HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07 Information Services 10
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by Geri Lockwood, Highway
As we have all noticed, summer took its sweet time arriving this year, but when it did, it did with full force. We want to
be sure to thank the highway crew, and anyone else who works outside, for working in the heat and humidity that has
suddenly appeared.
Economy Paving Co., Inc., from Cortland, is beginning the reconstruction work on North Triphammer Road between
Cherry Road and Route 34B. The bridge at the Asbury Road intersection will also be replaced. The road will be closed
during the bridge replacement period, which began on Monday July 8th, and will not re -open until the bridge is re- opened.
The targeted re- opening of the bridge is in late October. A detour route has been established, re- routing traffic to Burdick
Hill Road, East Shore Drive, and Peruville Road. Heavy trucks will be detoured to Rt. 13 instead of Burdick Hill Road. A
public informational was held on July 10th at the Lansing Town Hall. If you have any questions, please contact the Project
Manager, John Lampman, P.E., at 274 -0307.
The highway's bridge crew has also been building a new bridge for several weeks. The new bridge replaces an old box
culvert that was on Trumbull Corners Road. The targeted re- opening of this is around Labor Day.
We would like to send our condolences to the family of Charlie Miller, who passed away on Sunday, June 30`h. Charlie
was a retiree of the Highway Department with 24 years in service before his retirement several years ago.
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REPORT beyond what most would consider possible. The Board did, '
however, request 20% reductions in targets for 2003. Even
g I though it is probable that the Board will restore more than
FROM half of them, the 20% reductions provide the maximum
number of programs for the Board to review. That review
THE COUNTY has started and will continue through the month of October,
—. with final budget adoption scheduled for mid November.
ADMINISTRATOR A parallel effort will be made to review Capital projects,
which are defined as one -time expenses in excess of
By Stephen Whicher i $100,000 and generally cover major construction or
infrastructure upgrades. The Capital projects portion of the
budget differs from the operations portion in that there is
Last month we began a dialog addressing the County's somewhat more flexibility as to when a project is started
budget challenges to employees and programs. I'd like to and how it is financed. One should not interpret this
once again thank those who submitted comments and flexibility as an ability to indefinitely postpone. Capital
suggestions, which are being given careful consideration projects are undertaken to minimize long term cost, address
by Administration and the Board. To continue the dialog, I health and life safety issues and to improve productivity and
would like to clarify the budget process, the steps taken to our work environment.
date, the role of capital projects, and finally to confirm the
commitment the Board and I have to staff and programs. There is some good news, however. To date, sales tax
collections are running approximately $1 million above
The first step in the budget process is when the Board sets budget, and the annual property reassessment has resulted
the "target" budget for each department. In normal years in an increase of approximately 3.5% in taxable value. With
this target is set at, or close to, the department's prior year's the projected new commercial construction in the county it
budget. The departments then submit "over target requests" is probable that taxable value will grow next year as well.
(OTRs) for spending above the target. In a typical year most Additionally, departments have taken steps to reduce
departments submit OTRs equal to the increased cost of spending in the current year and the county has realized
running their programs. These requests are often called additional unanticipated revenues. In the coming months
"maintenance of effort" OTRs. Administration, Finance and the Board will be continuously
examining our overall fiscal position. To assist in clarifying
As you are aware this year is far from typical. Early in where we are in the process, I have asked Public Information
January, the County began to hear that the State was facing Coordinator, Wendy Skinner, to provide department heads
several challenging years. We realized that plans formulated with a written summary on a bi- weekly basis.
last year to decelerate the growth of county government
would not be adequate to address large increases in program Even in the most optimistic scenario, it is clear that the Board
costs or significant reductions in state aid. will be hard pressed to support the current level of programs
in future years. To assist us in this transition the Board has
At a Board retreat in March the Representatives were asked implemented the State's early retirement incentive. The
to examine the potential shortfall in 2003 and identify Board has also begun informal discussions with the
program areas that might be considered for reduction or bargaining units represented by CSEA to explore possible
elimination. Even though this was simply an exercise, the ways to eliminate or delay potential workforce reductions.
Board found it very difficult to identify the cuts necessary
to hold a tax rate increase to 4 or 5%. Most came away with This is just a brief outline of the budget process and our
the realization that reductions to programs would have to current status. I am sure that many of you have specific
be made and/or we were facing a large tax rate increase. questions and concerns that you would like to have
Subsequently I asked all departments and agencies to addressed. To help meet that need Tim Joseph, Chair of the
prepare 2003 budget scenarios showing the impact of a 20% Board, and I will participate in "open dialog" sessions at
reduction in target. The intent of the 20% scenarios was to various work sites. More information on these sessions will
clarify the program issues, make clear the severity of the be made available directly to employees.
situation, and provide the departments additional time to
identify program areas that would need an in -depth defense Both Administration and the Board recognize that Tompkins
during the budget process. County's reputation as a leader in nearly every field is due
to the talents and dedication of our employees. I would like
After reviewing the scenarios, the growing consensus on to assure you that every effort is being made to protect staff
the Board was that the severity of the program cuts went and programs as we move through these difficult times.
Voice your Opinion and
Last month we began a column entitled "Voice Your COMMITTEE UPDATE
Opinion ". Here are some of the responses we have Darien Lake - Saturda y -20th
received. We continue to welcome your comments! Cost $15.00/pp (2 • • . under free)
Bus #1 is full! • e currently ha . waiting list for another bus,
Response: Just read the fascinating list of opinions however in 'at to take .uses we need at least 20 more
from employees in the June County Corridors and want reservations. By . • .. - , .. . o ave an early
to correct a mistatement. The interior plants in the and a late bus. B .. ssignme is will be made on a first come...first
new library cost $7,500 to purchase, NOT $75,000! serve basis. R:- - vations will be accepted through Monday, July
We also purchased ceramic pots. All costs were paid 15tH!
for by private donors. Niagara Falls, Canada & Marineland - Saturday, August
Janet Stein, Director 24th
Tompkins County Library Cost: $20.00 /pp ($10.00 - ages 4 and under) - Marineland!
Cost: $10.00 /pp - Bus only for those wishing to go to the falls or
Comment: Although I like to read the County casino! Only room for 5 more people on this trip. Call soon if
Corridors newsletter in many different places during you are interested in going!
the day ,I could read it by sitting down at my computer. Windmill/Luncheon/Wineries - Saturday, September 7th
I think that most employees as well as past employees Windmill Farm & Craft Market, Buffet Luncheon at Ginny
could have access to it via their computers. If there Lee Cafe, and wine tasting at three wineries!
are areas without access someone could print off for Cost: $30.00 /pp (over 21); $15 /pp (ages 4 -20); (under 3 free)
that unit. Just a thought!
Washington, DC - Saturday, October 12th - Monday, October
Response: Thanks for your opinion on the Corridors 14th
printing issue. We have been looking into that option. Anticipated Cost: $250 /pp Single; $150 /pp Double; $115 /pp
Triple; or $100 /pp Quad. This cost includes transportation, 2
We are not so certain that the retirees and our highway nights stay, and escorted tour of Washington, DC on Sunday.
employees have access to the Internet as readily as There are still lots of seats left. Call now to reserve your spot.
we all might hope. We have found that this is not
"black and white ". Be assured that the Corridors Shop! Shop! Shop! - Saturday, November 2nd
Editorial Board is working closely with County Cost $20.00 /pp
Administration to try to reduce the cost. Stops will include the American Candle Shop, the Crossing Outlet
Mall, and the Burlington Coat Factory on Scranton.
Limited # of seats, so make your reservations early!
Comment: Thanks to you and your staff for the
super (June) issue of County Corridors. An item I Buffalo Bills vs. Super Bowl Champions, New England
might suggest for the "employees" opinion page would Patriots - Sunday, November 3rd
be as follows: Cost - $60.00 /pp
We bought some extra tickets; if you didn't make reservations
We often find it hard to continue programs which are earlier but wished that you had, here's your chance to go! Limited
mandated and then have funding stopped. However, number of seats remaining so call soon!
we voted for the mandators, for that meant jobs. We New York City Day Trip - Saturday, December 7th
too often forget that whether it is paid for locally or Cost: $25.00 /pp
by state or federal dollars, every one of those dollars The bus is already half full, so don't get left behind. Call soon to
come from me - some from my pocketbook and some make your reservations.
from my checkbook! I'm of the opinion that the "buck -
passers" who handle the money to get it to us each Genesee County Village & Museum, Mumford, New York
collect a wage. In finance that is called "carrying "Yuletide in the Country" Saturday, December 14th
More details as they become available! Let us know if your are
charge." We, the employees and the retirees, pay interested in this event!
dearly for those program dollars (ours) to have them
handled and carried to us. For reservations or more information call of e-mail:
Pete Coats - 274 -6688 (pcoats @tompkins - co.org)
Patty Stamm - 274 -6674 (pstamm @tompkins- co.org)
You can give the greatest gift BLOOD DRIVE
of all - the gift of life!!! SCHEDULE FOR
Submitted by Cheryl Nelson, Public Works
American Red Cross AUGUST 2002
Have you, a family member or friend ever been in need of
blood or blood products? Did you think about the person For those of you who cannot attend the County -
that so generously donated the needed blood and wish you sponsored blood drive, here are some other dates
could thank him/her for making the decision to donate? and locations:
Did you think about what would have happened if the blood
had not been available? Did you know that: Thurs., August 1, Ithaca -VFW Post #961, for an
appt. call 1- 800 - 272 -4543 - 11:30am — 4:30pm
- Every minute, 38 units of blood or blood products are
transfused in the US Sat., August 3, Trumansburg 1s' Pres. Church/
- All of the blood donated each year is given by fewer Trumansburg Seniors, for an appt. call 387 - 5542 -
than 5% of the eligible donors 8:30am - 1:30pm
- Each day, 1200 people must volunteer to give blood in
order to supply the 142 hospitals in the New York - Wed., August 5, Cornell, Bio - Tech Building, for an
Pennsylvania Region appt. call 255 - 1115 - 10:00am - 3:00pm
- A unit of blood may be separated into two or more
components so a single donation can help several Thurs., August 8, Ithaca - VFW Post #961, for an
individuals appt. call 1 800 - 272 - 4543 - 11:30am — 4:30pm
- All of the blood donated from the 9/11 events is used
up and the blood supply is so low that scheduled Thurs., August 8, Tompkins Co. Employees, at the
surgeries may need to be cancelled Tompkins Co. Library, for an appt. call 274 -0302 -
9:OOam - 3:OOpm
County employees are encouraged to do their share and Sat., August 10, Newfield Fire Hall, for an appt. call
make a blood donation. In the past, County employees have 564 - 9267 - 8:30am - 12:30pm
sponsored two blood drives per year - one in July and one
in August. This year, we are trying something new. Instead Thurs., August 15, Ithaca - VFW Post #961, for an
of holding two drives, we will be holding one drive on appt. call 273 - 1900, ext. 17 - 11:30am — 4:30pm
Thursday, August 8, 2002, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Borg
Warner Room at the Library. Also in this issue of Thurs., August 15, YMCA, for an appt. call, 273 -
Corridors is a list of the Red Cross blood drive dates, times, 1900, ext. 17 - 11:30am — 4:30pm
and locations for August in order for employees who may
not be able to donate at the August 8th drive to pick an Thurs., August 22, Ithaca - VFW Post #961, for an
alternate time to make a donation. Employees who want to appt. call 1 - 272 - 4543 - 11:30am — 4:30pm
schedule an appointment for the County employee -
sponsored drive on August 8th, can do so by contacting Tues., August 27, Temple Beth El, for an appt. call
their building contact or by calling Cheryl Nelson at 273 -5775 - 2:00 - 7:00pm
274 -0302. Individuals are also needed to assist with
registration and canteen duties on the day of the drive. Thurs., August 29, Ithaca - VFW Post #961, for an
appt. call 1 800 - 272 - 4543 - 11:30am — 4:30pm
As you enjoy your summer, remember there are individuals
Thurs., August 29, Cornell, Bio - Tech Building, for
who need and depend on people to make a blood donation. an appt. call 275 - 0279 - 10:00am - 3:00pm
Please make an effort and an appointment to make this
very worthwhile contribution of yourself. The summer
season is the time when the most accidents occur and the
need for blood products is the greatest. Please do your Thank you for Giving the Gift of Life!
part to ensure that a supply is always available. It could be To check on changes and/or additions to
you or a loved one that will need it! Imagine what would the blood drive schedule
happen if none was available. Please visit our website at:
www.tompkins - redcross.org
New Passport Fees Effective The Airport will hold a full -scale disaster drill in
Augus 19, 2002 late September. This FAA - mandated exercise is
9 required every three years and is designed to test
By Aurora Valenti, County Clerk all the agencies that would be involved in a real
aircraft accident. Anyone interested in
c:? volunteering as an accident "victim" should contact
F Dave Crawford at 257 -0456. Pizza and soda will
ee changes will go into effect on be provided.
August 19, 2002. These changes are part of
the result of an independent fee study that Personnel Changes
was conducted on behalf of the State
Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs, We welcome Tom Warner of Dryden who began
which includes Passport Services. work as an Airport Firefighter /Operations
Technician Trainee on June 10th as a replacement
The new fees are as follows: for the recently retired John MacLean. Tom is
married with two teenage girls, aged seventeen
Ds -11 (Age 16 and over) $55 and sixteen.
D5 -11 (Under age 16) $40
Execution fee $30 On August 2 we will bid farewell to Tong -term
D5 - 82 Mail - in renewal $55 employee, Mickey Carlisle. Mickey, who recently
Expedited Service $60 celebrated 25 years of service with the County,
File Search Fee $45 will retire to his den in Newfield where several
woodworking projects await him. Mickey said he
(The fees presently in effect for the above will miss getting up at three o'clock in the morning
services are: $40; $15; $25; $40; $35; $100.) in the depths of winter to clear snow and ice at
the Airport....but will try to deal with the
New passport forms reflecting the fee disappointment.
changes will be available in time for the August
19 effective date, including those available on Recycling Tidbits
the website travel.state.com submitted by Lynn Leopold, Solid Waste Division
For further information, contact Aurora R. Recently a class of first graders from local elementary
Valenti, Tompkins County Clerk, at 274 - 5431. school visited the Recycling and Solid Waste Center.
They loved watching the trucks unloading, the sorting
of recyclables, and getting a free pencil and recycling
activity book at the end of the tour. Here are some of
Ai rport News the notes that were received after their trip:
Submitted by Roxanne Noble, Airport Administration Thank you for the book. I liked the pencil. I leanrned
Emergency Operations that the trues tires are strong.
Ihad a fun time. Thank you for the pencil and book. I
At the recent Fireman's Appreciation Day held on learned that the pencils that you gave us are made awt of
the Commons, the two -man Airport team placed mony and bluu gens [jeans].
third - a commendable performance given there
are only eight Airport firefighters and two of I had a fun time. Thank you for the pencil and the book.
them were competing on behalf of their own I gave the pencil to my mom.
volunteer fire departments in Dryden and
Trumansburg. Thank you for the pencil and the book. I loved wen we
whent waer pepel wher sorting the trash.
For Sale: To Steve Wright, Motor Equipment Operator, in
For sale: 1995 Ford Aspire, 4 -door, 65,000 miles, great
condition, $1,500 o.b.o. Call 838 -3021. Congratulations:
For sale: One bedroom/patio apartment; West Hill,
$550 includes utilities; City bus. No smoking or pets. To Jeff Vandermark of Facilities and his wife,
Available August 1. For appointment call 272 -3156. Elizabeth, on the birth of their baby girl. Born June 25`
weighing 8 pounds, 8 oz.
For sale: 2001 Kawasaki KX125 with complete racing
gear. Ridden one summer. Call Mike at 607- 838 -3748 CLASSIFIEDS
after 4:30 p.m. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to
For sale: 1992 Suzuki RMX250. Call Bob at 607 -898- County employees, retirees and their immediate
5976. families. Ads may be for any purpose, however
For sale: 1991 Dutchmen 30 ft Travel Trailer with 27 ft. personal ads will not be accepted. No County
metal awning attached. Digital pictures available addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
through email - msaxton1 @twcny. or call 659 -3676. your ad, however, we do need your full name and
$7,500. County telephone number submitted with the ad in
case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
For sale: One Five -wheel Camper; 81' Marathon with Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of
bunk bed, sleeps 10. Asking $4,000. Good Condition. Representatives, Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850 via
Call 607-659-4926 after 3 p.m. US or interdepartmental mail or e-mail to:
mpottorff@tompkins- co.org
Services: NOTE:
If you would like to modify your classified or want to
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me run it again, you must re submit it!
help with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever
it takes to get you and your computer working together DEADLINE: 1 TUESDAY OF THE MONTH
again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or Articles to be considered for the August 29"' issue,
weekends. must be received by noon on Tuesday. August 6"'.
Tynyk Originals - are now available on Submit articles via e-mail as an attachment or on disk in
IthacaAuction.com under seller ID gitchygumma. As any file format that is readable by Word for Windows
always, custom gifts and home decor items are still '95. Send disk and hard copy to County Corridors c/o
available by calling 564 -9244 evenings or weekends. If Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
I can't make it, you don't need it!! Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850. Please include a contact
Tense? Stressed? Achy? Therapeutic Massage can number in case questions arise.
put relaxation and comfort back into your life. For an COUNTY CORRIDORS
appointment or information call Richard Reed at 753- Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by
6383. the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County
Kinetic Performance — specializing in Motorsports employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the
engines, carburetion and general racing fabrication. opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
Call Dayton Umholtz at 277 -6462 evenings or employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the
weekends. right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright
French Tutor — Call Sarah at 257 -3047. Please leave a EDITORIAL BOARD
Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Board of Representatives
message. Iretta Ellis (Chair) Information Technology Services
Goosa Arts - See our beautiful and affordable Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
traditional Russian arts: nesting dolls, eggs, jewelry Katy Prince Health Department
boxes, amber, etc. Alisa Mengel, 277 -2917, hours by Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment
Geri Lockwood Highway
appointment, 120 Linn St.
Tammy VanOrman Assessment
Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Facilities