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Volume 16 No. 9
September, 2003
"Happy Days Are Here Again! ! ! "
Mike Day came to work for Tompkins _ j
County in April, 1972, as one of Tompkins M 1 I IN
County's first fire dispatchers, In October, BE
1974, Mike was transferred to the Sheriffs T - Department and began working as a Deputy in 1 INN
the Jail. He later worked as a Road Patrol � 1
Deputy and was also assigned to solid waste IIIIIIIIIII , V - ,..
enforcement during his service with the
i + , ! f Sheriffs Department. Approximately eight - 1 years ago, Mike accepted the responsibility of a 1 enforcing building security in the Courthouse A 0 .?� ' _" ,W
• and has been keeping everyone in the building i ' "' , ; ' A -
safe ever since! -
Since the age of 16, Mike has been an I) .
extremely active member of the community r-- . I \
and has volunteered his service in many fire
departments, including Danby, West Danby, - ,, ,
the City of Ithaca, and the Village of Cayuga ,, = _
Heights. In 1973, Mike responded to a - .t. . NW .
mobile home fire and rescued a gentleman who
lay unconscious in the home. Mike pulled
him to safety and resuscitated him, saving his Cindie Day leaves us because her husband, Mike, is retiring.
life. They and their two children, Carrie, a senior in high school, and
Matthew, almost finished with college, will be moving to North
Many people in Tompkins County have come Carolina, where, "the weather is warmer, the ocean is near, and Carrie
to know and respect Mike over the last several can get to hear those Country Singers over in Tennessee!" Both
years. Both State and County employees, the mother and son will be looking for work when they arrive. Cindie
legal community, and the public have come to says she can't wait to see if those fabled snow days down south really
count on Mike's professionalism and diligence exist the way we've heard all these years.
in making the County Courthouse a safe place
to both work and visit. In fact, employees in Cindie has worked in the Budget & Finance Office sixteen - and -a -half
the Courthouse would say "Captain" Day runs years. Starting as Senior Account Clerk, she quickly moved up to
a real tight ship! Administrative Assistant, a position she has held ever since. She
laughs as she talks of the multi- tasking required by her job, i.e.
Over the last several years he has looked answering phones and dealing with the public at the same time.
forward to packing up the camper and heading Much of her enjoyment came from dealing with people who came
south to vacation... we're wondering will he into the office and became familiar with over the years.
look just as forward to packing the camper and
heading north to visit ?? She says, "I'll miss all of you, and it was great working with y'all."
(Notice she's already got the accent)!
By Stephen Whicher
Lately, two issues seem to be ever - present on my mind. One is the appointment of a new Social Services
Commissioner. The other, of course, is the 2004 budget process. I would like to provide you with a brief
progress report on both.
The search committee for a new Commissioner of Social Services has narrowed the field to six candidates
and is conducting first -round interviews this month. The interviews will help the search committee narrow
the field to three finalists. The finalists will be invited to make individual presentations to the County
Legislature on October 7. Following final interviews, overall comments will be gathered from the Legislature,
and the search committee will make its recommendation. In mid - October, after consulting with the search
committee, I will appoint the new Commissioner, whose appointment will be subject to the full Legislature's
As for the 2004 budget process, the program committee reviews will be completed by the end of
September. In most years, program committee reviews focus primarily on understanding the budget issues
and considering the Over- Target Requests (OTR's). Committee review in most years is generally supportive
and often adds funding for programs not funded in the County Administrator's recommended budget. Real
reductions in funding are normally not made until the Legislature meets as the Expanded Budget
Committee, when they are better able to evaluate each OTR in the context of the whole budget.
This year, however, is not a normal year and the program committees are likely to be more stringent. This
year differs from most years not only because the County Administrator's recommended budget calls for a
26% tax rate increase but also because the committees have an additional tool a 5% tax rate increase
scenario which the Legislature charged the County Administrator to prepare. To date, most committees have
supported the level of spending in the County Administrator's recommended budget, while others have
made reductions. Additional reductions may be made at the program committee level and /or left to the
Expanded Budget Committee in October.
The struggle to reduce the County budget revolves around the realization that most programs that are not
mandated by the State are either essential services or are programs created to reduce the costs of the
mandated programs. Thus the dilemma is that program reductions will result in short -term savings but long-
term hardships and increased taxes.
Between now and mid - November, as the Legislature wrestles with many difficult choices, please recognize
that all your efforts to support County programs are valued greatly. Also remember that many county
employees are under a great deal of stress because their programs or jobs are threatened. In these times,
any and all kindnesses will go a long way.
Submitted by Carol Chase, TC Health Department
Thousands of people become ill from food related illnesses each year in the United States. The Tompkins
County Health Department is asking consumers to follow the Four Steps to Food Safety. These four safe
practices will help prevent food - related illnesses:
* CLEAN! Everything that touches food should be clean. Even with monitoring at the Federal, State and
local level, the consumer's role is to make sure food is safely stored, prepared and served after it is
* SEPARATE! Fight cross - contamination! (transfer of harmful bacteria to food from other foods, cutting
boards and utensils). An example of cross - contamination is cutting raw meat, poultry or fish on a cutting
board and then slicing salad vegetables on the same cutting board without cleaning the cutting board between
the raw meat cutting and the vegetable cutting.
* COOK! Use a food thermometer to check internal temperatures of foods such as; meats, poultry, egg
casseroles, hamburgers and any combination dishes during and after cooking. Using a food thermometer to
check cooked food temperatures is the only way to know if microorganisms have been killed during the
cooking process. Call the Tompkins County Health Department for specific cooking temperatures.
* CHILL! Make sure the temperature of the food in the refrigerator is at least 45 °F or below. Harmful
bacteria grow rapidly in the Danger Zone -the unsafe temperatures between 45 °F- 140 °F -so it's important to
keep foods out of this temperature range. Refrigerate or freeze perishables, prepared foods and leftovers
within two hours of purchase or preparation. Thaw foods in a refrigerator. For quick thawing, thaw in the
microwave and cook immediately.
To learn more about safe food preparation, service and safety contact the Tompkins County Health
Department at 607 -274 -6688 or at our web site www.tompkins - co.org or contact Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Tompkins County at 607- 272 -2292.
.h y ou for your generosity . •
Submitted by Cheryl Nelson, Public Works Administration
A huge "THANK YOU" to the employees that signed up to donate blood or volunteered for
registration or canteen duties for the blood drive on August 14th! 55 pints of blood were
donated that day. These 55 pints will benefit up to 165 individuals waiting for blood or
the various components of it. Also, the department heads are to be commended for their
support of this annual event by allowing employees the time to make the donation. Hope
to see everyone again next year!
Start thinking of those costume ideas, Halloween is only a month away!
We need lots of entries for the 4 annual costume contest!!
Early Bird Walkers
By Jim Strehle
Here is a Walking Route that goes close by the front doors of
HSB and the Courthouse
This route has several different interesting features. First you get to do a little window shopping on the Commons. The
next highlight is the view looking west as you ascend University Ave. The hill makes this route challenging. Then you get
to walk down one of the more quaint low traffic Streets, Utica Street. At the end of this walk, treat yourself to a beverage
at the Short Stop.
Commons /Gun Hill Walk
• Start HSB & State Street
• East through the Commons to Route 79
• Turn left to Aurora Street and head North
• Turn right onto Court Street
• Turn left onto Linn Street
• Turn right onto University Ave.
• 222 University Ave. is the end of 1st mile
• Turn left at Lake Street
• Turn left onto Lincoln Street
• Turn left and walk the full length of Utica Street
• The intersection at Tompkins Street is the end of the 2 mile
• At the end turn right on Farm
• Then turn left onto Cayuga Street for a short block
• Turn right onto Cascadilla Street
• Then turn left onto Geneva Street
• Turn right at Seneca and walk 1 -1/2 blocks back to HSB.
• Total distance is 2.7 miles
Assigned Counsel welcomes new employee and thanks ITS
Submitted by Julia Hughes, ACP Coordinator
We would like to thank Pat Nowakowski from ITS for the wonderful job she did on designing
the new database for Assigned Counsel. We have been waiting for a program like this for a long
time. Pat has been great with updates and additions to the program. Thanks Pat for a job well
done. You have been a joy to work with.
Assigned Counsel would like to welcome Mary King to our department. Mary took over in July
for long time employee Doreen Lauper, who moved South. Welcome Mary.
2003 9 Annual Employee Golf Tournament - All Winners
Good fun, lots of prizes, many laughs. That's how we can sum up
another great day on the golf course on September 5th. 1st Place
The hardy soles listed threw caution to the wind and sometimes rain to • __
brave the outdoors on the back of a golf cart with their favorite .. ,• /!
companions and colleagues, as we do each year on the Friday after - - •
Labor Day. high-spirited competition p There was hi h s irited com etition as well as lent Y of , �. ? ..4
.� a
laughs over missed opportunities. Congratulations to the very proud , .f , rz
gentlemen, Alan, Doug, Bill, and BJ, pictured (right) in possession of H r ov` s1 , 9
the much - desired "Plaque" which boldly touts the names of past
winners, and now their names.
Next year well celebrate our silver 10 Year Anniversary Tournament, ,/,y' ,
which we know will come with even more surprises for us par - loving
golfers. Thanks Vending Committee for sponsoring us!
Captain Mate #1 Mate #2 Mate #3
Alan Sheer (DSS) Doug Perine (DSS) Bill Powell (DSS) BJ Robins•.
2 Jay Franklin (ASMT) Debbie Giordano (WFD) Don Franklin (RET) Wang Xayarath (ASMT)
3 Autumn Bieberich (FIN) Gerald Surine (SHER) Neil Bieberich Bob Pietila
4 Denny Fairchild (DSS) Dave Chase (DSS) FrankJustice (PROB) Mark Fairchild
5 Chantalese DeMarco (MHLTH) William Barrett (RET) Pam Fairbanks Paul Fairbanks
6 Jeff Potter (SHER) Daryl Avery, (EMER) Tom Walpole (SHER) Tim Kessler (RET)
7 Tom Cannon (FAC) Vicki Farrell (DSS) Karen Davis (DSS) Scott Brind
8 Karen Bishop (PHLTH) Patty Stamm (PHLTH) Frank Croteau (PHLTH) Ron Cotanch
g Brian Weinstein (EMER) John Schaffer (EMER) Gary Farwell Jason Fulton
10 Jackie Kippola (ADM) Jeanne Boodley (RET) Jim Kazda (RET) Craig Hopkins (RET)
11 Bob Nicholas (AIR) Bill Mobbs (RET) Ralph Napolitano Bob Mastropaolo
12 Dennis Ward (SHER) Sean (SHER)
Lisa Siegard (SHER) Matt Haney
13 Tom Richardson (SWAS) Lynn Leopold (RET) Tom Powers John Gale
14 Nancy Curtis (DSS) Bud Shattuck (VVFD) Mark Smarr Mike Hughes
15 Jackie Yoder (PERS) Bob Slocum (COFA) Don Holley Matt Dowdley
16 David Squires (FIN) Scott Heyman (RET) Leonard Lampert Adrienne Lampert
16 Missy Lynch (MHLTH) John Cooper, Sr. (FAC) John Cooper Jr. Pat Lynch
18 Ronald Schoneman (MHLTH) Jason Stark (MHLTH) Allen Terry Jim Currado
19 Jack Crance (EMER) Greg Stevenson (EMER) Brian Pendell Kevin Whitney
20 Shirley Kane (DSS) Darlene Robison (DSS) Joan Griffiths (DSS) Sharon Drader
21 John Bezirganian (MHLTH) Robert Mendola (MHLTH) Ron Preston David Disbro
22 Roger Griswold (SHER) Bill Shaff (SHER) Linda Griswold Ron Rice
23 Steve Whicher (ADM) Jonathan Wood (ATTY) Suzi Cook (ATTY) Norma Jayne (ADM)
24 Amy Miller (MHLTH) Anne Drake (MHLTH) Judy Drake Sue Munson
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Stephen Estes, Personnel Associate
Personnel Department
Years of Service: 14
Brief Job Summary: A Personnel Associate performs position classification, reclassification,
compensation, comparability and retention studies, writes job descriptions, performs recruitment, legal
research, and any special projects as assigned. I serve as back -up to payroll and examinations
personnel when necessary. I am a jack of all trades, master of most, and am humble too!
Personal Interests/Hobbies /Family: I am currently enrolled with Empire State College on a
part-time basis. This, coupled with my full -time job, keeps me pretty busy. I have been studying Tae -
Quon-do for the last four years under the direction of master Anthony Taibi and currently hold a
second dan red belt. I am a voracious reader of "how to" books, mystery, history, and fiction. I enjoy
woodworking, particularly carving and building dollhouses. I love to fish whenever I can find the
time, boat, canoe, swim, snorkel, hike, strum the guitar (no, I can't really play), and drum a little
whenever I can find an open circle. When my stress level is up, I enjoy bashing rocks at Herkimer
(only a rockhound could understand). I love to travel and have crossed the United States three times.
As a world traveler, I dream of visiting the ruins at Machu Pichu in Peru, Ankor Watt in Cambodia and
the mountains of Guilin, China. Not necessarily all in the same year or in that order, but someday
soon. So far, my favorite place in the world is Mesa Verde, Colorado. I love spending time with my
sweetheart, Regina, and quality time with my son Stefan, aged 12. I have a daughter, Sherri, who is
21, married, and living in Missouri. I have six sisters, no brothers, and the usual assortment of ex's and
Additional Information: If you see me on the street and I don't call you by name, it is not
because I'm rude or "stuck up". It is just that I have this terrible mental block when it comes to putting
names with faces. This embarrasses me, but keep in mind that there are 800+ of you and only one of
me, so please don't take it personally!
Submitted by Linnett Warner
*Please continue submitting profiles, we need more!
October 9
For Sale: 1 November 13
December 11
For Sale: 1976 Dodge Midas mobile home - $2,000 For more information, please call Judy Voorheis @ 274 -5266.
o.b.o.; 1999 Suzuki: 250 motorcycle; nice - $1,800
o.b.o.; 2002 Suzuki: 650 Savage motorcycle; low I Welcome:
mileage - $3,500. Call Katy or Tommy at 607 -539-
6885 or 607 - 280 -2582. Jeanne Chapple, Mental Health Nurse, Mental Health
For Sale: 60" Sylvania Projection TV - $600 o.b.o. Department.
Call 387 -5288 after 6 p.m.
FREE: Maple firewood. Freestanding Maple Tree. CLASSIFIEDS
You cut and remove. Call 387 - 5288 after 6 p.m. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
For Sale: Black, tubular steel, single lofted bed with be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
desk, chair, and shelves. Asking $130. Call Steven at accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers
898 - 4734. may be listed in your ad, however, we do need your full
Wanted: name and County telephone number submitted with the
ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
WANTED: Do you have one or more phones (corded or Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Tompkins County
cordless) that you no longer need? Also, wires that Legislature, Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850 via US or
connect the phones to the wall outlets along with the interdepartmental mail or e to: mpottorff@tompkins-
phones would also be appreciated. Adult Protective co. org
Services can use them for their clients. Contact Louise NOTE:
Tomei at DSS - 274 -5275. (No cell phones please). If you would like to modify your classified or want to
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me help Articles to be considered for the October 31 issue, must
with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever it takes be received by noon on Tuesday. October 7. Submit
to get you and your computer working together again. Call articles via e as an attachment or on disk in any file
James Keegan at 273 - 7957 evenings or weekends. format that is readable by Word for Windows '95. Send
disk and hard copy to County Corridors c/o Michelle
Tense? Stressed? Achy? Th Massage can put Pottorff, Tompkins County Legislature, Courthouse,
relaxation and comfort back into your life. For an Ithaca, NY 14850. Please include a contact number in case
appointment or information call Richard Reed at 753 -
6383. questions arise.
French Tutor — Call Sarah at 257 -3047. Please leave a
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are
selected by the Editorial Board based on their
Goosa Arts - See our beautiful and affordable traditional interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
Russian arts: nesting dolls, eggs, jewelry boxes, amber, They do not necessarily express the opinions of the
etc. Alisa Mengel, 277 -2917, hours by appointment, 120
Linn St. Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board
Foster Care /Adoption Informational reserves the right to edit submissions, except in the
Meetings instance of copyright materials.
Submitted by Ellie Arnold, DSS EDITORIAL BOARD
Michelle Pottorff (Editor) TC Legislature
To anyone who may be considering becoming a foster parent Iretta Ellis (Chair) Information Technology Services
or adoptive parent and wants more information. Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
Katy Prince Health Department
WHERE: Linnett Warner Solid Waste Division
Human Services Building, Room 142 Geri Lockwood Highway