HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07 • mi ; ^n ,, A Newsletter for
Employees and Retirees
C asi
;. of Tompkins County
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Ca:, ei / Iii !.* -.7 i i ', m , JULY 1998
Volume 11 Number 7
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Commissioner of Public Works, William Mobbs is seen here with his new mobile
office purchased with roll -over funds from previous budget years. In addition to the 111010 R►
chauffeur, the stretch limo is completely equipped with state -of -the -art office ' ;, 1
equipment including a laptop computer, mobile printer, fax, telephone and
conference table. It also contains a microwave, refrigerator, fully operational sink w"
with hot and cold running water, restroom, TV and VCR, and Jacuzzi. The , , i ; - '
Commissioner stated that this vehicle will allow him to visit and personally inspect
the numerous department work sites around the county without having to give up
the office comforts he is accustomed to. Bill also noted that he has already received .
and accepted, from another county department which has always been mobile and '
whose initials are W & M, an option to purchase this vehicle in 2000 when it is due
to be replaced. Although he would not disclose what that purchase price would be,
Bill did indicate that it would be a token amount due to the limited resources
available to that department. Joline Hendrix is holding it over Geri
He stated that he will be requesting permission from the County Board to place on Bochenski's head that the birds can get
the vehicle, in lieu of the County Seals, a bumper sticker that says, you indoors as well as on The Commons.
"Honk If You Like Comfort!" Next time you see Geri, ask her what was
bestowed upon her as she walked back to
nn ,/ n work at the Clerk's Office one day,
JrnJicle ihiJ JJJue: covering her clothing and hands.
Spectators waved back at her when they
Danielle Upcoming Trips thought she was greeting them. Actually,
Tales from the Bush RSVP she was trying to get that hand dry.
Olestra Unclassifieds
25 Year Club Inductees The Personal Touch
The deadline for copy for the August issue is July 27.
by Dave Bush, Sheriff's Dept. The New Fat Substitute *
Submitted by Rosalie Fontana, Health Promotion, Health Dept.
� //f )) Hello, how are you all? First I In the TV commercials for potato chips made with
ii # would like to thank all my Olean, a 'salt of the earth' type farmwife claims that "You
;" , ` t. supporters that sent email know a good thing when you see it." But outside the
�`� �� r addresses to me to be included p
<�1 contrived world of advertisements, nutrition experts are
V. in the weather membership. I taking a second look at Olean and they are not at all sure
was shocked to see the that what they are seeing is a good thing. It may take a
{ number of you who replied
while before the final verdict is in, but there are certainly a
(see me blush). It is amazing lot of questions being raised about whether or not these
to me that a little humor can go new snacks are a step in the right direction
so far. Olean is the brand name for Olestra , a new fat
Things here at substitute that doesn't add any calories to foods. Olestra
T.C.S.D. are busy as ever, as they say there are 10 million is made synthetically from vegetable oil and sugar, but it
stories in the naked city, we have heard most of them and can't be digested or absorbed and so it remains in the
then some. By the time this issue comes out I imagine that digestive tract until it is eliminated. The fact that olestra
all the kids will be done with school and home for the cannot be absorbed is the reason it adds no calories, but
summer. For all you dads out there we hit it lucky this it can also be the cause of digestive problems. Some
year. Yup, Fathers Day is the 21st so if you reward your people who eat snacks made with olestra have suffered
kids with a few dollars for their good grades you can from abdominal cramping and diarrhea, in some cases
remind them of what you would like for a present. Didn't severe enough to warrant a trip to the emergency
think of that idea did you, sometimes I just outdo myself. room.
In my last article I mentioned some items in Olestra also interferes with the absorption of
reference to when not to call 911, this month I will pass vitamins which are soluble in fat, vitamins A,D, E and K.
along some computer lingo for those of you who are new The effect of olestra on vitamin absorption and the
to the email and the networking system: possibility that it may lead to vitamin deficiencies over
time worries some public health experts. Vitamin loss
lol = laugh out loud brb = be right back would be related to how much and how often these snacks
bbl = be back later rofl = roll on floor laughing are eaten, so it is not reassuring to know that one -third of
cmla = call me later alligator "heavy snack eaters" are under 18.
Nevertheless if it is consumed in small quantities,
Well, I will end now as I just got lost in thought and it was Olestra is very likely to be harmless, which led to the FDA
unfamiliar territory If any more of you would like to approval. But there are still unanswered questions,
join the County Weather Channel just email me at including whether people will start eating more of these
dbush @tompkins - co.org. Bye for now... snacks now that calories are no longer a restraint.
P.S. A point to ponder: Nothing is foolproof to a ` .
sufficiently talented fool. 1! I) �` ,
___. r
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When public health leaders
illita nfaCi advised Americans to cut their fat
intake, the goal was for us to V
TH (S 0„,.. substitute more fruits, vegetables
� and whole grains, rather than switch
p ► to synthetic fat substitutes that have no nutritional value.
P At the present time the role of olestra in the diet may be
7 unclear, but there's absolutely no doubt about the
7 benefits of eating more fruits and veggies. There's still
truth in the old adage,
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
f ki " sip
•\ M • Based on an article by Ronni Bowen, MS
which appeared in the spring / summcr edition of the Cornell Cooperative
Extension newsletter, Food and Family Health,
25 —YEAR CLUB Ail ,
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Congratulations to all of the $
• new 25 -Year Club members. / `
, 111L We would like to thank` a"
all of those who attended and
i lik'n
Lori W. LnFave porticipated in the 25 -Year Janis B. Avery
55 Club Dinner and hope to see b 55
you again at next year's event.
Special thanks to all of the
guest speakers and
department heads who spok:
on behalf of the new , R-
ItAilli members. `,�
:rooke Kominos & Jackie Yoder
, Personnel De.artment x
N n
James N. Clasby Bridle Hockenberry
heriff 11 Health
.,. V: '. $ , Dear Danielle,
My nephew is happily married with children. There
! 4 1 is nothing he would like better than to see my very eligible II
r- son entombed in the constraints of holy matrimony. As a i
', \ ` ;; ,, a ,ci 04 i� result, he is constantly fixing my son up with bimbos!
These relationships, if you can call them that, never last.
1% de Unfortunately there are a couple of ex's that just won't give
up the chase and are constantly calling me trying to find
C? nn2 &Tvnawn out who my son is seeing, where he hangs out, etc., etc.
Since my nephew is responsible for this aggravation I am
having to endure, would it be out of line for me to refer
\ Cc ppnn future calls to him? i
` Send c lo 21cutietCe — Bombarded by Bimbos
/ l ) / /
/Cufh Pond Dear Bombarded,
What's a bimbo?
Dear Danielle, My sense is that you are basically involved in an
have occasion to have frequent confidential area which makes you uncomfortable. I suggest you
discussions with another county employee in a department remove yourself from the situation by disengaging yourself
other than my own. Unfortunately, another employee in from the relationship your nephew and your son have. ,
that person' s department is constantly eavesdropping on Your son is in control of his own decisions: when to date, 1
these conversations. I have tried to be polite about this whom to date, and how long he should date a particular
situation, but this person just doesn't get the message. person. If these women are considered bimbos because
Quite frankly I am getting totally fed up and some days I the relationships don't seem to last, then, in a sense, we're
have all I can do to maintain my naturally quiet and gentle all bimbos. It's unusual to meet someone who fits the bill
manner. on the first try. It takes time, and with every dating
I just want to point blank tell this person to mind her own experience, your son comes closer to evaluating the
beeswax! Do you suppose if I were to present her with a characteristics of what kind of woman could become his
pair of earplugs and blinders that that would get my soul mate.
message across? As for the phone calls, take a message or refer them to
your son's residence. Don't get involved.
- Overheard and Angry
Dear Overheard, **..,********.***.,,,***************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Yes, earplugs and blinders would get your
message across, but here are some suggestions that will Dear Danielle,
preserve your quiet and gentle manner. My husband moved here from a big city, and he
Don't meet in a space which leaves you subject gets upset when I blow my horn at people 1 know or their
to being overheard. If others can hear you, then you are houses as I go by. He says the horn is to be blown only to
violating their space and right to a quiet environment. warn other drivers, pedestrians, or animals of impending
Truly confidential conversations require conditions danger. Did you ever hear of anything so ridiculous?
necessary to preserve confidentiality. Anyone who speaks - Confused in Cortland
within earshot of anyone else is inviting that person to
listen. Dear Confused,
Yes. In Defensive Driving Class.
*********************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Dear Danielle,
I am not much for the bar scene and so I Dear Danielle,
occasionally read the Personals where people are trying to An asteroid is scheduled to hit the finger lakes
find someone to spend time with. I recently came across region on June 4th. Can I take the day off as a holiday?
this one and I can't figure it all out. It read like this: SWDF Can I pay for my health insurance with Ithaca Dollars?
looking for SWHM for a DTAT relationship. Would prefer This warm weather is stirring up the fleas around my yard.
NS, ND, and RMAT. I love to cook, dance, fish, and Can I have the County highway crew come down to
cuddle. Only CF and H need respond. Can you help? Podunk Road and cut the weeds down? Also, can I use
my sick leave when I take my flea infested ground hog
Thanks, Confused in Cortland "George" to the vet?
Dear Cortland,
This person is confused. Abbreviations are not the Dear Whoever Wrote This:
norm. Too much is left to the imagination. This individual
is playing a game. Can't be trusted. Move on. No. Speak with your supervisor.
No. We need real money
*********************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
No Go to Agway.
No. Speak with your supervisor.
(continued on back page)
Vending Committee RSVP of TOMPKINS COUNTY
Recreation Subcommittee An open invitation to County Retirees
TRIPS Dear Retiree:
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of
Tompkins County invites you to consider becoming a
volunteer in our community or to discover additional
volunteer opportunities. For those of you who are not
Dinner familiar with the agency, RSVP has a three fold mission -
Party we match the interests, skills and lifestyles of individuals 55
and older with volunteer positions that are driven by
community needs, administer service projects and engage
in collaborative initiatives in Tompkins County. Last year,
September 18th RSVP volunteers gave beyond the hours of community
service by the ultimate contribution of how their interaction
Captain Bill's Seneca Lake improved the lives of men, women and children in our
Dinner Cruise community.
$25 /adult; $15 /child 12 & under for full meal; Whether they work several hours a month or a few
$10 /child 12 & under for chicken fingers or hours each week, RSVP volunteers consistently report
pizza meal. finding a personal fulfillment from community service. In
p addition, through RSVP they are eligible to receive
supplementary accident and life insurance and travel
expense reimbursement. Your interests may direct you to:
0 . 1.C-.1
11111.400' . Irk`
LOW" At■ fig
. A. la . ,..„..._
October 25
"RIVERDANCE" in Rochester *driving for Gadabout *preparing meals at a soup kitchen
$30 /pp - Includes bus transportation and *assisting in libraries *working on small house repairs
ticket to show. *ushering at a theater *acting as a museum tour guide
*doing data entry *visiting shut -in seniors
*serving as a Board member
*editing an agency's newsletter
*maintaining grounds at a local park
*making craft items for agency fund raisers
44'4 +, *providing tax or health insurance counseling
*teaching English as a second language or teaching
,' • : . .. computer skills
l i1 or
'' :s7,.... ?• ;.. _, some other of our 125 current volunteer opportunities.
all —" ,a , The more than 80 nonprofit agencies we serve
� � I .q, r eport that they could not survive at their current level of
ILIi1i�>r I . ' rAyl service without the continued support of RSVP volunteers.
Please consider spending part of your time doing what you
do best and achieve results that make a real difference in
November 7 -8 our community. Explore the possibilities; call 277 -4545 to
Reading PA Outlets Shopping (Overnight) chat about volunteer opportunities. What a wonderful
Dbl' $451 Triple; 40/ Quad. opportunity to share your expertise or develop a new
pp pp p $ pp interest. The choice is yours!
includes bus, hotel and continental breakfast.
Call: Pete Coats 274 -6688 Linda Hoffmann, Director and
Patty Stamm 274 -6674 or John Efroymson, Program Coordinator
Lynda Rose 274 -5553
�li!11dI1uNt�tik�NillflUE,L•R. ,�? -
Apple Jelly When you buy jelly in a glass jar, you should pay only for the weight of Agriculture
Net Wt and Markets
32 oz. the jelly. If you buy potato salad at the deli counter, you should pay Article 16
only for the salad, not for the weight of the container. -- -
The weight of the packaging materials is referred to as 'tare weight'. In many stores, the electronic or
computerized scales used at the check -out counter are set to automatically deduct the tare weight on commodities
packaged in the store. On other scales, the sales clerk must manually deduct the tare weight by using the 'tare'
function of the scale.
In direct sales, scales must be placed so you can see the scale indicator. If you are not sure if the weight of the
packaging has been deducted, ask the person doing the weighing if they took 'tare' and ask them to weigh the
package again and look at the indicator. You should see a weight with a minus sign in front of it (i.e., -.02). The
numbers will vary depending on the type of packaging, but the minus sign indicates that 'tare' was taken.
Weights and Measures officials also inspect and weigh prepackaged commodities in the stores to insure that the
declared quantity on the package label does not include the tare weight.
'Taking tare' is not an option in New York State. Anyone selling a commodity is required under the law to 'take tare'
on packages. Anyone found not taking tare on packages, can be ordered to take that product off sale permanently
or until the packages have been corrected. They are also subject to penalties if they declare a false quantity on
the package.
The following sections of New York State Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 16 are used by Weights and
Measures officials to ensure that the person(s) packaging a commodity 'take tare' before determining the net
weight of the commodity.
Section 186.2. For the purpose of purchase, sale or service, no person shall use a false weight, measure, device or
system for determining the quantity of any commodity. If the seller furnishes the weight or measure of the
commodity sold, he shall not sell or deliver less of any such commodity than the quantity represented to be sold, if
the buyer furnishes the weight or measure of the commodity purchased, he shall not receive or accept more of any
such commodity than the quantity represented to be purchased
Section 189. All commodities, the method of sale which is not prescribed by this chapter, shall be sold, or offered
or exposed for sale by net weight, standard measure or numerical count pursuant to regulations promulgated by the
commissioner. Such regulations may prescribe the method of sale for specific commodities or categories of
commodities and may authorize a method of sale other than those prescribed in this section whenever the
commissioner finds that such other method is appropriate and consistent with the interests of consumers.
The following list contains some commodities which are sold by net weight. It also includes the "tare weight' of
the commodity and, based on the unit price, the cost of the 'tare' for that particular commodity. This is additional
money that you, the consumer, would pay if the law did not prohibit the person(s) preparing the package from
including the 'tare weight' when weighing your purchase and determining the total selling price. The cost of the
packaging has already been taken into consideration by the seller when determining the unit price. If the law did
not require that 'tare' be taken on packaged commodities, you would actually pay twice for the packaging materials.
If you suspect that either of the above sections of the law are not being adhered to in regards to an establishment
or a particular commodity, call your local department of Weights and Measures and they will investigate.
COMMODITY (in oz.) _ _ (per Ib.) (in lbs.) TARE
biscuit mix _ 40.00 cardboard box 3.29 1.32 1 .182 .240 _
bread, loaf 20.00 plastic bag w /tie 1.79 1.43 .016 .023
butter 16.00 film wrap 1.89 1.89 .006 .011
Canada Mints 6.00 poly bay 0.89 2.37 .006 .014 _
carrots 16.00 poly bag 0.79 0.79 .006 .005
cat food 6.00 cardboard box 1.09 2.91 .066 .192
cereal 15.00 cardboard box 3.29 3.51 .240 .842
Cheddar cheese, sharp 10.00 plastic bag 3.25 5.20 .010 .052
cheese doodles 7.00 poly bag 1.69 3.86 .012 .046
chicken noodle soup 10.75 metal can 1.09 1.62 .102 .165
chocolate morsels 12.00 plastic bag 2.39 3.19 .008 .026
cleanser 14.00 fiberboard cylinder 0.59 0.67 .055 .037
coffee beans 12.00 paper bag 3.99 5.32 .030 .160
cookies 12.00 paper bag 2.50 3.33 .060 .200
corn twists 7.00 plastic bag 1.69 3.86 .024 .093
cottage cheese 16.00 plastic tub w /lid 1.89 1.89 .048 .091
crackers 16.00 cardboard box 2.19 2.19 .150 .329
dishwasher detergent 65.00 cardboard box 3.79 0.93 .216 .201
dog food 72.00 plastic lined paper bag 4.19 0.93 .112 .104
flour 60.00 paper bag 1.79 0.48 .046 .022
ham, sliced 16.00 deli wrap 2.69 2.69 .006 .016
hot dogs 16.00 film wrap 1.99 1.99 .008 .016
jelly 32.00 glass jar w /cover 1.99 0.995 .708 .704
laundry detergent 42.00 cardboard box 4.49 1.71 .219 .375
marshmallows 10.00 plastic bag 0.99 1.58 .012 .019
Mozzarella cheese 16.00 film wrap 3.99 3.99 .004 .016
mushrooms 8.00 poly bag 1.49 2.98 .028 .083
mustard, brown 8.00 plastic ,jar w /lid 0.89 1.78 .078 .139
pancake mix 80.00 paper bag 3.49 0.70 .066 .046
Parmesan cheese 3.00 metal w /plastic ends 2.89 15.41 .044 .678
peaches 16.00 metal can 1.19 1.19 .144 .171
peanut butter 18.00 plastic jar w /cover 2.29 2.04 .102 .208
pepperoni, sliced 6.00 film wrap 2.49 6.64 .014 .093
prunes, large 16.00 fiberboard w /lid 2.59 2.59 .052 .135
pudding mix 3.00 cardboard box 0.59 3.15 .024 .076
radishes 16.00 poly bag 0.99 0.99 006 .006
raisins 15.00 cardboard box 1.85 1.97 .043 .085
rice, long grain 32.00 cardboard box 1.59 0.80 .095 .076
salt, table 26.00 fiberboard cylinder 0.50 0.31 .102 .032
sausages, brown & serve 8.00 cardboard box 1.99 3.98 .042 .167
spaghetti 16.00 cardboard box 0.89 0.89 .058 .052
spaghetti sauce 28.00 glass jar w /metal cover 1.99 1.14 .776 .885
sugar, dark 16.00 cardboard box w /plastic liner 0.85 0.85 .066 .056
tomato paste 6.00 metal can 0.48 1.28 .070 .090
tomato puree 29.00 metal can 1.19 0.66 .224 .148
toothpaste 6.40 plastic tube w/cap 2.29 5.73 .056 .321
tuna fish 6.50 metal can 0.89 2.19 .086 .188
turkey breast 16.00 deli wrap 3.99 3.99 .006 .024
walnuts 10.00 poly bag 3.39 5.42 .008 .043
whipped cream 8.00 plastic bowl w /lid 1.59 3.18 .100 .318
yogurt 8.00 plastic cup w /lid 0.55 1.10 .034 .037
Unclassifieds The Personal Touch
For Sale: Congratulations to:
Twin bed w /built -in bookshelf $50 obo Diana Crane, COFA, on her marriage to Paul Schooley on
May 23, 1998. All the best!
Night table w/3 drawers $15 obo
Computer desk & chair $75 obo
Dining room table butcher block $65 obo
Desk chair $10 obo Thank you
Ironing board $10 obo
Call Barb Eckstrom 272 - 0552. "As the new Program Coordinator for the Assigned Counsel
Program, I would like to thank everyone for their positive
Sturdy Loft bed w /extra -long mattress, sheets encouragement and kind words. I would especially like to thank
$75. Med. Dresser w /mirror $50. Call Suzanne, Doreen Lauper, who has helped me stumble through the last five
277 - 3474 eves. weeks. I think we're going to make a great team and she is
definitely a great team player. I would also like to thank Tim
Gibson Freezer, 21 cubic foot upright. $200 obo. Kessler for all his advice and his sense of humor. We all need to
Call 533 - 7106. laugh once in a while and especially in this job. I can always
depend on Tim for his quick wit and his dry humor. Again, thank
1992 Buick Park Avenue - loaded. Extended you all for the kind welcome and I look forward to working with all
protection plan, automatic entry, burglar system. the different County agencies." Julia P. Hughes
Call after 5:30 p.m. (607) 564 - 9334.
2 Bdrm. Trailer - Extended livingroom, natural Don't forget "Crazy Hat" Day
gas, washer /dryer, shed /patio. Quiet park in Etna.
Asking $8500, call 347 - 6445. JULY 14
ear Danielle, �- 1
I asked my boss for someone to help
answer phones in our busy office and he arranged
for his favorite niece to come as she was looking
for a summer job. She has been here two days Articles to be considered for the August13 issue must be
and I am ready to climb the walls. When I received by Monday, July 27, 1998. Lengthy articles
returned from lunch today, I found the following should be on disk. Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth
message on my desk: Pond, Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
While you were out somebody called and they
wanted you to do something. They left their UNCLASSIFIEDS
number. I think it had a 3 in it. They also said it Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
should be done by 2:30. and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
What should I do? will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
Frantic in Freeville this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
— Corridors Go Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Dear Frantic, Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
Well, I know you are not a County
employee because we have policies in force that
prohibit supervisors from supervising their own
family members. If you ARE a County employee
and somehow this appointment slipped through
the cracks, you must bring it to the attention of the COUNTY CORRIDORS
County Administrator or Commissioner of Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
Personnel. So, assuming you are working in an editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
office that has no such policy, you will have to They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
Speak with your boss's niece and explain what is solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
required when the phone rings. Your boss was to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
nice enough to respond to your request for help, Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriff's; Liz
however, I'm sure he assumes you will train his Croop, Mental Health; Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance - Purchasing; Iretta Ellis,
niece to assist OU. Information Services; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle Pottorff, Bd. Of
y Representatives; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures: and Vickie Wagner,
If the niece continues to be of no help or worse (Artist), Drafting Technician.
than no help, you will have to speak to your boss. Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
Corridors, c/o Finance, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.