HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07 7 t ‘ ,‘L - J - . - .i R ..:.... ....: ,....„......: ...:.:.::.-.......-. Newsletter ttQr for Employees Retirees QQS and t r s of Tompkins County 7 0 July 2000 Volume 13 Number 7 COUNTY CLERK HONORED Community Support Services Donates § ,� p ��� / � s I Tree to the Town of Newfield 4 s in Memory of Donald Brown s By Daniel M. Winch, Representative to the Towns of Enfield and Newfield T'!!, wx.,a' 4 - I 1 - ",. ,, 4 ), .,-, N it r .k i . a i -1 ' ''' ' \ I ltty, *I t 'i i CI " 1 - , " �> of , Y i - - , .; -' ka� s t y . ± `. 4 A Y T � ,,,,. t IP 4 S . 9 .. d 4 d , �,� s ,It„ ,7 r '; . ,,,.,,, , _ , - ,-,‘,,,,, , ,, ' ..t." ^ 7t i- , ,..1 fa..;:--,: j - 4: .,. . i.* ,,it'' ... , -;''. t e ;Tx: ; : o e ila ; , 4: , „ . .• f lir V' ■ :: „ .... r s 7 ." ' urora Rubens Valenti, Tompkins County �� , , Clerk, w honored at the annual meeting € ° ° " of the New York State Association of County Clerks and received the COUNTY CLERK n Saturday, June 10, 2000 a Milky Way Dogwood Tree was OF THE YEAR AWARD, as well as the ANNUAL dedicated in Newfield at the Town Hall in memory of Donald ACHIEVEMENT AWARD. These awards were Brown, the Supervisor who died in the late Spring of 1999. voted upon by the 63 County Clerks in New York The Donators were the co- workers of Sandy Brown, wife of Donald, State. Aurora was Recording Secretary of NYSACC who works at the Community Support Services Unit of the Mental I for four years, served on the By -Laws Committee, Health Department. A special warm "thank you" is in order to the and was President of the State Association in employees of CSS. 1999. It is very appropriate to have a tree planted at the Town Hall in Aurora was elected Tompkins County Clerk in honor of Don Brown. Don, as Supervisor, had a goal of beautifying the hamlet of Newfield. Don strived to initiate beautification of 1990 and was endorsed as the candidate of both Newfield by working very hard to get the Tompkins County ISTEA the Democratic and Republican parties in the 1994 Covered Bridge project finished to demonstrate his desire of having and 1998 elections. She is a graduate of the Town of Newfield cooperate with Tompkins County to enhance Immaculate Conception School, Ithaca High the Covered Bridge area. Don would want me to recognize Ward School, and Rochester Business Institute. Hungertord of the Tompkins County Highway Department and Andrea Whitney of Tompkins County Engineering who he worked Prior to becoming Tompkins County Clerk, Aurora closely with to complete this project. spent many happy years working as a legal secretary, office manager, and as a paralegal It is my belief that the Newfield hamlet will continue to beautify assistant. itself as Don initiated. My sincere thanks go to the Community Support Services, Tompkins County Highway and Engineering. (continued on page 2) Congratulations, Aurora! „7 '' LIGHTNING MYTHS AND FACTS County - ' From "The Red Cross Courier” published _ by the Tompkins County Chapter of the ` American Red Cross t r, _ Administrators, Issue No. 22, June 1, 2000 Report Myth: If it is not raining, then there is no danger from lightning. ,v i '''47- lr''' f Fact: Lightning often strikes outside of heavy rain and may By Rick Erb occur as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall. ` Myth: The rubber soles of shoes or rubber tires on a car will protect you from being struck by lightning. Fact: Rubber -soled shoes and rubber tires provide NO Congratulations to Aurora Valenti on her selection as protection from lightning. However, the steel frame of a hard - County Clerk of the Year by the New York County Clerks topped vehicle provides increased protection if you are not Association. I want you to know that this isn't the first touching metal. Although you may be injured if lightning strikes time a co - worker of mine has received such an honor. your car, you are much safer inside a vehicle than outside. Yes, in Maine I was privileged to work with that state's Town Clerk of the Year. Coincidence? As I said to Myth: People struck by lightning carry an electrical charge and Aurora: maybe, maybe not. should not be touched. Fact: Lightning- strike victims carry no electrical charge and The time is approaching fast for the County Blood should be attended to immediately. Contact the Tompkins Drives, to be held on July 31 at Biggs A (you didn't County Red Cross for information on CPR and first aid really think we would sell it by then, did you ?) and classes. August 10 at the Human Services Building. Did you know a half -hour of your time can help four different Myth: 'Heat lightning' occurs after very hot summer days and people? Here's how: A donated pint of blood is divided poses no threat. into four parts, red blood cells that can treat anemia, Fact: What is referred to as 'heat lightning' is actually lightning plasma which helps burn victims, platelets for cancer from a thunderstorm too far away for thunder to be heard. patients, and cryoprecipitates (you can look it up, but However, the storm may be moving in your direction! you better have a medical dictionary) to treat hemophilia. When you are asked to give, remember ��� 7---..-- \ this is something that a monetary donation to the Red � / Cross can't buy. In this world of synthetic substitutes, l / ze/ i . i / ,' , / ,,, , l i no one has found a replacement for human blood. v 7d 1 id 4 4 1 Back to the budget, see you next month. Flash Floods #1 Weather - Related Killer In The U. S. 1N (also from "The Red Cross Courier ") Most flash flooding is caused by slow- moving thunderstorms, thunderstorms repeatedly moving over ` ‚ » �� - f the same area, or heavy rains from tropical storms. Flash floods occur within a few minutes or hours of excessive �, /�tV IN rainfall. You will not always have a warning that these deadly, sudden floods are coming. Most flood deaths are due to 'flash floods'! TREE (continued from front pate) How can a foot or two of water cost you your life? Water This proves again 10 me that all departments in Tompkins County weighs 62.4 lbs. per cubic foot and typically flows Government have compassion, dedication, and charity which downstream at 6 to 12 miles per hour. When a vehicle demonstrates why Tompkins County is such a wonderful place in stalls in the water, the water's momentum is transferred which to work and live. to the car. For each foot the water rises, 500 lbs. of lateral force are applied to the car. But the biggest factor My sincere sympathy and thanks to to Sandy Brown, a dedicated is buoyancy. For each foot the water rises up the side of employee, a wonderful servant, and a sincere friend to me and the Town of Newfield. God Bless you Sandy. the car, the car displaces 1500 lbs. weight. Two feet of water will carry away most automobiles. If you come (Note: Sandy Brown k pictured on the front page standing next 10 upon flood water, STOP! TURN AROUND AND GO the tree which was donated.) ANOTHER WAY! There's a possibility that your wife is either jealous of the "figures" in these magazines or that you spend more time reading and browsing than you do with her. In either case, be I sure to listen CLOSELY to her concerns and discuss them with allitlit her. I would even suggest asking your wife to actually READ your Playboys. I think that she would find the articles (not the pictorials) more interesting than she imagined. Dear Danielle, Please let me know how things turn out. Sometimes I'm tempted to lie about deadlines so that people will get their reports to me more closely to on time. Can I -Dan do that? Tearing my hair out Gohgratydatiohs to Dear Tearing, Mr, am' Mrs Char /es gmither$ I do not think it's necessary to lie, or to consider your thought dishonest in any way. Kathy M. West, Deputy County Administrator and Charles Smithers, When you establish a schedule for a particular project, Emergency Services Dispatcher exchanged vows on Friday, June 30, your due date must factor in enough lee -way so that you receive 2000 at the Trumbulls Corners Community Church. your reports in time to complete your end of things without being rushed. A deadline must include time for you to do your part. It is unrealistic to think that everyone will turn things in on time. Personal crisis, or illness can prevent this from Ai happening. If the same people are late time after time, despite your new built -in flexibility, you will have to confront that person > to find out what the problem sending roblem is, or start sendin reminders a week . ffi or more prior to the due date you have established. If this does Ir.; . • not solve the problem, speak with your supervisor about possible solutions or actions you might take. , `a" . ,, , , Danielle Dear Dan, I'm not much for writing letters, but I got a question to �$ ask. I would ask Danielle too, but I already got my wife's opinion and would like another man's opinion. wife and I have been married for a while now and she doesn't like it when I look at certain magazines and go on _ certain web sites. Like Playboy and such. I'd never do anything - ; -� -� more than look, but my wife says it is childish and I shouldn't be r f 4 s even looking. What do you think? eyes, no hands. ' k %- � ' 1 i l .. 4..; ^- All eyes, no hands . .st us.. i.untyr ittit ' Dear Eyes and Hands, I think that it's nice that your wife's opinion is the only " Y female opinion that you're interested in. Because of this, I will ` / 4 not offer my opinion, but I will just ask a question that you might , V.- think about." If it bothers your wife, why are you still doing it? Danielle _ a; Dear Eyes and Hands, A -E 4 '; ; I apologize for Danielle's blurb above. You had to be r „ expecting that. In my opinion, there are tasteful magazines and web _ , I � sites, and then, there are not -so- tasteful magazines and web sites. I would consider Playboy a more tasteful magazine than the rest t ` (what man on earth doesn't envy Hugh Hefner). � food <Drive Remember to markyour calendar for July 31s1 and August 10th. These are the dates of the Tompkins County Employee Sponsored Blood give. A recruitment team member from your department or 6uilding will 6e contacting you directly to ask you to donate 6tood on one of these dates. Blood is always in demand, 6ut the demand is particularly high in the summer months so we need everyone that can to donate and help the Red Cross in supplying the needed blood. (You, a family member, or a friend could 6e in a medical emergency situation that would require blood Imagine how you would feet if there wasn't any avai(a6le from the Red Cross because people didn't take the time to donate. If you are unable to donate blood, 6ut you are willing to help, your services can be utilized as a volunteer at the drives to register donors or hand out cookies and juice to those that donate. Be sure to (et your recruitment team member know when they approach you that you would be wilting to serve as a volunteer. Your donation of 6lood or time will be greatly appreciated.!!! Mood Drive Information: Monday, July 31st - BiggsA (enter through the 1st floor 6ackjOC entrance) - 9:00 A�rr -2:001 Thursday, August 10th - ffuman Services Building (1st floor Beverly Livesay Conference Room) - 9:00 ,414 - 2:00 Pill Chickenpox Poster Contest By: Katy Prince, I lealth Department In June the Tompkins County Health Department entered a poster contest with five other New York State counties sponsored by the drug company, MERCK. KeIIy Nickerson (pictured at the left) got help from the Seven Lakes Brownie Troop 614 and Ariel Mohler, daughter of Carol Mohler from the Health Department. The posters were displayed at local retailers such as: Wegman's and the Dryden Food Mart, and at the Health Department. The poster (seen on the next page) tied I— Chenango County for first place in the contest. Congratulations to the Health Department! CHICKENPDX GAZETTE, Children on �, .�. Facts f , Chickenpox ,4' a � , . :� , x s , ,� y -Nit E t ta *Chickenpox is also called Chickenpox is not fun! They itch a varicella. lot. I had chickenpox when I was 1 small. If you don't want to get , *Chickenpox is spread from person chickenpox, get your shots!" to person through air or by fluid Leah, age 6 , ,`- , --.. ' I (from the blisters). . -. / ' 4 "I had chickenpox when I was two. *It causes an itchy rash, fever and One sore got infected. It was on "No more chickenpox! When I tiredness. my jaw. I had to go to the hospital got my chickenpox, I thought and have the doctor fix it. It left a cool! But then it started itching *It can lead to severe skin infection, scar. I itched for two weeks! like crazy. I itched and itched scars, pneumonia, brain damage, or Thank goodness I had them when I and itched. Then my Mom said death. was young. It's worse for adults." "Don't scratch!" I had to hold Courtney, age 8 myself back to keep from itching. Mama gave me a "The chickenpox was not fun and oatmeal bath, but it still itched! they itched a lot. I had the I'm sure you don't want to go chickenpox when I was three. through this!" Everyone should get the Ariel, age 9 . chickenpox shot." "I' glad I did not have "� m Stephanie, age 7 g chickenpox. My brother had m ;_ e the chickenpox. I had the shot. Thank you Mom and Dad!" *12,000 people are hospitalized it , . ' r Tabitha, age 9 each year and 100 people will die as a result of the chickenpox. 1' How Can You *The Tompkins County Health P, . , Prevent Department is offering FREE p g Chickenpox? chickenpox vaccinations to Which One Was Vaccinated? children 12months -18 years. For Four ended up getting the more info call: 274 -6616. chickenpox. The only way to Special Thanks To: Seven Lakes (Answer: The girl in the middle) Brownie Troop 614 and Ariel prevent chickenpox is Mohler. to get the Chickenpox Created By Kelly Nickerson and The Tompkins County Health (Varicella) Vaccine. Department THERE'S NO DEPRESSION years and the stream just keeps on flowing. Compassion lasts a lifetime around here. IN THIS BUSINESS By Rose Ann Taube, Community Support Services Every year because of hospital closings, budget cuts, shortfalls, Iongfalls, windfalls, who knows, increasing t ! " numbers of people are seeking mental health services. 4k ~ . Unfortunately, it's a constant concern. "There's no e+' `' r depression in the mental health business." i `" . And now I'll turn my attention to humor — let's talk about that for a moment. I love our clients and look forward to ; being able to offer help to them. I find most to be charming and rather interesting and to me, they're just (.* ( folks. Who among us is not special in some way? I bet " r , '' most of us are a little particular about something or other. 1 s , 4, Remember, there but for fortune go you or I. ��. ", , f f One thing this case aide /front desk /front line job has f 1 r , taught me is how precious a gift mental health is I thank s fy' t ,_` ,,; my lucky stars when I see my children growing healthy <. and strong — life is so fragile and our mental health is a gift When someone suggested that I write an article about we often take for granted. Community Support Services, I stopped to pause and think Most times, when those elevator doors open, it's how I could precisely describe such an exciting and gangbusters! Some delightfully interesting and charismatic fascinating place. A place that has been my home away person enters and our challenge begins. Do I love my job? from home for seven years, and as busy as it is, is less You bet I do! chaotic than my house with two teenagers and a big guy in tow. KIDS THANK LYNN LEOPOLD Oh well, let's see. ..The Crisis Center, especially on Friday FOR R S W C TOUR afternoons. You'd think the week would be winding down, and in most places it is — but not here. Every significantly Quite often Lynn Leopold, Recycling Coordinator for mentally disabled person, whether resident or visitor, who Tompkins County, offers tours of the facility to local is in town for the weekend and is desperate before Social children. Recently a class from the Northeast School Services closing time, is our potential clientele. Mentally received one of the tours and showered Lynn with disabled, perhaps homeless, out of medication, no money, many thank you letters. Here is a sample of some of no luck — that's who pass through our doors seeking help. the many letters that she received. We are often their last resource. And we're usually effective. Dear Lynn, Thank you for showing us the Recycling Center. I Our effectiveness is in great part facilitated by Tom Fox, really liked the pencils you gave us because it was our fearless leader, who administrates with tolerance and made out of denim jeans and o/d paper money. sagacity and is in fact an idol of mine — he's the greatest. Sincerely, Alexis. He has garnered, through many years, a staff who reflects Dear Lynn, his kindness and compassion. A client is sacrosanct; how Thank you for showing us the Recycling Center. My can I better describe it — the client is the reason we're favorite part was the small garbage can because it here. The client is everything and as such, everything is was so small. I hope that one day in the future we will done to help someone who needs assistance. a /ways recycle and that we will reduce forever. But crisis response is only one aspect of our case Sincere /y, Ca/eigh. management services. Being representative payee for Dear Lynn, many, helping to manage peoples' money is a large part of Thank you for showing us the Recycling Center. our responsibilities. Housing, advocacy, counseling, the What Hiked was the loader pushing all the glass and day -to -day needs being dealt with, that's some more of plastic. / just loved the loud sound. Sincerely, what we do. Ebolutalese or 0.T. I also want to mention the County Mental Health facility in If anyone is interested in touring the facility, please general. I am no youngster, I've worked for plenty of years contact the Solid Waste division at 273 -6632 to make and I have never been so completely impressed with a arrangements. group of people who are genuinely concerned for our Good job Lynn. Keep up the good work! clients' needs. We're no dummies, we've been at this for Medical Adult Day Program from windows to floors to doors. His attitude is "We can Could You or Your Loved One get you whatever your want," and he finds ways to make it happen. He indulges us our fantasies and gently Benefit From This Service? pulls us back to reality. Does anyone in your family need help during the When we open the doors of the new library, Craig, daytime with eating, showering, taking medication and Jeanne and Jim can take a lot of credit for its success. getting around? If so, perhaps you could benefit from So to these three county employees — not library the services of a Medical Adult Day Program. Currently, employees — we would like to say thank you for all the a Medical Adult Day Program is not offered in Tompkins work that you have done on our behalf, and all the work County, and the Office for the Aging and the Health that you will continue to do for us in the future. Planning Council are assessing the need for such services. MERIT INCENTIVE AWARDS Medical Adult Day Programs are typically run by a By Maryanne Banks, Department of Social Services nursing home or hospital, and offer nursing supervision, assistance taking medications, nutritionally tailored Tompkins County Department of Social Services meals, planned therapeutic activities, and certified health received a $7,500 grant from the new York State aides to help people with bathing, toileting and walking. Department of Family Assistance (NYSDFA) to use as People can participate for either a half -day or a full day. Merit Incentive Awards. Youth enrolled in 7th through Door to door transportation is usually provided for grade who demonstrated academic excellence, participants. This type of program may supplement care academic improvement or performed community provided by other family members, giving caregivers service since July 1, 1999, and were current recipients of time to work or pursue other activities. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) were lf, after having read this description, you feel that you or eligible. Tompkins County offered the program to youth your loved one could utilize such a service if it were in receipt of TANF and Preventive Services. And, we offered, please call the Office for the Aging at 274 received a waiver to offer it to these youth in 4 through 5490 to share your thoughts. 70th grades. County Employees Honored Twenty -two youths were nominated by their caseworkers and parents to receive awards. The By Library At Library Staff nominations were reviewed and 16 were found to meet Recognition Day June 21, 2000 the eligibility requirements of the program. Some youth By Janet Steiner, Library Director who were nominated did not meet the specific eligibility From time to time we get confused about whether we criteria of being current recipients of TANF and are county employees or library employees. The answer Preventive Services. is we are library employees! But also from time to time, The youths selected were awarded items including we work with county employees who become so close to several computer packages, summer camp tuition, us that we begin to think that they are actually library school supplies, family health club memberships, sports employees? Our relationship with our colleagues at equipment, lessons, bicycles and more. County Personnel, Information Technology Services and Buildings and Grounds for example, is one of close Youths receiving the awards have shown academic cooperation and support. excellence, academic improvement, and community This year, everyone on the library staff had an service. Many of the youths have improved attendance opportunity to work very closely with county engineering in school over the past year, and as a result, many have staff, who have been managing the new library project. improved their grades significantly. One youth's Without a doubt, Craig Hopkins, Jeanne Boodley and Jim dramatic improvement took her from failing most of her Kazda have been the most amazing work team ever subjects to passing them all. Another youth has been assembled in Tompkins County. And, without a doubt, involved in helping fellow classmates learn how to use we are going to have the best facility in Tompkins public transportation and participating in other County and the best library building because of their community service projects during the past year. diligence, expertise, support, encouragement, and hard work. Jeanne's work with the Stakeholders has been Through hard work and perseverance, other youths stellar. Her understanding of the design of the new have become more connected with their academic life. library exceeds that of most staff, and her ability to One student was recently placed on the academic Honor solve many staff related concerns about their own Roll at his school due to his hard work and improved space, makes her special. Craig Hopkins virtually lives in grades. Another student who also has improved grades the construction trailer on -site and runs interference and attendance at school participated in a community between the county and the contractors — and always art project. Yet another student became an advocate for makes the right decision for the library. Jim Kazda's his peers in lobbying for an underage nightclub in the engineering expertise ranges from solar panels to rugs, community. Year 2000 Employee G olf ;' . a r . r.. , . 1 t: ..,, ,.„..."....,.... ,,,„,. ....".„ , %:, I -- [ + 1 c," A . r I. �'r G •D lir --1 .A.- r " KEEP SIVINGING. :NE BAWL SEA M% TO LOOK WORRIEO.,.n Mi Circle your calendar for the 6th Annual Tompkins Employee Golf Tournament Friday, September 8, 2000. Paulette Neilsen would like to thank everyone for remembering her during her continued illness. : I would like to thank everyone who expressed their concern and (4 1» - get -well wishes by sending cards, flowers and e-mails while I was my • � �` "� in the hos itai and u on m return home. It is nice to know that I I `_� P work with so many caring people who I also have the privilege of THANK YOU calling friends. I O I would like to say a special "Thank You" to Lisa Eaton who has 'kept it all together' in my absence. The department could not �l have survived the personnel shortage if Lisa hadn't been so IN re dedicated (I think sheer determination had a lot to do with it ® too!). Thank you Lisa for all that you have done. Christine Brill, Purchasing PERSONALS 1 c _..,.6„6‘: . N., #.3 -'_,,,, Welcome to Louise Sills and Cecilia Vargas, C hildren's Services. I``L` ♦ Welcome back to Cheiegat Misiko and Ginn IP 1,./ Newlin, Children's Services. 11010 This new feature in Corridors is dedicated to word ♦ Farewell to Bill Gahnz, Children's Services. processing highlights, humor, quizzes and helpful tips to help us cruise along the technology highway. Some ♦ Congratulations to Liz Croop, Mental Health, on of the content /topics will be gleaned from OneOnOne the birth of her fifth great - grandchild, Dominick, Computer Training Inc. If you are interested in born May 26, 2000. submitting computer highlights, tips or humor, please contact Diane Bradac. Test your computer language vocabulary by matching = v 1 I1� ` ��� _ the words below with their computer related [ i ] � Alit; ,�ik meanings: 5g. 1l a�elSili Sit- - ZI-E LAUGH -«3 EXPRESS COMPUTER TERMS: Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. When they A Cascade H Portrait lit a fire in the craft it sank, proving once and for all B c;l�i board I Queue that you can't have your kayak and heat it too. C Crop J Rule Two boll weevils grew up in South Carolina. One went D Driver K Switch to Hollywood and became a famous actor. The other E Landscape L Toggle stayed behind in the cotton fields and never F Mouse M Wallpaper amounted to much. The second one, naturally, was G Path N Zoom known as the lesser of two weevils. COMPUTER MEANINGS: _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.. _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..- .._.._ A three - legged dog walked into a saloon in the Old West. He slid up to the bar and announced, "I'm 1 A command modifier looking for the man who shot my paw." 2 A CPU -to- peripheral interpreter 3 A desktop background _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._. ._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.. P back roun g image g Did you he about the Buddhist who refused his 4 A file address dentist's Novocain during root canal work? He wanted 5 A holding area for data in memory or on disk to transcend dental medication. 6 A pointing device 7 A storage area for copied text or graphics 8 A straight line DEADLINE: 1 TUESDAY OF THE MONTH 9 A horizontal orientation Articles to be considered for the August 24 10 To magnify issue, must be received by noon on Tuesday, 11 To overlap August 1S Submit articles via e-mail as an 12 To trim attachment or on disk in ay file format that is 13 To turn on / off readable by Word for Windows '95. Send disk 14 Vertical orientation and hard copy to County Corridors c/o Judy Tynyk, Weights & Measures, 125 East Court You can find the answers on the back page. Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. Please include a No cheating! contact number in case questions arise. CLASSIFIEDS 1798 Simeon DeWitt, a surveyor - general of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, and later surveyor- general of the state, arrives. He eventually acquires more than 2000 acres / ' around the southern end of Cayuga Lake, most of which now For Sale: makes up the city of Ithaca. Power Wheelchair - purchased in 1999 and used for only four months. With battery charger and special cushion sear. Purchased new for $5,600 - asking $2,000 - ,_ call David at 274 -5492. It's never to early to start thinking about Christmas. Call Small white gas range w /oven - 20" x 25" - for cabin or Tynyk Originals at 564-9244 evenings or weekends for a small apartment. Set for propane but can be adapted for unique gift or home decor item. Expecting a new arrival? natural gas. Not new, but in very good condition - $50. Ask about the Fleece Cuddle Wrap for babies. Call Sue at 272 -1099. Massage for relaxation or as a therapeutic response to a chronic problem. Can be flexible benefits reimbursable. Top - quality leather hiking boots - men's size 8 or Call Richard Reed at 844 -9327. women's size 9 1/2 or 10. Galibier Vercours for heavy - duty hiking -great for Adirondacks back country! Ex- cellent condition - well cared for (sno sealed regularly) - DEADLINE IS THE FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH!!! less than 200 miles on them - $40. Call Sue at 272 -1099. REI 2 person pup tent with waterproof floor and fly. CLASSIFIES Not self standing - orange and tan - good condition, but Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County not used in the last 10 years - may be a little musty - $30. employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may Call Sue at 272 -1099. be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers 1995 Spectrum 16 ft. pleasure/ fishing boat and trailer - may be listed in your ad, however we do need your full 40 HP Mercury motor. - steering console, trolling name and County telephone number submitted with the motor, fish finder, rod storage, 13 gal. built -in fuel ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County tank, many more features. Asking $7,500. I Iardly used. Corridors c/o Judy Tynyk, Weights & Measures, 125 East Call Russ at 275 -0321. Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 via U5 or interdepartmental mail or e-mail to: gitchygumma®juno.com Spinet piano - 1976 Kimball - piano and bench structurally perfect - pecan wood finish - needs to be NOTE: tuned. Best offer. Call Aurora at 273 -7605. If you would like to modify your classified or want to run it again, you must re- submit it! Spinet piano w/bench - very pretty - excellent condition - $2,800. Call 564-0565. COUNTY CORRIDORS Case trencher/backhoe/dozer/blade — 4WD articulating Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County 2 cycle diesel, 30 HP, floatation tires. Days 9 am — 1 pm — employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the 532 -8856. Nights 5 pat — 9 pm — 869 -5732. opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the S ervices. right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright materials. EDITORIAL BOARD: Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me help Bill Chopp Department of Social Services with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever it Sharon Cooper Sheriff's Department takes to get you and your computer working together Liz Croop Department of Mental Health again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or Iretta Ellis Information Technology Services weekends. Michelle Pottorff Board of Representatives Katy Prince Health Department Zart Computer Services - for all of your computer Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment needs: consulting, computers and accessories. 266 -7492. Jud T n k (Chair /Editor) De.t. of Wei.hts & Measures Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Bldgs. & 6rnds. ANSWERS: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -I 6 -F 7 -8 8 -J 9 -E 10 -N 11 -A 12 -C 13 -L 14 -H