HomeMy WebLinkAbout1868P ) ) PROCEEDINGS OF TITE ( T -'H: OF TITE 1 COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, FOR nu YEAR 1 , ,--.----J 4 JOHN M. SMINII, CEA) RAI AN. ,. a S. 11. WILCOX, CLERK. 1 1 ____ ITHACA, N. Y.: i THACA JOURNAL POWER PTIESS PRINT, , a 1868. PROCEEDINGS *CO COUN OF THA' OF THE toiotto TY OF TOMPKINS, FOR THE YEAR JOHN M. SMITH, CHAIRMAN. S. H. WILCOX, CLERK. ITHACA, N. Y.: ITHACA JOURIYAL POWER PRESS PRINT: 1868. Supervisors—Special Session, .The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met in Special Session at the Court House, in the -vil- lage of Ithaca, on the 13th day of July, 1868. On calling the roll, the following members answered to their names : Dryden—Ram M. SMrrH. • Ithaca -DAVID L. BURNT. . Caroline—LYMAx KINGMAN: Ulysses—LEvi H. OwEN. Enfield=SAacuEL V. GRAHAM.. Newfield—Axn1u w J. WHITE. Danby—JosIAH HAWL+S. Groton—WALTER FP. WHITE. Lansing—J. BRIIYN BOGARDUS. The Board then proceeded to the election of a permanent Chairman by ballot, whereupon JOHN M. SMITn, of Dryden, was elected. The Board then proceeded to ballot for a (perk in the place of J. W. Stans- bury, resigned, with the followii,g re- sult : T. F. Crane 5 C. H. Wixom..... 4 The Board then proceeded to the consideration of the repairs and im- provements mprovements to the County Poor House, On motion of Mr. Burtt, Rssolved, That the committee abandon the idea of using a furnace in the County House, and use stoves. Passed unanimously. On motion of Mr. White, of Groton, Resolved, Tliat the building committee be instructed to furnish a suitable bath -room for the convenience of the paupers. Passed unanimously. On motion of L. H. Owen, of Ulysses, Resolved, That the Sheriff be empowered to make the necessary repairs to the Court House Passed. On motion of Lyman Kingman, of Caroline, Resolved, That the Sheriff provide blinds for the two outside doors of the Jail, and sub- mit the'bills for the same for payment, to the Board. Passed. On motion, adjourned. T. F. CRANE, Clerk.. Supervisors—Annual. Session, The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met in annual Session at their room in the; Court Rouse,; `in the'irillage of Ithaca, on the 10th clay of November, 1868, and was called to order by the Chairman. On calling the roll the following members were found to be present : Dryden—Joan M. SMITA. Ithaca—DAvn L'. BURTT. Caroline—. L' YMAN KINGMAN. Ulysses—Lvi H. OwDx Enfield—SAuuEI. V. GRAIIau. Newtleld—ANDREW J. WHITE. Danby—Soma HAWES. Groton—WALTER W. WHITE. Lansing—J. BRurN BOGARDL S. A communication from Mr. T. P. Crane, Clerk of Board, was . received, tendering his resignation—which was accepted. On motion of :Air. L. ' H. Owen, Mr. S. H. Wilcox, was then elected Clerk of the Board by a Unanimous vote. On motion of Mr. A. J.,White, Resolved, That the Chairman be requested o appoint in addition to the committee usual- ly appointed, a committee to consist of three members, to examine and report in regard to the indebtedness of this County. On motion of Mr. Bnrtt, Resolved, That a committee of three be ap- pointedby the.Chairman, to attend: to the in- surance of the County buildings. • On motion of Mr. Owen, Resolved, That all resolutions of the Board be presented in writing. On motion of Mr. Owen, Resolved, That all County ;orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the Chair- man ; and all Town orders by the Supervi- sors of the respective towns. On motion of Mr. W. W. White, Resolved, That the daily hours of meeting be fixed as follows : Morning hour, 9 o'clock ; afternoon hour, 2 o'clock evening hour, 7 o'clock. On motion ,adjourned until oto -mor- row morning. Wednesday, Nov. lltli, '68. Board met piirsuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. The Chairman then announced the following standing committees : On &lierif" s, Clerk's, Constables' and Justices' Accounts. -Messrs. Burtt, Graham and King- man. On Treasurer's Accounts. -Messrs. Hawes, White (Newfield), White (Groton.) On Equalization.—Messrs. Owen, Burtt, Graham, Bogardus, White (Groton.) On Poor House- and Superintendent's Re- ports.-iI essrs. 'White„ (Groton), Bogardus, Oweu, Graham, Kingman. OA County Clams andJudge's Aeeoun.ts.— Messrs, Graham, Burtt and Owen. On. , County Indebtedness; —Messrs -White (Newfield), Burtt, Hawes. On U. S. Deposit 1d nd.—Messrs.,Kingman, Hawes and White (Newfield.) Opt Insurance.-Iticssrs. Bogardus, White (Groton), Owen. On motion of Mr. Hawes, Resolved, That all bills and demands presen- ted to this Board, be referred to the proper committee by the Chairman; without further action by the Board; 6 The Clerk presented the following communication from the Comptroller, and the same was received and ordered published with the minutes : COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE., )- :Albany, Oct. 6th, '68., ) Snits : The Board of Equalization of Taxes in pursuance of Chapter 312, of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County, at the stem of $8,091,299 upon which amount a State tax of $46,928,55, must be levied for the current Bs - cal year, (commencing October 1st, 1868), being 5 4.5 mills on'tbe dollar, for the foil -ow- ing purposes,'v1x I For Schools, 1 4 Mills,' per Chapter 741, Laws of 1868,. " For. General Purposes, 134 mills, per Chap- ter 741, Laws of:1868. For Bounty Debt, 2 1-6 mills, per Chapter 741, Laws of 1868. For " Canals, 5.4. mills, per Chapter 715, Laws, of 1868. For Canal Floating Debt, 83-780 Mills, per Chapter 271, Laws of 1859. For Oneida: Lake Canal, 1.5 mills, per Chapter 934, Laws of 1867. For`Whitehall' and 'Pla•ttsbiirgh Rail Road, 1-13 mills, per•Chapter• 103, Laws of 1867, Total. � .... - ,5 4-5 mills. Your obedient servant, W. F. AT I aN, ('o'?irptroller. • On motion of Ml"Hawes, Resolved, That the provisions of Chap. 197, of the 'session Laws of 1864,'relati.ng to, the • tax npon'Dogs in the County of Orleans, be extended to the. County of Tompkins. On motion .adjourned. Afternoon Session. A large number of bills were received and referred to the appropriate Conripittees, On motion 'of Mr., D. L. Bui''tt, Resolved,; That. the Grand Jury list be ap- portioned among the several towns" as fol- lows, viz. : Caroline,. 25 'Enfield:,18., Lansing,. 82 Danby,...24 Groton; ,34. 'Newfield,.27 Dryden;..50 Ithaca.,.,fil Ulysses,..29 . Total.. ...... ..200 On motion of Mr, .Hawes, Resolved, Tbat a committee of, three be ap- pointed by the Chairman, who shall be in- ;}tructed to make such arrangement in rela- tion to public printing as in their judgment will best subserve the interest of the County, and lay their proceedings before the Board for final action. The Chairman then appointed the following committee : Messrs.:: Hawes, >Bogardns, and White (Groton.) On motion of Mr. W. W. White, Resolved, That in pursuance of the provis- ions of Chap. 433, of the Laws of 1866, enti- tled " An Act to facilitate the construction of the Southern Central Railroad, and to author- ize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof," and of a notice served upon this Board by the.Railroad Commissioners of the town of Groton; there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the said town of Groton, the sum of thirty-five hundred ($3,500), for the purpose of paying interest up- on the Railroad bonds issued by said town; and. that the said sum when collected be paid to•the Supervisor of said town,: to be. expen- ded for that purpo3e. On motion of Mr. A. J. White, Resolved, That the Chairman of the Board, be authorizecl,to send a telegram,to John H. Emei_y, former Clerk of the -Board,, in refer- ence to the whereabouts of the Records of the Board. - Evening,Session. Board engaged in matters of County claims. Board' adjourned until tomorrow morning. Thursday, Noy. 12th, '68. ,.Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was ;called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The Board then, proceeded in a body to visit the Poor House. The 'commit tee' on repairing the Poor House, sub- mitted the, following, Rei ort which ; was received, To the Hon. Bocn'd of Supervisors of Tompkins Count?/ The undersigned, _a' Committee .appointed by Supervisors '(atspecial meeting, January 25th, 1868), to make 'necessary buildings and repairs on County Poor House, in accordance with plans approved by Supervisors, woul d most respectfully report, That they have given the subject their care ful attention, and present yoti Herewith au ac- count of the monies obtained by them, lender 7 resolution of Board of Supervisors passed January 25th, 1868, and the manner in which they have expended the same. Amount of money obtained by the Com- mittee for which .the faith of the County is pledged -is 1868. Feb'y, 29th -Borrowed of Co. Treasurer on Committee note, - $500 March 27th Borrowed ` ` " " , 500 May 2nd, Ira Snyder, " •- 1900 July 11th, " :Rhoda C. Schutt, 360 Aug. 26th, " Co. Treas. from orphans fund, 500 Sept. 26th, " First National Bank of Ithaca, 6000 Nov. '1th, i` Wm. W. Snyder, 500 ' • First National Bank of Ithaca, 200 ` 1211, " Samuel V. Graham, 712 71 Total $5,772 71 Total amount money raised by Committee, for which credit' of County is pledged, $5,772.71 Of this amount there was paid to Samuel V. Graham, Superintendent, by the Chair- man of your Committee as follows, viz.: Feb.29tb, Paul Samuel V. March 27th, " " May 15th, ' June 13th, ' July 11th, Aug. 26th, Sept. 251h Nov. 7th, " Graham pr Receipt, $500 590 " 1000 64 " " 900 ` 360 44 500 " " 600 << .,, 258 Total paid Graham to date, $4,618 Nov. 12th, Note of Committee for 712 71 Total paid Graham, $5,330 71 Interest will. accrue on the amount bor- rowed: by your committee, and become• a charge on the County,;on the 1st day of Feb- ruary next, as follows; viz.: 1868. May 2n9, Note, $1900 to Ira Snyder -Interest 9 months, $99 75 July 11th,', $360 to Rnoda'C. Schutt -Inter- est 6 months and,20 days, 13 98 Aug. 2611, " $500 to Co. Treas. (orphans fund), Interest 5 months and 5 days, 15 06 Sept. 2611, " $600 to First National Bank of Ithaca -Interest 4 months & 5 days, 1.1 53 Nov. 7th, $500; to Wm.w..Snyder-Int. 2mos.: and24 days, 8.13 " $200' to Fust National Bank of Ithaca. Interest 2 months and 24 days, 3 25 12th 4;71271-100, to order Samuel V. Graham at First National Bk. Ithaca -Int... • 2 months and 19 days, 10 05 Total Int. on Feb'y. 1st, '69, $165,70 On the 5th day of February. your Commit- tee held a meeting at the Poor House, to con- sult with Superintendents of Poor as to best mode of accomplishing the work. After ma- ture and careful deliberation; it was Tat. t'nc&niniairslj Resolved, That the work be -clone by the day, under a competent Superintendent to be appointed by this Committee, and act under their di- rection. 2d. Unanimously Resolved, That Samuel V. Graham, Esq,, be appointed Superintendent of the work, and cd_=o directed to purchase necessary material and em- ploy the requisite laborers; the material and laborers to be ready to commence operations by the first day of ,- . May. 3d. Unanimously Resolved, That the compensation:, n • of the Superintendent shall be three dollars per day and board, for the time actually spent in service -of the Committee. Mr. Graham, was presentandaccepted the, position on the terms named in, the last reso-; lution. , Your Committee present herewith, and as a partof their report, the following statement of Samuel. V. Graham (Superintendent); of his receipts and disbursements, viz Material -Paid' for Lumber, Timber, Shingles, Nails, Paints, Oil, Glass, Brick, Lime,' Band House -trimmings &c $2,89114, Superintendent's bei vices -152 clays at $3: per day $456 00 Carpenter Word -446,6 days at $2 per day $893 20 $1349 20 Mason Work -267% days at $2,50 per . day$669 16 77 days tending at 42 per day - ' 4154 00 $823 16 Painting -8134 days at $2 per day... :.$162 50 Teaming- $126 50 , $2289 00 , Nov. 10th, Total Disbursements. $5,355,50 Total Ree'd from Committee $5,330 71 " " other sources$24 79 --$5,355 50 There is now on hand at the County House, the following material; viz.:. 850 fire Brick, cost 834 cents each .... .. $72 25 2 Barrels lire clay brick, cost $2 per barrel... 4 00 About 90 bushels of mortar, worth4spr bush. 45 00 5500 Lath, cost$3,50per m 19 25- 1 Oil Barrel, 41,50 -one Can 75 cts., to be re- turned to Treman, King a Cp. 2,25 Material sold by me, is 24 79 - Total sold and on hand $167 54 I, Samuel - V. Graham, do hereby certify that 'the above statement: is true.; that it con- tains an account of • all. monies . received .by me, (from every source) 'belonging, to the. County ; and that the $456 charged; above, is all that I have retained for myself, either di- rectly or indirectly. . - SAMUEL V. GRAHAM [i.. s.] Subscribed and Sworn this 12th day of Nov. 1868, before me, J. M. SMITH, Ch'n. Board Supervisors. - our' Committee have paid to Buperinten dents of Poor, for' labor furnished and board of workmen, as per bill rendered,' ` $442 ` RECAPITULATION - - - Expenses as per statement of Snperin'dent,.. $5,355 50 Paid Superintendents of Poor 442 00 Total disbursements of Committee 55,797 50 Lees Material sold and on hand 167 54 Total cost of repairs $5,629 96 The Committee Would state for the `infer, mation of your Honorable 'Board; -that they have found the main walls on Which the old House stood much more dilapidated and re 8 quiring more extensive repairs, than was sup- posed, when the plan and specifications—un- der which they acted, were adopted by your immediate predecessors ; also that there was required two thousand more square yards of plastering, than. was conter p1ated'•in said specifications.: The entire walls of the old House requiring new mortar and new lath.. Your Committee Would return their hearty thanks' to Superintendent Graham, for the faithful; efficient and -satisfactory manner, in which he has discharged the arduous duties of his position; They would alio express their obligation to Mr. Bower, (the gentlemanly keeper), 'and his estimable lady for courteous attentions and substantial comforts. E. L. B. CURTis, J. M. SMITH, D. W. BAILEY, WM. L. BOSTwiCIK, November 121,h, 1868. • ' Corn. Atter the reading of the Report by Mr. E. L. B. Curtis ; on motion of Mr. Bostwick, .Resolved, That the thanks of this Commit- tee be tendered to Mr. Curtis,. for the very able manner in which he has" discharged his duties as Chairman of the building Commit- tee of the County Poor House, On the return of the Board at p. nl., it adjourned until evening. Evening Session. Board met and were engaged during the session in the examination of bills, and those numbering • from 1 to 21 in- clusive were: passed. - On motion ad- journed until to -morrow morning. Friday,- Nov. 13th, '68. Board met` pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chair- man. All members present. Minutes of the previous day were read and ap- proved. The Board was then engaged in the examination of claims. • Afternoon Session. Hon. J. H. Comstock, presented a claim to the Board, for services as cen- sus taker during the year 1865. The said claim having been rejected by a previous Board, after hearing Mr. Comstock on his behalf, On motion of Mr, Graham,' Resolved, That the claim be rejected and not allowed. Marcus Lyon, Esq.,'then presented a petition on behalf of the County Judge and members of the Tompkins County Bar, praying for the adoption of a resolution on the part of this Boarcl, authorizing the County Judge to appoint a.Steuogra her, to attend the trial terms of the' County Court and Court of Sessions, the same as in the Supreme Court. The Board then engaged in the ex- amination of County claims, from 22 to • 65 inclusive, which were passed at this session. Evening Session. Board met and engaged in the exami- nation of bills and reports. On motion • adjourned to Saturday morning. Saturday, Nov. 14th, '68. Board met pursuant to acljoitrnment. All members present; minutes of the previous day read and approved. Com- missioners of Excise presented their an- nual report, which was accepted by the Board. The Board were engaged in the examination of bills, and bills nurn- boring • from 66 to 94 inclusive, were passed at this session. Afternoon Session. On motion of Mr. Bisrtt,,.Board act- journect until Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Monday Afternoon, Nov. 16th, '68. Board met pursuant to adjournment- and was called. to order by the Chair- man. All the members present;• utes of the previous day read and ap- proved. On motion of Mr. Biirtt•, Resolved, That the Grand Jury list be .ap- portioned among the several towns as fa. lows, viz.: Caroline .25 Enfield.18 Lansing. 32 Danby ...24 Groton.. 34 Newfield.27 Dryden ..50 . .Ithaca. .61 , Ulysses..29_ Total. 300 On motion of Mn Smith, Mr. Burtt in the Chair. Whereas, The latus of 1867, regulating the military of the State of New York, requires every subject of military duty to pay to the Collector of the several towns, the sum of one dollar, on or before the 15th day of August, in each year, and Whereas, In most of the towns in this County, they clid In whole. or in part neglect . to comply with said lair , causing great injus-; tide and inequality in reongequenee thereof, therefore, Resolved, That the Treasurer of this Coin -1 ty,,. be requested to pay over the several amounts paid to him by the Collectors there of, to the present , Supervisors of the towns, paying such moneys ; to be by them refuncled. to the persons paying the same. On motion of Mr. W. W. White, J11eso1ved, That pursuant to the provision of (;hap. 522, of the Laws of 1865, the sums set down in the following schedule;be•levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the per- sons whose names are included in the several lists and in the sums respectively named in said lists, submitted to the Board and furnished ;to the Stipervisors of the several towns named in said schedule, by the Overseers of 'the Highways respectively of the Road Dis- tricts included therein. nitYDE\. District No. 24.. .. 5 days. 22 21 days. it" 118 10 ........" 171? $26 ?S cwYOsis. District No. 62 ` 2 days. " 17 • 10 2 18" ": 64....:.....1112 clays.,. 19.. 1834 a 54 " $81 00 I'rR ACA. District No. 38. 121: days. o << 11 6 :37 - -7 " Distric ft 281.E $42 75 GRoroN. No.. 1.2 4days 7 hours. " 36 ' 12 " 1 " 59........ 6 .. 8 1 " 4 " 22 " 21... .. ." 2 " >2 2< " 5 << 36" 5 83 NEWrIELD, District No. 5 16% days. " 29 23fj " " . 29. 29 " 27...:::11 " 6 99% " 10..... 3 «. !< 185: " $277 50 CAROLINE.. - - District No. 24 9i4days. 3 44 4s 34 11% <` < $38 63 25•� DASBYt District No. 4... ...:31' days. " 19.......:4 734" $11 25 ENFIELD. • District No. 1.........3% days. $4 50 W. W. Snyder, County Superinten- dent of the Poor; elect, for Tompkins County, 'presented his bond to the Board, which was duly accepted and ordered filed in Tompkins County Clerk's office. On motion of I\Ir. A. J. White, Resolved, That the Superintendents of the Poor be authorized to expend a slim not ex- ceeding fifty dollars, for religions services'at the County House during the ensuing year, and the said sum is not be deducted from the salary of the minister or ministers who offici- ates, wherever he may be located. The ayes and noes being called for on this resolution, it was adopted asfollows : ii'.ES—Graham, Kingman, Smith, A. J. White, Halves, W. W. `White, Owen, Burtt, Bogardus. Board occupied iu examination of bills, and bills numbering from 95 to 97 inclusive were passed. On motion of Sir. Owen, the Board adjourned 1111- til ui-til to -morrow -morning. Tuesday, Nov. 17th, '18. Board met pursuant to adjournment and Balled to orderby the. Chairman. Present all the members. • Board en- gaged in the examination of bills, and those numbering 98.to 99 were passed. Mr. Kingman, from the Committee on U. S. Deposit'Fund; presented the 10 following report, and the same was on' motion received and adopted : The Committee to whom was referred the Books of the Loan Commissioners for the County of Tompkins, beg leave to submit the following•report : That the books of mort- gages to secure the payment of moneys loaned from the office held by said Commissioners, have been submitted to them for inspection by the Commissioners, and the Committee have also received from. them a report of their transactions as Commissioners, from which it appears there was on hand subject to Loan on Nov. 13th, 1868, as follows: In hands of Commissioners $2030 30 Remaining in State Treasury Total Amount received on mortgages Amount loaned 2030 30 5530 00 $ 7560 30 3500 00 Principal on hand Nov. 13th, 18682046 68 Ain't outstanding on bonds and mort- gages 66208 63 Interest received during the year 4720 18 4120 18 Remitted to Comptroller 4354 35 Commissioners' fees and disburse'ts,. 349 43 LZTSBEe Henry Luckey --Inspector of Election$600 W. B. Dumont—Flag Stones 140'92 Alex. Bower—ex-Supervisor: .... .. 18 50 Total ,$174 42 ' - GROTON. A. Backus—R. R. Committee W. H. Burnham—R R. Committee Marsh Bros Anson Wait—constable.... . ......... . W. Dumont—And. Board • Sidney Hopkins—Justice L. Millepeugh—Overseer Poor D. B. Marsh—Hall for Election. DANBY. Isaac .1. Frazier, Com. Highways J. Hawse, Supervisor DRYDEN ,$s 50 6 50 3 15 30,35 J4 00 970 28 00 1000 $98 80 $78 00 9 60 87 60 Leander Millspaugh, Overseer....... ... 10 00 Orrin T. Ellis, Constable 3 20 IL L. Root, 73.5 R. R. Howell, Deputy Sherif., 3 00 Thos. Ilunt, Conetable 5 10 M. Goodrich 25 00 • - The Committee report themselves ITLLic 1 X53 ss satisfied with the securities taken -all Caleb Davis, Excess Tax:...: 3 42 E. M. Hall 'rent Village Han • 1a 00 of which is resiectfl Submitted, L. Mil1spaugh,-Overseer Poor : 2 00 LYMAN KINGMA\, Ferris. &Dove 500 JosrAu 1T&w-i S Cour.- NEWFIELD x;20 42 J, J, Cornish, Board Registry . a^ 00 CAROLINE. - John L. Mandeville - 11 15 Afternoon Session. • On the convening of the Board, Mr. Marcus Lyon, on behalf of certain citi- zens of the town of Dryden and Ithaca, presented a petition praying that so much of the said town of Dryden as is included in the -following lines, be set off .to and annexed to the towel of Ith- aca, viz : Commencing at the south-west corner' of said town of Dryden;. running thence east two miles ; thence -north three miles ; thence west two miles; thence south to the place of beginning. , After hearing Mr. Lyon in support of said petition, and Mr. Milo Goodrich, against the same ; o11 Motion of Mr. Owen, Resolved, That the matter of this applica- tion be made the special order of business, at the evening session, Mr. A. J. White, froth. the Cornrnit- tee on County Indebtedness, present. • A. J. -Mum, ' . On motion of Mr. W. W. White, Resolved,, ',That at.the request of the Super- visors of the several towns of this County, the sums set forth in the following schedule, be levied and assessed upon the taxable proper- ty of said towns, for the purposes therein men- tioned. Town Audits. Highways, Poor. Dryden $1033 07 $2159 23 $600 00 Newfield 768 73 1150 00 Groton 559 93 250 00 Lansing 560 25 600 00 Danby 381 82 530 00 Ithaca 13833:88 250 00 500 00 Caroline 500 39 951 00 Enfield 699 47 150 00 Ulysses .. . 700 90 1000 00 - 75 00 Oil motion of Mr. A. J. White, Resolved,- That at the request of the several Supervisors of the respective towns named in the following schedule, theclaim's set forth therein, be added to the Audits of'said towns, and levied and assessed upon theirs respect- ively. - LANSING. EliWooley—woodand board ' $12 30 A. H. Clark—Assessor 40 50 Jos. H. Having—Inspector of Election 6"00 John W. Smith—Constable 2 43 W. A. Chittenden—excess of tax 21 06 John Tichenor—Inspector of Election (1 00 Total . 888 51 11 ed the following report, and the same was on motion received and adopted. The undersigned Committee on County I1i- debtedness, respectfully offer the following re- port : Total amount of County Bonds out- ' standing Nov. 16, 1867. First issue $1,700 00 Third Issue 700 00 Fourth issue 27,745 00 $80,145 00 Amount of Bonds redeemed during the year 1868. First issue Third issue . Fourth issue Amount of Bonds outstanding Less amount due from the Town of Newfield Leaving balance of Bonds out- standing for which appropria- tion was previously made $ 700 00 700 00. 21,600 00 --523.000 00 $7,145 00 $6,120 00 ,;1,020 00 Your committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That there bo levied and assessed upon the town of Newfield, Principal. Interest. Ain't. , 56,120.00 54118 40 $0548 40 for the purpose ofpaying the principal autl interest on the. County Bonds, outstanding against said town, which is the balance of outstanding County Bonds. Your Committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to advertise for the remainder of the ontstancl- ing County Bonds. A.. J. WHITE, ._ JOSIAH HA-WES, `- Com. : Ti. DBURTT, . On motion of Mr.- Owen, - Resolved, That in pursuance of section 9, Chap. 585, of the Laws of 1865, each member of this Board of Supervisors designate one in- dividual in his town, to act as a Committee in connection with the School Commission- ers of this County, to examine the candidates who`shall present themselves for admission into the Cornell University, in accordance with Laws of 1865 ; and that the said Com- mittee meet with the said School Commis- sioners, atthe Cornell Library,in• the village of Ithaca; on the fourth Saturday of June, '69, for the purpose of making the examination. The following gentlemen were then designated by each.Supervisor to act; as such Committee : Groton—S. Hopkins. Ulysses—C. FI. Howe, Enfield—E. Havens. Caroline—E. E. Legg. Danby—E. L. B. Curtis. Lansing—C. H. North. Dryden—Alviras Snyder. Newfield—M. C. King. Ithaca—Rev. T. G. Strong. Evening Session. On the convening of the Board, the special order of the evening was then taken up, when Mr. A. J. White, of- fered the following resolution -which was secondled. Resolved, That the petition presented by Mr. Lyon, on behalf of certain citizens of the town of Dryden- and Ithaca, in reference to annexing a part of Dryden to the town of Ithaca, be rejected. The ayes and nays being called for on the resolution, it was adopted PS follows : • AYES. - AYES. .NES. Mr. Smith, - Mr. Hawes, • • Mr. Btirtt. " Kingman, " W. W. White, " Owen, Bogardus, • " Graham, " A. J. White. On motion of Mr. Burtt, • .Resolved, That the appointment of Fox holden, to the free scholarship in Cornell University from Tompkins County, made by Alviras Snyder, and A. H. Pierson, .School Commissioners of said County, be adopted and ratified by this Board of Supervisors; and' that the said Fox Holden, be continued, in the enjoyment of said scholarship so long as he conforms to the laws of the University. On motion adjourned. Wednesday; Nov. 18, 1868. -- Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by: the Chair. MILD. Present all the members. Min- utes of the previous day read and ap- proved. Mr. Hawes from the Com- mittee on Treasurer's accounts, presen- ted the following report, which on mo- tion was received and adopted. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON TREAS. ACC'T. The undersigned, Committee on Treasu- rer's Accounts, respectfully report that they have carefully examined the.books and vouchers of the County Treasurer, and find his accounts as rendered correct. The following statement in detail shows the amount received and expended by' the Treasurer, and the balance remaining in his hands Nov. 17th, 1868: 12 1867 -Nov. 18. There remained in Treas. hands ou settle- ment $11600 37, Received Cash on fines 8S4 35 " School monies from State ' 20,842 85' ' ` Non-resident taxes ret'd to State, 10 '34 District Quota -Dryden 47 57 County Judges fees 35 of Wm. L. Bosttvick, Supervisor of Ithaca, to pay Nat. Banks5,40 43 •' Ret'd taxes collected by Treas168 99 Excise.Commissioner_s Licenses, 1.785 00 Taxes -Caroline $12.903-42 ._Danby 0,254 S6 Dryden 14,359 "1 Enfield 0.780 46 Groton 18,076:77 Ithaca 40,803 57 Lansing 1554411 Newfield 14,549 73 Dryden 2,179 04 Enfield 1,665' 05 Groton, 2,628 38 Ithaca 1,986 99 Lansing 3,77695 Newfield 1,641' 43 Ulysses3;425 88 -$34,265 36 $ 2,474 48, " County orders 9,193 03" ``Poorexpenses 4.40212 County bonds $ 23;000 00 County en the same 1733 90 '• " - outstanding - - Bbnds 433 65 = $ 25.16'8 55 Paid Court expense. Paid Fines Refunded. Newfield:.. ... $ 58 88 Enfield "' 5 till Groton' Ulysses 12.212 79 ,$140.465 02 School money reported on hand in Lansing 3 10 $182,699 87 The amount expended by Treasurer, was as fol- lows:. ,,, Paid expenses of County Judge's Office $ 40 00 " Insurance county buildings 71 50 Fuel and gas for Court House and fail Supervisors' Janitor Clerk; Repairs County House, J$il and Clerk's Office Court House walk District Attorney's salary T. J. McElheny's hill by resolution..:. Counsel fees A, H. Pierson, (appropriation) Expenses Treas. Office (Appropriation) taxes' returned. to ;Iter- chants' &Farmers' National Bank.. First National Bank • School Commissioner's salary County Judge's salary Treasurers' salary District Quota -Dryden Special Judge's salary Livery Poor House State Tax • 51,406 53 School Tax 10,119 40 Lent Poor House building Committee1,000 00 State Inebriate Asylum 206 50 Insane Asylum 1,109 72 76,812 831 Paid returned taxes. Caroline hs 16 37'' Danby 10 20 Dryden 5518 Enfield 51 98 Groton . ..124 20 Ithaca 14240 Lansing 95 00 Newfield 4489 Ulysses • 56 18 66 SI 66 SI 61 61 41. .4 112 75 15 00 180 00 51 11 74 63 487 50 48 89 10 00 200 00 11,00 48 00 Danby 190 Ithaca 31 00'. Lansing500 Ulysses 14 00 Caroline 500 =' $19 7 90 $173,992 14 Leaving a balance in the hands of Treas, of $8,107 71 JosIAH,HAwEs, ,, ,� A. J. WaITB,�' - - Com-. W. W. Wner8. . ! On the coming in of this report, .it[r. Graham, of Enfield, macre:. some re- marks on the propriety of the County Treasurer having so' • large a balance' of funds in his hands, and then ofl'ered' the following resolution, which was 486 81 unanimously adopted ; 9 U66. 45' 37 50 Olt motion of Mr. Graham,- 1'0 00 00 Resoleed, That $0437,78 of. •the .balance in 47 57 the hands of the (iounty, Treasurer be applied 5 0 00 to the reduction of the County expences.,.' On motion of Mr. O -Wren, Resolved, .That. we now .proceed to ballot for two papers to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. The Board then proceed- ed to ballot with the following result Ithaca. Journal: .. I Ithaca Democrat.........,, ...........4! Dryden News.. • ,1 The Board -Was engaged during this session 'the equalization of the assessment. On motion adjourned.;. $6m 02 Thursda3`Noy. 1P 1868, Paid school money. -- ,. Caroline $,1„866743 48 Board met pursuant t0`adjom'nment, Danby 67 1 Dryden. 3 184 23 . and was called -to order• by the Clia'il= Groton 338 81 ' • Lansin" 2,213 27 , luau, Present all the nieitiber 4.' 1iii- Sthael 1380 85 ° 315.95 Enfield r rtes -of the previous `clary -:read and a11- ; - Neviieta 2,268 66 proved. lir. White, of Newfielrl 'of Ulpeses 2,010.38 re b ll f fered the following ar b1e'and resp- -$20,84;; 45 lr Paid Town expenses. hition, and the same were after discus- - Caroline $ 1,203 42 Danby1.455 27 sion unanimously adopted, tit 13 Whereas : By a clerical error,.there was,. a surplus of one thousand -dollars raised from this County, in 1867; and the same having been used by the building Committee of the County Poor House -leaving a balance of .. Board:met pursuant to adjournment. $4,797 50 remaining as the cost of County House. Therefore Resolved, .That the using of said amount by said Committee, be sanctioned by this Board: -On motion of Mr. -White, of ,New_ field, • On motion, adjourned until to -mor- row morning,, - Friday, Nov. 20, 1868. ,All members, present.- Minutes of the: previous, clay readand approved. . Mr. Owen presented the following -preamble.. and resolution (arr. Burtt in the.Chair): which, were unanimously acloptecl , Resolved, That the Commissioners of Ex- Whereas, A Building Committee 'Was - be respectfully requested to pay all ex- pointed by the former Board. of. Supervisors • else money received by them into ;the Conn- of this County, consisting of - ty Treasury, as soon as -it is received E. L. B.. Ounris, On motion adjourned until after7 lI•,Sirrgll, noon. D. W. B u.Er, . - - - Wm. L.-BosTwIcx, for the purpose of repairing the County House, therefore, Resolved, That in the opinion of this Board,. : the, above Committee have discharged said,., duties in an econoinical.andsatisfactoryman- ner, takine• into consideration •the' comfort Afternoon 'Session. The Board met pursuant to 'adjourn- ment and was called to order, by the Chairman. Present all the "members. The Board -was engaged this sessihn upon the equalizationof assessment, and welfareof the inmates of said House, and Adjourned until evening, , that the Couimitteehitvetile hearty thanks of. Evening Session, this Board for such service. , The following is the assessed..valua- Mr. Owen, 'front the 'Committee. -on. Insurance of County Buildings, present-. ed the following. report, and the same was on motion received and.:'aclopted,, Your Committee on Insurance, report they have effected -insurance on: the Jail, Court House and Clerk's Office, for the' following sums; and in the following nanled,eompttnied, and have 1'eque§ted :the agent of each compa- ny to draw on the County Treasurer for $71,- 50, cost of Insurance - - on COURT 11017SE. A. Ins. Prem. Merchants of Hartford -McClain, Agt...$2500 $18 75 Home of New York -Schuyler. • ...9.500 ; 18 75 tion of the Real and Personal. Proper- ty of the County of Tompkins, as ap, pears by the rolls returned by the.As- sessors of the several towns: Towns. Acres.' Real. Pers'l- Total, 7'. pr A. Caroline ..30,473 312,277 18,150 330,427 10 25 Denby. -33,256 338,160 20,276 356,436 1010 Dryden... 61,114 1,013,110 81,660 1,094,770 16 48 Enfield...22 79 '272,614 13,800 '286.414 11 95 Groton...30 951. 562,810 91,051 653,861 18 18 Ithaca... 19,223 1,359,610 840,091 2,199,701. 70 73. Lansing..37 704 923.199 129,860 1,053059 24 48 Newfield .36,483 404,215 26,235 430,450 11 08 Ulysses ..19,977 ; 648,394 212,463• 860,857 32 46. $5,8.32,389 $1,433,586 $7,265,915 The Committee on Equalization, sub- mitted the following report, which was received and adopted by the Board: Your Committee respectfully report the following for.your approval: Towns. Acres., valuation, Personal. Total. Caroline 30,473 383,497 18,150 401,647 Danby 93,256 410,895 20,276 431,171 j Dryden 61,414 983,758 81,660 1,065,418 Enfield 22,795 355,452 13,800 369,252 Groton 30,951 550,095- 91,051 641,146 !Ithaca 19,223 1,287,435 840,091 2.127,526 Lansing 37,704 833,984 129,860 983,844 1 Newfield 36,483 451,819 26,235 478,054 Ulysses 19,977 575,4.54 212,463 787,917 $I1 839,389 $1,433,586 $7,265,975 (Signed) L. I, OwEN, 1 D. L. EIIRTT, S. V. GRAaAsr, Committee. J. B. BOGARDUS, W. W. Wawa, Springfield of Mass.-Whiton, Agent...:. 3000 30 00. OA CLERIC'S OES'ICE. Springfield ofMass.-Whiton, Agent..... 1000 400" $9000 $71,50 J. BRUIN BOGARnns, W. W. WHITE, . `'Committee.' 7.. H. OIVEN. On motion of Mr. Owen, Resolved,, That the rejected taxes as returned to the several 'members of this Board by the - County Treasurer, be levied and assessed up- on the several towns respectively, as follows, viz.: Dryden ' $55 18 Caroline 16 37 Groton. - 15 42 Danby 90 Newfield 44 39 14 Lansing63 75 200 bushels of Oats, at 75 cls $150 00 Enfield 51 98 18 Pigs,, each. $3,00 ... .... ... .......: 54 00 Ulysses 556 18 Eggs 11 48 Ithaca 131 47 -- -- $425 67 Paid H. Wilgus 2 Co $133 00 For. supplies by keeper....., . 'T7 48 Mr. White, from the Committee on""" _—.. Poor. House and Superintendents' Re- services of Overseers 132 00 port; presented the following report, and Transportation of paupers 24 20 Ont -door relief 123310 the same was received : Paid sundries 13134 —mu 04 Your Committee, to whom was referred the report Your Committee further report the amount of produce ' of the Su erint'nts of the Poor of the county, world now on hand and was raised on the Farm is as fel, respectfully report that the whole number of pampers lows, on hand, viz. : assisted during the year, was., : , 125 230 bushels of Wheat 245 County paupers 68 000 Oats 530 From the Town of Caroline • 3 ' ' 1800 Ears Corn 1700 " " Denby ......... 6 400 . " . Potatoes..:: 260 I. " Dryden 4 10 " Peas........ . . . t..,,16" Enfield none 10 5 c, Groton 3 10 BeatsOnions • 4 Ithaca 16 55 Apples 15 . Lansing 7 0i Turnips 3 Newfield 7 3 a. ; Ulysses 7 1255 Beane Heads Cabbage 50 125 20 Tons of Hay - 16 The number of days said paupers have been 000 Pounds of Butter...... 100 assisted' in said Poor House during the past Bnshele Rye - :'.0 year is, "' 16,980 Corn Stalks from 20 acres of corn, all' on hand The whole amount of bills audited by the So- ' ' In conformity to law, the Superinten- perintendents, and drafts drawn on the Coun- dents'estiniate the expenses for County' ty Treasurer, for the support of the institu-. and Town paupers in the County House tion during the said year, over and above the the ensuing year at 2600 proceeds of the'farui, is, 4470 96 The temporary relief for County pan - The arm of $7 52 was expended for out and in pers not in the County House 1200 doors expenses, leaving. in band the sum of 21 37 To defray expenses of Overseers of Pb`e number discharged 74 Poor and other officers 140 Absconded 4 For transportation of County and ' Out on trial ' 4 Town paupers 40 In the house. 49 For.: 'Keeper's salary • - _ 500 ' 46811 Deaths in the house during the year Received in the house . 84 To secure this stria, .viz., $4.680, your The average; number 46 38-73 C01hmittee ask leave tci introduce the The expenses of each, over and above the'prn. ceeds of the farm, was f" 6231- .following resolutions : Average expense per week 119 7-10 The amount of in -door drafts ' + 031 60 Resolt ed, That the sum of $2832,02, be levied The amount paid for insurance,-'.......-. 67 50'' and collected upon .the County for County Repairs on old house Paid Chaplain • '50 00 hoot expenses, Tor the ensuing year. 'Also, The whole expense for clothing67 84 and RCSohed, That sums reported by the Super'-„ board during the year 2896 82 intendents of the Poor to be due from the . sev- --8081 06 sial towns respectively, for the support of the Towns and'eonnty 16,980 The whole number of days boardpoor suchtowns Y of - in the Count House the County days board, 4986, cost 725 40 past year,' be levied and collected in said Clothing 223 04-048 44 towns respectively, as follows Town Caroline, 427 02 12 On Town ofcarolme $ 30 53 Clothing 8 41-70 G 5 'Town Denby, 117 1'10 64 Danby .18213 Clothing 12 08-189 72 `. ' Dryden 348 30 Town Dryden, 2198 319 70 Enfield ... ... 000 00 Clothing 28 66--348 3o Groton 116 17 581 25 Clothing 10 14-116 47 Town Groton, 731' 106 33 Ithaca ;. Iansing 119 0! Town Ithaca, 3554 ,16 91 14-I' en field 0.9 61 Clothing 64 34--581 25 tilyssea 266 62 Town Lansing1045 152 02 — 1947 98 , clothingg 27 00-179 02 The whole amount asked` for` by your Corn - Town Newfield,1275 ..,:1855 48 mittee for defraying expenses of the Poor the ' Clothing 18 13-203 01 ensuing year 4080 00 Town Ulysses, 1591 , 231 45 W. W. WHITE, 1' Clothing • 14 5,-260 09 - L.II OWEN, • J. Bnurx BoakuDus, I} Comintttee. $2896 32 SA=iruaa: V. GiiAHAm, J The following statement . shows the Lyn -AN liiKa'rA ' • amount of Produce sold from the Farm Afternoon Session. • during the year : On motion of Mr-. Graham, a Com - 215 40 213 48 15 mittee;on Debentures, consisting of Mr. Graham and Mr. White of Newfield, •were appointed. The Board were en- gaged during the session incounter- signing orders. The Committee on Debentures, re- ported bills numbering from 11(3 to 124 inclusive; and the sante were passed at the amoiriit chiiilied. Evening i5essiou. Board engaged in countersigniug or- ders, and.. preparing to extend the tax. Adjourned until to-MerroSz morning. Saturday Morning, Nov,21, 1868. •Bo arcl•Met"_pursuant.to, adlouriunent, and was called to order. by .tris chair. Roll called andall the member's pres- ent. Minutes -of the previous day Were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Owen, Resolved, That the small room oil • of the. District Attorney's office, be appropriated to the use of Judge Boardman, with the consent of the District Attorney. On motion of Mr. Owen, Resolved, That the County Judge be author- ized to employ a stenographer to attend the trial terms of the County Courts and Courts of Sessions, whenever he deems it advisable, and that the fees of the stenographer, when so employed shall be five dollars per day. On motion of Mr. Owen, Resolved, That the Ithaca JOURNAL have the printing at the figures. named, viz.: Publica- tion of the Proceedings in the News paper at 50 cents a folio. 1500 Pamphlet'Proceedings of the Board, for $70. Mr. Burtt offered an amendment to the resolution of Mr. Owen, as follows : Resolved, That it the Democrat will do the printing cheaper than proposed by the Jotrll- xAL, it be given to that paper. The question being taken on the amendment of Mr. Burtt, the same was lost by ayes and noes as follows : _AYES. a 0E9. BOCARDUS, Sm rx, KINGMAN, W. W. WHITE. Li. J. WRITE, OWEN, BC IU'r'r. HATES, GRAM_ M. Tile question was then taken on the original resolution of Mr. Owen, and the same was adopted by ayes and noes. AYES. - • NOES. BOGARDUS, W. W. WHITE, - KINGMAN, . OWEN, A. J.' WHITE,- . HAWES, Roam. _ GRArmi, On motion of Mr..Burtt, , Resolved, That the following sums be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of this county, for the purposes designated : . For State tax Schools $10114 12. General purposes ' 10114 12 Bounty debt 17531 15 Canals 6068 48 Canal floating debt 860 90 Oneida Lake Canal - 1618 26 Whitehall & Plattsburgh R. R. 622 41 _ ' Court expenses • Fuel & Gas for Court House Ste insurance on County Buildings State Lunatic Asylum State Idiot State Inebriate Asylum County Judge's salary Special District Attorney's salary Supervisors' Clerk's salary Supervisors' Janitor County audits Incidentals, Co. Judge's office Balance for buildingg County,Poor House Interest on CountyHousenotes Superintendents of Poor County Treasurer's salary Chaplain County House 46929 58 440000 00 71'50 2000 00 30 00 175 50 1200 00 50 00 500 00 100 00 15 00 8759 69 40 00 4747 92 165 70 2832 02 500 00 50 00 $71063 86 Afternoon Session. On motion of Mr. Graham, Resolved, That the fines of the several towns that have been paid to the County Treasurer, be refunded to the Supervisors of said towns. On motion of Mr. Graham, Nlae'eas, By a clerical error, the bill of Henry Smith of $3, for cleaning guns, was omitted from the list of County Audits. -- Therefore, Resolved, That the County, Treasurer be, and is hereby, directed to pay said Henry Smith the stl.id sum of the $3,00, out of any moneys in his hands, not otherwise appropri- ated. Ou motion of Mr. Graham, Resolved, That when this Board adjourn, it be to meet on Saturday, the 5th day of De- cember next, at 10 o'clock A. M. On motion of Mr. Graham, Resolved, That the Collectors of the several towns of this County, be requested to settle with the County Treasurer on or before the 30th day of January, 1869, 16 Monday, 'Dec. 5th, 1868. Board met pursuant to'adjournment, and was called to order by the chair. On call of the roll, all. members were found to be present. On motion of lir. Grahaiu,, lV hereas, By a clerical error, the bill 01 L. V. B. Maurice, for serviees rendered in build- ing the County Poor House, amounting to $25, Was ()Mittecl from the list of County Audits ; therefore, Resolved, That the County Treasurer, be and is hereby directed to pay to the said L. V. B. Maurice, the sum. of $25 outof any mon- eys in his hands, not otherwise appropriated, • said payment to be in full of said Bill. On motion of .A. J White, Resolved, That the Sheriff be authorized to idi chase such articles ;o£ furniti. i e and neces- saries, as he may deem fit,'for the comforts of the Jail. The Board Was engaged during the session in signing the warrants of the Collectors. OA motion of Mr. Graham; • Resolved; That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to the Chairman, .John M. Smith, Esq., for the dignified, able, .and im- partial manner in which he has discharged the duties of his position. OA motion of Mi•, Bnrtt, Resolved, That the thanks of this Boarcl are due, and are hereby tendered to S. H. Wilcox, Esq., for the correctand gentlemanly manner in which he has discharged the duties lin- posed upon him as Clerk of this Board. ' On Motion of lir. Owen, Resolved, That this Board adjourn sine die, COUNTY AUDITS. Tho toVtowigg is �> a abort out ,'.of the Haines of 0,1 lielisons tvho uresented bilis 58 western Uniou'1'elcgiaph 3 45 345 59 Orrin T. Ellis, Armorer Co. 10 00 10 Ott 00 D. Dumont, rent armory C4C:11: 120 00 100 00 (it A. Smith, livery.. ... . 22 00 22.00, to Ue auclited by;the Boarcl of Supervi- 62 J. iv: stansbtiry, OteikBoard....: 10 1s 7'50 ,ors' of `Torn kiiis Count � of their An- .03 G. c. Megluue .. 1 01 S V,,Grlham, enpt Poor.. 1.0 08 • `10 0000.. Hua Session of Ithltca,,�Iu Noyember,;.6r C. 1T,: Green, Overseer Poor Ve . '2 88 •: 88 18'65, Is'1t11` fhb a1p1011ntS_',c 04.11. ft and 60 Peter Apgar, CommissionerFxetsc 30:00 30.00' 67 LewisBtothegi„livery , 00 00. „lie, alllolints finally. allowed 6sAles, Smith, Livery 4 UO 4 00: 09 Peter Sansman, ” 105 00 47 10 \o. . 6lai11d:Allow0 ''70'John G. Wortman, Amory Rent,- 4;3,15. 43'71 1 A. B Clark,room lent $10 00 $10 00 _71 L.D. Hamilton, Constable., •25 05 •' J. D. Lewis, Coroner.:. 30 00 25 00 2' 0eth Waizrer, §:2.:±-1,1!),60g 18 90 3 J. D. Smith, Attorney 15 00 , 15 00 'j0' Jynes Ostrander, ' 2 w2" z(1 ' 1 William Austin, Attorney ... 3 25 3 25 74. A. M. Lucas, Justice . . I8.',12.,88:'13 • 5 Benjamin Starr, ex, -Supervisor.. 3 28 3 28 75 W. C.' Wilkins,- Constabie. 6 (1 55 6 W W. Snyder Supt.'Pool ._ 75 35 is 35 -76 `Sidney Hopkins, Justice --' 5 40 4 40 1 D. F Finch, alatiouery 9 39 9 39 71 A. Niediek, Ceps able 45 20 45;10 8 A. C1app,;printm 147 41 , 147 41 :78 Anson Wait .15'18 10-45 )8;:P Sackett Physician .. 5 00, 3 00 79 H.'L. Boot .8 28 38 2u. 10 #: ft: Pierson,: School-•Coin'r..:-:',. 200 `00 200' 00' 80 OS ear Ii Dean .. . i : b 5d '?5`00; 11'4..:14. Smith, Coln; on,,PootIlouse.: 74-9ti 4'4'.90; ;St' R. R. Howell, Deputy Sheilll "11 45 '11`.45: 12 Ilan yliezean, Armorer 12 00 8 00 '82 R. It. Hot'e1l, 3 00 $-00: 13=Sauem l'Love Cb'r;Excisc .. 30" 00 • 30 00 83 R. R.. }Lowell 29 60 3,76, m 14-Enos,Auekbee Gi'.k.(loner Expise31 25. 31 25 84 R. R. Howell 32 (15 31'65= 15 1lavid Vaninwagier, Sent dullroom 16 25 10 25 85 It. R. Hot ell,27 1U 1`:40,; 16' i4arcns Lyon,, Attorney 30 00. 20 00 80 It. R, Hovt elf `44 25 ,04-2."-i 17 John H. fihe.all, Armorer X3.11 23 it 87 R. R, Hot( ell 46 27 46;2T,' 18 S. S Garfield rent of armory : - ' ' '50 i11)- • '50 00 88 B. A. road, (,ori: tabic . --20 95 '2(1'0.5'. 19 .Mason A. Biudick, Armorer 37 50 25 50 $9 A I reston'21°7-9."-05.' 17 70 7.70.'. 2(1 Sdgarl0._llandeville, Physician: 5.00- 3 00 90 E. C, Van. kirk, Sheriff 10010 40'_10' 21' John Goodyear, rent of armory.. ;-",5.00 , ,5.00 ;91' 1;', C. Vali Kirk, :-2409g150,!•-: 2,30 85 124800 280 85` 22 Bretien'S9'Neel'a, stationery, - . 1:50 4:50 22 It. R. Howell, Deputy Slreritl 30 26 39 26:: 23 Shangle 29 Lashley; glazing.... , : 16 25 ,uy 25 93 R. R. HoWell 20 18 20 ; i0;_ 21 Andrus; McChain & Co., wall paper • 410.: 4 10 91'Moses- Crowell,'JiiStice : 16 35- 4610- 25 W. L. -Bostwick, Committee 40: 68 f0 08 95,Reuben Gee relianing foil 9(10 :! O(? 96 Moses T. Denman Stipt Poor 16 00 . 46 00 46 J. D. Wright..:.,; 11 25 6;75 26 William Wilcox .. __;_.. 44.23 20 75 97 SeymOnr'iJohnson Merebandise ;''-;44 70 .:44,70:, 23 S. 0. Ward, 43 10: 0;'GO .' 15 WyckofY d. Slocutu reporters , 25:;00"1_,'12:50: 29 Charles:I. Roui evilleAustin, guardian;:' 1500 15`00` 00- 3 00 '99 tiVilliaui 30 Weed,'Parson" 29 Co., tationcry 00 2 00 400 John J. Peters, Cot table.. 2j 25 '18'0' :31 .Bentont Andrews 9Co.,stationol 'i (07 27 621,01 S. W. Smith, JuStiePeace ;."i 10" 15 32 W. (2. Cm9au ex -Commissioner... '30410 30 00 102 Joseph N T. Bates -15 211 15'2;1:` 33 `AhnoiBoys tomer:.;. i 08= '78 08 103 F,. 5. Ford,I Justice once.. - 145 1,45: 34 W. G. Mastor, Armorer ..,.:„..:40 50 10,50 101 ' " i 7 00 7100: 35':A. B. Wagoner, Arnioer Co . H. .) 00.; 9.(10105 l4,ettbeu H. Fish, Constable . 31 is 25:80. 36 JohnRu)nsey, hardware 1,09' 7 09 106 Joshua Brown, Jostice 5 00 1"20' 3'7-oscarW. Wilson, printing:,. 32 S5:. 1.2.85 107 John W. Fish, Constable 36 05 29 30 :38 P. H.'Farrington; Supt Poor 130 00 130 00 108 br. Rhodes, Physician 20 00 10.00 9 Josepli:Esty, jr., Armorer Co. A. 09 40 '50,00 109 John W. Fish, Constable.. 8'80 8 80 40-D. WBailey, Poor House -Com..., 81 0-7.1.01110`T.`J, AlcRthen}%, County `clerk•• 116 90 116 95 41 E. II. 'Eldridge, coronet •:5,07) a 00 111 T. J. McElheny, " 673 58 .673.58 12 E. L. B. Curtis, Committee :53,15_ 82.15112 T. J. McElheny, - - `769' 45 769 45 13 J. H, Wilson, glazier, . 1:25 4-.25 113 J. N. Mott, Constable,,,- - - -1.52 :30 152 30 41 W. B. Gay, Court house 5e ...., . 112.:88 1(2 88 114 John Gauntlett; Tiealth Officer ....15 00 15 00 45 W. Coryell, Physician: .. , . 37 00 ; :1700 115 S. P. Sackett,._-:` :9 00 8 (I0 45 Jt W.:Dwight, rent armory.....:. . ,•11) 48)_,• •.40.00.116 L. H. Owen, Supervisor:, , ,. :i' .9 74 91 74 47 Cornell Library, armory Co. A.:,3410 00• 800 00 117 W. W. White, :.97 95 97 05 48 J. H Selkre% printing i33 i8 3S ',8 118 J. bI. Smith..,.......,,,.......„ -.-88:19 "(0 98 '70 49 Spencer :Williams, printing 225 05 22. 05 119 S. V. Graham, _, 48 '.1 48 :j(1 Alviras Snyder, School Coin's 130 41 130 41 120 L. Kin0•man, " - - - 18 92,18 it B. B Lake' rent armory 10 00; (0 00. 1i1 A, J. White, 6z 87 62 53 13. 0.Mar'slt, printing. 2.: • .',6 47 80 47, 1221. B. Bo arctu:.' 54 8z+nil 53'5. II: Wilcox, Attorney a- 10 00 10'00 723 Josiahlfawkk, 81 10 81 10 54 A. Patterson, Physician 2:110: 2 00 124 D.' L. Bnrtt.... •87 04 ':87 04: 55 Tremae Icing 8s Co., hardware. 142 03, 142 03 56 Town=Hall, Danby, rent armory:50001 50 (81 67 4, Y, Lawrence, druggist - 1 10 ;',9, 1.10. • $8759 69 TOWN N AUDITS. CAROLINE.- Abstract AROLINE.Abstract of the names of all pel`Sons who presented accounts to. be audited to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline, on the• 5th day of Nov., 1868, with the amounts claimed by eaeh and the amounts finally audited. No. Claim'd Allow'd 1 J. T. Slater, clerk of election....... .$1 50 $4 50 2 Jacob Slater, Inspector of election. 5 00 7 50 3 Jacob Vandemark, agt. for Com'rs. 17 00 17 00 4 S. D. Stevens, Assessor 18 50 18 50 5 Henry Krum, 2d, clerk of election.. 3 00 3 00 6 A. B. Gorton, excess of tax 20 53 20 53 7 Wm. K. Boice, " military 13 83 13 53 8 Henry Boice, " " 13 83 13 83 0 Sharrard Slater, ex -Supervisor 8 87 10 James Boice excess of tax, military, 13 83 11 John J. Yaple, . 5'62 12 Lyman A. Patch, " " 13 83 13 Daniel B. Jenks, Assessor 15 00 14 John Rigghtmire, Inspector election 6 75 15 James H. Snow, clerk of election3 00 16 Uriah L. Robina, Inspector election 6 57 17 E. Emmet Legg, clerk of election3 12 18 11. G. H. Speed, Inspector election0 00 19 G. J. Nelson, poor master 9 00 20-J. C. Dixon, Dr 13 50 21. Samuel E. Greene, Assessor 15 00 22 Samuel P. Ashley, Ex -Supervisor12 15 23 Horace Lane, excess of tax military 13.53 24 13. F. Lake, use of house for election 10 00, 25 J. D. Schoonmaker, Commissioner, 34 50 26 E. Lonnaberry, Inspector election8 00 27 B. Howe, excess of tax, military:13 83 28 L. Wattles, Commissioner 4(1 50 29 Dan B. Gilbert, Justice of the Peace 1 50 30 John P. Allen, Commissioner - 23 25 31 Benjamin Losey, Justice of Peace0i 00 32 Richard Lonnsbery, Town Clerk46 27 33 Chas. J. Roumseville, Justice Peace 34 Lyman Kingman, Supervisor 35 Arnold James, Justice Peace 36 A. E. Phillips, excess tax, military Thum of Wrolaae es : We do certify that the foregoing ah i tract la cor- rect.. Dated, November 5th, 1868. LYIIAN KIN(GMAN, Supervisor, RICHARD LOUNSBEnmY, Town Clerk, CHARLES J. RODNSEVILLE, DAN. B. GILBERT, ARNOLD JAMBS, • BENJAMIN LosEr, Justices. Resolutions of the annual Town Meeting held hi Car- oline, April 7th, 1868. Resolved, That the Town raise three hundred and fifty dollars, ($350) for highway and bridge purposes, in excess of the amount ($250) already allowed by the Statute. Resolved, That the Town pay the earplug moneys Pow remaining in the Supervisors hands, viz, : ($49) to 8 87 13 83 5 62 13 83 15 00 6 75 0 00 6 87 3 12 0 00 0 00 750 15 00 1915 13 83 10 00 34 50 8 00 18 83 40 50 • 7 50 23 25 fi 00 46 27 `20 30 20 30 0 56 19 30 18 05 18 05 13 80 13 83 $500 39 the Commissioners of Highways, the same to go to- wards making up the amount ($350) already voted. I hereby certify. that the above Resolutions are true copies of the original as recorded in the Book of Town Records. in the Town Clerk's Office, of Caroline. RICHARD LODNSBERIir, Town Clerk. Nov. 5th, 1868, upon application of the Commission- ers of Highways, of the Town of Caroline, to the Board of Town Officers, it was unanimously voted that the Town raise four hundred dollars ($400) in addition to the sums already voted, for road and bridge purposes. I hereby certify the foregoing to be correct, and recorded in the Town Book of Records. RICHARD LODNSBERRr, Town Clerk. (Added py Supervisors.) John L. Mandeville 11 75 DANBY. Abstract of the names of all the per- sons Who presented aecounts to be audi- ted to the ToWn Board of Town Audi- tors, of the Town of Danby, on the 5th day of November, 1868, 1;with the amount claimed by each;. and the amount finally audited. . No, Claim'd Allow'd 1 Christopher Slocum, Assessor. $14 25 $14 25 2 Marcus A. Beers, Assessor 12 75 12 75 8 Jacob Wise, Assessor 10 50 10 50 4 J. D. Fish, Inspector of Elections 7 50 7 50 5 Levi L. Beers, " 7 50 7 50 6 D. A. Everest ` 7 50 7 50 7 Levi Curtis, Clerk of Elections3 00 3 00 8 A. W. Knapp, Clerk of Registry7 50 7 50 9 Win. Mabee, poor account 7 00 7 00 10 Andrew Wadhams, Constable5 20 5 20 11 Jones Ostrander, 3 10 3 10 12 Thomas Brock, overseer .poor; 20 00 90 00 13 J. D. Wright " • 44 51 44 51 14 Leverett Clark, tax refunded 8 00 8 00 15 Jeremiah Thatcher, Justice Peace 6 50 6 50 10 Dr. Eli Beers, services town poor , 9 50 9 50 17 John VanDeBogart, Justice Peace 5 2-5 5 25 18 Lemuel Jennings, Surveyor, 5 00 5 00 19 " " Justice Peace8 70 8 70 20 E. B. Grant, " 469 65 . 9 65 21 Doct. C. W. Coryell, services poor 6 00 6 00 22 T. 8. Denman, for town poor1 00 1 00 23 T. J. Phillips, .........89 12 30 12 24 A. W. Knapp,Town Clerk, 40 75 40 75 25 T. H. Howel& Bro., town poor - 73 49 73 49 26 T. H. Howell, for town .poor 6 00 6 00 27 J. Hawes & Son " " _ 17 30 17 80 28 J. Hawes, Supervisor 4 25 4 25 $381 82 $381 82 Resolved, That the Board of Town Auditors, of the Town of Danby, recommend that the sum of five hun- dred and fifty dollars, ($550) be raised for Commission- ers of Highways. Town of Denby 85 : We do hereby certify that the foregoing abstract is correct. 19 Dated. Danby. Nov. 5th,1868. J. HAwEs, Supervisor', A. W. KNAPP, Town Clerk, E. B. GRANT, J. VAN DE BOGART, L. Jean n8Us, J. THATCHER, Justices of Peace. (Added by Supervisors.) Isaac J. Frazier, Com. Highways $78 00 J. Hawes, Supervisor • 9 60 87 (f0 DRYDEN. .Abstract of the names of all persons Who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, on the 5th day of No- vember, 1868, with the amounts claimed and the amounts finally allowed. No. Claim'd Allow'd 1' II. L. Bonfield, clerk of election.... $3 00 $3 00 2 Bradford Snyder, 300 3 00 3 James Brenan, " 06 3 00 4 George E. Monroe, " 3 00 ' (3 00 5 H. Lansing, 450 4 50 6 Artemas L. Tyler, " - 300 3 00 7 S. S. Montgomery, 750 7 50 8 I. L. Fnrgoson, 7 74 7 74 9 Harrison Middaugh, Insp'r election 6 63 0 63 10 Wm. W. Nichols, 7 74 7 '74 11 E. Case, 6 00 6 00 12 John G. Kimberlim, 6 50 6 50 13 James D. Kelsey. 7 75 7 75 14 Anthony Davenport, 6 00 0 00 15 John H. Houtz, 1 50 1 50 16 Myron Ostrander, ' " 6 63 0 68 17 George L. Truesdell. 7 74 7 74 18 Leonard Griswold, 13 00 13 0( 19 Cyrus Tyler, 6 35 6 85 - 20 Jessee Bartholomew 6 00 6 00 21 Robert Smiley, Com. of highways. 54 53 54 53 22 ` " 11 00 11 00 23 " " 10 00 10 00 24.......100 25 160 25 25 - ex -Overseer of Poor.. 14 00 ' 14 00 20 H, L. Root, Constable 16 45 10 45 27 A. Clapp, printing 2 50 2 50 28 H. Bouton, Justice of the Peace8 95 8 95 29 H. Wilcox, '1 6 '75 6 75 30 D. Vaninwagen, use bonne, election (0 09 10 00 31 J, S. Barber, 10 00 10 00 32 Jerome Heffron, " 15 00 10 00 - 33 Grove Moore, -Town M. 25 00 25 00 34 J. H. George, Justice of the Peace. 6 00 6 00 35 R. M. Smiley, ex -Overseer of Poor. 19 00 19 00 86 T. T. Ellis Assessor -- 22 '0:0 22 5075 37 A. L. Smiley, ' " 28 5 5 0 28 38 A. Burlingame, " 35 25 35 25 '39 (4. H. Sperry, Overseer of Poor 6 00 G 00 40 Alvah Ewers, " 7 75 - 7 '75 41 H. Lansing, Physician 21 37 25 37 49 I. Space, sup. furs. soldiers' families 17 77 17 77 43 A. Cole, Overseer of Poor - 5 00 5 00 44 Ira Shaver, ex-Com'r of Highways. - 18 00 18 00 45 A. F. Harding, undertaker 18 00 18 00 40 W. W. Snyder, Justice of the Peace 10 80 10 80; 47 G. II. Houtz, Town Clerk - 23 20 23 20 48 Patrick 'Kelsey, digging grave - 3 00 2 00 40 John M. Smith, Supervisor 01 31 01.31 50 A. Snyder, relief of poor 33 23 82 22 11 Isaac S. Briggs, Physician _ - 20 09 • 20 00 52 L. Millspaugh, O. P., Ithaca 10' 26 9 30 53 Houtz. Wood & Co., relief S. Fam208 84 -208 84 54 Arnold James, supplies 54 00 00 00 55- W. 0, Gallagher, Physician 21 50 00 90 $1116'52 $1033 07 Town of Duden, 55.: W e, the undersigned, hereby certify, the foregoing abstract to be correct/In all respects. JOHN M. SMITH, Supervisor. GEORGE H. HODTZ, Town Clerk. J. H. GEORGE, H. 1Wircox, W. W. SNYDER, H. Bouvox, Justices of Peace. Cony of resolutions passed at the Annual Town Meetmg in the Town of Dryden, April 7., 1868. Viz.: Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and two twenty-three one hundredth dollars: ($302,23) be raised in said town for the purpose of paying the present in- debtedness of the Commissioner of Highways. Resolved, That the sum of eight hundred dollars (800) in addition to the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars (250) as allowed by the Statutes, be raised in said town for the support of Roads and Bridges for the ensuing year. Resolved, That the sum of eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof, as shall be necessary for the purpose of repairing the highway at the place known as the " Dugway,'7 near the village of Varna, be raised in said town. Resolved, That the sum of six hundred dollars ($600) be raised in said town for the support of the Poor. TOWN OF DRYDEN, CLERK'S OFFICE, t November 9, 1868. I hereby certify, that the foregoing are true copies of '-- the originals, now on file is my office. GEORGE H, Hourz, Town Clerk. (Added by Supervisors.) Leander Millspaugh, Overseer 10 00 Orrin T. Ellis, Constable 3 20 H, L. Root, " 7 35 R. R. Howell, Deputy Sheriff3 00 Thos. Hunt, Constable - 5 1(1 111, Goodrich 25 00 $53 65 G ] IELD Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be Audited by the Board of Town Auditors, of the Town of Enfield, on the 5th day of Nov. 1868, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts finally allowed. No. Claim'd Allow'd $7 50 1 G. W. Bodle, Inspector Election.... $7 50 2 S. N. Fowler, " " .... 10 50 3 Samuel Rolfe, Clerk of Election.... 3 00 4 H. A, Smith, Inspector election,1866 6 00 5 John H. Smith Assessor 20 50 6 Elbert Purdy, Inspector of Election 10 00 7 Benj. J. Horton, ex -Town Clerk9 64 8 James A. Hovey, Physician 4 00 9 Joel N. Whitney, O. P. (for disb'ts) 17 81 10 Daniel W. Bailey, ex -Supervisor:18 42 11 Jehial H. Bailey, Assessor 19 50 12 John H. Theall, " - 19 50 13 E. Van Marter, house, town pur'es15 00 14 J. N. Whitney, O. P.. for services19 75 15 G. S, Fowler, Corn. High'y, disb'ts387 25 16 G. 8. Fowler, " "- services 52' 00 17 William Marshall, Justice Peace14 25 18 Edwin S. Ford, " 11 25 19 Orin Dearborne, " 20 John M. Baker,-- 11 25 21 Samuel V. Graham, Supervisor 16 48 22 John P. Brows, Town Clerk 21 12 10 50 3 09 6 00 20 50 10 00 -964 400 17 81 18 42 .19 50 19 (10 15 00 19 7O 387 25 52 00 14 25 11 2G 75 11 25 -16 48 21 12 $699 4'7 We, the undersigned. certify that the above abstract is correct. - •- 20 S,LMmn V, G$AIIkM,, Supervisor. Jon P. BROAS, Town Clerk, WrLLIA11M.ARSRALT., EDWIN S. Fenn, OON li BASR, ORRINDEAJtnoRN, Jnstices Peace. Rooked, That we. authorize)our Supervisor to raise the stun of one hundred and fifty dollars for the C'om- missioner,of.Righways, for:tho,Town of Enfield. • Enfield Nov 6th ;'1868. JolaN P. • BltoAs• 'l owir Clerk.; Abstlact o o•p nasi esof all .�e •;.alis who resents("" aC (o111tt8 tO be audited 1 yi the E,oarcl of' Pori r 1 Anditoi5 of, the 9,"l Wn'of'Grotdii' on the 5th day of NO- N. -ember,: � 1863, with the amount claimed 14 e' eJi;, i11d the aanoui t finally,au0ite l; No. " Claiiii'd Alloiv"d 1 S. C. Reynolds ex -Town Clerk.... '$12 10 $12 10 '3,' Nelson Harris a-Com'r High y s.. 8 00 • 8 00 3 Clmtoii BOWker 'Over6eer•of° Poet 20 00 21 00 4 Levi Thomas snpphes to poor 13 04 13 08 5 H. C. Marsh printing, - 5 50 5 50 6 George.D. \llait, Const tole . 2 13 i 13 7 John G. Stevens, Com r I3glyway`. 05,00 56 00 8; Amos Avery Reg` r.and Inspector. 'i 50 7 50 9 John McKellar, 7 50 7 50 10 John Moe, i "' 7 50 1 50 1r'H. W. Buck, Clerk or Election 3100 3 00 12 R. Lanniug, " 3 00 00 13 Nelson Stevens `• " 3, 00 3"00 14 C. D. Hart, .•:• ; 3.00' 3.00 15, W, 31. Little, Inspector Election 7 50 1 50 16'G. E. Chambers, Reg. Ins'r, Books 8 05 8-05 17 J. W. Boynton, Reg'r and Inspee'r 6 00 (i 00 '48 John Sellen, •• 7 00 7 00 19 S. Dowser, Ins'r Elee'n, use house 16 00 1(1 00 00 G. G.Cobb, Reg., Insp'r, and Beats 8 50 8 50 21 Albert Wilcox, Justice of Peace 3 35 3 25 ' 22 C B Green, ex -Overseer of Poor..- 22 70 22 70 I f 18 50 18, 50 21 JeromeHatlwwai, Assessor. '5 50 '25'50 '25 Otls W;Prnree;'. r . ...,.. 'i16 50 10 50 26. Gilbert Ei'anefs,, 2250 2.2,50 • 27.D:H.Mardi,'unpaid order. :. 2 4 2'34 '36 3,1 S. Williams, damages 5,50 - ; 6 50 ,21, Dr. J. Goodyear, Physician to Poor 37 00 37 00 30'Dr`. J.'Goodear,'Hail for Elections' 25'00 . 25'00 81 Di E, C„ Moe, Physician to Poor.. 55 00 55 00 .'32.Anson Anson Watt, Constable....... , 1415 1115 33 W, W, White, Supervisor )0; 8 10.38 84 Nelson Pialladay, Justice of Peace f) 00 9 00 35; Sidney Hopkins,,, h5: 55 2(; 65 36:11. C,,Marsh, Town Clerk , _3300 10.100 37, Wm.;W,:Ilare,. Atty s fees in 'nit. 6, 00 1'00 859 93 We, the undersigned, the Board of Auditors, of the Town of Groton; do certify ,that the foregoingminis, were audited by us. W. W. W Ince, Sttper t r -er.,. II C. MARsn, Town Clerk.. tis HuPSINs, N'.; l3ALLADAY, A. WeLoox, Justices. 1 do hereby certify the above to be a true copy of an abstract of Town Accounts, and' ted b the Board of Town- Auditors, -Nov. 5th, 1868, and of the whole 'thereof. H. C. MARsx, Tolvn Clerk. '. ,At theanii.ual Town Meeting,.of the Town of Groton, held upon 7th day of April; 1368, the following" Ilesolit- lion was passed. - li,,Besolved, That the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Delius .($250} be raised by Tax, for the, support of the Poor of 331(1 TOwil. H. 0. il'IAnsu, l'own Clerk, (Added by_Supert iso rs:) A. Backus -R' R; Committee W. H: Burnham -R Ii Committee trash Bros.... .. ......... Anson Wait Constable W. D. Mount -Justice ' :Sidney 13opkins-Justice' L. Mill.pengh-Oversee; Popi , 11:11. Idarsh-iTall lor') lertion, ,, • , ITITACIA, The. Board Ot TOW3I Ailcl}tor;. of the Tow,l,r of it:llacj uiet Ott t4e; ofi%(;e of Lucas ,,Noi ember 5th„ 1865. :',Pres- ent SIlpe>',cisO3, 1?,. L B.artt, 'l o '':n Ciel lc I C: ;II(ath, ; Tnstices , ofe,acc, A. M. Lllcas;,al+zrt je '(e},closes Croir- ell,S. W.'Smith. The, •follotitring"'b lis 51e *( pieg0l ted and found correct and passed 170. Clain ri--:_3.110-3"d 1 3. M. eke vie, Jr., clerk elec n dist.` $3.05.-; $3125 2 W. 0,,,Crosby, house for elee n ::a 10 10. 10 00 , 3. Wm,; Posbinder, , , 80, 00 80'00 4: Archer Pres.ton Constable ervices 10,`81 4980 5 Holmes & Stamp, board of pilsonere . and;rlse of house for election 90.'00 90 00 '0,AbelBurritt,rent ofoffice, Town C, 25 00 :: 25 00 7, H. W.,Ensign, clerk of election 3 00 1 00 8 B. Rt Williams Inspector 10 ,10 10;60 9: Spencer,& Williams, printing ,, 6 1)0,,,,; )11; 00 10,JamesLandon, Inspector election;. 4 8, 0)1,. , - $',6O 11. 'Peter Assessor 69 00,, ,;69 00 12 W. F Welch, house for election ., 40(�(1.,,,,. 4t) 00 13 W, I4,;Bostwick,ex-Super' r servi's li ,$ 45.; ; 14; R. It.•Howell, Constable, sery),ces - '6 '6 95 .95 15 Samuel :Love, Attorney fee, 20 70, _ 110,11) 10 Spence Spencer, Inspector election. ' 8.10 8 00 17; George M. King, clerk of election.. 3.00 3 00 1841 T. Jones, Inspector election.... 5.50 7, 50 10 Fran, ;l}mown,; ", ... 7 50 7 50 20 H. 11,6lenyon, Inspector'(Clerk : 50 7.50 '21 :yoh1.1 e thrup Assessor._ „.„.„„:„117,00, , 1]1711(1 22 L. F, Colegrove G$ 11)) , O4 50 i3, Piths Bostwick lumber 20 ,;501 °0.50 24.M. Wick, Inspector,.,,• (, 00 .6 00 25,L. Ii. (injver ' (10 • . 6 00 2$,L. Mlila aagli, Overseer of Poor.; <1) ,11 .,,) , (1605 :34 27=J. IL.Sekreg, printing t3 (lis 13 0 28, Horace J. Lucas poll clerk } 4 50 ; , 4 050 29 J. 0.; Heath, T,,onilClerk. .21'b)) 30 O. B. Curran, Inspector etc 13-75 r 13 71 31 Morgan& Bishop, medical services t1y1 UO , ?0000 32: I. M; &,F. Beers, lumber 111 QO,, 17 0'9 83, Mott & Harty, Police services . 46 10'. 16 10 34 John Mitchell, Ap raiserIIi hways 156 „ 1 GO 35 .Andras, llc0hain Co., books stay Yc 66. 12 6)) 30; E. V. B. aiapriee Inspector Electron 9 0(1: 9 00 37 Frank Whitmore, cierli,electmn .,,. 00', f) IH) 38 James . Flenimg Ian&for tI e of , . : new -road Dania e .:, 3 280 ,' 322 80 39 .1. C.; Heath,, Town. Cirri;; .,. 1,f 87 61; 5'i 40 S. 13.. Beers, e2.-Town,;C10r1 . x'5.30,; 8800 41 G. 0,1tcelrpte; certificate indent .119 11 019 511 42:. .. 171,6f 191.1.7 43; 711115 70115 44 J. M, 21ott 23� 51 237.51 •45, ' - I80.1,8.' 18018 46 ,G. C.11fcClnne. jryr 09-,-.,122'09 47:E. Ytillapattgli; 830 2e ` ;526 25 4(1 4 ;56 .6,, 525;25 49 ,. - - ,'6 25 52625 50 526 25 526 25 $0 50 6 50 3 75 .10 .15 4 00 9 70 38 00 10 60 11880 21 51 L. Millspangh, certificate indebt ss 520 25 526 25 5° „ 526 25 . 526:25 221 10' 221'10 200 09 200 00 655 64: 655 64 370 61 371,01 505 34 505 34 432 19 432 19 5r) " . " 685 95 685 95 ((0 Services as H. Com'r. 108 00 108 00 01 Leandej .Gray, Cohstahle ., ..8 10 8 10 02 etlr Wainer, 4 45 4 45 03 Archer Preston, • " . 118 00' 118 lo 64, Nottingham Mott,; " 57 60 ' 57 60 05(1;P_ DI, li ixcli; Attorney foes .. 5 00 5 60 W00 C, C Alla her; :supply of poor.. 13 50 10 00 67 Tremah. rn- -• Co., nails:..:...... 4 00 4 00 08'Harlan Hill, clerk of election 3 00 :1:00 09 Eugene Mitchell, :i ,,..-. - 00 500 (0'Davxl1.:1,w:tt; ia.id:liyerybillfo1 road...: 26:45 20 45 71, Davit E.; liortt, serViees Supervisor 3.36 33 38 Neidick &"Seaman. Police Const s. 138 ::70 138.70 73 Ezra Weaver Jnstice•of.Peace "71 10 '71 10 . 74Mose's Grovyell, ' 141 95 141 95 75 5, W. Smith, .. 210 65 210 65 6_Asa M. Lucas 919.64. 212 64 ..17,,Alex. Smith,livery hill, 16-00 : 16 00 53 N 54 Aro:jape. ;,0 57 58 $13,833 85 4113,833 85 At` the Annual Town Meeting, held April MI, 1868; 1t was voted to raise Five hundred dollars for the sup- port of the poor. D. L. BDRT'r, Supervisor. 5. W. SeITn, J, P. ' A. AL LUCA'S, J, P. DIOSES CROW ELL, J. P. .i,. ELRA,WEAVER, J; P. (Added by Shpervisors.) C'aleb,-Davis, Excess Tax ' 3 42 E.'M'. Hall, rent Village Hall 10 00 L. Millspangh, Overseer Poor 2 00 Terris &rpowe .. .-.:;t............ .,'5'00 :4,t) LANSING. LANSING. We, the Board Of Town Auditors,, for th6ETown of Lansing havina Met at the house of Warren Seeley, in said town on Thursday, the 5th day of November, 1868, 1868, do certify .that the persons Whose names are hereinafter 'Mentioned, ap- •peared before us and exhibited their ac- counts against said town, and that we did audit and allow the same for the ,80.1* ic03 i•elicceretl by them, and at the sums set opposite' their respective rames! No; Claim'd Allow'd 1,44.,H. Warner, Clerk of Election.. , $3 00 $3 00 2 Mervin Bower, Inspector Election.. 6 00 6 00 8 Chas. J. Benjamin, Toi 22 26 Martin Brower, Constable • 5 30 5;30 32 E. l.ovel, J. P 12 25 13 25 27 C. E. Sebring, Inspector of Election 3 00 ' 3 00 33•L. H. Owen, Supervisor 46 08 46 08 28 Moses McCorn, Assessor 25 10 25 10 — 29 L. S. Ram, Justice of Peace 10 50 10 50 ?700 90 00 R. C. Estabrook, " 8 25 8 25 We, the undersigned certify the foregoing abstract 31 L. D. Hamilton, (;onatable 23 75 23 75 to he correct. L. H. OwEN, Supervisor. 33 S. S. Garfield, house for election10 00 10 00 R. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. 33 O. C. Puff, fence view or 1 50 1 50 E. LoVEL, 34 Moses McCorn, 2d, fence viewer1 50 1 50 J. (AnMAN, "S* -Chas. E. Sebring; Town Clerk. 42 63 42 68 J. R. EMRnr, Justices Peace. 35 Elvin 0. Thorn, Justice of Peace'7 50 7 50 The following resolutions were passed at the Anna - 37 Wm. R. Smith, Poor Master . 108 00 1(18 00 al Town -Meethig, of the Town of -Ulysses,. held on 88 P. A. Blakeslee, Com'r'of Highways 90 00 110 00 Tuesday, April 7th, 1868, 39'A. J. White, Supervisor 28 19 23 19 Resolved, That the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty 40 Elvin C. Thorn, Justice Peace 6 15 6 15 Dollars, ($750) in addition to the sum of Two Hundred 41 S. S. Garfield, 98 85 48 85 and Fifty Dollars, (,250) now allowed- by law'for the P ---- support of roads and bridges, be assessed and levied on '$768 73 said town. We do certify that the foregoing abstract is' correct. Resolved, That the sum of Seventy Five Dollars ($791 Dated Nh W TELT; Nov. 5, Mk. be raised for the use of the Poor the coming year. A. J. Wnrrs, Supervisor, I do certify that the foregoing resolutions are true C. E. SEBRING, Town Clerk, copies of the originals. LUTHER S. HAM, R. 0. TAi-Lpri, Town Clerk. R. S. ESTAJIIOOK, (Added by Supervisors }',-' Henry Luckey --Inspector of Election... $6 00 W. B, Dumont—Flag Stones 149 9' Alex. Bower—ex-Supervisor iS 50 Total $17-1.42 ELVIN C. THORN, S. S. GARFIELD, Justices. • At the Annual Town Meeting, held in the town of Newfield, April 7th, 1868; it was voted by the legal voters of said town, that theltown raise by taxithe amount of Eleven hundred and fifty dollars, for the pur- pose of repairing Roads and building Bridges in said town and Dyking a highway in Pony Hollow. Attest, . S. S. GARFIELD, Moderator. C. E. SEBRING, Town Clerk. (Added by Supervisors.) • 1. J. Cornish, Board Registry, 3 00 ULYSSES. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors, of the Town of 613 sse3, on the 5th day of No- vember, 1868, with the alvolints claimed by each and the amounts filially audited. .No. Claim'd Allow'd 1 Elisha Willcox, Coin's Highways.. $35 00 $35 00 3 A. V. Aran Liew, " .. 34 50 34 50 0 Win. Pierson, Inspector election.. 6 00 6 00 • 4 Page * Stewart, coffin for poor.... 10 00 10 00 5 William. & Stewart, coffin for poor 15 00 15 00 0 J. D. Lewis, M. D 90 50 50 50 7 15'. A. Fuller, Poor Master 0 7!i ; 3 75 8 H. B. Chase, M. D 2400' 24 00 9 S. Young, Inspector Election • 10 75 " 10 75 10 J. S.!Hixson, "0 30 10 30 11.L. D. Brum, Assessor 00 22 00 12 JohnA. Letts, Assessor .22 00 22' 00 State Tax 13' Elias Smith, Poor Master 5 00 5 00 Town Audits 14 James Samuel Hill 10 70 10 09 Returned Tax 15 O. K. Dean, elerk(ol election 3 00 3.00 Highways 16 L. Millspaugh, Poor Master Ithaca. '5 50 5 50 17 S: It. Wickes, Inspector Election.. 3 00 3 00 18 J. R. Emery, ex -Poor Master - . 6 00 6 00 19 Nelson Noble, Inspector' Election. 4 50 4 50 20 Monroe Mattison, Clerk Election.. 6 09 6 00 21 E. S. Pratt, Assessor 45 50 45 50 22 J. M. Farrington, M. D.....,...:. 80 12 80 12 23 W. 0. WiIken, Constable • •1 95 1 95 24 R. 0. Tompkins, Clerk of Election3110 3 00 25 Trembly 8c Burch, horse 3 elec'ons `58 00 45 00 36 Isaac Bullard, use of house .....`i . 48 00 44' 00 27 R. I1. Fish, Constable '61 80 44 60 28 J. M. Stout, Inspector )flection6 00 6 00 29 R. 0. Taylor, Town Clerk 39 50 38 50 30 Jacob Carman; J. P 6 00 6 00 31 J. R. Emery; J.P 6'10 '610 • ABSTRACT of Charges against the sev- eral towns: CAROLINE: State Tax $2034 34 County Expenses.. 979 00 'town Audits 512 14 Sup'ts of the Poor '70 53 Highways 951 00 Schools........ 552 10 Returned Tax 16 87 Total $5115 48 : DANBY. - State Tax $2185 88 Sup'ts of the Poor. 182 12 Town Audits 469 42 Schools 595 63 Highways 550 00 Returned Tax 90 County Expenses.. 1051 00 Total $5035 Cas DRYDEN. State Tax..: . :..$3398 341County Expenses2599 00 Town Audits 1086 72 Snp'ts of the Poor. 848 36 Highways 0152 23 Schools1484 68 Support of Poor... 600 00 Returned Tax ' 55 18 Total $13721 41 - ENFIELD. - - State Tax $1810 53 Returned Tax 51 98 Town Audits...... 699 47ICounty Expense 900 00 Highways - -150 00,.Schools -- 506 95 Total $4178 93 GROTON, $3249 40 County Expenses.. 1540 00 658 73 Sup'te of the Poor. 116 47 15 42 Schools 390 61 250 09 R. R. Bonds (int.). 3300 00 $10200 63 Total - ITIIAOA. • State Tax $10777 92 County Expenses. 5190 00 Town Audits13854 27ISup'ts of the Poor 581 25 Highways 250 00 Schools 2932 53 Support of Poor.. 500 00IReturned Tax131 47 To tal - $.31257 44 • LANSING. State `rax $4883 87ICounty Expenses.. 2351 00 Town Audits 648 76 Snpp'ta of the Poor. • 179 02 Highways - 600 00jSehools --1346 38 Returned Tax.,..:.: 53 '78, Total - $10063 81 23 NEWFIELD. State Tax $2422 34County Expenses.. 1165 00 Town Audits 771 73 Sup'ts of the Poor. 203 61 Highways - 1150 00 Schools • 665 27 Bounty Tax....... 6548 40 Returned Tax 44 39 Total $12970 74 ULYSSES. State Tax.... ....$8992 79 County Expenses.. 1922 00 Town Audits 875 32 Sup'ts of the Poor, 266 02 Highways 1000 00 Schools 110(1 08 Returned Tax..... 56 131Support of Poor75 00 Tokai. $9287 39 RECAPITULATION. Caroline Y 5115 48 Ithaca - 34257 44 Danby 5035 55 Lansing 10063 81 Dryden........ .. 13724 41 Newfield 1297() 74 Enfield 4178 93 Ulysses 9287 39 Groton....... ... 10220.63 Total ;'t104858 38 STATEMENT showing the amount of compensation au- dited by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Coun- ty, to the members thereof, within the past year, the items and nature of such compensation, the number of days the Board has been in session, and the number of miles travelled by the members respectively, in at. tending County Canvass and the greetings of the Boai d. bi• Yt19:foor o • m��4""bD1 ythgp▪ Mt • . . .7 mmKrKp tom RWY F+Y+F+F+F+H• `Y,?,: y;�,•,�`;^`," Days with Co. Can're. µ _ Days with Board, s3SIR a'c"'o4;';c` Per diene allowance. i3 k',Vi,� O r(+ ate! �Goc-�.o� Miles traveled. 4-2. 1:,2. ,4Gc Mileage. G Wrp iL _2 rC-2v fur -z Oi�+OCi:2 J G2D iu iaW i; .Ti Cq is .;,'t1 Copying roll. Miscellaneous. Total. w`c t'ccoc SU'PERVISOR& Itoo31, Dec. 5th, 1868. I, hereby certify, that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, were in session sixteen days in No- vember, 1868, and one day and a half, in•making Coun- ty Canvass, and that the number of miles necesearially travelled by the members of the Boardan perfomance of their duties, is as above stated, and I farther certi- fy, that no accounts were audited by said Board, with- out being properly verified according to law. S. H. WILCOX, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins Co. 71 00 -I0020,,w0 w c lamas 9SQ,EFT•Ids 1 6S5cf:8 c>s-cSa c. aacwco rad lamu, .- xis Cv eO 2J Cum2u mr-,.-, 2;.r 4.. 00008 x4 00 iO 0:00µ0r`204" ,�2umoomc.2of( W0 0 '0 00[01-.-.0000 y O mm. t,1 Acres of land. W w . Wi A, Assessed value of per -p 1:m m Awa m s� SVG ppm m 2u G m °C F Assessed valise of real estate. sonal estate. 11a C2i--,, 000,f>,� C U 0Li 0-1 GTI 000,4-'�U _is - .>c W oomrF+r«,w2�w F+ Wr'-r201toG Corrected a grcgate valuation. Amount of town taxes. 00 0 raW W 40-i'20J ra0 a oomlxccng>- cx �ootooJra 2v c� 00(((c,000'aa 04 oumWom,aa2a 02�W co, m LfRCt-, W cn-)coo:. +V,JWG 29 GO O � 02J,a 0 O • VG 2:J 2u U 0 a0 ..-:1 is. CO01-,0 f2c�g w1a,oaoaa m•1 2 mcay'5✓r5 c Nzo=2o' 0w2J-a w151w -3GOl,I-CI iJ, Amount of county taxes hag a5g Amount of school taxes. ;°, as a F� pog Vg.0. 1 n m C p p'.0 a r co gVm a�El 04, Amount of state taxes. Aggregate taxation. 71 u000000o Rate of tax an $1 vatu- 0404002450 anon. I, S. H. Wilcox, Clerk of the Board of Supery sors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify•that the precedingis a true statement of the Aggregate Valua- tions of he Real and Personal Estates in the several Towns and Wards in said County, as corrected by said Board of Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting in the month of November, 1868, S. H, WILCOX, Clerk. A Tabular Statement of Votes given at a General Election held on Vie 3rd day of Novenriber, 186 in the several Election Districts in the County of Tompkins, for Electors of President and Vice -President. z 0 ITHACA, ULYSSES, NEWFIELD, LANSING, GROTON, DRYDRN, EIN-FIELD, DANBY, CAROLINE, 0 t1 11 0 2 A 0 •I gi I t1 1 1 I 1 I 11 1 1 I 1 I • _ I 1 . i I i I ..1 1 ! 1 - , f , i 1 • if: I I 1 i - ! • 4 .1 w; 0. , ' •`'.1 i .s: • gi . 1 i 1 1 ,! . . •.4 ,=..i 1'1 1 ., 0 1 i •t,, -a. ti. 1.1 ii ` 41 " 1 4 ;73 mi 4 ,....::— 7; rc v gi ,rt. g 1 1 .-..: 2i `'; 1.1 .7,:',1 1 g fl :El p.,! ;21 .1 .1 49, -31 2' --'21 .1 81 1 d a41 i ti. t., 2=11 .=, Et!HY: 1:-'„—"011 ,,..;6•11! :iii .j'ltilil ;g1110 . 1 4.-., ,,,..;; 0: = ' -.1 01 0 .,_ , tt p-: /,..:74.; „41 ,,_, i ^- ,--- ' I • I r,7; 7W, -9. .0 ' . = . C.- I -1-- i !I 11 !li ;I '.1 h! ,,,g 1 .” E ..: ;1-' cr: t= ,.g. ..,- 'F, ,.... r.4 .,... 0 ,,,,•,' -6 t, , o 0 c.;) --1 a • . i g 41 V: 1 '' l's .r? g '.-I 4 4 4 I,' g d ''S ''' t-' m d r..., ,4 "0 riU, 0 s, 4,S1 21 r., .... 7., 6 1 8 •1 g 1 T -I-31 4111 D.-.1 72 . .i ..* *1 4 i - 1., :5, ',,, g , "a 1 =I : '' . ,1,-, .;.,,-• 1 g ;,- 7p.'1 ti ..3. 8 g g 2 i I' P4' 0 1..,i ,q . 1 1",!] t! 41: 421 ..',-, f-1 0 ,,, ,_ b .81 •-!'r ,,I 1 gij t .. 12 t Z m f3 72 ..E.1 :V I 6 -r, ',5,1 t: --4 :211 4 1 '' ° '4 .''' ''?'1 41 ti -:_i..,' i r'...)1 41 ..9.1 wi 4: = -g 41 '-.P1 8i -il 3 ti rg c: ,-.1 i 1 t3 cr, cH MI .-li ti s.:, ',- r,' P, ,-=.1 '1 el ;s4,1 E - t. -,1.t! 4-, e. .,,,, ,,1 .41 ill '1 •El 'E I'l I! i.--1 ...., 4: , .2? 4; bt m `.-.., ,- 0 4 4 -', ,::: E 4 4 .,- _ a cr.1 - P-' .5. "F.: .7., 3 A 1- i g • ,., 1.' i E-1 g ,...= 411 9 ..; ; 1 1 19404 313 3121 1131 313 3131 313 2121 3121 812 413 212 313 3131 3131 213; 3181 3131 313 2121 313; 313i 112! 8181 313i 313 812 312 813 818 8131. 818 318 '212 2751 275 275 2751 275 2751* 2751 2:1 273111 2Z :512! 27512751 2751 2151 275 •2151275 275 .2751 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 297 2971 2971 297 297 227 297 2974 2971 297: 297 2971 297 2971 2971 2971 2971 2971 2971 297 297 297 297 897 2971 297 127 297, 311, 311 211 2111 311 3111 311, 3111 3111 811 311 211 3111 3111 311 311 311 211; 311 311 011: 311 111 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 311 2 20063 297 2971 2971 297 2971 . 3 21912 375 3751 3751 375 375; 375 375! 8751 875 375 376 375 3751 8721 3751 375, 375: 375 3751 3751 S15; 375, 3151 8751 315 875 175 875 375 2751 215 475 275 2491 289 289 2491 289 289; 2891 269; 289: 289 289 269 289 2891 289 289 289 289: 289 289 2891 289 289 289 289 289 289 288 289 289 289 Ng Ng 1 17193 296 2961 296 206 226 2961 2961 2961 296 296 zni 296 2961 296 2961 2961 2961 296 2961 2961 296; 296; 2961 2961 296 /96 296 226 296 296; 14,5 226 296' 2251 225 225 2251 225 215 2151 2251 221' 225 225 225 115 2251 1251 2251 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 115 225 225 225 225 225 2 8679 152 1521 152 152 152, 152 1521 1521 152 152 152 152 152; 152 152 1521 152 152 1521 152! 1521 1521 152 1521 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 151 111 1 18612 295 2951 295, 295 2951 295 2951 295: 295 295 295 195 2951 295 2051 2951 295 295 2951 295: 295: 2951 295, 2951 295 295 795 29' 295 29- 595 295 2951 269 269 269 2691 269 2691 2691 2)191 299. 269 269 269 269 169 269 269' 269 2 9 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 ' 269 . ' 11 . 111' 11 0 111 111 1111 111 111 1 1111 1111 111 111 111 111 111 111 11 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 11 2 4251 59 591 59; 59 591 59 591 59 59 59 50 59 - 691 59 59: 591 59; 59 591 59, 59: 591 591 591 59 59 49 69 59 59 59 59 59 70 70 70 701 70 701 70' 70: 70 .70 70 70 70 70 '70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 7070 7 1 1 9306 194 194 194 194 194 194 1911 194 191 194 194 124 1941 194 194' 194 1941 194 194; 191! 1941 1941 191: 194! 194 194 194 194 124 194 194 194 194 88: 88 88 2 6666 ,8 !' 8' 881 88 88 12 12 88 a a 12 12 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 _88 88 88 97 3 8679 116 1661 97; 97. 97 97 97 971 97 97 97 97 27 971 97 971 97_ 971 97 97! 971 87: 971 97i 971 97 97 97 97 97 97 97. 97 97 1051 105 105 1051 105 1051 1051 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 1161 116 1161 176 1161 116 116 116 116 116 1161 116 116 116. 1161 116 1161 1161 116; 1161 116 1161 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 1471 147 147 147: 147 147, 1471 147 147 147 147 147 147 1471 147 147 147 147 147 141 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 1g4 1t 1 4785 93 93' 93! 93 93 93 93, 93 93 98 92 .98 931 98 931 931 931 93 931 931 931 931 93 93 93 91 93 91 93 93 93 93 93 521 52 52 521 52 521 521 52 62 -52 62 52 52 62; 52 52 52 62 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 .52 52 62 52 52 52 2 15444 361 351 351 351 151 351 351i 851 351 351 351 351 8511 351 351, 151 3514 851 351 351 3511 351 351 3511 351 851 351 351 351 1% M 251 351 11,1 117 117 117 117 1171 1171 117 117 117 117 117 117 1171 117 113 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 11, 117 117 117 117 117 117 14 3 8712 174 174 174 174 1 174 1741 174 174 174 174 174 1741 174 1741 1741 1741 174 1741 1741 174, 174 174 1741 174 174 174 174 174 174 90 90 90 90 90 001 901 90 90 90 90 90 90 901 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 1 9405 142 1421 142 142 142 142. 14% 142 342 142 142. 142 4421 142 142: 1421 1421 142 1421 142! 1421 1421 142 142; 142 142 142 141 142 141 141 142 142 143 143 143 143 143 143; 1481 143 143 143 143 143 143 1421 143 143 148 148 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 i i 1133 i ! 1211i9 4 5533 140 140: 140, 140 140 140 140; 140 110 140 140 140 140' 2 7491 129 1291 129 129 129 129 1291 129 129 129 129 329 122; 129 121)1 119 1291 129 1291,' 1291 129 1291 129 129, 129 129 129 129 120 129 129 124 129 .98 98 98 981 .98 981 981 98 OS 98 98 93 98 981 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 3 17490 421 4211 421' 421 421 421 4211 421' 411 421 421 421 4211 421 4211 421 421, 421 4211 421, 421 4211 421 4211 421 421 421 421 421 421 421 421 421 109 109 109 1091 109 1091 1091 109 109 109 109 109 109 1091 109 109 109 109, 1.9p 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 140 1401 140 140! 140 1401 1401 140 1401 140 1401 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 14)1 29 29 29 191 29 291 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29' ,. 21 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 -1; 1 15906 271 271: 1711 271 271 271 2711 271 271 271 271 271 2711 271 271 271 271; 271 2711 2711 271 2711 271 271 211 271 271 271 271 .•." 271 271 ,7 211 211 211 1111 211 1111 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 2 j 1 16599 342 8421 8421 342 342 342 842, 842 842 342 341 24; 2421 341 3421 1421 3421 342 3421 3421 342 8421 341 342 342 341 341 141 342 842 342 342 342 161 161 161 1611 161 181 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 164 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 ii161 161 95 0 1 8745 179 1701 1701 170 170 170 1701 110 170 170 170 170 1701 170 170, 1701 1701 170 1701 170 170 1701 170 170 170 770 170 170 170 170 170 119 170 95 95 95 951 95 95 95 9' 9: Ti 95 : 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 95 95 9' 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 2 10692 219 11912191119 219 210 2'19,219 219 219 219 219 2191'219 21912111:2191219 2191219121912191219 219,119 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 210 105 105 105 103 105 1051105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105'105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 TOTAL. 12556171461b14646,46461404614646.14646,4616,4646 •1646 4616 464514646 464614646 4646146161461614646 46,16:464814646:46461,1646 4646146461461614616,4616,464614646 :404611646 1164613100131001310013100:310013100131001316918100 3103i3100131110'31001310013100 3100'3100 3100 310013100 3100'3100 300 3100 310913100 31001309913100 3100 310013100 31001 The Board of County Convassers of tile County of Tompkins, having met at the office estimate the votes given at a General Election in the several Election Districts of said County1 at an erection and. footings of the votes given at said election, for electors of President and Vice -President T. J. MoElheny, County Clerk and sec -'y. of the Clerk of said County, on the 10th day of November, A. D., 1868, to canvass and held on the 3rd day of November; 1868, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true tabular statement D. L. BURTT, Chairman of Board County Canyasseux. Tail UL.IIt ST.ITEJPIE.4 T. of votes given at a General Election held in the several election districts in Tompkins County, on the Third clay of November, A. D. 1868, for Governor,. Lieutenant Governor, Canal Commissioner, Inspector of State Prisons,.Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Representative in Congress, Member of Assembly, Superintendent of the Poor, Justice of Sessions, Coroner and School Commissioner, District number Twa of said County. For Governor. 1 For Lieutenant !For Canal Com-1For Inspector' of For Clerk of the For Representa-I For Member of 1 For Superinten. Icor Justice of I I For School 1 Governor. •I • missioner. i State Prisons. iCourt of Appeals. tive in Congress. Assembly. dent of the Poor. Sessions. For Coroner. 1 Commissioner. t 2 i o .Q e c yq 1 o .i - l'Io - o r; �, o a o 3. 1 t. b > .-: P P i P q I P �p P d Q, > P C '� C Ti S O o ? O G 0 ro O h 'Q O •� O j m O .'tl' I o a d m ei M 4' ea ; v v v G 1,q v v m N y 0 0 tS 1~ I o m re.' m D. r E 0 , p E Pti I H! b fi7 9 F E i •g W Ei J a Ai .1 2 1,s ti a q :J 0 e, a ,i F: a 1 6 di • 8.i q q Ti �. q 1 q 1 q a q q v h .� A a= a o 4 Y N 0 y q at y C r p M O C N C m Q q C A. P w P i o 1 a a o m 9 •0 o -> o a o 1 A s g y 3 of 3 a! 3 = a y a ii v W q s I h B ,� p F H Ft rt 1 j F 1 4 I e, F 1 rJ F ia, I [ t _ _ 1 1 .i I)R.YDi�:ir. 1 ' 286 142 144 284 145 139 286 141 145 286 1411 1451 2801 141 146 286 140 145 285 145 140 285 144 141 286 141 145 286 1411 145 284 136 148 2 I 227 126 99 225 127 98 227 128 99 2271 1281 99 227• 128 99 337 128 99 227 128 99 227 128 99 227 128 99 227 128 99 226 122 104 3 530 418 11. 624 411 113 530 418 112 530 418,111 - 1121 530! 418 112 529 416 113 527 415 112 530 418 112 530 418 11"1 530 418 112 517 400 116 4 1 170 140 30 170 140 •80 170 140 30 170 140' 301 1701 140 30 170 140 30 170 140 30 170 140 30 170 140 30 170 140 30 153 69 82 ITl1ACA: 1 ' 590 309 281 588 322 266 5901 309 281 590 3091 2811 590 309 281 590 309 281 589 312 277 589 308 281 588 307 281 5S8 307 281 2 614 297 317 613 327 286 6141 299 315 614 2991 3151 614 299 315 614 298 316 614 310. 304 613 298 316 613 298 315 613 298 315 3 665 374 291 663 397 264 6641 375 289 665 376 2891 664 375 289 664 375 289 665 378 287 664 375 289- 664 375 289 604 375 289 LANSING. 1 288 193 90 283 19' 90 283 193 - 40 283 193) 901 283 193 90 282 193 89 282 191 91 283 193 90 283 193 90 283 193 90 281 190 91 3 1 204 97 107 204 97 107 204 97 107 204 97 107' 204 97 107 204 96 107 203 90 107 204 96 107 204 96 107 203 96 107 203 98 105 3 1 262 115 147 262 115 147 262 115 147 262 115 147! 2621 115 147 262 115 147 262 115 147 262 115 147 262 116 147 262 115 147 263 101 162j t1ROTU \. 1 j 144 91 63 145 02 53 145 92 53 145 921 531 1451 92 53 145 92 53 145 92 53 145 92 53 145 92 53 145 92 53 145 92 531 2 1 471 354 117 470 353 117 471 354 117 471 354 117 471 354 117 470 353 117 470 353 117 471 354 117 471 354 117 471 354 117 469 353 11611 3 ; 265 173 92 265 ' 173 92 265 173 92 265 1731 921 2651 173 92 265 173 92 265 173 92 265 173 92 265 173 92 265 173 92 265 175 901 NFWFIELD. 1 I 564 294 270 563 293 270. 564 294 270 564 2941 .2701- 5641, 294 270 5641 294 270 564 294 2,70 564 294 270 564 294 270 564 294 270 •• 2 1 130. 59 71 130 59 71 130 59 71 130 59; 71,, 1301 ' 59 71 130! 59 71- 130 59 71 130 59 71 130 59 71 130 59 71 ULYSSES. 1 ' 521 -296 225 519 294 225 521 296 225 621 296! T2511 5211 296 225 5181 293 225 509 285 224 521 296 225 521 296 225 121 296 225 .1 2 I 263 151 112 260 148 112 283 151 112 263 1511 112, 2631 151 .112 2031 151 112. 2581 146 112' 262 150 112 263 151 112 263 151 112 CAROLINE. 1 1 267 168 99 265 166 99 267 168 99 267 168; 991 267! 168 09 2671 108 99 2671 168 99 267 168 99 267 168 99 267 108 99 2661 170 96 2 1 324 -218 106 821 215 106 325 220 105 325 2201 1051 3251 220 1115 3251 220 10.5 325 219 105 325' 220 105 324 218 106 324 219 1051 325 220 1051 DANBY. 1 1 504 342 162 499 337 162 504 342 162 504 -3491 1621 504 342 162 :1041 342 162 502 340 162 5031 341 162 50.4 342 102 504 342 162 EFITCLD. 1 1 481 268 213 481 269 212 481 268 213 481 268, 213: 481 268 213 4811 268 _2131 4811 2681 213 4811 268 213 4811 268 213 481 268 213 1 N 1 Total 1 7765 46`27 3138 7734 4673 3059 7766 4632 3134 7767 48331 31341 7766 4632 3134 77601-4623 "x135 7740. 4627 3112 77611 4630 3130 7702 4626 3135 7761 4627 3134 33971-2126 12681; SCATTERING.—For Lieutenant Governor, Ezra Cornell, received one ; For Representative in Congress, Milo Goodrich, received one ; and George W. Cowles, received one ; For Member oft' Assembly, Selkreg, received one; For Superintendent of the Poor, John 13. Strong, received one; For Justice of Session, Rowell 13. Converge; received one; For School Commissioner, for the! Second School Commissioner District, A.. Snyder, received one; Alviras Snyder. one; J. G. Kimberlin, 0110. 1