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Y. L. ROST-WICK, ' Chairman. IT. EMERY, Clerk. ITIJACA, N. Y. PRINTED A'i THE ITHACA'.JOURNAL OFFICE. 1867. • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3 ARD OF SIT E VISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKIN FOR THE YEAR. W. L. BOSTWICK, Chairman. 111. EffERY, Clerk. ITHACA, N. Y. PRINTED AT THE ITHACA JOURNAL orrIcB. 1807, S c al Sesg6®n. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met in Special Ses- sion at the Court House, in the village of Ithaca, on the 26th day of April, 1867, pursuant to the call of the Clerk, and was called to order by the Clerk of the last Board. On calling the roll the following members answered to their names : Caroline—SAaiaEL P. ASHLEY. Danby—E. L. B. CURTIS. Dryden—Joan M. SMITH. Enfield—D. W. BATLEv. Groton—WALTER W. Warts. Ithaca—WILLIAM L BOSTWICK. Lansing—WILLIAM MEAD. Newfield—BENJAnmv STARR,. Ulysses—ALEXANDER BOWER.. On motion of Mr. Bower, Mr. E. L. B. Cu iris, of Danby, was elected temp- orary chairman. The board then pro- ceeded to the election of a permanent Chairman by ballot, with the following result : For William L. Bostwick. ..... ........ 6 " E. L. 13. Curtis. 3 sideration of the specialbnsiness of the session, being the question of the neces- sary repairs to the jail of said County. After a full discussion and inter- change of views, and a personal exami- nation of the premises, on motion of Mr. Curtis, Messrs. Curtis, Bailey and Smith were appointed a committee, with power to make such repairs as in their judgment might be necessary to secure the safe keeping of prisoners. On motion of Mr. Curtis, Resolved, That the Sheriff of the County be authorized to lay a new floor in the kitchen of the Jail, said floor to be constructed of Ash or Norway Pine. Also, that the Sheriff be authorized to make a stone flagged walk from the kitchen stairs to the well, not exceeding three feet in width. Also, to construct a suit- able stone sewer to carry the water from the Court House eaves between the Court House and Jail, and to fill in with gravel where the olcl plank floor now lies. Mr. Curtis brought up the question relative to the subject of refunding cer- tain taxes to the Barks in the village of Ithaca, and on his motion, Messrs. Bailey, Curtis, Bower and Ashley, were appointed a committee to investigate the matter and report to the Board a•t its annual session. On motion, adjourned. . J. H. EMERY, Clerk. On motion of Mr. Curtis, Mr. BOST- WICK was declared unanimously elected. Mr. J. H. EMERY was then re-elected Clerk of the Board by a unanimous vote. The Board then proceeded to the con- Lal Session. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, met in Annual Session at their room in the Court House in the village of Ithaca, on the 12th day of November, 1867, and was called to order by the Chairman. On calling the roll the following mem- bers were found to be present : Caroline—SAMUEL P. AsuI.EY, Danby—E+. L. B. CURTIs, Dryden—JonN M. SMura, Enfield—DANIEL W. BAILEY, Groton ---WALTER W. WHITE, Ithaca—WILLI 1 L BosrwIcx, Lansing—WILLIAM MEAD, Newfield—BENS. STARE, Ulysses—ALEx. BOWER. On motion of Mr. Bailey, &solved, That the Chairman be requested to appoint in addition to the committees usu- ally appointed, a committee to consist of three members, to examine and report in regard to the indebtedness of this County. On motion of Mr. Curtis, _Resolved, That a committee of three be ap- pointed by the Chairman to attend to the in- surance of the County buildings. On motion of Mr. Bailey, &solved, That all resolutions of the Board be presented in writing. On motion of Mr. Smith, _Resolved, That all County orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the Chair- man; and all Town orders by the Supervisors of the respective towns. On motion of Mr. Smith, the daily hours of meeting were fixed as follows: Morning, 9 o'clock; afternoon, 2 o'- clock; evening, 7 o'clock. On motion, adjourned to to -morrow morning. Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1867. Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. The Chairman then announced the following standing Committees. On Sheriff's, Clerk's, Constables', and• Jus- tices' Accounts.—Messrs. Ashley, Bailey and White. On Treasurer's Accounts.—illessrs. Bailey, Mead and Bower. On Equalization. — Messrs. Curtis, Bailey, Starr, Mead and Smith. On Poor House and Superintendent's Reports. —Messrs. Bower, Smith, Bailey, White and Starr. On County Claims and County Jude's Ac- counts.—Messrs. Smith, Curtis and Bower. On County Indebtedness. —Messrs. Bailey, Curtis and White. On U S. Deposit Fund. —Messrs. White, Mead and Ashley. On Insurance.—Messrs. Mead, Curtis and Starr. The Clerk presented the following communications from the Comptroller, and the same was received and ordered published with the minutes: Co rrrxoLLER's OFFICE, Albany, Oct. 5, 1867. 5. Sms : The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of 312, of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County, at the sum of $8,095,517 upon which amount a State tax of $63,145,03 must be levied for the current fiscal year, (commenc- ing October 1st, 1867), being 7 4-5 mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz.: For Schools, 134 mills, per Chapter 406, Laws of 1867. For General Proposes, 2 479-1040 mills, per Chapter 670, Laws of 1867. For Canals, mill, per Chapter 271, Laws of 1859. 6 For Canals, iz mill, per Chapter 579, Laws of 1867. For Bounty Debt, 2 mills, per Chapter 325, Laws of 1865. For Albany & Susquehanna Railroad, 3-16 mill, per Chapter 164, Laws of 1867. For Whitehall & Plattsburgh Railroad, 1-13 mill, per Chapter 103, Laws of 1867: For Oneida Lake Canal; 1-5 mill, per Chap- ter 934, Laws of 1867. Total ...7 4-5 mills. Your obedient servant, THOMAS HILLHOUSE, Coanptroller. On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That the Grand Jtuy list be ap- portioned among the several towns as follows, VIZ.: • Caroline, .25 Enfield, .18 Lansing,.. 32 Danby,...24 Groton,..34 Newfield, 27 Dryden, .. 50 1 thaca, .. 61 Ulysses, . 29 Total .350 A large number of bills were received and referred to the appropriate Com- mittees. Afternoon Session. On motion of Mr. Curtis, Resolved, That all bills or demands present- ed to this Board be referred to the appropri- ate Committee by the Chairman without fur- ther action by the Board. On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That the Committee on County Claims be instructed to make such arrange- ments in regard to public printing as in their judgment will best snbserve the interest of the County, and lay their proceedings before this Board for final action. F. M. Finch, Esq., appeared before the Board and presented his views as the counsel of the First National Bank of Ithaca, in regard to the taxation of National Banks, and on motion of Mr. Curtis, the subject was made the spec- ial order for this evening. On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That the Committee on Insurance examine the roof of the County Clerk's Office and report its condition to this Board. The Board were engaged during the session in the examination of bills, and bills numbering from 1 to 23 inclusive, were passed at this session. Evening Session. The Board were engaged during the session in the consideration and discus- sion of the matter of taxation of Na- tional Banks, anti without coming to a decision the Board adjourned. Thursday, Nov. 14,1867. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the. Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. The Board •then proceeded in a body to visit the County House, and on their return at 5 p. m., adjourned.. • Evening Session. The Board were engaged cluing the session in the examination of bills. Friday Nov. 15, 1867. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. On motion of Mr. White, Resolved, That in pursuance of' the previ- sions of Chap. 433, of the Laws of 1866, enti- tled " An Act to facilitate the construction of the Southern Central Railroad, and to author- ize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof," and of a notice served upon this Board by the Railroad Commissioners of the town of Groton, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the said town of Groton, the sum of fourteen hundred and for ty-six dollars and four cents ($1446,04), for the purpose of paying interest upon the Rail- road bonds issued by said town ; and that the said sum when collected be paid to the Su- pervisor of said town, to be expended for that purpose. Afternoon Session. The Board were engaged during the session in the examination of bills and of the County Treasurer's Accounts. Evening Session. The Board were engaged hi the ex- amination of bills, and bills numbering from 24 to 67 inclusive were passed. Saturday, Nov. 16, 1867. The Board were engaged during the 7 session in the examination of bills, and bills numbering from 68 to 94 inclusive were passed. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday at 2 p. m. Monday, Nov. 18, 1807. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That pursuant to the provision of Chap. 522, of Laws of 1865, the sums set clown in the following schedule, be levied and as- sessed• upon the taxable property of the per- sons whose names are included in the several lists and in the sums respectfully named in said lists, submitted to this Board and fur- nished to the Supervisors of the several towns named in said schedule, by the Overseers of the Highways respectively of the Road Dis- tricts included therein. DRYDEN. District No. 145, 2 days fp 00 " " 34, 1 1-2 " 1 50 HANBY. District No. 32, 1 day .$1. 00 NEWFIELD. District No. 6, 54 days.. $54 « « 8, 21 " 21 " 2, 3 1-2 days3 " 28, 241-2 days24 " 37, 21-2 " 2 " 48,7 days. 7 " 56,12 days12 " 73, 2 1-2 days2 « « 74, 6 days . 6 " 99, 41-2 days4 .t it « .t .t It $3 50 1 00 It " 85, 6 " 5 " ... 6 50 127 50 Mr. Smith offered the following reso- lution: Resolved, That no bills for assistant to the District Attorney in his official capacity, shall be allowed by the county, unless the necessity for the same shall be certified to by the Court before whom the cause was tried -in writing -which certificate shall be attached to all bills presented,to be audited. Adopted by ayes and noes as follows AYES. NoEs Mu. ASHLEY, MR. BOWER, " BAILEY, " STARR.-2 BOSTWICK, CuRTIs, MEAD, SanTH, " WHITE. -7 On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That the salary of the District At- torney of this county, for the ensuing term, be fixed at $450 per annum. Mr. Bower moved to amend by strik- ing out $450, and inserting $500. The question being first taken on the amendment, the same was lost by ayes and noes as follows: AYES. NOES. MR. BOSTWICK, 1'IR. ASHLEY, " BOWER, " BAILEY, " CURTIs,-3 " MEAD, " SMITH,' " STARR, " WHITE. -6 The question then recurring on the original resolution it was then adopted, by ayes and noes as follows: AYES. NOES. MR. BAILEY, MR. ASHLEY, " BOWER, " BOSTWICK-2. CURTIS, MEAD, SMITH, STARR, Wnrri-7. 00 00 50 50 50 00 00 50 00 50 137 50 GROTON. District No. 7, 11 days 7 hours...$11 70 " t 40, 4 days 3 " ... 4 30 " 71, 1 day........... 1 00 " 57, 35 days 1 hour.. 35 10 " " 64, 3 days 4 hours... 3 40 " 15, 5 " 3 " ... 5 30 " 31,9 " 3 " ... 9 30 " 67, 1 " 4 " ... 1 40 « 22, 2 " ........ 2 00 " 16, 4 " 5 " ... 4 50 " 59, 43 " 43 00 ,t It it tt tt tt It {t It It tt On motion of Mr. Curtis, Resolved, That the proposition of B. D. Fitch to lay a cement side -walk -left side -on Mill street, in front of Court House and Jail, same as balance of walk on street, at 81-2 cents per square foot, be accepted. Resolved, That the sum of $74.63 be levied and assessed on the taxable property of this 8 county, for the purpose of paying for said walk, and that the County Treasurer pay for the same on the order of the Chairman of this Board. Bills numbering from 95 to 104 in- clusive, were passed at this session. Evening Session. . On motion of Mr. Bailey, the fol- lowing preamble _and resolution was adopted. • • Whereas, The laws regulating the military of the State of New York, requires every sub- ject of military duty to pay to the Collector of' the several towns, the sum of one dollar, on or before the 15th day of August, in each year, and Whereas, In most of the towns of this coun- ty they have in whole or in part neglected to comply with said law, and no efforts having been made by the authorities having the mat- ter in charge to compel delinquents to comply with said law, causing great inequality and injustice in consequence thereof, therefore, Resolved, That the Supervisors of the sever- al towns retain the military funds in their hands for the time being, until there shall be some uniform system adopted in this county of enforcing the law in regard to the military tax. • On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That at the request of the Super- visors of the several towns of this county, the sums set forth in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said towns for the purposes therein men- tioned. Town Over's Audits. Highways. Poor. Caroline$496,56 $750 Danby 543,17 450 Dryden.... 1276,2* 625 200 Enfield... 1515,05 150 Groton. 663,26 400 Ithaca. 9781,49. 250 Lansing... 646,73 2950 Newfield681,23 917 Ulysses2346,06 1000 On motion adjourned. Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1867. Board inet pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Curtis, Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dol- • lays be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Danby for the pur- pose of paying for repairs upon the Town Hall in said town, in accordance with a vote taken at the last town meeting, in pursuance of an act of the Legislature, passed April 24, 1867. Mr. Bower offered the following res- olution : .Reolved, That the Superintendents of the Poor be authorized to expend a sum not ex- ceeding 00 for religious services at the Coun- ty House during the ensuing year. Mr. Bailey moved to amend by strik- ing out $50 and inserting a$25. Lost by ayes and noes as follows: AYES. NOES. MR. BAILEY, Mn. ASHLEY, " SMITH -2. " BOSTwICK, " BOWER, " Cuneris, MEAD, " STARR, " WHITE -6. The original resolution was- then adopted. On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That at the request of the Super- visors of the several towns named in the fol- lowing schedule, the claims set forth therein be added to the audits of said towns, and levied and assessed upon them respectively. CAROLINE. S. P. Ashley, Supervisor.. $16 76 DANBY. R. R. Howell, Deputy Sheriff 4 10 DRYDEN. A. Clapp, printing 4 50 Wm. Griddle, coffins for poor 24 00 A, L. Smiley, Assessor 28 50 A. M. Covert, excess of tax 17 33 74 33 GROTON. Gilbert Francis, Assessor 25 00 C. W. Conger, Inspector of Election 3 00 Erastus Stebbins,,excess of tax 3 00 W. W. White, assessment roll 1 00 Wilson Halliday, Constable.... 7 35 W. W. White, cash advanced for town.151 42 • 190 77 ITHACA. C. F. Potter, horse drowned in Inlet....300 00 9 L.O. Sayler, clothes lost at same time42 75 John Kingsbury, excess of tax 8 31 Heath T. Jones, " " 9 33 F. M. Finch, counsel fee... 5 00 365 39 LANSING. W. 111. Bristol, Commissioner Hi'ways.114 13 A. W. Knettles, ex -Supervisor 9 00 A. Preston, Constable .... 5 05 William 11Iead, assessment roll........ 1 00 Adam Fenner, excess of tax.... 51 04 180 22 NEWFIELD. L. D. Hamilton, Constable 7 20 Jacob Puff, Commissioner Highways36 00 43 20 ULYSSES. Edmund Robinson, excess of tax1 05 On motion of Mr. Mead, Resolved, That the sums hereinafter men- tioned being the amount of poor and rejected taxes retuunecl from the towns named in the following schedule, be levied and assessed up- on said towns respectively. Danby.... .$ 2 67 Dryden 130 73 Enfield 13 13 Groton.... 54 80 Ithaca... ...161 38 Lansing. 82 86 Newfield . 27 20 Ulysses .... 77 Afternoon Session. Hon. Milo Goodrich and Hon. Benj. G. Ferris appeared before the Board and presented a petition numerously signed, asking for an increase in the salary of the County Judge, and stated their views upon the question of such increase. The Board were engaged during the session in the examination of bills, and bills numbered 104 and 105 were passed. Evening Session. On motion of Mr. Curtis, the action of the Board fixing the salary of the District Attorney was reconsidered by ayes and noes as follows : AYES. NOES. Mn. ASHLEY, MR. BAILEY, " BOSTWICK, " STAR.R, " BOWER, " WaITE-3. " CURTIS, " SrrITH--5, Absent, MR. MEAD. On motion of Mr. Curtis, the matter of District Attorney's salary was made the special order for to -morrow morning. Mr. Bower from the Committee on Poor hIouse and Superintendents' Re- port, presented the following report, and the same was received. Your Committee to whom was referred the report of the Superintendents of the Poor of the County, would respectfully report that the whole number of paupers assisted during the year was 144 Of which number there were County Paupers. 82 Froin the Town of Caroline 3 " Danby 2 Dryden 14 " " Enfield 1 " Groton. 2 Ithaca 16 Lansing. 9 Newfield4 Ulysses 11 144 The number of paupers received into the house during the year was.... 100 The number discharged was 95 " absconded was none " bound out was. 1 " out on trial was. 1 The average No: in the house during 77 the year was. 57— 100 The average expenses of each pauper above the proceeds of the farm was 47 02 The average expense per week was. 0 901-2 The whole number of days said pau- pers have been assisted was. 21.086 The number of deaths in the Poor- house during the year was 3 The number of births was 3 The numbcr of paupers in the house on the 15th Nov., 1867, was. 49 The number received into the house during the year was. 100 The number discharged was 95 The number bound out was. 1 The number out on trial was 1 The children in the house have been instructed by a competent teacher for three months during the year. The whole amount of bills audited and for which drafts have been drawn on County Treasurer, is$4511 82 «, it RECAPITULATION. The sum expended for -which drafts were drawn, is The following aggregate items com- pose the above named sum, viz. : Expenses for out -door relief.$1223 90 in -door support 2725 21 " Overseers Poor 144 00 Expenses for transportation of paupers. 36 86 Expenses for insurance of buildings 30 00 Expenses for bringing luna- tics from asylum. 23 65 Expenses for taking lunatics to asylum 20 36 Expenses for services of Chaplain . .. . 25 00 Expenses for wool and card- ing same .... 6 15 Expenses for one yoke oxen 275 00 Expenses for stationery and postage 1 69 Total as above. 10 $4511 82 The amount paid to, and ex- pended by the Overseers of the Poor for temporary out -door relief of County paupers is The amount expended for in- door support of paupers is The whole amount of con- tingent expenses is Of which there is charged to the county for 7767 days' board . County clothing Town Caroline, 760 days... Clothing Town of Danby, 730 days.. Clothing . 4511 82 1223 90 3094 51 2725 21 733 23 270 09 1003 32 81 47 16 49 62 17 82 09 Town Enfield, 60 days 7 72 Clothing 0 00 Town Dryden, 2508 days278 53 Clothing 45 14 Town Groton, 670 days73 61 Clothing 12 91 Town Ithaca, 3602 clays374 42 Clothing ........ 91 18 Town Lansing, 1599 days.. 157 24 Clothing 49 34 Town Newfield, 887 clays99 97 Clothing.... 14 49 97 96 94 26 114 46 Town Ulysses, 2503 clays... 268 62 Clothing............ 54 40 323 02 $2725 21 The following statement shows the amount due from the county, and the sums due from the towns respectively for the support of the poor for the past year: From the County. .$1003 32 " Caroline 97 96 " Danby 94 26 " Dryden... 323 67 " Enfield ... 7 72 " Groton 86 52 " Lansing 206 58 " Ithaca 465 60 " Newfield....... 114 46 " Ulysses 323 02 2725 21 The amount of produce sold from the farm was... 334 21 The above sum was expended for pro- visions, groceries, clothing, mechanical labor, &c. The grain and other products raised on the Poor House Farm the present year, was as follows : Of Wheat, there was raised " Rye, tt It " Oats " 4 " Corn in ear " Potatoes, " " Onions, " " Apples, " " Turnips, " " Cabbages, " e gay, tt " Butter,..... tt tt tt CC tt tt It 247 Bush. 172 " 705 " 550 " 425 " 5 " 125 " 30 tt .500 heads 7 tons 700 lbs. 7 72 Your committee would recommend that the Superintendents procure or build, forthwith, a suitable room, apart from the Poor House, 323 67 for the safe and comfortable keeping of the unfortunate pauper, Overacker. Your committee recommend that the sum 86 52 of $50 be raised for religious services for the poor the ensuing year. Also, the sum of $100 for providing a suits - 465 60 ble room for the pauper Overacker, and for temporary repairs on the paupers' apartments. Also $100 to enable the Superintendents to 206 58 build stone wall. Your committee would say that the Poor House farm was purchased in the year 1827, 11 for the sum of $2000, and the house erected at an expense of $3409,56. Your committee take pleasure in commend- ing the energetic and efficient action of the Superintendents and keeper in doing so well with the present structure, which is emphati- cally a "Poor House," and we -recommend that some measures be adopted by the Board of Supervisors, looking to a reconstruction of the same at no distant day. In conformity to law the Superintendents estimate the expenses for the county and town paupers in the poor house the ensuing year at .$2800 00 For temporary relief for county pau- pers not in the poor house........ -1200 00 To defray expenses of Overseers of • 'Poor and other officers 140 00 For transportation of Co. and town paupers 40 00 For keeper's salary. 450 00 Total $4630 00 To secure this sum, viz., $4630, your committee ask leave to introduce the following resolution: Resolved, That the sum of $463.0 be levied and collected upon the county for county poor expenses for the ensuing year. Also, Resolved, That the sums reported by the Su- perintendents of the Poor to be due from the several towns respectively, for the support of the poor of such towns in the County house the past year, be levied and collected in said towns respectively as follows: On town of Caroline....... " Danby " Dryden. Enfield. Groton ................ Ithaca ..• Lansin" Newfield Ulysses It Si tt tt " $97 96 94 26 323 67 7 72 86 52 465 60 206 58 114 46 323 12 $1719 89 The whole amount asked for by your committee for defraying expenses of the poor is - $6599 89 ALEX. BOWER, J. M. SnITn, D. W. BAILEY, Committee. W. W. WmTE, BENJ. STARR Mr. Bailey moved to amend the re- port by striking out the recommenda- tion of the committee looking to the construction of a new poor house. Lost by ayes and noes as follows : AYES. NOES. Mr. BAILEY, -1. Mr. ASRLEY, " BOSTWICK, " BOWER, " CURTIS, " Siren, " STARR, " WRITE,—7 Mr. MEAD, absent. The report of the conunittee was then adopted. On motion adjourned. Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1867. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. Mr. Curtis offered the following reso- lution : Resolved, That the salary of the District Attorney for the ensuing year, be fixed at $500. Mr. Bailey moved to amend by strik- ing out °500 and inserting $450. Mr. Ashley moved to further amend by striking out $500 and inserting $600. The question being first taken on the amendment of Mr. Ashley, the same was lost by ayes and noes as follows : Arm. Nous. Mr. Asm ur; 1 Mr. BAILEY, ` BOSTWICK, ` BOWER, • Cuiiri , maAn, " SMITH, " STARR, WHITE, -9. The question then being taken on the amendment of 11 Ir. Bailey, the same was lost by ayes and noes as follows : Ayss. NoEs. Mr. BAILEY, Mr. ASHLEY, MEAD, " Bosrwies, STARR, BOWER, " WRITE, ` CURTIS, " Surru,-5 The question was then taken on the original resolution of Mr. Curtis, and the same was adopted by ayes and noes as follows : - AYES. Noss. Mr. ASHLEY, Mr. BAILEY, " BOSTWICK, , MEAD, " BOWER, STARR, " CURTIS, " WHITE, -4. " SIIITe, 5. On motion of Mr. Smith, 12 Resolved, That the salary of the County Judge of this county be fixed at the sum of $1200 per annum for the ensuing term. The resolution was adopted by ayes and noes as follows: AYES. Mr. AsimoY, BosrwIOR, " BOWER, CURTIS, " SnEITR,-5. The Board then proceeded to ballot fol' two papers to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year with the fol- lowing result : Groton Journal 1 Dryden News 3 Ithaca Democrat 2 Ithaca Journal 3 On motion the Ithaca Journal and Dryden News were declared duly elect- ed. NOES. Mr. BAILEY, MEAD, STARR, " WnITE,-4, Afternoon Session. Mr. White from the committee on IT. S. Deposit Fund, presented the fol- lowing report and the same was on mo- tion received and adopted. The committee to whom was referred the books of the Loan Commissioners for the Colmty of Tompkins, beg leave to submit the following report : That the hooks of Mortgages to secure the payment of monies loaned from their office held by said Com- missioners have been submitted to them for inspection by Mr. J. W. Stansbury, one of the Commissioners, and the committee have also received from him e re- port of his transactions as Commissioner, from which et appears there was on hand subject to loan on No- vember 19th, 1867, as follows: In hands of Commissioners $895 30 Remaining in State Treasury Total 895 30 Amount received on mortgages 7500 00 8395 30 Amount loaned 8350 01 Principal on hand Nov. 19th, 1867, 245 30 Am't outstanding Bond and Mortgage 67995 00 Interest received during the year 4781 79 — 4781 79 Remitted to Comptroller 4399 73 Commissioners' feesanddisbursements 382 06 $4781 79 The committee would report them- selves satisfied with the securities taken. All of which is respectfully submitted, W. W. WRITE, ) War. MEAD, }Committee, S. P. ASHLEY. ) Evening Session. Mr. Bailey from the. committee on County Indebtedness, presented the fol- lowing report, and the same was on motion received and adopted. The undersigned committee on Coun- ty Indebtedness, respectfully offer the following report: State Bonds on hand Nov. 21, 1866, as per Treasurer's account $125,000 Interest and premium on same.... 8600 73 133,600 73 Amount appropriated by last Board to payment of County expenses.. 5000 00 Redemption of Bonds 123804 83 128804 83 Balance in hands of Treasurer 4895 00 s Total amount of County Bonds out- standing Nov. 21, 1866. First issue $71350 00 Tbirdissue 59839 00 Fourth issue 71420 00 202609 03 Treasurer during the current year, was$310561 22 The amount paid out, was 290960 85 Balance to new account $13600 37 D. W. BAILEY, Wnr. MEAD, Committee. W. W. WRITE. The following is the Treasurer's Ac- kcount : Tompkins County in account with E. C. SEYaroUR, County Treasurer. Cr. By balance on settlement $3186 62 Cash received for fines 664 90 District Attorney recognizance 475 00 From sale of State Bonds 113600 73 School monies from State 12484 10 District quotas 161 43 County Judge fees 673 97 Special 24 60 Excise Commissioners licenses and fines*2113 15 Taxes Caroline - 13634 72 Danby 5349 71 Dryden 32821 92 Enfield 4007 39 Groton 25658 65 Ithaca - 33982 46 Lansing 10565 51 Newfield 17760 16 Ulysses 13446 94 Returned taxes paid Treasurer 48 96 11866—Nov. 21. Amount of Bonds redeemed during the year. First issue 69650 00 Third issue 59139 00 Fourth issue 43675 00 172464 00 Amount of Bonds outstanding Less amount due the Coimty from the following towns: Groton Newfield Caroline 7582 79 12606 25 6677 60 Leaving balance of Bonds outstand- ing for which appropriation was made last year 80145700 +, 26956 64 3188 36 Your committee recommend the adop- tion of the following resolution : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the following towns, viz.: Principal. Interest. $6677 60 $467 43 $7145 93 7582 79 530 89 8113 59 6576 25 888 74 7464 99 Caroline Groton Newfield $20836 64 $1886 97 $22723 61 for the purpose of paying principal and interest on County Bonds, outstanding Bonds, leaving a county indebtedness of only $6120 held against the town of Newfield. - Your committee recommend the adop- tion of the following resolution : Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to ad- vertise for Outstanding Bonds sufficient to cover the appropriation made by the above resolution. D. W. BAILEY, E. L. B. CuRTIS, -Committee. W. W. WRITE. Mr. Bailey, from the committee on Treasurer's accounts, presented the fol- lowing report, which on motion was re- ceived and adopted : • The undersigned, your Committee on Treasurer's Accounts, respectfully report that they have carefully examined the books and vouchers of the County Treas- urer, and find his accounts as rendered correct. The total 'amount received by the County $310561 22 Tompkins County in account with E. C. SEYnroUR, County Treasurer. 11866—Nov. 21. Dr. To paid expenses Judge's Office $40 00 g 43 00 255 70 J 't 15 00 150 00 1 10 70 District Attorney''s salary 450 00 Appropriation Tompkins County Bank_ 1111 14 State Tax - 37806 73 , School Tax Appropriation for armories Insurance county buildings Fuel and gas for Court House and Jail Supervisors'Janitor Clerk Repairs on Court House, &m DI erect Asylums Appropriation School Commissioners Revenue stamps District quotas County Judge's salary Comptroller rejected taxes Livery to County House Counsel -fees Special Judge's salary County orders Court expenses Poor expenses School monies Caroline $1058 90 Danby - 1062 83 Dryden 1981 52 Enfield 796 91 Groton 1368 98 Ithaca 2333 91 Lansing1316 38 Newfied 1358 05 Ulysses 1231 66 Returned time Town expenses, Caroline $1003 16 Danby 1714 55 Dryden 1393 35 Enfield 913 02 Groton 935 06 Ithaca 15457 81 Lansing 2256 64 Newfield 1408 74 5905 98 67 50 2155 35 112 50 31.51 61 43 1000 00 4 30 7 00 15 00 50 00 8911 03 2876 73 4475 31 12509 14 619 59 Ulysses 6836 44 31918 77 Paid County Bonds 172464 00 Interest " " 13303 44 185767 44 Treasurer's salary - 500 00 296960 85 Balance on hand 13600 37 On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That $8000 of the balance in the hands of the County Treasurer, be applied to the reduction of County expenses. The question of refunding certain taxes to the National Banks in the vil- lage of Ithaca, was made the special or- cle'r for to -morrow morning. The Board then on motion adjourned to partake of the hospitalities of the Su- pervisor of Ithaca. $31056122 Thursday, Nov. 21, 1867. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and called to order . by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved. The special order for the session was then taken up, and the Chairman called Mr. White to the Chair, and then of- fered the following preamble and reso- lution, and the same were after discus- sion adopted. Whereas, The Supreme Court of the United States, having decided the questions of Bank taxation for the year 1864 and 1865, in favor of the banks, and this Board being advised by counsel that the claims of the "First National Bank of Ithaca," and the "Merchant's and Farmer's National Bank of Ithaca," are valid claims under such decisions. Therefore, Resolved, That the claims of the First National Bank of Ithaca for $6060 for taxes paid Jemmy 13th,1865, to- gether with $1258,65 interest; and $1535,24 for taxes paid January 9th, 1866, together with $212,56 interest thereon; also the claim of the Merchant's and Farmer's National Bank of Ithaca, $383,82 for taxes paid January 9th; 1806, together with $52,91 interest thereon; be a lowed and paid to said banks respectively. Resolved, That $4050,83 be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the comity, and the sum of $5452,43 be levied and assessed upon the taxable.prop- erty of the town of Ithaca for the purpose of paying tho amounts provided for in the above resolution. On motion of Mr. Curtis, Resolved, That the Ithaca Democrat be authorized to publish the Session Laws at the rate -Axed by this Board of Supervisors. Resolved, That the several papers of this county that- have been designated by this Board to publish the Ses- sion Laws, shall receive one hundred dollars each for such publication. The publication as aforesaid by any paper so designated, to be an acceptance of the terms set forth in this resolution, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to serve a copy of this resolution on each of such papers. 14 Afternoon Session. The following is the assessed valua- tion of the County as appears by the rolls as returned by the Assessors of the several towns : • Acres. Valuation, Pers'1. Caroline 30799 $310763 $19145 Danby ...... _33126 313185 15770 Dryden 61225 1021484 90278 Enfield 23030 271773 14905 Groton 30945 556263 90725 Ithaca 19923 1309370 933250 Lansing 37746 918381 218193 Newfield 36236 414807 • 33750 Ulysses 20127 648355 203353 Ag'gate. W1•.i35313 8.18055 1111360 286678 646088 2242620 1133574 448677 851748 -292757 5800446 1019407 7429853 Your Committee on Equalization respectfully report that they have given the subject careful investigation and recommend the raising the valuation of the county $11,376, and equalizing the same on the basis adopted for the last three years. Your committee herewith present a table figured on the basis recommended in this report for your approval. Signed E. L. B. CURTIS, - BENJ. STAnn, WM. 5TEan, Committee. D. W. BAU.Er, J. 1(1. SMITH, Acres. Valuation. Pers 1. Total. Caroline 30799 $386094 $19145 $405239 - Danby 33426 413077 15770 429447 Dryden 61225 096422 90273 1080098 Enfield 23030 357859 14905 3127(14 Groton 30945 553820 90725 644545 Ithaca 19223 1295156 933250 222940(1 Lansing 37746 839634 218193 1057827 Newfield 36164 454879 3377750 488629 Ulysses 20112 579351 203393 782744 292757 0871892 $1619407 7491295 Evening Session. The Board were engaged during the session with the apportionment of the State tax. Friday, Nov. 22, 1807. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. Mr. Bailey, Mr. Curtis and Mr. Mead, were appointed a Committee on Deben- tures. The Board were engaged during the Session in countersigning orders, and preparing for adjournment to extend tax. The Committee on Debentures report- ed, bills numbering from 116 to 119 in- clusive, and the same were passed at the amount claimed. Afernoon Session. On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That the following sums be levied and as- sessed -upon the taxable property of this county, for the purposes designated. For State tax Schools $10119 40 General purposes 19919 6-1 Canals 5059 70 Bounty debt 24283 55 Albany & Sus. R. R 1517 91 Whitehall & Plattsburgh R. R022 73 01525 93 Court expenses 2500 00 Fuel & gas for Court House, &c 400 00 Insurance on county buildings71 50 State Lunatic Asylum 2500 00 State Idiot Asylmn 20 00 State Inebriate Asylum 211 31 Livery to county house 10 00 County ,fudge's salary 1200 00 Special 50 00 District Attorney's salary 500 00 County Treasurer's 500 00 Supervisors' Clerk's " 150 00 a Janitor's " 15 00 Counsel employed by Bank Com10 00 County audits 10225 53 Incidental expenses, Judge's 040 00 Expenses School Com. Jan. 1,'68 200 00 Fines to be refunded Caroline45 00 Danby1 90 Enfield 5 00 Groton 48 00 Ithaca 31 00 Lansing 5 00 Newfield 88 00 Ulysses14 00 44 44 44 44 it If Less amount appropriated 197 90 80327 17 - 8000 00 $72027 17 1' Evening Session. Mr. Smith offered the following pre- amble and resolution, and the same was ". on motion adopted: Whereas, By a clerical error the bill of Thos. J. Me- Elheny, County Clerk, for disbursements, amounting to $48,86 is omitted from the list of County Audits passed by this Board, therefore, Resolved, That the County Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed to pay to the said Thomas J. McElheny the said sum of $48,86 out of any money in his hands not otherwise appropriated, said payment to be fn full of said bill. Saturday, Nov. 24, 1867. Boarcl met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chair- man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. Moir. Curtis offered the following pre- amble and resolutions, and the same were after discussion and amendment unanimously adopted, viz. : Whereas, The present dilapidated condition of the County Poor House readers the proper protection of its inmates a matter of great difficulty to the Superin- tendents,and a constantly increasing expense to the county for temporary repairs. Therefore, -Resolved, That it is the unanimous opinion of this } 15 Board that something should be done towards an early rebuilding or repairing the same in a substantial and permanent manner. Resolved, That there be a Committee of this Board, to consist of four members, of which the Chairman shall be one, and the other three to be appointed by him, to make a thorough examination of the old Poor House, and report to the next Board of Supervisors such plans and details looking to such rebuilding as in their Judg- ment may be necessary to subserve the best interests ol'the county. Mr. Curtis, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Smith were appointed as the additional mem- bers of said committee. Afternoon Session. On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That when this Board adjourn it be to meet on Friday, the 6th day of December,1867, at 134 o'clock p. m. The Board were engaged during this session in countersigning and distribu- ting orders and preparing for adjourn- ment. On motion adjourned. • Friday, Dec. 6, 1867. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chair- s man. Present all the members. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be, and he to hereby authorized to renew the contract with the Mon- roe County Penitentiary, for the safe keeping of pris- oners, for the, term of three years from the lst day of January 1868. On motion of Mr. Smith, Resolved, That the Collectors of the several towns of this county be, and they aro hereby required to set- tle with the County Treasurer on or before the 30th day of January 1808. The Board then proceeded to sign the several Collectors' warrants. On motion of Mr. Bailey, unanimously Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to the Chairman, Wnsranr L. BosTwrcn, Esq., - for the dignified, able and impartial manner in which he has discharged the duties of his position. On motion of Mr. Curtis, unanimously Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due, and are hereby tendered to J. H. EuEar, Esq., i'or the corp rest and gentlemanly manner in which he Inas discharged the duties imposed upon him as Clerk of this Board. On motion adjourned sine die. COUNTY AUDITS. The following is anabstract of the names of all persons who presented bills to be audited by the Board of Supervi- sors of Tompkins County, at their an- nual session at Ithaca, in November, 1867, with the amounts claimed and the amounts finally allowed : No. Claim'd Allow'd 1 Wm. Pierson, ex -Supervisor 54 76 :4 76 2 R. R. Howell, Deputy Sheriff50 30 40 50 8 4 95 4 95 4 Edward Hungerford, ex -Sheriff208 43 132 48 5 S. W. Smith Justice 6 00 6 00 15 00 15 00 8 75 8 75 32 75 26 15 9 20 0 20 11 15 11 15 780 780 61 43 54 00 20 00 20 00 80 J. S. Green, excess of taxes 40 00 40 00 81 S. Love, Excise Commissioner... 38 40 13 28 13 23 82 P. Apgar, " " ... 30 00 9 90 83 W. W. Brainard 33 00 7 75 84 R. R. Iowell, Deputy Sheriff 46 55 15 00 85 Mott & Harty, Constables 165 00 35 00 SO Mott & Davis, ..93 85 16 43 87 Wilson & Mackey, work on jail51 62 741 03 88 J. L. Phillips, pursuit of horsethief 19 00 117 00 80 A. M. Lucas, Justice 79 GO 30 00 90 Cyrus Taylor, Constable 59 70 300 00 01 B. Norris, expenses Caroline road 55 25 17 00 9 40 92 II. A. Dowe &others, refs. " 12 00 93 John J. Peters, Constable 23 83 94 E. S. Ford, Justice 9 60 05 Cornell Library Association Arm- ory rent, Co. A, to Jan. 1, 1863• 300 00 96 D. Dumont, armory rent Co. B100 00 07 Jas. A. Burr, 10 94 5 00 F 30 29 6 . ' a 7 P. L. Smith, Constable 8 Dennis Kelley, " 9 L. D. Hamilton, " 10 J. W. Stansbury, Justice 11 Hiram Benton, " 12 M. M. Brown, Physic'n and Corn'r 13 S. P. Sackett, Cornoner 14 J. W. Dwight, armory rent 15 G. C. McGlone, stone for jail... 16 F. C. Elliott, lunacy 17 C. B. Green, 13.J. D. Lewis, Coroner 19 J. O. Rozeau, armory rent 20 J. H. Theall, Armorer Company E 21 Titus & Bostwick, repairs ou jail. 22 W. B. Gay, care of court house 23 W. C. Curran, Excise Com 24 Village of Ithaca, Bo'rd of Health 25 Archer Preston, Constable 26 Sumner Rhoades, Physician 27 John Goodyear, 10 00 23 E. L. B. Curtis, Supervisor 24 .60 29 John M. Smith, " 23 16 80 D. W. Bailey, " 27 24 31 E. C. Moe Physician 2 50 32 Enos Snyder, Constable 2 85 83 Moses Crowell, Justice 10 70 34 H. L. Root, Constable 57 05 35 Jacob Bowers, " 7 16 86 W. H. Spualding Justice 1 60 37 Seth Warner, Constable 11 00 38 Geo. D. Wait, " 8 75 39 Chas. Severn, " 24 79 40 Anson Wait, " 28 90 41 Seth Warner, " 2 45 42 Martin Harty " 19 90 43 Andrew Smith, " 13 65 44 "" 44 55 45 S. HopkinJustice 2 50 46 Anson Wait, Constable 15 00 47 S. W. Smith, Justice 17 65 48 P. H. Farrington, Sup't of Poor63 00 49 W. W. Snyder, " , , 80 55 50 S. V. Graham, .." 76 00 51 G. W. P. Pew, services in lunacy. 30 00 52 E. H. Watkins, bor'd'g witnesses. 3 25 53 A. M. Cradit, supplies for jail12 00 54 Wells & Donnelly, Attorneys 5 00 55 Enos Buckbee, Cl'rk Board Excise 33 00 56 John Wafer, witness fees 15 39 57 J. B. Taylor & Co., supplies for jail 12 00 58 Treman, King & Go., 21 27 59 Seymour & Johuson, lt 63 91 60 Wilgus Brothers, " 30 33 61 H. S. Walbridge, County Juddge, 8 50 62 A. B. Wagoner, Armorer Co. 1f10 00 63 C. P. Farlin, Physician 90 00 64 Barnard & M' Whorter, sup. for jail 4 50 65 M. A. Burdick, Armorer Co. E27 00 66 E. C. VanRirk, Sheriff 1330 17 67 J. II. Selkreg, printing 702 12 68 Spencer & Williams, printing153 10 69 A Clapp, printing 32 40 70 O. M. Wilson, printing 46 40 71 H. C. Marsh, " 32 40 72 C. & W. Coryell, Physicians 31 75 73 A. Snyder, ex -School Com'r 20 00 74 Joseph Esty, jr., Armorer Co. A50 00 75 Beers & Howard, Ass'tDist. Att'y 30 00 76 Town of Danby, rent of drill room to January 1, 1863 18 00 77 Town of Enfield, rent of drill room to April 1, 186`8 75 00 78 S. 8. Garfield (Newfield), rent of drill room, &e., to Nov. 1, 186750 00 '79 Apar'& Finch, sta'y for Superv'rs 8 63 9 90 7 75 10 00 35 00 16 43 741 03 117 00 30 00 300 00 9 40 15 00 8 00 21 60 23 16 27 24 2 50 2 85 10 '70 57 05 5 87 1 60 11 00 8 75 24 79 16 35 2 45 19 90 13 65 37 85 1 50 15 00 17 60 68 05 80 50 76 OD 20 OD 3 20 12 05 5 00 33 00 15 30 12 09 93 Geo. Miller, 99 Benj. Sennings, :: 100 J. Goodyear, to January 1 1868 . 75 00 75 00 101 Andras, Mc in & Co., sta'y &c 147 90 147 99 102 G. H. Clark, armory rent Co. G, to April 1, 1868 30 41 103 Wm. J. Corn, armory rent Co. G15 00 104 S. B. Landon, Constable 32 85 32 85 105 T. J. McElheny, County Clerk696 71 696 71 106 ..copying indices1059 01 1059 01 107 A. Preston, Constable 17 50 17 50 103 J. H. Emery, Sup's Clerk, disb'ts1 74 1 74 109 R. R. Howell, Deputy Sheriff 230 40 230 40 110 E. C. VanKirk, Sheriff 37 10 37 10 111 S. P. Ashley, Supervisor Caroline 81 23 81 23 112 E. L. B. Curtis, " Danby73 3'? 73 37 113 J. 31. Smith, " Dryden89 49 89 49 114 D. W. Bailey, " Enfield '75 52 75 52 115 W. W. White, " Groton 93 75 93 76 116 W. L. Bostwick, " Ithaca 84 50 84 50 117 W. Mead, " Lansing83 44 83 44 118 Benj. Starr, " Newfied S1 52 81 62 119 Alex. Bower, " Ulysses . 79 30 79 30 it 23 81 50 50 30 00 Abstract of the names of all persons 10 50 2400 517 10 12 1332 10 706 90 150 3O 35 0 70 36 00 20 00 20 00 50 00 80 00 18 05 TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. who presented accounts to be audited to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline, on the 7th day of No- vember, 1867, with the amount claimed by each person and the amount finally allowed : No. Claim'd Allow'd 1 Daniel13. Jenks, Assessor $15 00 $15 00 2 E. C. Marsh excess of tax 7 85 7 85 3 " Inspector of election10 56 10 56 4 J. Quick, ex -Commissioner 4 50 4 50 5 B. N. Valn, clerk election 6 00 6 00 6 Geo. Muir, Inspector of election10 50 10 50 75 00 ` 7 Wm. Boyce, 10 50 1050 8 L. R. Kingman, clerk of election6 00 6 00 60 00 9 B. Wade, use of house 10 00 10 00 8 63 E 10 L. Wattles, Commissioner 32 63 32 63 00 00 -1 11 D. Schoonmaker, 24 75 24 75 33 40 12 John P. Allen, " 86 50 36 50 30 00 13 J. J. Peters, Constable & cl'k elec32 57 82 57 00 00 14 O. P. Legg, " 6 10 6 10 42 80 15 W. W. Brainard, ass't cl'k election 10 50 10 50 165 60 1 16 J. C. Yates, Constable 22 00 22 00 98 85 17 S. E. Greene, Assessor 12 00 12 90 47 68 j 18 Hiram Cooper, 17 50 17 50 00 00 19 T. Spaulding, Overseer of Poor18 75 15 75 79 GO k 20 G. I. Nelson, " " 7 00 7 00 29 85 21 B. Drummond, clerk of election3 00 3 00 41 70 22 Wm. R. Boice, " " 3 00 3 00 12 50 23 E. Boice, Inspector of election9 00 9 00 23 83 - 24 C. L. Davis, " " 10 50 10 50 9 60 5 25 " ex -Town Clerk 18 35 18 35 26 Geo. Clark, use of house 10 00 10 00 300 00 27 S. P. Ashley, lawyer in case of the 80 00 People against Pierce 5 00 5 00 10 04 ) 28 O. B. Preston, Inspector of election 19 14 10 14 5 00 29 D. B. Gilbert, Justice Peace10 70 10 70 24 29 30 S. P. Ashley, Supervisor 12 70 12 '70 31 Benj. Losey, excess of tax 21 11 32 C. J. Rounsveille, Justice Peace23 85 33 Benj. Losey, 9 05 nold 30 41 5 R. Lou sber y, Town Clerk 25 85 15 00 € $10225 53 21 11 23 85 9 05 16 20 25 85 $496 56 Town of Caroline s.s : We do hereby certify that the foregoing ab- stract is correct. Dated Caroline, the 7th day of November, 1867. S. P. ASHLEY, Supervisor. R. LODNSBERRY, Towu Clerk. ARNOLD JAMES, CHAS. J. RouxsavILLE, DAN. B. GILBERT, BENS. LOBBY, Justices. (Added by Supervisors.) S. P. Ashley, Supervisor 516 76 DANNY. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Danby, on the 7th day of No- vember,1867, with the amounts claimed and the amounts finally allowed: No. Claim'd Allow'd 1 I. J. Frazier, Highway Com. $81 00 $81 00 12 2 EdC. Slocuwin Smm,iley, Assessor - 12 75 12 75 '75 12 75 3 4 Jacob Wise, " 12 75 12 75 5 T. H. Howell & Bro., merchant66 82 66 32 6 Thos. Brock, Overseer Poor 900 9 00 7 M. T. Denman, Inspector election2 25 2 25 8 M. Beers, clerk of election5 25 5 25 9 A. Wadhams, Inspector election..9 00 9 00 10 J. Bonfield, " . 23 8 13 38 11 G. McArthur, " " 11 25 11 25 12 G. B. Grant, clerk of election 300 300 13 Sheldon Bierce ex -Town Clerk9 55 9 55 14 Dr. Eli Beers, physician 600 600 15 I. D. Overseer Poor 49 31 49 31 16 J. Hawes & Wright,on, merchant 34 48 84 48 17 Dr. Hall, Physician 7 00 7 00 18 John VanDebogart, Justice Peace9 00 9 00 19 T. Thatcher, " 6 75 6 75 20 Lemuel Jennings," 20 06 20 06 21 E. B. Grant, " " 7 50 7 50 22 E. L. B. Curtis Supervisor 40 75 40 75 23 A. W. Knapp, Town Clerk 35 99 35 99 24 " clerk election 225 225 25 C. A. Bonfield, rent, fuel and lights 11 00 11 00 26 Luther Roper, excess of tax 8 83 883 27 Geo. F. Beardsley, wood for poor3 80 3 50 28 H. Jennings, janitor of hall 200 2 00 $543 17 5543 17 Resolved, That we, the Board of Town Auditors, of the Town of Danby, hereby recommend that the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars ($450) be raised for the Commissioner of Highways of said town. Resolved, That the Board of Snpervlsors.be regnested to assess upon the taxable property of the Town of Danby, the sum of five hundred dollars, ($50O) to repair I" Town House," in accordance with the vote of the electors at Town Meeting on the 2d day of April, 1867, and confirmed by special act of the Legislature of the State of New York. Town. of Danby ss: We do hereby certify that the foregoing ab- stract is correct, Danby, November 7, 1867. E. L. B. CDRTIS, Supervisor. A. W. KNARr, Town Clerk. L. JENNINGS, J. VAN DE BOGART, J. THATCHER, Justices of Peace. (Added by Supervisors.) R. R. Howell, Deputy Sheriff $4 10 DRYDEN. Abstract of the names of all' persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, on the 7th day of No. 18 vember 1867, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts finally aud- ited. No. C1aim'd Allow'd 1 J. Snyder, Inspector of election$10 50 $10 50 2 I. P. Ferguson, " 15 00 15 00 3 E. R. Gaston, 11 30 11 30 4 Cyrus Tyler, 11 50 11 50 6 B. Snyder, " " 11 00 11 00 0 A. W. George, "11 50 11 50 7 John H. Frantz, " ` 10 50 10 50 8 J. G. Kimberlin, " ` 12 00 12 00 9 .J. N. Kellogg, " " 10 50 10 50 10 S. T. Castle, " 46 4 50 4 50 11 W. \Tanhorn, " " 3 00 3 00 12 J. D. Kelsey, " ` 3 00 3 00 13 M. Vanvalkenbnrgh, and services as Surveyor , 18 06 14 S. S. Montgomery, clerk election ' 10 50 10 50 3 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 300 300 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 33 00 33 00 25 00 25 00 800 800 20 25 23 25 5 50 5 50 27 15 27 15 15 70 15 70 30 25 30 25 10 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 22 50 17 50 (Added by Supervisors.) A. Clapp, printing .... ........ 4 50 Wm. Griddle, coffins for poor 24 00 A. L. Smiley, Assessor 28 50 A. M. Covert, excess of tax 17 33 74 33 I hereby certify, that the foregoing, is a trae copy of the original. GEO. H. HOUTZ, Town Clerk. The following resolutions were passed at the Anneal Town Meeting, of the Town of Dryden, held on Tues- day, the 2d day of April, 1867. Resolved, That the sum of two himdred dollars ($200) he raised in said town, for the support of the poor for 18 00 the ensuing year. Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dol- lars (.$250) in addition to the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars now allowed by law, be raised in said town, for the support of roads and bridges for the ensuing year. The following resolutions were passed by the Board of Town Auditors, of the Town of Dryden, held at a bridge near Joseph McGraw's, in said town in confor- mity with the provisions of Section 1st, Chapter 103, Laws of 1858. Resolved, That the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75) or so muck thereof, as shall be necessary, for the pur- pose of repairing said bridge, be raised in said town. Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars ($50) be raised in said town, for the purpose of protecting the highway near Acus Burtons. and Board of Registry 15 John W. Hill, clerk of election.:. 16 H. P. Bonfield, 17 J. E. Bergen, Li 18 D. W. Sperry, " 19 G. W. P. Pew, , 20 H. B. Castle, 21 A. F. Bailey, " 22 H. II. Primrose, 23 C.'N. Godfrey, 24 C. N. Perrigo, 44 25 Geo. E. Monroe, " 26 H. Lansing, " 27 A. Burlingame, Assessor 28 Isaac S. Brigs, Physician 29 W. C. Gallagher, " 33 G. Sperry, Overseer of Poor 31 Geo. W. Bailey, Constable 32 H. L. Root, - 33 II. Bouton, Justice of Peace 34. R. M. Smiley, Overseer of Poor; 35 J. Rezeau, use ofhouse for elec.: 36 S. H. Jaeger, 2 yrs 37 J. S. Bader, " li 38 J. Heffron, 89 11. F. Pierce, undertaker 40 C. Bartholomew, cash expended as Corn'r on Varna dugway 41 G. G. Moore, use of house Town meeting 42 Enos Snyder, Constable 43 Ira C. Shaver, Com'r of highways. 44 A. L. Tyler, " " and Inspector of election 3:2 50 32 50 45 S. II. Jager, boarding prisoner6 50 6 00 46 A. Snyder, money expended by authority of Town Board 47 Sears & Spear, supplies furnished soldier's family 10 05 48 William Fitch, Physician 57 50 49 C. M. Perrigo, procuring M. Rec. 120 00 50 Geo. H. Houtz, Town Clerk 36 87 51 James H. George, Justice Peace6 00 52 W. W. Snyder, 8 10 53 H. Wilcox, " 12 80 54 E. Rockwell, Inspector of election 6 75 55 John M. Smith, Supervisor....... 46 79 56 John J. Ellis, ssessor 23 50 57 Houtz, Wood & Co., supplies for soldiers families 34.3 73 58 John Goodyear, Physician 36 00 6 75 675 25 00 4 20 59 00 25 00 4 20 59 00 42 96 42 96 16 05 57 50 120 00 36 87 6 00 8 10 12 30 6 75 46 79 20 50 34.3 73 00 00 $1322 71 31276 21 We, the undersigned, hereby certify, the foregoing abstract to be correct in all respects. JOHN M. SMrma, Supervisor. GEo. H. HOUTZ, Town Clerk. JADES H. GEORGE, H. Wrl.eox, Wat. W. SNYDER H. BouTONr Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify, that the foregoing resolutions are true copies of the originals. GEo. H. HouTz, Town Clerk. ENFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield, on the 7th day of No- vember, 1867, with the amounts claimed by each and the amounts finally audit- ed. No. Claim'd Allow'd 1 J. W. Lanning, Constable, 1865$3 60 $3 60 2 W. Fish, Inspector of election10 50 10 55 3 C. Build, " 11 63 11 63 4 Geo. W. Budd, ex-Overs'r of Poor 4 50 4 50 5 J. II. Bailey, Assessor 19 00 19 00 6 John H. Smith, " 21 00 21 00 7 W. 0, Wilkins, Constable 1 13 1 13 8 Wm, D. Bagley, ex -Justice, Insp'r of election and clerk 13 50 13 50 9 W. Marshall, disburs'ts to Com'r6 13 6 13 10 Mrs. E. Van Marten, furnishing house for town use 15 00 15 00 11 J. I3. Theall, clerk of election3 00 3 01) 12 H. H. Smith, ex-Com'r highways12 00 12 00 13 Biron Jackson, Assessor 22 00 22 00 14 J. W. Fletcher, ex -Overseer Poor disbursements 20 11 20 11 15 J. W. Fletcher, ex -Overseer Poor services 10 15 10 15 16 J. N. Whitney, Overseer of Poor39 12 39 12 17 G. Fowler, Com'r disbursements and services 1107 12 1107 12 18 J. Darragh, Inspector of election10 50 10 50 19 J. N. Whitney, services as O. P24 40 24 40 20 J. W. Fletcher, ex -0. P., serv. die24 53' 15 53 21 W. D. Bagley, ex -J. P., D'y settl- ing board 150 1 50 22 W. Marshall, Justice Peace 23 S. Rolfe, Justice Peace 24 Benj. Horton Town Clerk 25 J. M. Baker, J. P., ex -Town Clerk 26 D. W. Bailey, Supervisor and ex -S 27 E. S. Ford, Justice Peace 28 ., 19 18 25 18 25 45 S. U. Jones, Physician 10 50 15 60 15 60 46 W. H. Burnham, R. R. Com'r. 21 50 22 07 22 07 47 Artemus Backus, " 33 75 19 50 19 50 48 D. V. Linderman, clerk of election 3 00 47 26 47 26 49 W. H Burnham, and 3. Hathaway 13 50 13 50 R. R. Com'rs of Town of Groton. 57 15 4 75 4 75 50 W. W. Hare, clerk of Assessors9 00 51 S. C, Reynolds, ass't to Assesosrs 3 00 $1515.05 Connuissionerfor next year. _ 150 00 Towm of Enfield, ss.: We, the undersigned Town Board, do certify, the foregoing abstract to be correct. E mean, Nov. 7,1867. D. W. BATLEY, Supervisor. B. J. HORTON, Town Clerk. Was. MARSHALL, EDWIN S. Foran, • SAMUEL RoLFE, J. M. BAKER, Justices of Peace. GROTON. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of' Groton, on the 7th day of No- vember, 1867, with the amount claimed by each and the amoinit finally audited'. No. Claim'cl Allow'd 1 R. C. Reynolds, registration elec'n $4 50 $4 50 2 A. Wyckoff, use or• house for elec- tions and town meeting 25 00 25 00 3 C. Baldwin, Inspector of elections 13 63 13 68 4 J. Metzgar, " 10 50 10 50 5 Nelson llalliday, clerk " 6 00 6 00 6 J. Metzgar, Inspector " 10 50 10 50 7 S. Howser, use of honso for " 10 00 10 00 8 C. Burr Green, Overseer of Poor14 40 14 40 9 Wm. W. Hare, Attorney... 5 00 6 00 10 G. Fitts, Inspector of elections7 50 7 50 11 II. Williams, coffins for N. Sykes12 00 1 12 D. A. Morton, ex -Town Clerk and clerk of election 13 80 10 E. R. Hall,; dnspector of elections10 00 14 J. Boynton, clerk of elections3 00 15 C. D. Hart " " 3 00 16 W. Little, Inspector of election3 00 17 L. Coining, at " 7 00 18 A. II. Vough, clerk of election4 50 19 Miles Howe, Assessor.... .. 32 50 20 D. B. Marsh, use of hall, elections 15 00 21 W. 11. Spaulding, Justice Peace13 75 22 449 70 23 Williams &Booth, coffin, I. Foot 22 00 24 B. Williams, Constable 7 37 25 W. 11. Spaulding, Town Board &c 9 00 26 F. Willoughby, ,, 7 60 27 Harriet E. Selkirk, house work11 60 28 II. C. Marsh, printing 4 00 29 S. Hopkins, J. P., Insp'r.election. 18 60 30 S. U. Jones, Physician 37 50 81 W. D. Mount. Justice of Peace9 00 8S'. N. Stevens, J. P., clerk election15 00 33 Ii. B. Carpenter, Ll3 00 34 Otis W. Pierce, Assessor 24 00 35 Anson Wait Constable 7 08 3(1 Jerome Hathaway, R. R. Com'r5 75 37 George D. Wait, Constable 7 56 38 S. C. Reynolds, Town Clerk and assesment roll 39 W. W. White, ex -Poor Master 40 Supervisor 41 John Goodyear, Physician 42 H. Thomas, Inspector of election. 43 L. Millspaugh, balance on settle- ment with -W. W. White.... 44 Nelson liarris,Road Com'r 7 00 21 50 33 '75 3 00 56 65 900 300 $663 26 We, the undersigned, the Board of Auditors of the Town of Groton, do certify, that the foregoing bills were audited by uS. W. W. WHITE, Supervisor. S. C. REYNOLDS, Town Clerk. NELSON STEVENS, W. H. SPAULDING, W. D. MOUNT. S. Horxnrs, Justices of the Peace. (Added by Supervisors.) Gilbert Francis, Assessor 25 00 C. W. Conger, Inspector of Election 3 00 Erastus Stebbins, excess of tax 8 00 , W. W. White, assessment roll 1 00 Wilson Halliday, Constable7 35 W. W. White, cash advanced for. town151 42 190 77 ITIIACA. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, the 7th' day of Novem- ber, 1867, with the amounts claimed by each and the amounts finally allowed. No. Claim'd Al1ow'd 1 J. M. Reggie, clerk of election$6 75 $6 75 2 03 2 H. N, Tillotson, 6.75 6 75 3 L. F. Colegrove, Assessor 44 50 44 50 13 80 4 John I1oi' 1irup, " 97 50' 97 50 11033 U 00 5 R. H. Dowe, Surveyor and clerk 3 0(1 of election 12 00 12 00 3 00 G Spence Spencer, clerk of election20 70 20 70* 3 00 7 J. H. Selkre , printing 20 50 20 50 7 00 8 Village of Ithaca, use of hall 10 00 10 00 50 9 S. B. Skinner,' Town Clerk 52 50 '52 50 5U 1°21 0 B. S. Halsey, clerk of election4 50 4 50 13425 00 11 Titus & Bostwick, building pile 13 7o driver and lumber 123 80 123 80 9 70 12 M. M. Brown, rned'l services poor 29 00 29 00 12 00 13 L. V. B. Maurice, clerk of election 19 50 19 50 5 44 " spec. of bridge6 00 6 00 9 00 14 J. H. Tichenor, Insp'r of election 21 4 25 50 21 4 50 an, . 25 117 60GO 11Go A.O. B. T. FCurrisher, 4, 4413 50 13 50 4 00 17 Heath T. Jones, " " 15 00 15 00 18 60 18 E. C. Seymour, " " . 15 00 15 00 25 00 19 F. T. Greenly, " " 300 3 00 9 00 20 Peter Kline, Assessor 55 38 55 33 15 00 21 R. R. Howell, Sheriff fees 400 4 00 3 00 22 Mott and Davis, Police Constables 33 40 33 40 24 00 23 J. W. Stansbury, Justice fees12 60 12 60 7 09 24 Morgan & Bishop, medical servi's 200 00 200 00 5 75 25 L. rillspaugh, Poor blaster 3147 42 8147 42 7 5(1 26 J. M. Lyon, 8npervisbr 22 50 22 50 27 S. G. Williams, Surveying 8 00 8 00 27 00 27 00 28 Andrus, Mecham & Co., sta'ry &c 15 29 15 29 13 50 13 50 29 Archer Preston, Constable 79 75 79 75 14 90 14 90 30 W. O. Crosby, room for election25 00 25 00 22 00 14 00 31 Estate of David Romsey, " 25 00 25 00 10 50 10 60 32 Marcus Lyon, Attorney fees 500 5 00 33 Holmes & Stamp, room for elect'n 50 00 50 00 21 00 " boarding prisoners 50 00 50 00 29 55 29 55 34 J. F. Bradley, Surveying 12 00 12 00 85 J.14. Mott, Road Commissioner 36 L. Millspaugh, Poor Master 37 W. H. Welch, room for election 38 Mott & Harty, Police Constables 30 Archer Preston, Constable 40 Alex. Smith, livery 41 D. L. Bildt, Inspector election 42 W. L. Bostwick, Supervisor 43 L. Millspaugh, certificate indebt's 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 G. C. McClure, ` 51 S. B. Beers, Town Clerk 62 S. W. Smith, Justice Peace 63 A. M. Lucas, 54 Moses Crowell, 55 Ezra Weaver, 56 G. 0. McClune, bridge mater'l &c 57 Highway Com'r 68 Ferris & Howe, Attorney fees 50 Peter Sauaman, livery 60 Philips & Severn, livery 61 J. C. McWhorter, Insp'r election. 62 Archer Preston, Constable 63 James C. Cook, bridge timber 64 Martin V. Harty, Constable 65 Seth Warner, 64 66 46 it 26 00 15 00 50 00 145 50 2 25 3 00 7 50 65 82 526 25. 520 25 526 25 526 25 520 25 526 25 4. 191 23 202 63 68 70 104 30 252 95 149 00 28 60 860 27 86 00 10 00 13 00 • 5 00 12 50 1 75 27 40 1840 480 20 15 00 50 00 145 60 2 25 3 00 7 50 65 82 526 25 526 25 526 25 526 25 520 26 526 25 191 28 202 63 6S 70 104 30 252 05 140 90 28 50 860 27 86 00 10 00 13 00 5 00 12 50 1 75 27 40 1840 4 80 16 P. L. Smith, supplies for poor and as Constable 17 S. Benjamin, Counsel fees 18 John Smith, 19 Elihu Lester, Assessor 20 D. McCormick, supplies poor 21 D. S. Dickinson, damage on sheep 23 F. A. Perry, supplies to poor 23 S. Davis, excess of tax, interest 24 Barr & Co., bill for poor 25 Jolm Moe, supplies to poor 26 C. Benjamin, clerk charges 27 L. A. Farlin, clerk of election 28 A. Fenner, " 29 R. T. Hedden, Inspector election. 30 J. B. Bogardus, 31 W. A. Redden, " 32 C. P. Perlin, services on poor 33 A. Wyckoff, ex-Com'r Highways. 34 Joshua Brown, Justice 35 George W. Mier, Assessor 36 C. Bowker, excess of tax.... 37 J. A. Townley, Inspector election 38 J. T. Knettles, 39 H. Butler, taking care pauper 40 James M. Woodbury, Justice 41 William Mead, Supervisor 42 George Miller, Town Clerk 43 Egbert Williams, Justice $9781 40 $9781 40 We do certify, that the foregoing abstract is correct. ITHACA, Nov. 14, 1867. W. L. Bosmwrce, Snpervleor. S. B. BEERS, Town Clerk. MOSES CROWELL, EZRA WEAVER, S. W. Seism , A. M. LUCAS, Justices of Peace. (Added by Supervisors.) C. F. Potter, horse drowned in InIet300 00 L. 0. Sayler, clothes lost at same time42 75 John Kingsbury, excess of tax8 31 Heath T. Jones " " 9 33 F. M. Finch, counsel fee... 5 00 865 39 14 00 14 09 4 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 36 12 36 12 38 39 38 39 12 50 12 60 934 984 21 03 21 03 18 86 14 32 450 450 12 10 1210 300 300 3 00 300 15 00 15 00 34 90 34 90 10 50 10 50 1683 1588 17 00 17 00 14 50 14 50 39 21 39 21 30 13 30 13 6 00 6 00 11 50 11 50 56 50 55 60 20 30 20 30 10 50 10 50 30 50 39 50 19 00 10 00 $350 62 At a special meeting of Town Auditors, held at the house of W. Seeley, all members present, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Town raise for the Commissioner of Highways, of the Town of Lansing, the sum of $2700. GEORGE MILLER, Town Clerk. (Added by Supervisors.) W. M. Bristol, Commissioner H1'ways.114 13 A. W. Knettles, ex -Supervisor 9 00 A. Preston, Constable - 5 05 William Mead, assessment roll 1 00 Adam Fenner, excess of tax.. 51 04 LANSING. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing, November 7th, .1867, with the amounts claimed by each and the amounts final- ly audited. No. 1 C. S. Miner, clerk of election 2 W. Drake, 3 Harlon Heiden, 4 H. Miller, use house for election., 5 E. S. Smith, damage on sheep 6 T. Snyder, moving bridge 7 M. B. Miller, Inspector election 8 D. Kelley, use house for election 9 J. Rhodes, Inspector election 10 Benton Brown, 11 W. H. Fitch, clerk election 12 J. S. Linderman, ` 13 J. W. Pratt, Inspector election 14 C. A. Haskins, 15 G. H. Warner, clerk of election Claim'd Allow'd $8 00 $3 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 23 00 23 00 800 8 00 16 88 16.88 10 50 10 50 15 00 15 00 10 60 10 50 6 00 600 6 00 6 00 6 00 600 10 75 10 50 11 13 11 13 200 $00 180 22 NEWFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Newfield, on. the 7th day of November, 1867, with amounts claimed by each and the amounts finally audited. No. Claim'd Allow'd 1 Andrew Smith, Constable $14 10 $11 00 2 A. J. & P. Freese, use house for elections 3 C. Simpson, Inspector elections 4 C. Congdon, " 5 James Stamp, " 6 R. Alexander, clerk of elections 'I S. Simpson, Li. •. 8 N. Henry, " 9 Moses McCorn, 2nd, Assessor 10 Wm. R. Smith, Poor Master 11 C. Knickerbocker, Assessor 12 0. C. Pull, Commissioner 13 John Culver, ex -Town Clerk 14 S. Devenport, ex -Commissioner 15 L. D. Hamilton, Constable 16 C. M, Starr, Inspector elections 17 John Crowell, clerk elections 18 Daniel Martin, 41. • 10 J. Stamp, use house for elections. 20 B. Starr, clerk elections 20 00 10 68 10 60 11 30 1 50 1 50 300 26 20 7 50 25 50 23 25 4 25 9 00 17 20 14 50 1 50 1 50 20 00 1 50 12 00 10 68 10 50 11 30 1 50 1 50 3 00 25 20 7 60 25 50 23 25 4 25 900 17 '20 14 50 1 50 1 60 20 00 1 50 21 0. C. Puff, Commissioner 22 J. L. Colegrove, Insp'r election 23 D. Dassance, Inspector election 24 Wm. McCollum, clerk election 25 Richard Sebring, Assessor 26 Royal Rosebrook Constable 27 G. W. Ham, clerk town meeting. 28 L. S. Haul, Justice Peace 29 H. S. Rockwell, Coremissionor 30 0. C. Puff, individual 31 H. S. Rockwell, individual 02 S. S. Garfield, Justice Peace 33 Elvin C. Thorn, " 34 11, C. Esterbrook, " 65 B, Starr, Supervisor 36 L. F. Cavanaugh, Town Clerk 14 50 12 00 12 15 1 50 22 00 16 38 2 00 6 75 20 25 141 76 45 36 69 95 7 60 11 50 24 19 70 16 21 14 50 12 00 12 15 1 50 22 00 13 38 2 00 6 75 20 25 141 76 45 36 59 95 7 50 11 50 24 19 70 16 $691 13 $681 23 We do certify, that the foregoing abstract is correct. Dated NEWFIELD, Nov. 9, 1867. 13. STARR, Supervisor. L. F. CAVANAUGH, Town Clerk. S. S. GAnrmLD, l2vrer C. THORN, R. C. EsTERRRoox, Justices. I certify, that at the annual Town Meeting held on the 2d daof April, 1867, in the Town of Newfield, it was voted by the majority of the voters present, that the town raise the sum of six hundred and sixty-seven dollars to pay for bridges in said town that is now built, over the $250, making in all the slim of $917. Attest, S. S. GARFIELD, Moderator. L. F. CAVANAucn, Town Clerk. April 2, 1867. (Added by Supervisors.) L. D. Hamilton, Constable 7 20 Jacob Puff, Commissioner FIighways36 00 43 20 ULYSSES. The Town Board of Ulysses met in accordance with lawn, for the purpose of auditing accounts against said town, on Thursday, November 7, 1867. The following is the list of bills audited. No. Claim'd Allow'd 1 J. Colegrove Com'r Highways... $21 00 $21 00 2 L. Millspaugh Poor Master Ithaca 23 75 28 75 3 J. D. Lewis, M. D 42 25 42 25 4 J. S. Hixson, ex -Town Clerk 16 00 15 00 6 S. Young, Inspector election19 38 19 38 6 D. Quigley, " 10 50 10 50 7 W. Ii Teed, clerk election 6 00 6 00 8 G. J. McLallen, " 6 00 6 00 9 R. C. Tompkins, Insp'r election10 60 10 50 10 A, G. Stone, tax refunded 1 00 1 00 11 J. R. Emery, Poor Master 8 00 8 00 12 W. Chandler, coffin for poor 10 00 10 00 13 W. Pierson, ex -Supervisor 36 64 86 64 14 W. G. Farrington, Insp'r election 9 13 9 13 15 J. M. Stout, clerk election 8 00 3 00 16 J. M. Farrington, M. D 4 81 4 81 17 E. Wilcox, assigned by H. VanOr- der 18 A. V. Van Liew, Com'r Highways 19 E. Wilcox 4420 for expenditures on Trn- maneburgh bridge 1628 32 1628 32 21 I. Bullard, use of house 54 00 44 00 State tax 22 H. Luckey, Inspector elections... 10 50 10 50 Town audits 23 W. C. Dederer, " ... 13 50 13 50 Highways 24 John A. Letts, Assessor 80 50 80 50 Returned tax 26 A. M. Sherwood, ex-Com'r Hiw'y 24 60 34 50 Total 21 00 58 00 6 00 21 00 68 00 26 E. S. Pratt, Assessor 27 B. Laving, 28 R. H. Fish, Constable 29 L. Millspaugh, Poor M., Ithaca 30 E. Lovel, Justice Peace 31 E. Smith, Poor Master 32 Jacob Carman, Justice Peace . 33 R. C. Taylor, clerk elec'n & T. C. 34 J. VanBuskirk, clerk. election 35 J. Earl, Justice Peace 36 Alexander Bower, Supervisor 34 00 21 00 58 40 19 50 33 30 900 8 55 33 00 1 50 750 37 03 34 00 21 00 68 40 19 50 38 30 9 00 S 55 33 00 1 50 7 50 37 03 $2356 06 $2346 00 A. Bowen, Supervisor. E. LOVEL, J. CARMAN, JOHN EARL, Justices of Peace. R. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. I do certify that the above is a correct statement of the Town Audits made. R. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. November 7, 1S67. (Added by Supervisors.) Edmund Robinson, excess of tax....... 1 05 ABSTRACT of charges against the sev- eral towns: State tax Town audits Highways Bounty tax Total State tax Town audits Highways Town Hall CAROLINE. $2780 90'Connty Expenaes...1068 73 513 42 Sup'ts of Poor 97 96 '750 00 Schools 547 38 7145 03 $12903 42 • DARBY. $2946 90 County expenses...1132 58 547 27 Sup'ts of Poor 94 26 450 00 Schools 680 18 600 00 Returned tax 2 67 $6253 86 Total DnyDEN. State tax $7415 90 County expenses...2850 12 Town audits. 1350 54 Sup'ts of Poor . 323 67 Highways 625 00 Schools 1459 85 Support of poor.... 200 00 Returned tax 130 73 Total $14355 81 ENFIELD. State tax $2567 93 County expenses... 983 09 Town audits1515 05 Sup'ts of Poor 7 72 Highways 150 00 Schools 603 64 Returned tax... .. 13 131 —..___ Total $5730 46 GROTON. State tax $4423 00 Town audits 854 03 Support of poor400 00 Bounty tax 8113 59 Returned tax 54 80 Total County expenses...1699 85 Sup'ts of Poor 86 52 Schools 870 64 R. R. Bonds 1446 04 ITHACA. $17948 47 State tax $15298 50 County expenses...5879 60 Town audits 10146 88 Sup'ts of Poor 4066 ea Highways 250 00 Schools 3010 60 National Banks... 5452 43 Returned tax 161 38 Total LANSING. $7259 00 826 95 2950 00 82 86 $40655 89 County expenses...2789 80 Sup'ts of Poor 206 58 Schools .... 1423 92. $15644 11 NEWFIELD. State tax $3353 00 Town audits '724 43 Highways 917 00 Bounty tax 7464 99 22' Comity expenses1288 60 Su 'ts of Poor 114 46 Schools 660 05 Returned tax 27 20 Total ULYSSES. State tax $5371 40 County expenses...2064 83 Town audits 2347 11 Su 'ts of Poor 323 12 Highways 1000 00 Schools 1057 34 Returned tax 770 Total $14549 73 RECAPITULATION Caroline $12903 42 Ithaca Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Total 6253 86 Lansing 14355 81 Newfield 5730 46 Ulysses 17948 47 $12164 07 40665 89 1554'1 11 14549 73 12164 07 $140115 82 ABSTRACT of payments to be made by the County Treasurer: For State tax Schools GENERAL FUND. $51406 53 10119 40 $61525 93 4680 00 2500 ou 400 00 71 50 2500 00 211 31 20 00 10 00 1200 00 50 00 500 00 500 00 150 00 15 00 10 00 40 00 4050 83 200 00 73 00 200 00 Superintendents of Poor Court expenses Fuel and gas for Court House, &o Insurance on public buildings State Lunatic Asylum " Inebriate " " Idiot " Livery to Connty House County Judge's salary Special L4 District Attorney's salary Treasurer's salary Supervisors Clerk's salary Janitor's " Counsel employed by Bank Com'rs Incidental expenses, Judge's office First National Bank Merchants & Farmers' "National Bank, Expenses School Com'r to Jan. 1, 1868... Sidewalk at Court House Repairs and wall at Court House.... , ... Fines to be refanded to Caroline... $5 00 Danby 190 " Enf eld 5 00 " Groton 48 00 " - Ithaca 81 00 " Lansing 5 00 "Newfield 88 00 illyases14 00 County audits 44 li " 44 197 90 10220 53 $89291 10 VOLUNTEER FUND. Interest and principal of County Bonds $22728 61 STATEMENT showing the amount of compensation an- dited by the Board of Supervisor of Tompkins Coun- ty, to the members thereof, within the past year, the items and nature of such compensation, the number of days the Board has been in session, and the dis- tance traveled by the members respectively,. in at- tending County Canvass and the meetings of the Boal d. t1'Z. t.,.40rro tdoRWI.•aNaID pH tAw . p:... 'sxosinlzaans ry�C� �, p'Pwp`Qm 0 11 1000l010105 102010 Cowwmwwa,we0 Days with Co. Canis. Days with Board. ]P 4�0 ]✓iP �4+µ �� Wl?W 2070020 Per diem allowance. O. vJµ(U 1101-'1-+f+.µ 040(00, OOD0)000) Miles traveled. Mileage. eats -1W,.922,1 SUPERVISORS' Room, Dec. 31, 1867. I, hereby certify, that the Board of Supers, sous of Tompkins County, were in session thirteen days in No- vember, 1867, and were engaged two days in making County Canvass, and that the number of miles necessa- rialy traveled by the members of the Board in perform- ance of their duties, is as above stated, and, I further certify, that no accounts were audited by said Board, Without being properly verified according to law. J. H. EMERY, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins Co. Copying roll. Miscellaneous. Total. �0) 10 rig frt rd d • rtn' ail �w 0 d TOS c N q 04 N ra �a) O 0 O H 0 co C-, c9 O 0 0 0 m' cy'1mm�w 'o 00000 Q S } 1S tel•,-"ncic� .nr 'mu a 13 rca-,o ct ct0010 offcfz=cf d',,-1 r cSui •SI90r105' 8 1C 3 .n 02 C22:D,n 1n 1n��V1JO •sesued -xa £3u00p x0,1'dantioa '.Iona swap -uosupadus c cfO`a+ :0X0101 GD C-010 ri Cx 0)10Cx14 cDrClM 0... as C7,1C fJ 1n V'rl 0Q' uv01:101 saxn3 pJlaa, -0d pus 400,1 •400,1 JO : OB:MAO a 3)'1Iluuos -.10,1 Tuan JO IaioJ. ea L-.yWm(4 cer `3i 014110 GO e�i�rce�i. �oNc�4w �e��rin�w:ilr 01100 (11Y',)'t' ZN�C4O tJ CxO r 10011 010040 ''012-x- 10-410 1101 -1rc205rc[.'rm •arise e4'loowco?n ev` vuoa4a,1 'o3i lsH 10931 0 E •11 ` 0144 Q: ., WCCW22 r..OW^'.. Mcsic m c ccs r 40) `x310 c2W V'ln o,, y;�0v q o �...W.e E c.q P.'go�g3D, oAA14-(..,z� Supervisors --Special Session. SUPERVISORS' ROOM, ITHACA,t January 25, 1868. The Board met in Special Session in reference to the Poor House. Wm. L. Bostwick, in the Chair. The members were all. present. J. H. Emery, the Clerk, being absent, J. W. Stansbury, was elected Clerk of the Board. The following resolution offered. by Mr. Bailey, was passed unanimously : Resolved, That this Board would recommend to the next Board of Supervisors to allow and to audit in fa- vor of E. C. VanKirk, the sum of one hundred and ten dollars and forty-seven cents, that being the amount that through a mistake in the footing was not audited in his bill for 1867. The Chairman then read a communi- cation from L. Congdon, Esq., relative to the plans and specifications for build- ing a• Comity House. The Chairman informed the Board that the contract orclerecl by the last Board, relative to the Monroe County Penitentiary was completed on the fol- lowing terms : For all persons sentenced for a period of sixty days and less than three months, one dollar and fifty cents per week; for all persona sentenced for a period of three menthe and less than four months, one dollar and twenty-five cents per week; and for all persons sen- tenced for a period of four months and over, one dollar per week. Mr. Curtis, from the Committee ap- pointed at the last meeting of the Board on the County House, macre a report in writing, which on motion was unani- mously adopted, as follows : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned, your Committee appointed to pre- pare plans and specifications for the repair of the Coun- ty Poor House, beg leave respectfully to report: That they have given the subject careful considera- tion, have examined the old buildings thoroughly, -and submit the accompanying plans and specifications for your consideration and approval. Signed E. L. B. Guam, D. W. BALLET", Committee. J. M. SMITH, WWI. L. BOSTWICIO, On motion adjourned. to 1-' p. m. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and after athorough examination of the plans and specifications, on motion of Mr. Bower, Resolved, That the plans and specifications submit- ted by the Committee, be accepted and adopted by this Board. Passed by ayes and noes as follows Arms. Noss. Mr. ASHLEY, " Surra, CURTIS, BAILEY, WHITE, BOSTWICK, MEAD, STARR, BOWER, -9. On motion of Mr. White, Resolved, That E. L. B. Curtis, D. W. Bailey, J. M. Smith, and William L. Bostwick, be appointed Build- ing Committee, to make the repairs and alterations of the County House substantially according to the plans and specifications adopted by this Board. Resolved, That the Building Committee have author- ity, and are hereby, empowered to borrow on the faith of the County from time to time, such sums of money as they shall deem necessary to carry on the work, not exceeding in the whole, six thousand dollars, payable on or before the tat day of March, 1869. St .. it at .f 24 On motiom of Mr. Curtis, Resolved, That the Building Committee appointed by this Board, shall have power to direct such altera- tions in the details or repairs on the County House, as in their judgment will best subserve the interests of the County, and the durability and convenience of the building, providing the same shall not materially in- crease the expense of said repairs: Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published with the other proceedings of this Board, and at the same rates. On motion of Mr. J. M. Smith, Resolved. That in .the absence of Mr. Emery, J. W. Stansbury, be the Clerk of this Board. On motion, the Board then adjourned without day. W. L. BOSTWICK, Ch'n. J. W. STAuvsuuziY, Clerk. - O c~ R C, , O Pm ClO cry o Et m art w Ng.J A 2 L] c1,. 444 8• P O CD O m Vo,g o 0 8p U 0...... p N N 00 N go `C P,- p, K n,m a, og o m -p o e, m a wn g asC GC% O m g.5 e -e m P p cc 0P�� n . 0. O "-"22.. o r m tfo `C Cm —. c m p CJ G p o 0 s 0 P � G o m O R 0 G • O g 0- R -2 o m Oo m • r. C o td �°. OQ N y2' Q • N fi LI Hn 0, ti 1 CL n CD co ,4 ,a• ' • P O Lit 0' R 00 T •0+3 0 cio ed P o- „x Pe n � m 0 CD ▪ ca 0' o • a• .` O CD P'+ C o G I�'ri,.1o•.s-1°om,i,ow.3cv .coo ed... aral. Engineer and Surveyor. ro am ca P. {i .50 U o W U m O 04 P b d m m p m m. t1 . m mo U 1271 2411 1111 127 -, _,, wwt.l.�•u,a„P , .,--o[o[c,-.F �.','a5o^gv eco'oatx.��o:..•"',waa4es O 3,3 a Nx°e." NbDoe .•,,,. wN. w.+.+ COCOww-.x..,..•1-1.1 . G30.+ a .....-1.....-1.......... -:x o o .xo 8GO[.A.e.-1,oe.,p.. _ ..-[,....-.�. a,;.;xo J�xtO»2.00[Ox0 W 03,J . ,,.'L .-•..-1, O O O w w iObx�a,P-~3,.cu-w3u,vo.� .. •3cscno.a.-xc�owx .-x. ..To. uw Whole number of Votes. M. Hammond. John D. Fay. Whole number ofVotes. Gilbert DeLaMatyr. Canal Commis- Inspector 01 sioner. Prisons n y xw:,,...- w, -•N.+ .+.� w...cc.-John Vv . ... t.......+ ... Aw=t.x.. 0e.e,o.-x........wx•.a, 0 c; x. 1�. -- .+ 2..+tJ .+ .+.+x. w xJ N .. w .+.+ x.w,P t....0.10[V[;✓-1=0.c .- 0 e.,,,a. ..,s.-x.-awc3o.-.c. ccce3 • Solomon Schen. • wa m Whole number of Votes. Orlow W. Chapman. P 0 Oliver C. Crocker. Whole number of Votes. o 118 121 242 116 126 99 94 191 89 101 1 316 102 449 331 116; 117 20 130 115 2) 1 244 154 502 235 267 214 332 586 234 33J 335 216 575 313 239 71 47 122 73 49 2'9 9i 371 270 100 149 79 229 143 81 156 87 210 157 83 73 101 178 72 1051 196 14.2. 213 1'9) 142 262 195 465 219 -19I 103 103 207 119 108 267 273 519 253 278 47 78 125 46 79 116 9) 2:35 145 9 190 19) 290 1-45[ 105 278 154 4341 278 16') 224 206 415 224 297 John 11. Selkreg. T 2 Samuel C. Reynolds. o`K a Whole number of Votes. o a Thomas J. McElheny. 4 A George L. Truesdell, , Whole number of Votes. Merritt ging. ID c `C x.--x..-.+a,x. .+ J, DeMott Smith. cac 0,_, a- ,P? uv,,, „, .—^J .t `..,1=0.0--40.,.......+0..,„, ,s,,,,,,,namVVi OY -V 01. 11. G:. rob 0 k N•.'+--• t.-1, .+N wL.,t...-wr. "-2W,r=,P _-. 00.-1 [ w..1.„ Moses T. Denman. 0C qlg sxa.- x.,.-...-.-, x.wa, ,..• Go, m.-1-,©ep.-c. cnw c.v w„-.o..,,L,nCc r., yr.aoox..�.- .wc..-..,,00:.c:.v Harvey Holden. Oa aw •' c. -LL:,,.+o"> zCJ1.i L0, .'.I ,P,PNw.-0,x.F- a)a.w •.mw yam, t.Ww0.-oeco.- v1 ,Dc.C...T.` ti[,y,De,. ..Lv - Whole number of Votes. o ,-, -•o�, I ?...,P...,,„0-,10..-4.0",0,?..=.- ....- . .. ....... G[.^.✓.10000arP,- ,_,-,0,,, Charles J. Rounseville. to w, O I ....00-so-��i `". L..u:o ce., .o.:.°a,r:ec°�.=:ti -a •a Edwin S. Ford. m .xo[w-N0 .<4..c-.a,Pt-a� =c<.�w . -1-1Oc[v :..:. u, .0, Dov ✓. _. 0:.1OLv:.:.O..�v .r-V[V[ev 0..�� ,F. Whole number of Votes. ,wc Nxa.-..• .... ...t. cut.N.w.-.• =I ..y82,V31.10,G.. :..Cu .✓tu ., r.•003JUt Erastus C. Moe. ,w.-1. 3?t..-.•, x..•N. .+r✓tn wx.N.-:.-..•.- - J. De Los Lewis. O o xc1 V[Ote-1,...000JCGwr.-x.V,N -.x.�- Benjamin Dunning. to,.,.• tm,..,..•,jr, ... Solomon H. Pelt. ° ,w..tZW-' i. N.-x�zoc.�.+a[e[ch.-,F rto Whole number of Votes. p c� .,,,..,.-,,,,c,--4,,,,,,...,.,-�l Charles M8601], y p 0 Nt•. k.,,..r. .+".µ t.w ,- 00 .0o0000b00-- 0.0M.•000 -1.00G -•3N -i Marin Grover. vg .o w,P..,. .•a1t.w . gw, oro[v[ P . Ui�G-1 ✓C;OC O~ItOCMO gN,S9O8aLv« Whole number of Votes. m .. x.ao.•.-, xowa,., .+.�.N cc Nx.^'w.+r O .. -1 µO -3,P z[,PGu ,�F•C, 0010 Chu 003 John M. Parker. - Om n Op - i. 1�Ja a. c✓01,Onw W2.Raltt CO.'VEtt Ti Ele N N -I Jesse Palmer. =µb " y P_ .Pad. 1....o. e.?w.-.,...i,P..a, .Cwu.. e.C.......,,,,,......- .>. i ,...10--33tJD 1Po , Whole number of Votes. c G Y0 .+.• 1.-w .+ cM a, . scw,Pc..--lcv.cnowol ...`' wt w 1 -'a.- ilesvanValkenbnrgh. ,4 `� c- N. x......+.- .e.. . x....�J^ C..W''JOO`..W,.F•..-.aooRCTO'ODN•N-1 Benjamin G. Ferris. P, m SCATTERING VOTES for the office of Inspector of State Prisons, Blank, - received one (1); for the office of Member of 'Assembly, Selkreg, received one (1) ; J. M. Reynolds, received one {1); for the office of County Clerk, G-eo. Trues- dell, received one (1) ; A, L. Truesdell, received two (2) ; George Truesdell, re- ceived one (1); J. Rundell, received one (1); for the office of District Attorney, M. King, received one (1); J. D. Smith, received two (2); for the office of Superin- tendent of the Poor, H. Holden, received one. (1); Ephraim Hammond received one (1) ; for the office of Coroner, Gilbert Bail, received two (2) ; John Letts,. received one (1); D. Letts, received one (I); L. Leonard, received one (1); M. Van Droff, received two (2) ; Blank, received four (4) ; for the office of County Judge, M. Van Val Kenburgh, received two (2) ; Ben. Ferris, two (2) ; H. S. Walbridge, one (1) ; Blank, one (1) ; for the office of Judge of the Court of Appeals, Blank re- ceived one (1). TABULAR STATEMENT of votes given at a General Election held on th Fifth day of November, A. D. 1867, in the several election districts in the County of Tompkins, for Secretary of State, Comptroller, State Treasurer, Attorney Gener- al, State Engineer and Surveyor, Canal Commissioner, Inspector of State Prisons, Senator, Member of Assembly, County Clerk, District Attorney, Superintendent of Poor, Justice of Sessions, Coroners, Judge of Court of Appeals, Justice of the Su- preme Court and County Judge. y P. Cho z ci ii Z I-1 O C �2c 0 454' w 0 ro `C oZo o CD `1 n P ti ,91 rn d• 00 0 coti .Pw� o - `-C bo 0 O_ O �p O CD 174 m 0 K CD ❑ m m � 9 00 K � 0 • 0 p p_ 0 0 •-n o G p m 0 o p 0 � r C/4 <C • a c • "n X • O U, N • n n•_ O • C”. 0 v 9 r✓ CD 9 R m c N to G4 •G nC•[ rj TOWNS. . Election District. Whole number of Votes. m c, James B. McKean. 'a o to Homer A. Nelson. 5 m 243 116 127 243 116 193 100 93 193 100 464 368 96 464, 338 140 120 20 140 120 501 244 257 501 241 588 264 324 588 261 584 339 245 584 337 122 74 48 122 74 373 232 91 373 282 280 151 79 230 l5'. 213 157 86 243 157 177 74 103 177 74 248 106 142 218 106 465 269 196 465 269 229 121 108 229 121 540 266 274 540 236 125 47 78 125 47 236 144 90 286 146 2901 190 100 293 190 438 280 158 483 280 435 230 205 435 230 6864, 3944, 2920 6.314 39331 Whole number of Votes. Comptroller. Thomas Hillhouse. William F. Allen. Whole number of Votes. State Treasurer. Theodore B. Gates. Wheeler H. Bristol. Whole number of Votes. Joshua M. Van Cott. Marshall B. Chaplain. Whole number of Votes. Archibald C. Powell. -Vanrensselaer R. Richmond. Whole number of Votes. John M. Hammond. m P= Engineer and Canal Commis Surveyor. sioner. John D. Fay. .o1._xt.o.-LoN?c?,--ccow'.onccac-w+xo Whole nnmber of Votes. V,w:a-cfttOU,A"wwialu21wmo�Oc�roGt IInspeclorofStateSenator, Member Cent Prisons, of Assembly. :ro c,.oco -.- zo.•1o, , ,...-co wcobo.'-w.... Gilbert DeLaMat r O C cOJ.-t Oi r--=OgIF^!.-SIP gOr-J.-O C.. k. 1 8I5•8ti8ro.,, nRg '' Solomon Schen. l', ,-..8 ,F,..:,a,,,o,.,p.z.,-.zom,.,,o o,o,,a,t- Whole number of Votes. .wxw`s>Lob--c.-- cZ-li� >T411128wa=soo,awt c .1,,,,,-,-, : z. . �nw� Jw wcor,-ac-xa:�.wo1.-uoLgc. Orlow W. Chapman.man. LGo - z:..-..,,-... 0..t. Oliver. C. Crocker. .F, ,c.,..ka.—. z,, ,, k.kow.+cn. cn.. .,zo Whole number of Votes. , ao.'CJ,O.--1,--,,wu7--11,�+Lwv PZJ..4,.WZJ Ilot:,-- La.Lo..-.-:a, wa�w ..-John H. Selkre g•v xx`^a-.",ww�c°en vi"x-�gym m c., .9 a,.-.- zi..-.,.- zow .- Samuel C. Reynolds. R°u`uxoaft-o2^1V0!G..�c:'&48Fv,4'-,. 5.V,.,.EU,J I ,p..... ,,.o,z ,, .,..•a,z,;n.,o,..,, ,,.•,; Whole number of Votes. cL-Ji CAV C-8;~lNVS,Ceagt-O, tl ., • zo wz.t.-•w .- Thomas J. McElhen. '„I 1;z.„- �,r1zo. `o wo'J u,.., a+w m,ocko-+ oww.._.., o -coo: y, -c b%,-',' ^'wz� George L. Truesdell. i. ....,.,-Lxm-..?Ow,w-ccc..: ,-..r.� K �c ,a. to Whole numberof Votes. tt1- L� 'V,G,i .•totgcncn ,,,.........,...,..,--1,.._.,..,....,m,-...,...,,. C 'El ,Pa z_,c x-aw..,.ko.:_c,- Merritt King. I `mc�+c�m,l-'-e ::.c,l--x,-xo ,F-w-oa:�-too, O ti ti -,.. .-.,eor-,., Lo o, a, ,-. J. DeMott Smith. oV,oC:-100:, i -c OD -3 O,P,.-..: exu":O CD N. m 4 z, wfl,'. ,4 ,ao a 4<uw `µ,,mw Whole number of Totes. o9 c� w wt..•.- 20—C.., .•to W[Vnt, -wr-,- '•-,w,+=�.:_,-,oL,.•w-':»,,,..�:c.c.. ;5 Moses T. Denman. O p a, ,p,, k� - zowto OOxr-.J ,,,,wOar-.-x,-,...V- ,i-1 w Harvey Holden. -'ri 0 �,,t;z, �,z„F. .-a,�.-Vncnv,.-, ,n•, Vu,.J'u�(.V."�.S—c---„,VWOu.,WAw-..-..,cov Whole numberof Votes. o G w 2U 2� .-,. w r++ tt 1., V ,-• k:, ,+LJ 8 .+.• t''., �Y cam„ _„-,oy;,,,-,,,.T;,; ,-,z,,,,•o, .v �O•G ,/.-3=,=C�"J^ C,F �I +-'u..,F S. ,--F-v-3._.v Charles J. Rounseville. m p le.,,,�cmr a `�.+ l 8 .7:u Ww opC ,a•"o.oc.=... ....1 , ..0o.,; L.�000 b,r.-.w.CN'wGJ :D ,-�W-1-300.^. w.-�, Edwin S. Ford. p m oo xx.,L k:.o,1==4,.w, ,�-1�.~•..- ozoJW.F .. 0:.,OLv.Ori:. ,...W:A.-J,TV,V(,O..,G.i,p Whole number of Votes. wm:c,+-,c.o-.-o-a .;{,q;Jc.:.' .c.- Erastus C. Moe.