HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06 A Newsletter for
Employees and Retirees
": Tompkins Co unt
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JUNE 1998
,......:::::.:::::: ..„.....„.... ....:.............. .. . ,..........-... .......... . �rrr Volume 11 Number 6
by Janice Koski, Public Health Technician t.
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< . Jr Scott bids a fond farewell to his caricature. c, r , / v Lf (See article on next page)
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�n i1de this tidue:
. ` ,M „ � ¢ ( { Space for Rent
(4 /u ► Silver Service
► Golf Tournament
► Danielle
Stephen Maybee, P.H. Engineer and Janice Koski, P. H. Technician, ► Tales from Dave Bush
Division of Environmental Health staff. Bring Your Daughters to Work
• Training Programs
In celebration of Water Week, May 3 - 9, the Fifth Annual Water Development Programs
Tasting Contest was held on the Ithaca Commons on May 6. It was Crazy Hat Day
sponsored by the Environmental Health Division of the Tompkins Crazy Tie Day
County Health Department. Four local municipal water suppliers Unclassifieds
submitted water to sip. The Tompkins County community voted Yummy Cookie Recipe
Bolton Point water as the best tasting. The Personal Touch
Due to vacations, the deadline for copy for the July issue is June 15.
by Lorie Skurka, Silver Service Coordinator
'ifti!! The SILVER SERVICE PROGRAM at Cayuga Medical
Center at Ithaca is a membership organization for the 65+
T'H' PAC generation. For a one - time $5 fee, membership entitles
•7 3 � �'1C E ` seniors to a variety of services and discounts.
■ Each Silver Service member receives a card
R E N containing a microfilm chip that stores important
T medical information, instantly available to medical
personnel in an emergency.
• Silver Service sponsors a lecture series featuring
• medical professionals as guest speakers who
discuss various health issues that effect seniors.
Lectures are held 11 times a year (each month
a except July), on the second Friday of the month,
from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Garden Cafe.
All lectures in the series are free and open to
V1CKIE people of all ages.
Upcoming Silver Service Lectures include:
Administration is anxiously awaiting Kidney Stones: Latest Treatments, June 12
the arrival of our new by Dr. Sanjeev Vohra, Urologist.
"Big Kahuna"
Reducing the Risks of Fall, August 14
The party for Scott at Moakley House on May 8th by Dr. Andrew Morpurgo.
was a big success. People, food, laughter, and tears. We
have a photo album of the pictures taken at the party.
Please stop by if you'd like to see them. Scott is in the
learning -mode in his new position as Director of Planned _ eR MARK •
Parenthood. He greatly misses the technological advances "
we have all become accustomed to. (He's working on a ���
386.•...and, yes, we've asked if he wants to come back.) �4 _ rO�TE
.....and I think he's a little disappointed we didn't give him
a life -time parking spot at the Human Services Building 1998
(which is right next door to Planned Parenthood).
Tompkins County Employees
Right now, it's the "calm" before the budget- storm. Golf Tournament
In June, we will host our fifth annual budget training.
Before program budgeting came onto the scene, I used to
just send out the materials and instructions....sort of like •
the IRS. But, being the quality organization that we are, we
now invite the Budget Guru's to a training session. I'm
ru proud to say that we pull in an impressive crowd of bean counters and skeptics alike for this training. And, I must ii It ,
say, I rather look forward to it. (Yes, I realize I'm the only
one.) Ni "41
SO....it's business as usual in the Old Jail building.
And we have a wonderful dedication to our previous 1
Administrator on the wall of the conference room which has `
been dedicated in Scott's honor. For those who haven't
heard, this room is now known as the Scott Heyman
Conference Room (SHCR). Friday, Sept. 11, 1998. 8:30 a.m.
Thanks for everything.
It's been a pleasure serving you. Trumansburg Golf Course
Kathy M. West
Deputy County
i ,r , .
/ Dear Danielle,
' We are about to have our first child and are in the
A.' V- - process of choosing names. My husband has a great uncle who
— `' �: l ( »z/ e �/ e goa� �s was instrumental in the discovery of plutonium. He thinks we
�) should name our child "Plutonium" and call him (we know it's
n. keQ. tie a boy) "Pluto." I think the kids will make fun of a child named
< "Pluto." What do you think? Personally, I like the name
`=� CT/nu/R&M GR&M Sylvester.
,'� — Thanks, Penelope
Dear Penelope,
****************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Whatever name you choose, the baby won't care, but
the teenager will. If you don't have a real good defense for why
you didn't pick a "cool" name, or a "normal" name, and if you
Dear Danielle, imagine yourself running from the room, or hanging your head
My children are all grown up now and they all seem well- in shame some day, then you aren't done picking a name yet.
adjusted except my youngest daughter. Remembering that I had Personally, I think Pluto is a good name for a dog and
left home before I was really ready, I told all my kids that they Sylvester, a good name for a cat. You might consider getting
could move back home once, but the second time they moved pets someday. And if you use these names on your children, you
out it had better be final. They all heard me, and they all took will be forced to name your pets, Dave or Bob. Try explaining
me up on my offer. But my youngest apparently never heard THAT to your kid(s).
what I said, and she's back home again!!! For the third time!!! *, **************„*** * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
With her baby!!! What can I do?
~ Trembling in Trumansburg
Dear Danielle,
I am supposed to bring a dish -to -pass to work
Dear Trembling, next month and I was asked to make a hot dish. I have a really
good recipe for Mongolian Goolash but I am concerned that
Well what is her plan? Everyone needs a plan. people may not like the combination of fish, turnips, dandelion
Obviously, the first layer of her plan was to come home to the greens, and limburger cheese. It would be something different
safety of her childhood home. p however. What do you think?
There's a reason she's there. And you both probably ~Thanks, Cookie
know what it is, but my guess is that no one is saying what they
are thinking for fear of alienation. Obviously you care, and you Dear Cookie,
want to help, but what is the best way to help?
I seriously doubt that your other kids didn't return Go for it. -.S'euci y our 4ue3fion3 to
home because of the rule you established. Things just worked cC�� /�/� //��
out so that they either didn't need to come back, or they were 2)aniel % Rug /9o>
determined nQt to come back, whatever the price. ******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Parents "raise" their children on many levels, and it
doesn't stop when they reach legal age. After legal age, there is
adulthood, parent -hood, spouse -hood, middle age, retirement,
and old age. The first clue we have about what to expect or how
to act during these stages, for most of us, is through observing
our parents.
SO....show her how to be a parent and live ', . ',
independently by asking her what her plans are and how you can ; V 441<=,„;:3 , - � #, ' .,
help. Continue to live your own life, as best you can, and you c � g , r -/ • need to let her know that you have a life now and are not m the , ,,,.�., , '
"parent of a child" role, but rather in the "parent of a parent" _ a /
role. The dynamics are entirely different. •
Act like an adult, and treat her like an adult. Do what '
you would do for any "friend" seeking your help and guidance. --
DO NOT bend over backward out of some false sense of guilt or
parental obligation. You've been there and you've done that....
Good luck.
******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Rob Corpora's farewell cake had the folowing message:
Don't call us, we'll call you!
Tales from the Bush
1' '',
11 by Dave Bush
' , ,- /f Sorry, but all that good stuff is Those are just a few, but on the
confidential. I also will take this serious side, approximately two
I opportunity to advise everyone that months ago I did receive a call from
IF -- ' , ! my weather reports will stop as I a local College Proffesor, that while
-� have received requests that he was driving home down
ello, fellow unsolicited email is not appreciated. Sapsucker Woods Rd., he had a
county If you would like the reports black bear in front of him walking
employees! continued to your email address, I down the center of the roadway. He
Yes, this is will be putting together an address was screaming at me and wanted to
y o u r book for them so email me at: know what to do. It seems that on
L weatherman dbush @tompkins - co.org Long Island, bears walking down the
writing to you from the Sheriffs and I will add you to the listing. No, street are quite uncommon. He was
Department nerve center. I have don't be upset - I can understand the not pleased when I advised him that
been requested, told, asked and point. bear season was not open and he
hounded to write an article for our I would like to thank everyone who should leave it alone!
newsletter, so here I am. First of all has contacted me with and
should fill you in on all the continued to give me encouragment In ending, thanks again to all of you
happenings, gossip and such from in keeping you all up -to -date on the who have contacted me, and I will
up here on the hill: weather and some of the other be waiting to hear from you again!
tidbits that I like to add.
- We have had some problems with
-- . our new 911 system, as such I felt Editor's note: My guess is that
- that this was an excellent forum to you'll be hearing from a l0000000t of
let you all know when NOT to call county employees. I'd like to add
911: my thanks to you for brightening
""" a) Kangaroos in your yard some of those dark winter days
° — "_. b) Cats in your trees when you kept us informed as to
c) The neighbor's barking wolfhound road conditions and awakened any
101.01111 d) The neighbor's barking children funny bones we had with your
e) The neighbors barking humor.
f) Cows in your garden.
Bring Your Daughters to Work
On April 23 there were strange goings on at the Mental Health Building.
Y i
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We heard Patti Caulkins say, "1 brought Grandma (Liz And this is Rachel, Cynthia, and Jon Kloppel enjoying the
Croop) to work today." Notice who's doing the work good life at CSS.
and who's reading the paper!
Tompkins County Training & Development
Please contact Jerry Feist or Diane Bradac at 274 -5590 if you are interested in the following workshops.
t p eo p aiems t S elt:a
� Continual improvement and development of knowledge and skills can be key to job
h satisfaction and career advancement. Whether your training and education was specifically
1\ geared for your current position and/or you have learned skills while on-the-job, this
workshop series is designed to enhance your professional insight, build confidence and skills,
and connect you with other office professionals.
t ?your P10044/00Cte 70ulidatioft (3 )
Your job vs. your career -s+;
How do you view what you do? - steps in defining your "career" aspirations
Learn how to bring your career goals to a level of daily importance ,' O 0'
Understand the role of your supervisor and managers and how they can help !^,
Bridging the gap 3
Connecting your responsibilities with the organization's goals and objectives
Keep things moving and improving
Develop more confident relationships with supervisors and managers g ,,
Taking initiative and making decisions; determine how and when it is appropriate 1'
Managing stress
What is positive and negative stress?
The ten minute solution for understanding and managing daily stress
Learn what you can do to take ownership of your projects and responsibilities
�� G . • / ��� (3 C24GG14
� Request what you need
Principles that ensure effective two -way communication
w What to say and do when asking questions and making requests
Working together to solve problems
j, Give and get clear instructions
Learn how to identify a communications breakdown
Develop tools that give you feedback to avoid costly misunderstandings
Learn what to do when you want more feedback from supervisors
Speak with persuasion and influence
Master the "features and benefits" formula to successful persuasion
a ` Develop your skills for responding to resistance
Increase your chances for support for your plans
3. 1 oteiceaav fleun 57o6 S (3 4'e&
Balance your work and life , ■
‘.‘ hoose and use a prioritization system that works for you J
Keep "urgent" out of "important" ,,
Move from ASAP to more realistic deadlines '°�,, J t
Minimize interruptions and re- formatting your day ° `r
Understand your "effectiveness" zone \,
Develop a routine in a non - routine day`
Provide services to others in a way that also benefits you
Get control over the telephone, mail and current technology
The dates, times and locations for this September, October and November series will be announced soon.
Tompkins County Training & Development
"T &D" will provide you with updates and information about in- service education and workshops,
Partners for Quality, and helpful hints for your professional development. Feel free to contact
Jerry Feist or Diane Bradac at 274 -5590 if you have any ideas, questions, or suggestions.
What is Tompkins County
"Daily Management training ?" It typically takes a work unit at least 20 hours of
meeting time (six to twelve 2- or 3 -hour sessions)
As more departments begin Daily Management training, to complete the following steps, depending upon
this question repeatedly comes up. Buildings & Grounds, the unit's culture, group maturity ( "forming,
Information Technology Systems, Mental Health, storming, norming, performing, transforming "),
Motor Vehicles, and Public Health have recently started decision making process (autocratic aconsensual),
Daily Management training, or they will be in the near and problem solving abilities, and depending upon
future. the issues facing the unit. After this training, it is
presumed that the unit will be able to continue the
The answer is not as simple as "Four score and seven PfQ process without an outside
years ago ... " because there is no one "cookie cutter" facilitator /consultant being present.
approach. Daily Management training is customized to
meet each unit's specific situation. Still, there are some Common steps in Daily Management training are:
commonalities. 1) Establish our mission, vision, goals, & values -
Daily Management training is the way PfQ's principles What's the big picture? "If we don 't know where we
and practices are being brought to County employees. The want to go, we'll probably end up somewhere else."
principles include customer focus, shared leadership, 2) Identify our customers & suppliers (internal &
management by fact, problems with process (not people), external) - Who do we serve?
and continuous learning. 3) Identify customer requirements / the desired
future - What do internal and external customers
Rather than getting theoretical training in quality tools and legitimately' want or need?
techniques, and then trying to figure out how the theory 4) List problems & opportunities - Our cup is
applies to "the real world," work units are trained while probably 80% full. What opportunities are there for
they examine and improve their tlaily work. Thus the capitalizing on strengths and /or fixing problems?
name "Daily Management." 5) Identify major area(s) to work on first - We 've
got to start somewhere.
Each unit forms its own culture and has its unique 6) Develop alternatives
strengths and opportunities for improvement. The training a) Goals - What do we hope to accomplish, how
in quality tools & techniques, using real work issues and will we know if we have improved?
processes, is designed to examine and strengthen the b) Options - What are some ways we could
group's "culture" and processes for working as a unit. achieve these goals?
c) Strengths /weaknesses - Nothing is perfect.
Training is intended to help people in the unit understand What do the alternatives have going for them?
and improve their Against them? Costs? Benefits?
a) Tasks - What we do and why we do it d) Choose - Which will we try first?
b) Processes - How we implement the e) Plan - Who ... What ... When ... How ...
plan do check = act cycle to ... Where ... Evaluation of success?
Identify what needs to be done f) Test - Do we get what we expected when we
Do it try this new way?
Evaluate progress 7) Implement - Systematize the process to
Improve & recognize success keep it ongoing & self - correcting
c) Interpersonal Skills - Working together 8) Evaluate success - Customer satisfaction?
successfully benefits from good ... Employee satisfaction? Cost savings?
Communication 9) Do it again ... and again ... and again
Problem - solving and decision - making ... for continuous improvement.
Handling conflict constructively
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create a ct'azy hat „wear it to work on July lwfth, , ,
Let Ruth Pond C27 "i -55'o) or Judy Tynyk 0274' -5523) know ahead of time that you're
going to be wearing it and someone will come take your picture {or Corridors!
eeI..l .0 uu■■aIuau. a.■. u■■■■ul uIslI .IsuIaauu■usulIuIllar1r+rr1wrI u■
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immium ■aiisaMime■mmanovlfrsisu fatr sosseasons■avallimissioisom...,
, A K st pAY MR,. _
Can you match these people to their tie?
4kik ; ., . Skip Hewitt, Assessment; Tim Kessler,
K= , ,'' County Administration; Vickie Wagner,
Assessment; Judy Tynyk, Weights and
Measures; Lori Parker, Finance and Donna
D ePutron, Buildings and Grounds.
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Unclassifieds The Personal Touch
For Sale: Sympathy to:
Girl's white Victorian Daybed. Two Helen Beach, Finance, and Theresa Albert, Youth
single mattresses, striped spread and toss pillow Bureau, on the death of their father, Robert G. Albert, who
for a complete set. Excellent condition., seldom worked at the Library for B &G. Our thoughts are with you.
used. $100 obo. 273 - 5844
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Class IV Draw -Tite Hitch. Fits 1983 -94 Prize winning recipe
Chevy S -10 /Blazer. Like new. $60 obo. Call Tim
Kessler @ 838 - 3501. Courtesy of Kathy West, Administration
2 1/4 c. unsifted all- purpose flour
1984 Pontiac Sunbird Wagon: 65,000 1 tsp. baking soda
miles; needs battery, engine and body work, 1 cup butter or margarine, softened
$500. Algoma Rope Hammock - use tree -to -tree 1/4 c. sugar
or with stand. Like new, $25. London Jeans, 3/4 c. firmly packed light brown sugar
Misses size 14, various colors - $10 /pr. Call Judy 1 tsp. vanilla
564 - 9244. 1 package (4 serving size) vanilla instant pudding mix
2 eggs
1 package (12 oz) chips
Free: 1 cup chopped nuts
Mix flour with baking soda.
Seeking family to adopt two one - year -old Combine butter, the sugars, vanilla and pudding mix in large bowl.
Guinea Pigs - sisters together from birth. Cage, Beat until smooth and creamy. Beat in eggs.
food, bedding and instructions included. Call Gradually add flour mixture. Stir in chips and nuts (batter will be
539 - 3302 after 6 p.m. stiff). Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto
ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 375 degrees for 8 -10 minutes.
Makes about 6 -7 dozen cookies.
Articles to be considered for the July 2 issue must be received by
Monday, June 15, 1998. Lengthy articles should be on disk. Send
by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance, or 125 East
Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
,0 Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
b =? these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
t` this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
` Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
440 Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
y x ee -. ,J 2C I 3n Yy 'f 41.;
````CELL P tt •
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
Oh Deer What Can the Matter Be editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
by Ruth Pond, Finance They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
If anyone is having trouble with deer eating their to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
flowers, foliage, etc., I recently tried hanging small Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriff's; Liz
bars of ivory soap among my rose bushes - since Croop, Mental Health; Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance - Purchasing; Iretta Ellis,
Information Services; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle Pottorff, Bd. Of
doing so I haven't seen any evidence of missing Representatives; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie Wagner,
buds. It seems you can fool a deer's eyes and (Artist), Drafting Technician.
ears but not its nose. A deer associates soap with Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
humans and so stays away. So far so good! Corridors, c/o Finance, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.