HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05 CCIUNTY A ■evoSletter fur Molt I'e4 S and el1'r'etS 4 t 1 4 III I)kl llS C4111111‘ CCU Li UCUS Volume 16 Number 5 Congratulations to all of the new 25 -Year Club members Submitted by Roxanne Iacovelli and Jackie Yoder, Personnel Department David A. Chase Department of Social Services Denise Green Department of Social Services Penny F. McGuire Department of Motor Vehicles 1 r • • In total, there are 130 individuals whose quarter century or more of service to this community were recognized this year. We would like to thank all of those who attended and participated in the 25 -Year Club Dinner and hope to see you again at next year's event. Special thanks to all of the guest speakers and department heads who spoke on behalf of the new members. TT You, the members of the 25 -Year Club, represent 3,375 years of employment with Tompkins County. Never forget that what you have done is significant to the quality of life of thousands of individuals in Tompkins County. Now, David Chase and Denise Green from the Department of Social Services and Penny McGuire from the Department of Motor Vehicles bring an additional 75 years of service for a grand total of 3,450 years. Thank you for making us all proud." Nancy Schuler, Tompkins County Legislator REPORT !r 2003 Ithaca Rotary n Workmanship Award FROM '' Submitted by Linnett Warner, Solid Waste Division THE COUNTY _ ADMINISTRATOR By Stephen W `" lucher a gy,e"•+' For the past several months the ranting and wrangling in Albany \, � V regarding the State's 2003 -2004 budget has become increasingly contentious. Last week the struggle finally concluded with the Legislature's override of the Governor's vetoes of the Legislature's budget. On May 9 Keith Kreider, Solid Waste Operations Specialist, was given a workmanship Now that the State appears to have a current spending plan, the award for being a local employee with challenge here will be to determine the exact impact on outstanding work, dedication and attitude from Tompkins County. In the coming weeks departments will complete their analysis and we will begin to see the overall the Ithaca Rotary Club. Keith has been with the picture. In all likelihood, even after we have calculated the Solid Waste Division for two years and resides probable impact, Albany will find that its budget is out of in Danby. balance, and we will face additional reductions. To complicate matters more, in the 2004 Tompkins County Linnett Warner nominated Keith for this award budget, we will be faced with an increase in our fringe rate from and he was picked from 22 other nominees. 27% to 39 %. The fringe rate is the amount budgeted by Linnett wrote this about Keith " Keith is such a departments to fund fringe benefits such as health insurance, dedicated employee, he seldom misses a day of unemployment insurance, and retirement plans. The extremely work. He makes arrangements in his schedule so large increase in the fringe rate is being driven primarily by the that he can work on a Saturday when needed. He state increasing the retirement rate from 4.5% in 2003 (up from less than 1% in 2002) to 11% in 2004, and ever - escalating health is more than a team - player, he is always the insurance costs. first one to volunteer to help." While this may all sound somewhat bleak, there is some good " think the actual reason I believe Keith should news. Most importantly, the State Legislature appears to have recognized that in past years too many costs have been passed receive this award is when he talks about any down to the counties, forcing an over - reliance on property taxes. kind of reuse, reduce, compost, recycling or an Although this did not prevent the Legislature from continuing to item closely related he becomes excited. Any pass on additional costs, they did attempt to balance the burden person can tell that he is truly dedicated to the by also increasing the state sales tax and income taxes. environment. He i mmediately becomes In addition, the Legislature clearly heard the voices of the New interested and engrossed in any type of waste York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) and the local prevention. Once he has learned a process he group PushBack, when they dismantled the Governor' attempt becomes excited and dedicated and wants to to make structural changes in the budget that would have pass his knowledge on to anyone that is massively and permanently increased costs for counties. interested i n environmental protection or This more balanced and reasoned approach will mean that deterrence of waste." Tompkins County should be able to emerge from these difficult times sooner than was anticipated. We will still face Congratulations Keith — you deserve it!! challenging budgets for the next two or three years, but with conservative spending we will at least have a hope of obtaining some relief in the future. 2 The Tompkins County share information about walking and other physical activities that are of interest to county employees. Employee Wellness Contact Kim Moore at ITS if you want your name added to the list. Committee Invites You to • Reimbursements for fitness facility memberships Take a Step into Summer•••• and weight loss programs will be honored up to 90 days after the completion of the membership. So, How About 10 Steps? don't delay in getting your reimbursement requests Submitted by Theresa Lyczko, Health Dept./Wellness Committee in; they'll be invalid if you wait too long. More physical activity. Something that most of us need • Welcome to the new members of the Wellness more of, particularly if we are sitting at a desk, attending Committee: Linnett Warner, Solid Waste; Kim meetings, watching TV in the evening, on most days. Moore, ITS; Michelle Pottorff, Legislature Office. But how much do we really need to maintain weight and Continuing members: Jim Strehle, Airport; Sue our health? The Surgeon General recommends 30 Robinson, Criminal Justice; Jackie Yoder, minutes of "moderate intensity activity" on top of our Personnel; Barbara Davieds, Mental Health; Ted customary daily activities. Schiele, Health; Theresa Lyczko, Health. As it turns out, this recommendation will improve our health but it's not enough to prevent overweight or Highway Highlights_ weight regain after a weight loss program. What will Submitted by Geri Lockwood, Highway Division then? Some studies show that walking 10,000 steps a day just about does it. Do you know how many steps you You have probably noticed Adopt - Highway signs take a day? If you want to find out, the County posted along different sections of highways, and Employee Wellness Committee is here to help. you probably know what they mean — that the group or organization whose name appears on the sign has For $5.00 you may purchase a pedometer to help you "adopted" that section of highway to remove litter count those steps. (That's less than half the cost; the along the roadside. These clean - ups are performed committee pays the rest.) Just clip it on your belt or waistband and start walking and counting. You'll a minimum of twice per year, but some groups do probably find that in the normal course of events — even more. walking from the parking lot, getting a cup of coffee, going to the fax machine - you'll walk from 900 to 3,000 The reasons for adopting vary, but the end result is steps. That means that you'll have to make a point of the same — to clean up the roadsides in our County. taking a walk in the sunshine or to see the sunset. (For If you, or someone you know, are interested in more information on the 10,000 steps program: organizing a group and adopting a section of a www .shapeup.org /10000steps.html) County Road, please contact me, at 274 -0314, for more information. All you have to do is contact an employee wellness committee member (see below) or the Health Promotion Although it's sad that this program is necessary, it's Program. Committee members will have pedometers on wonderful that there are so many caring individuals hand. You may give them cash or make a check out to willing to volunteer their time for this cause (it also the Tompkins County Employee Wellness Committee provides an opportunity for individuals to perform for $5.00. If you contact the Health Promotion Program, community service for badges, etc.). Currently, (attn: Terri Aroca - tarocaga,tompkins- co.org ) send a Tompkins County Highway has 33 active groups or check via inter -office mail and we'll send the pedometer organizations, and two more in the process of to you. adopting. More Employee Wellness Committee News Not only does this program help keep the area we • Want company taking those walks? Then sign up for live in more beautiful, it is also a means of exposure the new employee wellness distribution list. If you and a great way of advertising for your group or have a favorite place or route to walk share it with organization. Please feel free to visit the County other county employees. And if you are looking for others to walk with, get the word out through the web site for more information on this great cause. list. Keep in mind, it's only for employees and it's to 3 Tips to Prevent Lyme Disease Submitted by Carol Mohler, Public Health Department Check yourself and your children for ticks at the end of any day of work or play outside in grassy, brushy, or wooded areas. If the tick is removed within 36 hours of when it attaches, the risk of developing Lyme disease is low. Remove the tick as shown in this picture: use fine -d t r • tweezers k f • pull up <. {` Drawings by K. Wolff Bring the tick to the Health Department in a small jar with a little alcohol and we will identify it. There are many types of ticks and it will help your doctor to know whether it is a deer tick. There is no charge for this service. Before you or your children go outside to work or play, try to reduce skin exposure as much as possible. Dress in long, Tight colored pants tucked into socks, and long sleeved shirts that are tucked in if you plan to be in tick habitat. If you or your children develop a rash, become tired, have a fever, aches, or a headache, go to see your doctor because these can be early signs of Lyme disease. Later signs of Lyme disease are problems with joints or the nervous system. If you have questions about Lyme disease, call the Tompkins County Health Department at 607- 274 -6604. A call for calendars, maps, and wrappers! �� Submitted by Linnett Warner, Solid Waste Division I J The Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division is in desperate need of calendars and maps. The calendars must have pictures on them. We also need wrappers that cover the copier paper. These items need to be in fairly good shape. Calendars, maps and wrappers need to be clean and not i di e torn. I The Solid Waste Division goes to several events, schools and local organizations. We teach people in s i our community how to reuse items that they may have thrown away or recycled in the past. Old calendars and maps are made into envelopes or gift boxes, while the wrappers are stamped and pp /, t decorated; to be used for wrapping paper. lo 1 ✓,„ If you have a large amount of these items, call Linnett Warner at 273 -6632 and we will arrange for someone to stop by and pick them up. Otherwise send them to us in interoffice mail. This will be an ongoing need, so if you don't have any now, but will in the future, please keep us in mind. Thank you! 4 New York Legislature Revises Smoking is allowed in the following areas or businesses: the Clean Indoor Air Act • private homes, private residences and private Submitted by Cynthia Gillman, Environmental Health automobiles when not used for day care; • hotel or motel rooms rented to one or more guests; On March 26, 2003, the senate and assembly passed, and • retail tobacco businesses (primary activity is the retail Governor Pataki signed into law a bill prohibiting smoking sale of tobacco products and accessories and the sale in virtually all work places and public places. As of July of other products is merely incidental); 24, 2003, public and work places across the state will be • membership associations where all duties related to the smokefree. operation of the association are performed by volunteers who are not compensated in any manner; By expanding New York's 1989 Clean Indoor Air Law to • cigar bars (generates 10% or more of its total annual include nearly all public and work places, the state ensures gross income from the sale of tobacco products); that all workers have a safe work place and that all • up to 25% of seating in outdoor areas of restaurants nonsmokers can breathe smokefree air in the public places and bars with no roof or ceiling enclosure may be they visit. "smoking." New York is the third state in the nation to pass a If any business not specifically listed in these lists has comprehensive smokefree workplace law. California was employees, then smoking is not allowed in that business. first in 1998 and Delaware has been smokefree since The law also prohibits employers from providing a smoking November 2002. break room for employees. Businesses with separately ventilated rooms for their smoking employees cannot allow Why the concern about secondhand smoke? Secondhand smoking in these rooms or anywhere else in the building. smoke contains more than 4,000 substances, including 200 known poisons and 43 known cancer - causing substances. The owner, manager, or operator of all covered Each year, secondhand smoke kills approximately 62,000 establishments will be required to post a "No Smoking" sign, nonsmokers, including approximately 3,000 deaths due to or a sign with the international "No Smoking" symbol on it. lung cancer and 35,000 deaths due to heart disease. They must inform or designate an employee to be According to a study published in the Journal of the responsible for informing individuals smoking that they are American Medical Association, an eight -hour shift in a in violation of the law. smoky bar is equivalent to smoking nearly a pack of cigarettes a day. Enforcement of the law will be achieved by a complaint system. Employees and the public may confidentially or The amended law states that "Smoking shall not be anonymously report violations of the law after July 24, 2003 permitted and no person shall smoke in the following to the Tompkins County Health Department, Division of indoor areas: Environmental Health at 274 -6688. • places of employment; • bars; GROUNDBREAKING AT THE • restaurants; EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS • enclosed swimming areas; • public transportation, including stations, ticketing, CENTER - APRIL 7, 2003 boarding, and waiting areas; and when occupied by passengers, buses, vans, taxicabs, and limousines; , a.� _ l _ _ • all places of employment where services are offered to children; ri .. f ��_ • all public and private colleges, universities and other _ _- ° 1,/ ° educational and vocational institutions; '' `'' -` • general hospitals and residential health care facilities, _ ` -, ` L however, adult patients in separate rooms can smoke '� g - -. 10 , in their rooms; r • commercial establishments used for the purpose of . - ° > ` carrying on or exercising any trade, profession, L , ,._ vocation or charitable activity; ' • all indoor arenas; • zoos' From left to right: Arel Lemaro, Facilities; Tim Joseph, Legislature Chair; Barbara Blanchard, Communications Capital Project Committee; Phil • bingo facilities." Albrecht, Egner Associates 5 To get the Pox or not to get the Pox, part of your child's immunization record, call your child's is that the question? doctor. Submitted by Karen Bishop, RN, BS, Does the Health Department offer chickenpox vaccine to Community Health Nurse Supervisor, Health Dept. children? Yes, the Tompkins County Health Department offers free chickenpox vaccine to children by appointment only. Call 274-6616 to schedule an appointment for your child or for more information. What is chickenpox? Chickenpox is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. `, This virus usually infects children. Older children and adults can also become infected if they haven't already had 1• chickenpox. What are the symptoms of chickenpox? HIPAA - Privacy Notices Inmost cases, chickenpox is a mild disease. Early symptoms may include aching, fever, and sore throat. Then chickenpox What Does All This Mean? turns into a very itchy skin rash that can develop into as Submitted by Jackie Yoder, Benefits Manager many as 400 -500 sores! Older children and adults usually get much sicker than younger children do. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted in 1996 as part of a broad attempt at How is chickenpox spread? incremental healthcare reform. It was designed to improve Chickenpox is easily spread through the air by sneezing and efficiency by standardizing the interchange of electronic coughing or through contact with someone's chickenpox data (enrollment, claims, etc.) and to provide security and sores. If you've never had chickenpox, just being in the confidentiality of electronic health information. same room can infect you with the disease. HIPAA also gives you, the consumer, certain rights with Don't take chances! Get vaccinated! regard to your own health information. You recently Chicken pox, thought to be a disease of "passage ", is now received a privacy notice mailing from BlueCross vaccine preventable. BlueShield that explains your rights and gives you the ability to authorize another person to inquire about your Who should get chickenpox vaccine? medical services or claims. Children over the age of 12 months who have never had chickenpox should get vaccinated against this disease. The privacy notice you received included an Authorization Young children are not the only ones who need chickenpox vaccine. If teens or adults get chickenpox, they have a to Disclose Protected Health Information. This form is greater risk of serious complications. If you or your teenager voluntary, however, BCBS will not disclose private health hasn't had chickenpox, talk to your doctor or nurse about information without a written authorization to do so. Some getting vaccinated. examples: Does my child need the chickenpox vaccine to attend day BCBS will not disclose information to you about your care or nursery school? spouse or dependent child over age 18 without their written In New York State, children born on or after January 1, 2000 authorization. are required to have one dose of chickenpox vaccine at 12 months of age in order to attend day care or nursery school. —A married couple would each have to sign an authorization in order to obtain private health information Is chickenpox vaccine required for kindergarten entry? about the other. Yes! In New York State, children born on or after January 1, 1998 are required to have one dose of chickenpox vaccine ..... If you have executed a Power of Attorney which prior to school entry in September 2003. specifically includes medical decisions, a copy of your Power of Attorney should be mailed with your completed Does my child need chickenpox vaccine if she has already authorization form. had chickenpox disease? No. If your child has had chickenpox disease, she does not If you have questions about the new privacy standards, or need to be vaccinated. Physician documented chickenpox how to complete your authorization form, please feel free to disease is required for school entry. To be sure this history is contact Jackie Yoder at the Personnel Department, 274- 5528. 6 B arbecue Food Safety Tips oom urefor two hours. Never leave food at Submitted by Jane Daum, Environmental Health WHENEVER WORKING WITH FOOD... Many people enjoy outdoor grilling in the summer months. Here are some tips to avoid food poisoning caused by germs growing Leave the food preparation area to smoke, eat, or drink. too quickly in the summer heat. When you return, wash your hands thoroughly before Wash your hands and forearms thoroughly before preparing or handling any food. serving food. Use warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Wash your hands after any contact with unclean surfaces -- WHILE YOU ARE COOKING... after handling trash or raw meat, eating or smoking, using the Meats must be cooked to the proper temperature to assure bathroom, handling pets, or dirtying your hands during any safety. activity. Germs such as E -coli and salmonella can still be present in A FEW MORE TIPS... undercooked meats such as hamburger and chicken. These germs can cause severe illness and even death. • Wipe surfaces often, especially after using them for food preparation. Germs from undercooked meat can While the juice color will usually change from red to gray when grow on vegetables cut or washed on the same the meat is fully cooked, it is not a reliable test to assure it is safe surface as the meat. Mix and use a sanitizer solution to eat. Always check the temperature with a meat thermometer. or one capful of chlorine bleach per gallon of water for cleaning work area surfaces. Foods that reach the temperature listed or higher are fully • Marinate food in the refrigerator. Don't taste the cooked. marinade or re -use it after raw meat has been added. • Keep flies away! Cover trash containers, and do not Chicken 165 F store meat wrappers and other trash, even for a short Hamburger 160 F time, in open cardboard boxes or uncovered Pork 150 F containers. Hot dogs 140 F • Do not use fly spray or "No- Pest" chemical strips - they can contaminate the food. Leftovers 165 °F • Do not store food containers out in the open; rather, Eggs 145 °F place them in the shade. Other foods 140 F • Keep plates, cups, utensils and food covered until Insert the thermometer into the center of the meat, which is the ready to use. least cooked part. For checking hot dogs, go from the end of the • Never re -use plates before washing them, especially hot dog to the center. Be careful not to pass through the meat and plates used to hold raw meats or eggs. touch the cooking surface or you will get a false high • Use a separate cutting board or surface for foods that temperature reading. will not be cooked (such as salad). • When handling plates, cups and utensils, touch them Wash your hands after touching raw meat! Use utensils to where food will not be placed: use handles, rims, handle the cooked meat. Do not place cooked meat on surfaces bottom of plates, etc. that had raw meat. • Tie long hair back in a pony tail or bun. A hat, bandanna or net will also work. WHILE YOU ARE SERVING FOOD... • Don't prepare and serve food if you have been sick Serve the first - cooked meats first. Make sure the food is used with vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours. before the temperature drops under 140 degrees, and within two • Don't wear loose finger or wrist jewelry or false hours. nails while working with food. • Pack plenty of paper towels for cleaning hands and Cold foods need to be kept cold. Keep them refrigerated (at 40 surfaces at your picnic. F) or stored in coolers with lots of ice until ready to eat. For more information call: New York State Health Before serving, wash your hands thoroughly. Avoid touching Department's Environmental Health INFOLINE food such as rolls, bread etc. with your bare hands. Wash your at 1- 800 - 458 -1158 or e -mail ceheduc OR hands after touching raw or undercooked foods. the Tompkins County Health Department, Environmental Health Division, 401 Harris B. Dates Drive, Ithaca, NY Use a utensil when serving food. 14850, 607 - 274 -6688 FAX 607- 274 -6695 7 CLASSIFIEDS I Welcome: I For Sale: I To Carol Beebe, Sr. Account Clerk Typist in the For sale: 3_Girl's 20" Bikes. New, 2 were ridden Children with Special Care Needs Division/Health once, 1 never. All have coaster brakes, no hand Department. brakes. Single speed & jazzy girl colors. Recommended for ages 6 -12 and can be used with training wheels. Asking $30 ea. Contact Russ — CLASSIFIEDS 607 275 - 0321 Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County For sale: Pressure - treated swingset; two swings, monkey employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may bars, climbing rope, slide; very nice. Asking $250. Call be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be 898 -3930, Nancy or Rob. accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in your ad, however, we do need your full name For sale: 2000 Honda Foreman ES ATV w /Snow Plow and County telephone number submitted with the ad in 4 Wheel Drive, Manual Shift. Very low miles, 1,388; case there are questions. Submit your ad to County includes 2 adult and a child's helmet. $4800; Call 659- Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives, 4643. Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850 via US or interdepartmental mail or e-mail to: mpottorff @tompkins- co.org WANTED: A kerosene /fuel oil, preferably top- ducted, NOTE: used furnace in good working order. Mobile home If you would like to modify your classified or want to furnace possible option. Call (607) 838 -3748 after 5:30 run it again, you must re- submit it! p.m. DEADLINE: 1 TUESDAY OF THE MONTH Services: I Articles to be considered for the June 26 issue, must be received by noon on Tuesday, June 3 " Submit articles Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me help via e-mail as an attachment or on disk in any file format with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever it that is readable by Word for Windows '95. Send disk and takes to get you and your computer working together hard copy to County Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or of Representatives, Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850. Please weekends. include a contact number in case questions arise. Tense? Stressed? Achy? Therapeutic Massage can put relaxation and comfort back into your life. For an COUNTY CORRIDORS appointment or information call Richard Reed at 753- Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are 6383. selected by the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees. They do not Kinetic Performance — Custom racing carburetors parts, necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. and racing fabrication. Call Dayton or Margo Umholtz at Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and 277 - 6462 evenings /weekends or email others. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit KineticPerformance @thedirtforum.com. Visit our submissions, except in the instance of copyright materials. website at www.KineticPerformance.net EDITORIAL BOARD French Tutor — Call Sarah at 257 - 3047. Please leave a message. Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Board of Representatives Iretta Ellis (Chair) Information Technology Services Liz Croop Department of Mental Health Goosa Arts - See our beautiful and affordable traditional Katy Prince Health Department Russian arts: nesting dolls, eggs, jewelry boxes, amber, Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment etc. Alisa Mengel, 277 -2917, hours by appointment, 120 Geri Lockwood Highway Linn St. Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Facilities 8