HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2012-04-03TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD 215 North Tioga Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Tuesday. April 3. 2012 AGENDA 7:00 P.M. Persons to be heard (no more than five minutes). 7;05 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding sign variances for the scoreboard at the Ithaca College Carp Wood Field located at 130 Flora Brown Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2, Medium Density residential Zone. The proposal is to replace the existing scoreboard with a new 21 +/- foot tall, 174 +/- square foot scoreboard in the same location at Carp Wood Field. Ithaca College, Owner/Applicant; Richard Couture, Associate Vice-President for Facilities, Agent. 7:10 P.M. Continuation of SEQR Determination: Conifer Senior Living on West Hill, south of West Hill Drive. 7;10 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Preliminary Subdivision Approval for the proposed Conifer Senior Living on West Hill development located to the south of West Hill Drive near the Overlook Apartments, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2, Medium Density Residential and Multiple Residence Zones. The proposal involves developing approximately 5 acres of the property for a new 3-story, 72 unit senior housing facility (21,000 +/- square foot footprint) on a new road off of West Hill Drive. The project will also include new sidewalks around the facility with a connection to the existing bus shelter on West Hill Drive, new stormwater facilities, parking, a community garden, signage, outdoor lighting, and landscaping. The Planning Board will also be considering a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regarding the rezoning of approximately 4.796 +/- acres from Medium Density Residential Zone to a new Multiple Residence Zone. Cornell University, Property Owner; Conifer Realty, LLC, Applicant; John F. Caruso, PE, PMP, Passero Associates, Agent. 8:00 P.M. Consideration of a Sketch Plan for the proposed Community Room project at the Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School, located at 120 and 122 King Road East, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 43-1-3.5, 43-1-3.21, and 43-1-3.6, Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Zones. The proposal involves constructing a new building (approximately 11,215 square feet) between the existing Main School and Middle School buildings to provide a larger gymnasium, performance and after school facility, along with new offices, restrooms and support space. The project also involves renovations to the existing main building to create an additional classroom along with new office and reception space. Site improvements for this project include creating a dedicated parent drop off area, additional parking, and associated walkways, plantings and stormwater facilities. Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca, Owner/Applicant; Ernie Bayles, Architect, Agent. 6. Approval of Minutes: March 20, 2012. 7. Other Business: - Discussion of Town regulations concerning sheds (time permitting). 8. Adjournment Susan Ritter Director of Planning 273-1747 NOTE; IF ANY MEMBER OF THE PLANNING BOARD IS UNABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE NOTIFY SANDY POLCE AT 273-1747. (A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.) TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Tuesday. April 3. 2012 By direction of the Chairperson of the Planning Board, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, at 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, N.Y., at the following times and on the following matters: 7:05 P.M. Consideration of a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding sign variances for the scoreboard at the Ithaca College Carp Wood Field located at 130 Flora Brown Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2, Medium Density residential Zone. The proposal is to replace the existing scoreboard with a new 21 +/- foot tall, 174 +/- square foot scoreboard in the same location at Carp Wood Field. Ithaca College, Owner/Applicant; Richard Couture, Associate Vice-President for Facilities, Agent. 7:10 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Preliminary Subdivision Approval for the proposed Conifer Senior Living on West Hill development located to the south of West Hill Drive near the Overlook Apartments, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2, Medium Density Residential and Multiple Residence Zones. The proposal involves developing approximately 5 acres of the property for a new 3-story, 72 unit senior housing facility (21,000 +/- square foot footprint) on a new road off of West Hill Drive. The project will also include new sidewalks around the facility with a connection to the existing bus shelter on West Hill Drive, new stormwater facilities, parking, a community garden, signage, outdoor lighting, and landscaping. The Planning Board will also be considering a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regarding the rezoning of approximately 4.796 +/- acres from Medium Density Residential Zone to a new Multiple Residence Zone. Cornell University, Property Owner; Conifer Realty, LLC, Applicant; John F. Caruso, PE, PMP, Passero Associates, Agent. Said Planning Board will at said times and said place hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual impairments, hearing impairments or other special needs, will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing. Susan Ritter Director of Planning 273-1747 Dated: Monday, March 26,2012 Publish: Wednesday, March 28,2012 TOWN OF ITHACA AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING AND PUBLICATION I. Sandra Polce, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am a Senior Typist for the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York; that the following Notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town of Ithaca and that said Notice has been duly published in the local newspaper, The Ithaca Journal. Notice of Public Hearings to be held by the Town of Ithaca Planning Board in the Town of Ithaca Town Hall. 215 North Tioga Street. Ithaca, New York, on Tuesday. April 3. 2012 commencing at 7:00 P.M.. as per attached. Location of Sign Board used for Posting: Town Clerk Sign Board - 215 North Tioga Street. Date of Posting: March 26, 2012 Date of Publication: March 28, 2012 Sandra Polce, Senior Typist Town of Ithaca STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28'^ day of March 2012 Notary Public CARRIE WHITMORE Notary Public, State of New York No. 01WH6052877 Tioga County Commission Expires December 26, - ..N _ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The Ithaca JOURNAL Stale of New York, Tompkins County, ss: Stacie A, Heath being duly sworn, deposes and states aforesaid that she/he is Clerk of The Ithaca Journal a public newspaper printed and published in Ithaca aforesaid and that a notice of which the annexed is a true copy was published in said paper: 3/28/2012 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28' day of March, 2012 TOWN OF FTHACA PLANfsHNG BOAHD NOTlCeOFPUBUC . HEARINGS Tuesday. April 3.2012 By direction of the Chair person of the nannir>g Board, NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN that PubKc Hearings win be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, at 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, N.Y„ at the follow- fng times and on the Follow ing matters: 7:05 P.M. Consideration of a recom- hWiaBUDn to itie 2^ Bosdof Appeeh regsrdng sign vsriences for the pcatiisanl at the IthacB Cotege Carp Wood Reld with assistance, as neces- located at 130 Rora Brown saiy, upon request: Per- Orrve, Town of Ithaca Tax sons desiring assistance Parcel No. 41-1-30-2, Me- must make such a request (Sum Density residential rwt less than 48 hours prior Zonb- The proposal is to to the Sme of the public replace the existing score- hearing, board with a new 21 */■ Susan Ritter fool tall. 174 */■ square Director of Planning fool scoreboard in the 273-1747 same location at Carp 3/28/2012 Wood Reld. Ithaca Col lege. Owner/Applicant: Ri chard Couture. Associate Vice-Presldent for Facili ties. Agent. J'lO P.M. CoTiskleration of ^eiimina- ry Site Plan Approval and ^reliffllnary Subdlvisicn Approval For the propos^ Conifer Senior Living on West HHi development lo- qeled to the south of West Hill Drfve near the Overlook ji^iartments. Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2. Medium Density Residen tial and Multipie Residence Zones. The proposal in volves developing epproid- (nately 5 acres of the ,«rty fo r a new 3-story, 72 'unit senior housing facility^I.OOO */■ square Footfootprint} on a new road off. %f West HIN Drive. The iproject will also Include hew sidewalks around the facfllty with a connection to the e»s(ing bus shelter on West Hill Drive, new slormwater facilities, park- Irrg. a communl^ garden, signage. outdoor lighting, atrd landscaping. The Plan ning Board win also be con- - sidering a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regarding the rezoning of approximately 4.796 +/■ acres from Medi um Density Residential . Zone to a new Mult^e, Residenoe Zbna. Cor^l • University. Property Own-, en Conifef R^ty, LLC, .FAmicant: John F, Caruso. Stacie A. Heath y Public, SUZANNE J, VI£STON Notiry Pubtic, State of New Yoffi No. 01\r£4980512 Residing in Broome Couify , My Gemmission E^iires V ir/ ]i Wednesday, March 28,2012 I THE rrHAC^JOURNAL TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNINQ BOARI^ NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARINGS Tiiesday. Aprils. 2012 By direction of the Oaii pereon of the nsnnnf Bpard. NOTICE IS HEREB' that PubHc Heamg wti» held, by the Planning BcdHvof dib Tomi c^lbiac# on Tuesday. April 3. 201 i. at 215 North Tlooa StieeS Ithaca, N.Y., at the follovi«- Ing Untes and on die follow [namattan: TfOSP.M. ConsldereWon of a recotrt ^(gpdatlon to the Zortnjj Boani of Appe^ reganb^ variances for thfl ^orebcerd at the Hha^ ^ege Carp Wood Held located at 130 Flora Brown Qto. Town of Ithaca Tax fttpel No. 41-1-30.2. Me- wm. Density residential The proposal is tp_ the existing scored' ^Ord widi a new. 21 *iy wt irf. 174 */■ squarfli ttoreboard in thq*MM location at Ca>j^|Sod Field. Ithaca Cck'Sbi Owrw/Af^ricant: FK^mid Couture. Assoclai#'^fcil^ldenl for Facip^ of FYeClmirtb^^mta Plan Apprevai andIKmhaiy SubcSvision A^rjhri fbr the proposed Senior Living oh HHI devek^xnent l»<Med to die aoudi of We^'iP Drive near Ihe Overio^-jiimrtrnents, Town of Ifh8db< Parcel No. 24-4-5.2; M^um Density Residen tial and Multiple Residence ^pnes. The prqjosal in vokes developing ^)pnxd- mte^ 5 acres of the prop-jiM for. A new 3-story. 72 m .Mt^ housing ^11^ >»/• square footBtoltri^'dh a new road ofK' W West Hill Drive. The project win also include new sidewalks around the taefllty with a connection to the existing bus shelter on West Kll Drive, new sloimwater faciVlres, park ing. a cornmunlty garden, signage, outdoor ligtiting. and landscaping. The Plapt ning Board will.also be con sidering a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regardirig the rsoning of appFOximately 4.796 */■ acres from MedL urn Density Resldenttt Zone to a new Multiple Residence Zone. Cornel University. Property Own er Conifer Realty. LLC,y^plcant; John F. Caruso. PE, PMP, Passero Associ ates. Agent. Said Planning Board will at aeid times and said i^ace hear all persons In support of such matters or objec- Hens thereto. Persotts may Mppeer by agent or in per- .m. IndMduals with visual mrtrmenis. JtearingJj^imenis or other spe-mal needs. wlH be prori^ aary, upon request. Per- •pns desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior iq (he time of the pubSc baering. Susan Ritter ^ Dbector of Planning 473-1747 S/28/2012 ^ Town of Ithaca Planning Board 215 North Tioga Street April 3,2012 7:00 p.m. PLEASE SIGN-IN Please Print Clearly, Thank You Name Address d-jve - /O/ P/}7S:^ D/?. kyh. fACfUSl izo£K'^lii>l '^Mhhl/} SaC, f1(inkf=;<nn lio g. uifr L'^vy^ '' u M TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD MEETING Tuesday, April 3, 2012 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 Board Members Present: Fred Wilcox (Chair), Linda Collins, George Conneman, John Beach, Ellen Baer, Hollis Erb Staff Present: Susan Ritter, Director of Planning;Bruce Bates, Director of Code Enforcement; Su- san Brock, Attorney for the Town; Deb DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk Call to Order Mr. Wilcox called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and accepted the secretary’s posting of the pub- lic hearing notices. AGENDA ITEM Persons to be heard – No one came forward to address the Board. AGENDA ITEM PUBLIC HEARING : Consideration of a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regard- ing sign variances for the scoreboard at the Ithaca College Carp Wood Field located at 130 Flora Brown Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2, Medium Density residential Zone. The proposal is to replace the existing scoreboard with a new 21 +/- foot tall, 174 +/- square foot score- board in the same location at Carp Wood Field. Ithaca College, Owner/Applicant; Richard Cou- ture, Associate Vice-President for Facilities, Agent. Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Mr. Couture explained that they would like to replace the existing scoreboard with a new scoreboard in the exact location. It will be a little bit larg- er and won’t be able to be seen from anywhere other than the soccer field. The numbers will light up internally, but there are no exterior spotlights. Mr. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. PB Resolution No. 2012-016: Recommendation to Town of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals, Sign Variances – Ithaca College – Carp Wood Field Scoreboard, 130 Flora Brown Drive, Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2 Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by George Conneman WHEREAS: 1.This action is consideration of a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding sign variances for the scoreboard at the Ithaca College Carp Wood Field located at 130 Flora Brown Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal is to replace the existing scoreboard with a new 21 +/- foot tall, 174 +/- square foot scoreboard in the same location at Carp Wood Field. Ithaca College, Owner/Applicant; Rich- ard Couture, Associate Vice-President for Facilities, Agent, and Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 2 of 12 2.The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on April 3, 2012, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a packet of material date stamped March 12, 2012, including drawings of the proposed scoreboard, a campus map, and a photo of the existing scoreboard, along with other application materials; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as the Town of Ithaca Sign Review Board, hereby recommends that the Zoning Board of Appeals approve the request for sign variances for the pro- posed scoreboard at Carp Wood Field. Vote: Ayes – Wilcox, Collins, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Erb AGENDA ITEM Continuation of SEQR Determination: Conifer Senior Living on West Hill, south of West Hill Drive. John Caruso and Jess Sudol, Passero Associates, were present. Mr. Caruso gave an update of the changes they made to the plan to address the comments and concerns from the last meeting.  Road: They extended the road, put in a T turnaround, and will dedicate the road to the Town.  Offsite swale: The water will now drain to a lower pool, which will dissipate the energy of the water so there’s no erosion, and then the water will filter into a right of way along Route 96. This is an improvement requested by Town Engineering staff. They got a confirmation for an easement from Cornell for the Town to access and maintain the swale. The drainage path is real- ly a ditch that picks up water and brings it down the hill in a controlled way. Since it can easily be relocated, piped, etc, it doesn’t preclude any future development by Cornell.  Building setback: The intention was always to keep the building as close to the road as possible. At 30 feet, the curve in the roadway clipped the building, so they moved it back a bit, to 33 feet.  Access to the front of the building: There is grade between the front of the building and the sidewalk. The Town wanted there to be access to the front of the building. To deal with the slope, there is a short set of stairs, then a long landing, and another short set of stairs. The main entrance is still at the back, and there is handicap accessibility at the main entrance and at both side entrances. The front patio is now covered.  Connectivity: They have a sidewalk system that goes all around the property, out to the garden, extending to the end of the dedicated road, and to the West Hill drive sidewalk system so people can get over to the bus stop.  Gathering areas: They added benches near the gardens, the community garden, and the covered patio.  Still to do: They still have to meet with DPW for dedication of the roadway. They have to go to the Town Board for rezoning. Then they’ll come back for final site plan approval. During that time, they can further develop the architectural drawings to the Board’s satisfaction. Mr. Caruso pointed out that they’re engineers, not architects, so the architects aren’t involved yet. The draw- ings the Board members have do not fairly represent what the building will look like.  Landscaping: they upped the landscaping plan. There’s foundation landscaping and site land- scaping. They will use deciduous trees, as suggested. Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 3 of 12 Mr. Caruso explained for Ms. Erb what a dissipation pond does: water coming down the hill has velocity, and hitting the stone-lined pool at the bottom causes it to lose its energy, and therefore its potential to erode. If Cornell wants to put a facility there, they can relocate the pond with permis- sion from the Town since it’s under easement. Dan Thaete said it’s fine with Cornell and with him. It was verified that spoils, storage of construction materials, and construction parking are all on site. Regarding big trees, Ms. Ritter said the Planning staff does the inspections. She noted that the plan schedule and what’s on the landscape map don’t add up. The deer fence was discussed. The originally proposed four-foot high vinyl fence will not keep the deer out, nor will it let anyone eat what they plant. Mr. Bates reminded everyone that the Town code contains definitions for a deer fence. Board members want the fence to be open and see through so that air can flow through and deer will be kept out. Mr. Tasman requested that they find a balance between durability and visible impact, saying that lots of deer fence material is transparent but is not durable. Mr. Caruso verified that he can use the definition in the code. Ms. Erb suggested they visit the community garden at Linderman Creek to see a sample deer fence. Mr. Thaete will send them sample material. Ms. Erb said the fence needs to be between 6 and 8 feet high. The boxy structures by the door to the outside of each private residence were identified for Ms. Erb as overhead lights; they will be labeled on future drawings. The applicants were asked to provide building material samples when they come back. The Board prefers dark roofs and neutral siding. Regarding visibility from the lake, Mr. Tasman stated that no formal studies were conducted to de- termine actual visibility, and that it will depend on the season. The Overlook complex is visible. The upper stories of this project may be visible. Mr. Caruso explained that it will blend right in with the hill. Ms. Erb stated that the Board knew the Holochuck project would be visible from East Hill, and asked them to intersperse a few tall evergreens on the lake side to break up the appearance, even in the wintertime, of the mass of buildings. Ms. Erb wants to be consistent in her requests. She sug- gested adding some tall evergreens to create an additional break in the façade, but Mr. Tasman said that evergreens don’t make good street trees. He pointed out that there’s a street and then an alley of street trees in the tree lawn between the street and the sidewalk. It was also noted that this project is a different scale than Holochuck. Mr. Caruso said that the trees in front of the building will be rather tall: maple and linden. Mr. Wilcox pointed out that the revisions indicate that 5000 cubic yards of fill will have to be re- moved from the site. That will require 500 truck trips, so the Board will want a routing plan at final approval. Mr. Caruso responded that they might not have a plan by final approval for several rea- sons. Conifer may not have a contractor or a site. It’s premature. The contractor finds the fill site for the material. They usually do this at the pre-construction meeting. Mr. Wilcox said they can put the parameters into the contracts. Ms. Ritter noted that the Town has done this before by setting parameters, and when the information becomes available, Public Works determines whether it meets the parameters. These usually include keeping to state highways when practicable, avoiding rush hour, especially if there are many trucks, and avoiding convoys. Ms. Collins raised an issue regarding the front entrance. Although the proposed law says there must be a primary entrance on the front of the building facing the street, the primary entrance for this Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 4 of 12 project is in the back of the building. She asked for an interpretation because the reason given for not making the front entrance handicapped accessible is that the patio area is not intended to be a primary entrance, and therefore does not warrant the need for accessibility. If the law requires that there be a primary entrance facing the street, then it is a primary entrance and must be accessible. She thought an entrance close to the street would be used by many people. Ms. Brock verified that Ms. Collins was reading it right and that the Board can recommend changes to the law. Mr. Caruso said there can be several primary entrances. The main entrance is on the parking lot side because they did not want to put an uncontrolled entrance at the front of the building. Also, they don’t have the grade at the front to do it. If the main entrance were on the sway, they would wind up with over 100 feet of switchback – a not-so-pretty structure, twice the width of the courtroom. They designed the front entrance to be senior compatible. Since the law is offered to the Town by the applicant, they can certainly correct the issue. Ms. Collins stated that, human nature being what it is, more people than one might think will use this entrance. Mr. Caruso responded that the way the building is laid out, people will not enter through the front door. Mr. Thaete agreed: from a public works perspective, they would not want to attract people to the front entrance and have them stacked up on that road; they want to keep people moving. Per Ms. Collins’s request, Mr. Caruso agreed to put in handrails. The Board generally agreed that although this is the street-facing entrance, it should not be the main entrance. They will recommend that the law be revised. Mr. Thaete addressed drainage. Engineering staff have met with the applicants several times since the last Board meeting, and they’ve satisfied the Public Works comments regarding green infrastruc- ture and stormwater. No one will see the long swale. The DEC is pushing for open systems now and for towns to remove pipes. The applicants have satisfied the easements. They’ve extended the road and put in a hammerhead, and now the Town will accept the road for dedication. PB Resolution No. 2012-017: SEQR, Preliminary Site Plan, Preliminary Subdivision and Recommendation to the Town Board Regarding the Proposed Rezoning, Conifer Senior Living on West Hill, Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2 Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by Linda Collins WHEREAS: 1.This action is consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Preliminary Subdivision Ap- proval for the proposed Conifer Senior Living on West Hill development located off West Hill Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The pro- posal involves developing approximately ±5.7 acres of the property for a new three story, 72 unit senior housing building (±21,000 square foot footprint) on a new road connecting to West Hill Drive. The project will also include new sidewalks around the building and connecting to the existing bus shelter on West Hill Drive, new stormwater facilities, parking, a community garden, signage, outdoor lighting, and landscaping. The Planning Board will also be considering a rec- ommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regarding the rezoning of the property from Medium Density Residential to Multiple Residential. Cornell University, Owners; Conifer Real- ty, LLC, Applicant; John F. Caruso, PE, PMP, Passero Associates, Agent; and Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 5 of 12 2.This is a Type I Action pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6 NYCRR Part 617, and Town of Ithaca Code, Chapter 148 – Environmental Quality Review; and 3.At its meeting on September 20, 2011, the Planning Board proposed to establish itself as Lead Agency to coordinate the environmental review of the above-referenced actions, and notified po- tential Involved and Interested agencies of its intent to serve as Lead Agency; and 4.The Planning Board, at its meeting on April 3, 2012, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a set of drawings with a cover sheet (Overall Plan, C100) titled Site Development Plans for Coni- fer West Hill Senior Housing Development with all drawings and details dated December 2011, with a revised date of March 2, 2012, and prepared by Passero Associates; Subdivision Map Co- nifer West Hill Senior Housing Development (S-1) dated December 8, 2009, with a revised date of March 21, 2012, and revised landscaping and lighting plan, with a revised date of March 30, 2012, prepared by Passero Associates; and other application material; and 5.The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental signifi- cance with respect to the proposed project; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, having received no objections from other involved agen- cies, establishes itself as Lead Agency to coordinate the environmental review of the above-described proposal; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board makes a negative determination of environmental signifi- cance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced actions as proposed, based on the information in the LEAF Part I and for the reasons set forth in the LEAF Part II, and, there- fore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. Vote: Ayes – Wilcox, Collins, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Erb AGENDA ITEM PUBLIC HEARING : Consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Preliminary Subdivi- sion Approval for the proposed Conifer Senior Living on West Hill development located to the south of West Hill Drive near the Overlook Apartments, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2, Medium Density Residential and Multiple Residence Zones. The proposal involves developing ap- proximately 5 acres of the property for a new 3-story, 72 unit senior housing facility (21,000 +/- square foot footprint) on a new road off of West Hill Drive. The project will also include new side- walks around the facility with a connection to the existing bus shelter on West Hill Drive, new stormwater facilities, parking, a community garden, signage, outdoor lighting, and landscaping. The Planning Board will also be considering a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board re- garding the rezoning of approximately 4.796 +/- acres from Medium Density Residential Zone to a Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 6 of 12 new Multiple Residence Zone. Cornell University, Property Owner; Conifer Realty, LLC, Appli- cant; John F. Caruso, PE, PMP, Passero Associates, Agent. Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 8:26 p.m. Joel Harlan, Newfield, spoke in favor of the pro- ject. Mr. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. Ms. Brock had questions and recommended language changes to the resolution. PB Resolution No. 2011-018: Preliminary Site Plan, Preliminary Subdivision and a Recommen- dation to the Town Board Regarding the Proposed Rezoning, Conifer Senior Living on West Hill, Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2 Moved by John Beach; seconded by Hollis Erb WHEREAS: 1.This action is consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Preliminary Subdivision Ap- proval for the proposed Conifer Senior Living on West Hill development located off West Hill Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The pro- posal involves developing ±5.7 acres of the property for a new three story, 72 unit senior housing building (±21,000 square foot footprint) on a new road connecting to West Hill Drive. The pro- ject will also include new sidewalks around the building and connecting to the existing bus shel- ter on West Hill Drive, new stormwater facilities, parking, a community garden, signage, out- door lighting, and landscaping. The Planning Board will also be considering a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regarding rezoning of the property from Medium Density Residential to Multiple Residential. Cornell University, Owner; Conifer Realty, LLC, Applicant; John F. Caruso, PE, PMP, Passero Associates, Agent; and 2.This is a Type I Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in coordinating the environmental review with respect to this project, has on April 3, 2012, made a negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as ad- equate a Full Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, a Part II pre- pared by Town Planning staff, and other application materials; and 3.At its meeting on September 20, 2011, the Planning Board proposed to establish itself as Lead Agency to coordinate the environmental review of the above-referenced actions, and notified potential Involved and Interested agencies of its intent to serve as Lead Agency; and 4.The Town of Ithaca Town Board, in a resolution dated September 11, 2011, has referred the petition to rezone Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2 to the Planning Board for a recommendation; and 5.The Planning Board, at a public hearing on April 3, 2012, has reviewed and accepted as ade- quate a set of drawings with a cover sheet (Overall Plan, C100) titled Site Development Plans for Conifer West Hill Senior Housing Development with all drawings and details dated December 2011, with a revised date of March 2, 2012, and prepared by Passero Associates; Subdivision Map Conifer West Hill Senior Housing Development (S-1) dated December 8, 2009, with a re- Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 7 of 12 vised date of March 21, 2012, and revised landscaping and lighting plan, with a revised date of March 30, 2012, prepared by Passero Associates; and other application material; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1.That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 270 “Zoning”, Section 270- 236.H of the Town of Ithaca Code, finds that: a.There is a need for the Conifer Senior Living on West Hill project in the proposed location; and b.The existing and probable future character of the neighborhood will not be adversely affected by the proposed rezoning and project development; and c.The proposed rezoning is in accordance with a comprehensive plan of development of the Town, which designates the project site as appropriate for “Suburban Residential” development, and is adequately served by public water and sewer facilities and by public transit; and 2.That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board recommends that the Town of Ithaca Town Board enact the proposed local law to amend Chapter 270 of the Town of Ithaca Code, Titled Zoning, by rezoning a ±4.8 acre portion of Tax Parcel No. 24-4-5.2 from Medium Density Residential (MDR) to Multiple Residence (MR), which is proposed for the Conifer Senior Living on West Hill development, consisting of a new three story, 72 unit senior housing building (±21,000 square foot footprint) on a new road off of West Hill Drive as shown on the Subdivision Map Conifer West Hill Senior Housing Development (drawing S-1), dated December 8, 2009, with a revised date of March 21, 2012, prepared by Passero Associates, with the following recommend- ed revisions to the proposed local law: a.In section 2c(i), the 30-year period for income restrictions should run from the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the building; and b.In section 3c, add “as practicable” after “minimize grading;” and c.In section 3d(iii), insert the words “as practicable” after “utilize the natural landform;” and d.In section 3e(ii)(A), replace “consider human scale” with “provide human scale,” and revise the last sentence to read as follows: “include materials and design characteristics consistent with those on street frontages on all sides of the building;” and e.In section 3e(ii)(D), delete the word “primary” before the words “building entry;” and f.In section 3f(iv), replace the caption “trails” with the word “sidewalks” and revise the section to read as follows: “sidewalks must be provided throughout the site, connecting the main building with parking areas, amenities, open space, natural features, and the bus stop on West Hill Drive;” and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 1.That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board waives certain items required by the Town of Ithaca Subdivision Regulations, for Preliminary Subdivision approval, as shown on the Preliminary Subdivision Checklist, having determined from the materials presented that the waiver will re- Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 8 of 12 sult in neither a significant alteration of the purpose of subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board; and 2.That the Planning Board grants Preliminary Subdivision Approval for the proposed subdivision, as shown on the Subdivision Map Conifer West Hill Senior Housing Development, prepared by Passero Associates, dated December 8, 2009, with a revised date of March 21, 2012, conditioned upon the following to be completed before Final Subdivision Approval is granted, unless other- wise noted: a.Approval by the Town Board of the rezoning of the proposed project site as described above; and b.Acceptance by the Town Board of the concept and location of a new road off West Hill Drive for future dedication to the Town as a public road; and c.Revision of subdivision plans to include road and sidewalks conforming to Town standards, fronting the complete length of the eastern boundary line of the lot, ending in a temporary hammerhead turnaround; and d.Evidence of necessary approval by the Tompkins County Health Department on the final plat, before the plat is signed by the Planning Board Chair; and e.Submission of a final subdivision plat, including all requirements on the Final Subdivision Checklist, before Subdivision Approval; and f.Upon issuance of Final Subdivision Approval, signing of one original or mylar copy and three dark-line prints of the final plat drawing referenced above by the Planning Board Chair, the plat to be filed in the County Clerk’s Office, and a receipt of filing provided to the Town Planning Department, before any building permits are issued; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 1.That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board waives certain items for Preliminary Site Plan approval, as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan Checklist, having determined from the materials present- ed that the waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board; and 2.That the Planning Board grants Preliminary Site Plan Approval for the proposed Conifer West Senior Housing Development, as shown on the set of site plan drawings with a cover sheet (Overall Plan, C100) titled Site Development Plans for Conifer West Hill Senior Housing De- velopment with all drawings and details dated December 2011, with a revised date of March 2, 2012, and revised landscaping and lighting plan, with a revised date of March 30, 2012, and prepared by Passero Associates; and other application material, conditioned upon the following to be completed before Final Site Plan approval is granted, unless otherwise noted: a.Approval by the Town Board of the rezoning of the proposed project site; and b.Acceptance by the Town Board of the concept and locations of the sanitary sewer mains and water mains and the associated easements, following the recommendation of the Town’s Public Works Committee, before Final Site Plan approval; and Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 9 of 12 c.Submission of draft sanitary sewer and water main easements, satisfactory to the Attorney for the Town and the Town of Ithaca Public Works Department, before Final Site Plan ap- proval; and d.Submission of record of application for and proof of receipt of all necessary permits from county, state, and/or federal agencies, before any certificates of occupancy are issued; and e.Granting of necessary variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals; and f.Preparation and submission of final design and construction details of all proposed struc- tures and improvements, including drainage and storm water management facilities, roads/driveways, parking areas, curbing, walkways, sewer and water facilities and other utili- ties, and sedimentation and erosion control measures, for review and approval by the Town Public Works Department; and g.Submission of final details of size, location, design, and construction materials of all pro- posed signs and lighting, including the proposed entrance sign; and h.Submission of final details of size, location, and design of any mechanical equipment, elec- tric meters, switch boxes, and related utility equipment, and their screening, according to the proposed local law; and i.Submission of a revised final landscaping plan and planting schedule to include:  Details of all trees and shrubs to be planted on the site, as depicted on the landscaping and lighting plan (drawing C104), dated December 2011, with a revised date of March 2, 2012; and  Canopy trees in parking lot landscape islands, in conformance with the proposed local law; and j.Submission of final detailed building elevations and floor plans for the building to include:  Detailed descriptions of all building materials and colors on the main building and dumpster enclosure, in conformance with the proposed local law; and  Locations and detailed specifications of all lighting standards and fixtures on the site and building, in conformance with the Town's lighting law; and  Accurate dimensions of all structures, including height and gross floor area; and  Use of the same building materials and design characteristics on all sides of the building as the front; and  Roof forms that correspond with building elements and functions, particularly building entrances, in conformance with the proposed local law; and  Indication of correct roof pitches, according to the proposed local law; and k.Submission of a final site plan to include:  A furnished porch, patio or other seasonal outdoor gathering area that includes some protection from the elements, according to the proposed local law; and  A deer fence around the community garden; and l.Submission of and entry into a stormwater “Operation, Maintenance, and Reporting Agreement” between Conifer Realty and the Town of Ithaca, to include easements or other mechanisms to assure the Town of Ithaca access to all stormwater facilities, satisfactory to Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 10 of 12 the Attorney for the Town and the Town of Ithaca Public Works Department, before any building permits are issued; and m.Submission of and entry into a stormwater “Operation, Maintenance, and Reporting Agreement” between Cornell University and the Town of Ithaca, to include easements or other mechanisms to assure the Town of Ithaca access to all stormwater facilities, satisfactory to the Attorney for the Town and the Town of Ithaca Public Works Department, before any building permits are issued; and n.Submission of a truck hauling plan detailing the removal of excavated and waste material, including the delivery route during construction, showing use of State highways to the great- est extend practicable, and with no truck convoys traveling into the City of Ithaca between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., and between 3:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, for review and approval by the Town of Ithaca Public Works Department, before any work begins on the site; and o.Submission of samples of proposed exterior building materials; and 3.That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board authorizes a reduction in the number of parking spac- es, pursuant to §270-227 of the Code of the Town of Ithaca, from the ≥96 parking spaces re- quired, to 60 spaces and provisions for 17 additional spaces shown on the proposed site plan, finding that the reduction will not adversely affect traffic flow on the project site, will leave ade- quate parking for all reasonably anticipated uses or occupancies in the project, and will not oth- erwise adversely affect the general welfare of the community; and 4.That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board waives the conditions relating to the reduction of park- ing spaces outlined in §270-227 of the Code of the Town of Ithaca. Vote: Aye – Wilcox, Collins, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Erb Susan Brock left the meeting at 9:07 p.m. AGENDA ITEM Consideration of a Sketch Plan for the proposed Community Room project at the Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School, located at 120 and 122 King Road East, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.’s 43-1-3.5, 43-1-3.21, and 43-1-3.6, Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Zones. The proposal involves constructing a new building (approximately 11,215 square feet) between the existing Main School and Middle School buildings to provide a larger gymnasium, performance and after school facility, along with new offices, restrooms and support space. The project also involves renovations to the existing main building to create an additional classroom along with new office and reception space. Site improvements for this project include creating a dedicated parent drop off area, additional parking, and associated walkways, plantings and stormwater facilities. Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca, Owner/Applicant; Ernie Bayles, Architect, Agent. Mr. Bayles gave a rundown of the project. The larger gymnasium space is needed because the origi- nal gym was developed for 100 students back in the 1980s, and they’ve outgrown the facility. The intent is not to increase the size of the student body but to accommodate the current student body. Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 11 of 12 They are in two different zones: low density and medium density. They want it to be one big lot. The bus drop-off location will not change. Lisa Smith, business manager, stated that there are currently a couple classrooms that are stacked with students, so the goal is to create a classroom to alleviate crowding and to get back to a 1:12 teacher-to-student ratio. They currently have 206 students registered for next year; 203 students are enrolled in the current school year. They could accommodate another ten students. Ms. Erb stated that she was surprised that they’re going to start construction in the winter. Mr. Bayles explained that this summer, they’re going to split the auditorium to create the new classroom. They still have to go through sketch plan review, get bids for construction, etc. They hope to have the building built by the start of classes in 2013. Mr. Wilcox pointed out that if they can pour the foundation in October and get the shell up, they’ll be able to work on the interior in the winter. Regarding the parcel of land the school acquired from the Town, Mr. Bates verified that the Town has the right of first refusal. Ms. Erb pointed out that the landscaping is insufficient in front of the parking lot to block and sof- ten it. Mr. Bayles responded that there are significant issues with stormwater management because they’re adding lots of impervious area and don’t have much room to deal with it. They’re working with TG Miller and will address those items at the next meeting. At that point, they’ll have a more precise and thought-through landscaping plan. Discussion ensued regarding whether the new construction will need to be sprinklered. Mr. Bates said the interpretation might be that it is one building, not three buildings separated by firewalls. If that’s the case, they might need a variance. This will need to be looked into. Ms. Erb pointed out that with a new driveway, they might need new signage. AGENDA ITEM Approval of Minutes PB Resolution No. 2012-019: Minutes of March 20, 2012 Moved by Fred Wilcox; seconded by Hollis Erb WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board has reviewed the draft minutes from the meeting on March 20, 2012; now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board approves the minutes to be the final minutes of the meeting on March 20. Vote: Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Erb AGENDA ITEM Discussion of Town regulations concerning sheds Planning Board Minutes 04-03-2012 Page 12 of 12 Mr. Bates stated that a constituent of the Town has approached the Codes and Ordinances Com mittee to look into separating out wood sheds from other accessory buildings. Currently, they're accessory structures, which can only be in the back yard. Wood piles can be in any part of the yard, and a nice building in the side yard might be better than a tarp-covered wood pile. He asked the Board whether the issue should be looked at or left alone. Mr. Wilcox said he has seen pictures, and they're fine-looking structures. If the resident had just put up rows of cut wood with a blue tarp over it, that would be a non-issue. But because he has these nice structures holding his wood, they are not technically allowed in the side yard by zoning. Ms. Baer asked why they're just considering firewood. Mr. Bates responded that the buildings are made to store firewood for heating purposes; they're not sheds for garden tools. Generally with wood, you need a place where air can circulate, so they're open-sided with a roof. Ms. Erb said that she's comfortable with open-sided, roofed wood storage - not something with four sides and a locked door, which wouldn't have a natural look to it. She's not convinced she wants prefab sheds being thrown up in the side yards. Mr. Bates said that this arose from a conflict with a neighbor, and that whatever the Town Board decides, it will be a controversial issue. In this situation, there's no easy way to get to the back yard unless you go through the neighbor's property. This is the shortest route for the homeowner to get the wood from the shed to inside the house. Ms. Erb said she's not as concerned about that as about access for the dump truck. Also, the issue is that this is an alternative fuel source and she doesn't think it's wrong for the Board to support that alternative. Mr. Wilcox asked for consensus - specifically, an open-sided structure for storing firewood, but not a general expansion that would allow anything in the rear yard to also be in the side yard. Ms. Erb said that the open sides are what make the difference, but Ms. Baer and Ms. Collins disagreed. Mr. Bates pointed out that the ZBA has allowed for variances. This neighbor does not want to come for a variance. Ms. Collins said that it seems like an incident between two neighbors, and ques tioned why the Town is reacting to this. The Town has a right to tell a property owner to seek a variance. Mr. Bates responded that the neighbor has the right to ask for a change in zoning, and it was brought to CoC for consideration Ms. Collins said that as a community, we burn a lot of wood, and maybe this will become a bigger issue. Ms. Erb, channeling Jon Bosak, said he would claim we're over peak energy and in energy descent, and that would argue for facilitating renewable sources. Adjournment Upon a motion by Hollis Erb, the meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Debra DeAu^stine, Depiity^^wn Clerk