HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03 /140 st Sevices I 0 - \ i ' A Newsletter for \, Employees and Retirees • _ • �: L. ' of Tompkins County 7 41) j/ \ // 11 e lli ' . 114 \7 '.-_,, U - \ \I \\ March 2000 Ilod rr Volume 13 Number 3 RYAN'S NEW ROOM by Iretta Ellis, ITS 00 About two months ago my 7 -year old asked me if he could O Q hang some things on his wall. I asked him what he had in w D ' ) ; mind and he said "fishing stuff ". So the idea of "Ryan's new room" was born. Searching all over Ithaca and Cortland for Q 0 wallpaper with trout and streams proved to me that this Q task was going to be harder than I had thought. While 0 q , �t , :. watching HGTV one night I watched a show where they had 0 7 3 7 1 , . ` r placed cotton material in liquid starch and attached it to o Q :. th wa lik w S o the w e s our searc f or 0 t s y., a,:,,,,:, material. Q p • F - ,. =tom -." D To the left you can see the material that we finally found that fit Ryan's requirements. Although this picture doesn't 0 0 0 r7 show the colors, there are many! So we then started our 0 Q *,° project. It took two of us an entire day to put the material Q �;. , =F up, but it was well worth it. Then we put a wooden chair p rail on the top and a wooden slat in the middle to hide the ": T:, ,, seams. 0 1 ,; ?-" a`: .1, ": Once we had our "theme" we came up with many ideas. We 0 0 N _ : . 7,�,.,, t A built a "dock" for his computer, television and desk area. Q Q 0 i • - . We purchased a large fishing net and hung it in the corner to hold stuffed animals. We used a fishing pole for the Q mosioNISIIIIIIIINNUNSIMEM curtain rod and hung a stuffed fish off the end with a hook. Q O We also purchased a life preserver buoy and mounted a Q mirror on the back and stenciled "U.S.S. Ryan" on it. We 0 Q 0 used an old oar with shaker pegs to make a coat rack and �. hung a creel bag to hold the computer and video games. 0 0 ' '• Then we found a picture with a trout and then another with 0 Q . ? r ,I r. fit fishing flies. 0 r •* h 4 All in all, the room came out wonderful and we did all the `z , work ourselves. It was a great winter project that involved 00 „ ', �. the entire family. The owner of the room loves it and wants to know if we can go fishing. Unless his father is willing to . 4* take him out and dig a hole in the middle of the ice, I guess Q 0 . .;.:.,'''r • he will have to wait until spring!! 4. Copy Submission Deadline FOR INFORMATION REGARDING UPCOMING TRIPS AND EVENTS for {ufute issues: SPONSORED BY THE VENDING COMMITTEE, Noon, the l' Tuesday o{the month CONTACT PETE COATS (274 -6688) OR PATTY STAMM (274- 6674). r COUNTY • Vfvz,qcv-1 C7EQ. Za ADMINISTRATOR'S , � , � }/"' ' Author Unknown j l ' . A computer was something on TV ' w " From a science fiction show of note REPORT 4' r , . ' A window was something you hated to clean i fi'. :',• and RAM is cousin of a goat by Rick Erb % Meg was the name of my girlfriend And gig was a job for the nights Now they all mean different things Bits & pieces this month... And that really means mega bytes Last year about this time I was able to report that the cost An application was for employment to the County's Self- Insurance Reserve Fund was at an all A program was a TV show A cursor was profanity time low in 1998. Well, 1999 did see a slight increase, but we A keyboard was a piano were still well below our average cost over the past six years. Compress was something you did to the garbage The County does purchase conventional insurance to cover Not something you did to a file major losses, but the self - insurance program saves us And if you unzipped anything in public thousands of dollars every year over the cost of insurance You'd be in jail for a while premiums. Thanks to all the employees for making it a Logon was adding wood to a fire success, Hard drive was a long trip on the road A mouse pad was where a mouse lived I hope many of you will be participating in the Imagine Action And a backup happened to the commode Program, sponsored by the County Health Department and Cut you did with a pocket knife the Health Planning Council. It's a great opportunity to shake Paste you did with glue off those winter cobwebs, but remember the registration A web was a spider's home And a virus was the flu deadline is March 31s If that isn't for you, maybe you can participate in our employee reimbursement plan for health I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper club memberships or weight reduction programs. Full time And the memory in my head I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash employees are eligible for reimbursements of up to $150.00. But if it happens, they'll wish they were dead This is a perfect opportunity to do something good for ..,....n., yourself and let the County help pay for it. If you need motivation, think of the warm weather coming. EMPLOYEE EMERGENCY POOL In the spirit of the current U.S. Census, here's some trivia. If you have extra hours available, please The most heavily populated U.S. county is Los Angeles County consider donating them to the pool. (surprise) at 9.1 million. The smallest is Loving County, Texas i Contact the Personnel Department (274 -5526) with only 140 residents (maybe not enough loving after all). to get additional information and donation If you read last month's column, you know we are hoping that forms. the 2000 census puts Tompkins County over the 100,000 THANK YOU! population mark. Please fill out your forms, and help us get our fair share of federal funds. • ci Baseball spring training is well underway and opening day for 1 5 APRIL 1, G L? e 1 the BoSox isn't so far off. Or cis my wife refers to it, / "twelve minutes of excitement crammed into three hours." • See you next month. 4 111 I ATTENTION RETIREES: i t If you do longer wish to receive 1a. Corridors, please notify us at the hurts! address listed on the back page. THE FINAL CHAPTER by Vicki Wagner, Assessment Pedro Safe! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ At last report, a discontented Pedro had left his post at • the Tompkins County Court House, leaving behind a note of explanation to a very distraught Deputy Mike Day. • "� Accepting rides on car racks, Pedro hitch -hiked to Florida. • • We are pleased to report that Pedro has been back at his post atop the metal detector at the Court House for the past few months. 0 • Corridors is now free to release the rest of the story. • e wi • om an. Pa.. Pedro had indeed reached his final destination of Mexico p l ', z where he was reunited with his parents, the owners of 1 one of the largest Kahlua factories in Mexico City. There • ,-*"..• ' * - '''''' ''**' ' he meta beautiful Chihua named Maria. Pedro and Maria ma rried , and Ped ro took a job at a local police department. The job consisted primarily of executing ��` Search Warrants, ( "Drop the Chalupa ") with his partner, ■ ' Rocky. It turned out that Maria was not the dog Pedro had ' * ''' ;" " j thought she was. Their marriage became strained due to • Maria's excessive drinking and partying. His attempt to Mom and Dad at the family business. confront Maria with her problem resulted in an assault on Pedro by a dog named Spuds McKennzie. Pedro was arrested. His deputy badge was in danger of • being taken away. So, with the help of loyal friends, Pedro escaped and caught the next flight back to the ._ „n, States using the alias of Maurice. #, Upon his return, Pedro sought help in entering the Witness Protection Program. He's still waiting for a reply. . Me and Maria, married October 2, 1999 in Mexico City. o er +wx I Is a e H tiD *0 Me, on the way to execute a Search Me and my partner, Rocky. Me escaping! Warrant. He's the bruiser on the force! I ■ nuts, I say, but I don't want to break anything trying to negotiate these sidewalks. Seems to me the City would make the sidewalks safe or spring for our parking. What do you I /1 think? When I try to figure it out, I become..... D Dan — Mentally Challenged Dear Mentally Challenged, Dear Dan & Danielle, What do I think? Well..... you asked. I am a single mom and have been for a number of 1 think we have become a society that is completely years. 1 have recently become engaged to a man who also has out of balance. I think that we are working too hard, on too children. What kind of advice do you have for me in many days, day in and day out. I think we are driven to becoming a new Stepmother? And do you have any advice mental overload and it has become the norm. 1 think that we expect way too much from ourselves, and as a result, we for my soon -to -be on becoming a new Stepfather? Stepmother -To -Be expect way too much from others. 1 think we think too much, and not about the right stuff. I think we don't let go of things, Dear Step, and that blame and critisizing happens much too often. I think There are a ton of books and articles on the subject, it's impossible to clean all of the sidewalks at the same time so but common sense is handier. that they're all safe after a hearty snow. 1 think it's Go slow. Make friends. Allow room for resistance. unreasonable for us to expect the City to quickly determine Assure the children that your relationship doesn't mean the whether the parking lots should be free or not, based on the other parent is being "replaced." Be available for condition of the sidewalks. I think we should always expect conversation, but don't force it. Spend time alone with each to pay for everything and be pleasantly surprised when child in order to give them an opportunity to vent or express something is cheap or free. I think walking is good. I think their concerns. Do more listening than talking. we should be careful when we walk (or sit). I think we Your children and his may become jealous of the shouldn't fall, and if we do, we shouldn't blame someone else. attention they used to get from each of you which you are now Danielle giving each other. You may need to give them a gentle Dear Mentally Challenged, reminder that everyone deserves happiness and a Parking certainly is a touchy subject these days, isn't companionship that can only come from a close relationship. it! It seems that everyone always wants the "prime" parking Remind them that someday, they will be going off on their place, but unfortunately it's almost never available. own and you might otherwise be alone. Remind them that I think with the resources that the City of Ithaca has you are extremely fortunate to have found someone to share to work with, they do a reasonable good job with the streets the rest of your life with. and sidewalks in the area. According to the 1990 US Census Congratulations and good luck! Bureau, there are 5.5 sq. miles in the City of Ithaca to include Danielle a population of nearly 30,000 people. That's a lot of streets and sidewalks to clean with numerous obstacles in the way Dear Step, (i.e. parked cars & traffic). Be patient with the City. Being a step - parent is certainly not an easy task. It's Dan especially challenging if your "ex" is close by and has a solid relationship with your child. Send letters to Danielle / Dan c/o Judy Tynyk, Wgts. advice to you would consist of two easy — g is Meas. 8 guidelines. 1. Work HARD at becoming friends before you try to parent. 2. DO NOT try to replace the "other" parent. It is important for you and your "soon- to -be" to s � ,N Complete remember that this will be a very difficult transition for your �� a �� ° \ details in children and it's especially important to address their needs and concerns first thing. \ Ott the next Good luck and please be sure to let us know how issue of things went. Corridors! Dan 25 Year Dear Dan & Danielle, Club Last Friday wasn't a bad day for driving, so 1 parked Dinner four blocks away from my building, which is the closest free parking. Then when I got here I saw that the parking lot next May O to the Mental Health building where I work was free that day. May Well, nuts, I said, but 1 needed the exercise anyway. Today, when the driving is horrid and I don't dare try to walk on the sidewalks, the City is charging the full amount to park. Well, 1 • oFFicii L torn tins coun .. CrPLo' EE PROCEDURE (computer revised from an anonymously submitted drawing) as DISTANCE OF BUTT FROM CHAIR COUNTY 12" — 18 " EMPLOYEE'S BUTT / o ° RECOMMENDED TRAJECTORY OF BUTT TOWARDS CHAIR BUTT VELOCITY: �• (distance to chair) (velocity X (volume = +1- (% of butt on chair) " t t of butt) of butt) IMPORTANT: The velocity of the butt approaching the chair should be reduced in proportion to the distance from the chair. Recommended velocity at beginning of sitting procedure is 3 — 4 mph, and 0 mph at end of procedure. CAUTION: Failure to reduce speed can cause an equal but opposite reaction, sending the chair backwards. It is recommended that employees practice this procedure at least three times without a chair before positioning a chair in the target area. CAUTION: This procedure is recommended only for Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees. All others should consult their supervisor. i clilorirrl. Vile: Rho says n t (10)17 ham 101r111 u)imug, our ranks? CLASSIFIEDS 1788 The first settlers arrive and begin to establish farms in fields cleared earlier by local Indians. This area is i near what today is known as Ithaca's DeWitt Park. For Sale: '96 Subaru Legacy wagon, 44,500 miles, AWD, cruise, fully loaded, new tune up and alignment, safe, very comfortable, excellent, nearly new condition - $12,500 - call 273 -2831. DEADLINE: f TUESDAY OF THE MONTH Double bed mattress and box spring - $75; Black Matte bunk bed w /single mattress on top, Futon on bottom - Articles to be considered for the April 20th issue, must $150 - call Iretta at 844-3420 nights or weekends. be received by noon on Tuesday, April 4th. Submit articles via e-mail as an attachment or on disk in any Philips Magnavox portable CD player - electronic skip file format that is readable by Word for Windows '95. protection - 20 sec. Bass boost, car kit and ac adapter - Send disk and hard copy to County Corridors c/o Judy $55 negotiable - call 273-2770, leave message. Tynyk, Weights & measures, 125 East Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. Please include a contact number in 1978 Rally 20 ft. boat - I /O, open bow, 305 Chevy eng. - case questions arise. $3,800 ; 1983 Kawasaki fiberglass JetSki 440 - $650 - call Iretta at 844-3420 nights or weekends. CLASSIFIES Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County Brand new: Titanic on DVD - $15; Cannon BJC -1000 employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may color printer w /cable - featuring American Greetings be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be CreataCard SE and IBM Crayola Print Factory software - accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers $40 - call Judy at 564 -9244 nights or weekends. may be listed in your ad, however we do need your full name and County telephone number submitted with the 1995 Spectrum 16 ft. pleasure/ fishing boat and trailer - ad in case there are questions. Use this coupon to submit 40 HP Mercury motor, steering console, trolling motor, your ad and send to County Corridors c/o Judy Tynyk, fish finder, rod storage, 13 gal. built -in tank, many more Weights & Measures, 125 East Court Street, Ithaca, NY features - asking $8,000 - hardly used - call 275 -0321. 14850 via U5 or interdepartmental mail. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY! Thank you. Services: Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me help with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever it takes to get you and your computer working together again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or weekends. COUNTY CORRIDORS Zart Computer Services - for all of your computer Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by needs: consulting, computers and accessories. 266 - 7492. the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the Wedding Photography Dunn Rite. High quality matte opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current albums. Videography. Affordably priced. Call 594-3387 employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the until 8:00 p.m. right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright materials. It's time to start thinking about Easter and Mother's EDITORIAL BOARD: Day. Call Tynyk Originals at 564 -9244 evenings or Bill Chopp Department of Social Services weekends for a unique gift or home decor item. Sharon Cooper Sheriff's Department Expecting a new arrival? Ask about the Fleece Cuddle Liz Croop Department of Mental Health Wrap for babies. Now accepting MasterCard and Visa. Iretta Ellis Information Technology Services Michelle Pottorff Board of Representatives Massage for relaxation or as a therapeutic response to a Katy Prince Health Department chronic problem. Can be flexible benefits reimbursable. Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment Call Richard Reed at 844 -9327. rudy T ynyk (Chair /Editor) Dept. of Weights & Measures onna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Bldgs. & Grnds.