HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06 /1 H NQwsIQtter for
Empl and ZQtirQQs
of Tompkins County
June 2002
Volume 15 Number 6
Public Works Has a Grand Day and a
Grand Opening!!
By Cheryl Nelson, PW Administrator
The grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for the This was the largest capital project where employees
Public Works facility at 170 Bostwick Road was held on remained in the building during the construction process.
Monday, May 20th. The facility was open for public tours The Highway employees are to be commended for their
from 12:00 Noon until 3:00 PM, with the official ribbon endurance, tenacity, and patience during the project. The
cutting at 3:00 PM. Speakers at the ribbon cutting included end result is an integrated, state -of- the -art, fully functional
Barbara Blanchard, Chair of the Public Works Committee, facility that benefits the employees that work in it and all
Michael Lane, 2001 Chair of the Public Works Committee, of the residents of and travelers through Tompkins County.
Tom Todd, Public Works Committee member and past The building is no longer referred to as "the highway barn",
Chair, Tom Schickel, Project Architect, Arel LeMaro, but rather the Public Works Facility.
Facilities Manager, Pete Messmer, Highway Manager, and
myself. Pastor John Sotero, of the Assembly of God Thank you to all of the Facilities and Highway employees
Church, performed a dedication of the facility. that helped with preparing for the grand opening and ribbon
cutting. Thank you, also, to everyone that took a tour of
About fifty individuals were on hand for the ceremony, the facility and attended the ribbon cutting ceremony. And,
including employees, Board members, members of the finally, thank you to the Board members for approving the
press, and public. Two special visitors that day included project after many long and hard deliberations. Anyone
the two past Commissioners of Public Works, Howard that would like to take a tour of the facility can do so by
Stevenson (retired 1978) and William Mobbs (retired calling 274 -0302 to set up a time to stop by.
1999). It was great to have both of these gentlemen stop
in to see the new facility!
The Bostwick Road Facility now houses the Facilities
Division, the Highway Division, and Public Works
Administration. The project included the removal of the
old, small administration building, adding 11, 000 square
feet of new office and shop space, and renovations to the > _ — if
existing Highway building at a cost of $2.3 million. The
01 11111.11111.11111
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project started last July 4th, and is now complete, except I ! ""
for the final landscaping, parking lot paving, and some
punch list items. Although substantial completion was
reached in February, the date of the grand opening and
ribbon cutting was postponed until May 20th as part of
the celebration of National Public Works Week.
I'd like to thank Iretta and the County Corridors Advisory Board Balancing Act
for the excellent idea of "Voice Your Opinion." It provides an
opportunity for employees to express their opinion, share ideas,
make recommendations vent their frustrations, and place blame. The County Board could balance our budget quickly,
Many of the responses to date share common themes such as easily, and clearly by picking an acceptable tax rate
feeling threatened, nervous, scared, uncertain, angry, and declaring a cut in all departmental budgets that
inconvenienced, stressed, uninformed, and shocked. All of would get us there. This would remove much of the
these reactions are normal when organizations deal with the current uncertainty, but would also result in serious
level of transitions and decisions that lie before us. service reductions in all areas as well as many lost
jobs. 1
I have to admit that when I first saw Iretta's E -Mail I was quite
concerned about the possible consequences. I think my major Instead, the Board has undertaken a much longer
concern was how the County Corridors Board would create a process that is more stressful and more uncertain for
positive and constructive product from a variety of submissions. everyone involved. We've done so because we believe
My congratulations to the Board for their solution, this on
the end result will be better decisions with less loss of
going effort could provide very valuable input as we move critical service and of jobs. The Board is not willing to
through the budget process. impose cuts based solely on a financial calculation
It is extremely important that Board members, administration, without examining and understanding the impact on
committees, management, employees and community members the services we provide and the people who work for
discuss, study, analyze and as a result, make decisions that are US.
as sound, fair, and effective as possible. We all need to prepare
and understand the possible consequences to some of these By examining the impact of potential cuts rather than
impending decisions. We are not all going to like the decisions simply imposing them, the Board has already seen how
nor can we influence every decision. foolish and short sighted some of those cuts would
be. The County's core mission would be undermined
However, you can help by: Stay involved and informed. Ask in many ways and many cuts would simply push up
questions and learn about issues that are important to you. Keep costs in the long run. By restricting the hiring of new '
up -to -date, study options, and share opinions, research and employees and offering early retirement incentives, the
knowledge along the way. Request that your Department Head Board has sought to reduce the possibility of layoffs
or Supervisor share information and notify you of key among our staff.
discussions or committee votes. You do have an opportunity
to influence the way problems, consequences, disruptions and As budget proposals are prepared and examined in
alternatives are defined, presented and handled. the coming months we will continue to seek ways to
make cutbacks while limiting the impact on services
For all the employees who expressed their opinion and ideas, and staff. In the end we will undoubtedly impose a
thank you. We need your voice and your ideas. We need ideas, tax increase that is higher than we would like, and
creative and thoughtful questioning, and probably just as higher than we would have found acceptable at the
important, patience. We need to listen well, be understood, beginning of the process.
communicate and have various opportunities to be heard during
this transition. This extended budget discussion will be difficult and
painful for everyone involved, but I remain convinced
Please keep your creative and constructive ideas and opinions that the outcome will be better than making quick, but
coming and we'll keep listening.
simplistic choices.
Thank you to all employees who have submitted opinions. This column will be continued so that employees who would like to
submit creative and constructive ideas can do so. It is important that everyone keep in mind that these are opinions and not
necessarily facts. It is also important that during this difficult time the lines of communication remain open between the staff
and leadership of Tompkins County. For that reason we invite department heads, administration, and Board members to
respond to the opinions that have been printed.
Due to the volume of replies and printing constraints we have shortened some of the following responses and deleted those that
referred to specific individuals or positions. For future submissions, please keep comments brief and to the point. We would
also like to remind everyone that we have the right to not publish any comment that attacks any specific individual or position.
Regardless of what factors were involved in bringing Tompkins County to this point we need to work cooperatively with one
another and produce suggestions for new efficiencies and savings.
On that note, put on your thinking caps and continue submitting suggestions to Iretta Ellis @ Iretta @tompkins- co.org.
• When houses get dirty, you don't consider building new • I would rather give up the raise for the next two years
ones! than be cut in hours or have people laid off. Also I think the
• At what point will the situation become "critical" enough Board Members should give up their raises. Cut hours across
for the Board (who were elected to make hard choices) to the board.
step up to the plate and roll up their sleeves, sit down with • The County should seek input from neighboring counties
a list of all County programs and discuss which ones stay regarding the projected increases in their property tax rates.
and which ones go? This may help Tompkins County arrive at a figure for a
• Were the employee bargaining units approached about reasonable tax rate increase.
salary freezes or other proactive options? • Eliminate cell phones. Lower temp in buildings during
• Will the Board ever take responsibility for their own past the winter months. Encourage staff to turn lights off on
mistakes of spending the reserves and funding on -going bright days. Offer shared job positions.
programs with one -time funds? • Board members, as a gesture of the good intentions,
• The County should take a long, hard look at the social should give back the increase they gave themselves last year.
services budget and make adjustments wherever possible! • Those employees responsible for the current financial
• Why do we need a new Jail AND the Alternatives to situation should give back part of their salary.
Incarceration Program ?? • Since there is a hiring freeze, they should stop hiring
• I am frustrated and angry about the fiscal situation the people!
county has created. The fault lies squarely and solely on • All salaries $50,000 & above frozen. All Bd. of Reps
the shoulders of the county board. Expenditures have salaries frozen. No more internship & seasonal people.
exceeded income for several years and now need to be Cease all non - mandatory building.
reconciled. County employees and taxpayers are all going • The individual employee did not create this problem and
to suffer due to the board's lack of management. I am should not be made to suffer salary decreases and tax and
personally concerned that I will not be able to provide insurance increases.
quality service to my customers with all the proposed cuts. • It would be helpful to encourage some of the large
• My opinion is that the last place to make cuts is in IT businesses that have been attempting to open their doors in
spending. The network infrastructure and equipment and the Ithaca area. Besides, we certainly can't all afford to
their support by well trained staff are vital to our County's shop on the commons at specialty shops.
future growth and development. Many County operations • I believe the Board must look for areas to cut in every
are changing in form and methodology to reflect increased department individually, not a blind across the board 20%
dependence upon our technological tools. cut. I also believe the Board should not consider approving
• Return the solar panels on the library to get a rebate for departments' agendas based on how loud a department may
1/2 a million dollars. complain or voice their opinions but based on the
• Return the $75,000 worth of greenery in the Library. departments' actual needs.
• I would like to see the fleet of county cars eliminated • Those programs that receive Local, state and federal
before positions. funding and are not mandated should be cut or eliminated.
• Offer an early retirement incentive to keep from laying • A reminder to all to use the inter - office mail for everything
off people. they can.
• One small way to save some money is we could cut the • Why doesn't management take a pay cut? I know DSS is
air conditioning and use windows to circulate fresh air, already down 11 positions or more, how much further down
which is healthier. If the air - conditioning has be run due to can we go?
the nature of the office at least have the temperature • Each department needs to discuss whether or not upper
reasonable. management can agree, temporarily, to eliminate their earned
• Replace garbage bags only when necessary instead of raises. Also to locate the loopholes that are preventing
daily. enough income in the future so that cuts won't be an issue.
• There is going to be a point at which this "Do More With • Could the County invest in someone that is trained in
Less" idea is going to bottom out. The quality of county marketing who could guide certain departments in locating
services to its customers will suffer tremendously. From the "motherlode" of drawing income. Remember it takes
poorer maintained roads to unequal assessments, from money to make money.
overspending on purchases to shoddy court cases, it will • The county could save huge amounts of money if they
have to end somewhere. It is so easy just to cut the workers. cut out Transportation. It's time to put some responsibility
If they are truly leaders, then let them lead the way, the back to the clients.
TQM way. • I think patience and prudence is crucial. With the
• How about no Board of Reps at all. Have the County economy bouncing back, it would be a shame to end careers
run as a real business by real businessmen. by rushing to judgment. Review is always healthy. Many
• Why does our method of purchasing require us to programs may no longer serve as useful a purpose as when
purchase something through the county, even if we can get initiated. Let's not overdo it though.
it cheaper someplace else? • The Board of Representatives should NOT BE
• Why are some departments approved to buy expensive, authorizing or approving spending of money that the County
large cars such as Durango's? does not have.
• Why do low or no income families flock to our county • I strongly feel that the Board of Representatives
for subsidized goods and services? SHOULD NOT receive any PAY increases in their salaries
• It would be interesting to see how much time and money until Tompkins County is back on their feet financially.
is wasted on budget meetings! • Charge a small fee for lost benefit cards. It is not cheap
• The college courses that the county pays for employees to have them made. Maybe if they were not free, clients
to go to is a great benefit but is being abused. would be more careful and not lose them so often.
• Why do we provide taxi transportation for our clients • Stop paying back rent to friends and relatives and require
for visitations, psych evals, appts, etc. (I am not talking a court- ordered eviction for emergency assistance clients.
about Medicaid transportation) The cost of this service stated • Allow clients who are applying for emergency assistance
at $445.00 in June of 1998. By August of that same year to apply once or twice a year instead of unlimited times.
this had jumped to almost $1,000. The yearly cost of this • If a client has a past history of excessive misuse of Ryder
service (which is not mandated by the way) has been; 1999 trucks and security agreement requests, maybe they should
- $7160; 2000 - $24,124; 2001 - $25,005. not be eligible to use them in the future.
• Review the 40 -hour employees and see if they could be • Find an alternative for the homeless people at the shelter
reduced to a 35 -hour week for a temporary period of time. and/or lower the fee that the Red Cross is charging for their
If need be the 35 hr people could go to 30 for the same stay there, as the clients are not getting the case management
temporary time period. We would all retain our same that they need.
benefits however. • Stop duplicated "mandatory" training. It would be nice
• It is sad that people may have to lose their jobs due to if our Staff Development would offer actual job training for
prior mismanagement of county resources. If you're our positions.
dipping into the savings (fund balance) to pay the mortgage • Require that clients go after spousal support as well as
(operating expenses), it's obvious that this is unsustainable. child support.
• Just as we need to strive for sustainable industrial and • Put our clerical staff back in the units.
agricultural methods, we must also strive for sustainable • No one wants to see taxes increase, but you have to look
management methods. at all the tax reduction that has occurred - there is no tax on
• I wonder if there were red flags were missed, leaving a clothing - and the county received some money from that -
mushrooming problem for the new committee. I feel like that hurts revenues - where is the county supposed to make
we're suddenly getting a different interpretation of the same that up from ? ?? I mean it's great for us shoppers but the tax
statistics. money they make from other taxable items probably didn't
• How about everyone not taking any pay raises if this in increase to cover the loss of tax money from clothing.
fact will save employees their jobs. We might also look at • I would rather give up the next two years of salary
increasing co- payments for health insurance and increases than have to go to fewer hours per week.
Airport Trivia Winner Tips that have nothing to do
with work:
The winner of the Airport Trivia Contest from
the last issue was Kathy mithers from County y Put your lightly used SOS pad in a zippered
Administration. The correct answer was: sandwich bag to prevent it from rusting and use
it again at a later date.
Los Angeles has two sets of parallel runways.
Each one being one compass degree difference, To get rid of problem ants in and around your
reflecting the difference between both sets. home in a safe manner, take baking powder and
The first set is 6L and 6R
stir in enough molasses to make a paste. Put
24L and 24R this on a piece of cardboard on your counter or
where ants are a problem. They eat it and go
The second set is 7L and 7R bye -byes!
25L and 25R
Kathy will be taking a ride down the runway, Have a happy and safe
look for a photo in next month's issue! 4th of July!!
I put two hard - boiled eggs in Papa Mouse's VENDING COMMITTEE TRIPS
lunch bucket yesterday, and wrote in pencil
on one of them: "This egg is not cooked!" Papa Don't forget to make your reservations for
told me later that he had tossed the labeled upcoming trips to:
egg to one of his co- workers in the lunchroom. Darien Lake - July 20
Well, that egg got thrown wilder and wilder Niagara Falis /Canada /Marineland - Aug. 24
in an impromptu game among grown mice Washington D.C. - Oct. 12 - 14
become little boy mice until finally someone Buffalo Bills vs. the
missed it and it crashed against the wall. They New England Patriots - Nov. 3
all squeaked in excitement to see whether it
was or it wasn't! Contact Patti Stamm at 274 -6674 or Pete Coats
at the Tompkins County Health Department -
274 -6688.
Annie N. Mouse
C O Circle your Calendar for the
8th Annual Tompkins Employee Golf
Friday, September 6, 2002
. • Tompkins County Training & Development:
fi A Few Activities in the Planning Stages
Keeping Good Employees and Managing Workplace Negativity, with Marc Whitney and James Bucko, Jet,
One Day Worker - Next Day Supervisor, Fall 2002 program, coordinated with Jet, Inc.
It's All About Attitude - Lee Gaylord - providing excellent public service in difficult times
Preventing PC Nightmares - County -wide PC file management and maintenance, virus prevention and Pegasus
e -mail features (file maintenance, attachments, signatures, address books and lists)
WUG — Web Users Group - three classes for web developers — July, August and September
Keyboarding - Improving Speed and Accuracy - Typing Instructor 9 training CD software available in the
T &D Lending Library
Fall 2002 Computer Series: Word Level I
Excel Level I Word Level II
Excel Level II Access Level II
Microsoft Publisher Access Level III — Data Base Design
Contact Diane or Naomi for more information, questions or to register:
125 East Court Street Ithaca, NY 14850 274 - 5590/5591
dbradac @tompkins - co.org namdt@tompkins-co.org
A new resource for County employees
The Webbne charged with developing, updating, and
maintaining Tompkins County web pages
A new on -line web site will be launched Monday, June 17th
linked from the Employee Intranet page at
www. tompkins- co.org/employee_only /webzone/
The WebZone has five main areas:
* Pages for new web site developers that review necessary
planning steps, standards, guidelines, and the thinking process
for new sites.
* A summary of key elements such as design, navigation,
access, requirements, copyright, promotion, and evaluation.
* A "question and answer listserv" which employees can join
to ask questions, share ideas, or make suggestions.
* A section that highlights various training options (classes,
tutorials, and on -line resources).
* An area called "the toolkit" which reviews advanced features,
templates, and County graphics.
Please contact Diane Bradac or members of the County's Web
Resource Team if you have questions or need additional information.
A list of members with contact information is on the site.
• A dvanced Dental Technology Children's Services, DSS gy lim Ray Mobile Homes
Affiliated Psychological Consultants Pat Karr -Segal (DAP)
All-Mode Communications, Inc. David Kchoc
By Kathleen Drew Alternatives Federal Credit Union Lois Kelly (Salvation Army)
Borg Warner Morse TEC, Inc. Kimball Real Estate
Foster Parents open their homes and hearts Cayuga Medical Center Charles 11. Kring, D.D.S.
Cayuga Pct Hospital Linda Mack, Ph.D.
and play a vital role in helping children and Citizens Concerned for Children Maguire Ford Lincoln Mercury
families i n crisis heal . William E. Cooke Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
Cornell Fingcrlakes Credit Union Patten's Jewelers, lnc.
CSEA Local 855 Pro -Lawn, Inc.
Tompkins County foster families not only Danby General Store Bill Ruscn (Cornerstone Recovery)
Dryden Family Medicine Savings Bank of the Finger Lakes
provide temporary homes, safety, and Eagle Envelope Company Shortstop Deli
nurturing to our children, but they also help Ehrhart Propane Gas Roger& Carole Sibley
Forest City Lodge #180—IBPOE Stafford Chevrolet, Inc.
birth families by ensuring that children can Edward Franzoni Sr., Ph.D. State Farm Insurance —David S.
be safely reunited with them. And, when Mooney
Stephen O. (land, DM.D State Farm Insurance —Lee Newhall
reunification is not possible, many of our Holton's Pharmacy, Inc. The Bookery
families choose to adopt the children who Mary F. Howson, M.D. The First National Bank of Groton
HSBC Bank Time Warner Entertainment
have been placed in their homes, offering Ithaca Agcncy- HaylorFrcycr Wegmans
permanency and stability the children would Coon
Ithaca Journal William Downing Associates
otherwise not know. Ithaca Stove Works Diane Withiam
Their commitment leaves an indelible mark on
generations to come. They are helping to end If you know a family providing foster
cycles of neglect, abuse and /or drug addiction care - take a moment to thank them for
and are often helping a child be the first in making a difference in the life of a child.
his or her family to finish high school or even
go to college. Children leave foster homes
knowing there are many other paths in life Annual Excellence Award
than what they've known.
Announced in Public Works
As part of National Foster Care Month, By Cheryl Nelson, Public Works Administrator
Tompkins County Social Services honored
foster parents in our community with a For the second year, the Public Works
recognition dinner May 17th at the Clarion Annual Excellence Award was presented to a
Hotel Ballroom. Many foster parents were Public Works employee for their overall exemplary
recognized for 5 to 27 years of service at contributions to the department and the County,
the event. Judge John Rowley of the as a whole, and for their dedication to their job
Tompkins County Family Court was the guest duties. A departmental committee makes the
speaker. Annual Excellence Award decision after reviewing
all nominations for the award. The announcement
Across the country there are more than of the Annual Excellence Award winner is done
133,000 foster families and over 500,000 during National Public Works Week each year.
children in foster care. In Tompkins County
there are 85 foster parents caring for 90 This year's Annual Excellence Award
children. recipient is James Strehle, Terminal Services
Coordinator at the Airport. Jim will receive a
We would like to thank the following local certificate and a gift certificate for $250 to a
businesses and community members who business of his choice in Tompkins County.
generously donated to make this event Congratulations, Jim!!
CLASSIFIEDS Goosa Arts - See our beautiful and affordable traditional
Russian arts: nesting dolls, eggs, jewelry boxes, amber,
etc. Alisa Mengel, 277 -2917, hours by appointment, 120
I For Sale: I Linn St.
For sale: 1995 Ford Aspire, 4 -door, 65,000 miles, great
I Welcome: I
condition, $ 1.500 o.b.o. Call 838-3021.
To Steve Wright, Motor Equipment Operator, in
For sale: NordicTrack exercise machine, good Highway.
condition, seldom used. $100, o.b.o. Call Lynn,
evenings or weekends - 273 -3457. 1 Congratulations:
For sale: Electric Organ, tuned recently; excellent To Lynn Watros, Sergeant, Sheriff's Department, on
condition - $500. Call Nancy at 898 -3930 or Reta at his retirement June 14, 2002, and
898 -9922. To Bart DeLuca, Mental Health Commissioner, on
For sale: 12 -inch Contractor Series miter saw. Barely recently tying the knot.
used, Includes box manual, and receipt of purchase.
$150. Call 277 -4562. CLASSIFIEbS
For sale: Lifestyler 1000 Stationary Bike, hardly used - Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
$100. Phone 533 -7695 - leave message. employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
For sale: Toyota Corolla SR5, 2dr, sport coupe 88 5 be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
sp., good condition, 112k, pop -up headlights, new tires, accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers
a/c, cruise, factory installed sun roof, cass., all- around may be listed in your ad, however, we do need your full
good car - $1,500. 607 - 687 -3645. name and County telephone number submitted with the
ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
For sale: Toyota P/U 4WD 89 181k, new trans., 5 sp, Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
bedliner, new tires, toolbox, cass., runs good - $1,800. Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850 via U5 or interdepartmental
607 - 687 -3645. mail or e-mail to: mpottorffetompkins- co.org
For sale: Dodge Power Wagon 150 Classic 79, 71k,
4WD, 1/2 ton, auto, new tires, bedliner, recently rebuilt NOTE:
motor, toolbox, So. Vehicle; garaged, excellent If you would like to modify your classified or want to
condition in and out, a must see, too much new to list, - run it again, you must re- submit it!
$5,000. 607 - 687 -3645. DEADLINE: 1 TUESDAY OF THE MONTH
Articles to be considered for the July 18 "' issue ssue, must
be received by noon on Tuesday. July 2n Submit
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me articles via e-mail as an attachment or on disk in any file
help with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever format that is readable by Word for Windows '95.
it takes to get you and your computer working together Send disk and hard copy to County Corridors c/o
again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
weekends. Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850. Please include a contact
Tynyk Originals - are now available on number in case questions arise.
IthacaAuction.com under seller ID gitchygumma. As COUNTY CORRIDORS
always, custom gifts and home decor items are still Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by
available by calling 564 -9244 evenings or weekends. If the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County
I can't make it, you don't need it!! employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the
opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
Tense? Stressed? Achy? Therapeutic Massage can put employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the
relaxation and comfort back into your life. For an right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright
appointment or information call Richard Reed at 753- materials.
Kinetic Performance — specializing in Motorsports Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Board of Representatives
engines, carburetion and general racing fabrication. Call Iretta Ellis (Chair) Information Technology Services
Dayton Umholtz at 277 -6462 evenings or weekends. Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
Katy Prince Health Department
French Tutor — Call Sarah at 257 -3047. Please leave a Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment
Geri Lockwood Highway
message. Tammy VanOrman Assessment
8 Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Facilities