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Fi Newsletter for
Employees and Retirees
of Tompkins County
strttitiiD 'tt3 March 2002
Volume 15 Number 3
"Location is Key
A new Location Committee has been formed to determine if our County departments would be
better suited in different locations of Tompkins County. Here is what they have determined:
k ozo is ikl i
Effective April lst, Kmart has been sold to Tompkins County, and the Public Health Departmentwill be relocating
to that building. This will reduce costs of delivering supplies from Staples next door. And there will also be
"Flu Light Specials ". Mental Health will be relocated to the large vacant parcel between the Ithaca Farmer's
Market and the Greyhound bus terminal.
At the request of the Sheriff, the Public Safety Building will be expanded into the Airport area. His office
will be located about 5 feet into the runway. The logistical problem here is being dealt with but may take a few
years to iron out. In the meantime the pilots are being asked to lift off just a little earlier than before.
The Old Jai/ will soon become "Revolving Rock Casino ". Because Facilities needs more space, it has been
decided to move Highway to the old Peruville garage. It has also been decided to purchase Biggs A back and to
relocate the Board of Representatives to that building. The Assessment Departmentis still assessing where
they would like to be located. The finance Departmentwill be repossessing any property they wish to...stay
The Weights and Measures bepartment will be purchasing space to build a two -car garage to hold their
offices near Southwest Park. ()SS will be moving to the parking garage so their clients can have drive -thru
service. They won't even have to get out of their cars. Warm winter coats with name badges will be purchased
for all D55 employees, along with hand held computers.
\2 w
_ Later on in the week, I think it was a Friday, I was invited by
REPORT P � _~ Bernadette Stranger to participate in a pre -trial release
interview. This interview is less in -depth than the pre -
FROM sentencing interview, but must make recommendations to
determine if this individual should be remanded in custody,
THE COUNTY released on his /her own recognizance, released under
supervision or if bail should be continued. The pre -trial release
interview was another session with the security doors, one -
ADMINISTRATOR way glass, metal detectors and an interview room. If there
had been any doubt, I was now sure that I never wanted to
By Stephen Whicher be on the wrong side of this system. As the interviews
progressed, I realized how hard it must be to evaluate each
case with a healthy amount of skepticism yet still have the
professionalism to hear their issues. For me it seemed that
Touring Tompkins County (con't) common themes quickly emerged: Things just happen; the
Police overreact; the system failed, etc. Maybe it was because
Before I get started on this month's tour, a couple of kudos it was a Friday and I was tired, but I did not have the patience.
are due. First, everyone should know that the Human Services
Coalition awarded the Department of Social Services the Ruth
Pettengill Award for Excellence in Community Service as a A few days later I was asked if I could attend an ATI Screening
Professional. The impressiveness of this award is enhanced Team session after which I understood why the department
by the fact that in most counties the Human Services Coalition wanted me to first participate in the interviews. The screening
or the like is usually at odds with the Department of Social process is government at its best. The screening team is
Services. Congratulations to Commissioner Dolan and the made up of peers who represent several ATI programs. The
entire staff for a job well done. probation officer in charge brings each defendant's case
forward and then all present discuss the range of possible
On another note, the County Clerk's office and Information programs and a recommendation is developed for the Court.
Technology Services should be commended for successfully
implementing a modem Electronic Document Management The screenings are efficient, thorough and tough. It does not
System (EDMS). This system is the result of approximately take long to realize that these people are professionals with an
two years of planning and design. Stop in at the County excellent knowledge of their programs and clients.
Clerk's Office and take a look at the future, I'm sure Aurora,
Maureen, or any of the staff will be proud to show the system My final day in Probation was spent in the field with Chris
off. Ion. We spent the better part of a day visiting students in
school, families of students who were having trouble at school
Last month 1 spent a little time with the Drug Courts, this and a student at home who should have been at school. In
month Kathy Leinthall suggested that I attend a session with
the ATI (Alternatives to Incarceration) screening team, attend one morning I was treated to the rewards of seeing someone
a pre- hearing interview, attend a pre- sentencing interview as turn their life around, the turmoil and angst of a child in
well as spend some time understanding the SWAP, RICS, ISP, desperate need, and the challenge presented by the lethargy
EM, IPS and Day Treatment programs, spend some time in of depression. Each case was dealt in turn, with compassion
the field and .... Well I got the point. Probation is a large and and understanding yet without a doubt about the requirement
diverse program. to meet expectations.
I started my education early one morning at the Jail, where I As I move on from Probation, I look back and realize what a
met up with Pat Galbraith, Probation Officer of the Probation
Department. Pat was to conduct a pre-sentencing interview broad range of programs the Probation Department manages
with a recently arrested young man. As I understood the and I have not even mentioned the county's showcase
program, the idea was to screen inmates in depth and to Community Justice Center. So one would think that by now
determine their potential eligibility for one of the probation 1 would have a good idea what a Probation Officer does.
programs and provide the judge with that recommendation. Maybe I can sum it up somewhat. I think to be successful in
I'm not sure what I expected, I guess a contrite individual Probation one should have the skills of a Social Worker, the
seeking any way to avoid spending time in jail. Instead I was savvy of a street cop, and the compassion and toughness of
introduced to a rather hapless young man who was well known a good parent. Not too much to ask.
to Pat and quite apparently felt that being sent to jail was a
right -of- passage, as evidenced by his inability to concentrate
on the interview due to the constant need to make sure that As I progress on my tour, I am constantly struck by the
each inmate who passed by knew he was there. After several quality of the effort and the pride everyone takes in their work.
attempts, the interview was completed with the realization It truly is a pleasure to work with all of you.
that this young man had many lessons ahead of him and would
be a challenge for Probation. Next month it's off to Jail!
County Clerk's Office shows off new projects - the backfile of our land records and
document imaging system scanning in all our large format maps.
By Maureen Reynolds, County Clerk's Office
This project was partially funded by a State
The department heads took a field trip on Archives grant, the rest through capital funds
February 27th and came to see our new EDMS and county clerk funds. What interested the
system (Electronic Document Management State Archives in our project, was that the
System - a /k /a imaging). We had spent many software was developed in an open and non -
years of planning and two years of developing proprietary format and Tompkins County owns
and implementing it. Finally, the day to show it the source code. Another point of interest was
off had arrived! that the County had a vision of not creating a
closed imaging system for each department, but
The most important aspect of the system is the that we envisioned a sharing of systems and
case of use to the end user. The public, information across departmental boundaries.
attorneys, surveyors, and abstractors are our Stop in and let us show you what we have done!
largest customer base, and they need to get
their information and copies of land records
quickly and correctly. Now, they are able to
seamlessly search between our database and
the assessment database with just a click of a
button. We have tried to provide "one -stop s
shopping" so that they don't have to make az;
trip to Assessment in order to get the rest of � — �"' �
their information. "' 3 y 11-
The system has also revolutionized our office r `'0 ���
and the workflow for the staff. No more quill _ - �rr
pens! We enter the document information at "'""' — �
the counter while the customer is there, the
computer generates the appropriate fees and
state requirements, a receipt is given to the
customer, and a bar coded cover sheet is
generated. Later, the document is scanned into
the computer and the information from the Maureen Reynolds provides department heads with an
document is entered into the computer. In order overview of the County Clerk's new EDMS system
to guarantee that we are entering the correct
information, we then call up the assessment
database and match the data. The information ,b t,
is then verified before being released to the
public. e
We have been able to reduce human error and
redundancy with this process and are able to
create a better end product for our customers.
Our processing time has been significantly tr, 3
reduced. We now are able to return the legal
documents in about three days instead of our _~
six weeks time for personnel because of the
immense increase in the real estate market and
the mortgage refinancings. However, we should
be able to see this time savings in the near Steve Whicher, County Administrator, and Aurora Valenti,
future and then be able to tackle our next County Clerk, discuss the new system
Thank you, Shirley, for sharing your vacation with
` c vway .. us, and we look forward to hearing about more
by Geri Lockwood Highway trips in the future. What a way to retire!
First off, we would like to welcome the Facilities
Division to the new facility at Bostwick Road. They
joined us on February 25, 2002.
Shirley Hilker retired nearly three years agc, after 1, --- '!
20 years as a member of the administration staff - ! ,
at Highway. Since then, she and her husband Bill, .-
have spent some of their time travelling. Their
latest venture was to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and
Shirley has shared some highlights of their trip:
It was really beautiful there, warm and sunny `:°`
everyday (in the high 70's and low 80's. Our � hotel room was on the top flo or facing the ocean,` "� gi , v
so the view was fantastic! We were able to watch _ ' them Para - sailing everyday from our window. We Shirley and Bill bste r!
did not swim in the ocean, as it was a little too cold
and choppy. The Bay where our hotel was located
was surrounded by the mountains - really beautiful." {
It does not rain for eight months during the winter,
but it rains for four months straight during the T ,. ;. i
summer. ii. °_
We had a good time with our friends, Anita and
Roy, who were with us. Anita and I laid in the sun -° ' ait
and swam in the pool a few times while Bill and ,/ � ,
Roy roamed the city streets looking for the most -
unusual foods to try. The food was very good, 1111111111111M,
and I do believe that Bill could 'eat' his way across
Mexico and be happy. He tried everything there The bull fight
was to try, from sidewalk vendors to the finest
restaurants. I ate a lot of seafood, and that made On the Road a /k/a Curb Service
me happy. Everyone was very friendly there, as
Submitted by Aurora Valenti, County Clerk
they depend on the tourists for income.
We went to a bullfight (which I will NEVER do again), In furtherance of our quest to "serve the public," the
because it was very gory and they kill the bulls. Tompkins County Clerks Office sent two representatives
Bill also went to a cockfight, which he enjoyed (Maureen Reynolds and Joline Hendrix) to the local AAA
office for a
very much - even though he lost $50 - but I did period of two hours on February 28, 2002.
not go to that. During that time the general public was able to obtain
passport photos on the spot and submit their applications
We purchased some lovely vases that were made for U.S. passports in the same locale.
there, along with some other items that are typical
Mexican. There were street vendors everywhere We will he continuing this practice from time to time, that
trying to get you to buy their wares. You had to hopefully will assist the public by allowing them access to
be careful not to pay their first prices, as they submit passport applications where they can "drive to the
inflated everything. All you had to do was walk door."
away, and they came down on their prices. It was
quite a challenge, and Bill loved doing it." We thank AAA for the invitation and congratulate them
on their new offices on South Meadow Street.
Tompkins County Training &.Development
This section will provide updates and information about professional development opportunities,
computer classes, workshops, and conferences. For questions, suggestions, requests, or to
register for classes, please contact:
Diane Bradac, dbradac @tompkins- co.org, 274 -5590
Naomi Arndt, narndt@tompkins- co.org, 274 -5591
Just around the corner is our second "Excelling as a Supervisor /Leader" series. This series is being
coordinated and co- sponsored with Tompkins County, Town of Ithaca, the City of Ithaca and Tompkins
Cortland Community College. All County employees (not just supervisors or managers) are invited to
The series is designed to:
- build on our current knowledge, skills and experiences,
- provide new insights and highlight research,
- encourage networking with professionals in the community,
- refresh seasoned department heads and managers
- share common problems, frustrations and solutions,
- and sharpen our overall organizational effectiveness.
Fifty -seven County employees attended the fifteen classes offered this past year with extremely positive
feedback. The new awareness, skills, tools, confidence and networking gained from the sessions made the
investment of time worthwhile for the participants. We welcome these employees to continue their
involvement with classes they missed or to join us for a new session or two.
Here's some feedback from participants:
"Fun, informative, interesting, challenging! "
"I'm much more aware of how 1 am interacting with others...It was fascinating to discover my
own communication style."
"Got ideas that can be used immediately in the workplace."
"It was great to network with employees in other departments and municipalities and share
ideas, challenges and solutions."
As in the past, we will continue to offer on -line options, customized department or unit workshops and
retreats, CD self -paced materials and library resources (books, workbooks and videos). Thanks for your
7 t
"Excelling as a Supervisor /Leader" Series
Professional Development Training Schedule
(SNOW DATE) Deadline
Supervisory Joan Hebert W, April 24, 2002 9:00 -4:00 p.m. 4/15/02
Individual and Self= Joanne Conley T, May 21, 2002 1:00 -4: 00 p.m. 5/13/02
The Write Stuff' Joe Cambridge Th.. June 13, 2002 1:00-4:00 p.m. 6/4/02
Increasing Individual Bob Stezzi W, July 10, 2002 8:30 -12:30 p.m. 7/1/02
Adapting to Change
and Uncertainty in Bob Blenn W August 21, 2002 8:30 -12:30 p.m. 8/12/02
the Workplace
Building Teams that Bob Stezzi Th., Sept. 12, 2002 9:00 -4:00 p.rn. 9/3/02
Making Business Dr. Quinetta
Sense of Managing Roberson T, Oct. 15, 2002 1:00 -3:00 p.m. 10/7/02
Knowing and
Delighting the Bob Stezzi W., Nov. 13, 2002 9:00 -12:00 p.rn. 11/4/02
Managing Conflict:
W, Dec. 11, 2002 12/2/02
from Crisis to Judy Saul 12:30 -4:30 p.m.
Opportunity (12/18/02)
Structured Decision- Judy Saul Th., Jan. 16, 2003 9:00 -12:00 p.m. 1/7/03
Making (1/23/03)
All workshops are held at the TC3 Ithaca Extension Center. To register, please contact:
Diane Bradac, dbradac @tompkins - co.org, 274 -5590
Naomi Arndt, narndt @tompkins- co.org, 274 -5591
Tuesday April 9 6 pm to 10 pm Intro to Disaster TC /A R C
Thursday April 1 lth 6 pm to 10 pm Mass Care: Overview TC /A R C
Tuesday April 16 6 pm to 10 pm Damage Assessment TC /A R C
Saturday April 20 9 am to 5 pm Family Service: Emer Ass. TC /A R C
Monday April 29 6 pm to 10 pm To Be Announced - TC /A R C
Sunday May 5 9 am to 12 pm Logistics Overview TBA*
Sunday May 5 1 pm to 5 pm Logistics Simulation TBA*
Monday May 6 6 pm to 10 pm To Be Announced- TC /A R C
• Tues March 19' 9 am to 1 pm Incident Command System (ICS 100) IFD
Tues & Wed March 26 and 27 9 am to 5 pm ICS 200 In Ithaca TBA
TC /A.R.C.
AMERICAN RED CROSS - Classes determined by need,
201 WEST CLINTON STREET * Tentative location NYS Fire Academy
ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 Montour Falls NY
PHONE 607 - 273 -1900 EXT. 11 FAX 607 - 273 -7146 E -MAIL: MRAFFE@TOMPKINS- REDCROSS.ORG
The Vending Committee is busy organizing upcoming trips for the 2002 season. For
starters we are offering:
Turning Stone Casino /Bingo
When: Saturday, April 13 - Cost: $10.00 /pp
This includes bus transportation and either a Casino or Bingo Bonus Coupon Package valued at approximately $30.00/pp.
The bus will leave Ithaca at 8:30 A.M. and expected arrival back to Ithaca will be 7:00 P.M. Reservations and payment
must be received by April 5
New York City Spring Trip
When: Saturday, May 18 - Cost: $30.00 /pp
This is a Swarthout Tours trip so departure time will vary according to where you board the bus. You will be let off at
Radio City Music Hall (50 St. and Ave. of the Americas) or Macy's (34 St. and 7 Ave.). You're on your own to
explore the vast and exciting city, and enjoy your own interests. Departure will be from Radio City Music Hall at 8:00
P.M., arriving back in Ithaca at midnight. Call for more information. Reservations and payment must be received by
April 12
For more information call: Pete Coats — 274 -6688 or Patty Stamm — 274 -6674
To: Heather McDaniel, Planner, who began February
4, 2002 in the Planning Department.
For Sale:
For sale: LOADED 2000 ZR2 Blazer, low mileage, Congratulations:
excellent condition. Call (607) 838 -3748 after 5 p.m. or
anytime weekends. To Kim Spencer, Son Caleb born June 25, 2001 and to
For sale: Ford F150 '84 4x4, straight 6, hitch, Meegan Teeter, Daughter Jordan born October 16, 2001
fiberglass cap, bedliner. Good shape. Asking
$1,500/best. 607 -589 -4966, leave message. CLASSIFIEDS
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
For sale: Tires -. 205/75R15, on rims from S10 Blazer, employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
tread 50% - $45 each. Also, 205/75R15 all season be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
almost new - $40. 898 -9992 after 5 p.m. accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers
may be listed in your ad, however, we do need your full
Services: name and County telephone number submitted with the
ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
help with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850 via U5 or interdepartmental
it takes to get you and your computer working together mail or e-mail to: mpottorff @ tompkins- co.org
again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or NOTE:
If you would like to modify your classified or want to
Tynyk Originals will be at the 1' Arts and Crafts run it again, you must re- submit it!
Market sponsored by Chapter #275, O.E.S. April 20
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, Main DEADLINE: 1 TUESDAY OF THE MONTH
Street, Newfield. Custom gifts and home decor items Articles to be considered for the April 18 issue,
are still available by calling 564 -9244 evenings or must be received by noon on Tuesday, April 2 "
weekends. If I can't make it, you don't need it!! Submit articles via e as an attachment or on disk
Tense? Stressed? Achy? Therapeutic Massage can put in any file format that is readable by Word for
relaxation and comfort back into your life. For an Windows '95. Send disk and hard copy to County
appointment or information call Richard Reed at 753- Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of
6383. Representatives, Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Please include a contact number in case questions
Kinetic Performance — specializing in Motorsports
engines, carburetion and general racing fabrication. Call arise.
Dayton Umholtz at 277 - 6462 evenings or weekends.
French Tutor — Call Sarah at 257 -3047. Please leave a Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by
the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County
employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the
opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
Tips that have nothing to do with work: employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the
Submitted by Katy Prince. Health Dept. right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright
Set the alarm on your digital wristwatch for a time EDITORIAL BOARD
that you would normally be awake and have your Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Board of Representatives
Iretta Ellis (Chair) Information Technology Services
watch on (mine is set for 9:30 a.m.). Then if you Bill Chopp Department of social Services
ever lose your watch, all you need to do is sit Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
where you last remember having it at the time you Katy Prince Health Department
have it set for and listen for your alarm to go off Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment
y g Geri Lockwood Highway
and find your watch. Tammy VanOrman Assessment
Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Facilities