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C0_UlNT`T -Y Off' TOMPK:rxs,
IT11ACA, N. Y.:
' _w
Supervisors--Annaal Session.
The Board of Supervisors of the P. �H. Farrington, Esq., presented
County of Tompkins met in annual the report of the Superintendents of
session at their room in the Court the Poor, which was received and or -
House a of Ithaca on the or-
dered filed.
in the village � The' Chairman appointed Messrs.
13th' day of November, 1872, and was Wolcott and Rolfe as a committee to
called to order by the nomination of C. Procure conveyances for the Board to
W. Bates, Esq., of Ithaca, as tem orar the County House.
p y On Motion of Mr. Woodbury the
Chairman. Board adjourned until 7 P. in.
The roll of Supervisors was then EVENING SESSION.
called by the Clerk, and the following Board met at 7 p, in, Present, all
members were found present: the members.
The Chairman then announced the
JOHN WOLCOTT, ........ Caroline. following standing committees:
JOSIaa HAWES.......... Daubp• Slceri 's. Clerks', Constables' and
S. B. H. G, _ _ .. ..' Dryden. Justices' Accounts.—' George
S. B. ROLFE. ...........:.Enfield. Stevens, g
NELSON STEVENS........ Groton.' and Bates.
C. W. BATES........... 'Ithaca. Treasurer's Accounts. —Bates, Rolfe
J. M. WOODBURY........ Lansing, and Wolcott.
JOHN P. TODD.......... Newfield. Equalization. -- Wolcott, Gectrge,
Taos. Bowpit, 2nd...... Tilysses. Woodbury, Rolfe and Bates.
Pbar House and Superintendents' Re -
On motion of Mr. Rolfe, the UQard ports. — Bower, George Woodbury,
proceeded to ballot for perm ent Rolfe and Todd
Chairman, with the following result: Country Claims and Judges' accounts,
John Wolcott ................. 1 —Woodbury, Todd and George.
Nelson Stevens .............. 1 U. S. Deposit Fund. —Rolfe, Todd
Josiah Hawes ................. 8 and Bower.
On motion of Mr. Stevens, Josiah Insurance. —Todd, Stevens an j
llawes, Esq., was unanimous) chosen Woodbury.
y Printing. —George, Wolcott and
permanent Chairman. r
The Board then proceeded to bf
for clerk, with the following result
E. C. Van Kirk ...............
Mr. E. C. Vankirk was then deck
clerk of the Board for the ensu
The Chairman then offered some
suggestions to the different committees,
in regard to their duties, and request-
ed them to thoroughly examine all ac-
counts and vouchers coming before
them, to the end) that justice may be
done the cl:umtnts, and the interests COMPTROLLnR� OrlTll ,
of the countythrough
i'ot overlooked Albany Oct sth, +tz
undue haste. To tltc G'7er7• of flee BoorcZ Qf S7r27e) t ,0,,7
Count) of To t71;hi,as;
On motion of ➢Ir. Bates, Sru:—The Board of Equalization of Tr es
Resolved, That the proceedings of the Board httverlance he a alter 212, of the laws of
of County Can . ,goers he pubh�hed in the Ithaca gregate valuation of proyert
Democrat. your county at the slim of $8j),QG,133, spun ity ,
nrnouni y i
a btate Tax of $ 7a,8u7.54 must ha lecl„ 1
On Motion of fill'. Stevens, for the curlal t fiscal year, (commencin,,
Resolved, That all resolutions offered this 1st, 1f72, being 0/ mills on the dollar) !'or tire,,
Board be presented in tivriting. lowing purposes, viz.:
On motion of Ally. Wolcott, 16For Schools, 17/ mills, per Chap. 73G, Lawr, „l
Resolved, 'that the hours of moetin of this For General PurpoHes, 1 Lg mule, per Obi
Board be, morning;, 9 o'clock; afterucon, 2 r36, Lawa of 137d.
o'clock-; evening,'? o'clock.. For Beauty Debt, 2 mills, per Chap. 73G, L,;, ,
of 1,179.
On motion of Mr. Boger, 11, ,r Now -Capitol, %< mill, per Chap.
of 1872.
Re.=Dived, That all fiiIls and demaudP pyyrasent. For Canal Floating Debt, under Chrpler• q�i,
u ttees by rthe Chairmd he an 4without fartherlaciion lays of 1050. 9-3G nrillP, Per Cuapier 731i, Lacrsi
by the Board: lE Foy new work on.Canals, and extra
The official bonds of P. H. FarrinU_ 'r-iU mills. per Chapter 830, Lawn+ ul' 1817;3
ton and John 111. Smith, Coriuty
1 For Academies and Ua,iou Sclioole, 1 iG mil!.
Sn- Der obap. 736Laws of ISM
pelintelident8 of the POOP, wr',re re- - For Canal -tnd ucneral F'ud Deficlencite,
Ceived, and, 'on motion Of ,ill. Borer mills, per Chap. 734;
their farther consiLaws of 1372. ,.
Total........... deration was post- Your obedient Her e:snt, 9; mina,
honed until to -morrow evening. NELSON IL aeprINs,
011 motiou of lit•: George, On motion of Mr. Stevens, Ali*
Resolved, That the County Treasurcrif, hereby er in the chair,
directed to pay to the Supervisory of the tLevenil P,,eeo!ved. 4'uat the Chairmen' of thin P, towns all IIhes in hits hands properly helon,ing paint a Committee r,f three to examine
to said tolvne. alien the billy of thu different Town Bc;,=c,.
On motion of Mr. Rolfe; this County. .
Resolved, That all Oonntyorder ieaaedbythis The Cllairnlan appointed 1
Beard be coauterrigned by the C lrtrrmau, Prod all W(Ileott, it%Oodhury and Rolfe as till Cll
Town Orden by the Supervisors of their respect Conmittce.
ive towns. On motion of Mr. Rolfe-., the; Boar
On nlotiou of Mr. Bates, proceeded - to visit the Count.
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be in- [3otise. ' y Poo
in trusted not to deliver any cif t e Town or
County Order,,,for biLa audited at tug. session p1' E`YE11.1IN ,1D f13!ON.
th Lioard to tho!^euersons to Idiom the Hame>ire
oa die, until alter the 'ad,joarnment ul' this BOftFd met at 7 P. M.,� all'the me
hcrs present.
On nrotl )r, of i 1 Stevens,
Resolved, visors of the several 11 motion of Mr. Wolcott,
towns be, f'.• Arected to draw from Resolved, That the Grand Jury list be app
the County'! he cscise money bclon boned union, the several towers i;. 1'ollolvs, via:
in to tLe e- to he' nppried h� thcw C roline....25 Danby..... 24 Drydea....'5
to defray the . r t i.c of the town poor. L uet ....92 1Jewt :•I�.. 2'7 IIly ca..,.
Board icilournecl until rI'hursc7a}' :H toil ....it3 Ithaca ..... 01 Gu on...,34 ^
morning at d O'clock. i 1`o Cal .................. 3J0,
THURSDAY, Nov. 14.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
all the membors present. Minutes of
the previous meeting react and air
The Chairman then presented rite
follotviug coin mu from the
ColnptroIler, which was received' and
ordered pablished with the minutes:
The different commlttees were
gaged in the ex,�mination of bills, i
which, On motion of Mr. Todd,
Bcard adjourned until 9 o'clock,
day, Nov. 15th.
E'JI.-DAY, Nov. 1�th, 11
1lIoruin—Board met at the
hour, all tt e Members present,
Pllnntes of the previous clay
and appro-rcd.
�. appeared The Committee ou Insurance. made
P2ontgomery, Esq.,
before the Board, and reque. cd it re- the followill report, which, on motion
vision of the as0essu)eut roll of 'tilelof liar, Wolcott, rats accepted by the
tolz`n of Dryden by the Board, for the. Board:
l,erpose of alld-Mlla'military exemption The committee on Insurance would reepect-
to the nlemhers of the National Guard! fully report that they have caused policies to be
renewed oil all tue Cuni;.y buildings The
hclolluin� to that town. - ••mounts of insurance and premiums arc as'.t'ol-
On motion of Mr. George hitva
cIq coJnT itousc.
It tolled, That I. the matter of Military esemp- rxe.' rnLmr.
tuna Lc, ilefe,tOrl Unfit Monday eV, nwi; next. flarford o Hartford, (it., ,cbuyl%i,, Alt., 500 g25'.UQ The diticicnt committees' then en- fiome of 7evr York,
go ui,d In the cramination and classi8_ s .huyler Agt., 2.500 25.eo
- Nort,r i.Iideh of Linrdon,
Clltloll of bills, flfter wilieh,.o❑ motl6ll fi. J. Grant, bgt., 1.500 mo),
o5 Mr. 'Dower) the Board ruljourned. ON SAM
Sprtn field, nlasP , whiten A t., 1.000, 3000
P:4 AFTERNOON SSIODL I3auoler, New loch, Grant \gf_ 1,0t`0 10:00
ON 11ZXl s O i'T_01;.
Board met at usual Alo lt, r'1 the Hprinsfield lr ''huon Aat., 1.00 5.00
tncuibcls.present, The diticren'r. cog- Liver,uo7,Loud nand Globe,
alicl l3turitt, 1+gt„ 2.000 10.00
unttees were employed ,n tile re disch b
^lOf their respective dutrogl Tile official 81t' 500,$1;,0A,0
bond of J. B1. Smith, Superiuteuclent rot��l P. Toi.D
f tba, Poor, was apj�roved and ordered Gil . iv 13BU ;, j Committee.
r, J.;ytiooaz;;an�,
i.,d. On motion Board a,tljeurned.
t oarrl eu �n'el;in auditinti•bills, and
frills from No. l t0 No. 40,• inclilsive, SATURDAY AFTERNOON.
were passed. The. fnembers of the diPerent stand -
On Motion of 11r. Stevens, ,ng committees of the Board Of Super-
ite-solved, That:tho bill of Win. Ilammond, for Visors we1'e enga£�Cd tit the transaction
;minx gone, no laid an the rrhle. of nriscrlleneous b l,mcss during 'the
On motion of 711i Stevens; atfcl7tooii.
Ad opined until 11 a. m., iiTcruda,r,
1 snlvrd flint tbe bill of Levi Leduard, for sell- J
be laid upon the table. NOV, 180.
On motion Board adjourned until
MOT_yDAY-, .NOV. 18bll, 18872, 11 a. m.
Board lifer pursuant to wHournmeut, The Board filet pal itant t0 1djeIIrll-
'all tlie members present. Meat, auc1 was euj lr Ocl in prOpOT111g
Gra Lid Jury lists for thudi[Y rent,'t.gwns;
The "'clerk 'presented a commmiica tad 11 tl)e cxaminrtion of the assess-
tion from the Comptroller' in reference ' sa
to statement of tt x to:meet deli ucilcy 'pent '-oils of `tile me, after which
in Treasury, wbicb Was ordered filed, the Board t:djotuneu to the usual hour.
'Board en aged in aiiditmi� bills, and AFTERNOON SESSION.
bills from No. 41 to No, 53, inclusive, Board met at the iepular hour; roll
were passed. called by the cleric; ail the members
Ou motion Board adjourned, present.
• On motion of M Bates,
SATURDAY, NOV'. 101 1872. Resolved, That this Boarcl acllonrn until three
o`clock this p.m..'to give, the mcipbers nn op-
Board-ract pursuant to adjournment pnrfanity tu:attend the funeral services of Mr.
1 F eitericlt BroohP, all old citizen, and late Over.
.a11 the mellibers preseirt. Peer of the Poor, of the Town of Ithaca. :
Mr. ',Stevens Was excused for the clay Board convened at 3 p. m., \vheD
Tlie official �orfd of P. II'. Furring- the following report was submitted and
tOn, Superintendent. of the Poor, was accepted:
lc ce1itcd and ordered filed.
In the absence of ,ill'. Stevens Mr. To Emctr l rf' ail erzisol's of Tomp,l za Countny
The nuclei r ncd, a committee appointee fry
Pates R as'substit,Uted. in his stead on fire BuitYd of 1a71, for the purpose of esiimiuin
he C'o111mittee on Illsuralice. the County buildings and d'ueeting neeeb9flry rc
pairs thereon, report: That upon examination
they found several of the supporting beams of the
Court House rotted off, the furnaces entirely
worthless, and the building ggenerally out of re-
pair ; the roof of the jail lea -ing badly, and dam-
aging that building. They have therefore caused
proper supports to be put under the beams of the
Court House, two new portable furnaces to be
placed in a room specially prodded for that pur-
pose in the basement of the same, a stove for
Supervisors' room, a ventilating tube for Court
Room, and other minor repairs. Upon the Jail
there has been laid a slate roof, blinds out upon
the windows of the dwelling portion of the Fame,
sewer pipe from kitchen, Ste. The offices of the
County Clerk and of the Judge and Surro-
gate have likewise been repainted. The Com-
mittee beg 1• ave to recommend an entire repaint-
ing of all the County buildin e, not only as re-
gards present ornament, bat or their durability
in the future.
Ithaca, Nov. 19th,1872.
JOSIAH HAwER, Committee.
each year. Said bonds were issued as fo
January 31st.1872.................... $16.000
March 13th, 1872...................... 20,000
May ILI.1872 ........................ 11,fiU0
June 1st, 1872....... 14,000
September 1st, 1872.................. 600
October 7th, 1872................. ..: 18.900
Total amount of bonds issued .... $75,000
The above bo,rr��dI, bear interest from date of is.
sue. The amotFht authorized to be issued $100;
The said Commissioners hold the stock of
the New York and Oewe: o Midland Rail Road
Company for the benefit of the said town of Lan.
sing, Seventy five thousand
dollars... ..................... ........$15,000 00
Interest due on Baia bonds
Sept. 1st, 1872.... ...... ............ 1,781 53
which amount said Commis -
Pion ere provided for the pay -
meat thereof.
Interest on the above amount of $1,781 63
from 6ept. 1st, 1872, to
The different committees were en- March let, of 813
rest .................. 62 36
The amount of interest to be -
engaged in preparing their respective come due the ensuing year
j reports duringthe afternoon after is ..................................... 6162 7t
p The total amount of interest -�
which the Board adjourned until 7 due and to become due on
p, in Said bonds up to the let day
of September, 1873, is ................ $6,996 51
and we ask the said amount
MONDAY NOV. 18th 1$72. beusseesedandleviedupon
i i said Town of Lansing.
EVENING SESSION. Dated Lansing, November 14th, 1872.
CBAR.Lm G. BAorx Commissioners.
The Board met at the usual hour; J. BRUYN BOGARDUS,
roll called by the clerk; all the mem- J, M. Woodbury presented the fol.,
bers present. lowing report of the indebtedness of
The consideration of the matter of the Town of Lansing, which was so -
military exemptions to members of the cepted by the Board, and ordered en.
50th Reg't, N. G,, State of New York, tered upon the minutes:
for the towns of Dryden and Dauby, 2b the Board of Supemisors of the County of
was called up by the Chairman in ac- Tompkins:
eordanee with a previous resolution of In accordance with chapter 652, laws of 1870, I
the Board, and on motion of Mr. Ste- hereby report the public debt of the Town ofLan-
yens, the following resolution. was
sing to be as follows, viz.:
Bonds issued r cent., bye +yet
passed: at seven per cent., by ff��99
Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board ap- Commissioners of the New
point some member thereof, to examine the pa- York and Oswego Midland
pocs ppt'esented to this Board by S. S. Montgom- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 + �
cry, Esq., Att'y for said parties claiming exemp- Interest due and to become 6,996 58
tion, and report by reaolution at the meeting of due the ensuing year...........
the Board on Tuesday morning. New York, Oswego and Mid-
land Railroad stock held by
The Chairman appointed Mr. Ste- the Town Commissioners
vens as such Committee, for the benefit of the said
Town .•......•...................... 76,000 00
The following report was received Since my last report to to this Board, last year,
and ordered published with the ruin- in regard to the Cayuga Lake Railroad, the Su•
ute6: preme Court has decided that the said town of
Lansing fs not legally bonded for said road; and
i the Commissioners thereof having failed to re -
To the Board of Supervdaors of Tompkins County: port to this Board or to the Town Board of the
Report of the Commissioners of the Town of Town of Lansing the amount required tobo rats.
Lansing, for to New York and Oswego Midland ed, and as tho legality of the proceedings in ref -
Railroad, appointed in pursuance of an act of the erence to the bonding of Satd town for the bens.
Legislature, passed April 5th, 1866, and Sete fit of said road is now beluglitigated, IamUnable
amendatory thereto. to presenta definite report ofthe indebtedness of
The undersigned Commissioners appointed nu- the Town of Lansing on account of Paid road, un-
der said Sets, issued bonds bearing interest at til the final decision of the Suit now pending in
seven per cent. per an:.um, payable semi-annual- reference thereto,
ly, on the first days of March and September of J. M, WOODBURY, Supervisor,
llotye4 by
he following report was presented
bIn Rolfe, accepted by the Board,
and ordered published with the min-
1,Tae Board of Superaiem•e Of the Giounty of
We, the undersigned Commissioners of the
Town of slay 18th�1869achander the act Paoso�
ptert907ed ,i would report that
bonds of the said tow-fiven have been` issued to the
Amount of ile
in the construction oft a Pennthousan. Sodas Bayto aR
R„ and delivered up to the said R. R. Comppanl
in exchange for the capital stock of said roan,an(
at the amount of money rogntred to Pay out
standing interest against said bondeis eeventeei
hundred and fiffiy dollars, ($1,760); and "ire
Spectfally request that the said amount of, seven
teen hundred and finy dollars ($1.750) be ameasN
and nfleld, ovember 6thn1872. nflcld.
Isaac H. NRWMAx, Commissioners.
Mr. Rolfe presented the followinj
report of the indebtedness of the tows
of Enfield, which was accepted an
ordered entered on the miX11tes
T1 the Board of Supervisore of 4bmpkiw Corattyt
In accordance with chapter 552, laws of IMO, 1
hereby report the public debt of the town of En
field to be as follows, viz.:
Bonds issued by Commission-
ers appointed by County
Judge, in favor of the Penn.
and Sodus Bay R. R., un-
der the act to facilitate to
contraction of Railroads,
passed by the Legislature of
1650, and amended May 18t
1869, Amount of bonds is-
Rate of interest seven per
cent. Amount of interest
coming due the ensuing year............
Total principal
to come doe
and intdreet,
1873........................ ............$26,7
Amount of Pennsylvania and
Sodus Bay Railroad stock
held by the Town of Enfield. .....,..$25,
Dated, Enfield, Nov. 15t, 1 8
aually, on the first
r of each year.
P..�,9. DUDLEY, Commissioners
MERRITT KING, TownofNewfleld
Mr. John P. Todd presented the fol-
lowing report of the indebtedness of
the Town of Newfield, which was ac-
ceDted and ordered entered on the min -
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Gbunty:
In accordance with chapter 552, laws of 1670, I
hereby report the pn blic debt of the town of New
field to be as follows :
Bonds issued by Commissioners appointed by
County Judge in favor of Pennsylvania and So -
due Bay Rail'Road, under the act *to facilitate
the construction of Railroads, paseed by the Leg-
islature of 1850, and amended May 18th, 1869.
Amount of Bonds ........................$52,000
too1interest seven per cent ..........
oust of principal unpaid Sept. let, 1872, 52,000
Amonutof Interest coming due March let,
1873................................... 1,820
Amount of interest coming due Sept. let,
1873............ 1,820
Interest payable eemi-agRnually............
Amount of Pennsylvanffi and Sodus Bay
Railroad Stock held by town of New-
field .......................:........... 52,000
Newfield, Nov.16 1872.
J6HN P. TODD, Supervisor.
The Committee on Sheriff's, Clerks'
and Constables' accounts were engaged
during the latter part of the evening
session in examining bills and accounts,
after which Board adjourned until 9
o'clock a. In.
TUESDAY, Nov. 19, 1872.
The Board met at the usual hour;
io roll called by the clerk; all the mem-
bers present.
A proposition to publish the pro-
ceedings of the Board of Supervisors
for 1872, was submitted to the Com-
The followi report was resented mittee on Printing, by the publishers
g P P of the Ithaca Journal.
and ordered p blished: The Committee on Printing submit -
To John P. Todd, Esq., supervisor of the Town ted their proceedings in reference to
of Newfield, Tompkins county: the matter of publishing proceedings
The undersigned Commissioners for the town of Board b resolution, t18 follows:
of Newfield appointed in pursuance of the etas i y
utesof the Atateof New York authorizing towns Resolved, That this Board accept the pmpoeI-
to subscribe to the capital stock of railroad corpo- tion made by the publishers of the Ithaca Joar-
rations and to issue bondB therefor, respectfully pal to ublish the entire proceedings of this
report that it will be necessary for the Sal town Board pin the Daily and Weekly Journal, at 30
of Newfield to raise by tax the rum of three cents r folio -and furnish 1,500 copies of Super -
thousand six hundred and for dollars ($3,640) visorBp roceeain s in pamppi1l� et•form,(not to ea-
topay the interest from September let, 1872, to coed 24p es, for fort dollars ($40).
Septemberlst, 1873, on bonds of Paid town,.to 1>� y
to amount of fifty-two thousand dollars, ($62,- J. H. GEORGR,
000,) issued to aid in the construction of the Joax wOLCOTT, Committee.
Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay Railroad; Paid inter- Taos. Bow$R, 2nd,
On motion, of Mr. Rolfe, the action On motion of Mr. Bates,
of the committee on priliting was ac- Resolved, That in pursuance of the provision®
cepted by, the Board. of chapter 907, laws of 1869, entitled an act to
The following report resented amend an act entitled an act to authorize thefor'
g re p was 1) mation of Rail Road corporations and to regulaie
by Mr, Bates, and ordered entered ,up- the same. passed April 2ud, 1850, e0 as to permit
011 the minutes: municipal corporations to aid in the construction
of Railroads, passed Alay 18th, 1669, and of a n,}
7b t1w Board of Supm*ora : tice served upon this Board by the Commission.
are of tht tows of Ithaca, for the Geneva % Ith-
Fourth Annual Report of the ComuAB' sionere aca Railroad Co., there be leviedand assesve'l
of the Town of Ithaca, in pursuance of an act •Of upon the taxable property of the town of Itbuca
the Legislature, passed April 17, 1866: the sum of seven thousand dollars,37,0000 to
provide for interest corning duo Api-A 1st, 1873
Amount of bonds issned...............8200,000, and Oct. lot, 1873, on bonds issued for the bent'
money raised... , ........ 309,000 f1t of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, and that the
exponves for I. & A. R. R. Supervisor of the town of lthaca phy Bald sum to
stock ........................ 900,000 such commissioners to be expended for thatpur.
Ithaca 6t Athens stock lbr pose.
in of eeettob6bomedueMarch300,000 Mr. Bates presented the following
letfs73 .. ..... 21,000'report, of the indebtedness of the town
Wethereforerespectfinllyreportthat thcrewill of Ithaca, Which was accepted and Or.
be required for'the coming year, to pay fntere.st clel'e�l Entered tt )on ,thE minutes on the said bands, and by virtue of said act; the 1
Snmofttile ame entyone thonsanddollnri,and TotheBo,,trdo/'atipxi lsors, CduittyofTrnnphtt7c;
attk that the grime he a_�os_u d and Aviod upon
the town of Ithaca. In accordance with Chapter 55`.f, laws of 1870, 1
Ithaca, Nov. 9,18721, heyeby report the public debt of the town of Ith.
1. FOPTEft HIxeON, j rca to be as follows:
Lf,EONARD TpHm,., }Commissioners. Bondi,tssuea 7Starcn 1, 1669,
GEO. MCCHAIN, bearing interest at -seven
. per Leonhrd Treman, Secretary. per cent., by Commtsefon-
On motion of Mr. Bates ers for 1. &,. A. R R......... . ..........
Amount of principal unpaid
Resolved, That in pursuance of chapter 645, April 4th;1872, i;, ....... fi300,0w ,
lawsof1866, entitled, An act to facilitate the Amount of principal In to
COnstrgetion of the Ithaca & Towanda Railroad, this date....... ........... none
(by act of Feb, 18th, 1870, now the Ithaca & Amount of principal coming
Athens R. R: Co„) and to authorize towns to due during my term of of -
Subscribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a flee ............... ... none
notice served upon this Board by the Commis- Amount of interest duo dr -
sioners of the town of Ithaca, there be levied and tug my term of office ...:.............. 21,000
assessed upon the taxable property. of the said Bonds issued Oct, Ist, 1871,
town OFIthaca, the sum of twenty-one thousand payable Oct. let, 1991, by
dollars, ( 21,000,) for the purpose of paying it,. the Commissioners for the
forest to ecome due Alarch 1st, 1873, upon the Genera and Ithaca R. it.,
town bonds issued for said Railroad, and that the interest on fame payable
,Supervisor of said town pay said sum to the semi-annually. ............... 100, u
mmfesioners of said town, to be expended for Amount of interest coming
that purpose. uue April let, 1873, durfnrr
The following ie orb Iva 1Eceived My term' of bffice......... .. 3,50o
P p , Amount of intereA, coming
accepted, and ordeled entered t7n'the
minutes: T eePrlI.l '
and -interest, to come due
TO the Boarilof 5uperviSM.• 1973..., ....... 459,000
Second Annual Report of the Commissioners Against which Commission -
of the town of Ithaca, for bonds issued in aid of . era for 1, :& A. R. R. hold L
the Geneva &, Ithaca R. R., according to law: & A. R. R. stock to amount
Amount of bonds issued. of .... . .................. I ....... .. . :itki,000
Bonds sold for etock in the "" $100,000 Contmigsloners Geneva
Geneva & Ithaca R. R.... :........t.. 100,000 Ithaca R. R. bold Geuevy
Interesttocome dueA rillst & Ithaca R, R. stock to
P , amount oi'... , ...- .. .... , .... 100,0W
1879................. ......:3,500 Total stock held bynd ,for
Interest to become due Oct, bens t of Ithaca .... 4400,000
rat, 1873..................... 3,500 Ithacka, Nov. ,1872. .
Total ..................................... 7,0001 Mr. Stevens as committee in the tuat-
We Nherefore report that there will be requireiollowing
er of military exemptions for the towns
for the coming year, to pay interest on the sai
bonds; the sum of seven thousand doilah onef Dryden and Darby, .presented the
half payable April let, 1873, and the other hat preamble and resolution,
Oct, let, 1873. We ask that the samebe assessed i
and levied upon thetown of Ithaca, which v; as adopted by the Board:
Jonx GauxmfETT, Whereas, The Country Court of Tompkins
C. M. Tr2Ea, Commissioners. County having recommended that the Board; of
JNO. RIIusEY,. supervisors correct the asse�'smcnt rolls, of the
John Ramsey, Secretary. towns of Dryden and Darby, and allow to the
ntetnbersofthe Rational Guard one thousand Interest on Fame, now due
dollars exelnntion, therefore, :Ind conria,,grliie the eheuing
1tesRlveii, That the ,secsment rolls of the yea(,•.,,,.,
owns"of Dryden and Danby be corrected, and 1,0z
that eachofthemeuiber,+of the nat'onal guard Total indebtedness ............. F�0,53W whose names appear in the Petition to the Conn. Against which Commis...sion- "
tp Court, anon alsoatpoa fhe nesossitient" rolls Of .err, for S.'C. R. R, hold stockthe above r;ameel•towns, be allowed a dcditetion of said:road to the: amount
of one thousand dollars from his assessed wilua- of',.. .. °;50,000
tlon of real and personal property. Commissionern o1; 7......
Idr. Bate asked and obtilined leave Cortland R. R, hold'stuck
to be absent during the remainder of in -aid road for............ 15,000
the morning sesslen. -Cited, Noy. 15th, ltiw. 65,000
Board enggaged in auditi.ug bills, and N. STEVENS, Supervisor.
bills from No, 54 to 102, inclusive, were dfi •motion of Mr. Stevens,
allclitcd. Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions,
of chapter,i43, of the laws Of 1866. entitled an act
On mntion`of MT. BO1vEI to facilitate. the couat ucgun of the S(mthern
Resolved, That by regiiest of p, I3. Farrington Ceb ral7iaili•oact an., to aditbOrize towns to rnb-
scrlbe to the Cat itnl sleet. It ereof, anon of a no -
of the Poor
and Secretary o= the tics served spun this Eu:;rd by the Rnilroa
]knrdol'SuPerzntendents; Vnit the charge Of a
which Was tile town Gommi ,S.l ers Of'the town Of Groton; there be
xa1301101d,ibe charged to'theehCo7tnt to
Tom - t t a`irt a. sensed bubo the t,:; �bl.e property
p I of' said "t.owu, ti "Earn of. thirty-five hundred dol-
Jan"' Iai t (�3;51 0) fort blinrpnse of paying the in-
Th8�u110 iiIl 1hpoYt''was pPe3eflted erestnpe rh Rw1 oast bont7s issued by said
to die o i1•d' b k1 S town, auiI Vlat th ,uincwbep ccillectod no ,;id
u l 1 _te r n's, . nd ol'- tO the Nnpr.rvlem of said town, to be ezmeiideit
u ct Priuteel with tl:e ploy edings: '' forfhat purpose. .
zu f'r Boord. of stiper r,tso> s of the obu,aty1 pf Ou motion Board adj ouriled.
ToNtp7.iris: +t i AFTY3fi9OON SESSION,
fhe r�nrrt of the n.idcl•signed COnimiPsignera
of the towh of Groton pnointed'Under tha act Bop'rd met Piirslltik to adjournment.,.
entitled ", it act no lacilrtah: the conttruetion,or all the mClubers present. The Co
the a'" rlt can Oentral Rail ROarl, :cud tOan.horfze lilittee on illel'iii's Constables,' allot
town.f to Fobs tribe to ,he capital stock thereof'," t
awed April 7th, 1860 to pcel,ft fly shows : that Clerk's accounts were ebl` a.aed in es-
ey, as such" COmJ1 raonero have issued the aminiug "bills, after Which bills frOin
fiftyt b said town to the aggregate. anio;?nt of No. 108 to 119 inchisive, Were aud-
Bftpthbnsand•dollars; that the whole of said
bands hape been sold by Litt nudenfii�ile;l as such ited.
umutissioners; that no dividend: haveb:on'r•e- A1r; liblte presented ills following
are1 by the finder i nod, and there will be-
n 1 duevnd payabl "for inters,±f, upon; said Preamble. ancl:'resOhition,.which Wert;
.13 dmfng the ens¢tng year, in the ag regnto, Y•oc'oived alli '00pted .bv the'l3oard*:
our of t'irty llt•o h'an'drefl dollars, T§5 509,t
n b uatnmonnt will be required to pap said i;�- WhereaP, BM5,bdvd1%been' presented to tttie
h `t• - Board for snpplie<, and repatrs ordered by the
t d the undersigned, as such Cominiccioners, cifforeiit othcera of the county, but not endorsed
u aloresuld, therefore request. that that amount by th m' tberet'rire, that the Board may act un
may he levied upon said town of Groton, to pay derstanchngly and not audit billy for a larger
raid interest, be-0dte i"the expenses of copcctiou, umuuut tlinn is nceessaryto corer the actual ex -
Dated at Groton,iN. Y.,"this 101h dap of Nov„ lien's"stifsnch'suppl:c4 hurl repairs be it
1872, Resolved Tir.:t all bills for snpplres or repairs
A BACHUe j for the coltst} preeelttted to the c;card of Snper-
JERou>; 11nT-JAwey' `Commiestoner6 viioro, ire endorsed by the officer or officers or -
tiering safd.nupplies or repairs.:
Mr, 9'tevens thew n eutecl 'tile fol- On motion of Mk. ,Georl e,,
1 esolved; That- in flint ihe Board of Su -
lowing s{;�itenlAiit of the iude'btEC�ileas Ro
pervisor•s may act intelligently oil all bills! pre -
of the town Of {1'ot011 : sentrd by any of the Justices of tbe:'Peace of tbie
!'gilts oarfl" Su)ert;i•sors, county, for criminal mocecdini;s, they be re-
], pf 1 7�1,rp7•itt•s county que,G!dto comply with section first, ebopter
In accordance with Chaptct• 55% laws of 1870, 1 4'3,? Of the lawn of 1870 and amended by chapter
herebyreport the public tiebt of the town of 274, laws of 187t, fp,making out such bills. •
Groton to be as.fpllows, viz :' On motion of fir. Todd; "
Bondeissned by COnimissii;n- Rc oh e3, That pui'snant to t7ie uovisione of
On, hearing interest at sev- Chapter 5LF, of the lows of ' 1865, to sums Oct
en per cent.; for S. G R R.,... • , „, , _ , , $50,000 down ifs the following schedule he levied and as-
, coming else ensuing served upon the taxable property of the persons
year slue-. 3,500 who• a names are included in the several lists,
8oncls issued byCommissron- and fir the sums re:+pe;;tiv ly named in said list ors for the Ithaca & interCort-est submitted to the Board, and furnished to the Sn-
land R. R., hearing interest pervisors of the several towns named in Paid
at seven per cent., payable schedule by the Overseers of Highways, respeet-
aenii-annually. • ........... I ............. 15,030' ively of the road districts included therein:
Newfield -District No. 22.......2
days.....$14 25
$17 R5
Danby-District No. I .........
1 day....
$1 50
5 25
•• " 23.......
4" "
.... 7 00
Lansing-Distriot No. I.......8)6
„ ,. " 41......E
.$35 75
83E "
.... 12 75
$61 75
Itbaca-District No. 43....... 3 dais......... 3X
ais.........3# ` 5 20
$9 70
Dryden-Dfstrfct No.129....... 5 days.... $7 60
13E....... 6`
$16 50
Ulysses -District No. 65...... 19 days ....$ 225
49......11 17 25
., 2......12 " .. 18 00
$37 5
Groton -District No. 70., .... 9� days:. , . $13 8
,, na " 57... • ..16X " 25 0
Wilcox, Justice ............ .
Rea H. George, Supervisor.........
B. Backus, Town Clerk.... .......
iney Hopkins: Justice ..............
F. Hart, Justice ....................
D. Mount, Justice....... .
B. Rodgers, Justice................
p. Mount, Commissioner..........
'lson Stevens, Excise Tax..........
,ao,.., cro -, Fnnervisor...........
kins County in account with Geo. H, Bi
tol, County Treasurer, Dr. to
Treasurer em
on settlent,
$14 5g
Amount paid Nelson Stevens, Supervs-
25 ee
or. Groton, fines returned...... 25 00
lines, Danby................. 5 00
25 00
Caroline ............... 35 00
19 00
" and excise, Ulysses ... 365 70
18 51
„ " Ulysses ................ 80 50
80 67
Lansing . ............. 15 00
46 00
" Ithaca.................316 50
842 70
$191 61 Fuel and as bill for court house
WOonnuRY, Committee,
After, which, on motion of Mr- Bon.
, Board adjourned.
aid Groton, Town Audits...... 787 15
" Returned Tax..... 5 57
Support of Poor... 400 00
Highways .... .. 550 00
Int. on R. R. bonde.5,132 51
6,875 26
" Ithaca, Town A ndits......13,862 17
Return Tax....... 403 13
" Support of Poor.. 1,000 00
Highways ........ 250 00
Int. on R. R. bonds 28,000 00
Sinking Fund..... 113 81
--43,E29 71
" Lansing, Town Audits... 885 00
Returned Tax... 23 80
" Highways....... 2,250 00
Int. on R. R.
bonds.... 2,R5 00
5.783 80
Idiot Asylum ....... ..... ...... 30 00 " Newfield, Town Andits... 2.018 96
" School Commissioners' appropria- " Iot. on R. R.
tion.......... .............. 400 00 bonds...... 3,640 00
" County Judge's Salary..:......... 2,175 00 ' 5,658 96
11 11 A ro r t 50 00 ` Ul T Audits 1118 00
and jail ..................... 417 70
State Lunatic Assylum, Utica.... 2,732 9s
Willard Asylum Ovid............ I'm 71
Snequebanna Valley Home........ 115 36
bionroe Count Penitentiar 335 M
WEDNEsDAY Nov. 20 1872,
, r .
PP Pia ion ....
" District Attorneys Salary ..
600 00
�' "
yeses, own
Returned Tax��. � 75 62
Board met at,the usual hour, all
" Special County Judge's
•' County Treasurer's alai ......
50 00
600 00
Int. on R. R.
bonds...... 5,250 00
the members present. The minutes
" Irsurance on County Buildings....
117 50
-- 6,443 52
the previous day were read and approv-
Y t T •
„ Supervisors' Clerk ................
" Ladies'Union Benevolent Society.
G H Houtz a ro
100 00
5.5 00
44 6r
County Order�............14, 84 34
Court .. 1.903 76
ed. The committee on Goun y leas. • • PP P • • • • • • • • " Poor Orders, in -doors..... 1.764 94
$88 gg " J. H. Selkreg, printing bill........ 10 25 u " out -doors... 1,185 58
JOHN P. TODD. urer s accounts was employed i11 set. Livery to County House.... , .... 8100 „ „ „
ding with that officer. " J. Edsall appropriation..... 13 50 Tianeporta-
On motion of Mr. Bates, Board ad- " John J. 'Johnson appropria- tion. .. 178 62
The members of the committee on tion................... 25 00 19,417 23
journed. Poor FIouse and Superinteudcuts' Re. -- 88 50
EVENING SESSION. port, was employed in preparing their
report. ,
Board met pursuant to adjournment, The committee on Sheriff s, Cion6ta.
all the members present. tiles' and Clerk's accounts were en-
The following report was submitted a ed in the examination of various
to the Board by Mr. Wolcott, Chairman gills in their possession, preparatory to
of the Committee on bills of members their final submission to the Board.
of Town Boards, and on motion of Mr. On motion Board adjourned.
Woodbury, the same was accepted by AFTERNOON SESSION,
the Board:
The Committee to whom was referred the The Board assembled at the usual
claims of the different Town Boards herein
named, would report that the bills be added to hour; roll called by the clerk, all the
the audits of said towns hereafter named, and members found present.
assessed upon said towns respectively: P, The various committees were en.
ULYSSES. aged during the afternoon session in
Thomas Bower, 2nd, Supervisor...... $67 68 ranging and completing their respect'
Samuel Berlew, Justice............... 26 40.
Jacob Carman Justice ................ 8o 85 1ve reports.
H. G. coopper. frown Clerk............ 85 89 On motion Board adjourned.
C1 h Justice .......
Stepphen oug ,
J. R. Emery, Justice ..................
86 00
$337 82
John P. Todd, Supervisor...........
$30 20
15 60
John J. Cornish, Justice ..............
22 35
Benjamin Starr, Justice......... . ..
9 00
Nelson Cutter, Justice ................
Wm. E. Farmer, Town Clerk.........
41 00
John W. Dean, Justice ................
18 00
$136 15
Georgge H. Houtz, Town Clerk.......
$20 1
18 2
A. W. George, .............
Hiram Bouwo , Justice ...............
11 00
The Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, all the members present.
The committee on Treasurer's ac-
counts presented the following report,
which was received and adopted:
The Committee on Treasurer's accounts repod
the following as the receipts and disbursmeotf
of the County Treasurer, from November i
1871, to Nov. 20th, 1872, and that they, have
Snarled all his books, receipts and voucherS00,
n,,.1 them correct:
Cleaning Court House .............
19 75
" Bill Slating Court House..........
446 60
Court Reporter's bill ..............
48 08
" Stationery for Courts .............
17 05
Expenses of Treasurer's office,
stamps, &c........ .. ....
18 00
Interest on money loaned to Coun-
ty by bank ................
88 90
" State tax..................36,498 73
" For Schools . ... ......... 10,846 62
- 46,835 26
" School Moneys, Caroline. 1,918 01
Danby... 1,82a 86
Dryden.. 3,173 48
Enfield.. 1,860 50
" Groton.. 2,847 27
Ithaca... 4,541 19
Lansing . 2,281 66
Newfield. 2,262 62
Ulysses.. 2,216 96
1111,925 4
" Returned Taxes, Caroline. 2 25
Dryden.. .. 44 41
Groton.. 28 58
Ithaca... 4846
Lansingg 60 36
Newfleld 39 78
Ulysses, 44 14
259 03
Caroline, Town Audits.... 702 OB
Support of Poor. 100 00
Highways........ 760 00
1,652 0
Danby, Town Audits............
Drvden, Town Audits.. , . .1,086 91
Returned Tax..... 84 36
" Support of Poor ... 300 00
Highways ......... 5,250 00
8,671 2
" Eafleld, Town Audits......1,099 93
" HighwayYs...... .. , 200 00
Int. on R. R. bonds 1,750 00
8,019 9
giea $49 22
Tompkins County in account with Geo. H. Bris-
tol, Treasuier, Cr, by,
State Appropriations for Cbarfties...... to 00
Excise and fines from town of
Ulysses ................ ... 213 00
Excise and fines from town of
Ithaca ........... .. ... . 1,015 00
Fines from Town of Danby.,.. 5 00
- 1,893 W
School Monies, from State.....21,918 36
" in hands of Su-
pervisor...... 7 09
--21,925 45
razes. Caroline ................ 5,090 37
" Dually .................. 4,679 27
" Dryden ....... .......... 18,770 81
" Enfield ............... . 6,149 01
" Groton ............. 14,157 40
5 � Ithaca..................68,561 82
Lansing................16,718 05
Newfield ............... 9,783 71
" Ulysses................15,084 10
158,994 34
$183,397 79
Balance nnprovided for ............... 451 43
$183,849 22
The Committee beg leava to present
the following:
8 Resolved, That there be levied and assessed
24 upon the taxable roperty of the County of Tomp-
kins, the sums of�lour hundred and fifty-one and
43-100 dollars,($451.43) to provide for deficiency
in the Treasury, and eighteen hundred and nine-
ty-three dollars, ($1,893) to cover payments to be
7 made to the several towns, on account of fines
and excise money.
S. B. ROLFn, Committee.
Board enn,ae'ed in u.udr iuzi hills, altd Th'• naerrC expen e of ez h patrp^r's
bills from �To; 11.5 to 12,C1 inclusive. rup0aelet hu melt, av0 the p
r. .. cec do Ofthe larrii was .... .. _... n
were audited. The average expense pe wreak was. j.
1651 dayEatd of O tarty Pat pers
Ol�,nlotlou of Ali'. Wolcott, hCllotbine,•
Resolved, Thna this }soard tYocceil to balloi Town of (arpline, clays hoard ...nc ire c
I ,. Clothing .....................11011P
1 for two 1p r m laws o. u w pr.l e e tp 111 . ItoU the eee8wn w 735 dr.y �, 7,raPd. tole u O Da ,by.. $(i0 2<3.
1873. , 9011log.• 7 27
A' ballot Was- taken in 1 aeeorclallee Z,P,05 daj l,uatd, " Iiryden. 282
with the foi•en'oio resotutio } i�nd tllc Clorn;n: -... 7'1 Or, 8
> 92 day' boar r1, l:nactl 0 29
Ithaca Journal received.'.,........ G C7ot+out;,... 1 5; 40,
080dryshoutd. CTrbton 1)253
Ithaca Democrat rcc:eived ...... 3, e;lothr, y i'.i 11)2 02
The 3492.ova1, ,1, Ithaca 91
.Lbn e uinl('d.1)apers were ac- Qlotbin, .. ...
I;l 4a
COl'(1111y1y. aAth Ur17.(;tl t0, i)ubhsll tile, f75 day! honor],' Lansing. 65 is-,
Session Laws of f 1873, for t1 q pppuine clot inn •. 4 tt 7tt 25
year.586 days bun,,:1, Newileld 62
C'!otoht"1 19i
O day,, 3 ,a ,
I Aix. Bower, Chairman of Coinmi tee do lun
on Pool YHc u�,,e. s,ud ,itt,et'iutentic it,"
1 1� 3.5 days. Tolal amocmt ..
Reports, suhrik>tw ti :tyl . iollow ng re-
port, 'which'was receivetland accepted rlhe;pIlowm aratert rtr r
- rq Ipce laist+j',atP,fl 00,, _. 1, e .
bs the aoald.: i67x.t � ar
Soar Count t ce, to whoi iva•, referred th0 re• 00 i;uslr of irL at ta,-o, La
port of the Sanewrteilde,utA'.of the Poor of the (150 Cy.+t, . -
county,.wonWreepecthllly ropdrE, that from the 1000 `" F :,-cork'
ISt.h dny ofNov.,.1871, to tho 15A day of Nov.; 400
1,M2, there were 6 ipportcdin the Poor How c, as f
tollc,we, viz.: l5m 010ohs
County paupprs.... ..... .......... 95 1 Beet, << . 8
From the Town of Caroline ............ none 10 ° Beans to
Dail by......... ........ -.. 3 .100 „ .. Apple,
Aiydon 10 300drend of Babb: ;e 4Eub,eid.: 3I 11 ten:, el n y,.. .,
Groton .... 2 C om stalks ri uni 16 acreo of Corn.,
I ................ 221 The rhowo the aniorrr;
t cif
Lansiug............ ........ 3 proBueeaud stiicu so) (I from the iSirm fin the }r-;u,
UEnn( ld ......—4lending the'15th day ul Noy., 1872:
1 n o pitis old at j 2 r0 wL en
° Total ................... biz b tote]. ,...., . 1! 15
I art.x;l,old...._. ... 2•e 17
Titennmbsl'oi days 1, havet -t.. i,01d... _............ .
been ettpl oat d , t l r use Oatasold..................................... 00
ra..... .: . . a . ,rl15,375 COI it sold .........., ...... 4 2a
and the whole atot, .dawn _
on the Cortnty'1'ret u, , 1 elf il- Total .... ..mg
ited by the Snpermtend: or itp
support of the in t tl lio,i the Which ron0nnt was espcnded'as fi ]lows: '
said year, overandal : . "As P rrt by kobpei• for supplies...,,.... .;. 'SM,, 01
oftbefarj,I;iis ....... .2r .... ,023 2S h paid b,rnl,=t gilrb two ncuelgom Utica 16 50
Whichsnm wa.j expended n - , Sta.th-al, .,n nil o 'aUe............ ...... a J1
For out door relief... ..`'8 Paid Hun anJ Cpiy,eil fler coal............ 11, 41)
" Services. of Overseers..., . 1:::'. 01) win, Van iii,,ton, boots rind shoes....... 10 47
Traits1)01trttinn0l't'an3:c; 120") IIncollecied•............................12;05
" 1 Insurance on BniklinL, .. 64 00 --
Chaplain tit Poor itou,e 50 00 Total ..:: ... .. ...........
". Bringmglnsaoe from L •_ 32 07 x The SaperinfundlittO i ePort that there art , d.-
Ill door expenses.......... I'mo 33'-
--- m
3 OS'f 28 auc7- orals=t the 19rstihition Which will amatni
to : vm kt1t1II mere th¢u•thc+ $121.05,- which has
The SuperinteuderitIq report iL 6 $61 pare] for oot been pre crated at this time,
iuetrrancc :as hein received for proditrio mold
from the farm, therefore there Was no draft drama The following otoek helongs to i,he larm, and ie
on the County Treasurer for that nnrotlit, now on hand :
The number 0fpnupers lthnl,ori house' bne yoke of oxen 8 cows, 83 hogs, fatting, 10
Nov 15,1S71, w:1s.......... ........ 36 shoat:+, fo, winterrn?;• ti tar reye, 100 common
The nnnibem,ew fowis, 2'ce.lves. - ..
Tula] - 147 Incdnformity to the Wth eectiou, title 1•t,
The tnuaber 61 dcr.ih S chapter 20 f rill! revise, st;aitites, the Supedll-
The ntm t, , d scit l,c d ..........1fiI to dents_ estimate the espt*naps lbi county andl
in the poor hones ¢t this date...... , 3S to ;i paupers. in the County House the en aahig
147 vear at. c2 J00 00
The averag¢ nnmber in the .poor house '00, tetrlporar y r4wt for county paupers
during the year was ...::............. 42 45-365 not in-t_llc_Poor 11onse:.... . ....... 10200 00
Itl u e c: ,. _ Ic r'f fors nroi-tt t ea 1Us heind' of i,hu i ;?yn2C,
ool .., oth urn_,�-: Ito 00 ua1_c crab iron l inch-nterest became duc,thn trarportati0n of IQrst d rT of rul r i 1, and.
or Hunsu,........ 40C 1 keenclslalary..... ... 5000u,,,,hens 1L ,frreineCourt decided -that th€t¢id t rwn wa, llul k -ally hundod for the,alid
Total,.. ............ J to road thereforeuu, and sum of A2fm and the
omeetthin snm of ti 1 - ul e tic urtorr f on the sane fc� el ht n 6niltxatleaveto irrtrodace 1L0 i,ltv;il rusolnuOn cult,lulu] niginalI 2,71252,remain in the
f•.rnIt st hind ei tre Snpervror` therefore,a appzopriafion ofy4a2 c, t lfesolted, Th t t c 'nper'9i(�0r of'the saitl
own ofLanis 1e aulhhrized by this Board to
esolved, That the sum o ray to the County Treasurer the saicl enm of
ececdllpnn the County lOt' r anti deduct that amount Born th-= taxes
so MI. the enentu; yen' to'be collected h om the Enid town thepresent
e nl e 1, 9fi trhe n ii t 1, ,.: 7,u Sn- year.
ulsr r ents of the I ro 1.. dnc lu yr the
r,,•c4t,jWam.1 tc ,<, 11 re.;Im 010 PLt Oil motion ni, 5T.r. Woieott,
_,.,...:1 c¢ch to c., in 1Le (,. r; fm I -I the past
be levied nr d collcci, d ID.'r s d tuw7 s re- Fesoly A, That at it rcqun,;<f of the 6npervi-
vety as fol aw tor3, f the sev rA kiwi s bl' this County, the
e totivrt of ( t -i': ... .. . r ri c stuns act forth in the following ; scher]trlo be Iev-
reI III r_ •r 0 noon t,l c q `r.tble property of
iiy - , 49 tir, several tbwn8 named, for the pItrposca there-
t •ll. SUl 7.8 in nientaonnd
.. 1d2 02
L.. 36345 Towns To:ontlnclite Hi�hwa s Poor
` L+u,le,d..... . 40 81 - J'
• L.^,n. in ;,..... ' 1.0 ;'S Caroline.... $. 57 73 -.)OD 00 $100
Nua1 �lrl to u4 Dauhv...... 2q0 09 250 00
Dr don3 .._,. 1,55637 50:100 500
6 Uly, c ..... 10) 3"._t.110 18 y
l ,,field.... 40G 2a 200 uo
C69 05 Groton..... 4,55 93 '-'50 Up 200
-The whole amount a'r;a 1 for lYr h at a r' n Gansinn.... Z,051 31 2250 OD
ewrield.. , 1.006 46
terldci r1', less t},110.95 let dc!ltr rt lUu (...� Ll"ys�es..... 3 93. II-0 00 _
pen;csofthe pun; ii,t tU cur a Ithaca....... 7,113 55 250 00 1,60o
nos > rol r., 2nd,
l r i>ruttr The C'omnli,ttee on Equalization -were
P. ;,,, r, cn lea ed during the latter part of the
TAu I P ` oDn. mormug session In ex. illlning the as-
e -The, following rceoulrl n!daticlt was scIssment rolls of [lie difie-rent towns;
t tbn t Cd to the Dold t,tl c 1t rilotion 15repariltory to lrrant;ing their report.
of I :ovvor, the a uu was ad"olite:l: HP. ReAfe, Chairman of Committee
'. tin Pcard Of ,upervi�Or?,.. on U. S. Deposit Fund, submitted the
follo-t1u ' report, wbioll on motion of
We, the undenigned Snherinteudenis of the _t.
poor ol` Tompkins Count-, n recomr ❑o the my 1L}'- St -MI Tile -;•;?s reetlwed and acc6pted
idenitto the Chaplain, the :;urn of li ty cb.liar:?. by the 1i0,grd
P. H. FA'1MI GTd
N, Thewm Committee to hotan referred the
M. T. J as +rr. Supt'u. bool's of tile. l:o¢r Comurissioner.s for the County
.,orirs.'tif. nmmu. ' . ot'rompkitis, b g leave: to submit the following
Oil motion $oard adjourned. report:
That tile hook;? of ATortr r?er to secure thenay-
matt of nim ies loaned fromibit< offive, hold by
ru,d'c om i-.� mxrti. h:-8 t rn nbt..i •°d t0
T111111SPAY HOP,NI'; C', Nov. 21 them for ill. recto .nt( I:h: c;ornnitle.al-
=.o rerelvcd _om ]s. P. , il:iams. one of the loan
Tile Board met atthe inin,11loall, Lill. Collnniseionca•::, a. report an 1'o l7ovrr: ,
r:010d to order by the C hairnlaa. Tome Boartloff° ,5'rt}rer visnra of 'I'wn2r1 ins G'o,:
roll Oftlpervifiol'S n is eatlled byl Tie andcrsigned, one ofthe Loan Commission-
-I, and all tho inumbers yr el•elera of l 0tnphi,a County, c i-::validly rcuo�•is the
1 present, 1 ate of the Qnitud tatcs IbullO it Fund as. AA141 AL
lillutos of the previous dayllo vs:
,A and approve:l, rPixcarer,
J,' . roodbilry s'- o,--' ;i.ecl the follow_ "711 band per last micIA'.. _... $60 27 ,
itrnount iccuived firm ]oars, 3.703 09
preamble and rr „union, wMch, oil 3,763 ifs
otion of Mr. was adopted by .reonat re'.oaned........................ 2,400'6u
0 D oerd : Amount on hand sub$13 subject to loan 36
note , Tho Supervisor of the to-ti of Lan :line rat out •tandrr:, onmort-
lc f,r
ittr--d ahaThere was collectcdfromthe. tax- ; 1 66,87563
inhabitant-s of the s irl town cif I : n •in;r, in ran hand, ....... 1 ....... 1,363 86
,,11: 11, the sum of;,2,b:5, topey the inter-1 68,2M 99
Amount received since last re
Commissioner's fees. .......
On hand to be returned to
Comptroller ..............
action. City, for your examind�ion and appropriats
For the ensuing year the total amount Rate n interest 7 per cent....
4,629 29 dus unt of Infer t
$341 19 $ dollarst19525 thousand two hundred and as
dollars ($6 250) a able at the office oft fifty
4,288 04
There are at present three delinquents wh
property is advertised, the interest of which,
the aegregat.e, amount to $100.20.
Dated Ithaca, Nov.19, 1872.
Respectfully submitted,
Loan Commissioner.
Respectfully submitted,
S. B. Ron
JonN P. TonD, Committee.
Trust Company P of New York City, honeuiou
23 March 1st 1873, and one half September let lg if
and it wfll be necessary to raise that •amount h'
000. Amount re
est $52.50. Inte
Taos. BowER, 2nd
est due March 1,1172. $2.625 • paid $2,625. Inter.
On motion of Mr. George,
est due Sept. lst. 18 2, $2 625 ; paid $2,572.69
due and unpaid $52.50. Wx recommended for
Resolved, That the rejected taxes as returned
to the the several members of this Board, by the
County Treasurer, be levied and assessed upon
the ensuing year,. $6,000.
The interest on filteen $100 dollar bonds, due
Sept. let, is unpaid, viz.: From No. 20 to No.
inclusive, No. 4 and No. 39. 62
the several towns respectively, as follows:
We hereby recommend that the aforesaid end
Caroline ........................... 2 25
Danby 1 05
of six thousand dollars, ($6,000,) be raised by di.
....... .....................
Dryden ............................. 44 41
rect tax on the town for tune purpose of hquidat.
Ing the above interest, coming due, and f'or the
Groton ............................. 23 58
Ithaca .............................. 43 46
payment of oue percent. of said bonds, during
the ensuing year, and hereby certify that the
Lansing ............................ 60 36
Newfield ........................... 39 78
above amounts with the statements herein made
are to the beat of our knowledge true and correct,
Ulysses ............................ 4414
Dated Trumansburg Nov. 4 1872.
Mr. Bower presented the follo'
report, which was accepted by
Board, and ordered entered upon
minutes :
T. BOARDX"W, Commissioners.
H. D. BARTo,
On motion of Mr. Bower,
Thomas Bower, 2nd, Supervisor Town of Ulyes- Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions
es : chap. 907, laws of 1889, entitled, an act to amend
an act entitled an act to authorize the
SIR -Respectfully referring to the laws Sf New formation of railroad corporations and -to
York, relating to the mode of payment of the in- regulate the same, passed, April 2d, 1850, so as to
terest and principal of town bonds in aid of Rail permit municipal corporations to aid in the con -
Roads, (tide laws 1870, chap. 300J we, the under- strnetion of railroads, passed May 18th, 1869. and
signed Commissioners, duly rppointed to super- of a notice served upon this Board by the Coui-
intend the bonding of the town Of Ulysses ,n aid missioners of the Town of Ulysses, for the Peno
of the Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Rail Road sylvania and sodas Bay Rail Road Co., there be
referring to our annual report, dated November levied and collected upon the taxable property(,[
2ad,1871, have to make the following report for the town of Ulysses the sum of $5.250, payable at
the present year: the office of the Union Trust Company, of . New
we have issued bonds, dated March let 1871, Iork City, one'half March let, 1873, and one half
amounting to seventy-five thousand dollars ($75- Sept. Ist, 1873, and the sum of $760 for ,he pay.
000J the entire amount authorized. The bonds meat of one percent. of said bonds during the
bear interest at the rato of seven per cent., pay- ensuine year, and that the collector of said town
able semi-annually, on the first of March and pay said sum of $6,000 to the Supervisor of eaid
September, town, to be expended for that purpose.
The amount raised by direct tax, as recom-
mended in our last report,, and paid over to us by Mr. Bower submitted the following
the Supervisor, February23d 1872,was five thous- report of the indebtedness of the town
and two hundred and fifty dollars, ($5,250); which p
amount was deposited with the Union 'Trust of Ulysses, which was accepted by the
Company, .ofNew York City February 27, 1872 Board and entered upon the minutes:
for the payment of interest on the aforesaid
bonds. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Co.:
Cupons, presented and paid, due March In accordance with chap.552, laws of 1870 1
Ist,1872 ..........
Chpons presented and paid, due Sept. $2'625 00 hereby report the public debt of the town of
1st. 1872........ ... ........... 2;572 50 Ulysses to be as follows :
Cupons not presented, due Sept. 1, 172,. 52 50 Bonds issued by Commissioners appointed by,
Interest credited on $2,6.25 for 6 months 52 50 County Judge, in favor of Pennsylvania and So -
Making a balance due the town, after de- dus Bay Railroad, under the act to facilitate the
ducting Cnpons due and unpaid, of fii construction of Railroads gassed by the Legisla-
ty two dollars, fifty cents........ •.... 52'50 ture of 1850, and amended May 18th, 1869.
As required by law of 1871, chap. 537, § 1, we Amount of bonds issued ................. $75,000
transmit herewith. cupons and account of in Amount of principal unpaid
est paid by the Union Trust Company, of New Sept. 1, 1872 ........................I .... 75,000
Am o eras coming
due March Ist,1873......... 2,625
Amount of interest coming
due Sept. ist,187,3.......... 2,625
Amount of Pennsylvania and -- 5,250 00
Sodus Bay Railroad stock
held by town of Ulysses................M,000 00
Ulysses, Nov. 20, 1872.
THOMAS BOWER, 2nd, Supervisor.
On motion Board adjourned until 2
P. in.
The Board met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Roll was called by the clerk,
and a (full) Board was found present,
which was partly accounted for from
the fact that the members thereof, in
company with several of the citizens of
Ithaca, had very recently been the re-
cipients of a sumptuous dinner,through
the courtesy of Sheriff Root.
Prof. Ginn ............. Ithaca,
Ebenezer Havens, ........ Enfield.
Nelson Noble............ Ulysses.
Mr. Wolcott, Chairman of the Com- .
mittee on Equalization, submitted the
following report, which was adopted
by the Board:
To the Board q/Supglv>taon, Tompking ooumty:
The Committee on Equalization would respect.
fully report that the following be the equalized
valuation of real estate for each town in the
County of Tompkins, for the year 1872;
Caroline ................................ $317,634
Danby......................... 342,065
Dryden .... ............................ 1,026,197
@nfleld................................. 280,983
3roton.................................. 561,905
Lansing ............................... 885 705
Clyeses............. 647,4S1
Ithaca ............................�:.'.. 1,679,787
`7ewfleld ....................... ....... 366,499
Personal ................................ 1,141,063
The members of the Committee on'I'otal
sum 11
Equalization were engaged in prepar-
ing their. report.
The Committee on County claims
were engaged in completing their re-
port on the various claims coming be-
fore them, preparatory to their submit-
The Board then engaged in auditing
tal to the Board.
bills, and bills from No. 121 to No.
On motion Board adjourned.
126, inclusive, were passed.
On motion of Mr. Bates,
Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a Com-
The Board met at their rooms at the
mittee of two to investigate the matter of bring -
ing water into the Court House and Jail,
usual- hour, and was called to order by
or ei.
ther, and report to this Board previous to their
the Chairman, all the, members found
adjournment the cost of the same.
The Chairman appointed Messrs.
Bates and Stevens as such committee.
On motion the
Resolved That f f Mr. Rolfe,
tt f d
On motion Board adjourned.
, o or y- our c ars,
($44), being the amount of fines paid to the Coun-
ty Treasurer by Justices Wood and Day, that
justly belongs to the County but credited to the FRIDAY, Nov. 22nd, 1872.
town of Ithaca, be deducted �TOm the amount of
tax voted to be raised tore-fmburse the town of MORNING SESSION.
Ithaca for fines belonging to said town ; making
to be collected in the County, to reimburse said Board met at their rooms at the us -
town of Ithaca, sixteen hundred thirty-one dol- ual hour, all the members resent.
lags, ($isst.) The minutes of Thursday were read
On motion of Mr. Woodbury, and approved.
Resolved, That in pursuance of section 9, chap. The Chairman appointed Messrs.
585, of the laws of 1865, a committee of three be Woodbury, Todd and Rolfe as a com-
appointed by the Chairman of this Board, to act mittee to examine and ass upon the
in connection with the School Commissioners of p p
the County in the examination of such candidates bills of the several members of thig
as may present themselves for admission into Board.
Cornell University, and that the Clerk of this
Board is hereby required to notify the said Com- The following table exhibits the as-
mittee of their appointment. , sensed valuation of the real and person -
The Chairman appointed the follow- al property of the County of Tompkins,
ing committee in accordance with the as appears by the rolls returned by the
above resolution: I assessors of the various towns:-
Towns kcres Real Peu.'l Total P pi AI
Carolure 80-713 3-1i435 1e710 -11d5 to 16 oHOTON.
!'arhS A00 ! �. 5 19 J60 3?,, 815 ll 0 i C D Rl:iish supplies for poor.......... }0,
Dryden 61. 1Y r4?4 ) �; Ii1102, Pro 1 P.zraHalsey Serving Z}tii:tiit, &0...... 1-•I
Enfield 2.:00 4;1 1 li l50 9? 1•,5 1- i2!� Jerome Hathaway, R. 1'. Cmnmissimler.
Groton 0 9 0 cR, lag 1(1+,186 rC Od, 1) ;1 4 D. B, Dlaish, use oi'holrso, election..... 5 0
Lanstu,v 3(.'i15 010 ) 7 96 1.0?O.:,Of, 6 A. BJchOs. h. R. Coriuui35iotier......,, lU °�
1Vewfiehl b 2 1 r.`0 i, ?70 A 15t1 10 12 6 dui. H. Bunicnn, ° 00
Ulysses_ ') 099 85r 191 7.80 91.137 34 4(i Interest oil It l lea. 111( . Cortland R. R, s ao
Itllaca....1V.2 1.664285 55L3o0 2..2I0;1"u 86 53 bonds ..............
291.287 6 108,3151.141.063 r .249.373 1 11
The folla�lig schedule eahllnts the LyingtOn, military tax refunded.... 24 0
valuation of the real aiid personial prop- Amos 5mirb, livery, by order of Col- 0
erty OV Tompkins Courl;y,.on the biisis grove...,..•.,,,,.,. •...,-.... ... 2 Co
John M. 3Cott, labor on bridbe neat• But -
of equaiizatiou Its adopted by the termilk malls ......................
John Masters, luiutiel.............. 12 00
Board s 00
Egn'd ,Ikereiil on Ithaca,L• Athens 11I
Towne Acres Real Pet;9'1 ' Total 1':pe A bonds... • • 21,0oo 00
Carolinc..30.713 jp, 6'41 '1L'710 l'_;.344 10 34 tutcronhn Geneva & lthica R. R.
Danhy ..-.3.2A69 312.665 10- ffi;?.025 10 5;3 7,000 00
Di•ydeu....61.517. 1,026,197 63..81 1 109.678 .16 68
Enfield .... 22.100 .280.983 17.650 298.63$. 12'ri op• I!1 +41
r4roton.... 30.920 661-965104.480 660.451 rLz'ssrs'.
fauain :..37.765 885.7115 137 T16 1.023 001 23 45 A. P. Sears' use of house, excise hoard,
Newfield. , 30.`?31 3613,400 1'7.400 383.80'J 1(1 71 da•1 }' • • . • • • • •
i3lysses,..2D.' 39 047,481 191.2S0 338.701 °1 83 Nelsuu Itioble, inspector of election......
Itllaca....10233 1_619_7S7 551- 00 2.231.537 87 3a Wm. H. L. R. 1Noble, clerk ill"election......... ,
_ _ Root, Sheriff
Total ...291.257 h 10$.$t6 1 i11,p63 ! 2111.111179 R. R• Fisdo h, unsherBl:.............
it. C. TayloC,1 k of election............
On motion of Mr. Golfe, It. C. Taylor', town clerl.. .. .
Uuere on Penn. & ScdltBay • Railroad Resoled, That at the TequeStoft lie severalS11bonds..............
p('rvi :ors of the towns named ili the follu)ving Sirikin, ituul.............
saheriulo the claiLn set forth therein be, added
to the a.ndlts or'sa:f(l tovvixs, • and levied cud as-
sessed upon said towns Teapeetively : 6'o,33 16
oAsolixL Board ellgagOd in auditing bills, a11d)
C. H Denel s e�ce sr,i'tt c 4 bills
1'i`illifrom No. 127 to 135, inclusive,
ani Gmla�i Cow, 11gh �, .. 51 UU were passed.
John Gross i;scssol ,- . L, 00
JosepuG rite- Constable .. 2 So On motion Board il(]jouilled.
Ransom Jolmeon, ))by_ici.m.....:........ + G„
91 53
:<Ewrrri n. FrlDav, Nov. 22 .18'i 2.
P, ie Dn:pC>y, R. It. Comi`iiasioner......,. 17 35� AFTERNOON AND EVE!7I C, BEESIGN. Amos D. Shaffer " ... I6 0o
Tde1'i'tY I illg 17 35 Board Met Purallant t0 adjournment,
rlilu Gillett• overseer of I im , a0r'......... 20 00 all Life members present.
Interest on Pa.nn yl'auia Ss sw-"..1r: Bay R.
bonds ...... .......................... 3,640 00 - Bill No. 1,00 was audited.
Board was engaged during the great-
,3''i11 30
ENi IELD. er part of* the afternoon and evening
S. B. Rolfe, supervisor. .................... 7 po seSS1011In prepal'in aJ)strlcts of tile in-
rnterest 0u Henn.& S. B. it. R............1,75o oo debtedness of the s01ro,yal. towns.
1,757 o0 Oil motion ofllr.woodbury,
ua.WBrNe. Resolved, That ti c Bond of the County Tr::..,!-
1'redelrc. Lrooks, Moor master............ 79 pp
Interest vevr Y ori,, Oswego & Mid
rarer br flxel at oue,111111dred thousand dolturs.
rr the - (r;100,000.)
land .............6,1•om 5:1 On Silotioll Of lWolcott,
Milo (400drich, counsel tee,, • • • , _ • , 5 0u
Moe, poOr tax .................. 42 60 Resolved, Thin the f0110wing suns be levied
andps es.-d npou the taaalk3 property of tl_i :
7,243 IS cOct!'•ry for• 110 purposes designated in the io1
iov iiih list:
1 Lill OL }•i'. S. fin d I dec u:u notice. :� O For E"ChC' nools ral lA rfjose3........ 10.107 fib
3 .Iu ill Osho,.r, cK,tv'J 'of e;,x........ 4 LJ l:oullty debt ............. 10.172 28
3 S. Nelson Brown, bill,. s rvioes...... • • . 3 00 "
4 ]bollard Duiyec........'..... r,evr Coi:ifol.............. 4,043 01
3 00 " Canal floating 0014, un-
devolulp. 271, laws of
13 69 1850.................. 909 00
For New wark on canals and COUNTY AUDITS.
extra repairs......... 5,660 28
" Academies and schools.. 605 38 The followin
" Canal and gen'l fund def. 28,301 48 , g 19 all abstract of the
names of all persons who presented
Total State debt......... 15,807 54 hills to be audited li the the Board of
" Court expenses.......... 2,500 00 y
Fuel and gas, county Supervisors of Tompkins County, at
buildings............ 450 00 their annual session in November,1872,
" WillaruState natfcasy)mII.... 2,731 98 with the amount claimed and allowed:
' .Willard asylum .......... 2,031 00
" Idiot " 30 00
' Monroe county Pen.,.... 335 00
' School Com'rs........... 400 00
" Salary County Judge.... 2,500 00
" " Special Co. Judge 50 00
" Supervisor's Janitor..... 25 00
" " Clerk.....,. 100 00
" Incidentals,Judge's office 50.00
" Insurance county build-
ings ..... .. ... .... 120 00
Susquehanna valley home 13100
" Livery, county house.... 10 00
" Incidentals .............. 600 00
Supts. of the poor....... 2,000 00
" Deficiency in Co. Treas'y 457 27
" Fines to reimburse towns 1,849 0o
" District AtVy's salary.... 600 00
" Co. Treasurer's salary... 500 00
" Chaplain, Co, house:..,. 60 00
•` County audits.........,, 12,971 80 30.493 05
108,300 59
State tar..., .�.. .. , ....... $75,801 54
County tax .................. 30,493 05
106,300 59
On motion of Mr. Todd, Board ad-
SATUR'DAY, Nov. 23, 1872.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
all the winbers present. 0
Minutes of the previous day read and
On motion of Mr. Bates,
Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a com-
mittee ofthrae, whose duty it shall be to have
charge of and direct any improvements or re-
pairs, necessary for the convenience and preser-
vation of the county buildings.
The Chairman appointed Messrs.
Bates, Wolcott and Woodbury as such
committee, in accordance with forego-
ing resolution.
On motion of Mr, Rolfe,
Resolved, That the collectors of the several
towns in Tompkins county be requested by the
Board to settle with the County Treasurer, on or
before the 31st day of January, 1873.
The members of the Board then en-
gaged in preparing abstracts of the
amount of tax to be levied upon their
respective towns,
On motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved, That when this Board adjourns it be
to meet on the 6th day of December next, at 11
o'clock a, m.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved, That the Board adjourn until the 6th
day of Dec, neat, at'11 o'clock a, m.
No. Name. Nature, of claim
Claim'd All'd
1 John J. Peters, constable....
5 65 5 65
2 John W. Smith, " ....
15 40 15 40
3 0. K. Dean, " ....
4 45 4 45
4 David E. Smoke " ....
5 60 5 60
5 Andrew Smith, " ....
280 2 80
6 E. R. Nye, hall rent.........
25 00 25 00
7 Jackson Graves, school core.
5 00 6 00
8 Peck & Anderson, army r'nt
20 00 20 OD
9 Culver & Bates, supplies.....
70 06 70 06
10 Wm. Spence, teaauing, sand.
14 00 14 00
11 M. A. burdick, armorer....-.
33 00 33 00
12 Truman Spaulding, overseer
of the poor, lunacy........
13 H. W. Bull, M. D.. lunacy....
32 05 32 05
14 20 So 00
14 W. S. Smith, printing,.......
193 50 193 50
15 Oscar M. Wilson, printing....
262 25 212 25
16 H. D. Cunningham, printing
18 50 10 50
17 H. D. Cunningham, assigned
printing to Abel Buritt....
209 66 209 55
18 HenryKnettles,o rseerpoor
19 Cornell Library Issociation,
10 25 .10 25
armory rent ...............
300 00 300 00
20 Treman Brothers, Supplies..
22 30 22 30
21 Treman, King & Go supplies
513 02 513 02
22 J. B. Lull, armorer..........
15 oo 15 00
23 E. Lounsberry, armory rent
and services ...............
22 60 22 50
24 Jonah Sincepaugh, livery,
(Wait case) .................
4 00 4 00
25 E. M. Latta, cleaning guns,
66 50 50 00
26 F. G. Ault, cleaning guns Sec.
2 00 2 00
27 C. S. Minter, armory rent and
cleaning guns ..............
61 25 51 25
28 H. McDonald, cleaning guns
10 50 10 60
29 Weed, Parsons & Co., blanks
2 00 2 00
30 Noah Hollister, armory rent,
31 J.•M. Smith, administrator of
18 00 18 00
estate of Wm. 1V. Snyder.,
101 88 101 88
32 Bower & Miller, armory rent
40 00 '40 00
33 Wm. H. Lester, armorer....
10 50 to 50
34 G. H. Houtz, armory rent...
40 00 40 00
35 0. H. Howe, cleaning guns..
10 50 10 60
36 G. C. MoOlune, flagging
stone ......................
60 00 60 00
37 Selkreg & Apgar, Printing ... 1.377
401,377 40
38 Spencer & Williams " ...1,103
601,103 50
39 Lyon & Donnelly, costs......
764 02 754 02
40 J. H. Theal, armorer.........
9 30 9 30
41 M. D. Goodyear, M. D., medi-
Cal services ................
15 76 15 75
42 John Goodyear, services, lu-
nacy .......................
30 00 30'00
43 S. U. Jones, M. D., services,
lunacy .....................
30 00 , 30 00
44 M. D. Goodyear, M. D., aer-
vices and expenses........
20,04 20 54
45 0. Lanning, M. D., services,
' -
lunacy ........................
6 62 6 62
46 R. Lanning, M. D., services,
lunacy .....................
6 62 6 62
47 W. Fitch, services and ex-
penses, lunacy .............
39 94 31 94
48 E. 0. Moe, surgical attend-
ance .......................
97 00 97 00
49 A. Clapp, printing...........
237 00 216 00
50 E, C. Moe, M. D., services,
lunacy .....................
6 00 6 00
51 Andrus, McChain & Lyons,
103 Dana Rhodes, justice........
3 35 3 35
books, clerk's of ee........
179 82 179 82
104 Levi Leonard, ex -police con.
8 25 8 25
52 J. S. Biggs, M. D.. medical at-
105 Sidney Hopkins, justice.....
5 35 5 35
teudance ...................
7 00 7 00
106 Geo. D. Wait, constable......
2245 22 45
.53 J. J. Montgomery, medical
107 James Pringle, "
5 70 5 70
attendance, hmacy».......
10 00 10 00
108 Chas. Hausner, constable at
,64 J. J. Johnson, lunacy........
166 50 156 50
Ferguson execution.......
2 00 0 00
M Town of Danby, Drill room
109 S. G, Williams, constable...,
6 00 3 00
rent .......................
6o 00 50 00
110 H. N. Humiston, services,Bell
56 Selkreg & Apgar, printing su-
case .......................
5 00 5 00
pervisors' proceedings...'..
50 00 .50 00
111 H. L. Root, sheriff services..
360 67 360 67
W W. .1. Gulick, medical and
112 H. L. Root, sheriff; board and
surgical services...........
85 00 60 25
turnkey'sfees..............1,685 821,685 82
58 H. C. _ Williams, services re-
113 Geo. W. Wood, costs on ac-
' pairing court (muse........
18 00 18 00
count of game court.......
14 85 14 85
59 D. Dumont, drill room rent.
41 66 41 66
114 R, H. Fish, under sheriff....
400 07 362 51
60 Biggs, Stone & Gregg, drill
115. Win. Glenny, . supplies ......
17 50 17 50
room rent ..................
58 35 58 35
116 DudleyF. Finch, wall paper
61 P. H. Farrington,superinteml-
and stationery............
33 29 33 29
ent poor, services..........
172 00 172 00
117 Beers & Bush livery.:.......
6 00 6 00
62 J. G. Wortman, armory rent.
50 00 50 00
Us H. N. Humiston, services....
83 95 52 25
M. T. Denman, expenses
119 Anson Wait, services, deputy
supt, poor ..................
41 10 41 10
5 20 5 20
64 M. T. Denman, snpt. poor....
84 00 84 00
120 Chas. G. Day, justice........
78 85 78 85
65 Wm. Austin, Att'y...........
IO 00 10 00
121 D. Tarbell, Co, clerk..........-
87 20 87 20
66 L. H. Owen, rent of hall......
12 00 12 00
122 G. 1V. Wood, justice.........
111 32 96 f^
67 J. C. Gauntlett, supplies.....
26 72 26 72
123 D. Tarbell, Co. clerk.........
883 00 883 00
68 J. L. Whiten, supplies......
7 22 7 22
124 A.Neiclick, police constable..
122 40 101 40
69 Bostwick and Sisson, blinds
125 A. Neidick and others, police
65 04 65 04
27 35 20 25
70 A. F. Morton, overseer poor.
7 00 7 00
126 H. L. Root, damages to fur•
71 John Goodyear, med. serv's.
10 00 10 00
nitare........ ...........*"
28 00 , 28 00
72 E. R. Weaver, 11 118
00 8 00
127 C. W. Bates, Supervisor......
121.60 121 50
'73 Wilgus Bros. & Co. sup'Mies.
28 67 28 67
128 Jas. H. George, " ......
113 84 113 84
74 Amos Smith, livery, Wait
6 00 6 00
120 Nelson Stevens, " ......
127 70 327 70
75 Treman, Valentine & Green,
130 John Wolcott
131 Thos. Bower, " ......
Io7 10 10
126 42 126 42
supplies ...................
1 90 1 90
132 Josiah Hawes, ......
100 34 100 34
76 Aaron Bradbury, lime.......
18 00 18 00
133 S. B. Rolfe, " .,....
101 70 101 70
77 John Runfsey, supplies ......
76 87 76 87
131 John?. Todd, " ......
115 18 115 18
78 E. S. Rutnsey " ...
6 00 6 00
135 J. M. Woodbury " .....
111 00 Ill 00
79 Wilson & Mackey, painting,
136 Arson Grover, constable....
6 65 6 65
50 50 50 60
80 Fred. Randolph, labor and
material ...................
27 13 27 13
81 B. R. Carpenter, armorer....
io 00 10 00
82 Wilson & Mackey, labor ....
17 67 17 67
.83 J. D. Lewis, Coroner .........
25 00 25 00
84 Wm. C. Gallagher, medical
services ...................
30 00 30 00
85 Chas. O'Brien, paper hang-
ing .................... ma.
86 Ira Gardner, labor aua ma-
13 60 13 50
Abstract of the names of
all persons
168 75 168 76
who presented accounts to
be audited
87 James Semple, gas fitting.'..
88 A. T. Lyon, printing........
5 32 5 32
180 25 180 25
by the town auditors of the town Of
89 C. D. Johnson, brick.........
67 13 67 13
Caroline, on the 7th day of
00 Howard & Clement, furniture
clerk's otlice...............
11 50 11 50
1872, with the amounts
claimed by
bI Richard C. Hall, services, In-
each, and the amounts finally
]lacy ....... I ..............
92 Ira Gardner, repairs, county
18 00 18 00
No. Name Nature of claim.
ClId Mild
buildings ..................
46 50 46 50
1 Joseph Hamilton. Ov'r poor..
• 5 00 5 00
93 Geo. L: Stratton & Co„ sta-
2 Truman Spaulding, " " ..
47 92 47 92
tionery ....................
4 50 4 50
8 S. D. Stevens, assessor........
29 00 29 00
94 J. Edsall, labo........... ...
10 50 10 50
4 Wm. E. Davenport assessor..
24 00 24 00
4 00
•95 S. H. Peck, M. D., medical
5 Geo. F, Saunders, ins, election
4 00
services .............
6 00 6 00
6 R. G. H. Speed, ' "
5 00 5 00
96 S. P.'Sackett, M. D., medical
7 L. B. Phillips, " "
4 25 4 25
services.:...... ...
16 00 16 00
8 Dan. B. Gilbert, " "
4 00 4 00
97 C. H. Whaley, M. D., medical
9 D. B. Torrey, " "
4 00 4 00
services. ..............
33 00 33 00
10 S. V. Snow, "
4 00 400
98 Wm. Coryell, M. D.. medical
ll D. C. Timm, "
4 00 4 00
28 00 28 00
12 C. L. Davis, clerk............
4 00 4 00
99 W. W. Bull, M. D., medical
13 W. X. Carus, deputy sheriff...
9 08 9 08
services ................ ..
10 00 10 00
14 J. C. Yates, constable........
2 20 2 20
100 Mathew Bull, services, In-
15 Josephus Hasbrouck, house for
3.00 3 00
election ....................
15 00 15 00
Y01 J. D. Carpenter, undertaker,
16 M. C. Krum, ex-com highw's.
8 00 8 00
Ferguson case .............
28 36 28 38
11 George Muir, constable.......
34 05 34-05
102 M. M. Brown, coroner.......
129 76 123 75118
Henry Quick, ov'r poor.......
9 50 9 50
19 Dan. B. Gilbert, justice peace. 15 40 15 40 19 E. R. Palmer, house for elec.. 10 o0 10 00
20 John Davis, constable........ 11 60 11 60 20 W. D. Ellis, " " .. SO 00 10 00?
21 S. P. Ashley, attorney........ 5 00 5 00 21 G. H. Sperry, ov'r of poor.... 14 00 14 00
22 Wm. Curtis, balItt box....... 2 00 2 00 22, A. Ewers, ov'r of poor........ 39 50 39 50
23 Benjamin Hornbeck Bros., use 23 Moses Tyler, constable........ 9 83 9 83;
of house, election .......... 15 00 15 00 24 Enos Snyder, 11.. , , , • 2 00 2 00
24 John Norris, clerk election.... 4 00 4 00 25 Thomas LOrmOr, appraiser... 3 00 3 00
25 Richard Lounsber y, Justice. 16 00 16 00 26 Cyrus Knapp, assessor......, 50 00 ,50 00`
26 Benson Norris, insp. election. 4 00 4 00 27 A. Burlingame, " 58 00 58 00
27 C. L. Davis, town clerk....... 65 97 55 97 28 J. M. Smith, ex -supervisor.... 31 68 31 69
28 Mathew Bull justice.......... 29 95 29 95129 Wm, W. Snyder, ov'r poor... 10 00 10 00•
29 John Wolcoti, Supervisor... 1. 41 61 41 61130 Zachariall Roosa, error in tax
30 Chas. J. Rounseville, justice.. 31 00 31 00 1870 and 1871........I .:., 25 42 25 4B
31 B. G. Slater, constable........ 8 60 8 60 31 Lafayette Dusenbury, error in
- - in tax 1871................ 4 95 4 96
Total ........:................. $357 13 $357 13 32 J; G. Sutfin, error in tax, 1871. 19 80 19 80
We hereby certify that the foregoing abstract 33 Edward Thomas; error in tax
is correct in all respects. 1871............W ....t.ax 19 80 1980
34 Sally Lambertson, err or in ta
JOHN WOLCOTT, Supervisor, 1871............ . ........... 1 3o 1 30
C. L. Davis, Town Clerk, 35 Bradford Snyder, assessor.,., 59 oo 59 00
D. B. GILBERT, 36 R.M. Smiley, com, highways. 408 00 408 00
CHAS. J. RoursEvILLE, 37 Grove Moore, use of house
MATHEW BULL, town meeting...,...,• 50 00 50 W
RICHARD LoUNSBERRY, 38 John. H. George, damages for
Justices. Highways .................. 130 00 130 Co.
(Added by Supervisor,) 139 A. R. Mack, damage for high-
ways ...................... 249 94 249 94
C. H. Deuurtiells, excess highwayoftax ........... 8 23 40 S. M. George, damage for high-
way Curtis, com. highways.....,..... bl 00 way,,,,,.,,,,•••„•,•.•..• 250 00 250 00
John Cross, assessor ...................... 25 00
Joseph 0. Yates, constable ................ 2 80 1,556 37 1,556 37
Ransom Johnson, physician .............. 4 50 We hereby certify that tie foregoing abstract
91 53 is correct.
� J. H. GEORezS, Supervisor.
At the annual Town Meeting of the Gi. H. HOUTZ, Town Clerk,
town of Caroline, beld April 2nd,1872 x. WILCOX,
the following resolutions were passed:' A. H. W GE xaE,
Resofvecj,'Thatthe sum of two hundred and Justices.
Sfty d0llare, ($250) in addition to the sum of two At the annual town meeting of the
hundred and fifty dollars (�250) allowed by law, town of Dryden, held on 'Tuesday,
year iced for roads and bridges for the ensuing April 2nd, 1872, the following resolu-
Resolved, That the sum of one hundred dollars tiOUS Were passed:
($100) be raised for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. Resolved; Test the sum of flue hundred dollar® ($600) be levied and collected in said town for
C. L. DAMS, Town Clerk. the support of the poor for the ensuing year.
--- Resolved, That the sum of two tbousandone
DRYD N. hundred and fifty dollars, ($2,150,) in addition to
the two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) allowed
Abstract of the names of all persons by the statutes; be levied and collected in said
who presented bills to the Board ofensuing r the support of roads and bridges, for
TowirAuditors of the town of Dryden, The following resolutions were pass -
on the 7th day of November, 1872, with ed by the Board of Town Auditors, in
the amounts claimed and the amounts conformity with the provisions of 'sec -
finally allowed: tion 1, chapter 103, laws of 1858:
No. Names. services Claim'd All'd Resolved That the sum of five hundred dol-
1 John Kennedy, Insp. election 4 00 4 00 lars, ($500) be levied and collected in said town
.2 'Eli A. Spear, . " " 5 50 5 50 toward the construction of an Iron,bridge, known
8 H. Marvin, " g " 4 50 4 50 as the Sager Bridge.
4 J. N. Fox, " " 5 00 5 00 Resolved, That the sum of six hundred dollars,
6 J. Bartholomew, 5 50 5 50 ($600,) or so much thereof as shall be necessary,
6 J. V. Rose, �< « 4 30 4 30 be levied and collected in said town for the pur-
7 W. 0. Ellis, �� 4 25 4 25 pose of constructing a bridge over Virgil Creek,
S James Snyder, 5 50 5 50 near the residence of Bradford Kennedy.
9 John Snyder, 4 00 4 00 j hereby certify that the foregoing are
10 Wm. J. Smith, " " &c. 9 10 9 10 y y g $'
11 J. S. Barber, " " &c. 14 00 14 oo true copies of the originals.
12 Judson Beach, Clerk " 400 4 00 (CEO. H. HOUTZ
13 I. P. Ferguson, " " 4 30 4 30 ,
14 0. J. HIB, " `° 4 00 4 00 Town Clerk.
15 Isaac Creamer, " " 410 4 10Su 16 A. L. Tyler " '/ 4 00 .400 (Added by Supervisor.)
17 A. Snyder, " " 410 4 10 Bill of W. S. Smith, election notices...... 3 50
18 J. H. Cole, house for election.. 1000 10 00 " John Osborn, excess of tax...... .. 419
S. Nelson Brown, bill, Services..........
Richard Duryee.........................
(Added by Board of bupervisors.)
James H. George, Supervisor.........
George H. Houtz, Town Clerk....... .
A. W. George, Jnstice................
Hiram Benton, Justice . ..............
H. Wilcox, Justice ....................
3 00 4 S, B. Korts 11....
3 00 5 Elizabeth i anhlarter, house
for election..........
13 69 6 S. V. Graham, inep election..
7 S. D. Pnrdy,
53 66 8 Samuel Rolfe, poll clerk.......
20 12 9 Chas. Rolfe, `• "
8 40 10 James Carmichael, inspector.,
11 00 11 C. F. Kelsey, M. D., med serv.
18 56 12 S. V. Graham, ex -supervisor.
_ 13 Joshua S. Miller, town clerk.,
$121.73 14 Joel N Whitney, ex-ov'r poor
15 Edgar Brewer, R. R. com.....
16 Iease H. Newman
17 Wm. Miller,
18 David L. Baker, constable...,
We, the undersigned Board of Town
Auditors of the town of Dauby, count
of Tompkins, do hereby certify that
the following statement of the accounts
audited by them at their annual meet-
ing, held Nov. 7th, 1872, is correct:
No. Name. Nature of claim, Cluim'd, 'All'd.
1 Alfred Voss, assessor.......... 17 00 17 00
2 Jacob Wise, 18 00 i 18 00
3 Christopher Slocum, assessor. 18 00 1S 00
4 Geo. F. Howland, constable, 3 90 3 90
5 Geo. F. Nourse, Insp' election 4 00 4 00
6 A. W. Bennett, r 4 00 4 00
7 J. D. Fish, 4 00 4 00
8 Benj, Jerrmings, clerk 4,00 4 00
9 Homer Jenningsianitorofhall 43 00 43 00
10 Benj, J. Williams, town clerk. 40 25 40 25
11 D. A. Marsh, com. highways.. 36 00 36 00
12 Howell Bros., bill ............. 3 00 3 00
13 M. Handy, ov'r poor.......... 8 00 8 00
14 James Crager, dog tax refun'd 1 00
15 J. Hawes, supervisor.,....... 23 28 23 28
16 Chas. Howland, justice...... 8 45 8 45
17 A. Waddams, 7 85 7 85
18 L. Jennings, " ....... 8 30 8 30
19 J. Thatcher, " 6 10 6 10
20 Jotbam Vorhie, ov's poor .... 7 06 7 06
21 Clarence Slocum, constable. . 2 40 2 40
22 Eli Beers, M. D., med. attend. 9 00 9.00
23 Eli Beers, " " ,{ 6 00 6 00
24 Zebulon Smiley, tax refun'd.. 5 09 5 09
25 G. F. Howland, " " .. 3 41 341
Total ................................. $290 09
JOBIAH HAWES, Supervisor.
BEND. WILLIAMs, Town Cleric.
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented claims before the Board
of Town Auditors of the town of En-
field,on the 7th clay of November, 1872,
with the amounts claimed by each, and
the amount finally allowed by the
No. Names. Nature of claim. Umd All'd
I Hiel T. Haven-, constable.... 7 60 7 50
2 Beth B. Harvey, ex-com high's 2 00 2 00
3 Wm. A. Ammack,assessor.... 26 00 26 00
19 John M. Baker, justice........
20 .Wm. Marshall
y 21 J. G. Wortman, ex.supervisor
12 James Carmichael, auditing
18 00 18 An, 21 A. P. Lyon, printing 7 00 "An n
25 00
5 00
5 30
5 00
5 00
5 00
23 00
1 60
6 00
19 75
11 20
19 98
19 56
21 76
25 00
5 00
5 30
5 00
5 00
23 00
1 50
6 000
19 76
11 20
19 98
19 56
5 75
board ................... .. 2 00 2,00
23 Edmund Wetherby, com'r.... 65 00 65 00
24 James M. I arming, justice,... 13 00 13 00
25 John M. Baker, 16 00 16 00
26 Wm, Marshall, " 16 50 16 50
27 S: B. Rolfe, supervisor......., 25 00 25 00
28 Theo. J. Baker, town clerk. , , 33 95 33 95
. Total ........................ 406 25 406 25
We, the undersigned Board of Town Auditors
of the town of Nnfield, do certify that the forego-
ing abstract is correct.
Dated, Enfield, Nov. 7th, 1872.
S. B. ROLFE, Supervisor.
Justices of the Peace,
(Added by Supervisor.)'
S. B. Rolfe, supervisor .................... 7 00
Interest on Penn. & S. B. R. R............1, 750 00
1,757 00
Abstract of the names of. all persons
who presented accounts to
be audited
by the Board of Tgwn Auditors of. the
town of Groton, on the 16th
day of
November, 1872, with the amount
claimed by -each, and the. amount final-
ly allowed:
No. Names. Nature of claim.
CPmd All'd
1 Anson Wait; sheriff services..
. 13,00 13 00
2 E. R. Weaver, medical serv's.
10 50 10 50
3 E. C. Moe,
10 to 30 10
4 P. F. Har•t, justice............
4 05 4 06
5 Geo. Wait, constable...'.... .
it 45 11 45
6 John McKellar. assessor .....
86 00 36 00
7 A. F. Martin, ov'r poor.......
32 00 32 CO
8 D. V. Grose R. R. com ......
27.00 27 00
9 B. H. Wakeley " .. ......
18 00 18 00
10 S. G. Wilmot, poll clerk... ..
4.00 4 00
Si J. M. Reynold's, Insp, election
400 4 00
12 A. Avery, „
4 00 4 00
13 J. C. Brown, "
4 00 4 00
14 M. D. Fitch, clerk election,...
4 00 4 00
15 W. C. Allen, Inspector and
messenger ........... :. .:.
16 J. M. Tarbell, clerk of election
6 00 . 6 00
4 00 . 4 00
17 A. S. Stearns, Inspector......
4 00 4 00
18 S.,Houser, houee; election....
10 00 1000
19 R. Withers, excess tax, '71...
12 60 12 50
20 John Sellen, " •` "
1 60 1 60
22 G. A. Wilson, com, highways. 22 00 22 00
8 oodwm N. Brown, poll clerk
4 E. C. 60ymour, fnap,
4 00 4 00
23 J. G. Cobb, assessor.......... 32 00 32 60
2A R, Lanning, clerk election 4 00 4 00
5 Andrug, McChalll & Lyons,
4 00 4 00
25 C. D. Hart, •` .., 4 00 4 00
n. E. R. Nye, halt for election and
stationery„-,,,,,• ...
6 A. C. Weeley,honse, election
7 S. P. Sackett, board health...
12 31 12 34
. 15 30 15 31
town meeting .............. 25 00 .25 00
27 Richard Morgan, excess tax.. 26 75 21 93
6 H. W. l,usi n, ins eleetron,.
9 J. L. Baker, poil ciillL Alsta'r
3 00 3 00
4 00 4 00
28 D, W. Woodbury, inep.' elect. 5 60 5.50
29 A. G. Williams, town clerk... 2 25 2 25
10 Albert Phillips, poll Clerk....
11 Allen Gray, clerk election....,
40 4 50
Soil. D. Silencer,insp, election.. 4 00 4 00
31 Porter F. Morton, excess tax. W 50 4 10
12 L. V. B. Maurice,inap, etect..
13 H. R. Kenyon,
8 8 00
4 00 4 00
32 A. M. Francis, com. highways 57 00 57 00
33 John Goodyear, M. D.,medical
14 W. W. Avers,
15 Stephen %ioung, poll clerk..**
4 00 4 00
4 0o 4 00
services ....... 16 50 6 00
34 M. D. Goodyear, M.D„medical
16 Certificate David Colegrove,
4 00 4 60
services .................... 18 35 9 00
35 J. C. Hatch, aseesor.......... 3200 32 00
com, highways .............
17 Chas. D. Johnrun insp. elec..
I8 P. M. Blodgett,cunrtahle.....
1404 81 1404 81
4 00 4 00
19 Levi Leonard, police con. '71.
18 90 18 90
80 85 80 86
455 98
We, the undersigned Board of Auditors of
30 Frefl Mc Whorcet,, ex -town c'lk
21 L. S. McWhorter & Sou,
It 75 28 76
town of Groton, do hereby certify that the with-
In named bills were audited by us on this 7Lh day
on town clerk's desk.......
22 Howard & Clement...
12 60 12 50
of November, 1872.
23 Sam'1 btoddard, ex-ov'r poor.
M James Comfort, tax refunded.
9 00 9 00
134 60 134 60
D. M. BAosus, Town Clerk.
25 R. R Howell, transferred to F.
6 07 .. 6 07
Brooke; services....... ...
26 M. M, Brown,ll otter
9 90 9 90
21 O6 211 56
V H. D. Cunningham, printing„
2 00 00
28 M, M Brown, M, D., transfer -
At the annual town meeting of the
29 E. red toBeers,
town of Groton, held at Nye's Hall, on
30 B R. Williams, inspector....
10o 00 100 Lit
4 00 4 00
the 2nd dayof A ril . 1872 the follow
April, +
3t Ithaca Democrat, printing....
32 Selkreg
2 60 2 s0
ing resolution was adopted:
&Apgar, printing,,..
33 L. F. Colegrove, assessor•.....
1 00 7 00
86 60
Resolved, That the sum of two hundred dol-
be raised for the support of the poor of said
34 Peter Kline, assessor.........
3e Holmes & Stamp,rent & board
36 Dr.
86 00
96 00 96 0lore
265 00 265 00
W m. Corti ell, me. attend.
37 Geo. W. Wood, justice peace.
88 R. H. Fish,
196 00 196 00
74568 745 58
Town Clerk.
under pherrti'.....
39 H. D. Cunningham, printing„
119 25 112 26
1 60 1 60
(Added by Supervisor.)
40 Treman, Valentine &•Green.,
41 David Colegrove, for sundry
2 80 2 80,
1 C. H. Marsh, supplies for poor.......... 40 14
bihs of VanH outer & How-
2 Ezra Halsey, serving warrant, &c...... 110
land, $3.19, W. W. Esty,019,
3 Jerome Hathaway, R. R. Commissioner, 5 00
4 D. B. Marsh, use. of house, election..... 10 00
60, I. M. & F. Beers, $1,64.
'A• Bing & Son, $14.06, Wil-
li A. Backus. R. R. Commissioner........ 5 00
liams Bros:, $48.97, John
6 Wm. H. Burnham, `` b 00
Interest on Ithaca and Cortland R. R.
Ramsey, $7.64, G. C. Mc -
Clans, $67.41,Treman.King
bonds ........................... ..... 1,050 00
& CO., $21.74, amounting to
42 A, N. Hangerford,
184 1&
1116 24
poll clerk..
43 Fred'k Brooks, ov'r poor......
4 00 4 OO
7 00 7 00
(Added by Board,)
44 H. C. Williams, ex Supervisor
69 73 69 7a
Nelson Stevens, Supervisor........:.. 46 00
Nelson Stevens Excise Tax..........
45 D. J. own clerk's livery nd rent
o n cle
33 00 33 00
30 67
D. B. Backus, 'Town Clerk ....... $14 50
46 Beers liver
47 Chas, G. Da • . ..
3 a
Sidney Hopkins, Justice......... .•••' 18 00
y constabl .......
48 Seth Warner, constable,......
I60 61 160 61
P. F. Hart, Jnetrce...........
W. D. Mount, Commissioner.•......... O
49 Asa M.
1030 10 30
56 24 55
13 525
W. D. Mount, Justice....... 25 00
50 Commissioners of the town of
A.B. Rodgers, Justice.*. . 19 00
Ithaca, for. the I, & A. R.R.
51 Noah Hollister.:.............
120 00 120 00
- - 52
$191 67 53
Eli Beers, M. D........ .
Jos, M. Lyons, insp. election,
42 00 42 25,
2 25 2 25
4 00 4,00
Samuel B. Beers, assessor.... 200 0o 200'00
S. P. Sackett, M. D., for O, p..
Samuel B. Beers ..............
3 00 3 00
3 00 3 00
Abstract of the names of all persons 57
H. N.,Humiston, dep. const..
6 90 6 90
who presented claims to be audited by
Neidick, Van tiles. &
'Milks, police conetablee... 48725
487 26
the Board of Town Auditors of the 59
Seaman. Neidick and VanOr-
town of Ithaca, on the 7th day of Nov., 60
der, police constables...... 202 00 202 00
B. W. Squires, Constable...... 1 1
1872, with the amount claimed by each 61
25 26
Henry H. Howe, justice........ 172 85 17285
and the amount finally allowed: 62
Chas. Hausner..:.............
3 60 3 50
No. Name. Nahrre of claim, 01'md. All'd. 64
James Cook, lumber.... ..
Chas. G. Day, justice.........
15 00 15 00
78 00 78 00
1 Fred, Brooke, ov'r poor ...... 1444 05 1444 06 66
2 Lyon & Donnelly, att fees..
Frank le
A N.. gerfora, justice tax ..
76 00 76 0
y to 00 10 C067 Geo-,W. Wood, services......
74 0o 7400
68 Chas. W. Bates, supervisor... 48 00 48 00
69 Ai G. Seaman, town clerk.... 95 42 95 42
70 Horace L. Root, Sheriff....... 32 15 32 15
Certificate to F. Brooks,ov'r poor 1050 00
$8,168 55
We hereby certify that the foregoing abstract
is correct.
CHARLES W. BATEe, Supervisor.
AI G. SEAMAN, Town Cleric.
(Added by Snpervisor.)
Wm. Byington, military tax refunded.... 27 00
Amos Smith, livery, by order of Col -
grove ........... .. .. ........ 2 00
John M. Scott, labor on bridge near But- j
termilk Falls ........................ 12 00
John Masters, lumber .................... 8 00
Interest on •Ithaca & Athens R. R.
bonds ................... .......... 21,000 00
Interest on Geneva & Ithaca R. R.
bonds .........................7,000 00
• 28,049 00
We, the undersigned Board of Town
Auditors of the town of Lansing, do
hereby certify that the following state-
ment of the accounts audited by us, at
our annual meeting,this 7th day of
Nov., 1872, is correct:
Cl'md All'd
1 John W. Smith, constable.....
8 00
8 0j
2 David Crocker, inspector.....
4 00
4 00
3 Wm. H• Fitch, clerk..........
4 00
4 00
4 Benton Brown, insp. else....
5 00
5 00
6 Chas. H. Bacon, `
4 00
6 Jas. H. Ross, " " ....
4 00
4 00
7 Wilson D. Williams, ....
4 00
4 0o
8 Jas. M. Barring, 11
4 00
4 00
9 Geo. W, Teeter, " "
4 00
4 00l
10 John T. Knettles, clerk elect.
4 00
4 00
11 Wm. N. Buck, poor supplies..
14 00
12 Lamson Hedden clerk elect...
13 Daniel Lane
4 00
1 75
4 00'
14 Mosher Weaver, constable ....
1 76
15 S. S. Drake, poor supplies....
7 00
7 0o
16 J. W. Collins, assessor... ...
16 40
16 40
17 Richard Brown, assessor......
36 00
36 00
18 J. L. Drake, highways........
15 12
15 12
19 Henry Miller, house election.
15 00
15 00
20 Mervin Bower, assessor......
32 00
32 00
21 C. P. Farlin, med. attendance.
21 50
21 50
22 Soloman Price, labor.........
15 00
15 00
23 Chas. Dates, clerk elec.... ...
4 00
4 00
24 W. DeCamp, house election...
25 aD, S. Bush, excess tax........
6 00
6 94
6 00
6 94
26 0. M. Avery, ex -town clerk...
6 25
6 25
27 John W. Pratt, lnsp. elec.... r
5 25
5 25
28 Frank Crocker, cl'k election..
4 00
4 00
29 Henry Teeter, inspector......
4 00
4 00
30 Jas. A. Burr, use of house....
45 00
45 OJ
31 Harriet Butler, for poor.......
37 00
37 00
32 A. H. Clark, R. R. Coin .......
8 00
8 00
33 Thomas Roes, use of house...
10 00
10 00
34 J. W. Holden, excess tax.....
2 36
2 36
35 J. Havens & Co., labor bri'ge
23 16
23 16
36 Henry Knettles, ov'r poor....
79 13
79 13
31 D. T. Barr med, attendance..
53 00
53 00
38 Williams, R. R. Corn..
39 J. B. Bogardus, 11 " ..
37 85
12 00
37 85
12 00
40 Egbert Williams, assessor,.... 35 50 85
41 M. M. Bristol, constable...... 18 65 iq
42 Amapa Wood, labor on bridge 5 00 5 05
43 Warren Seeley, corn. highways 119 00 119
44 C. G. Hagin, R. R. Core....,. 83 00 33 00
45 Sam'1 Stoddard, poor supplies 18 00 18 05
46 Beers & How ard. counsel fees 60 50 60 60
47 A. W. Smith, town clerk..... 14 30 14 80
48 J. H. Conklin, justice........ 18 00 18
49 Darius Hall ................... 14 00 140
50 Darius Hall, med. attendance. 4 36 4
51 J. M. Woodbury, justice...... 16 00 16 00
52 Joshua Brown; I • ...... 12 70 12 70
53 Nelson Chittenden, damages„ 24 63 24 63
54 J. M. Woodbury, supervisor.. 88 76 88 76
I certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of
the original now on file in my office.
ASA W. SMITH, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor,)
Frederick Brooks, poor master..........,. 79 00
Milo Goodrich, counsel fees ............... 125 00
P. 0. Moe, poor tax 42 6o
Interest on the New York, Oswego & Mid-
landl.Railroad ........................6,996 58
Highways and bridges ....................2,250 00
9,493 81
At a special meeting of the town
board of the town of Lansing, held at
Burr's -Hall, at Ludlowville, in said
town, on the 6th day of May, 1872, by
request of the commissioners, all the
members of the board present, it was
Resolved, That the town board of said town
hereby give their consent that the said Commie.
sioners contract with the King Iron Bridge' Co,,
of Cleveland. Ohio, for the erection of a single
track iron bridge across Salmon Creek, north of
the village of Ludlowvflle on the so called creek
road, near the dwelling of Amasa Wood, at an
expense not exceeding two thousand dollars.
Abstract of the names of
all persons
vho presented accounts to be audited
)v the Board of Town Auditors of the
;own -of Newfield, on the 7th day of
ITovember, 1872, with the amount
claimed by each, and the amount final-
y allowed:
To. Name, Nature of Claim,
Cl'md All'd
1 John W. Dean, Clerk Board of
Assessors . ............
14 00 1400
2 George Savercool.ex assess't.
427 4 27
3 Jonathan Stamp, use of house
25 00 25 00
4 Wm. E. Farmer ...............
476 4 75
5 Oney Dassance, assessor .....
29 38 29 38
6 W. R. Smith, Ov's poor.......
4 00 4 00
7 John Beardsley, assessor.....
33 00 33 00
8 Abram W. Brown, assessor...
80 00 30 00
9 Samuel Dudley, Commissioner
38 00 38 00
0 Obed A. Seeley, "
41 00 41 00
1 Wm. C. Douglas, "
8 00 8 00
2 Samuel Colegrove, constable.
6 00 6 00
3 Alva Brown, use of house.....
10 00 7 00
4 C. C. Cook ex -Supervisor....
23 58 23 58
5 Rob't Alexander, insp. elect..
400 400
6 Simon Frees " ,.
4 00 4 OD
7 Jason Carman, " ..
4 00 , 400
8 Dana Dean, ` " ,.
400 4 00
9 Augustus Albright," " ..
400 400
0 George Ham, " " ..
4 00 4 00
John Cornohn isherk election..... 4 00 4 00 29 L. D. Krum, assessor.........
Augustus Brown, " 4 00 4 00 30 M. A. Burdick, excess tax.....
Nathaniel Henry, " 4 00 4 00 31 D. R. McLarlen
Corn.of,highways,disburs'ts.. 596 68 596 68 32 N. H. Smith,
Dean Starr, use of house... 30 00 30 00 33 J. C. Fish, constable..........
B, Barnes, bill ................ 50 . 60 34 J. D. Boughton, corn. highw's
— 35 Chae. B Douglass, insp, elec..
938 16 935 16 36 G. J. McLellan, clerk election
`9e hereby certify that the foregoing abstract 37 LeRoy Trembly, use of house.
is correct. 38 Isaac Bnllard, 11 11 ,
J. P. TODD, Supervisor.
;Wu. F. FARMER, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
p. S. Dudley, R. R. Commissioner........ 17
Amos D. Shaflbr, " ........ 16 1
jlferritt Icing, " ........ 17 ;
Jolln Gillett, overseer of the poor......... 20 1
Interest on Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay R.
bonds ................................ 3,640 1
(Added by Board of Supervisors.)
John P. Todd, Supervisor........... $30
.John J. Cornish, Justice .............. 151
Benjamin Starr Justice......... . .. 22;
'Nelson Cutter, Yustice................ 9
Win. E. Farmer, Town Clerk......... 41
John W. Dean, Justice ................ 18,
Abstract of the names of all- persons
who presented accounts to be audited
by the Town Board of the town of
Ulysses, on Thursday, Nov. 7th, 1872,
lvith the amount claimed by each and
the amount finally allowed : . —
AB'd.l FRIDAY, Dec. Gth, 1872.
39 T. Boardman, R. R. Com.....
40 H. D. Barto, " " .....
41 P. H. Farrington,' `• .....
42 Warren Halsey, coin..........
12 00 12 00
44 13 13
5 46 46'46
SO 00 10 00
18 08 18 08
32 90 32 90
18 00 18 00
4 00 4 go
4 00 4 00
600 600
46 00 46 00,
39 90 39 90,'
26 65 " 26 65
27 60 27 50
24 00 24 00
No. Name. Nature of Claim.
1 J. M: Farrington, M. U., sera.
58 25
2 J. D. Lewis, M. D.............
45 50
3 Elias Smith, ov'r poor .......
7 50
4 Elias. Smith,. clerk election ...
4 00
5 Thomas Vann, com........:..
20 00
16 H. B. Chase, M. D., med. sere
16 50
7 H. B. Chase, small pox case..
24 00
8 Miner T: Rolfe, insp. election.
9 50
9 Oscar K. Dean, constable.....
75 50
10 John Vanderbilt, excess tax..
5 46
11 Geo, Rightmire Insp.elect...
12 G. H. Stewart I sons, ballot
7 00
boxes .....:............ ...
9 00
13 S. G. Williams, constable.....
10 00
14 L. B. Curry, assessor. . ........
30 00
15 Ephraim Allen, sheep killed by
dogs .........::..::::......
' 19 00
16 VanRensaellar Burlew, sheep
Rilled by dogs...:.........
31 00
17 Doctor Tarbell, reg. bonds....
49 00
18 A. H. Q.urgley,ov'r poor......
19 Dr, B. burning......... ...
9 50
8 25
20 E. Q. Creque, &� sheriff...:.
21 0. M.
20 25
Wilson, election notices
22 Wm. Austin, attorney ..
2 00
12 00
M David E. Smoke, constable....
25 85
24 N. B. Gifford, insp, else,....
4 35
25 L. H. Owen, use of hall.......
3 00
'26 Smith & Daggett, use of house
20 00
27 E, S. Pratt, assessor...........
39 00
883 93
The town voted to raise $500 in
tion tol.the $250 allowed by law
lmmissioner of Highways.
Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
P. Sears, use of house, excise board, 3
days ................... .. .........
6 00
lson Noble, inspector of election......
4 00
n. N. Noble, clerk of election.........
4 00
L. Root, Sheriff .......................
3 40
H. Fish, under sheriff ................
22 00
C. Taylor, clerk of election............
4 25
C. Taylor, town clerk .................
9 50
:crest on Penn. & Sodus Bay Railroad
bonds ........ :.......................
6,250 00
(king lured ............................
750 00
6,053 15
(Added by Board of Supervisors.)
omas Bower, 2nd, Supervisor......
$67 68
muel Berlew, Justice ....... .......
26 40
cob Carman, Justice,. .......
30 35
G..Cooper. '.own Clerk............
46 00
phen Clough, Justice..............
35 89
R. Emery, Justice ..................
86 00
$292 32
58 25 The Board of Supervisors of Tomp-
kins county met at their rooms at 11
4 0o a. m,, and was called to order by the
20 0o Chairman, all the members present.
16 5o The Board then engaged in com-
pleting their tax lists nin signing
75 so and comparing the town orders for
7 00 their respective towns, after which the
9 0o Board adjourned until 2 P. m,
30 00 Board met at 2 p. m., roll called by
is oo the Clerk, all the members present.
31 0o The minutes of the previous day were
49 oo read and approved, after which* the
s 2e members were engaged in preparing
20 25 and Signing the collectors' warrants
2 0o for the different towns.
12 00 The official bond of Geo. H. Bristol
25 85 ,
4 35 County Treasurer, was presented by
20 0o the Chairman, and accepted unani-
39 00 mously.
i iV
R o motion of 31r. Wolcott, Schools.........
Resolved That t Bounty Debt .. 410 38
and are berehv tenderehatoJo hih Haw eAChair' New Ca �it.ol..., i60 21
®an, for the O1gn,ned, able end impartial manner ['anal FIoattng Debt......., , fib 55
an which he has di+ehatbea the duties of his po- New work on Canale,and extra 37 47
eition. Repairs..... ..
On motion of M1, Academtee'and Union Schools, 233 17
BO�ver, Canal and General Fund def.. , 20 82
Resolved, That the tbanits Of this Board are County exuenses ...::::••.Total Staie Tax 1+166 gg
hereby tendered to l C. V'anKtrk, for the faith Town exoeueee................ 3,122 gnk,eischargedhisdafaecorymannerI,whichhe Highways,.,,,,•,• 1,256
Brae discharged his dntie+ as clerk, 413
OIl Motion
of Air. Poor...... 200
Wolcott, the Board
Int. on Pa. & S, B, R. R. bonds 40
adjourned a)ine, die. 1,750
Abstract bf charges against the sev-Purposes.... c-. 0 t.
eral towns, as audited b General
y the Board: SchoolsDebt.*.*.,*
929 21
Bounty Debt ................... 1,486 76
OAROLixE. New Capitol......
General Purposes .......:...... $967 56 renal Floating Debt.,,.;,'„; 371 69
Schools. • _ , New work on Canals, and extra 83 83
Bounty Debt .......: ....... 467 66 Repairs.....
WowCana Capitol ................... 187 03 Canal and General Fund def,s 620 86
748 11 Academies and IInion Schools. 46 46
Canal Floating DebC..• „... 42 0
Newworkoil Canale;•andextra 7 Total State Tax,,. 2160183
Repairs.... County expenses...- ........... 6,969 15
Academies and Union Schools, 261 852,803 2g
Canal and General Fund def , , Poor.. . 29 88 Town expenses ................ 102 02
Total State Tax • •.. , 1+309 17 Highways..:....... 200 00
County xpensea.... • ' 8,506 73 Town Audits .................. 250 OD
Town Expenses ................ 1,410 65 Returned Tax...,,,,,,, 713 89
Highways 448 66 Int. On I. & C. R, R: bords....
Overseer of Poor...... , 560 00 lnt. on, S. C, R. R. bonds....... 1,050 00
Returned Tax.... 100 00 3,500 00
2 25 Total...........
GeneralDANRY. $6,01819 ITHACA. .
schools Purposes.,.,• General Purposes:... .............. 3,111 46
Schools.... 504 76 Schools.... Deb ............. BonntyDebt'„* .."""'•••••'• 50476 Bounty Debt .... ...........,;..3,11146
New Capitol .... ............ 867 %, New Capitol ...................1,244 68
Canal Floating Debt.... 201 91 Canal Floating Debt......... , New work on Canals, and extra 45 43 New work on Canals, and extra 280 OS
Repairs.... Repairs........... 1,742 41
Canal Academies and Union Schools. 282 67 Academies and Union Schools. 156 67
Canal and General Fund def.. , . 1 25 24 Canal and General Fund clef... 8'156 11
Amount of State Tax..... ,, +C3 Total State Tax........... County expenses.,, 3,785 74 County expenses........,, 23,335 96
Town expenaea"" 1,622 78 Town audits......... 9,386 74.
Highway...................290 O9 Certificate to over poor......., 7,159 56
Re'. �ected' Tax ::...... 250 00 Returned Tax ................. 1,050 00
SnPPort of Poar....... 1 05 Supt. Poor... .................. 43 46
......76 49 Support of poor ................ 363 45
TotaL .... __ Highways 1,000 00
..x...• :$5,926 15 Int.,onI. & li Ri Ii boucle..... 250 00
General pu DRYnE 21,000 o0
Schools rposee...,.. 1.84718 7,000 00
Bounty Debt......, - 4 11547 18 -
New Cappitol..., .. ... • • • 2,475 5s $70,589 16
Canal FlOatinPurposes.
ganal*.,,•,""' 18988 schooliP...... s..............1,42635
New work on Canals, and extra 1d9 26 schools ........................ 1,426 35
Repatra,.., Bounty Debt .................. 2,282 16
Academies and IInion Schools, 866 43 New Capitol ................... 570 64
Canal and General Fund def.', , 4 7726 Canal Floating Debt.......... 128 37
Total State•Tax.,,,, 2 26 New work on Canals,,ancl extra
County expenses :..:........... 11,604 02 Repairs ........... 75
Town expenses 4,667 64 Academies and Union Schools. 711 31
Superintendent of Poor....... 1,691 79 Canal and General Fund def... 3,903 80
support of Poor....::801 28 Total State Tax........,
Highways..., 500 00 County expenses .............. 10,697 63
Returned Tax • • ""''' •'... • • 3,500 00 Town audits............ 4,303 06
1,297 O1
Total.... 44 41 Highways and Bridges........ 2,260 00
Rdurned Tax.. ............... 60 86
.................. $22,309 14 Pool•,.........
General p EI7FIELD. Int. on R. R. bons......... 70 26
Purposes.. 416 38 6,996 b8
Total ........... ................... $26,675 79
• �5
The following table exhibits the assessed val-
General Purposes .............. 595 26
nation of all the incorporated companies in
the county of Tompkins for the
8o1'e ols........................ 535 26
g,y,iuty Debt ................... 856 42
year 1872, and
the amount of taxes levied oil each, as corrected
New Capitol ................... 214 10
by the Board of Suoerviaors, at their annual sea.
Canal Floating Debt........... 47 93
sion in December,1872:
New work on Canals, and extra
s" ty C C
Repairs ........... .. .. 299 76
Academies and Union Schools. 26 76
m up a a Q o
Canal and General Fund clef... 1,498 79
Total State Tax........... 4,014 47
" "
County expenses .............. 1,614 78
Town audits .................. 1,142 sl
d ���� H 4� Vb V da J �
pool•..... Tax ................ 60 99
getmned Tax ........... ... 39 78
kr• p'R'm O51 p,, tY p'O H.
m t+m c"', o � ��'i�n rc; c]rm p p m
R 2 cr'U �rnp p w �t+2 P"
jut. on Pa. & S. B. R. R, bonds 3,640 00
8P rpnp ci�i4 -�8+�
Total ........ ......................$10,61263
�• �•
�`•"lmm,�jom�`V'dp7J:Jyd� t�
W c m •
General Purposes...........
o *o �'
Wo w•m
Schools ........................ 1,169 47
Bounty Debt................. 1,871 15
o IV, o'�o 0] 0. p' c
?t: �: 9 ��
New Capitol ................... 46778
0' m°' c]:) �[ 0
Canal Floating Debt........... 105 25
o �; o • : o c
New work on Canals, and extra
�; o • tl
Repairs ........... .... .. 654 90
Academies and Union Schools. 58 47
; Q: p
. j o .
Canal and General Fund clef... 3,274 51
Total State Tax........... 8,771 00
. ,
County expenses .............. 3,528 08
. . ..: '
Town expenses ............... 1,239 40
- --
Supt. Poor .................:... 100 88
Returned Tax ................. 4114
Highways......... 760 00
"' wo_ "'w' °w°,ccn�ct'nto
.: c+iP."w
°' oo. 00000tuo
lot. on Pa. & S. B. R. R. bonds 5,260 00
000mG p,�*
-z oo• ' oo 0
Sinking Fund ................•• 750 00
or ocn0000000
wloG• . . � 0000w00000000l '"'
m a ww wcn cn.l-'m.
wcn tao
$20,433 50
o 000 000• o
O OOOG 00• o
Caroline ............................... $6,018 19
Danby................................. 6,926 15
Dryden ................................ 22,309 14
Enfield ................................. 6,783 04
Groton ................................. 15,611 93
-Ithaca ............... 70,689 16
Lansing ................................ 25,675 79
Newfield ............................... 10,512 63
illysses..................... !........... 20,433 50
$183,859 53
ofNOoo�ooil-w o:3�o0�oo'-�j� m
oo$000000�oo�00000mol �'
aai+ moow w.+w cmo +•+ H
en to wornaoon wa>oy,p m.+:0 ,'�,P� p
o Na o,P.000ma�rnco o.•-t tn� w..a eeJb' H
m0000 omo, t�eo.+moen taom-ate
I certify that the foregoing statement
Dec. 7, 1872. Supervisors' Clerk
qZt~ 4�t7Cty'
anditedby the Boar 0 Supervisors of Tomp-
S � G
kins County,to the members there,of, within
the past year,the items and nature of uch com
U Q m
pensadonI the number of days the Board has
been in session, and thenumberof miles trav-
elled by the members respectively, in attending,
County Canvass and the meetings of the
ry0"-i (�l7y. ,a00 .:m
�c�cQ'•�.�n ii �. co''ic aW.-,
0 'yo m� �
�� U � �
Ot4 N
L?rpF•2�n1{a�w O.�j
t-j• e�UJ
-01�0:1*�P QJ�GCT
-1 �{t~H I�l7 t�Jd C:
Days with Co. Cau'r
Days with Board.
CJl q, Clt Cn Jt �, OI
Per diem allowance.
a � o o «, � c,= 37i_es traveled.
2�2��Ul GJ t�to l�N
Copying roll.
OOu� 000,00
o�00000 oo
o c000000
'Y hereby certify that the Board of Supervis
ors of Tompkins County,were in session two day,
in making County Canvass, and fifteen and om
half days in November,1S72, as a Board of Super
visors, and that the number of miles necessaril,
travelled by the members of the Board in per
formance of their duties, is as above stated, and:
further certify, that no accounts were audited b:
said Board, without being properly verified ac
cording to law.
E. C. VAN fiIR,Ii,
Clerk of Board of Supervisors, Tompkins Co.
U '
H 1�
U t4 ;
Acres of land.
ssessed value of R. m
real estate. p ij
ssessed value of a m 5
personal estate. ro p
o, o� �wao•.mm�oo�
Amount of town
IF> Cn�CU COP 2�0��
Amount of county
o-� �i�!�".-aen taxes.
S oao�V28- .aacn
o OO=Amoum
for SCh0o1S.
m �a�`�,-�""n o�'•..�.•m wau��
c�cu ,c000�cocn
� ct�o
c o�
of state
taxes, exclusive of
school tax.
o. o�FM'
w oo�o_
w ri u o o
A gregate taxation.
.` I
`C '
Rate of tax m 61
µ a
I, E. C. Van Kirk, Clerk of the Bo<
of Supervisors of the County of Tompki
do hereby certify that the preceding i
true statement of the Aggregate Val
ion of the Real and Personal Estates
the several Towns and Wards in s
County, as corrected by said Board
Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting
the month of November, 1872.
E. C. VA.NKIRK, Clerh