at 7
per cent, issued by the com-
missioners of the New York
at Oswego Midland railroad $75,000 00
New York & Oswego Midland
railroad stock held by said
commissioners for the ben-
efit of said town.
The interest to become due
the ensuing year as per com-
missioners' report Is 5,250 00
The Supreme Court having decided that the
town of Lansing is not legally bonded for the
Cayuga Lake railroad, and the commissioners
thereof having failed to report to this Board or
to the town Board of the town of Lansing the
amount required to be raised, and as the legality
of the proceedings in reference to the bonding
of said town for the benefit of said road is now
being litigated, I am unable to present a definite
report of the indeb ,edness of the town of Lansing
on account or said road, until the final decision
of the suit now pending in reference thereto.
J. M. WOODBORY, Sunerviscr.
The following report of the railroad
commissioners of the town of Ulysses
was presented by Mr. Woodworth, ac-
cepted by the Board and ordered pub-
lished :
Alfred B. Wcodworih, Supervisor of the town
SIR: -As commissioners appointed in relation
to bondingthe town of Ulysses in ald of the
CEAS. G. HaGIN, Commissioners.
75,000 00
Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay Railroad, referring to
our annual report of November 4th, and our sup-
plementary report of November bth, 1873, we
have to make the following report for the past
Amount of bonds issued seventy-five thousand
dollars, with semi-annual interest at seven per
The amount received by direct tax as recom-
mended in our last report was six thousand fifty
dollars, of which there was
Received from collector Feb. 1, 1174.... $1,000 00
10, ` ... 2,603 07
24, " . 1,075 30"
" March 1, " .... 370 00
23, " .... 1,001 63
Total amount received from collector. $6,050 00'
On the 2nd day of February, 1874, we
purchased of Capt. H. L. Hinckley ten
one hundred dollar bonds of the town.
of Ulysses, Nos. 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,97,
98, 99 and 100, for
Paid fivemonths interest on above bonds
Feb. 12, 1874, sent Union Trust Co., and
Cr. by them 13th
Feb. 24, 1874, sent Union Trust Co., and
Cr. by them 2&th
March 2nd, 1874, sent Union Trust Co,
and Cr. by them 3d 500 00
Paid premium on two drafts, Feb. 12th,
90 cents, March and, 30 cents 110
March 1st and 24th paid for coupons dne
March 1, 1874., 752 50
April 1, balance loaned on interest 293 83
$6,050 00
Sept. Sth, 1874, received the
money loaned April let $293083
Sept. 8th, 1874, received the in-
terest on above 10 67
$004 50
Sept. 8th, 1874, paid the above for
Coupons presented and paid, due Sept,
1, 1873 80 50,
Coupons presented ana paid, due March
1, 1874 2,555 00
Coupons presented and paid,due Sept. 1,
1574 2,495 r -
Of the coupons due March 1, 1874,one of
the $100 bonds, No. 64, remains un-
paid, amount
Of the coupons dne Sept. 1, 1874, ten re-
main unpaid, viz : Nos. 59 and 60 of
the $500 ponds, $17.10 each, amount35 00
Nos. 2, 4, 31, 44, 45, 46, 59 and 64 of the
$100 bonds, $3.50 each
$925 00
29 17
2,648 00
304 50
28 0I
Total amount of coupons due and unpaid. $66
In the Union Trust Company s report of Oct
23, 1874, they give the town credit for a balance
of $123 56, which with the deduction of the $66
.50 for coupons due and nnpaid, will leave a ba
ance to the credit of the town of $57.06. The
also credit the town for interest on deposits $3i
33. We claim they should credit the town wd,
051.02-a deficiency of $19.69, We have been
corresponding with theme. in relation to this de
ficiency, but have not as yet arrived at any satin;
factory conclusion.
In the report made by them Sept, 20, 1873. t
gave no credit for interest, but they have sobs
quently given us credit for $100.43, thatbt"
the amount we claimed due the town.
The interest required by law to be raised
ensuing year is five thousand two hundred
filty dollars ($5,250), one half payable March
and the other half Sept. 1st, 1875, and it will
necessary to raise by tax the foregoing amount
for interest as aforesaid.
We also recommend to be raised by tax ten
hundred dollars ($1,000) for a sinking fund for
the purchase of bonds, making a grand total to
beraised during the ensuing year of six thousand
two hundred and fifty dollars ($6,250).
As required by law of 1871, chapter 537, section
one, we transmit herewith coupons paid and
ponds purchased for your examination and ap-
propriate action.
The foregoing facts are concisely stated as i
Bonds outstanding Nov. 2, 1874,
Received from town........ _... $73,100 00
Received interest. ''" ,558 6,050 00
Interest due March 1, 1874.. 43
Interest paid......... _ _ 2,555 50
Dae and unpaid....... "' 2,555 00
Interest dne Sept. 1, 1874 2,553 50
3 50
Dne and unpaid...• "" "" 2,493 00
Tax recommended for the ensuin g year 6263 00
`0 00
We hereby recommend that the aforesaid sum
of six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars be
'raieed ny direct tax on the town for the purpose
of liquidating the above interest Doming due,and
forparchasing bonds during the ensuing year,
and hereby certify that the above amounts, with
the statements herein made, are to the best of
our knowledge tree and correct.
Dated Trumansburg, Nov. 4, 1874.
P. H. FARRINGTON, }Commissioners.$
We, the undersigned, composing the town
Board of the town of Ulysses. having examined
the above report and find it to be correct, the 4th
lay of November, 1874.
A. GEo.g F INGTON, Town Clerk.
S. BoRLEw, Jnstice of Peace,
J. R. EMERY, Justice of Peace.
WN. MACS, Justice of Peace.
Mr. Woodworth also presented the
following record from the Ulysses town
clerk s office, which was ordered enter-
on the minutes:
Motion was made by Mr. Emery, seconded by
Bir• Mack, that we adopt the R. R. Commission-
ers' report, with the exception of the $250.
Aves-Brlew, Bouton, Emery, Mack, Farring-
Nays --
I hereby certify that the above is a true copy
the resolution on file is this office.
Town Clerk.
The different committees were en -
aged during the greater part of the
salon on matters that properly came
afore them as committees.
The Board adjourned at noon.
The Board met at 2 o'clock. All
he members present.
The session was spent by the different
nmmittees in examiningbills.
Board adjourned at the appointed
Board re -assembled at the usual hour.
Present, all the members of the Board_
The different members of the Board
were engaged in preparing the Grand
Jury lists.
Board adjourned to the usual hour.
SATURDAY, Nov. 14, 9 A. M.
Board met. Roll called by the CIerk.
All present. The journal of yesteraay
was read by the Clerk and approved by
the Board.
The Board then engaged in auditing
bilis, and bills from No. 1 to No. 37
inclusive were audited and passed.
Mr. Wade offered, 9nd the Board
adopted the following• resolution:
thine Board
abe present lls dibyonext Tuesday
night, Nov. 16, 1874.
The committee on printing, by the
chairman, Mr, Havens, presented their -
report in reference to publishing the
proceedings of the Board and printing
pamphlets, in the following resolution,
which was, on motion, accepted and
adopted by the Board:
Resolved, That this Board accept the proposi-
tions of the Ithaca Journal and the Ithaca Demo-
crat for publishing the proceedings of this Board.
Also be it
That this
Board t� tinofheIthaca Jounal fr pining thet cop-
ies of said proceedings in pamphlet form.
S. DAVENPORT, }Committee.
The proposal of the Ithaca Journal,
mentioned in the resolution, as present-
ed to the committee, is as follows:
The following is an estimate for publishing the
proceedings of the Board of Supervisors:
Publishing proceedings in Daily and Weekly
Journal, 30 cents per folio.
Publishing 1,500 pamphlets (not to exceed 24
pages), $40.
Publishing 2,000 pamphlets (not to exceed 24
pages), $50.
Publishing 1,500 pamphlets (over 24 and not.
more than 32 pages); $46.
Publishing 2,000 pamphlets (over 24 and not
more than 32 pages), $16.
Very respectfully, etc.,
To Committee on Printing, Board of supervisors,
The by the Ithaca Demo g is the atptopsaid osal mcom-
mittee :
ITaACA, Nov.:13,1871.'
ITaaca, Nov. 13, 1874.
E. Havens. Esq., Chairman Committee on Print-
ing, Board of Supervisors:
DEAR Sur • We will publish the proceedings
-of the Board of Supervisors in the Ithaca Demo-
crat for 30 cents per folio.
We will also print 1,500 copies of the same in
neat pamphlet form for $40. Trusting the above
low figures will be satisfactory, we remain
Yours very truly,
The different 'committees were en-
gaged in the examination of bills.
Board adjourned at the usual hour.
The different members of the Board
were engaged in general business dur-
ing the afternoon session.
Board met. Quorum present. The
minutes of Saturday were read and ap-
proved. Board engaged in miscellane-
ous business till noon hour, when they
Board convened at the appointed
hour. All present.
Mr. P. H. Farrington, who was ap-
pointed a committee to visit Willard
Asylum, appeared before the Board and
presented the following report, which,
on motion of Mr. Woodbury, was ac-
cepted and ordered entered on the min-
-To the Honorable Board of Supervisors :
GENTS: In accordance with the resolution ap-
pointing me as a committee to visit the Willard
Asylum and investigate all matters connected
with the insane, in said asylum, chargeable to
this county, and particularly the expenses, and
also to remove from said asylum all who could
be properly cared for to the Tompkins county
poor -house, I would respectfully report that on
Friday, the 13th instant, I visited the said Wil-
lard Asylcm, and on making my business known,
John B. Chapin, Superintendent of the Asylum,
at once gave me access to their books and an-
sweredall my questions cheerfully. Isoonfonnd
an error in the amount estimated for their cloth-
ing of $260, which was done in copying from the
books, as they made the estimate at $20 for each
insane. I then took twelve of our patients in the
said asylum. six males and six femalea,andfonnd
That the past year they had charged to them for
clothing $178.39, making an average of about
$14,86, some having more than double the amount
of others on account of their destructiveness and
filthy habits.
The law allows them to charge the cost of their
-maintenance and no more, and there is a question
in relation to the Superintendent or Supervisors
removing them back to the poor -house, as the
act makes it obligatory for Superintendents to
send the pauper insane there if chronic cases,
and if recent attacks to send them to Utica, and
does not say anything about their removal, John
B. Chapin says he does not feel at liberty to de-
liver them up to be taken back to the poor -house„
but, if they have friends that will agree to take
them and provide for them, he will deliver them
at once.
The officers of the asylum have their annual
meeting on the second Tuesday of December
next, and that matter in relation to the power of
removal will be brought before them for a de-
I then visited all of the insane from our county
and found them well cl.,thed, and all the rooms
very clean and well warmed. All were much
more comfortably provided for than they could
be at any county poor -house ; and after carefully
examining them, 1 hardly think it would be good
policy to remove' any of them at present, it we
have the po Wer.
I must in conclusion say that I was treated by
the Superintendent and all of his assistants with
the greatest of courtesy, and all questions an-
swered at once cheerfully, and I have a higher
estimation of the institution the more I under-
stand its workings,
The following perso as are in the Willard Asy-
lum, and are chargeable according to law as fol-
lows :
Ithaca—John B.Kellogg,MargaretDenin,Henry
Merrill, Benjamin Vandei pool, Peter Picket, %t
Amanda O. Fisk, expenses paid by her husband;
Diana Babcock, expenses paid by F. M. Finch
and W. S. Cowles ; Laura Saxton, Julia A. Med-
dough, Mary Lambertson, Daniel Brown, who
was sent from Ithaca by the Judge to Utica and
transferred to®Willard by P. H. Farrington. His
proper residence to meds unknown.
Dryden—Hannah Winn and Wallace Wait.
Groton—Mary J. Swezey.
Newfield—Armenia Cook and. Charles W.
Caroline --Helen Shurter_
Itespectfully submitted,
Jacksonville, Nov. 14 1874.
The following railroad commission-
ers' report of Newfield was presented
by Mr. Davenport, and on motion was r'
accepted and ordered recorded on the : 1
minutes :
To Stephen Dayenport, Esq., Supervisor of the y=s
town of Newfield:
The undersigned commissioners for the town
of Newfield, appointed in pursuance of the stat-
utes of the state of New York, authorizing towns
to subscribe to the capital- stock of railroad cor-
porations and to issue bonds therefor, respect-
espectfully report, that it will be necessary for said
town of Newfield to raise by tax the sum of three
thousand sig hundred and forty dollars ($3,644),
to pay interest from September 1st, 1874 to Sep-
ep tember 1st, 1875, on bonds of said town of New-
field, to the amount of fifty-two thousand dollars,
issued to aid in the construction of the Pennsyl'
vania & Sodas Bay railroad, said interest being
payable semi-annually on the first days of March
and September in each year. It is also required,
by law that a sum equal to one per cent on the
amount of said bonded indebtedness shall be;'
raised by direct tax as aforesaid, to provide for
sinking fund.
Dated November 14, 1374.
P. S. DUDLEY,: Commissioners
Mr. Davenport presented the follows
ing report of the indebtedness of the
town of Newfield, which was accepted
and ordered entered on the minutes:
To the Board of Supervisors of the county of
In accordance with chapter 552, Laws of 1870,
I hereby report the public debt of the town of
Newfield to be as follows, to wit :
Bonds issued by commission-
ers appointed by the connty
Judge in favor of the Penn-
sylvania & Sodus Bay rail-
road, under the act to facil-
itate the construction of
rallroads,pass ed by the Leg-
islature 011850, and amend-
ed May 18, 1869.
Amoun; of bonds $52 000
Rate of interest seven per
cent. Amount of principal
unpaid Sept. 1st, 1874 52 000
Amount of interest coming
due March 1st, 1875 1 820
Amount of interest coming
dne Sept. 1st, 1875 1 820
Interest payable semi-annual-
ly. One per cent. on said
bonds for sinking fund to
be raised the coming year 520
Amount of Pennsylvania &
Sodus Bay railroad stock
held by the town of New-
Amount of sinking fund raised
in 1873 and now in the com-
missioners' hands 520
Newfield, Nov. 16, 1814.
The different committees were en-
gaged during a greater part of the ses-
sion in examining bills and accounts.
Board adjourned.
52 000
Board re -assembled at 7 o'clock. All
the members present.
The committee on Treasurer's ac-
counts were engaged in examining the
Treasurer's books and accounts.
Mr. Woodbury offered and the Board
dopted the following preambles and
solution. •....
Whereas, During the years 1870 and 1571 the
e Judge VanValkenbnrgh caused to be entered
the records of the county court certain orders
rectrng the District Attorney to prosecute a
d become eer forrfeited inal the csaidzcounty court,
Whereas, The District Attorney, in obedience
said orders, did ron said
feit d recogniz ncesmallarge numbeence suits r of which
on trial thereof resulted unfavorably to the
aintiff, by reason. of which forfeitures and snits
e people of this connty were compelled to pay
urge amount of money as costs, and
Whereas, At a date subsequent to the forego
transaction a judgment for the sum of two
usand dollars and upwards was recovered up-
a'recognizance executed by Jason Atwater
and others, upon which judgment an execution
has been issued, and a levy made, therefore
of threeatolo kbafteraa appoint ee thatthhe
last mentioned judgment be collected, that the
county may be reimbursed for the costs they
have boen compelled to pay in the proceedings
before mentioned.
The Chairman appointed Messrs.
1 Woodbury, Burtt and Woodworth as
I such committee.
Thefollowing preamble and resolu-
Wade, and
tion was offered by Mr,
adopted by the Board.
Whereas, The county of Tompkins did, in the
year 1872, collect the sum of $28,301.48 state tax,
the same being known as the 334 mill tax, and
paid into
State Treasurer's'3oflrce,01.48 was the
Board of Supervisors of the county advised its
retention by the county Treasurer, until the
thorizing the uestion of colle tion of constitutionalitye aidtx was of edecdelaw n„
Whereas, By the advice of counsel of decided
legal ability, the said sum of $28,301,48 was re-
turned to the towns from which it had been col-
lected, by a vote of the Board of Supervisors at.
their annual session in November, 1873, and
Whereas, George H. Bristol, county Treasurer
of Tompkins county, was prosecuted by the peo-
ple of the state of New York for said arm of
money with accrued interest, which demand was -
met in litigation by a vote of this Board at a,
special session in May last, and,
Whereas, The legal proceedings have been de-
cided against the county of Tompkins and in:
favor of the State of New York, and as further
litigation will only result in additional cost and
with little prospect of ultimate succeas,therefore
Resolved, That this Board will close up the
legal contest and raise the sum of $31,043.46,
which will be the arrant dne the state of-
York, Jan, 1st, 1875, as decided by the court that
gave a decision against the county.
Mr. Havens presented and the Board
accepted and ordered entered on the
minutes the following report of the
railroad comm'ssloners of the town of
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Go. r
We, the undersigned rail road bonding com-
missioners of the town of Enfield, would respect-
fully report to your honorable body:
'1 hat town bonds against the town of Enfield
the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars
aye been issued to aid in the construction ofthe-
ennsylvania & Sodus Bay R. R., and delivered
stock of said company,
t inexchange
that said
onds, amounting to twenty-five thousand dol -
re, are now outstanding against 'said town.
na we would further report, that we have now
n hand a sinking fund amounting to three hun-
ed and thirty-two 40-100 dollars. The amount.
interest now due and to become due daring
e year against said bonds is one thousand rev -
hundred and fifty dollars, and we recommend
d ask e said your
of one thie o sand seven hundred anto assess and d
ty dollars against said town of Enfield, to meet
uch interest- And also that yon assess and levy
tax of three hundred dollars against said town,
to be used as a sinking fund towards the final
liquidation of the debt.
ENPrELD, Nov. 2nd, 1574.
EDGAR BREWER, CommiPsioners.
Mr. Havens also presented the fol-
lowing report of the indebtedness of
the town of Enfield, which was accept-
ed and ordered published:
In accordance with chapter 552 laws of 1870, I
hereby report the public debt of the town
of Enfield to be as follows, viz.:
Bonds issued by- Commis-
sioners appointed by the
County Judge of said coun-
ty, in favor of the Penn &
Sodus Bay Rail Road,nnder
the act to facilitate the con-
struction of railroads,passed
by the Legislature of 1850,
and amended May 18th, '69.
Amount of bonds issued $25,000 00
Rate of interest seven per
cent. Amount of interest
coming due the ensuing year 1,750 00
For sinking fund, as recom-
mended by railroad com
missioners of said town 300 00
Whole amount to be raised on
said bonds, including inter-
est and sinking fond the
present year 2 050 00
Total amount of indebtedness
on said bonds for 1875 26 750 00
Ldss the sinking fund now in
the hands of commissioners
of said town, amounting to 332 40
Is 26,417 60
Amount of Pennsylvania &
Sodus Bay railroad stock
held by the town of Enfield 25,000 00
The Board then adjourned.
TUESLAY, Nov. 17.
Board met pursuant to resolution.
All present. Minutes of yesterday were
read by the Clerk and approved.
Mr. Davenport, chairman of the
committee on insurance, presented their
report, which was adopted by the
Board, and is as follows:
The committee on insurance would respectfully
report that they have caused policies to be made
and renewed on all the county buildings. The
amount of insurance and premiums are as fol-
Hartford, of Hartford, Ct.,
London Assurance Corpora -
Royal Canadian Insurance
Company, A. Gray, agent
Amazon insurance Com-
pany, Cincinnati,A. Gray,
Schuyler, agent $2,500 $25,00
tion, A. Gray, agent 2,500 25.00
2,500 25.00
1,500 15.00
CN Vac,.
Springfield, Mass, Whiton,
Hanover, New York, H. J
Grant, agent
3,000. 37.50
1,000 12.50
Springfield, Mass:, J. L.
Whiton,agent 1,000 6.00
North British Insurance
Company, 'H. J. Grant,
2,000 12.00
E. HAVENS, }Committee.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury:
Resolved, That the Superyisor of the town of
Danby be authorized to deduct the sum of 517.75
from No. 10 of the town audits of said town, such
amounts being an illegal charge againat said
to wn.
The committee on Treasurer's ac-
counts were engaged in examining his
books. The other committees were al-
so engagn3d on matters coaling before
Board adjourned.
Board convened at the usual hour.
All the members present at roll call by
Mr. Woodworth, Chairman of the
committee on United States Deposit
Fund, submitted the following report
of Allen Gray, loan commissioner, and
also the report of the committee, which,
on motion of Mr. Havens, was accepted
and ordered entered on the minutes:
To the Board of Supervisors of the county 00
The undersigned, one of the loan commission-
ers of Tompkins county, begs leave to report the
state of the United States Deposit Fund, as fol-
lows :
On hand at last report.... $7.65
Amount received for loans, 5,384.24
Amount - reloaned 4,385.00'i
Amount on hand subject to
Amount outstanding 67,232.28
Amount on hand 1,005.89
Aggregate -- 68,238.17'
Amount received since last
report 4,528.00
Amount received since last
report 65.99
Advance interest to Comp-
troller 121.44
Commissioners' fees 341 19
Check to Comptroller 4,000.00
Balance on hand 252.80
There is at present one de-
linquent whose property
is advertised, the interest
of which amounts to
ALLEN GRAY, Loan Commissioner.
The committee on loan commissioner's ac-
connts respectfully repot, that they have exam-
ined the books of the loan commissioner, and
find the statement of the receipts and disburse-
ments in the above report to be correct.
D. L. BURTT, }Committee.
E. R. WADE. )
The committee on Treasurer's ac-
counts were engaged with their duties.
The other members of the Board were
engaged in general business.
At the appointed hour the Board ad-
Board re -assembled at 7 o'clock.
Roll called by the clerk. All the mem-
bers present. Board engaged in audit-
ing bills, and bills from . No. 38 to No.
103 inclusive were passed ; after -which
the Board adjourned. -
Board met at the usual hour.
A full Board present. The proceed-
ings of the previous clay were read by
the Clerk and approved.
Board proceeded to audit bills and
Nos. 104 to 110 were audited.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury:
Resolved, That from the evidence presented
to this Board, we do not think it advisable for
the Supervisor of the town of Dryden to impose
the tax for road work in the case of W. W. Hare,
as the work has been performed as per order of
the commissioner of highways.
Mr. Wade. chairman of the commit-
tee on poor -house and Superintendents'
reports, submitted the following report,
which, on motion of Mr. Gross, was ac-
cepted and adopted by the Board.
Your committee on poor -house -and Superin-
tendents' reports would respectfully submit for
the consideration of this honorable body the fol-
lowing report :
That from the 15th day of November, 1873, to
the 15th day of November, 1879, there were sup-
ported in the county poor -house:
County paupers 88
From the different towns of the codkty..43
From the town of Caroline 4
Danby 3
Dryden 7
From the Town of Groton - 1
Enfield none -
" Ithaca 16
Lansing 3
Newfield 4
Ulysses - 5
Making an aggregate of - - 131
The Superintendents report
that ninety have been re-
ceived into the poor house
since their report in 1873 90
Discharged during the same
Absconded 3
Bound out 1
Making an aggregate of 142
Three are reported as having died, and a num-
ber were sent to Buffalo, accounting for the dif-
ference between one hnndred and thirty-one and
one hundred and forty-two as reported.
The ayerage number in the
poor -house during the year
past, as reported by the Su-
perintendents, was 40 223-365
The average expense for the
support of each pauper in
the county house, above the
proceeds of the county farm
was, for the year past, $47.20
And- the average cost per
week for each person so
maintained, was $0.00 40-100
Your committee will here express the satisfac-
tion felt by all that the management of the farm
has been so judicious that the cost is but ninety
cents per week for the eupport of each person in
the poor -house. While the committee entertain
the conviction that the inmates of the poor -house
are well cared for, well clothed and well fed, the
cost is reduced to the small sum named, and
placing the county of Tompkins in the front rank
in the management of homes for the unfortunate
of our race. -
The whole number of days said paupers 'have
been supported in the county poor honse during
year is in the aggregate 14,823 days.
The whole amount of drafts drawn on
the County Treasurer for bills audit
ed by the Superintendents for the
rapport of the institution daring the -
same time, over and above the pro-
ceeds of the county farm was$.33,706 00
The following table will indicate in what man-
ner the amount has been expended:
For out door relief $1,238 54
For services of Overseers 120 50
For transportation of paupers.... 20 88 .
'Insurance of county builaings 64 00
Chaplain of poor house 50 00
Conveying insane to asylum 49 94
Repairs on poor house and other build-
ings 245 71
Indoor expenses. 1,916 43
Total $3,706 00
The county buildings are in a good state of
repairs, and indicate that carefal hands have an
eye to the interests of the county, in looking to
needed repairs, so that the same may not be
come dilapidated and go to ruin.
The following statement will bo given for the
benefit of the tax payers and also for the careful
consideration of all interested in the develop -
ment of agriculture in our county.
The statement will indicate the amount of pro-
duce raised on the poor horse farm, and will be
to all acquainted with farming an indication of
the management of -the same by our worthy Su-
perintendents. We ask for It a careful examin
ation by the tax payers of Tompkins county.
199 bush of wheat raised—on hand 164
622 " oats " 743
1000 " ears corn " .... • 950
400 " potatoes " " 350
No " peas
7 " onions " 6
7 " - beets
8 " beans " 7
N"o " turnips none
125 " apples ........ 20
70 heads of cabbage " .. 50
18 tons of hay " °` _ 16
Corn stalks from 10 acres of corn, all now on
Making the productions of the poor -house
farm, not counting the butter and pork and live
stock now on hano, amount to over fifteen hun-
dred dollars at present prices; and counting
pork and butter, two thousand dollars. Your
committee are pleased to state that the county
farm is in a good state of cultivation, and shows
that it is well managed and carefully looked to
by those having it in charge, and is no disgrace
to the beautiful and rich town of Ulysses, of
which it is a part.
Your committee will also report the stock on
the farm and articles of value so intimately con-
nected with the welfare of a well-managed house-
hold, and reported by the Superintendents as on
One pair or span of horses now on the farm,
the property of the keeper; one yoke of oxen,
county; 6 milch tows, 2 spring calves, 8 hogs fat-
tening, 9 pigs wintering, 1,000 pounds of butter
made and 210 on hand, 18 tons of coal, 50 cords
of wood, 100 common fowls, 1 barrel of vinegar,
4 barrels of cider, 62 pounds of ping tobacco, 4
•pounds of -smoking, 1 barrel of molasses, 10
pounds of tea, 8 pounds of -sugar, 2 pounds of
coffee, 10 pounds of candles, 10 pounds of tallow.
77 yards of fulled cloth, 2 yards of gingham, 47
yards of flannel, 22 yards of calico, 12 yards of
toweling, 7 yards of factory, 6234 yards of striped
shirting, 18 yards of cottonade, 7 yards of Jen-
nings, 31 yards of bleached factory, 17 yards of
dress goods, 4 pairs of ladies hose, 6 pairs of
men's stockings, 141adies' aprons, 3 men's vests,
7 men's pantaloons, 7 men's shirts, 2 new quilts,
3 ladies' chemises, 3 night dresses, 3 bed ticks, 1
shroud, 13 new sheets, 12 pillow cases.
The list indicates a good supply of articles
needed for a large household like the one at the
county house,
The following table will show the amount of
produce sold from the poor -house farm from the
15th day of November, 1573, to the name date,
1874, and where applied:
151 bushels of oats sold
12 bushels of wheat sold -
1,500 pounds of hay
Paid out by the keeper as follows :
For coal
For pige
Forquarter of beef ... ............
Sweet potatoes
$65 00
A little more definite statement in relation to
items and the persons haying the same, is desir-
able in the reports of the Superintendents, sa
that the readers of the reports may know what
has become of the amounts and who had the
The Superintendents report the indoor ex-
penses of the poor -house, from the 15th day of
November, 1873, to the 15th day of November,
1874, inclusive, as amounting to the sum of
No. of days' board of county
paupers.. 3,836
.Cost of clothing for year
Amount of county expenses
Town of Caroline, No. of days'
board of town poor
Cost of clothing for year
Amount of poor expenses of
Town of Danby, No. of days'
board of town poor...
Cost of clothing for year
Amount of poor expenses of
Town of Dryden, No. of days'
board of town poor
Cost of clothing for year
Amount of poor expenses of
Town of Enfield, No. of daya'
board of town poor
Cost of clothing
Town of Groton, No. of days'
Cost of clothing....
Amount of poor expenses of
Town of Ithaca, No. of days'
board of town poor
Cost of clothing
Amonnt of poor expenses of
Ithaca .... $138.48
Town of Lansing,No. of days'
board of town poor......-. 357
Cost of clothing
161 17.89
916 110.70
2,126 262.18
0 0
365 42.56
. $47.20
4,165 466 54
Amount of poor expenses of
Town efNewfield,No.of days'
board of town poor....... 1,028 15.015.
Cost of clothing 13.89
Amonnt of poor expenses of
Town of Ulysses,No. of days'
board of town poor.......,. 1,429 176.54
Cost of clothing 8.21
Amount of poor expenses of
Total number of days 14,823
Total expense of board and
clothing for county and
The following statement will show the amount
due from the county and the towns for the sup-
port of their poor in the poor house from the
15th day of November, 1873, to the 15th day of
Nov., 1874:
From the coupy of Tompkins $495 95
town 01 Caroline 20 81
Danby 11843'
Dryden 274 86
From the Town of Enfield -
" Groton 47 20
Ithaca 538 48
-" Lansing -72 01
" Newfield - 163 94
" Ulysses 184 75
$1,916 43
The number of paupers remaining in the coun-
ty poor house at the time of the Superintendents'
report was 38, many of them on the threshold of
the grave, and soon the sands of life with them
will run out. Others are imbecile and idiotic,
and others are broken by disease, and very few
are in condition to do much to make the farm
and the institution 00 nearly self-supporting.
The amount raised last year for the sup-
port of the poor in the county was$4,427 72
And the amount expended as reported
by Superintendents 3,706 00
Balance on hand $721 72
In conformity to the 30th section, title one,
chapter 20th, of the revised statutes, the Superin-
tendents of the Poor for the county of Tompkins,
estimate the expenses for the support of the
county poor in the county and towns for the en-
suing year at $2,200 00
For temporary relief for county paupers
not in the poor house - 1,200 09
For the services of the Overseers of the
Poor 130 00
For the transportation of paupers to the
poor house 25 00
For the poor house keeper's salary..... 500 00
Making a total of $4,055 00
To meet the estimates of the Superintendents
there remains .the sum of $721 72 from the
amount raised last year. To meet the balance
your committee would present the following res-
olution :
Resolved, That the sums expended by the Su-
perintendents of the Poor for the aid and main-
tainance of the poor in the towns of Tompkins
county, be levied and collected in.said towns re-
spectively, as the amount is reported by the Su-
From the towns as follows :
Caroline $20 81
Danby 118 43
Dryden 274 86
Enfield 000 00
Groton R 47 20
Ithaca 538 43
Lansing - 72 01
Newfield 163 94
Ulysses 184 75
$1,420 43
Resolved, That the sum of $1,630 be levied and
collected in the county of Tompkins for the aid
and support of the poor of said, county daring
the' ensuing year. -
The estimate of the Superintendents calla tor the
sum of - $4,055 00
Amounts raised to meet the same ;
Amount now on hand.......:. 721. 72
From the towns of the county: _.'1,420 43
By vote of Board by resolution - 1,650, 00
$3,792 15
Making the amount for the maintainance of the
poor in the county $262 85 Less than the estim-
ates of the Superintendents. -
The committee in conclusion express their sat-
isfaction that those having' in -charge the poor
house of the county remove the children of ten-
der ome
to the eSOrarsphans' Homes,"cwhere the linfluers'encees
are calculated f o Hit them from the associations
of pauperrifeand the evils that follow.
Your committee will tender their thanks to
the Superintendents of the Poor for the courtesy
and kindness extended to them in meeting every
inquiry and imparting all information called for,
with pleasure.
The o
c000r ef
countyunty are in the hand f careful and
judicious men, and that the poor of no other
county in the state are so economically -main-
tained at the public expense.
Mr. Gross submitted the two follow-
ing railroad commissioners' reports, of
the town of Groton, which were ac-
cepted, and on motion ordered placed
on the minutes:
GROTON, Nov. 5, 1874.
The report of the undersigned commissioners
of the town of Groton, appointed under the ant
entitled "an act to facilitate the construction of
the Southern Central railroad, and to authorize
towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof,"
passed April 7, 1866, respectfully shows that they
as such commissioners have issued the bonds of
said town to the aggsand dollars ($50,000); tate hat the whole amamount of fifount of
said bonds have been sold by the undersigned as
such commissioner: ; that no dividends have
been received by the undersigned, and there will
become due and payable for interest upon said
bonds during the ensuing year the sum of thirty-
five hundred dollars ($3,500),and twelve thonsand
and five hundred dollars ($12,509)' as principal.
in the aggregate the sum of sixteen thonsand
dollars (.$16,000), and that amount will be re-
quired to pay said maturing bonds and interest.
And we therefore request that the said sum of
sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000) be levied and
assessed upon the town of Groton to pay said
maturing bonds and interest. -
ARTENRS BAO&17e, }- Commissioners.
To the Board of Supervisors of the county of
Tompkins -
We, the undersigned commissioners of the -
town of Groton, appointed under the act passed
May 18; 1869, Laws of New York chapter 907,
would respectfully sabmit the following report:
That the amount of bonds is-
sued in aid of the Ithaca &
Cortland railroad is $15.000 09
That the amount of town
bonds exchanged for stock
in the U., I. & E. railroad
vs. Ithaca & Cortland rail
road, is.-.. .....- 15,000 00
That the interest falling due Feb.1,1875, is five
hundred andtwenty-five dollars less thirteen
12-100, the thirteen dollars and twelve cents be-
ing interest upon interest, at five per cent, for
$525 from Feb. 1, 1874, to Aug. 1, 1874, this being
in accordance with instructions in chapter 537,
Laws of New York, of 1871. Therefore we ask
for an appropriation to pay interest on said
For Feb. 1, 1S75, the sum of
Also an appropriation to pay
interest on said bonds Aug.
1, 1.75
Also for a sinking fund to
1iqu.date bonds 150.00
We therefore report that there will be required
for the year 1875, to pay- interest on said bonds
in addition to what is on hand, $1.036 88. Also
$150 as a sinking fund toward the liquidation of
said town bonds.
We ask that the same be assessed and levied
upon the taxable property of the said "town of
McLean, Nov. 16, 1874.
B. H. WAKaLET, Commissioners.
G. B. HART, )
The fallowing resolution was. offered
by Mr. Gross, accepted and ordered
printed with the minutes:
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions
of chapter 433, of the laws of 1866, entitled an act
to facilitate the construction of the Southern
Central Railroad and to authorize towns to sub-
scribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a no-
tice seryed upon this Board by the railroad com
missioners of the town of Groton,there be levied
and assessed upon the taxable "property of said
town the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars,
($3.500.) for the purpose of paying the interest
upon the railroad bonds issued by said town,and
twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500)
as principal, in the aggregate the sum of sixteen
thousand dollars, ($16,000) and that the same
when collected be paid to the commissioners of
said town to be expended for that purpose. Also
be it
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions
of chapter 907 of the laws of 1869, and notice hav
ing been served noon this Board by the commis-
sioners of the town of Groton, there be levied
and assessed upon the taxable property of said
town the sum of ten hundred and thirty-six 88-
100 dollars, ($1,136 88) for the purpose of paying
the interest upon the railroad bonds issued un-
der this act in the town of Groton, also the sum
of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) be levied
and assessed upon the taxable property of the
town of Groton, for the purpose of creating a
sinking fund according to instruction in said
chapter 907 of the laws of 1869, and that the same
when collected be paid to the commissioners of
said town appointed pursuant to this act.
Mr. Gross submitted the following
statement of the indebtedness of the
town of Groton, and it 'was accepted
and ordered published:
To the Board of Supervisors of the county of
Tompkins :
In accordance with chapter 552, Laws of, 1870,
I hereby report the public debt of the town of
Groton to be as follows, viz.:
Bonds issued by commission-
ers, bearing interest of sev-
en per cent, for Southern
Central railroad
Interest coming due the en-
suing year
Bonds issued by commission-
ers for the Ithaca & Cort-
land railroad, bearing inter-
est at seven per cent, paya-
ble semi-annually
Interest on same coming due
the ensuing year
One per cent on same as a
sinking fund
Total indebtedness
Against' which commission-
ers for Southern Central
railroad hold stock of said
road to the amount of 450,0:0
Commissioners for Ithaca &
Cortland railroad hold stock
in the -U., I. & E. railroad
for 15,000
V. B. GROSS, Supervisor,
Board convened pursuant to resolu-
tion. All the members, present.
Committee on clerks', justices', etc.,
accounts were engaged in examining
bills." Other members of the Board
were engaged in general business.
Bill No. 111 was audited and passed.
Board adjourned at usual hour.
Board met at 7 o'clock. Roll called
by the Clerk; all present.
The committee on equalization were
engaged on the assessment rolls during
the session.. The other members of the
Board were engaged in miscellaneous
business. Board adjourned.
THURSDAY, i ov. 19.
The Board convened at 9 o'clock.
All the members present. The pro-
ceedings of yesterday were read by the
Clerk and approved by the Board.
The committee on equalization were
at work on the assessment rolls.
At the usual hour the Board ad
Board met at 2 o'clock. Roll called
by the Clerk, all the members respond-
ing to their names.
The following railroad commission-
ers' reports were presented by Mr. Burtt,
and on motion of Mr. Havens were ac-
cepted and ordered placed on the min-
To the Board of Supervisors of the county
The undersigned commissioners for the to
of Ithaca, in said county, appointed to represen
the interest of said town m the stock of the It
aca & Athens railroad company, beg leave r
apectrully to submit their sixth annna1 report,
follows, pursuant to an act of the Legislator
passed April 17, 1866:
Amount of stock in said road
subscribed for by said town.......... $300,00
Amount of town bonds issued
to pay said subscription of
stock and expended there-
Amount of stock now held in
said road
Amountofinterest due on
said bonds March 1, 1875
as above stated, be leyied gned ask. and t the
ed uof pon the
town of Ithaca, to pay the interest on said bonds
due on the first ,day of Maich, 1875, as above
J. L. WHITON,- Commissioners.
On motion of Mr. Burtt: •
Resolyed, That in pursuance of chapter 645,
Laws of 1866, entitled "an act to facilitate the
construction of the Ithaca & Towanda railroad
(by act Feb. 18, 1870, now the Ithaca & Athens
railroad company), and to authorize towns to
subscribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a
notice served upon this Board by the commis-
sioners of the town of Ithaca, there be leviedand
assessed upon the taxable property of the said
town of Ithaca the sum of twenty_one thousand
dollars, for the purpose of paying interest to be-
come due March 1, 1875, upon the town bonds is-
sued Nor said railroad, and that the Supervisor of
said town pay said sum to the commissioners of
said town, to be expended for that purpose.
The second railroad commissioners'
report presented by Mr. Burtt is as fol-
ITHACA, Nov. 19, 1874.
of so as to permit mtuiicipal corporations to aid in
the construction of railroads, passed May 18, 1869,
ma and of a notice served upon this Board by the
tcommissioners of the town of Ithaca, for the Ge-
n_ neva & Ithaca railroad company, there be levied
e_ and assessed upon the taxable property of the
estown of Ithaca, the sum of seven thousand dol.
e lars less one hundred and fifty 30-100 dollars, be-
ing the accrued interest on thirty-five hundred
dollars, on bonds issued for the benefit of the-
, Geneva & Ithaca railroad, and that the Supervi-
sor of the town of Ithaca pay said sum to such
commissioners, to be expended for that purpose.
300,000 Mr. Burtt also presented the follow-
ing report of the indebtedness of the
300,000 town of Ithaca, which, on motion, was
21' oxo accepted and ordered published with
the minutes:
To the ♦..-.... s.__-.. - the
Fourth annual report of the commissioners of
the town of Ithaca for bonds issued in aid of the
Geneva & Ithaca railroad :
Amount of bonds issued in
aid of said road
Bonds sold for stock in Gene-
va & Ithaca railroad
Interest to come due April 1,
1875 3,500
Interest to come due Oct. 1,
1875 3,500
We therefore report that there will be required
for the coming year, to pay interest on the said
bonds, the sum of seven thousand dollars lees
hundred and fifty 30-100 thescrued ier on thirty-five hundred dollars.We therefore ask that the same be assessed and
levied upon the town of Ithaca.
C. M. TITUS, Commissioners.
Jong Rrratsar,
On motion of Mr. Burtt:
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions
of chapted 907, Laws of 1869, entitled "an act to
authorize the formation of railroad corporations
and to regulate the same," passed April 2, 1850,
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Tompkins :
In accordance with chapter 552, laws of 1870, I
hereby report the the public debt of the town of
Ithaca to be as follows: - - -
Bonds issued March 1st, 1869,
bearing interest at seven
per cent., by the commis-
sioners of L & A. R. R
Amount of principal unpaid
April6th, 1874.... $300000
Amount of interest due .the
current year
$300,000 00
Bonds issued Oct, 1st, 1871,
payable Oct. 1st, 1901, by
the commissioners for the
Geneva & Ithaca railroad,
interest on same payable
Amount of interest coming
due April ist, 1875, $3,500
lees the accrued interest
$150.30 $3,049.70
Amount coming due
Oct. lst, 1875
Against which commissioners
for I. & A. R. R. hold I. &
A.R.R. stock to the amount
Commissioners G. & I. stock
Total amount of stock held by
and for the benefit of Itha-
ca, Nov. 19, 1374,
21,000 00
100,000 00
6,849 70
$427,849 70
$300,000 00
100,000 00
400,000 0)
D. L. BURTT, Supervisor.
The equ tlization committee were
still engaged in examining the assess-
ment rolls.
Board met at seven o'clock.
called, all the members present.
engaged in general business.
Board adjourned.
'FRIDAY,. Noy. 20.
Board convened pursuant to resolu-
tion. Roll called by the Clerk. All
present. The minutes of the previous
day were read and approved.
Board engaged in auditing bills,and.
No. 112 to No_ 141 inclusive were
the bill No. 141, presented by the
Brooklyn Howard Colored Asylum, for
keeping a colored boy taken from the
Susquehanna Valley Home at Bingham-
ton, was rejected, as the order of the
Superintendent of the Poor (a copy of
which was presented) was not for trans-
fer, but for delivery. Ona call for the
ayes and noes on the passage of the
bill, the Board voted as follows: Ayes,
none; noes, Wattles, Wade, Hawes,
Havens, Gross, Burtt, Woodbury, Dav-
enport and Woodworth.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury:
Resolved, That a committee of three be ap-
-pointed by the Chairman, to direct all repairs
and improvements to be made upon the county
buildings as in their judgment may be deemed
best for the interests of the county, and all bills
hereafter presented to this Board, for repairs
and improvements on said buildings, shall be
endorsed by a majority of said committee, and
be it farther
Resolved, That all county officers, who shall
buy articles on the credit of the county, shall
keep an account of said articles and the amount
paid for the same, and report the same to this
Board within three days after the commence-
ment of their annual session.
The Chairman -appointed on said
committee, Messrs. Woodbury, Burtt
and Woodworth.
On motion of Mr. Havens:
Resolved, That the rejected taxes as returned
to the Treasurer of this county by the several
coLectors, be reassessed upon the several towns
Returned tax of -Ulysses $88.68
Lansing........ -
Board adjourned at the usual. hour.
Board convened at 2 o'clock. _ Roll
called. All present.
The committee on equalization were
engaged on the assessment rolls, and
preparing to make their report.
At 5 o'clock the Board adjourned.
Board re -assembled at 7 o'clock.
Roll called by the Clerk. All the
members present.
The committeeonequalization, by
the Chairman, Mr. Gross, - submitted
their report, which,on: motion of Mr.
Davenport, was accepted and adopted
by the Board:
The following Is the assessed valuation of th e
real and personal property of Tompkins county,
as appears upon the rolls returned by the assess-
ors of the several towns for the year 1874 :
Towns Acres Real Personal Total
30;977 951,264 38,150 989,414'
33,195 918,510 38,470 956,980
61,608 3,830,858 239,895 3,570,753
21,600 276,760 14,325 - 291,085
30,725 2,065,730 277,530 2;343,260'
37,326 2,668,013 184,674 2,850,687
36,361 745,720 40,910 786,630
19,660 - 659,643 147,177 836,825
3,466,340 899,70 4,366,090'
15,110,843 1,880,88116, 991,724
We, the undersigned committee on equaliza-
tion, would respectfully report that the following
be the egnahzed valuation of the real estate of
the several towns in the county of Tompkins for
the year 1874 :
Towns Acres Real Personal Total
779,394 33,150 817,544
881,801 38,470 920,274
2,199,383 239,895 2,439,218
682,368 14,325 696,693!
1,325,960 - . 277,530 1,603,490
2,122,137 184,674 2,006,811
.880,205 40,910, 921,115
1,741,373 147,177 1,888,550
4,537,306 899,750 - 5,437,059
15,149, 870 -1,880,821 17,030,751
V. B. GRoss,
After the above report, the Board
SATURDAY, Nov. 21.
Board convened at 9 o'clock. All
present. The Journal of Friday was.
read and approved. •
On motion of Mr. Woodbury:
Resolved, That the Supervisor of the town of
Lansing he authorized by this Board to pay to
the county Treasurer the Fuca of five thousand
two hundred and seventy-nine dollars and six
cents, and deduct that amount from the taxes of
said town the present year,
On motion of Mr. Havens:
Resolved, That thi
thorize each Supervisor of oaid bis e ape respective town
to procure a suitable room for armory and drill
purposes as per chapter 447, Laws of 1862, as
amended by chapter 425, Laws of 1863, in order
that bill, for such -purposes may come before
this Board more nnderetandingly.
Mr. Havens offered the. following
resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That at the request of the several
Supervisors of the towns named in the following
to n be the audi seofaims sad towns,set forth
and ereilevied andadded as.
sessed upon said towns respectively.
Isaac Hilliard, Assessor,
IsrselLuce,Commissionerof )tighwaye
John 21. Smith, supplies for poor,
Interest on Penn. & Sodus Bay R. R..
Sinking fund
Highway purposes ' .
To one assessment roll ...............
Interest on Penn. & Sodus Bay R. R.
Pinking fund..... ..
T. J. McElheny, recording papers to
bond the town ................
Amos D. Shaffer, R, tt. commissioner
Int erect on Penn. & Sodas Bay 80. R,
Sinking fund.... -
John Harmeton, repudiated 5ax....'...
Thomas Van, Highway Commissioner
A. M. Trotter, stone.... ...............
H. C. Woodworth, repudiated tax......
J.D. Pease, Commissioner of Uig f, ways,
A. B. Woodworth, Superviso,...........
Elias Pierce, excess of tax
John Yates, excess of tax.. , . „
One assessment roll .......: . . . . .
(Added by Supervisor.)
3I. B. Williams, clerk of elections...-:-
L. N. Chapin, printing. 2a4 00
Ezra Halsey, constable 1 60
Win. H. Bnrnham, inspector 1 95
W. H. Barnham, R. R. commissioner.,, 5 00
Dana Rhodes, Justice.........
C. H. TarbeI, constable.....,_ 4 45
Joseph Mount, excess of tax.. 4 60
Jerome Hathaway, R. R. commissioner 4 10
Interest on 5, C. R. ll., bonds 3,500 Co
8910 00
270 CO
31 08
1,.5) f0
:340 00
250 00
1 90
3,640 00
S. C. R. R. bonds due March
Interest on U., I. & E. R. R
Sinking fund
Jerome Hathaway, assessor
John L. Whiton; services as R. R. coca. 10 00
Peter Apgar R. R. commissioner
H. E. Lord, ZR. R. commissioner 6 00
Interest on G. & I. R. R. bonds.......- 6,819 70
interest on I. & A. R. R. bonds21,000 00
0. W. Scutt, excess of tax
9 81
1st, 1875.. 12.503 01
bonds.... 1,036 84
150 00
36 00
Halsted, house for election.........
John. Cross, assessor
Epenetus Howe, Inspector of election.
E. C. 8rars'), constable
C. L. Wattles, assessment roll.........
On motion of Mr. Wattles:
10 01
28 00
4 01
1 00
Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of
chapter 791 of Laws of 1868, the sans set down
in the foils wing schedule be levied and assessed
on the
S of the
times areincludpedin the several lists, ons c se
sts, and in
the sums respectively named in said lists, sub-
mitted to the Board and furnished to the Super-
eule, ytovesof highways respectively
the road districts included therein:
Carolir e -District No. 26
Ulysses- ., " 5 days.... $7 55
25 .M ` .... 5 25
Nevirdeld 16.:... 22# .... 250
56 t3 „ .... 2 25
538M " ....
., 35 •
9 2 .. 4 0
45 90
" 18 281 3 " ... 3 75
4 57
Groton " re 2;�.. " .... 3 75
6'/a .... 10 32
75.. 3;l. " .... •5 tit.
On motion of Mr. Davenport:
520 00 I Resolved, That at the request of the Supervi-
e several towns of this count. te sums
2 CO set forth in the following schedule be levied and
6 00 assessed upon the taxable property of the several
towns named for the purpose therein mentioned.
Towns Town audits Highways Poor
Caroline $507 46 $500 00
Danby 447 66
Dryden 1,112 63 6,293 15
Enfield 1,215 66
Groton 2 23 3C0
Lansing 1,53:3 24 2,C050 00 00 00
Newfield 3,192 76
Ulysses 1,542 84
1 Ithaca 13,645 71 2,, 0 00
1 25 The Board then adjourned.
5,850 00
700 09
6 40
80 00
0 00
18 39
34 00
49 91
7 17
1 09
MONDAY, Nov. 23.
Board met. Roll called by . the
Clerk.- A quorum present.
The minutes of Saturday were read
and approved.
The Board engaged in apportioning
the state debt among the several towns.
At the usual hour the Board ad-
Boaid convened at the usual hour.
All present at roll call by the Clerk.
Bills from No. 142 to No. 150 inclu-
sive were audited.
Board engaged in apportioning the
debts among the different towns.
Board adjourned at 5 o'clock.
Board met at the usual hour. Poll
called by the CIerk. All present. A
ballot being taken on the papers which
should publish the session laws the
ensuing year, resulted in the Ithaca
Journal receiving five, and the Ithaca
Democrat four votes.
On motion of Mr. Havens:
Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal and the
thaca Democrat he the papers designated by
thio Board to publish the session laws for the
year 1875, in accordance with the ballot taken.
On motion of Mr. Gross:
Reso'ved, That in accordance with chapter
446, title 4, section 6, Laws of 1874, that there be
levied and assessed -upon the following towns,
the sums set forth in the following schedule, to
reimburoe the county for the amount paid to
Willard Asylum:
Eight inmates of Willard Asylum
chargeable to Ithaca $1,264 88
Two inmates of Willard Asylum
chargeable to Dryden .......... 116 22
One inmate of Willard Asylum
chargeable to Groton 1558 11
Two inmates of Willard Asylum
chargeab_e to Newfield 316 22
One inmate of Willard Asylum
chargeable to Caroline $158 11
Total $2,213 54
The rule being suspended, at 10
o'clock the Board adjourned.
TUESDAY, Nov. 21.
Board convened pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Roll called by the Clerk. All
the members present.
The proceedings of the previous day
were read by the Clerk and approved
by .the Board.
Nr. Woodworth offered, and the
Board adopted, the following resolu-
Resolved, That the following sums be levied
and assessed upon the taxable property of
Tompkins county for the purpo.:e designated in
the following list:
Fcr schools $10,587 41
General purposes 12,704 89
General deficiency 3,652 65
Bounty debt 16,939 S'•
New capitol 4,234 06
Asylum and reformatories........,3,176 22
Canal and floating debt 846 99
New work on canals and extra repairs 7,411 18
Payment of awards by canal appraisers 1,852 80
$61,406 95
Three and a half mill tax....... 31,943.41
Total state debt, including the 334
mill tax of 187 $03,350 41
State tax as apportioned among the several.
towns as follows:
Caroline $4 481 18
Danby 5,044 27
Dryden 13,370 06
Enfield 0,818 71
Groton 8,784 18
Lansing 122-644 3O
Newfield 5,048 88
Ulysses............ 10.351 60
Ithaca- 29,802 10
Foe court expenses 0,000 00
Fuel and gas for county buildings 700 00
State Lunatic Asylum at Utica 2,000 00
Willard Asylum 2.800 00
Monroe County Penitentiary 350 00
School Commissioners 4)0 00
Salary for County Judge 2,507 00
Salary for special County Judge 50 80
Supervisors' Clerk 100 00
Supervisors' Janitor 40 e0:
Incidentals, Judges' office, 50 CO
Insurance on county buildings ..... 158 00
Livery to county house 8 CO
Incidentals (100 ( 0
Superintendents of the Poor 1,550 00
District Attorney's salary 600 00
County Treasurer's salary - 500 00
Chaplain of county house 50 00
County audits 10,`61 Oi
To (al . $28,917 00
Less amount to reim'burse the county
on account of Willard Asylum, to be
paid by towns 2,213 554
Total $26,703 52
The following is the apportionment'
of the county audits among the several
Caroline $1,281 87
Manby 1,442 90
Dryden 3,824 00
Enfield 1,092 32
Groton 2,514 21
Lansing 3,616 98
Newfield 1,444 27
Ulysses 2 961 1h'.
Ithaca 8 525 06
Total 528, 703 52'
The Chairman of the committee on
Treasurer's accounts, Mr. Buret, pre-
sented the report of the committ,e,
which, on motion, IN as accepted and
adopted, and is as follows:
The committee on Treasurer's accounts report
the following as the receipts and disbursements
of the county Treasurer from Nov. 21st, 1873, to
Nov. 17th, 1874, and they have examined all his
books, receipts and vouchers, and find them cor-
rect, except the omission of five dollars fine to
the town of Lansing :
Tompkins County in account with
Bristol, County Treasurer:
By amount on hand at settlement,
Nov. 21, 1873
By excise from corporation,
Ithaca 1,445 00
'Excise from town 90 (0
Fines from G. W. Wood 101 05,
Fines from A. M. Lucas90 00
Excise from Caroline 1,737 35
b0 60
5 00
20 00
George H.
$ 30260 61
Fines from Enfield
" Dryden
" Groton 00 (I)
Excise from Groton 70 00
Excise from Ulysses 49 00
Pines from Ulyreee55 00
Fines from E. C. VanEirk,
Sher 11'292 00
Fines from Tarbell, for Nor-
ton 10 00
Cash fro n P. FI. Farrington, Willard
Asylum .
Cash from T. B. Fisk for board of wife
at FVillard asylum
School moneys from State...22,832 74
School moneys in the hands
of Supervisor of Groton...
Supervisor of Ithaca........
Supervisor of Ulysses
Taxes from Caroline.
Less 33 mill tax
Taxes from Danby
Less 3.16 mill.
Taxes from Dryden19,416 03
Less 3,4 mill tax 4,382 26
Taxes from Enfield 6,080 20
Less 0}f mill tax 1,105 86
16 14
1 07
29,052 31
5,081 06
1309 17
3,772 49
5,215 26
1,413 31
3,801 922
School commissioners' appro=
priation 400 00
Monroe County penitentiary 283 57
Willard Asylum 2 614 09
New York State Lunatic Asy.,1,632 32
Fuel and gas bill.... 650 56
Fines to reimburse towns 2,435 45
Livery bill to county house800
John Johnson 10 00
L. N. Chapin, publishing
court notice 7 00
Bill for cleaning court house 20,.50
Treasurer's salary 500 00
Expenses of Treasurer office 8 00
Comptroller -0; B9
School 11 3 4 05
School moneys, Caroline....2 020 05
Danhy 522 02
Dryden.....3 9 t 61
Enfield 1:30013
-Groton _ 1,463 24
Ithaca 4,983 31
Lansing2,252 39
Newfield2,301 78
Ulysses2,312 78
I Paid returned tax Caroline..
29 00 Danby.....
111 00 " Enfield ...
" Ithaca....
" Lansing..
" Ulysses...
" town expenses, Caroline
" highways,
" town poor
151 58
Taxes from Groton......... 15,812 31
Less 3;4 mill tax 2,001 e0
Taxes from Ithaca 77,413 39
Leas 3,14 mil tax 8,712 11
Taxes from' Lansing 2'2273 SO
Less 3x mill tax 3 933 80
Taxes from Newfield100.1163
Less 334 mill tax 1,498 79
Taxes from Ulysses
Less 3;¢ mill tax
155,083 77 1
4,914 34 f
10,210 48 j
63,701 23
18,250 OO
8,913 01
10,750 S0
3.274 51
-- 16,479 29
1203,799 46
Tompkins county in account with George H.
Bristol, county Treasurer, dr. to
Paid insurance on county
hulloing a $89 :0
Supervisors' Clerk 100 CO
Supervisors' Janitor 40 00
n. King, District Attorney,
4th quarter's salary, 1873,150 00
M. Lyon,connty Judge, salary 2,500 00
8. D; Halliday, Dia. Att'y450 00
Appropriation, county Judge 50 00
4 92
1 68
143 92
9 21
6 36
137 74
88 68
696 00
250 00
100 00
" town expense, Danby.. 409 97
" highways " .. 250 00
" town expenses,Dryden..1,000 90
" support of poor " . 300 00
" highways " ..5,59000
" town expenses, Enfield.. -418 SO
"° highways " .. 250 00
" Ina on railroad bonds...1,750 00
" sinking fund 250 00
" town expenses, Groton0,350 13
" highways " 250 00
" int. on railroad bonds4,550 00
" sinking fund 150 00
" town expenses, Ithaca...10, 314 22
" highways " .. 210 00
` int. on railroad bords..27,847 01
town expensee,Lansing, 1,320 89
" highways " 4,000 00
int. on railroad bonds...5,125 34
" town expenses, Newfield,I,724 81 e, 10,4fi:i 23
"° int. on railroad bonds...8,640 00
" sinking 'fund 520 00
" town expenses,Ulysses1,02.5 36 5,534 84
" highways 1,915 95
" int. on railroad bonds5,250 00
" sinking fund 800 00
" county orders 13,085 00 9.280 31
court orders 4 678 88
poor orders, indoors.... 2,467 73 -
" ontdoere._.. 1,263 21
" transportation 195 55
12,011 89
57,670 74
22.852 4
8.52 61
1,091 03
650 97
6,S^0 90
2,663 80
7,140 13 •
47,111 27
21.690 37
206,374 81
By balance on settlement, including
$2,261.35, fines and excise money,
belonging to the several towns an
shown in above report...:........
2,425 15
Total . 208,799 46
Balance in Treseuier'e hands after
deducting fines and excise money is $163 80.
• ® D, L.Bm'rr,
V. B. Gaosa, Committee.
C. L. WATalmo,
Mr. Woodbury offered the following
Resolved, that the claims set forth in the peti-
tion of Parker Wilton, of the town of Hector,
Schuyler county, N. Y., for taxes wrongfully
paid by him to the collector of the town of En-
field, of said county, to the amount of $22.94,
with interest amounting to $3 20, making an ag
gregate of $26.14, be levied and assessed upon
said county, and refunded to said Wixon.
The resolution was declared lost, on
a call for the ayes and nays, by the fol-
Ayes —Havens and Woodbury.
Nays—Wattles, Wade, Hawes, Gross,
'Burtt, Davenport and Woodworth.
Tie Board then adjourned.
Board met pursuant to resolution.
Roll called, and all present.
The minutes of the forenoon session
were read by the Clerk and approved.
The Board engaged in miscellaneoul
business during a greater part of the
On motion of Mr. Wattles:
Resolved, That when this Board adjourn, it be
to meet on Saturday, the 5th day of December
next, at 10 o'clock a. m.
There being no further business, the
Chairman declared the Board adjourned
to December 5th next, at 10 a. m , in
accordance with the resolution.
J. L. BARER, Clerk.
The following is a list of the county
and the respective town audits !'or 1874 :
The following is an abstract of the
names of all persons who presented
bills to the Board of Supervisors of
Tompkins county, to be audited at
their annual session in November, 1874,
with the nature of the claim, amount
claimed, and the amount allowed on
each claim.
No. Name Nature of claim Claim'd ,A11'd
1 Wm. E. Oomnn, printing,.. e168 30 $168 30
2 A.Soencer,printing canvass, 68 36 68 36
3 O. Willson, printing canvass, - 35 75 33 75
4 Finch & Apgar, stationery
for County Clerk and Dist
Attorney 5124 5121
5 Finch de Apgar, Stationery
for Board 9 73 9 73
6 Andrus, McChain & Co., sta-
tionery for County Clerk234 58 231 53
7 Weed, Parsons & Co., sta-
tionery for County Clerk2 00 2 00
8 Weed, Parsons & Co., sta-
tionery for County Clerk1 00 1 00
9 Eli Beers, physician, lunacy 6 40 6 49
10 M.M.Brown,medical services 49 Ou 33 80
11 Al, M. Brown, coroner 86 15 86 15
12 J. D. Lewis, representative, 10 00 10 00
13 John Goodyear, Id. D. lunacy 10 00 8 20
14 John Goodyear, M.D., lunacy - 5 00 5 00
15 S. II. Jones, 151. D., lunacy10 00 8 20
16 S.10. Jones, M. D , lunacy5 00 5 00
17 D. White, M. D., lunacy...:15 00 6 40
18 R. Lanning, M. D., lunacy6 70 6 70
19 O. Lanning. M. D.. lunacy7 00 7 00
20 Wm_ Corycll, M. D., lunacy, 6 00 6 00
21 Henry Harpst, transportation
of lunatic 14 60 14 60
22 A. F. Marton, services, lunacy 12 80 12 80
23 Ira W. Loomis, constable,
(charged in coroner's bill), 3 00 0 00
24 John Stoddard, board of jury-
men 18 55 18 55
25 S. D. Thompson, board of
jurymen 29 75 27 75
26 J. M. Smith, Superintendent
of the Poor 136 00 136 00
27 P. H. Farrington, Superin-
tendent of the Poor 125 00 125 00
28 M. T. Denman, superintend-
uperintendent of the Poor 126 70 126 70
29 Gaunt!ett at Brooks, material
for county buildings3 05 3 05
30 J. 2J. He,goie, material for
County Judge's office 4 65 4 65
31 Sohn L. Whiton, supplies for
jail 13 85 13 85
32 L. H. Culver & Sons, supplies
for court house 33 01 33 91
33 Joseph Edsali, work on jail, 13 00 13 00
34 Wilson Bros , work on jail11 00 11 00
15 D. J. Seaman, recovering
body from Inlet 5 00 5 00
36 W. W. Bare, Att'y, services
in case of lunacy..... 9 00 9 00
37 S. D. Halliday, telegraphing, 4 10 4 10
33 S. D. Halliday, fo_i' procuring
certified papers 10 80 10 80
u9 Egoert More, Attorney 5 00 0 00
40 Bradford Almy, services18 00 18 00
41 Ferris & Dowe, Attorneys213 46 213 46
4e L. W. Chapin, printing72 25 72 25
43 Ithaca Democrat, printing748 19 748 19
44 Asahel Clapp, printing..,7 00 7 00
45 Weekly Ithacan, printing35 93 35 93
46 JobnM. Jamieson, plumbing
on Dist. Att'y's and County
Judge's offices 71 48 71 98
47 John M. Jamieson, plumbing
on jail 18 70 13 70
4S F. P. Randolph, work and
material on jail 13 82 13 82
49 Williams Bros., material for
repairing do 4 07 4 07
50 G. C. McClune, flagging 76 12 76 12
51 L. S. Mackey, work on court
house 200 2 00
52 Ithaca Water Works Com-
pany, water 54 00 54 00
53 Tremae, King & Co, material
and supplies for court house
and jail
54 Terry & Neidick, work on
15 Hyatt & Oltz, labor In County
J'udge's and Dist. Att'y's
56 Sanford & Dixon, assigned to
S. 13. Beers
37 Chas. Sanford & Co., assigned
to S. B. Beer, 24 52
'i8 Bostwick & Sisson, material
for Conroy Judge's office91 25
59 A. 111. Credit, furniture for
Dist. Attorney's office15 00
00 John Rumsey, furniture for
Dist. Attorney's and Coun-
ty Jude'_s offices
61 H, L. Wilgus, furniture for
Canty Clerk's office 10 45 10 45
62 A. Bishop, M. D., lunacy5 00 5 00
63 S. H. Peck, M. D., lunacy9 00 9 00
64 E. C. Moe, M. D., medical
65 Carrier & Winslow, medical
06 S. a. Sebring, medical ser-
vices, lunacy 6 60
67 S. P. Sackett,medical services 22 00
6; S. P. Sackett,medical services 7 50
69 A. F. Marto.., transportation
of lunatic,
70 George F. Pierce, transporta-
tion of lunatic
71 A. Smith, livery for coroner,
'2 James Baylor, stationery for
County Clerk
13 A. C. Carpenter & Co., ma-
74 D. L. Burtt, Supervisor, work
as committee
75 J. M. Woodbury, Supervisor,
work as committee
76 J. Elawes, Supervisor, work
as committee
77 J. L. Baker, expreesage on
books, etc
78 E. C. VanEirk, Sheriff, ser-
vices and expenses 1600 87 1600 17
84 04 84 04
6 25 625
32 83
3 83
32 SS
3 £S
27 52
91 25
85 00
126 17 126 17
43 00
53 50
26 00
17 05
7 50
41 89 •
15 90
6 80
8 56
8 24
2 00
33 00
47 00
6 60
17 00
7 00
26 00
107 Henry $. Robison, " 6 40 6 40
1(8 Geo. W. Wood, justice...... 7.y 81 19 81
109 W. D. Mount, 3 00 3 CO
110 R. R. Howell, deputy sheriff
and constable 95 01 95 01
111 D. Torben, county clerk.... 12,9 20 1219 20
112 G. H. Houtz, rent of armory. 40 00 4u 00
113 J. G. Wortman, " 50 00 50 04
114 Town of Danby, '•35 00 55 00.
115 Henry Miller, 62 50 62 50
116 D. V. Personies,50 00 5) 00
117 Stone & Biggs, " . 1011 00 100 00
118 B. R. Williams, 20 00 20 00
119 Cornell Library, . 3u, 00 300 09
120 Edwin 06. Nye, " 25.00 25'0
121 J. H. Theall, armorer........ a2 00 31 .00
122 C. W. Earl, - . ` 30 00 50 00
123 M. A. Barkick, `• 39 0 ( 3 r 00
124 Lafayette Darenbury,armorer 8 85 8 25
125 Freeman G. Ault, armorer... 3.5 (0 33 00
126 Edward • Louneberry, trana-
portation of guns 26 01 00 00
127 Albert Prame, cleaning guns,
—rejected for informality
and lack of authority to do
the wore 102 75 000 (0
128 C. C. Cook, medical servicee10 00 9 28
129 W. C. Gallagher, coroner10 00 10 00
130 John J. Johnson, janitor ser
services, &c 171 13 171 13
131 Selkreg & Apgar, printing1134 16 1134 10
132 Ithaca Democrat, printing
canvass -
17 05 133 Charles Gundlach, work on
0 00 ount134 E. Wade,judgaupe'serffiaor•,spec-
41 89 ialsession
135 S. Davenport, supervisor,
13 90 special Session
136 C. L. Wattles, supervisor,
0 80 special session
137 g_ B. Gross, supervisor,spec-
8 56 1a1 aFssion 5 40
133 A. B. Woodworth,anpervisor,
8 24 special session..,,
139 Nathaniel M. Tobey,to recov-
2 00 er tax 25 64 00 (0
140 H. N. linmiaton. dep. cons't11 70 00 Ou
141 Brooklyn Howard Colored Or-
phan Asylum, board of boy 106 43 000 00
142. C. L. Wattles, Supervisor103 98 103 98
2773 29 143 Stephen Davenport, " .., 101 04 101 04
207 04 194 Josiah Hawes,
25 26
66 75
81 53
4 92
4 76
4 60
8 86
66 75
72 50
4 92
4 7;)
4 60
5 40
3 96
,9 E. C. VanKirk, sheriff, board,
washing and turnkey's lees
for prisoners 2773 29
80 O. K. Dein, under sheriff207 01
81 John H. Theall. dep, sheriff25 26
82 Sextns B. Landon,2 05
83 Jay B. Kline58 a70
81 Charles G. Day, justice 54 2(
85 A. M. Lucas, - 73 £C
86 John W. Dean, 2 00
87 Benjamin Starr, 6 00
88 Geo. E. Goodrich, `° 1 S0
89 13 Covell " 2 65
90 Jehiel H. Bailey, 6, 80
01 Dana Rhodes, " 3 00
92 P. C. Marsh, constable ....,. 10 03
93 E. G. Phelps, 9 2)
91 Norton, Robinson, Dickerson
and Leonard, police cons'ts 206 10 206 10
95 Norton, Robinson,Dickerson
and Leonard, police cons'Is 68 98 63 98
93 John M. Fish, constable...- 16 28 16 28
97 J. 41. Owen, 3 15 3 15
98 James E. Puff, - ` . • 33 65 33 65
9 James Gardner, " 20 70 20 70
100 G. D. Goldsmith, 14 65 14 65
101 Orren T. Ellie, •
5 50 5 50
102 James H. Roes,27 53 27 83
103 Moses Tyler, `• 10 82 9 82
104 Archibald Thompson " .... 7 50 7 50
105 J. B. Bennett, " 1 70 1 70
106'J. B. Bennett, " 5 05 505
58 50
54 21
73 86
2 00
C 00
1 80
2 35
6 80
3 00
I0 00
9 25
145 D. L. Burtt,
196 E. R. Wade,
147 V. B. Grose,
148 E. Havens,
149 .. D. Woodworth,
150 J. M. Woodbury,
" .-. 96 35 96 35
" ... 135 s6 185 :36
... 156 18 126 38
... 116 84 106 84
... 102 68 102 63
... 104 84 104 84
... 106 50 106 50
$13361 06
Austract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited
by the town auditors of the town of
Caroline, on the 5th day of November,
1874, with the amounts claimed by
each, and the amounts finally audited.
No. Name Nature of claim. Claim'd A11'd
1 S. B. Landon, Deptnty Sheriff, $13 20 $13 20
2 R. W. Edwards, conetabie,... 10 90 10 40
3 Benson Morrie, Commission•
er of Highways
4 H. H. Robinson, constable
5 A. A. Haskins, constable
6 A. R. Hubbard, Assessor
7 Johnson Quick, Assessor
8 Truman Spaulding, Overseer
of the Poor
9 Caroline E. Rounseviile, use
of hall for election
10 S. P. Ashley, attorney
11 John Wolcott. ex. Supervisor
12 Henry Speed, lnsnector of
13 L. A Patch, Insnector of
14 John J. Peters, clerk
15 A. T. Harding, undertaker
16 E. E. Legg, clerk of election
17 D. C. Krum, Inepector of elec-
18 C. L. Davis, clerk of election
19 J. P. Merrill. Inspector of
20 Richard Lounebery, clerk of
21 James Boice, Inspector of elec-
22 Marcus Rounseville, cost re-
imbursed ................. .
23 H. W. Bull, physician
24 Richard Lounsbery, Justice of
25 Dan B. Gil Pert', Justice of
26 C. L. Wattles, Supervisor
27 John Davis, constable
28 C. F. Hornbeck, use of house
for town meeting....
29 C. L. Davis, town clerk
30 Abel T. Lott. Justice of Peace
31 Matthew Bull, Justice of Peace
32 M. C. Krum, stone and plank
83 A. Merrill, ex. Commissioner
of Highways
40 000 41 00
12 70 12 70
8 80 4 30
27 0 ' 27 00
30 00 30 00
hereby eertlry that the fohowing statement of
the accounts audited by them at their anneal
meeting, held Nov. 5, 1874, is correct.
No. Name Nature of claim Claim'd All'd
1 Christopher Slocum, Assessor $30 00 $30 00
18 00 18 00 2 Marcus A. Beers, Assessor 25 00 25 00
3 D. A. Everest, Assessor32 00 32 00
17 00 17 00 4 S. B. Judson, Inspector of
50 01 10 90 election
2 00 00 5 Edmund Thatcner, Inspector
of election 4 00 4 00
4 10 4 10 6 Sheldon Bierce, Inspector of
4 00 4 00 7 Joel Benfield, help to poor
5 00 4 00 8 Wm. Hough, constable
24 00 24 00 9 George Howland, constable
4 00 4 00 10 Jotham Vorhis, Overseer of
Poor 39 51 21 76
4 00 4 00 11 Howell Bros., store account13 21 19 20
4 25 4 25 12 J. Hawes & Son, poor order50 43 16 95
13 Micheal Bandy, Oyereeer of
4 00 4 00 Poor. . ..
14 Dr. Eli Beers,visit to poor
4 CO 4 00 15 " .< •1. "
16 D. A. Marsh, Commissioner of
5 00 5 00 Highways
17 J. Thatcher, Justice of Peace 5 00 5 00
18 10 18 10 18 Lemuel Jennings, Justice of
24 00 21 00 r ecce
19 J. Graves, Justice of Peace2 00
23 72 28 72 20 Charles Mowland, Justice of
Peace 8 65 8 65
21 41) 25 40 21 Ben. J. Williams, town clerk 38 00 38 00
47 95 57 b5 22 J. Hawes, Supervisor 24 25 24 25
2 55 2 20 23 D. H. Ostrander, janitor of
hall 30 25 30 25
10 00 10 00 24 Ann Vornis, for keeping town
47 SO 47 80 poor in sickness 54 00 54 00
13 65 13 65 25 A. W. Knapp, clerk of election 4 00 4 00
37 54 37 54 26 R. R. Howell, constable 3 91 3 91
8 25 3325 27 H. S. Beardsley, coffin for
town poor 10 00 10 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
3 05
3 25
4 00
3 i5
5 00
•3 00
5 50
43 00
5 00
3 00
5 50
43 00
13 40
13 40
2 00
8 00 8 00
$520 21 $518 86
We hereby certify that the foregoing abstract
is correct in ail respects.
C. L. WATTLES, Supervisor.
C. L. DAVIS, Town Clerk.
Brea. LOUNSBERY, Justice of Peace.
D. B. Gilbert, Justice of .Peace.
MATTHEW BULL, Justice Of Peace.
ABEL T. LOTT, Justice of Pc ace.
(Added by Supervisors.)
34 H. Haulsted, house for election $10 00
35 John Cross, assessor '8 00
36 Epenetus Howe, Inspector of election 4 00
87 E. C. Marsh, constable 0 60
38 C. L. Wattles, assessment roll 1 00
0568 46
The following resolution was passed
at the annual town meeting of the town
of Caroline, held on Tuesday, April 7,
Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and
fifty dollars ($250), in additi en to the sum of two
hundred and fifty dollars ($250) allowed by law,
be raised for roads and bridges for the ensuing
year. C. L. DAVIS, Town Clerk.
We, the und. rsigned Board of town auditors
of the town of Danby, in county of Tompkins, do
$465 38 $447 63
JOSIAH HAWES, Supervisor.
LEnrvnL JENNINGS, Justice of Peace.
JACKSON GRavEs, Justice of Peace.
BENJ. J. WILLIAMS, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
28 To one assessment roll
01 00
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to the Board
of town auditors of the town of Dry.
den, on the 5th day of November, 1874,
with the amounts claimed, and the
amounts finally allowed.
No. Name Nature of claim Claiui'd A1l'd
1 Jacob Ogden, Inspector c f
2 P. H. Benfield, Inspector of
3 Joseph A. Genung, Inspector
of election
4 Jesse Bartholomew, Inspector
of election
5 Joseph V. Rose, Inspector of
5 50
4 00
4 25
5 10
5 50
4 00
4 25
5 50
4 00 4 00
6 M. W. Rhodes, Inspector of
election 4 10.
7 Wm. J. Smith, Inspector of
election.... . 4 00
8 John H. Mineah, Inspector of
election 5 00
9 J. N. Fox, Inspector of elec-
tion., 5 00
10 Geo. D. Goodrich, Inspector
of election - 4 20
11 Enos D. Wheeler, Inspector
of election........ .. 6 00
12 J. H. Kennedy, Inspector of
election 4 00
13 H. D. Shomas, Olerk of elec-
tion 4 00
14 D. W. Sperry, Cle, k of election 4 00
15 James M. Carr, Clerk of elec-
tion 4 00
16 Dr. J. Beach, Clerk of election 4 00
17 J. P. Ferguson, Clerk of elec-
tion 4 25
18 0, J. Hill, Clerk of election4 00
19 J. H. George, Clerk of election 4 00
20 Cyrus Knapp, assessor 42 00
21 Freeman Stebbins, assessor64 00
22 Bradford Snyder, assessor 53 00
23 E. P. Palmer, use of house for
election 10 00
21 A. W. George, use of hou, e
for election 10 00
25 W. D. Ellis, use of house for
election 10 00
26 J. H. Cole, use of house for
town meeting and election 85 00
27 Battens & Clark, merchants10 25
23 O. Lanning, ph) sician 12 50
29 Mrs. J. S. Briggs, physician19 00
30 J. J. Montgomery, physician 4 50
:31 Isaac S. Briggs, physician 10 50
:32 G.1-). Sperry, overseer of Poor 26 00
33 H. F. Pierce, Undertaker..... 33 00
34 S. D. Hamblin, Commis Toner
of Highways 289 00
o J. H. George, ex. Supervisor 31 89
:06 King & Montgomery,attorneys 48 00
37 Enoe Snyder, constable 1 95
38 D. S. Messenger, laying of
highway 24 10
09 John W. Webster, Juitice'of
Peace 55 65
40 G. H. Houtz, Town Clerk 19 51
41 Moses Tyler, constable 24 10
42,George E. Goodrich, Justice
of Peace 86 70
43 W. C. Ellis, Justice of Peace 14 00
44 A. W. George, Justice Of
Peace 12 09
41 Wm. Fitch, physician5 23
46 Wm. Carpenter, error in as-
sessment 7 10
47 P. S. Snyder, 7 05
48 Philip R. Robertson " 14 42
4>49 Pe, er Stewart " 13 17
50 Joshua Dans, 42
51 Stephen Davenport 7 78
52 R. B. Gardner 7 e9
53 Lafayette Dusenbury '1 10
54 Jacob McKinny .. 3 06
55 James H. George, ex. Super-
visor 3 14
6 A: Ewers, Overseer or Poor18 00
57 W. E. Oscan°, printing 6 00
58 E. R. Wade, Supervisor1:3 00
59 R. M. Smiley, ex. Commissi 3n-
er of Highway.- 44 00 44 CO
60 M. McVoy, land damages 10 t 0 10 00
$1112 63
We, the undersigned board of town anoitorsof
the town of Dryden, do hereby certify that the
oregoing abstract is correct.
4 10 E. R. WADE, Supervisor.
G. H. HOUTZ, Town Clerk.
4 00 A. W. GEORGE, Justice of Peace.
W. C. ELLts, Justice of Peace.
Guo. E. Goonntoa, Justice of Peace,
.5 00 J. W. WEBSTER, Justice of Peace.
5 00 (Added by Supervisor.)
n0 i John Yates, excess of tax 1 25
6 00
The following resolutions were duly
passed at the annual town meeting of
4 00 the town of Dryden, held on Tuesday,
4 April 7th, 1874 :
4 00 Resolved, That the sum of five thousand dol-
lars (05,000) be levied and collected in said towns
for the support of roads and bridges for the en-
suing year.
4 0')
4 00
4 25
4 00
4 00
42 00
81 00
53 00
10 00
10 00
35 00 I
10 25 1
00 00
19 CO
10 50
26 00
33 00
hundred and Tninety-einem 100 odollars ($1 29y 1 )
be levied and collected in said town, for the pur-
pose of paying the present indebtedness of the
town for roads and bridges.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolutions
are true copies of the originals.
Etna, Nov. 5, 1879. G. H. HOUTZ.
Town Clerk.
Abstract of the names of all persJus
who presented accounts to be audited,
to the Board of Town Auditors, with
the amount claimed and the amount
claimed and the amount finally audited
by the Board of Town Auditors of the
289 00
29 89 town of Enfield.
48 CO Dated, November 5th 1874.
1 95
I No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claim'd. A1l'd.
21 10 1 Eben Rolfe, com. of highways $104 33 104 35
^0 G5 I . E;izabeth VanMarter, use of
house for town purposes23 00 25 00
19 51 I 3 Eben Rolfe, commissioner of
24 10 1 highways, for amount nec-
essary to be raised for high -
36 70 way purposes 198 598
14 00 I 4 William B. Ammack, assessor 22 00RI 22 0 810
5 Harrison Curry, overseer of
12 00 the poor 12 00 12 00
5 :25 I 6 S. B. Sorts, assessor16 00 16 00
0 00 7 George P. Kirby, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
7 05 8 Charles Whitney, inspector of
14 42 election 4 00 4 00
13 17 9 Albert S. Tichenor, inspector
14 42 of election 4 00 4 00
7 78 10 John Darragh, poll clerk 4 00 4 00
7 29 11 Jehial H. Bailev,poll clerk4 00 4 00
4 10 12 Edgar Brewer, R. R. com'r22 58 20 58
3 96 13 Isaac Newman, 23 16 21 16
14 Wm. Miller, .. - 21 83 19 83
3 74 15 Joel N. Whitney, ex -overseer
18 00 of the poor 23
00 23 00
6 00 16 Amos 3'. Lanning, assessor17 017 00
13 00 17 Theodore J. Baker, ex -town
clerk 12 00 12 00
18 Hannibal Queal, constable10 35 10 35
19 James M. °wen, " 1 00 1 00
20 Marcus Lyon and Finch, cot n•
oil 60 00 60 00
21 3. H. Bailey, justice .ti 00 -6 00
22 Win. Marshall, 00 36 00
23 William Barber, town clerk22 33 22 88
21 Ebenezer Havens. Supervisor 53 55 51 55
25 James M. Lanniug, justice31 00 34 00
26 Eliphalet Covell, 32 00 32 00
27 Eliphalet Covell, 12 65 12 65
28 Milden Russel. constable 6 00 6 00
$1215 66
We, the undersigned, do certify the foregoing
to be correct and true.
W. BARBER, Town Clerk.
WM. MARSHALL, Justice of Peace.
JEHIAL H. BAILEY, Justice of Peace.
F.LIPHALET COVELL, Justice of Peace.
JAMES M. LANNING, Justice of Peace.
(Added by Supervisior.)
29 To one assessment blank 1 00
Abstract of all the names of all per-
sons who presented accounts to be au-
dited by the Board of town auditors of
the town of Groton, on the 5th day of
November, 1874, with the amount
claimed by each, and the amount finally
No. Name Nature of claim Claim'd All'd
1 Dr. 0. Lanning, medical ser-
2 Dr. M. D. Goodyear, medical
services 15 00
3 Dr. M. D. Goodyear, medical
services 19 1,0
4 Dr. 141: D. Goodyear, medical
services 5 00
5 W. W. Hare, lawyer's fee 5 00
6 A. F. Morton, Overseer of
Poor 10 75
7 P. F. Hart, ex. Justice 2 00
8 C. VanBurkirk, Clerk of elec-
9 J. M. Tarbell, inspector of
election 6 00
10 David Aiogvlian, ioggoha1I, Inepector of
election 4 00
11 A. B. Rogers, Ins Lector of
election 4 00
12 Ezra Halsey, constable4 lo
13 A. C. Blinn, ex. constable2 30
14 R. Lanning, Clerk of election 4 00
15 F. W. Webster, Clerk of elec-
tion 4 00
16 D. W. Woodbury, inepectcr of
e'ection 4 00
17 A. F. Morton, money advanced 68 41
18 H. M. Buck, Clerk of election 4 00
19 M. D Goodyear, Inspector of
' election 6 00
20 C. W. Andrews, Dayball ac-
count 15 45
21 C. F. Clark, inepector of elec-
tion 5 00
92 Thomas 1\lurgan, use of house
for election 8 00
23 J. G. Cobb, Assessor 32 00
24 Sarah Howeer, Use of house
fur election 10 00
25 Dudley Andrews, Jastice 17 00
26 Dudley Andrews, coffin and
attendance 10 00
27 W. W. White, Commissioner
cf Highways 58 60
28 W. D. Mount, Justice 19 09
zs W. D. Mount, Commissioner
of U., I. & E. railroad 8 50
4 (0
$1G 50
15 00
19 00
5 00
5 0e
2 00'
4 00
4 10
2 30
4 00
4 00
4 00
63 41
6 00
15 45
5 00
02 00
10 00
17 00
10 00
53 60
19 00
8 50
30 W, W. White, money advanced
for highway purposes...,2250 00 2250 00
31 D. B. Backus, town clerk 33 18 33 18
32 Dr. John Goodyear, medical
33 Booth Brothers, for secretary
clerk's office 55 00 55 20
34 John Berry, Assessor 36 00 36 00
35 V. B. Grose, Supervisor 50 00 50 00
36 J. C. Hatch, ex, Asseesor 2 00 2 10
37 A. B. Rogers, Jastice 15 00 15 00
38 Dr. E. R. Weaver, medical
services 16 50 16 00
39 B. H. Wakeley, R. R. Com-
miseioner of D. ,T. & E. R.P. 19 60 19 CO
40 S. U. Jones, excess of tax, 1073 4 56 4 86
41 A. T. Boynton, emcees of tax,
1870, 1871, 1872
42 J. B. Hart, Commissioner of
U., L & E. railroad
43 E. R. Nye, nee of hall for elec-
tion, 1873 and 1874
41 Henry Thomas, Inspector of
45 A. Backus, Commissioner of
S. C. railroad
46 Dana Rhodes, Justice
47 E. F. Talmage, Clerk of elec-
tion, ect
48 E. G. Gallonp, Inspector of
election 00 4 00
49 Amos Avery, Inepector of
election, 1873, - 4 00 4 00
4 CO
7 83
4 50
20 00
4 00
5 00
14 00
7 83
00 00
5 00
17 00
8008 25
We do hereby certify that the above abstract is
V. B. Gnoss, Supervisor.
W. D. MouxT, Justice of Peace.
DANA RHODES, Justice of Peace.
DUDLEY ANDREWS, Justice of Peace
A. B. ROGERS, Justice of Peace.
D. B. BACKUS, Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
50 M. B. Williams, Clerk of election, 4 00
5t L. N. Chapin, printing 21 60
52 lizra Haleey, constable 1 95
53 Wm. H. Burnham,Inspector of election 4 00
94 "IN m. H. Burnham, R. R. Commissioner 5 Ou
55 Dana Rhodes, Justice 5 45
56 C. H. Tarbell, constable 4 '5
57 Joseph Mount, excess of tax 4 50
51 Jerome Hathway, R. R. Commissioner 5 00
59 Jerome Hathway, Aeeessor 36 00
Interest oh S. C. R. R. bonds 3500 00
S. C. R. R. bonds, due March 1st, 187512500 00
Interest on U., I. & E. R. R. bonds
necessary to be raised 1036 80
Sinking fund 150 00
$20287 71,
At a meeting of the town Board of
auditors for the town of Ithaca, con-
vened at the town CIerk's office, in Ith-
aca, Nov. 5, 1874, a full Board being
present, the following bills were audit
ed and allowed.
DAVID L. BuRrT, Su ervisor.
GEORGE W. WOOD, Justice of Peace,
C. G. DAY, Justice of Peace.
A. M. LUCAS, Justice of Peace.
A. N. HITNGERPORD, Justice of Peace.
E, bI, Cxoss, Town Clerk.
No. Name Nature of claim Allowed
1 L. V. B. Maurice, office desk$64 01
2 Peter Kline, Assessor. 93 00
8 Spence Spencer, Inepector of election,
District 2 4 70
4 Ferd. A.-Partenheimer, pollclerk, Dis-
trict 2 400
5 Bradrord Aim, poll clerkl 2 terms,
1873 and 187'
6 Almon Boys, 0 verseer of. Poor6 60
7 Andrae,Mc0hain & Co. poll books,etc. 11166 17
8 Samuel B. Beers, copying.. 27 00
9 P. G. Elewortb, counsel 15 00
10 Howard C. Wihiams, Inspector of elec-
tion, District 3 4 00
11 Hanford Mood, Inspector of election,
District 3 4 00
12 Irvin W. Norton, Inspector o1 elec-
tion, District 1 4 00
13 A. N. Hungerford, poll clerk, district 1 4 00
14 G. M. Tomlinson, use of house for
election, district 1 15 00
15 Charles L. Taber, inspector of elec-
tion; district 1 4 00
16 C. D. Johnson, inepector o1 election,'
district 2 4 00
17 Henry Kenyon, inspector of election,
district 1 4 00
18 J. A. Tompkins, poll clerk, district 1 4 20
19 Smith & Davenport, livery 15 00
20 Goodman N. Brown, assigned to E. M
Cronk, poll clerk, district 3 4 15
21 Wm, J. Totten, poll clerk, district 3' 4 00
22 Abram M. Trotter, etone :t8 75
23 James Comberland, stone 29 37
24 Edward Pearson, abutments and ma-
terial 80 08
25 Wm. McKinney, railing on bank of
Fall Creek, etc 40 25
26 Oliver Hughee, building sluice, etc11 50
27 C. L. Grant, Jr., paints and oil for
bridges 14 70
28 John Rumsey, hardware ... 29 55
29 John Gauntlets, Inspector of election,
district 2 4 00
80 J. F. Bradley, surveyor 142 10
01 E. J. Morgan, 81. D. 150 00
02 (0. White, iii. D 150 CO
33 C. F. Blood, town clerk's office rent65 00
04 L. II. Culver & Sone, office fnrni ure 25 63
35 Frank Ring, for work on Lick Brook 14 13
36 A. C. Carpenter bt Co., chairs and ta-
ble for town clerk's office
87 Finch & Apga-
38 B. H. Williams, inepector of election,
district 3
39 J, B. Bennett, assigned to E. M. Cronk,
constable ....
40 Andrew J. Frees, house for election in
1873 and 1874 00 00
41 Enos Burkbee, hall for election in 1873
and 1874 35 00
42 E. IS. Cross. poll clerk, district 2 4 00
43 Cronk & Jackson. office rent 25 00
44 Cowory, Smith & Maurice, cora. of
excise 72 00
45 Cowdry, Smith . Maurice, cora. of ex -
cis e '2 00
46 George Wood. vi lige board of excise 15 00
47 Robert R. Howell, constable • 9 40
48 Sam'l A. Holmes, house for election
and boarding prisoners 265 00
49 D. J'. Seaman & Son, livery 55 00
50 Williams Broe., lumber 2 89
51 Spencer & Gregory, printing 16 00
52 L. 8. Ellis, tuber for bridges 29 72
53 W. W. lety, lime, etc 82 05
54 D. Seeman, overseer of poor 1944 79
55 Selkreg & Apgar, printing..........., 24 75
56 Charles S. Seaman, town clerk, 1873
and 1874 37 00
14 30
5 48
4 00
1 00
57 Wm. Spence
58 J. D. Carpenter, burying Mrs. Scott,
(small pox) 20 00
59 J. C. Cook, lumber 6 66
60 W. D. Halsey, poll clerk, 1873 and 1874 8 00
61 3.8 . Reynolds & Co., bolt., etc....... 10 93
62 Police, Norton, Robinson, Puff and
Dickenson, from Nov. 18, 1873, to
March 6, 1874 256 65
63 Police, Norton, Robinson, Dickenson
and Leonard, from March 6, 1874, to
Nov. 10, 1874
61 A. M. Lucas, justice
65 C. G. Day,,instice
63 G. W. Wood, justice
67 Myron A, Sexton, asseesor
68 Samuel B. Beers, assessor
13 75
674 35
563 05--"
176 49
302 91
104 00
60 Alex. Smith, livery for assessor 10 50
70 Edward P. Landers, constable8 50
71 John B. Bennett, (assigned to E. M
Cronk,) constable 4 25
72 George W. Wood, justice of peace131 00
ns n
130 00
138 00
151 48
17 C. L. Grant, jr., paints, &c ,442
78 Treman, Kiog a Co., hardware 13 40
79 R. A. Phillips, sand 4 50
80 John Lewis; commiesioner.of highw's 3937 17
81 E. G. Phelps, constable 22 15
82 Treman, Valentine a Green 20 01
83 John Rumsey. hardware . 4 28
81 James E. Puff, constable 72 00
85 David L. Burtt. supervisor 183 85
86 Asa M. Lucas, justice of peace 125 02
87 John Warren, b'acksmithing 14 12
88 A. King & Sons 74 ]0
D. J. Seaman to town of Ithaca, $10965 81
to certificate 1000 00
Interest 47 82
John Lewis, commissioner, cer-
tificate 1000 00
Interest 12 95
-- 2060 77
G. Day, justice
74 A. 24. Hungerford, justice.
75 E. lig. Cronk, town clerk
76 Peter VanRouter, lumber
13025 99
April 6th, 1874, certificate of A.
Boys, overseer of the poor 588 81
Intereet 30 91
-- 619 72
$13645 71
We certify that the foregoing abstract is cor-
D. L. BIIRTE, Supervisor.
CEO. W. Woos), Justice of Peace.
A. M. Lucas, Justice of Peace.
CHAS. G. DAY, .rnetice of Peace.
11. M. CRONR, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
89 C. W. Scutt, excess tax 9 83
90 John L. Whiton. R. R. commissioner 10 (0
91. Peter Apgar, R. R. commissioner6 00
99 H. B. Lord, R. It, commissioner 6 01
Interest on G. & I. R. B. bonds.... 6,849 70
Interest on I. & A. R. R. bonds 21,000 10
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited
by the Board of town auditors of the
town of Lansing, on the 5th day of
November, 1874, with the amount
claimed by each, and the amounts au-
dited and allowed each.
No. Name Nature of claim Claim'd Al1'd
1 Jacob F. Rhodes. clerk of elec-
tion, district 2 $4 00 $4 00
2 James I. Ross, inspector of
election 5 09 5 00
3 Jacob S. Linderman, inspector
of election 4 00 4 00
4 Thomas Ross, house for elec-
tion 15 00 15 00
5 Wm 11. Fitcb,clerk of election 4 00 4 00
6 Charles H. Steamberg, inspect-
or of election 4-00 4 00
7 Henry Field, inspector of elec-
tion, district 3 4 00 4 00
8 G. W. Teeter, inspector of
election 4 00 4.00
9 James Herring, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
10 J. T. Knettles, clerk of election 4 O 1 4 00
11 Wm. Meade supplies for poor 28 09 28 C9
12 HenryMiller,bouseforelection 15 00 15 00
13 L. Hedden, clerk of election4 00 4 00
14 A. S. Knettles, lumber for
highway 13 14 13 14
15 3. W. Wyckoff, assessor 42 00 42 00
16 Darius Hall, medical services 26 50 26 50
17 Harvey Teel er,clerk of election 4 (10 4 00
18 Charles N. Dates, inspector of
election 4 00 4 00
19 John Smith, inspector of elec-
tion ................. .. .: 4 15 4 15
20 Fred B. $avis, clerk of election 4 00 4 00
21 J. W. Pratt, inspector off elec
tion 5 20
22 Wesley Decamp, hoose for
election 6 00 6 00
23 Thomas Miller, supplies for
poor..- 20 00 20 00
24 Selkreg & Apgar, printing2 00 2 00
25 D. J. Seaman, supplies for
poor 52 00 43 16
26 C. G. Hagin, R. R. com 2 e0 2 90
27 James II. Ross, constable 2 60 2 60
23 Thomas Marrow, supplies for
poor 300 3 00
29 James A. Burr, hall for town
meeting 5100 5100
30 A. W. Smith, town clerk16 30 16 30
81 John Ef. Conklin, Justice 5 35 5 35
32 L. L. Myers, constable 14 90 14 50
83 Joshua Brown, Justice 4 OD 4 00
34 J. M. Ford, supplies for poor 7 10 7 10
85 J'. M. Woodbury, Supervisor234 50 214 50
36 J. M. Woodbury, Supervisor4'0 39 4.5 39
37 F. M. Finch, ceunsel fees 25 00 25 00
38 G. D. Beers, counsel fees 150-00 150 00
39 Edward S. Smith, in snit of
Holden 91 09 00 00
40 Mts. George Hide, supplies
for poor 25 00 25 00
4t R. B. Ferris, supplies for poor 40 (0 40 00
42 Daniel Lane, assersor 44 00 44 00
43 Wm. N, Buck, poor master22 50 22 50
44 Harriet Butler, supplies for
poor w . 38 25 33 25
45 John H. Conklin, Justice 23 00 23 00
46 Nelson E. Lyon, Justice 11 30 11 3a
47 L. L. &dyers, town clerk 9 35 9 35
4S D. Crocker, Justice 23 00 21 03
49 S. M. Wooabnry, Jasttce 29 50 29 50
50 S. Patterson, excess of tax5 4) 5 90
51 J. Havens, com. of highways 88 66 58 66
52 Isaac Hilliard, assessor '40.00 40 00
53 Israel Luxe, road com 270 00 270 00
54 J. M, Smith, supplies for poor 31 08 31 08
5 20
$1533 32
At a special meeting of the town
Board of the town of Lansing, held at
Ludlowville, May 26th, 1874, all the
members being present, the following
resolution was unanimously passed :
Resolved, That this Board authorize Israel
Luce, Commissioner of Bighways of said town,
to raise the sum of $1,200 on the credit of said
town, to be expended in repairing bridges and
improving highways,
JADES M. WOODBURY, Supervisor.
Jove H. CoammN, Justice of Peace.
DAVID CROCK.R, Jnstice of Peace.
NELSON- E. LYON, Justice of Peace.
L. L. MYERs, Town Clerk.
At a special meeting of the town
Board of the town of Lansing, held at
Ludlowville, September 28th, 1874, all
the members being present, the follow-
ing resolution was unanimously passed:
Resolved, That this Board authorize Israel
Luce, Commissioner of Highways of said town,
to raise the sum of 5800 on the credit of said
town, to be expended in repairing bridges and
improving highways.
JANES M. WOODBURY, Supervisor.
Jmart H. CONKLIN, Justice of Peace.
DAVID CROCKiR, Justice of Peace.
NELSON E. LYON, Justice of Peace,
L. L. MYERs, Town Clerk.
The following resolution was unani-
mously passed by the town Board of
the town of Lansing, at their annual,
meeting, held at Ludlowville In said
town, November 6th, 1874:
Resolved, That this Board instruct the Supe:
visors of said town to pay to the connty Treas.
urer of Tompkins county the money now in hie,
hands, which was collected last year to pay the
interest on the New York & Oswego Midland
reilroad bonds, and deduct the amount from the
taxes to be collected in said town the present
7a. E. LYON, Justice of Peace.
DAVID CROCKze, Justice of Peace.
JOBIT H. CONKLIN, Justice of Peace.
L. L. MYERS, gown Clerk.
Abstract of the names of all persons,
who presented accounts to be audited
by the Board of Town Auditors of the
town of Newfield, on the 5th day of
Nov., 1874, with the amount claimed
and the amount allowed to each claim.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claim'd. All')
1 Samuel Simpson, inspector of
election, district No. 1 4 00 40
2 A. K. Allen, inspector of elec
tion, district No. 1 4 00 4 00
3 L. H. Bower, inspector of elec-
tion, district No. 1 4 46 4
4 Wm. McCollum el rk of elec-
tion, dietric` No. 1 4 00 401
5 G. W. Ham. caork of e.ection,
district No. 1 400 40
6 Alvah Brown, jr , inspector of
election, drstnctNo. 2 4 00 4
7 Sylvester Freese, inspeetor of
election, district N. 2
8 Henry Smitb,inspec or of else- 4 00 a_
o. 2
9 Hes 1 rSmith, •tClerk of sten- 4 00
tion, district No. 2 4 00 4
10 Robert Alexander, clerk 01
election, district No. 2 4 00 4
11 Alvah Brown, nee of house..- til 00 10
12 Wm. R. Smith, ex -overseer of
the poor 2 0) 2
13 John Gillett, ex -overseer of
14 Wm. E. Farmer, ex town cl'k 4•
4 00
15 E. C. Thorn, justice4 00 00 8 x.00
10 J. W. Dean, j petice 25 05 f 7 00 2.7 5
17 L. S. Ham, justice27 00 17 CO
18 Benjamin star-, justice, 25 75 25 75
09 8. Devenport, supervisor 20 0 20
20 H. S. Rockwell, ex-suoervlsor )8 01 23 01
21 Oney Dassance, assessor31 00 31 00
12 William Kellogg, assessor..., 28 00 28 OD
23 J. C. Everhart, assessor
24 J. W. Dean, clerk of assessors 12 00 1.2 00
25 H. L. Taber, town clerk.... 41 75 41 75
26 John H. Seabring, road cont.. 115 00 115 00
27 John H Seabring, °4 .. 2607 19 26 ,7 19
29 S. F. Dudley, ex-com. highw's 39 (0 38 00
29 Charles McCorn, excess tax.. 14 19 14 19
80 J. Stamp, use of house........ 22 r'0 22 00
31 Ira C. Rockwell, for plank .. • 15 36 15
82 L. D. Hamilton, constaole.... 1 .75 1 7
83 Starr & Dean, use of house... 21 00 20 0
84 Merritt King; 12. 38. com_ ,•. 10.70 10
00 tion 4 CO
83192 76 3192 7
NEWFIELD, Noy, 615, 1874.
Thereby certify the 1c/raga/mg to oe a true cop
ofaccounts audited by the Town Board, en 131
ai my office.
H. L. TABER, Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
5' T. J. McElheny, recording papers to
bond the tows 12 0(
86 Amos D. Shatter, R. Rma
. coi-siouer 6 00
$',210 76
17 Wm. Mack, justice of peace. 24 05
07 18 H. G. Cooper,inepector of elec-
tion 400
4 00 1.9 J. M. Stout, clerk of ele• tion 4 001'
20 '. 3I. Bower, inspector of el
21 Wen. Austin, legal services55 13
00 22 J. R. Emery, juetice-
00 23 L. B. Curry, assessor 40 0
24 J: D. Bouton, justice 85 25
00 e5 A. B. Dickerman, assessor..._ 15 25
s 50
21 J. K. Follett, house for election 880 00
27 0. K. Dean, constable 19 25
28 Wm. Chandler & Son, coffin,
etc 15 00
29 J. Van Buskirk, coffin, etc32 22
31 L. Trembly, e
n eAfhoese, suit 20 0)
32 D. Smoke, constabl33 75
23 3 I. Ballard, house for election, 78 00
84 S. Burlew, justice of peace18 10
35 George Rightmire, medical
seri ceq
36 S. Colgrove, assessor e7 55
37 G. K. Farrington, town clerk, 37 60
3n A. H. Quigley, overseer of
poor 31 CO
39 Elias Smith, overseer of poor 5 00
4U Elias Smith, clerk of election 4 00
24 05
4 00
4 00
55 13
40 15
e5 50
15 35
58 54
20 00
19 25
18 00
32 22.
13 50
15 00
29 75
69 0t1
13 00
6 25
27 50
37 60
34 CO
5 00
4 00
I $887 97 $858 97
0 I Commissioners of highways,
70 building bridge in Trumans.
burg 646 26 646 26
6 Commissioners of highways,
material on hand 37 61 37 61
Y I Dal ed Ulysses, Nov. 5, 1874.
e 1 I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy
of accounts audited by the town Board, on file in
my office. (8. R. FARR NGTON.
Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
1 1 41 John Harmston, refunded tax 56 40 $6 40
42 Thomas Van, highway com., 80 00 30 00
93 A. 131. Trotter, stone 23 00 23 10
44 H. C. Woodworth, refunded
tax 18 39
45 J. D. Pease, com. of highways 34 00
43 Elie Pierce,vorthescess of tax47 914 7
Interest on Penn. & :.odus Bay
railroad bonds, as below5250 00
Sinking.una, as below.... ..... 750 CO
Minutes from Town Clerk's office,
Ulysses, Tompkins county, Nov. 16,
Motion made and carried that we audit and
order collected, the interest on'the seventy -fire
rhonsand dollars.
Also the one per cent, $;525) 00
75) 00
Making in all
$6000 CO
I hereby certify runt the anove is a true copy
of a resolution on hie in this office.
G. R. FA1t.161NGTON,
Town Clerk.
Abstract of charges against the sev-
eral towns, as audited and apportioned
by the Board:
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited
by the Board of town auditors of the
town of Ulysses, on the 5th day of No-
vember, 1874, with the amount claimed
by each, and the amount audited and
allowed each, viz.:
20. Name Nature of claim Claim') A1i'd
1 J. D. Smith, clerk of election 54 (0 e4 00
2J. L. Stone, inspector,
J. T. Howe, inspector 4 L0 6 00
4 Sylvanue Earl, inspector00 4 00
5 T. Boardman, clerkof election, 4 OG
6 N. R. Gifford, clef k of electiom,
7 A. V. Yanliew, road com......
8 J. M. Farrington, medical ser-
_Vicee 47 15 47 75
0 . Noble, corporation excise 15 00 15 (r0
0J. E. Hill, corporation excise 15 00 15 00
1 J D. Lewis (deceased), doctor 28 59 28 50
M. Holman, R. R. com
P.H. Farmington, R. R. com
2138 7055 18 75
8 A.
4 T, Boardman, R. R. com28 00 28 70
28 00
H. B. Chase, medical services 21 25 21 25
Abe. Chase, ex. town clerk15 00 15 00
4 37
4 00 4 00
36 00. 35 00
18 39
34 no
44 91
7 17
State Tax *4,481 18
t.ounty Audits 1,291 S7
3 own Audita 268 46
Highways 150 00
Willard Asylum 158 11
Returned Tax 4 92
Superintendents of the Poor20'81
state Tax
County Expenses
Superintendents of the Pour
Town Audits
Returned Tox
state Tax
onnty Tax
Town Audits
Superintendents of the Poor
Willard Asylum
Roads and Bridoes
Dobt of 1573, for brldgte, aud-
ited by town Boaid.
Returned Tax
State Tax
Goenty audile
Town Audits
Returned Tax
Int. on Pa. & s. B. R R,bonda
Sinking Fund
State Cas
County Tax
Town Audits
)Superintendents of the Poor..
Overseer of the Poor
'A illard Asylum
$7,015 3 i
5 045 27
1,442 95
118 93
443 63
1 68
$7,055 96
13.3'0 06
3,824 60
1,113 88
274 86
316 2'3
5,090 50
1,299 15
- 143 92
$25,342 69
3,818 76
3,0512 38
1 216 66
9 21
2514 00
1,7.0 00
300 10
$8,497 01
8,781 16
2 514 21
251,287 71
47 20
300 t0
158 15
250 00
$32,364 48
state Tax
County Audits
Town Expenses
Superintendents of the Poor
Willard Asylum, to reimburse
the county 1,265 t,4
Returned T,tx 6 36
Int. on G. & L R. R. bonds6,849 70
Int. on L & A. R. R. bonds.... 21,000 00
29,002 10
8,5.25 03
13.677 54
538 98
250 00
State Tax
County Audits
Town Audits
Highway e.
Remy nod Tax
Superintendents of the Poor.
Overseers of the Poor
$81,814 124
12,644 59
3,517 07
1,533 02
2,000 00
79 01
50 00
$20,054 43
Deducting interest on hand5,279 06
914 775 37
State Tax. .......... .5 048 4.0
1,944 27
3 210 76
163 94
316 22
3 640 00
520 00
County Audits
Town Audits
Superintendents of the Poor..
T+illaro Asylum
Int. on Pa. & S. 13. It.R. bonds
Sinking Fund
$14,344 C8
State Tax
County Au4its
Town Expenses....
Superintendents of the Poor
Returned Tax
Int. on Pa. it S. 13. P.R. bonds
S,nking Fund
10,158 68
2,961 18
1,706 71
181 75
8 69
5,250 t 0
550 00
$21,213 09
$7 (15 35
7,0`5 96
2 5,342 69
8.437 01
432,314 41
81,914 19
14 775 37
14 344 04
21253 00
3212,542 01
514 p�.,
m n m
0 I Loq°-r"
m G
.iA 2:J0 oU -v
OrOw���O. T
Acres of land.
MOO CO rL-.2O W0
aw¢cz w
Assessed value of
real estate.
,400-f 0:.Uw
Assessed value of
personal estate.
Ur 1P. OCD GO 4.F I, 00
31000000 N?
,P 04 C, QC CO w -01c.0
eO V4 Uc of 0 0 150 CO
0. 4.to,0O Co 00
o s-Cri0000 CO Co
Corrected aggregate
Amount of town
Amount of county
Amount of State to
for schools.
Amount of state
taxes, exclusive of
school tax.
DO OD ..4 300
0 _-3.-0.CO 000 0
'SPG ,a-01. as ox
Aggregate taxation.
00 0000000 Rate of tax vn $1
�a, 0
.CACCODDLO000 valuatior.. l�.iills
cn s?ww
1, J. L. Baker, Clerk of the Board
of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins,
do hereby certify that the preceding is a
true statement of the Aggregate Valuta-
ion of the Real and Personal Estates in
the several Towles and Wards in said
County, as corrected by said Board of
Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting in
the month of November, 1874.
J. L. BAKER, Clerk.
A statement of the names of the several Incorporated Companies liable to taxation in the county
of Tompkins, state of New York. the amount of real and personal estate hello/aging to each as the
tame Is set down in the assessment rolls, which have been sanctioned by the Board of Supervisors
of s id county. and the amount of tax assessed upon each, for the year one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-four.
Name of Corporation
D., L. & W. R. R. Co
U., L & W R. ft. Co
-ereva. Ithaca Sr Athens R. R. Co._
P.&S. B. R. Y. Co
New York & Oswego midland R. R.Co
S. C. R. R. Co
Utica, Ithaca & Elmira 19, R. Co
Pa. & S. B. R. R. Co
southern Central R. R. Co
Utica. Ithaca & Elmira R. R. Co
First National Bank, Groton
First National Bank or Ithaca
Tompkins Cour ty National Bank
Ithaca Water Works Co
Ithaca Gas Light Co
('tics. Ithaca & Elmira R. R. Co
Geneva, Ithaca & Athens R. R. Co
Cayuga Lake R R. Co
Ne -e4 York & Oswego Midland R R. Co
G., I. & A. R. R. Co
Pa. & Sodas (tap R. R. Co
Geneva, Ithaca & Athens R. R. Co
Pa. & Sodas Bay R. R. Co -
Am't of
678 000 00
14 000 00
46,660 00
600 00
10,004 0
80,000 ('(1
46 001 00
10.000 00
4',000 00
80,000 00
20 640 00
6, 00 00
4,000 00
10.006 ( 0
50,850 0
82,000 00
6,000 OG
36000 (0
24.000 00
2,600 00
31.001 01
4,210 CO
728 630 00
nm't taxable
stock, deduct.) Total V.
real es/ate
250.000 00
170,000 00
16 00 1 00
48,000 00
481,500 00
78,000 00
14 000 )0
46,660 00
6 0 (0
14,000 0)
80,000 00
10,000 00
8.000 00
80.000 00
20.610- 00
6.400 00
250 000 00
170.000 00
16,000 00
52,55 0 00
10,000 00
50,.550 00
92.000 00
65,000 00
36 (,00 00
24,001 CO
2,000 00
38.000 ('0
4,240 09
1,213,190 00
Am't Tax
$553 t0
10:3 60
345 28
4 44
76 10
684 05
359 10
76 10
87 GO
1,104 80
281 03
s8 38
4,700 09
3,,86 00
300 80
1-87 00
188 00
0880 84
1,729 60
340 60
188 64
436 80
47 82
856 80
103 10
17,785 28
I do hereby certify that the foregoing statement, as obtained by me from the
assessm-nt rolls, is correct,. J. L. BAKER, Supervisors Clerk.
December 7th, 1874.