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STATEMENT, allowing th- e amount e�
nation audited by the Board of Supe
Tompkins County, to the members
within the past year, the items and
such compensation, the number of
Board has been in session, and the
traveled by the members respective)
tending County Canvass and the re
the Board.
(g. 017/574-30
O • t770r�pyi�
O O 4
rn F000 0
m 00.)200
Overseer of
Poor 85 re-
jected taxes
Town ex-
dent Poor.
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Bounty tax.
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SUPERVISOR'S Room, Deo. 10
I hereby certify that the Board of Supe
of Tompkins County were in Session elev
in November, 1865, and were engaged tw
in making County Canvass, and that the
ber of miles necessarily traveled by theme
of the Board in performance of their duti
above stated, and I further certify that
counts were audited by said Board, witho
hag properly verified according to law.
Clerk Board of Super's, Tompkia
Days with Co. Can
Days with Board.
Per diem allowanc
Miles traveled.
For Copying roll.
A. W. KN TTLE , Chairman.
'$, EIVI ERY, Clerk.
The B
tr of To
their r•oo
Lige of
The Board was called to order by the
clerk of the last Board, and on calling the
roll, the following members answered to
then' names
Cnr011n0 Sn E R IIRID SLATER.D, nleu—Joxx M. SIIITII.
D•�' D. W. BAILEY.
�a6eld Bois MARSH
1t11tiL';4—J A � KNETTLE.S.
ms -.—
On motion of Mr. Slater, E. L. B. Cnn-
T1p, of Danby, was elected temporary
ckvinnan. The Board, then on motion,
�weeded by ballot, to the election of a
permanent Chairman :
Por P.
B. O rtiss'
D. W. Bailey,
" J. 11. Lyons,
On motion of Mr. Bailey, ANSON W.
KNETTLES was declared unanimously elect-
ed Chairman of the Board.
J. 11. EMERY was unanimously re-elect
ed Clerk of the Board.
On motion of Mr. Curtis,
Resolved, That the Chairman be requested to
appoint in addition to the committees usually
appointed, a committee, to consist of three mem-
bers, to examine and report in regard to the in-
debtedness of the County.
On motion of Mr. Lyons,
Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a com-
mittee of three, whose duty it shall be to secure
an insurance on the County buildings.
On motion of Mr. Smith,
Resolved, That all Coun ty orders issued by this
Bird be countersigned by the Chairman: and
all Town orders by the Supervisors of the re-
spective towns.
Oa motion of Mr. Lyons, the daily
Lours of meeting were fixed as follows :
corning, 9 o'clock; afternoon, 2 o'clock;
evenulg, 7 o'clock.
SE.ape 'GJisors---An m21 Se on.
earl of Supervisors of the Coun-
nipkins, met in Annual Session ry
m in the Court House, in the vi1-
Ithaca, on Tuesday, Nov. 13th,
On motion, adjourned to to -morrow
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1866.
Board met pursuant to adjournment and
was called to order by the Chairman.—
Present all the members. The minutes
of the last meeting were read and approv-
The Chairman then announced the fol-
lowing standing Committees :
On Sheriff's, Clerk' s,"Constable's, and Justice's ac-
counts.—Messrs. Marsh, Smith and Bailey.
nn Treasurer's Accounts. — Pierson, Rockwell
and Slater.
On Equalization.—Smith, Slater, Marsh, Lyons
and Batley.
On. Poor House and Superintendent's Report.—
Bailey, Rockwell, Lyons, Curtis and Smith.
On County Claims.—Slater, Curtis and Rock-
On U. S. Deposit Fund. —Lyons, Pierson and
On County Indebtedness.—Curtin, Slater andPier-
On Insurance CountylButildings—Lyons, Bailey
and Smith.
On motion of Mr. Bailey, it was order-
ed that all resolutions for the consideration
of the Board be submitted in writing.
On motion of Mr. Bailey,
Resolved, That the Committee on County Claims
be instructed to make such arrangements in re-
gard to public printing, as in their judgment
will best subserve the interest of the County, and
lay their proceedings before this Board for final
Afternoon Session.
Mr. Peter H. Farrington, Superintend-
ent of the Poor elect, presented his official
bond, and the same was approved and or-
dered filed with the. County Clerk.
On motion of Mr. Pierson,
Resolved, In accordance with an act passed Jan
nary 17th, 1866, that the sum of five thousand
twenty-eight dollars and fifty cents ($5028,50) be
levied and assessed upon the taxable property
of the town of Ulysses, which sum shall be paid
to the Supervisor of said town, who shall apply
the same to the payment of indebtedness con-
tracted against the town by the Commission-
ers of Highways previous to the passing of the
above named act, which claims have been au-
dited by the town board.
Bills numbering from 1 to 27, inclusive,
were passed at this Session.
Evening Session
The Board were engaged during the
sessi in in the examination and footing of
A: se sment Rolls, and in the examination
of bids.
Bi is numbering from 28 to 32 inclusive,
were passed at this session.
On motion, adjourned to to -morrow
Thursday, Nov. 15th, 1866.
Board met pursuant to adjournment and
was called to order by the Chairman.
Present all the members. The minutes o
the previous day were read and approved.
The Board then proceeded in a body to
Visit the County House.
On their return at 5 P. M. the Board
Evening Session.
The Board of Commissioners of Excise
presented their annual report, and the same
was on motion received and referred to the
Committee on Treasurer's accounts.
On motion of Mr. Lyons, list be appor•
Resolved, That the Grand Jury
tioned among the several towns Ls follows.a, viz.:
' Caroline25 Enfield
Danby21 Groton ..... 34 Newfield ....27
Dryden 50 Ithaca........ 61 Ulysses...... 29
The Board were engaged during the
evening in the examination of Bills and
bills numbering from 33 to 44 inclusive
were passed.
On motion adjourned..
Friday Nov. 16.1866.
Board met pursuant to adjournment andl
was called to order by the Chairman.
Present all the
theinutes of
previousclay were rread and approved.
On motion of Mr. Lyons.
Resolved, That the sum of 5375 be levied andl
of the town
the purpose ofipaying henry
of resLaIlSillg,of Road, leading from
Lyres for right ot way
of 5379,14 for Stephen HL Clark for damages s-
sessed by jury on right of way on road leading
from Ludlow order of CountyNorton's
Landing. The
above was by
Rev. Sylvester Minier, appeared before
the Board and made application to have
certain taxes claimed to have been erro-
neously paid in the years 1864 and 1865
refunded, d the matter was on motion of
Mr. Bailey, referred eferr d to a special committee
consisting of Messrs Bailey, Pierson and
On motion of Mr. Bailey, 11
IResolved, That the County Treasurer be in.
structed to dispose of the State Bonds now i Lh Y
hands held to the credit of the county ;
be disposed of as in his judgment shall best sub,
serve the interest of the county and that the apo,
ceeds thereof be used to redeem the out -standing
County Bonds and that the profits arising from
the sale aymentte ofBonds be county expenses. tt d to.
wards the pay
On motion of Mr. Lyons,
Resolved, That at the request of the Snpervis,
ors of the respective towns of thisecountr e,lthe
sums set forth in the following
f led and assessed upon said towns, for the porno.
ses therein mentioned.
Town Support
Audits. Highways, of Poor,
Caroline............ 5594 59 $ 250 250 00 1150 00
Dydn ben ................ 793 83 250 00 25000
Enfield.......... . 661 52 250 00
Groton .................. 394 20
Ithaca ................ 1ll'2 82
Newfield .............. 474 96
Ulysses ............. 825 79
250 00
250 CO
925 00
1000 00
Afternoon Session.
On motion of Mr. Rockwell,
Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of
Chap. 522, of the laws of 1865, the sums set down
in the following schedule, be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the persons whose
names are included in the several lists, and in
the sums respectively named in said lists, sub•
milted to this Board, and furnished to the pervisors of several
of the H ed in sid
e waysr
schedule, e.
edule. by the Overseers
,pec.ive�Y, of the Road Districts included therein
89 00
0 90
5 50
Road District No.
u " " 108 ..
" 56
Road District 1.1.0. 59... E8
95. ........ 5 00
Road District No• —. 0
Evening session.
Mr. Bailey, from the Committee to
whom was referred the claim of Rev. S}l
vester Minier, presented the following rc
port, and the same was ou motion adopted.
Your Committee to whom was referred the IT
pile:3110n for relief of
an alleged erroneous the
tpart of the Assessors he years 1864-5,would respectfully report as lul•
Iowa :
That having heard the statement i�i1e'tt�i is
and having carefully investrg. theyhavccam'
to the conculsion that there is no reason why ba.
action of this Board should reverse the decision
of the last Board. On motion 'adjourned to 11 A. M. on
we would therefore respectfully report that Monday.
the petition of the Rev. Sylvester 114inier be de-
nied and the action of the Assessors of the Monday, Nov. 19, 1866.
town of Lansing be sustained. Board met pursuant to adjournment and
1 war. PIERSON, Committee. was called to order by the Chairman.
E. L. B. CURTIS, Present all the members. The minutes of
On motion of Mr. Bailey,
Resolved, That the previous day were read approved.
Re pursuant to the provisions of
chapter 453, laws of 1865, the Clerk of this Board The Board were engaged during the
be instructed to insert in the assessment rolls of session in the examination of bills.
the present year the following items omitted
Gout the roll of 1065, from the following towns: Afternoon Session.
hryden—Erastus M. Sager 50 Lot 34...5 750 00
\eryOn motion of Mr. Pierson the following
tieid—Andrew Mc0orn 44 Acres.. 120 00
Groton—George Fitts, lot 87, 83 " .. 1820 00 preamble and resolution was adopted.
Paschall Fitts, " 99, 80 " .. 1090 00
r, Widow Jas. Gibbs, 75, 10 .. 204 00 Whereas, The members of this Board having
o Samuel Howler, lot 05,30........500 00 made a careful examination of the County Poor
Lansing—William DeHart, 84 acres... 2000 00 House, and having found the same in a dilapi-
dated and poor condition, and believing it to be
Bills numbering from 45 to 86 inclusive a useless waste of money to make any repairs
were passed during the session. on said house, therefore,
Resolved, That a committee of three be ap-
On motion adjourned. pointed by the Chairman to procure a plan and
specifications, together with the estimated ex -
Saturday, Nov. 17, 1800. pease, of erecting a suitable house for the ac -
Board met pursuant to adjournment, and sane to then of
Board of Supervisorst or their
was called to order by the Chairman. consideration.
Present all the members. The minutes of Mr. Pierson, Mr. Lyons and Mr. Smith
the previous clay were read and approved. were appointed such committee.
Oa motion of Mr. Slater, On motion of Mr. Bailey,
Resolved, That the Supervisors of each of the Resolved, That the Supervisors of the several
several towns of the county, acting in concert towns of the coil. ,ty acting in consultation with
Olt the commandant of the company of N. Y. the commandants of the militia companies in
0.0. of their respective towns, be, and they are the several towns respectively, be, and they are
tetchy authorized to hire a suitable drill room hereby authorized to rent suitable drill rooms
and armory, at an annual rent not exceeding and armories for the said militia companies;
City dollars.
rent exceeding in amount one-tenth
no Supervisor shall be authorized to pay a
one mill
lir. Bailey offered the following as an of the equal i zed valuation of said town for the
cnlendment to the above : ensuing year.
Resolved, That the matter of drill rooms and On motion of Mr. Curtis,
Armories for the several towns of the county be Resolved, That the Special County Judgebe au -
Id t to be governed by the Statute, thorized, with the consent of the District Attor-
Mr. Curtis offered the following as a sub Attornoccupy a desk in the office of the District
aim° for both the above resolutions : Mr. Curtis, from the Committee on Coun-
!volved, That the Supervisors of the several
kw: (d ty Claims reported the bill of Alvuas
the county, acting in consultation with r 1
I',monnandanis of the militia companies in Snyder, School Commissioner, and moved
ami r respective to was, be, and they are hereby au
C"'rlrcrltoreutsuitablearmoriesanddrillrooms that the same pass at $200, being the
"''osis ntuyseemibest; andithias in theirit not more than amount claimed.
t: a he allowed as a coauty charge for said arm- Mr. Bailey moved as an amendment,
"rlrh ec drill rooms in any town in the county that the bill pass at $50.
irlhecomiug year.
Bills numbering from 86 to 90 inclusive The question being taken on the amend -
vete passed at this session. ment of Mr. Bailey, the same was lost by
Pending the question upon the substi- ayes and noes as follows : -
1 leo(' A
Mr, Bailey,
'ir'. Curtis for the resolution of Mr. Ayieg• Noss.
Slater elle Board adjourned. Mr. Curtis,
Marsh,-2 Knettles,
Board was engaged uring the session
�t the diecussion of the matter of drill
0834 &c,
" Slater,
" Sulith,-7
The question then recurring on the mcg
• tion of Mr. Curtis, the same was adopted
by ayes and noes as follows :
lir. Curtis, Mr. Bailey,
" ?mettles, •` LYons,
" Pierson, " Marsh,
" Slater, -4
Smith, -6
On motion of Mr. Curtis,
Resolved, That as provided in Z8 title2Map. 555,
of the laws of 1801, the sum of one hundred and
fifty dollars, shall be levied and assessed upon
the taxable property of the county, which sum
shall be paid to the School Commissioner, for
the ensuing year in addition to the salary paid
him by the State Treasurer; said amount to
be paid quarterly on the first days of April, July
and October, 1867, and January 1868.
Mr. Slater, moved to amend by strik-
ing out the words' "one hundred and fifty"
and fin erting "one hundred."
The question being first taken on the
amendment, it was lost by ayes and noes
as follows:
Dir. Lyons, Mr. Bitiiay,
" Slater -2 " Curtis,
" ]:nettles,
" Marsh,
' Pierson,
' Rockwell,
" Smith -7
The original resolution was the,n adopt-
ed by ayes and noes as follows :
Mr. Curtis, Mr. Bailey,
"'<nettles, Mr. Lyons,
" Marsh, " Slater,
' Pierson, " Rockwell, -4
" Smith, -5
Bills numbering from 91 to 97 inclusive,
were passed at this session.
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1866.
. Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present all the members. The minutes
of the previous day were read and ap-
The Board were engaged during the
session in the examination of the County
Treasurer's accounts and of the report of
the Superintendents of the Poor.
Afternoon Session.
The Board went into Committee of the
Whole, Mr. Slater in the Chair, on the
application of Mr. William Baker for a
correction of the assessment made upon
him by the Assessors of the town of Lan
sing. Samuel Love, Esq., made a lengthy
o id elaborate argument in support of the
application, at the conclusion of whiclt
ter cation waconsultation on the
n. inotion denied.
Bill No. 99 Was passed at this session
Evening Sesslop
Mr. Bailey from the Committee on hoot
House and Superintendents report, pre
sented the following report, and the sal
discharged. •
was on motion adopted and the committee
Your Committee to whom was referred t
report. of the Superintendents of the Poor w0j� i
respectfully report that they hitve esamh1eii
Baine together with the vouchers, and rind the
w iole number of Paupers, assisted during the
year eliding November 14th, 18(81, was..,
which number there were County Pau...11u
From the town of Caroline.......... , „,
` Danby 9
Dryden . 3
Enfield 12
Newfield " 4
Ulysses • , 8
The number of Paupers received into the house
during the year was • ........ 140
The number in this day, is ................ 44
The average No. in the house during year. -4747
The number discharged from Poor House 333
daring the year, was
The cumber Absconded
64 " Bound out
" Out on trial
" 66 Deaths
" " Births
The average expenses for each pauper dur-
ing the year, was $56 50 30
The average expenses per week, was 109 ;
We further report that the children have
received instruction for three months
during the year.
The whole number of days said paupers
have been assisted during the ye?r, was. 17,30
The whole amount of bills audited and
drafts drawn on County Treasurer Mr the
support of the institution over and above
the proceeds of the farm, was $9002 43
The sum expended by Superintendents out
of money in their hands, realized from
sale of produce of farm, was 7109
Leaving in Superintendents hands at tliis
date unexpended. 3044
The sum expended for which drafts were
drawn on County Treasurer, was W62 33
The sum paid by Superintendents out of
money in their hands, realized by sale
of produce of farm, was.... 71 0
ITEids or ABOVE.
The sum expended for out and in -
oorrelief, Wqs mee fpooed for services o$1127.
1151 00
Over$e expended for transporta-
snm ars 37 75
1 o °f expr ended for Insurance
The um expended for Chaplain to
poor /louse
Tues re expended for In -door ex- 2
r10 sumfeopendedt for bringinglunatic 20 00
f (else expended for counsel fees 18 00
./liens �Ci aerged tocfor Mrs. Newfield) Hel 800
Ioe6 expended for H. B. Chase,
The 200
The ne y ended for postage and
6 29
The sum expended
ed to help paupers 11 00
twee expended for Wool and
The sum
6 70
25 00
691 49
4062 88
71 99
dents during year 85000 04
Ain't expended by drafts drawn on
County Treasurer, was 4134 87
Expended from proceeds of farm269 71
4404 58
Leaving balance in the hands of Super-
intendents as per report 505 48
The whole amount of contingent expenses
during the year $2691 49
County Paupers No. days...5489 $618 46
Clothing ...43510
1053 56
Total espenses $4134 87
There has been raised or grown on the
County farm during the past year. and
iiia amount on hand on the 15th day of
Nov., 1866, is as follows, viz. :
Bushels of Wheat ..... . . ....231 on hand 188
Oats 900 " 860
Buckwheat 187 " 180
Ears of Corn 870 " 750
" Potatoes 400 " 320
The estimated expenses of the Superin
tendents for the coming year is as follows,
poria -door relief cians out -
$2800 00
Overseers of Poor and Phys:
doorrelief 140 00
Ibr trnusportation of paupers 40 00
LessS salary
n hand 450 00
a 84630 00
b $195 63
" amoaunt raised by Lax for wall 100 00
595 63
Total ain't to be raised for com-
ing year $4034 37
The amount of bills audited and
drafts drawn on County Treasur-
er for in -door expenses, was 2746149
The amount of bills audited and
drafts drawn for out -door tempo-
rary relief for county paupers was1127r'64
The am't paid for transportation
of county paupers, was 9 63
The ain't paid for transportation
of town paupers, was 23 12
BIOS audited for Overseers of Poor
and other persons not connected
with the Poor House 151"00
--$4062 88
4498 79
The amount raised by tax for sup
port of poor, was
Amount on hand, was 181 21
" raised for wall, was 100 00
Proceeds of farm 270 04
Total ain't in hands of Superinten-
1200 00
Town Caroline
Town Danby
Town Dryden
Town Groton
Town Ithaca
Town Enfield
763 86 00
14 51
73582 85
21 40
2145241 82
33 63
100 51
106 25
275 45
88599 75
26 32
126 07
3506391 00
111 00
503 00
Town Lansing 808:... 91 00
Clothing 19 30
-- 110 30
Town Newfield.... .........1056119 00
Clothing 28 30
147 30'
Town Ulysses 1995.... 224 69
Clothing . 43 36
268 05
Total .. $2691 49
The following statement shows the
amount due from the county and towns for
the support of the poor for the last year :
County Tompkins .$1053 51
Town Caroline 100 56
` Danby .. 104 25
126 07
506 00
110 30
147 30
268 05
$2e91 49
Amounts realized from sale of produce
of farm :
Veal Skins
$114 25
3 22
50 20
92 52
The following statement shows for what
the amount raised on farm was expended:
Butter, $19,00 ; Potatoes, 15,00 ; Lumber, 16,71;.
Leather, 14,75; Boots, 11.50; Salt, 21,00; Clothing
22,00: Buckwheat, 7,00; Use of Drill, 5,75.
Total 132 71
68% Rods of Wall 137 00
— 8269 71
Your committee have examined the buildings
connected with the County House and farm, and
find them well cared for. The apartments of the
house clean and wholesome, and the comfort of
the inmates well looked after. The farm is in fine
condition, and every thing connected with the
establishment has the appearance of proper
Your committee would recommend the Super-
intendents to expend a sum not exceeding twen-
ty-five dollars for religious services for the poor
of the county house tor the coming year.
Your committee would recommend the
adoption of the following resolution:
Resolved, That the sums reported by the Su-
perintendents of the Poor to be clue from the
several towns for the support of the poor of such
town, in the county house the past year, be lev-
ied, assessed and collected, in the respective
towns as follows :
Town of Caroline $100 51
" Danby 104 25
Dryden 275 95
Groton 128 07
Ithaca 506 00
Lansing ... 110 30
Newfield 147 30
'Ulysses 147
Total due from towns...... 61637 93
Resolved, That tb e sum of four thousand thirty-
four dollars and fifty-four cents be levied and
collected in the county for poor expenses, which
together with five hundred and ninety-five dol-
lars and forty-six cents, now in the hands of the
superintendents, makes the amount of $4630,00,
the sum asked for by the superintendents.
J. M. S,IIITH, Committee.
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1E66.
Board met pursuant to adjournment and
was called to order by the Chairman.—
Present all the members. The minutes of
the previous day were read and approved.
The Board were engaged during the ses-
sion in the adjustment of the Treasurer's ac-
counts, and in the examination of bills.
Afternoon Session.
The Board was engaged during the
session in the further examination of the
Treasurer's accounts and upon the equali-
zation of assessments.
Evening Session.
On motion of Mr. Curtis,
Resolved, That the sum of $17 50 be levied and
assessed upon the taxable property of the coun-
ty, for the rent of armory and payment of armo-
er, for Co. F. Fiftieth Regiment, National Guard,
Said sum when collected to be paid by the Treas-
urer to the Supervisor of the town of Danby, to
be by him expended for the purpose above
On motion of Mr. Bailey,
Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars, be lev-
ied and assessed upon the taxable property of
the county, for the rent of Drill room and armo-
ry, for Co.E,Enfield, 50th Regt, N. G. Said when collected to be paid by the Tre as: kis,
the Supervisor of the town of Enfield to to
him expended for the purpose above' name by
Bills numbering from 100 to 102 in.
elusive were passed at this session.
Thursday, Nov, 22,1E36.
Board met pursuant to adjourment an
was called to order by the Chiarman,
Present all the members. The lniliute0
of the previous day were reacj and ap.
On motion of Mr. Bailey,
Resolved, That the cam of $5000, being the esti_
mated profits upon the State Bonds, owned b
the County, be, and the same is hereby a 9
the enstningtof tt
year e sue
County Treasurer, is hereby authorized and onj
powered in case of a deficiency in any apps
priation made by this Board, to borrow upon
te such decredit f theo county, a sufficient sum to nap.
Mr. Lyons from the committee on LTnil•
ed States Deposit Fund, submitted the
lowing report, which on motion was re•
ceived and adopted, and the committee
The committee to whom was referred
the books of the Loan Commissioners, for
the County of Tompkins, beg leave to sub.
mit the following report :
That the books of Mortgages to secure the pay-
ment of monies loaned from their office held by
said Commissioners, have been submitted to
them for inspection by Mr. J. W. Stansbury, ono
the commissioners, and the committee have also
received from him a report of his transactions
as commissioner, from which it appears that
there was on band Subject to loan, on 1st Oct.o
ber, 1865, as follows :
In hands of Commissioner..„ $1501 91
Remaining in State Treasury 2007 69
Total 3509 00
Amount receiv'd on mortgages14890 3.0171301
Amount reloaned 17104 W
Principal on hand 1st Oct., 1866 895 30
Am't outstanding on bond and mortgage65345 09
" interest received during year 4
4193557 7720
" remitted to Comptroller
Commissioners' fees and disbursments... 35670
Balance interest on hand 1 70
Showing amount to be be applied to sup-
port of schools 419877
Mortgage No. 488 has been advertised for
non-payment of interest
Amount of interest due on above mort-
gage is .... 36 00
The committee would report themselves
satisfied with the ,securities taken ; all
of which is respectfully submitted.
On motion of Mr. Lyons,
[, That the SIMS re mentioned
he avount of poorahereinafter
drected xre-
9((8frrnn the towns named in the following
;lisle be levied and assessed upon said towns
raspecFly ay.
Caraline.. $ 32
$122 61
paid Treas. since report 72 40 45 21
....10Groton•173 25Lest' aount reassessed25 0014825ltbaca.118 84Less at paid Treas. since report, 11 21
1076 63I1,eNbel34 20
of Mr. Lyons,
gesntuerl, That at the request of the Supervi-
gorsol the several towns named in the following
6ebedale the claims set down therein be added
to the audits of said towns and levied and as-
sessed upon them CAROLINE.•
Gilbert Smith, Com, of Highways
i,evi Cnrtis, Ex -Supervisor
85,B. Curtis,
W. J. Stone, "
R. C. Tompkins, "
3 00
3 15
12 15
50 Mr. Bailey, Mr. Pierson and Mr. Curtis,
were appointed a committee on debentures.
The Board at 4 o'clock adjourned to
58 partake of the hospitalities of Sheriff Hun-
gerford, and on their return the thanks of
the Board were unanimously returned to
Sheriff Hungerford and lady for their gener-
ous entertainment, with their best wishes for
their continued happiness and prosperity.
Evening Session.
Mr, Slater from the committee on Coun-
ty Claims, to whom had been referred the
claim of the Tompkins County Bank to
have certain taxes alleged to have been
illegally assessed and collected, refunded,
presented the following report, which on
motion was received and adopted.
In relation to the claim presented by the Tomp-
kins County Bank we would report that we have
obtained good counsel who advise us to allow
the claim, and as the principle of the claim is
substantially the same as that presentecl by the
Merchants' and Farmers' Bank, which was fully
reported by the Board last year, we will not re-
capitulate the statement of the merits of the
case, but would recommend the adoption of the
following resolution :
Resolved, That the claim of the Tompkins
County Bank for $3093,95 for taxes improperly
levied upon said ban k for the years 1065 and 1504,
be allowed, and that $1111,14 be levied and as-
sessed upon the taxable property of the county
of Tompkins and 31982,81 be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the town of I theca.
E. L. B. corms,
Captain James H. Comstock appeared
before the Board accompanied by his coun-
sel, Samuel Love, Esq., and asked the
Board to allow him the amount deducted
from his bill as passed by this Board last
year. After hearing the statement of the
Captain and listening to a long and able
argument from his conusel, the Board
unanimously denied the application.
• Mr. Bailey from the committee on De-
bentures, reported bills numbering from
107 to 115 inclusive, and the same were
passed at the amounts claimed.
On motion adjourned.
LE Ferguson, Inspector election
win. Hanford, Excess of tax ,,,.
3,Carpeuter, '6 "
j 35, Bern, "
J. g. Selki eg, Printing
u, Van Vallcenburg, Inspector election.... 6 12
,i, 0. Hart•, 1804 3 00
Charles Perry, " " ,... 3 00
Auu E. Brown, Poor expenses 38 25
$ 9 00
4 29
6 57
10 85
3 30
9 60
19 25
15 00
2 00
99 52
II. S, Colby, Excessive tax for 1863-64-65 17 53
H, S, Williams, " 1865 5 50
B, Willlams, Constable 2 26
Anson wait, 5 57
%Idney Hopkins, " 10 83
R'. H, Spa, Assessor , Justice 6 00
r,, Francis, Assessor
E.bliles Howe, " 3627 0000
0, U. Snnea, Physician 12 26
5,8. Harsh, Supervisor
11 23, D. bitch, Cash advanced for town 82 4 4511
Harriet Butler, Boarding paupers 61 88
Commissioners bill for assessing damages12 00
Elihu tester, Assessor 30 110
Archer Preston, Constable .. 3 40
Bavid 1lcUormick, Care of lunatic 13230
2 40
1, ill, Si F. Beers, Excess of taxes 2 58
Benjamin Starr, Clerk election . 4 50
Joseph E. Owen, Excessive taxes 4 28
119 68
It, 0, Barto, Inspector election
8 78
Friday November 23, 1866.
Board met pursuant to adjournment and
s oe was called to order by the Chairman.
Present all the members. The minutes of
the previous day were read and approved.
Mr. A. B. Cornell, on behalf of the First
National Bank of Ithaca, and Mr. J. B.
Williams, on behalf of the 1Vlerchants' &
Farmers' National Bank of Ithaca, ap-
peared before the Board and presented the
claims of said Banks respectively, to have
certain taxes, alleged to have been illegal-
ly assessed and collected in the years 1865
and 1866, refunded.
The following is the assessed valuation
of the real and personal property of the
county as appears by the rolls returned by
the assessors of the several towns :
Acres. Real. Pers .al. Total. Per Ac.
16 46
" "
" "
Caroline 25 28
Dryden,. 2 00
Danby.. 1 00
" County Judge's salary 1000 00
Less estimated receipts.., 500 00
Special County Judge's salary............
District Attorney's ......,,,,,,
Treasurer's ...........
Supervisor's Clerk's If ........,,,
16 Janitor's " ........
County audits .......... ...........
Counsel employed by Com. on Co. Claims
Caroline,.30,935 9315,153 824,670 9342,823
Danby, ...33,218 342,470 18,060 300.530
Dryden,- 61,416 1,01.5,647 109.090 1,135,337
Enfield,...22,993 303,531 19,200 322,731
Groton,...30,887 551,920 82,214 637,134
I thaca,....19223 1,301,715 802,302 2,199,017
Lansi ng,..07,639 918,746 161,717 1,083,403
Newfield, 85.706 411,147 30,575 444,722
Ulysses...20,112 670,271 195,036 872,110
212,151 55,860,603 1,531,264 7,394,807
Mr. Smith from the committee on Equal-
ization, presented the following schedule
of equalization for the ensuing year, and
the same was on motion adopted as the
basis of apportionment.
Equalization Value
Acr's Valli -Won. Personal. Total. per ao.
$410,017 12,45
Less amount appropriated
Caroline,.30,935 5385,847 824.670
Danby,....33,214 412,876 18,060
Dryden,..61,410 988,504 109,690
Enfield,. .22,990 357,166 19.200
Groton, ..30.887 553,820 82 214
Ithaca,.. .19,223 1,293,646 892 302
Lansing,.,376.i9 838,008 161,717
Newfield, 35,706 453.998 30,575
Ulysses ..20,112 578,229 195,836
292,151 $5,861,594 1,534,264
On motion of Mr. Curtis,
600 00
450 0099
8034 09
600236 40
• 500010
,555230 46
Afternoon Session,
On motion 'of Mr. Bailey,
Resolved, That this Board authorize and dire,,,
the County Treasurer to advertise for the Count
Bonds now out -standing, sufficient to cover the
ay ropriation made for the redemption 01 Conn.
The Board were engaged during the
session in considering the matter of the
taxes claimed to be refunded by the First
National Bank of Ithaca, and the Mer.
chants' & Farmers' National Bank of Ith
Resolved, That the following sums be levie
and assessed upon the taxable property of th
ounty for the purposes designated:
For State Tax.
" School purposes $ 5905 98
" General purposes 13780 63
" Canals 4429 49
" Chenango canal 1476 50
" Champlain " 1476 50
" Bounty debt 15733 61
- -- 43802 7
For Court Expenses........ 2500 ti
" Fuel and gas for Court House &c, 400 0
Insurance on public buildings
State Lunatic Asylum
" " Idiot
" " Inebriate "
" Livery to county house.
" Incidental expenses Judge's office
" Fines to be refunded Ithaca...965 69
61 " Groton... 38 00
Evening Session,
On motion of Mr. Curtis,
Resolved, That the proposition of John H, So.kreg to publish the proceedings of this Board In
the `• ITHACA JOURNAL" at the rate established
by law, (75 cents per folio) for tables and Ogura
work, and 50 cents per folio for plain work, and
to print 1500 copies of the same in pamphlet form
at cost of paper, press work, binding, &c., be ne.
On motion of Mr. Bailey,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board, be au.
thorized to receive the pamphlet copies of tho
proceedings wben published, and that he distrib-
ute them to the Supervisors of the several towns
as follows, viz.: Caroline, 150; Danby. 1i:0; Dry.
den, 160; Enfield, 150; Groton, 150; Ithaca, 180;
Lansing, 160; Newfield, 150; Ulysses, 180; and
that he retain 100 copies for his own use and for
exchanges with other counties.
43 00
2500 00
20 00
195 75
7 00
40 00
The Board then proceeded to ballot for
two papers to publish the Session Laws
for the ensuing year with the following re.
suit :
Ithaca Citizen & Democrat 4
Journal 23
Dryden News
The Ithaca Citizen & Democrat and the
Ithaca Journal having received the highest
number of votes were declared duly elect.
On motion of Mr. Slater, •
RESOLVED, That the County Treasurer be an•
thorized and directed to pay to Messrs, Beers S
fl°"jsjred to sum
iss Board, e ut of any money for alyunsel
in his
wads pot otherwise appropriated.
Saturday, Nov. 24, 1866.
Board met pursuant to adjournment and
dled to order the hairnaan.
was present all the membe s., The minu es of
day were read and approved.
e 1 11
gr.Pierson from the Committee on
Treasurers Accounts, presented the follow-
ing report, which on motion was received
and adopted,
Th elneo n sues p your
respectfully n ort ,that afteron s a
res P eport,
fl old 018 account on rio rendered his Books a correct. act. The
the it a,nouut received by the County Treasurer
t"' the current year was $474,314 89
The amount paid out was 346,158 27
Oalance $128,136 62
State Bonds on hand
9123 180 88
-9123,186 62
Wbr, PIEt2SON, l
I. C. ROCKWELL, }Committee,
The following is the Treasurer's account :
Tompkins CountyOUltcTreasuterEnwAlrD C. SEy-
1Nov. 16. Cr.
6y halauce on hand $ 4,609 22
Re-rinbnrsernent for five
"' nttherest on State Bonds
' Fees from County Judge
' •" Fines rec'd from Justices & Sheriff:.
" Cash received from Excise Com
" Returned t axes paid Treasurer
" Fees from Special County Judge
" School moneys received from State.
" Quota Dist. No. 21 Newtleld
' Taxes -Caroline
Enfield . 3076 86
Appro'n to Enfield1664 47
Ithaca 15322 49
Appro'n to Itliaea237fl1 85
Ulysses 1670 4-1
Appro'n to Ulysses8021 92
fly School monies returned by Super-
" Interest rec'd in exchanging
bonds 85 61
" Less int, allowed ex. bonds27 41
3,000 00
8,172 60
850 69
461 97
1,957 40
88 61
2 50
12,410 77
'28 29
17,565 85
18.551 14
45,417 20
5,641 33
30,972 65
39,114 34
36,481 19
19,218 48
9,092 36
50 40
58 10
" Am't of State Bonds sold...... ....... 95,000 00
"` on hand , 125,000 00
Total $474,341 89
Tompkins County in account with EDWARD C. SET -
FOUR, Treasurer.
1865.6. Dr
To Court expenses, jury orders &c $ 3.499 65
" Poor Expenses ,
" County Orders, paid
" State Tax paid
" School Tax "
" Fuel for Court House and Jail
.t Gas ,.
" Repairs 66
...... •
" Mattresses for "
" County Judge's salary
" Dist. Attorney's "
" School Com.'s
" Special County Judge's salary
" Insane Asylum
" Fines refunded to towns
" Amory Rents ,,,....
" Insurance county buildings
" Merchants' & Farmers' Bank appr'n
" Clerk Board Supervisors
" Janitor "
" Treasurer's salary
" Contingent expenses, Judge's office.
" C. S. Georgia appropriation
" A. Smith,
" Paid town of Ithaca appr'n $23791 85
66 Enfield 1664 47
" Ulysses " 802192
3".346 63
6,008 92
203 49
86 39
9 65.
62 82
1,000 00
450 00
150 00
50 00
2.344 77
180 80
175 77
43 00
1,186 21
100 00
15 00
600 00
40 00
1F8 00
33,478 24
" Returned Taxes 499 44
" State Idiot Asylum 20 00
" Caroline, town expenses &c 2,444 92
" Danby, 1,320 23
" Dryden, " 4,397 13
" Enfield, " 1,672 53
" Groton, " " 5,824 49
" Ithaca, " 20,371 31
" Lansing " " 3,797 18.-
" Newfield, " 1,225 09
" Ulysses, 2,056 '71
" Paid quota district No. 21, Newfield. 28 29
Inebriate Asylum 1:5 80
" School monies, Caroline 1099 26
" " Danby,. 999 60
Dryden. 2036 88
Enfield.. 833 86
"" "" Groton... 1350 40
Ithaca.. 2247 94
Lansing 1327 01
Newfield 1353 65
Ulysses. 1212 67
Bonds red'med 1st issue 70505 00
" 2d 2025 00
" 3d" 43175 00
"' " 4th " 53975 00
169080 00
Int. paid on bonds redeemed.... 9176 34
outstanding..17025 27
County Treasurer's expenses
State Bonds on hand
Cash 46
125000 00
3183 02
12,461 13
195,881 61
57 40.
128,186 62
$474,314 89
Mr. Curtis from the Committee on Coun-
ty Indebtedness, presented the following
report which, on motion, was received and
adopted, and the committee discharged.
The undersigned, Committee on County
Indebtedness, respectfully offer the follow-
ing report :
The total amount of County Bonds outstanding
Nov. 1610, 1865, as per report last year, was
First issue $141,855 6.0
Second issue 2,025 00
Third .. 103,014 (
Fourth " 125,395 CO
3372,289 00
8,640 50 The amount of County Bonds
redeemed during the year
last past, was
1st issue 190 bonds am'ting...
8 74 rt
4th •' 120 "
Total ..391 bonds am' tin g to
Leaving balance outstanding
Nov. 20th, 1866, of
1st iss3d ue 71,350 00
4th " 89,830 00
71,420 00
Total 202,609 00
Less amount due the county from the
the several towns mentioned in the
following schedule 83,781 28
Leaving balance of 3118,827 72
due from county to bond holders, No-
vember 20th, 1866.
Amount due to County from the several
towns named in the following sechdule,
viz. :
Principal. Interest. Aggregate.
Caroliue...,814,781 83 31,031 73 $15,S16 511
Dryden.... 20,663 17 1,446 42 22,109 59
Groton .-„ 25,068 76 1.754 81 26,823 57
Newfield .. 23,267 52 1,623 73 24,896 25
583,781 28 35.804 69 389,045 97
Total principal and interest due as above, Nov.
205h, 1800 389,645 97
Less amount taxes to be collected to
pay county bonds and interest viz.:
Caroline Principal. Interest.
$ 8,104 23 31,034 73
Dryden 20,063 17 1,446 42
Groton .. 17,485 97 1,754 81
Newfield 10,571 27 1,628 73
356,824 64 $5,864 69
Total to be collected as above is 362,689 33
Balance due from the several towns26,956 84
Your committee offer the following res-
olution, viz.:
RESOLVED That the sums mentioned in the
following schedule, be levied and assessed upon
the several towns mentioned therein, for the pur
pose of paying a portion of county bonds, and
interest on the same, viz,:
Principal. Interest. Total.
Caroline....$ 8,104 23 $1,034 73 3 9,138 96
Dryden 20,663 17 1,416 42 22.109 59
Groton 17,485 97 1,754 81 19,240 78
Newfield10,571 27 1,628 73 12,200 00
$56,824 64 35,814 69 $62,689 33
Your committee find the State Bond ac-
count as follows, viz. :
State Bonds on band, Nov. 16th, 1865, as per re-
port of last year. 3220,000 00
Cash in hands of Treasurer accruing
.from State appropriation 3,508 16
73,505 00
2,021 00
43,175 00
53,975 01
169,680 00
Total cash and state boncls
Less amount appropriated to Ithaca,
Enfield and Ulysses last year
222,508 16
30,478 24
urer, Nov MOM, applicable to the
redemption of outstanding Co. bonds
The County Treasurer has already 1'
county bonds to the amount of $6,173
the interest received on the above m
3125,000 00 slate bonds, leaving at this d
ance of county bonds yet outstanding„$
Recapitul .0.05100 -
County bonds outstanding for the cede
which State bonds are appropriated .3
County bonds for which the several
towns mentioned in schedule above
are liable
125,00p 00
23 lvit
' 181onel
ate Lai
118,827 72
m ption
118,827 71
20 90 0
la tion er
stun the
;, mils os
316,753 11
S Conlll
2e, LAg
1 Colin.
eyed the
Board of
y tender -
surer, for
in which
ng res
Cleric, he
same ha
Quits, It
t' Decem•
e United
Bank tax -
or of the
vised by
such de -
First No -
ales paid
70 in terest
, 1866, to -
the claim
Bank for
, together
and pard
be levied
ray of the
ed and as -
Your committee find the assessed Val
this county as equalized by the Slate
this year, to be 37,874,645 00, on which
State authorities have levied a tax of 23
the dollar, amounting to
Of which the sum of 315,638 89
is a sinking feud on the prin-
cipal of the debt, and the fur-
ther sum of 1,094 72
interest on the same making..... ,.
Total amount due and assessed upon tillthis year by this Board. Pr. Chapter t
081865, all of which is respectfully subm
S. SLATER. )))
Mr. Pierson on behalf of the con
on County Treasurer's Accounts an
ty Indebtedness, respectively, off
following resolutions, which were
mously adopted :
RESOLVED, That the thanks of this
Supervisors be, and the same are hereb
ed to E. C. Seymour, Esq., County Trea
the faithful, correct, and able manner
he has discharged the duties of his ofiic
RESOLVED, That a copy of the forego
lution signed by the Chairman and
presented to Mn Seymour, and that the
published in the proceedings of this Bo
Afternoon S
On motion of Mr. Lyons,
RESOLVED, That when this Board ad'
be to meet on Thursday the sixth day o
ber, next, at 134 o'clock.
Mr. Curtis offered the following
ble and resolutions :
Whereas, The Supreme Court of th
States having decided the questions of
ation for the years 1864 and 1465, in fav
banks, and this Board having been ad
counsel that the claims of the First
Bank of Ithaca, and the Merchants' &
National Bank, are valid claims under
vision. Therefore,
RESOLVED, That the claims of the
tional Bank of Ithaca, for $6060,00 for t
January 13571,1865, together with $777,
and 31535,31 for taxes paid January 91.1
Balance in bands of Treasurer....... 192,029 92
State bonds sold and proceeds applied
to redemption of county bonds 67,029 92
Leaving in the hands of County Treas-
gether with 389,56 interest thereon, also
of the Merchants' & Farmers' National
3333,82 for taxes paid January 9th, 1860
with 322,35 interest thereon, be allowed
to said banks respectively.
RESOLVED, That the sum of 32741,91
and assessed upon the taxable prope
county, and the sum of 36126,90 be levi
the the propose ofe f payingof the the amountsn
Qjoyjaed for in the above resolution.
M. Bailey offered the following as
6abstit Ito for the preamble and resolutions
of Mr. Curtis
1 eons of
the First Natis, This Board onal Baas nk of ltdheaca and
11,rtrl�e'chants' & ,Farmers' National Bank o
Ilbaca, to have certain taxes alleged to, have
e nlegally assessed and collected, refunded,
�ssayvED, That the applications of said banks
Fro,n the ibest ion nfore mation ongobtained vby tliis
at said claims
Breroicldones nagt ainstitappear
e c untty. Od. That al-
1�0`'hefore thethe
commencement banks e session, served
verified claims were not presented tot this Bard
sre�seuttion off claims, had ep passed. 3d.'Th That
sur -
ails cs pitaliat whi he said banhs subj subject o taxation,tiwh ch
pould be a proper reduction of their said claims.
gcsoavED. That there be a committee of three
sp olnted to look after the interests of the coun-
sad tobt lresucher gs ethe
saslication of hall best protect
sad p protect it,
sad at the same time do justice to said banks.
The substitute of Mr.Bailey was adopted
by ayes and noes as follows :
Mr. Bailey, Mr. Curtis
Lyons, " Knettles.-2
, Rockwell,
" Smith. -7
Mr. Bailey, Mr. Curtis and Mr. Pierson
were appointed as the Committee provided
for by the foregoing resolution.
On motion adjourned.
Thursday, Dee. 6, 1866.
Board met pursuant to adjournment and
s was called to order by the Chairman.
Present all the members. The minutes of
a the last day of the previous session were
read and approved.
e Mr. Bailey from the committee appointed
to examine into the question of bank tax-
ation presented the following report, and
the same was on motion adopted.
Your committee after a careful investigation
of the matter of the claims of the First National
Bank of Ithae-s and the Merchants' & Farmers'
National Bank of Ithaca and after obtaining the
most reliable counsel at their command, have
come to the conclusion that this Board would
not be justified in allowing such claims, inas-
much as the same were not presented to the
Board within the time required by law. Allot
which is respectfully submitted.
War. PIERSON, Committee.
On motion of Mr. Lyons,
REsoLvED, That the collectors of the several
towns of this county be required to settle with
the County Treasurer on or before the 30th day
of January, next.
The Board were engaeed during the
session in signing the warrants of the col-
lectors of the several towns.
On motion of Mr. Curtis, unanimously
RESOLVED, That the thanks of:this Board are
hereby tendered to the Chairman, Capt. Anson
W. Knettles, for the dignified, able and impar-
tial manner in which he has discharged the du-
ties of his position.
On motion of Mr. Lyons, unanimously
RESOLVED, That the thanks of this Board are
due, and are hereby tendered to J. H. Emery, for
the correct and gentlemanly manner in which
he has discharged the duties imposed upon him
as Clerk of this Board.
On motion, adjourned sine die.
The following is an abstract of the names
of all persons who presented bills to be au-
dited by the Board of Supervisors of Tomp-
kins County, at their annual session at
Ithaca, in Nov., 1866, with the amounts
claimed and the amounts finally allowed :
1 Enos Snyder, constable
2 J. M. Dickinson, `
3 Anson Wait,
4 Andrew Smith, " ........
6 Dennis Kelly, ��
6 H. T. Havens,
7 W. W. Brainard, "
8 L. D. Hamilton,
9 Jas. Van Order,
10 John J. Peters,
11 Wesley DeCamp, "
12 Abram H. Tarbell "
13 Wm. Marshall, Justice Peace
14 H. Wilcox, serv's in lunacy..
15 Isaac Cremer, Justice Peace..
16 E. C. Thorn, "
17 Morgan & Bishop, Physicians
18 I. S. Briggs,
19 E. C. Moe,
20 John Goodyear, services in
Edsa11 ease
21 John Goodyear, services in
22 John Goodyear rent of arm-
ory company K
23 F. Stebbins, excise com'r
24 O. M. Wilson, printing
25 W. J. Morton, armorer Co. IC
26 John H. Theall, " " E
27 S. S. Garfield, rent armory
company 0
28 G. H. Houtz, " 441
29 J. W. Dwight, " " H
30 51. M. Brown, physician
81 W. B. Gay, care of co'rt house
32 W. W. White, physician
33 C. Severn, under sheriff 1865
34 Jas. A. Hovey, board health
35 C. P, Farlin, services in Ed -
sail case
36 B. Brown, services in lunacy
37 C. P. Farlin, coroner
38 C. & W. Coryell, physicians
39 Marcus Lyon, attorney
40 T. Deschner, armorer compa-
ny A, 50th regiment
4.1 J. B. Taylor & Co., supplies
for jail
42 Stowell & Hazen "
43 A. Patterson, physician
44 Barnard & McWhorter, sup-
plies for jail
45 J. Ostrander, constable ..
46 Uriah Townsend, '
47 W. W. Snyder, sup't of poor.
48 Isaac Creamer, justice peace.
49 A. M. Lucas, justice sessions
60 A. M. Lucas, justice peace....
61 S W. Smith, justice sessions
52 J. W. Stansbury,justicepeace
53 S. W. Smith.
54 Moses Crowell, "
65 Wilson & Burling, constables
$ 20 00
3 50
20 76
5 05
3 55
91 30
2 50
12 11
1 75
20 30
11 43
4 00
4 00
8 35
3 75
12 00
8 00
25 00
8 00
$ 20 00
3 50
20 76
7 65
5 05
8 55
94 30
2 50
11 32
1 75 G5
20 30 00 5
11272 00
4 00 12 00
5 00 5
3 75
79 50 79 51
950 1363
8 35
8 00 61 08 61 OR
19 00 33 00 38 00
83 E. Hungerford, sheriff 1047 88 1708 3v
8 00 84.11. Rrown,.iudg't against co57 00 57 00
85 Miles Rhodes, ' 57 00 5700
27 00 10 12 86 W. H. Hammond, armorer
company A,1563-4 75 00 00 W
93 75 40 00 87 Cornell Library Associa'u
9 00 9 00 rent of armory company A300 00 30000
37 20 37 20 88 S. H. Wilcox. attorney 5 00 Gal
0 0 00 89 Andrus, MoCbain & Co., sta'y 185 73 185 73
3 75 3 75 90 Sumner Rhodes, physician62,01 3200
91 J. A. Hovey, health officer,
. Enfield 20 00 20 00
92 N. R. Haynes, sheriff Cort-
land county 73 13 5513
93 Alviras Snyder, school com'r 200'00 200 00
91 J. H. Selkreg, printing 1032 11 108111
19 90 95 S. D. Thompson, boarding ju-
126 68 ry, Edsall case 39 00 39 tq
90 D. C. McGraw, cl'k Cort'd co41 73 4155
70 00 97 F. Willoughby, justice peace 8 15 015
98 J. G. Apgar, constable 11 07 1110
51 24 99 T. J. McElheny, county clerk 673 49
34 75 100 Chas. Severns, under sheriff. 209 83 180 43
101 David Burnout, rent of armo-
8 62 2 50 ry company B 63 34 6334
20 00 102 J. M. Reggie, expen's in Heg-
gie case. 475 00
50 00 50 00 103 Village of Ithaca, board of
health claim . 728 20
104 T. J.McElheny, co. el'k disb'ts 46 86
105 D. W. Bailey, sup'r Enfield '65 10 20
106 J. H. Emery, superv'r's clerk
disbursements 3 64 364
107 S. Slater, supervisor Caroline 72 78 7179
108 E. L. B. Curtis, " Danby06 52 0)18'
109 J. M. Smith, " Dryden82 80 62 00
110 D. W. Bailey, Enfield 71 00 7190
111 D. B. Marsh, Groton78 16 ° 7816
112 J. M, Lyons, Ithaca70 008 76115
113 A. W. Knettles, " Lansing 71 9t1 7190
114 I. C. Rockwell, ° Newfi'Id 74 08 7463
115 Wm. Pierson, " Ulysses. '72 38 7239
56 Mott & Davis,
57 Isaac Bullard,
58 Thomas Hunt, "
59 Mott &McGill, "
60 E. K. Apgar, servi'ees in Reg-
gie case
61 M. A. Burdick, armo'r co. B
62 S. V. Graham, sup't poor '65 6
63 H. S. Srum, rent armory &c.
04 Wm. Voorhees, physician
65 A. Clapp, Printing
66 Treman, King & Co., supplies
for jail
67 Phillips & Severn, livery
68 P. Stephens, supplies for jail
6'J S. H. Wilcox, dist. attorney
70 C. D. Johnson, sup's for jail
71 Samuel Love, excise com'r
72 P'ter Apgar,
73 Enos Bucicbee, el'k h'd excise
74 Seymour & Johnson, supplies
for jail
75 J. F. Hixon, referee road case
76 G. C. McClune, "
77 J. F. Bradley,
78 S. S. Allen, physician
79 P. H. Farrington, sup't poor:
80 PI. S. Walbridge, co. judge
81 Spencer & Williams, printing
82 S. P. Sackett, physician
13 70
6;) 37
20 44
214 13
3 00
`5 00
84 50
49 !:0
8 00
159 93
112 93
113 0(
74 0(
30 0(
30 0(
31 25
60 31.
34 50
115 65
112 03
3 90
74 00
00 00
60 00
35 00
40 00
34 OR
112 50
22 90
148 94
70 00
51 24
34 75
8 62
2 60
20 00
60 00
•35 00
40 00
112 60
4 00
23 54
47 89
1 45
46 25
81 75
6 85
6 00
81 81
6 00
2 80
6 35
25 15
13 00
4 00
23 50
3 00
47 89
1 43
38 77
81 75
5 85
6 00
81 81
2 80
6 86
25 15
13 00
$9948 22 $801103
who presented accounts to be audited t
the Board of town auditors of the town of
Caroline, on the 8th day of November,
1866, with the amounts claimed by each
person and the amount finally audited.
�m'd Allo'd
i J, Wolcott, ins'r of election90 6 00 90 6 00
2 J. Besemer, illegal tax paid166 27 I66 27
3 Jno, J. Peters, cl'k of election 3 00 3 00
4 JnoJ. . Haber s, constable 16 47 16 47
5p. y, justice of peace 12 45 12 95
6 N, J. Roe, inspector election6 00 i 6 00
7 g)rem Cooper, assessor 16 76 16 75
Henry Quick, 14 25 14 25
A Darnel B. Jenks, " 18 00 18 00
lA Al. Bull, inspector election... , 7 75
11 Winslow Abbey, cl'k election 3 00 3 00
12 D, B. Torry, ins yr
825 8 25
13 D• Elghmy, 3 00 3 00
14 Jas. H. Snow, " " 7 65 7 65
13 T. Spaulding, overseer of po - _
19 38ason Clark, " " 3 00 3 00
17 A. Jaynes, justice of peace 14 00 14 00
188.81. Green, ex -supe] visor22 84 22 84
19 H. B. Robison, constable 8 3'7 8 37
20 C.L. Davis, ex -town clerk13 75 13 75
°I C, L. Davis, tow'
„ 49 75 49 75
q3 S: LI': Davis, town clerk..., 29 00 29 00
2 J, Quick, com'r highways 25 00 25 00
21 H. S. Krum, tak'g pris. to jail 3 r0 8 00
25 8. Robison, justice of peace13 60 13 60
26 S. Slater, supervisor 20 73 20 73
27 Jobn Davis, constable 8 85 g 85
53 L. Wattles, com'r of highways 26 70 26 70
20 Geo. H. Clark, use of house10 00 10 00
30 D. B. Gilbert, justice of peace1 60 1 50
3l J. D. Schoonmaker, com'r h'y 12 75 12 75
01 W. W. Brainard, constable3 00 3 00
33 Andrew Brearly, " 6 53 6 53
34 E. L. Legg, justice 01 peace1 60 1 60
37 C. J. Rounseville, jus. peace21 35 21 35
T ow�a of Caroline, ss. :
We do certify that the foregoing abstract is
Dated this 8th day of November, 1866.
S. SLATER, Supervisor,
A. JAMES, Justices of the Peace.
I do hereby certify that the above is a true copy
of the original on file at this office.
C. L. DAVIS. Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisors.)
Gilbert Smith, Commissioner of Highways$ 9 00
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited to
the Board of Town Auditors of the Town
of Danby, on the eighth day of Novem-
stract of the names of all persons
ber, 1866, with the amount claimed by
each, and the amount finally audited :
C No. Claim'd.
1 Eli Beers, medical services$ 4 00
2 John Gillet, assessor 15 50
8 Edwin Smiley, " 15 00
4 C. Slocum 44 13 50
5 T. VanDel'3ogart, justice peace 6 00
6 Jer. Thatcher, " Gi 1 50
7 Edward B. Grant, " " 6 00
8 L. Jennings, " " . 11 33
9 L. Jennings, surveyor.... .. 8 60
10 Elbert Judson,insp'r elec'ns. 7 50
11 M. A. Beers, clerk of election. 2 25
12 C. Elliott, inspector of "7 60
13 S. H. Hall, Ill. D., med. serv's. 21 50
14 J. Ostrander, constable21 02
15 Isaac D. Wright, poor master. 53 70
16 J. Hawes & Son, m'd'se for p'r 87 84
17 T. H. Howell & Bro., " 62 09
18 E. L. B. Curtis, supervisor15 00
19 Thos. Brock, overs'r of poor17 75
20 S. Bierce, cl'k reg. and elec'n5 25
21 S. Bierce, for coffin town poor 7 00
22 S. Bierce, town clerk 32 75
i23 C. A. Banfield, use of hall 30 00
24 Geo. F. Nourse, ex com'r h'ys 13 00
25 Wm. H. Pugsley, insp'r elec'u 6 75
26 I. J. Frazier, com'r highways. 67 00
$594 16 $594 16
$ 4 00
15 50
15 00
13 60
6 00
1 50
11 35
8 50
6 75
6 75
21 60
21 62
49 94
87 84
02 09
15 (l0
17 75
7 00
82 76
30 00
67 00
$639 85 $534 59
the town of Denbyher b recommend that oard of the
sum of eight hundred sixty-nine dollars and ten
cents be raised for the commissioner of highways
of said town.
The above is in addition to three hundred dol-
lars voted by the people at last town meeting.
Making total to be raised for commissioner of
highways of one thousand one hundred sixty-
nine dollars and ten cents.
Town of Danby, ss. :
We do hereby certify that the foregoing ab-
stract is correct.
E. L. B. CURTIS, Supervisor,
J. THATCHER, Justices of the Peace.
(Added by Supervisors.)
Levi Curtis, Ex -Supervisor
E. L. B. Curtis,
4 29
6 51
10 86
Abstract of the names of all persons who
presented accounts to be audited by the
Board of Town Auditors, of the Town of
Dryden, on the 8th day of November,
1866, with the amounts claimed and the
amounts finally allowed :
No. Clafni'd. Allo'd.
1 J. H. Houtz, inspec'r otPelec'n$ 6 00 $ 6 00
2 B. Snyder, " "" 6 25 6 26
3 Jacob Ogden, " " 7 63 7 68
4 H. W. English, " '" 6 00 6 00
5 W. W. Snyder, " 3 00 3 09
6 Cyrus Tyler, "
7 Ira 0, Shaver, "
8 Ira C. Shaver, " 1565
9 H, H. Houpt, "
10 E. R. Gaston, "
11 J. G. Kimberlin, clerk of "
12 S. T. Castle, insp'r of
13 J. S. Barker, " use of house
14 G. W. P. Pew, clerk of election
15 A. P. Bailey, "
16 C. N. Godfrey, "
17 S. S. Montgomery, 11
18 G. E. Alouroe, '
19 A. L. Tyler, com'r highways
90 O. G. Howard, attorney
21 H. L. Root, constable
22 W. D. Ellis, use house election
23 J. J Ellis, assessor
91 G. Sperry, overseer poor
25 L. Griswold, ex -supervisor
28 J. M. Smith, supervisor
27 J. M. Smith, ex-com'r high'ys
28 G. H. Houtz, town clerk
29 H. Wilcox, justice of the peace
10 Asahel Clapp, printing
31 A. L. Smiley, assessor....
32 T, H. George, justice of peace.
3.3 G. Moore, house for t'wn m't'g
31 M. Baucus, assessor
1Z M. Goodrich, attorney
36 W. R. Givens, ex -overseer p'r.
37 Mrs. D. G. Briggs, physician
33 L. Millspaugh, O. Poor Ithaca
3) I. S. Briggs, physician
') Win. Fitch, "
41 R, M. Smiley, overseer poor
42 A. J. Ten Brook, use of house
for election
43 E. Rockwell, insp'r of election
44 H. Bouten, justice of the peace
45 H, Wood & Co., rel'f sol'rs fam.
40 J. H. Houtz & Son, "
4 G.'W, Budd, overseer poor
5 H.P.Havens, constable
6 Wilson C. Wilkins, poll clerk
7 Edgar Brewer, insp'r else's
8 51. W. Pinckney, p
9 B Jackson, assessor
10 Robert McKeegan, assessor
11 H. H. Smith, com'r disburs'ts
12 W. D. Bagley. coon. lor O. P
13 R. McKeegan, ex-overs'r poor
14 H. C. Wright, excess of taxes.
15 S. D. Purdy, ex -town clerk
16 J. H. Theall,clerk of registry
17 E. C. VanKirk, insp'r election
18 1, A. Hovey, physi'an C. Gray
19 C. Rockwell, justice of peace.
20 J. M. Dickerson, constable
21 J. Fletcher, overs'r poor serv
22 J. Fletcher, " disb
23 hors Van Marler, use of house
for town purposes
24 Doctor Hovey. health officer
25 W. Marshall, justice of peace
6 75
00 6 00 4 15 A
00 400 310 3
50 6 50
6 350
55 5 55
15 6 15 1 OU0 2I W
4 :1(1'
O 1824200
8p W
00 1000 , 180 00 t0
00 3000 3 1 2to 4W
91 2 W
50 1 50
20 38 0l
0 3 00
00 3 00 50 20 39
50 57 50 8 85 110
00 60 900 D�
50 10 00 29 40 29 W
00 34 00 11 76 2740
00 15 00 57 36
25 14 25
77 46 77
00 27 00
307 383 307 2h E. S,1.
00 5 00 27 Samuel Nord,
25 35 25 28 Marshalls' " 41
75 6 75 29 J. M. Baker, town clerk
00 25 00 30 D. W. Bailey, supervisor
25 44 25 31 W. D. Bagley, justice of peace 3 3
00 5 00
00 9 00 a 661 52 = 0152
75 3 75 We the undersigned do certify that the shop,
50 00 00 abstract is correct.
75 24 00 D. W. BAILEY, Supervisor,
00 3 00 JOHN M. BARER, Town Clerk,
77 42 77 WM. MARSHALL,
10 00 EDWIN S. FORD,
6 75 W. D. BAOLEY, Justices of the Peace,
133 72
57 38 Abstract of the names of all persons who
presented accounts to be audited by the
Board of Town Auditors of the Town of
Groton, on the 8th day of November,
1866, with the amounts clauned by eacli'
and the amounts finally audited :
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true No. Claim'd Allo')
copy of the original. 1 C. D. Hart, clerk of election -8 3 10 $ 3 IU
G. H. HOUTZ, Town Clerk. 2 S. Bowser, use room for " 7 00 7 W
3 C. A. Townley, assessor 23 50 2336106
3 50
4 R. Laving, insp'r of elections 6 00 000
5 N. Halliday, clerk of election 3 00 303
6 W. Metzgar, insp'r of Lelec'ns. 600 000
7 D. B. Marsh & Co., use of hall
for election 10 00 10 OJ
8 S. C. Reynolds, insp'r elec'ns11 00 11 00
9 C. Van Buskirk, " 8 50 8 5)
t0 John G. Apgar, constable 3 23 3 2
11 John Boynton, clerk of elec'n 8 00 3 Ur
12 L. La Mott, com'r highways11 00 1100
13 H. A. Dowe, att'y Edsall ease 69 00 6000
14 W. D. Mount, justice of peace 10 85 1085
15 E. Welton, insp'r'of elections 5 50 660
16 W. H. Spaulding, do 16 0`3 I0 02
17 A. B. Buck, constable 2 20 220
18 A. J. Conger, insp'r of elec'ns (1 00 600
19 F. Willoughby, el'k of do 23 20 2320
20 C. W. Conger, serv's in recruit-
ing in 1864 and excess of tax. 12 50
21 J. Goodyear physician for p'r 33 50
22 N. Stevens J. P. & cl'k elec'n 10 85
23 J. N. McWhorter, use of room
for town meeting and elec'n 25 00
24 J. Goodyear, physician for p'r 10 00
25 E. C. Moe, do do 23 25
26 Marsh Bro's, rel'f for town p'r 3 50
27 C. P. Atwood, ex-overs'r pocr 13 10
15 00
20 00
12 35
30 15
26 45
22 50
31 69
43 57
$S20 58 $793 83
JOHN M. SMITH, Supervisor,
H. Wrnoox, Justices of the Peace.
GEo. H. Hourz, Town Clerk.
(Added by p )
3 s0
9 011
19 25
2 00
6 12
I. P. Furguson, Inspector election
Wm. Hanford, Excess of tax
B. Carpenter, do do
R. M. Beman, do do
J. H. Selkreg, Printing
M. Van Valkenburg, Inspector election
A. O. Hart, do do 1864 3 00
Charles Perry, do do , 3 00
Ann E. Brown, Poor expenses 38 25
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited, to
the Board of Town Auditors of the Town
of Enfield, on the 8th day of November,
1866, with the amounts so claimed and the
amounts finally audited :
• Claim'd. Allo'd.
H. H. Smith, com'r of high'ys$ 42 50 $ 42 50
2 Isaac H. Newman, assessor... 21 00 21 00
$ W. F. Bonnett, ex•overs'r p'r. 20 76 20 76
20 60
6 00
23 21
35 0, A. Morton, town clerk and
35 30 85 3
0 g, D. Spencer, insp'r of elec'n 10 50 10 5
$0 w, y>7, White, ovps'1' of poor, 15 UO 15 0
$421 20 $394 2
Rte the undersigned, the Board of Auditors of
tog pjlls were auditown of ed by certify that the forego
D. B, MARSH, Supervisor,
D. A. MORTON, Town Clerk,
W. H. SPAULDING, Justices.
I certify that the foregoing is a correct copy o
oific of the town obstr [ct of town f Grotos on nin the Town
D. A. MORTON, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisors.)
lby, excessive tax for 1803 64-65 1753
8s. Williams, do do 1865 5 50
S 'jlliams, constable 3 26
inso¢W+lits do 5 57
9ldnay}Iopkins, do 10 83
p', H. Spaulding, justice 6 00
O,Irnneis, assessor 97 00
a.. lilies Ho r-'. do 36 110
12 26
8 46
82 45
17 Village of Itll, e,', n.:o nt 1n+1;. 10 00 10 00
018 L. Millspaugh, overseer poor
0 disbursements must services. 3184 26 3184 20
0 19 L. Millspaugh, clerk registry, 6 00 „ I,0)
20 W. Harnmonrl rep'r led boxes 2 3U
0 21 S. Spencer, clerk registry &c, 11 25
22 Holmes &. Stamp, use house
elec'n and board prisoners... 85 00 85 00
24 Arch Preston, constable 23 47 23 47
24 I, M. & F, Beers, plank &e6 57 6 57
25 T. Spaulding of Caroline, over-
seer poor relief 2 86 2 86.
26 T. Spaulding, do do 3 60 3 50
27 O. W. Purdy, use of horse.,•. 2 00 2 00
A• Smith, do by G, M'Clune 5 025000
0 5 00
f 99 O. B. Curran, house rent 1562
0 25 1562
6 25
30 Isaac Randolph, for relief.,8 56 8 56
31 R. M. Smi'ey, O. P. Dryden do 17 25 17 25
32 G. C. McC'lutie, ex-coln'r ser-
vices rendered..... 34 00 34 00
83 Morgan & Bishop, medical at-
tendance 200 00
34 Jno. VanOrman, insp'r elec'n 9 00
85'A. T. Fisher, do do 9 00
36 Ephraim Manning, assessor,. 68 50
37 W. H. Welch, use houseelec'n 35 00
38 L. Millspaugh. relief 12 00
39 A. Smith, use of horse 2 00
Colegrove, assessor 40 50
41 Harlon Hill, clerk election.— 3 00
42 Lewis Atwater, use of team, 7 00
48 ,7. lis Mott c
2 80
11 25,
�, ..-.__, ..___ w �„ ,��- , jwn commissioner297 3i
44 J. \L D1ott, do 48 00
228 86 45 H. J. Wilson & W. Burling, P. 37 88
'hereby certify that at the annual town meet 46 N. Mott & McGill, police... .. 77 61
AirOx1866, the tteto11o1Gcingv�,teeld on ihrelatione cltoiaisf 48 R 47 oyal Thrcus ompson, services
on appraising 15 00
lug money by town tax were passed viz.:damages &c 6 OU
1 Resole .rl, To r
Foot for the ensuing $i1 received from
ane dollar per we
1 Resolved, To r.
Barton for the ens
3 Resolved, To raise
Iaadditjon to
seting !cesiu
1 Resolve
0111 the en
200 00
9 00
9 00
58 50
115 00
12 00
2 00
40 00
7 10
297 37
48 00
37 88
77 61
16 00
also 1'or the support of Isaac 49 Spencer &Williams, printing 8 506 00
8 50
ng year a sum, which added to 50 H. King, use of house election 35 00 35 00
his son, shall amount to one 51 S. Rhoades, medical services. 4 00 4 00
ek. 52 E. JVltrnuing, Servs peri'ormed. 21 50 21 50
tiles for the support of Almira o3 O.K. \ortuu, ex -town clerk.. 33 50 38 00
wing year one dollar per week. 54 C. K, Norton, r e 102 00
102 00
for the support of the poor 55 L. H. Culver; ins 'r election... 8 00 6 00
the sums mentioned in the pre- 57 MrsJSB.ITerrystax refunded 1027 10 102 100
s, two hundred dollars, 58 S Howland excess of tax18 47 18 47
a, To raise for the support of Samuel
59 .I. M. Lyons, supervisor....... 76 40 76 40
1'O J
suing year one dollar per week,
D. A. MORTON, Town Clerk, " jY
St ausbury. justice peace 82 70 82 70
;281 J. C. Cook, plank 1950 1950
ITHACA. 62 Moses Crowell, justice peace., 737 13 137 13
163 S. B. Ski eni-r, town clerk 87 50 87 50
Abstract of the names of all persons 61 A. 4. Lucas, justice peace168 80 1628 30
rho presented accounts to be audited. by I65 Mott & Davis, police 22 37 22 37
the Board of Town Auditors of the Tow66 Phillips Severn, horses and
carriage3 00 3 00
of Ithaca, on the 8th of November, 1866, 67 Jindebtedness Mtt, com'r certificate of
With the amounts claimed byeach and 628 T ➢'[ I91ott. do do 691 02 691 02
the amounts finally allowed : r 70 Philit.p Case,c r. indebtedness 695 20 695 82
No,71 J. Linderbury, do do 63 29 63 29
Claim'd Allo'd 72 J, 191. M"tt, de do 306 12 306 12
1 Andrus, McChain cC Co., sta'ry3, 21 r2 8 21 62 73 J. M. Mott, do do 318 51 318 51
'EeCr8evTillotson, lerk reg.. polls.. 3 75 55 3 7
5 74 A. B. Dale, do do 103 71 103 71
1MareueLyon, prof'1 services. 10 (0 10 O8 D 7t5 JamDavies Barnes,ag' eeraiossued687 14 537 14
6Johu Nnrttrup, assessor 99 00 99 00 77 G. C. McClune, do 3_2 23 322 23
tlJ, Landon, reg, insp'r election 10 30 810 'l8 John Rumse • • 213 65 213 65
!Fred. Deming, board of relief, 15 00 15 OO 79 A. Van Ormam, dp 320 86 264 88
8 6, hleCormick, assessor 10 CA 10 00 81) (4. C. McClune do . • 320 47 320 47
0 R. H, Drove, clerk polls ' 53 19 63 79
91J, H, Emery, do 7 50 7 50 31 P, Manning, do 322 23 322 23
I I. H, ,Mitchell, use team J. 111. 3 00 3 00,82 L. Millspaugh, • do . 526 64 526 54
Slott.,, ":i L. Millspaugh, do b26 54 526 54
IiLovi Ne shell, use eam Jin . 4 50 4 5U 81 L. Millspaugh, do 526 54 526 54
A, 8, Coq , 2 25 2 25 1.84i -51
s L. Millspaugh, do 526 54 526 54
try, insp'r election. 7 50 7 50 86 L. Millspaugh, do
3Jokn Burden, insp'r and reg.. 7 50 87 L. Mills au b do . 526 54 526 54'
' 0,11, Cur•au dO do 7 60 P g , .. 337 17 387 17
Irri Newman, horse services Il 00 I12 00
$13222 42 $13222 42
Town of Ithaca, ss. Elihu Lester, Assessor ................
We do hereby certify that the ,foregoing ab- Archer Preston, Constable ................ „„ 8� 00
David McCormick, Care of lunatic...... 1.10
NEWFIELD. 119 19
Abstract of the names of all pelsens
who presented accounts to be audited UQ
the Board of Town Auditors of the Lit
of Newfield, on the 8th clay of Novelnb6r
1866, with the amounts claimed by 0ah
and the amounts finally allowed :
No. •
Claim'd All0o
1 Andrew Smith, constable....3 21 85 $ 206
2 John W Gott, com'r high'ys. 7 50
3 L. D. Hamilton, constaule.... 20 60
4 L. T. Carpenter, do .... 4 55
6 Philip Kresga, do ... 2 93
finally audited - 6 S. Freese, house for eledoction.. 719 DD
Claim'd. Allo'd. 7 J. Stamp, do 00
No. 8 C E. Sebring, clerk of election 6 00
1 H. Hedden, clerk election....$ 8 00 $ 3 00 9 Oliver Pafr, coin's highways.. 32 05
2 .J. Ii. Morrison, do ... • 3 00 8 OU 10 S. Devenport, do do .. 27 50
8 J. T. Knettles, insp'r election 6 01 6 00 11 Jacob Puff, do do .. 35 25
4 C. G. Benjamin, town clerk.. 27 28 27 23 12 O. C. Puff, excess of tax 6 48
5 W. H. Cole, insp'r election as- 13 Wm. R. Smith, poor master11 93
signed to Benjamin Bros 3 00 3 00 14 C. Knickerbocker, assessor.... 21 00
6 D. McCormick, overs'r of poor 20 38 20 38,15 John B. Kelsey, inspector.... 10 85
7 L. A Partin, clerk of election 6 00 6 00116 Amos S. Shaffer, do .... 7 50
8 C. P. Farlin, medical for poor 53 7b 611 75 i17 Oliver Jessup, do .... 7 50
10 Wesley D.9 G. 11. Camp, constablerk 2 23 2 2 2,2/19 D. R. Congdon, inspectolerk r 6 75
11 Harvey Teeter, insp'r election 3 00 3 00 20 Cuarles Simpson, do 11;
12 G. Hewett, med, attendance.. 28 50 28 5021 Simon Freese, do 6 fro
13 A. L. Palmer, insp'r election. 4 50 4 50 22 H S. Rockwell, clerk election 1 50
14 A. Teeter, use house do 10 00 10 00 23 R Alexander, do do 1 50
15 S. Benjamin, serv's new road 8 10 8 00 24 Richard Sebring, assessor19 75
16 A. W. I�nettles, supervisor.... 24 50 24 50 25 Moses McCorn 2d, do di ti0
17 W. H. Fitch, clerk of election 3 00 3 GO 20 L. S. Ham, justice of peace 11 00
18 J. Bower, insp'r elec'n & mes. 7 00 7 00 `l7 I C. Rockwell, supervisor 23 82
19 J. Bowker, do do 7 00 7 00 28 Jacob Moot, over assessment4 30
20 J. S. Linderman, &Is election 3 00 8 pD 29 E. C. Thorn, justice of peace8 35
21 Benton Brown, insp'r do 7 75 7 75 30 S S. Garfield, do do 39 27
22 J. 10. G. Kelly, use of h. elec'n. 10 00 10 00 31 R. C. Eastbrook, do do 9 76
23 E. Williams, justice peace.... 7 50 7 50 32 To com'r of high'ys jury fees23 00
24 J. M. Woodbury, do .... 11 05 11 0533 John Culver, town clerk 45 95
25 A. H. Tarbell, pay'g exc's tax 8 00 3 00
26 Anson Wykoff, commissioner 76 00 76 00
27 A. Wood, coffin for poor 15 00 10 00
28 G. W. Miller, assessor 31 50 31 50
29 E. T. Brown, justice peace7 50 7 50
30 T. B. Selden, insp'r of election 3 00 3 00
31 J. W. Pratt, do do 6 25 6 25
32 G. N. Mitchell, ex -town clerk 55 85 55 85
33 Joshua Brown, justice peace24 50 24 60
34 Joshua Brown, justice peace2 00 2 00
35 Lord & Burr, supplies for poor 48 83 48 83
36 Burr & Co. do do 23 48 23 48
37 P. L. Smith, do do 10 13 10 13
38 D. T. Barr, med. attendance13 00 13 00
39 J. B. Bogardus, assessor 31 50 81 60
40 R. T. Shaw, excess tax 76 85 75 85
41 J. Brooks, supplies for poor 5 00 5 00
42 G. N. Mitchell, mtlit'y record 18 00 18 00
August 25th, audited by Town 00
Board for bridges 425
$1132 82
A. W. KNETTLES, SuperviSOr,
E. T. BROWN. Justices of the Peace.
C. G. BENJAMIN, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisors.)
Harriet Butler, Boarding paupers 61 88
Commissioners bill for assessing damages12 00
stract is correct,
Dated Ithaca, Nov. 15, 1860.
J. M. LYONS, Supervisor,
A, M. Luc s, Justices of the Peace.
S. B. SKINNIER, TOW it Clerk.
(Added by Supervisors.)
I. M. & F. Beers, Excess of taxes 2 58
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to lie audited to
the Board of Town- Auditors of the Town
of Lansing, Nov. 8th, 1866, with the
amounts claimed by each and the amounts
7 80
'7 be
1 660
6 76
19 76
11 00
20 81
Resolved, By the legal voters of the town of
Newfield, at the annual town meeting held In
said town April the 3d, 1866, that there be the
sum of six •hundred and seventy-five dollate
raised over and above the two hundred and fifty
dollars, making in all nine hundred and twenty
five dollars.
IRA C. ROCKWELL, Supervisor,
R. C. EASTABROOK, Justices of Peaoe,
(Added by Supervisors.)
Benjamin Stair, Clerk election 4M
Joseph E. Owen, Excessive taxes _
The Town Board of Ulysses met in as
cordance with the requirements of law for
the purpose of auditing accounts against
the said Town, at the house of H. \ran•
Order on Thursday, Nov. 8th, 1866. Tha
following is the list of bills audited :
if J polott Smith, cl'k election$ 3 40
g, Teed, do 3 00
stollen Young, insp'r do 13 73
1'It r i larRockio stf ec, do 1 00
do 5 00
constable81 35
1,1 ASherwood, ,Fish, H.
commissioner96 65
6 Bt, Emery,, assessor oor aster 18 05
47 35
43 00
36 00
118 75
53 75
1U r 3•'Pratt do
11 JopeLoss Lewis,
12 T' Farrington .
1' don & Smith,
Cop. Lewis
9. R Wickes, insp'r of election 3 15
d Rich and Taylor, insp'r do stout, clerk do 6 17
0 u, Austin, serv's as counsel.. 25 90
a0 g; Vanorder, house for elec'n . 37 00
�I 1', tray, excessive tax last y'r 4 56
D,.. H. B. Chase, 6 25
gl 60 50
,Giles Wilcox,se houselec'ncommissioner 15 00
14j L
4S f;, Lovell, justice of peace 28 05
6 w,„• Pierson, supervisor 36 96
Jacobs Hixon,ownc
carman, justice
teerk peace.
71. 34 50
23 Jon,..
8l Thomas Bowers, justice peace 26 00
4 ,lo9O Earl, do do 11 00
31 Amt due on notes given by
Celnmissioner of highways5028 50
9f j, yenBuskirlc, insp'r elec'n7 00
o A,13. Clark, use of hall do 15 00
42 50
$ 3 25
3 00
13 73
1 25
5 00
72 37
86 65
18 05
29 00
21 00
118 75
53 76
42 50
75 00
8 00
3 00
6 17
15 00
32 00
44 6256 Total
57 50
15 00
28 05
34 46
14 50
34 60
26 00
11 00
State Tax $5627 19 Returned taxes. 95 21
Town audits 893 85 County expenses 2494 13
Highways 250 00 Sup'ts of poor... 275 45
Support of poor250 00 School purposes. 877 00
Bounty taxes., 22109 59
$32821 92
State Tax $1924 63Returned taxes.. 10 58
nses 854 72
Highways auditsTown 250 00SSchoolypurp ses. 300 54
$4005 89
State Tax $3259 081Returned taxes.. 148 25
Town audits 623 06 County expenses 1441 51
Support of poor. 312 00 Sup'ts of poor... 126 07
Bounty tax.... .19240 78 Sehool purposes. 507 90
$25658 75
State Tax 11200 86 Returned taxes. 107 63
Town audits /,13225 00 County expenses 4964 56
Highways 250 00 Sup'ts of poor..... 344 70
Tomp. Co. Bank. 19S2 81 School purposes. 1745 60
State Tax $5122 G4 Returned taxes. 6 42
5028 50
7 00 Town audits 1252 50 County expenses 2271 16
15 00 Highways 250 OOISup'ts of poor... 110 30
Highway dam751 19 School purposes. 798 35
$83831 16
$5854 29
5028 50
$825 79
The town voted to raise the Sum of $750 in ad-
dition to the sum of $250 authorized by law.
Voted to raise $100 for the use of overseer of
the poor.
I hereby certify that. the above is a correct
51h, lSh.
JOHN S. Hlxox, Town Clerk.
War. PIERSON, Supervisor,
JOHN S. HIxoN, Town Clerk,
T. BOWER, Justices of the Peace.
(Added by Supervisors.)
R, C. Baste, Inspector election
W. J. Stone, `
it, C. Tompkins, "
0 00
3 00
3 15
12 15
ABSTRAC 1' of charges against the sev-
eral towns :
State Tax. 32100 97 County expenses 931 20
Town audits603 16 Sup'ts of poor... 100 51
Highway 250 00 School purposes. 827 42
Support of poor150 00 Bounty tax 9138 96
Returned taxes. 32 50
$18631 72
State Tax 32208, 14 County expenses
Town audits. 544 45 Sup'ts of poor...
Highways 1169 10 School purposes.
978 65
104 25
844 12
25348 711
'10565 51
State Tax 52482 98 County expenses 1100 00
Town audits 483 74 Sup'ts of poor... 147 80
Highways .. 92.5 00 School purposes. 388 94
Returned taxes. 34 29 Bounty tax 12200 00
$17760 16
State Tax $3966 34lHigbways extra 5028 50
Town audits 837 94 Sup'ts of poor... 268 05
Highways 1000 00 County expenses 1768 00
Support of poor100 00 Sehool purposes. 618 11
576 94
Less amount in hands of Supervisor. 130 130 00
$13446 94
Caroline $13634 72 Ithaca
5348 71 Lansing
32821 92 Newfield
4005 89 Ulysses
2.5658 75
Enfield '
ABSTRACT of payments
by the County Treasurer :
33982. 46
10565 51
17760 16
13576 94
3157855 06
to he made
For State Tax
" Schools
" Superintendents of poor
" Less amount On hand
" Court expenses.
" Fuel and gas for court house and jail
" Insurance on public buildings
" State Lunatic Asylum
" do Inebriate do
" do Idiot do ..,.,,.,,,
" Livery to county house
$37896 73
$4630 00
595 46
5905 98
4034 54
2500 00
400 00
43 00
2500 00
195 75
20 00
7 00
" Incidental expenses, judge's office...
" Fines to be refunded Ithaca 65 69
" do do Groton 38 00
" do do Caroline25 28
it do do Dryden2 00
do do Danby100
40 00
131 97
" Tax refunded Temp. Co. Bank 1111 14
" Amory rent 67 50
" County Judge's salary 1000 00
" Less estimated receipts 500 00
" Special Judge's salary
" District Attorney's salary
" School Commissioner's salary
" County Treasurer's do
" Supervisors' Clerk's do
L1 do Janitor's do
" Counsel tees
" County audits
500 00
50 00
450 00
160 00
600 00
150 00
15 00
8911 03
65594 64
Interest on county bonds6864 69
Principal do do 56824 64
62689 33
STATEMENT, showing th- e amount of compen-
sation audited by the Board of .Supervisors of
Tompkins County, to the members thereof,
within the past year, the items and nature of
such compens .tion, the number of days the
Board has been in session, and the distance
traveled by the members respectively in at-
tending County Canvass and the meeting of
the Board.
*r?-;-' 7 C tdu
•'1i L�.I t� j4.j 1.+1111)
y pC. 0 ' p P+p.d F1
NI-�,+v.N HF+H 01
Days with Co. Can'rs.
Days with Board.
Wcow w w' v_.� vJ u_�
T c = _. Per diem allowance.•
;; _ = Miles traveled.
00.^7GJJ J.0 I-`
°oar:0 'i':0o0ic Mileage.
V i-' 0i01-1111--'
0101]),])]-01j. LvaU
. 11� Miscellaneous.
O 01110 M 0311..+ 0114
0.•11.=�',v+^mT^" b,
mm0�n�o0t�o A
SUPERVISOR'S ROOM, Dee. 31, 1866.
I hereby certify i hat the Board of Supervisors
of Tompkins County were in Session eleven days
in November, llil, and were engaged one day
in making Count- Canvass, and that the num-
ber of miles necessarily traveled by the members
of the Board in performance of their dudes, is as
above stated, and I further eertity that no RC—
ecounts were audile.. by said Board, without be-
ing properly verified according to law.
For Copying roll.
�oo� v: met v+om
0 oam°a° ni`io
O.•I'-I ID r-1 x V C .y
110100110]_ :�
NTncC^—t ,
-xa S3auoo
000 t2 :1 1010j c o
•xs1 Stuuog
•Doo, luap
)nag d�
-xa WAAL
O: -•'MN —.
o Ot0,^10,,n0"rM
ec .co ee lc 10, 05
wan Polos[
-0J 0si JOOr/
j0 aoas. a&Q
11008110,j 92
ina2l te;oS
4?0con V1
ar vo m
0,,-100 •0-0n
0000 -
n eo 4) 0 -] l -• •' ^
, P=P -0 y- ^.
°;slag luau
101111, Ot'ISJ:I-. 2'.14J*SOt 31O11.J04 1V1.;.O 1'*. fO1- WI .0•,ox I✓ 0000 i.,. ..., a+.n., 0000
F.titr. of NPS Poe, Tunlpkine Conary, 1 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY. That the preceding statement is correct.
H Er ERi Nuke r sore cierk
TABLTLAR STATEMENT of Votes given at a General Election held on the
Sixth daypofs Noe v York,AornGovern-Or, thein several
Canal Districts
ssioneor,x In-
Tompkoins. State Representative' in Congress, Member of Assembly, School
s omnis io ,Prison.,
Commissioner, Sheriff, Special Count}' Judge, County Treasurer, Superintendent of
the qustion of "
the Poor,bmting Justices of People theroners, and shalltthere be a convent on to n Act to
revise for submitting to the P l
Constitution, &c."
—t9d D. 'Z t, 9 0 ~yi • C
�mHco � �3�I,�7�1 tj Z H n GOWNS.
-3 I
o rn
m o td' d 1Z4 `� yl Q
Qon�.. G I
c '� tr1 y r--�
1...2 t' Gp., ° Iv._—_,....,.....................,..... --,—„—,..,--1
-^^- �� w r^ p P C.O. Election Districts.
n� . °< whole Number of Votes.
FO!4 r o rN.I
3 !! G0a2
ODv `mom'—.qgp0� -100 a .0,Nwol�No Reuben E. Fenton.
al F+F'n'acnGDl2wG -F t.wso; vrn ww'�
m �, C , ,p John T. Hoffman. --
Imo--`' CD m to 0 c. OD,mP P0.'.O 00 O ODD ODD O CO 0 CT 0000.'. 000 N F+I
'HP-. 7 , , Whole Number of Votes.
1 ttyy..�0 -r...46:2, no
�-- 4
!A r�-+w NI 7A�O�,GQ, 10 rP VV.;
-'_^N20Nw ,O
° µ F,-3y.9o&',r-saomNwo�N`u"„'i°,O'J Stewart L. Woodford. C
w 22:n
U1 n t�v Aoac''''nLoi'r"�-za»wo�>.va�ADpi .-,-•'a
m e+ , Robert H. Pruyn.
CJ ,r. �••� i. .. - ' ROI ..mmIP
h+�' O La .N. G,..O m -1=t =. w Om m O?I" .y eo2 NN Q
aim t3 O `�' mrw'+>•Awr'2...amoDwDOP p
� 1 is p
--- Whole Number of Votes. y
z�' ¢'� 14, o 'n'.ve�Dc»orra+mt�wc.N-gal-tN�-• Stephen T. Hayt• O
. O Oa to NF', A..., .; 8
IP oa c,4PO�
p F? cAr,l m�c� o cmo�a�.a . .aa aA, os
t�1 y b c.,‘,..,:,a William W. Wright.
t wy.
tY'"3 :. Ha.00�l-!'o��.uomgoac F?,.n'moa % nr�
a"4 O C,�•' ,P.I mNwIP,PG0 GN NDO D OO CD O Dw 4.• co
�� �• �pp, Whole Number of Votes.
pen :=1 DNj l.0 a,0 mr T -N -NF �, Ip .°
'0 �PAwNI--'OI N' IP N' NNO F+OOOrt O'r F -'U NN
Gs EOG w.1 AO.O
�� •-� µ ia.z-aoDlol.-am-aNwDll. i. -a John Hammond. b,
e' o ? iP �:� GwG F+F-.w, wNNI.+�P- R. c� t
OM �"1O CO CC .4...1 G DCT 002 PO JG 4-- .;
200-4 wmJ' Coir COO+G.G>o:N,- lie'wD aD w2•,o1 Francis B. Gallagher. I.O.,
N(D ° m CD2000- m.+ CO w4CD ODm in DD:oxtc.-- e..^II
mn �I o1A0z���oD
�k Whole Number of Votes. Cb
s,.0 2� ,P Pwt.I",FA4 e -g8 IF'itVic$la.cs,�' o
cF O 'cP- _—.. FA rl- ^ --
N,�.�^D a, ar-3�•DNwCi.N w::nGN•�YC
,y� P -. William S. Lincoln, i' co
1 IR O
%S. 1..w,� 'Gw, wi.N GIP F+.+
a N �P 200.0.-....- .O wcDJ r�___21
j7 0 (J pl 1.0+mc-G:�._-a l�Nww ,Pw Henry MC0° 1Ck. iE
w '
f° m r 1. cu.ec, to
O C) 0 N•. F00:D'�i ..FO' ZCD00meD-•IOC�eD J,NV
c, ro = i �%mwa-eD F'
0 o o A.r,,,O. , , , s Whole Number of Votes. in.
w OW T ,.i, _a yy': •
r. -S.5 , ,M3 F,,,.D .. L? J, U, 1•+Ui .0 iO X1 6
is c-3c.•lrw 0.:.^. O+ O, co D N. O N CO
�'Oa . 4,..4.7.W00,0)1-D3vNw0-.t ,4.G.N0-l.a _�_�__�� a'0
John H. Selkreg.
wGr NGw DO , -a cw.p
,- C .. a, i N1 e,;-�Nw..�.-n wca .D is is cn to •alI
�- P.
0, ..20 oQGAowmCZ-x-D_ 7o11nP.Hart.
I -N F00 t.r-.F+VI-O DCDOOI�h�00/t' I--���
0 a'0o dO 1NNTo Z.3.p7DNO-a 0DOCT wm 4-0x, Olw
Whole Number of Votes. �y
o� •��€3
�OC P. P. O,t.,P•N1 10AI-20,0 N Owg 'T'•�
Z O CT a O, 4.. m... 0 ]1200,.6
mC co0O ¢ T 0.0-AwPOr:-wi. a. oor 2w ma Albert H. Pierson. r3o
Ca• ice °. oN sa,mw nt•0w
CD po NRezekiah W. English. T
I�.�+ n .,a1,..,,--,,-, I-30'A-l'.)Awm0-F .0
C iD .-.+ - S 1 0 0 JOO A w l, . D 1 ._.��--_ r
m R. 0 Whole Number of Votes.
-� F-..O,UGO,NEO C'
t3 !p �- Iwl r[. is-:>'�o te T �ccac�a�o oNa:oi.
4'p z., a o'Toc- :D' •..al- irk.
L0 Eron C. Van K'
,o e+ in co �P Nw;+•+ .P o.:u'D...1...1,-.• : .�2nDa aCn:nl
Dr ,I..ws2o-F.
p � Q, , �,„D Eo2wmrww2ww
a 10 1�• John B. Kelsey.
ti C3 e- O . ,to -,,,po D. ,-Nlomwmosts,s_:-^-�.00,a.,.
IQ' 9
O• 119 o �° °` CO -"O "' Whole Number of Votes. O
CJ... �'^ A•3-, wJr GAi..' u.T-N100 iii
pRC , _ ,a, D"r 2222-- Arthur S. Johnson. y�D�„
I ow•
i'l�Q m•a I -a Jerome Rowe. Q°
a --e,
° 'DI r -.G Nr.:.�:'•p m I _D :T eP .T.+J-JrP
.m...Q P� -I mtinWT 0000..._3 m 0 J.l 0Ja10J0' 0- k m t 4 .s J a ° Woole Number of Votes. '-i
-1 A,P wt.Garr-NNNt. R. G--.00iu„
T-lOa010.. -D20.i..N2.0 co "1-4 �°
2 N + ��-�"�o''��m�oi•wo Edward C. Seymour. �,
A w w NrAOS
R lv C. 0 P0.0420.4!•0023_;a'sa H. 0.1--4ui:a TCR Grn -�—
, m ,TJ.I !. 1:_ aJr^ o.n z+w� John C.Ga.untlett.
N d,..,-,-.
0Am.y.-Fom iec00,C a°D-,:w:n.Dw as is ji
000000 -GPA r"••---'�
Q e* ::Whole.Number of Votes. o
i U V NI NAw wN �P Nt_N ..00010 V= .J,al.+J,% c. ey
.Z ..O -, -, w�•,.0-40.6, GO I.010 OD P.wr_�
Peter H. Farrington. o C
p • 0 - •.I wC. o,DayD>m,Nww wgiO
0. - A o °- GII Levi C. Beers. • p
r a( J m �O.D..] FO2 ,.3.s_2‘.4.:�woJ)rN
m �i DAP=o- ti
eY o' t ..a=NII Whole Number of of s.
--/rF:?G'7, ,^rP t'O.jTTA+J O'i X1003 -w-1
'e'J tT 2]-�t-..11.1_�_04�,')r '�_ N ..v... NA+IO .a- m.()
° r� PPPI
Samuel W. Smith, m Q
,. w�C: a-a,Pow?=z-aa GP-w.�'•'e�+�..==` CA
Q- O p I=inD '.+a.T , Nww m
CO -a Edwin S. Ford. m
^ �N �mm 1
P� r''' D o�Pc N....^+4. 0'1x085`I
.y-FO�wOD jWCD
ff 11 ��
Whole Number of Votes. Q
5 C' y' .7:.;,r, Gari. • •,
GyCC P .P rPw. O, a1:+NN�N•��s-'_i{c�ct��D I -j0
GeP�F 2-y_o, m;T-oa�w'Ns;>,�-10 ni.�-ate sa 0
ti �' m �.� Mahlon M. Brown. y
wwOJ, Www?W.TI a
Q w 20 Asa J. White. /9 �p N P.GOD CD: ,P W N.. mm�'i
•y0 of rto n,oe-F-a�cwD D�=—� - O
o Whole Number of Votes. CO p
r� C.+p C '0'n�i=.-P--•),1g ft, 17___�r` i^1. �gw]0NG-F-a _!. i^ ! �.- per•)
,>g m t. m � � A ,.. 'J. De Los - u_ S-. '•_4 Q^°
lzJ'~. Cy :P 10 ,Pw!.• ,; moo Gin Na,p�-o.?�I F!
MNQ d, u --ll uAj,1+-:J..0+1,PGoy..O:A:A-Z,P- Aw-.P T._—J, —__
.+i F,� David White.
,� EGD•-�A
.. la. G-1.NFO b w Goo mt o o Gp olNN•
,Po �,D .-'m c0 -1G
,� CO DNp
i ^-o1,.,..rWhole Number of Votes. C
'.I Ilei uotur3 ! I aados uqur I W.aavf £aaag `. I as
••..6.0.1-D 'Ai •p f g azomaaA1r] sal.tegp `doi eovA aoJ .tauuaop `• 14mtO3 l 3. 'Ai '7 `mast
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joot(os `Z I' H .d -r ` tangs :I 4,,,H .d "TIC
: j n�tI[ H utiop `ssai UO3 III
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