HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-11 - TB Ulysses Town Board
Regular Town Board Meeting
7 / 11 / 2000
PRESENT: Supervisor Doug Austic, Councilpeople : Carolyn Duddleston, Andrew
Hillman, Sue Poelvoorde, and Robert Weatherby; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia ;
Highway Superintendent James Meeker .
Others Present : Ed Sutherland from the Trumansburg Free Press and Catherine
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 p. m . and led those
assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America .
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Town Board Meeting, June 13, 2000
Mrs. Duddleston moved , seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde to approve the minutes
of the Regular Town Board Meeting of June 13th with the minor corrections
pointed out to the Town Clerk
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
Mr. Hillman moved, seconded by Mrs. Duddleston to approve vouchers
numbers 265 through 297 in the amount of $ 10 , 781 . 09 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
TOMPKINS COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Peter Penniman absent may arrive
later in the meeting .
TRUMANSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT had no representative present. No
report was heard .
Town of Ulysses 2
Regular Town Board Mtg .
HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT James Meeker reported first that the
Highway Department has finished its second round of roadside mowing and now
faces repair work on its mowing tractor and equipment. The Department has
also been installing culvert pipes and working on road crossing pipes .
The Town of Ulysses Highway Department did some work: with the Town of
Enfield' Highway Department in cutting brush away from signs .
Mr. Meeker asked that the Town Board pass a resolution for no parking on Falls
Road between Cemetery Road and Duddleston Road active between July 20th
and July 23rd of this year for the Grassroots Festival .
Ms. Poelvoorde moved , seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following :
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses directs Highway
Superintendent James Meeker to place NO PARKING signs on Falls Road
between Cemetery Road and Duddleston Road during the Grassroots Festival
July 20th through July 23rd, 2000 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Hillman aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
A PERMA Insurance representative met with Mr. Meeker at the Town Barns
earlier in the day, Mr. Meeker showed him that there were no claims for the
Mr. Meeker received a projection that raised the estimated cost to over
$600, 000 for the Lake Street Bridge . In his discussion with the county
representative, Mr. Meeker expressed a desire for himself, the village highway
representative and the county highway representative to look over the projected
costs of the project piece by piece. Another question of concern in the matter of
the Lake Street Bridge Project is the decision of whether to build starting at the
end of the summer or wait until next spring . Mr. Meeker will keep the Board up
to date on the project.
CODE ENFORCEEMENT OFFICER Alex Rachun was not in attendance and
no report was presented .
TOWN CLERK Marsha Georgia reported total fees for the month of June were
$ 1 , 042 . 50 . Of this, $ 576 . 98 was turned over to the Supervisor. The Town Clerk's
Office has begun to receive shipments of 2000-2001 sporting license supplies .
There was no increase of the fees for the licenses .
Mr. Hillman reported that scheduling conflicts kept him from both the June and
July Youth Commission meetings. He was able to tell the board that the
commission is presently struggling with lack of indoor space for youth activities .
The removal of asbestos from the Trumansburg Elementary school this summer,
And the middle and high schools next year.
Supervisor Austic reviewed his financial report and heard no questions . He
also reported putting seventeen youth on the Town payroll ; there are four to wive
more to be put on when they turn their papers in .
Town of Ulysses
3 55
Board Regular Town Board I ltg .
7/ 11/2000
Son ko WaterlSeltier ®3scz
Mr; Sinks has met with Hunt - ngineering any' John !evine, Village Trustee He
hhas signed n %eiith Hunt t Gn ineering to ran the i.. nniriaerinn work for the water
aJ JS net. on I YYILI I 1 IGnL LI IgH ii-L1 I ! !y t4 do the : � 11 L.L111 ly
district he 1A, ritc to create He will report hack. to the R' iipers./icor %AFhen he gate
the estimated cost of the project and Mr . "uct _ tvAilll look into a contract for the
%mall IR.l• $ y§
3ackson v ille Water Petition ition Progr vase, FVh_ atr Next
Mr. Auctiir reported nn the first -n rt Cif a petit n E from 1arkcnnviile residents
water district that hamlet . U petition he received has 61
requesting a >I district for that hamlet . I e petit 1 V received Y Ll Lirf 1
sitanatures with more expected . Supervisor Austic reported that the 6 • sionat€ res
turned in thus far most likely rr eoet the five porrent requirement of residents that
are needed for the Town to kook further into ectal lishinn a water district .
MMr Austic m with NY State hccemblyman 1`,O t: i Luster last InlaeV
rs 6a�1LBb Viet with F7 - Jta lam. T•J�il . I % 7l lu I 1 = � L JL\.I S L YY \.:...I% .
tccarnhlyman !i icter will try to net came financial help for the !hisser riictrict
lYSS.. l `
project. Supervisor Austic asked the Board if he r=bo;.ild have engineers draw up a
plan for the water district entailer' by the signatures which have already been
turned in The Board looked at what parts of Jacksonville would be served by 'the
riictrirt ac rurrentiv called fnr hu; the c!irrant inn `a irec , Mr , Weatherby
w wa c
rnnra r a about spending this moner/ with the knowledge that the Hamlet of
ckso vi le could vote the whole project down too expensive . Mr . Austic
agreed that this is very much possible . He also cleats ed how the project could
net` fundilnaa for the project, it could
he financed , If Qccnpn. hlvman Luster is ahIe to �aA 7 I
._ # financed .
✓✓4 'iJ. l V • i y VY. to
cover i i(�, The DEC alto maybe able to supply some
rG` fer up to J. SJ' i _O .) Lj : the project . The a . .�` may 171
i r some
11L. pl L`j
fi iindinn because it is responsible to provide need ' rinki .n water to c;irh heavily
contaminated areas . The Board decided that C ipervicor Austic would contact the
Association a d cri € cc the ability. to ;-,et the proposed district and
?arkson�.rille ASS�ci i . .
.• v4. v • and - t
costs outlined by August . Mr. Austic handed out = sewer study and asked the
costs L..7
Board to read it over .
Saks Tax on Clothing Rewhition
rounty Raoracentativa Michael 1 ape has r en : Jested a resolution from the
Town Board irri favor of or against ;a ccJiU ny a resolution the t would eliminate sales
tax on clothing purchases in Tompkins Coui.,,.,s. !Jo to $ 100 . The resolution would
cost the Town of Ulysses approximately $20, 000 in sales tax per year . The Town
or the Cnii inty would have to raid nrnnerty to ec to snake uo for the lost sales
tax . The hope of the County is that eliminating . ales tax on clothing purchases
would stimulate sales in the Couunty .
Mr. Weatherby moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following :
Resolved that the Town r—trd of the Town of Ulysses does not favor the
Tompkins County Board of Representatives eliminating sales tax on clothing in
the Tompkins County .
Mr . s :b.icir aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr . Hillman eve
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mr . Weatherby aye
.. ! I
Town of Ulysses
.cyu iivvii Lri0lu 1''i1.9 .
7/ 11/2000
Adopted .
Discussion Public Hearing Doublewide Ordinance
comaraicnr AgEct!r rPnnrted that the general rnncenct is ,after the 1 !in? vih Pii lhlic
Hearing to rnncirler the propoCed Lnral Doublewide Ordinance was that it would
be inappropriate for the Board to pass the Ordinance . , .
Mr . Hilam� n mnvari that the Rnarri HMO, the matter of the ^n; ihlatnrirle
nMne . V . L.Y 4+ .Y 4 V YY ; Y Y+ . YV • % matter
r. V +L • •V 1. -
Ordinanre for the time being rather than passing the ordnance . Ms . Poelvoorde
seconded the motion .
Mr, Anctir+ eve
Mrs . Duddieston aye
Mr Hillman ;WO
Ms . Pnelvoorrie aye
Mr . Weatherby aye
Adopted .
u,48� v Dnnh nnrdn noted that the Planninn Rnarrl and the Town Rnard have i'.r dth
� V N + Y Y • k - +Y � ..s 4 y y.
noted lack of quality assistance for the Town on the part of the County Planning
nonnrtmant !Ac: PrIplynnrria rannrtari that chc her' Vint€3ri a Fall frnrp Ca ;r via
Frantz, a former Town of Ithaca Town Planner. Mr. Frantz wondered if the Town
tnY i •d tiara to Y rnYr tact him fnr he ln Y in YiY ttinn r
1nnt gadr t a Y ; atn Twain Znninn
Ordinance . Mr. Frantz has experience with planning in the Town of Ithaca as well {
as in r= iral Pennsylvania Mr, Waatherhv asked About rust and ahni it how much
bh II
Y • %4 I -Y . 4Y to Y • b . u Y4Yie V4'.f4 .T • . Y- V .fY4+ 4 Y •
Mr. Frantz would be involved, what exactly he would do to help . The Board
HP:111Pd to ask Mr, grant, to i attrend the Plan Ginn RRnardd fM Minn of Ii '- lti 17th ;--Ind
e Y • . S.- 44 Y4 _ _ J Y • Y • ,..-44• • Y . Y • t • Y
than go from there .
5 aniarviicnr ftnactic rannrtari that there Nava haan no new 4 nnlirantc for the
Board of Zoning Appeals opening . Supervisor Austic recommended Mr. Joel
"gas ren . .hn hag evnrPCCPri interest and has heen orevioi lcly interviewed . Mr
i 7 '
Austic moved, seconded by Mss . Poelvoorde the following :
Recnl nnj that the Tnnwn Rnarri of the Tnwn nf ! b/ccec annnint 10ei
Warren to fill the unexpended portion of Mr. Russell Carpenters term for the
Zoning Board of Appeals that expires 12/2003 .
Mr. !s stir
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Town of Ulysses
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No statements were made .
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suggested the Board look it over in anticipation of having to approve or
disapprove the plan in the future .
Mr . Hillman made the motion to adjourn , seconded by Mr . Weatherby .
Mr ti' ;�;e
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. I- i lirran 2vP
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 25 p . m .
Respectfully submitted,
Marches L Geornia
Ulysses Town Clerk
MLG : kl