HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05 s 4 B i CiCC
A iliQWSIQttar for
EmployQas and RQtirQes
of Tompkins County
Volume 11 Number 5
'i. t t
Is the theme for the 1998 Children's Miracle Network Telethon. Connor Brill,
son of Christine Brill - Purchasing has been selected as a 1998 Miracle Child for
the Southern Tier. Connor will be appearing on the telethon, which will air on
e'- May 30th, and 31st
In Southern NY &
Northern PA the ',..
Telethon airs from 10 .,. ,,
p.m. until Midnight on ;
Saturday, May 30th „" .H,,, '
and from 9 a.m. until
6 p.m. on Sunday,
May 31st on WBNG-TV .'
12. Pledges may be �~r a
made by calling 1-
800-799-KIDS (5437). t,
Please "Share in the (i) 110f.
Miracles" by helping
to make them c
happen. 1 _
Connor with his Neurosurgeon, Dr.Gary Simonds
HSB Time Capsule Begins Its Long Wait .._9n3ide t/ii iiaue:
by Wendy Skinner * Scott's Last Column
"This is the best finish to a five-year project that I've ever been involved in," * Food Lessons
quipped County Board Chair Barbara Mink. On Thursday,April 9, at noon, Mink and * Crazy tie day
CSEA White Collar President David Chase shared the honor of putting a time * Blue Cross/Shield Changes
capsule into a wall at the new Tompkins County Human Services Building. * 25 Year Club Dinner
The capsule,a 4-foot-long stainless steel box,was filled with items collected * Retiree Get-Together?
from members of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives and from county * Beyond the Corridors
employees. Now that it is sealed in the wall, the box is to be left unopened for the * Like to Hike?
lifetime of the building. * Relationships
Primarily intended to document construction of the Human Services Building, * Public Library Annual Appeal
space in the time capsule was also set aside for items that reflect the services and * Free Diabetes Screening
people in the building, county government in general, and the community it serves. * Upcoming Trips
In addition to official documents and objects, some unofficial items—such as a golf * Unclassifieds
ball and a Syracuse Orange pin—appeared at the last minute. (con't. next page) * The Personal Touch
My Last Co 1 u rn n HSB Time Capsule(continued from cover)
by Scott Heyman, County Administrator
This is my last column for County Corridors. ,,.,..... •
l i '- '''
- ..,.• •
Ten days after this issue of Corridors is
distributed l will be serving as the Executive ,::4: , , 1.
Director at Planned Parenthood of _. . ,_ ... - '�
Tompkins County (a fine organization I ' �;°'"'
encourage everyone to support). . ::?-10 t.r i "f:'
And the day after this issue is distributed I ,,PIA
will be roasted to well done at Moakley r.- �
Y Among the items contained in the time capsule were:
. • a set of the building's blueprints
• current application forms for public assistance,
Food Stamps, and other programs administered
at the Human Services Building
Pt,. • a framed picture of the Board of Representatives
t • two issues of"County Corridors"
�j_ • Partners for Quality mug and clock
1r i� • TCAT"Summer Fun"children's transit passes
I �s • winning poems and drawings from the 1997 and
...lift 1998 Martin Luther King, Jr.Art and Poetry:!+,I: Nf. Contest, sponsored by the Human Rights
'- :, � ;;1 Commission
_"' • a large land-use map produced by the Planning
:ripe;. e:::"" = --
-` f Department
-.-...:s; '� •• a collection of information from the Youth Bureau
including a snapshot of the current staff, and
G � • a sealed message from the County Board
'" 7 ;t'p" ;-A' Chairman.
� Many county government brochures, annual
i` ;Ili Q i reports, or informational materials were also included in the
a� capsule.County Clerk Aurora Valenti donated a plastic name
i � )l 4I tag she wore for many years. Among the less official items
p 9 YY
I °f were a local road map; a packet of M & M's (the self-
i' ( ' �- proclaimed"candy of the New Millennium");and a menu from
-1 ..- the Shortstop Deli.
A contribution from county Representative Michael
Lane may be the most imaginative item to go into the time
capsule. Lane provided a U.S. Mint silver dollar that
I am as excited as I can be about my new commemorates black baseball player Jackie Robinson.
responsibilities and about my new
colleagues but I will never forget all of you. "when baseball finally broke the color barrier and
admitted this fabulous player, it signaled to the whole country
The day after I was appointed County a real need to change to include all Americans within the
Administrator the late Merrill Shipherd called system," wrote Lane in a letter that accompanies the coin.
to congratulate me and to Say what a "Our Human Services Building predominantly serves the less
fortunate in our community. It, too, is a symbol that the
wonderful opportunity had come my way. people of Tompkins County are committed to inclusiveness
How right he was. for all."
Food Lessons from Mother Nature create a crazy tie day
by Rosalie Fontana, RN , Health Promotion Program
It's spring,and suddenly the world seems to change from black and la
white to technicolor.Nature exchanges her winter palette of grays and browns
for one brimming with vibrant color. Fruit trees blossom in glorious shades of
pink, crowds of sunny, yellow daffodils smile at us, and brilliant red,yellow
and white tulips grace city and country gardens alike. For all its charm may though, nature has a serious purpose to this extravagance of color.
As we learned in high school biology, brightly colored blossoms and 12th
plants attract insects and birds to their favorite food sources and in the
feeding process the flora are also pollinated. To a botanist, the beautiful
colors of spring are more about survival of species than about delighting the
When it comes to the human species,there is a parallel to the notion
that color, food and survival are connected. The next time you are in a all employees
supermarket, pause for a moment in the produce aisle and look around. In
variety and richness of color, fruits and vegetables are as resplendent as a ate being challenged
flower garden. The shelves abound with apples in a range of colors from
golden yellow to crimson red. Then there are intensely orange carrots and to create a
oranges, pale green and purple grapes, red, yellow and green peppers,
purple eggplant and of course leafy vegetables in every shade of green .
Are all these colors nature's way of attracting us to food sources c r a z y necktie „,
needed for our survival, much the same as flowers attract birds and insects
?Perhaps. But in case you are not convinced, research has produced a long the crazier the better,
list of the ways that fruits and vegetables contribute to better health. Just as
a refresher, here's a few examples: and Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories, and so and wear it
help to maintain weight and to control cholesterol.
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low fat dairy foods has been to work on
shown to reduce blood pressure significantly.
Beta carotene, found in dark green, yellow and orange fruits and q�1ay l�th
vegetables helps protect against cancer. Vitamin C, which along with beta !r�
carotene and Vitamin E make up the antioxidant vitamins, also helps to
protect against cancer. Citrus fruits, red and green peppers, cantaloupe and
strawberries are good sources.
Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower contain phytochemicals
which show promise in boosting the bodies production of cancer fighting
Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber which may protect against
cancers of the colon, breast and prostate, and also helps lower cholesterol.
Unfortunately when it comes to choosing what to eat, humans
operate on a far more complicated radar than the birds and the bees. Over
and over we hear that Americans don't eat enough fruits and vegetables.
"Five a day"is really a minimum goal but many of us don't reach it. What we
really need to do to reap the health benefits of eating more fruits and
vegetables is to stop thinking of these foods as an add on and start making
them the centerpiece of our diet. Of course,food habits are built up over a
lifetime and don't change in a day but with time we can make the transition to Attention All Blue Cross Blue Shield
healthier eating. And the best part about it is that there are delicious ways to Subscribers
do it!Try the recipe included here for Pasta Primavera---which is Italian for Effective July 1, 1998, prescription drug services
Springtime pasta. And the next time you go food shopping ,feast your eyes
on the beautiful colors of fruits and vegetables and remember, Mother will be provided by Eckerd Health Services (EHS).
Nature is trying to tell you something! You will receive a new enrollment form so that
EHS has the most current information about
Pasta Primavera subscribers and their covered dependents.
1 package (16 oz.) pasta such as penne, shells or bowties Please complete the enrollment form and return it
1 medium zucchini, sliced 2 medium tomatoes,chopped to the Personnel Department by May 20, 1998.
1 red pepper,cut in strips 1 cup chicken broth or bouillon You will receive a new prescription benefit
2 cups mushrooms, sliced 2 tbs. Olive oil card before July 1, 1998, and your current
1 medium onion, chopped 1 tbs.dried basil Diversified Card will be valid until that date.
Cook pasta as directed on package;drain. Meanwhile, heat oil in large skillet This change does not mean you will have
and sauté onions, and then peppers, mushrooms, and zucchini till tender, to use an Eckerd Pharmacy to fill your
about 3 to 4 minutes. Add chicken bouillon,chopped tomatoes and basil,and prescriptions. EHS will simply be administering
cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes. Spoon over cooked pasta and serve. the prescription drug portion of the BCBS health
Try variations of this dish, using vegetables of your choice. plan for both retail and mail order prescription
y yr�
key taA
d : u
The Tompkins County Board of Representatives cordially invites you to
join them in honoring this year's inductees into the Tompkins County 25-Year
Club at a dinner to be held at the Ramada Inn 2310 North Triphammer Road
Ithaca, New York on May 28, 1998. There will be a social hour from 5:30
until 6:30 and a buffet dinner at 6:30 p.m. Reservations, including payment of
$23.50 per person, must be received by May 20, 1998. There is no charge to
25-Year Club members and their guest.
I will attend the 25-Year Club Dinner on May 28, 1998.
Number Attending: Amount Enclosed:
Contact Number:
Name of Guest:
Make check payable to TOMPKINS COUNTY and send to Tompkins County Personnel Department, 125 East Court
Street Ithaca, New York 14850.
Dear County/Library/TC3 Retiree:
Several of us who have retired from the County have recently mentioned that we miss
seeing some of those retirees we worked closely with, and wonder if there's any interest
in getting together once in a while "just for old time's sake". So, if you would kindly
complete this brief questionnaire and return it to Ruth Pond at the County Corridors 1 )))
office, it will give us an idea how to plan - or if there's little or no interest, on how not to (1
Ian! Your input is very important. Please take a minute to complete this page and 1 1 /
P p ry P p p g a / ,
return it to Ruth at your earliest opportunity. ,-- _ - ��
_ ...V J
Would you like to get together with some of the folks you used to work with? Yes_ //j
Not interested If yes, please continue. /
11 r
What time of day would be best: Morning coffee Noon for lunch Dutch treat
dinner in the evening at a local restaurant Picnic Other
suggestions '
) )\1
J - '
Knowing that some retirees travel outside the Ithaca area, what time of year would be
best? April/May June/July August/September October/November
Other suggestions \ I
How many times per year would you like to get together? Monthly Quarterly -
Twice a year Once in the spring and once in the fall Other
suggestions � ,/ ' \
Would you be willing to work on a small committee to get this activity started and keep it /'k--
going? Yes No
Please don't be bashful with your comments - we need all the input we can get to help ^u
us proceed with this "county retirees group", or to not move forward at this time. We jj feel it would be a good time to renew acquaintances and meet new retirees. Many ,
thanks for letting us know how you feel. 1
Please return completed form to Ruth Pond, Tompkins County Finance Office, 125 East + 1
Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. Thank you! /t)
Hugh Hurlbut/Louise McEwen (Personnel-retired) i f
Retiree's Name \Current Address
Telephone Number
(' ''� a rE-mail Address ■ .,;�,, �U I I
Cm -.� n ,� 2 1
t\ ..-_-___ _ \‘ it. 'P/ i \
/• " r Dear Danielle,
My husband and I just celebrated our 7'"wedding
•,.,..�. anniversary. I wanted to get him something nice, and in
-r- the book it said that for 7 years either steel or wool is
=J `` ' a�de ` ' � appropriate, so I gave him a box of steel wool. He was not
pleased. What do you think I should do?
' ' - Desolate in Dryden
_ Oy C7 I/ne ct/a2 Dear Desolate in Dryden,
Steel wool is good. Very handy to have around.
Good for little mice holes around your water pipes. I don't
\ know what moron declared the symbols for wedding
\, anniversaries, but my guess is that their marriage fell apart
right around the seven year mark. It probably started in
year number one with paper.
Anyway, 7 years is copper or wool, but the Modern
Dear Danielle, translation is "Desk Sets". Now, what if you don't have
I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your desks? I suggest that you forget the"traditional/modern"
column in the April issue of County Corridors. I have thing.
always looked forward to reading the newsletter, but now Wedding Anniversary's should be a reminder of
I will await its arrival with even greater anticipation. why you're together in the first place. No one must stay ,
I wish I could think of some personal dilemma on with any one these days. If you're still together, it's got to
which to seek your advise, but my life, both personal and be for more than just convenience.
work, are wonderful beyond words. Therefore I will defer Tip Number 1: Get romantic. Go to Spencer's
to my fellow employees, some of whom I know for a fact gifts and/or Victoria's Secret and/or the Video store. Be
should consider seeking outside counsel such as yourself. shocking and outtrageous. You will remember this WAY
Content In Tompkins better and WAY longer than the steel wool.
Tip Number 2: Remember the last time your
Dear Content, spouse wanted something that you thought was dumb,
Perhaps you should be writing these columns. impractical, or unimportant to you? Go and get this item
I'm glad that your life, both personal and work, are and/or give your spouse your blessing towards whatever it
wonderful beyond words, but, let's face it, you sound like is. You will be amazed at the response.
an anomaly. Please give it some more thought, OR Tip Number 3: Combine Tips 1 &2.
perhaps you would consider writing something on behalf of
someone you know who SHOULD be writing.
Thanks for the kudos. I do enjoy this kind of work. 2a/Ntie%ke c/a 2( i t area,, ace,.a4,
The pay is lousy, but the hours are good, and the subjects
are filled with intrigue. 1.25-�aat'gaaxt(9 eet C ttiaca, 14850.
Hike With Cayuga Trails Club
John Andersson, of the Division of
Environmental Health of the ; The hike is a good way to gain
Tompkins County Health t several points for the Spring Into
Department, invites you to hike in Shape Program, and to meet other
June. He will lead a hike up the $ outdoor-oriented folks. It may have
former railroad right-of-way (site of interest for current and former Biggs
the future Black Diamond Trail)from Complex employees. The hikers will
Cass Park and then around the meet at the first parking lot north of
beautiful Hospital Trail through the the new Route 89 bridge in Cass
woods just below the Cayuga Park at 1:30 P.M. ON Sunday, June
Medical Center. A brief detour will 14.Wear sturdy shoes or boots, and
include the WPA-era playful objects bring water and a snack.
d'art now gracing the hospital's
outdoor sitting area. Total distance The Cayuga Trails Club invites
is under six miles, and if anyone everyone to scheduled monthly
wants to walk just the hospital loop hikes, usually the second Sunday.
(less than 2 miles), or only wants to 101"
To learn more, call John (he got re-
walk downhill (about 3 miles), call � elected president for 1998) of the
John at 898-3058 to make Cayuga Trails Club at 898-3058, or
arrangements. just meet on June 14 at 1:30 in Cass
Reciprocity in Relationships Annual Appeal Will
Sharing, Caring, Giving and Receiving Focus on the Future
by Maureen C. Cowen,Family&Children's EAP Contract Manager
In the month of February, we were reminded of giving and receiving love and • " -
recognition through the tradition of Valentines. If we look beyond the
commercial aspects of this special day we can use it to assess an important
aspect of personal stress management. -
As humans, we need attention, love, positive affirmation and reality
mirrors to enhance our well being and to manage our challenges. All human The Tompkins County Public Library
beings need groups to survive. Research on stress indicates that the closer Foundation's focus for its 1998 Annual
geographically and emotionally we are to positive family members, good Appeal will be 20/20 Vision - To the
friends, honest co-workers, religious or spiritual communities and people who Millennium and Beyond, a theme that
are concerned about us and whom we care about, the less destructive will be underscores the need for the Library to
the stresses of life and life changes. It has long been known to us that infants take a long range view of its future.
need positive touch, physically and verbally,to thrive. The quality and length Superintendent Dr. Judith Pastel of the
of life for elders in nursing homes has been enhanced when they receive ICSD has graciously accepted the
positive attention and stimulation during the day. Support groups have position of Campaign Chair.
become increasingly important for extending the length and quality of life for 20/20 Vision - To the
cancer patients and others. These groups offer education, acceptance, Millennium and Beyond will assure the
understanding and hope. This type of support has a reciprocal quality health and viability of our Library and
allowing participants to both give and receive. into the future. The 1998 Campaign has
Change in our lives is constantly requiring us to adjust and adapt, to three components:
manage stress. As we all know,change comes in many forms and in varying Support for the Library Project,
degrees of frequency and intensity. The success of this adjustment and which will add staff, collection,
adaptation is strongly linked to our social support system. When significant services and hours. Library
change occurs it can disrupt our support system leaving us more vulnerable 20/20 Project is expected to
to the negative effects of change. We can feel these effects in the form of benchmark the performance of
physical and psychological discomfort. this library against similar
A support system varies from person to person; it can be a pet, a libraries and to suggest
significant other or a large community of persons and organizations. quantitative and qualitative
Basically, it is the people who care for us and whom we care for and about. changes.
The following is a brief checklist to help you assess who is part of your
support system and if your system needs to be cultivated, revived or revised. Support for the expanded
My Support Community Includes: public library construction
Formal Institution project, which will meet the
Religious/Spiritual affiliations needs of our community for the
Family next 20 years. The Library
Unit at Work needs to more than double its
Club/Organizations current square footage in order
Other to meet the demands of today's
Casual Unstructured Groups Library users as well as the
Friends with whom I future demands of its
Neighbors customers.
Pet(s) Support for the million dollar
Other endowment . A million dollar
endowment for the Library is a
Ideas for Initiating, Cultivating or Revising My Support long range goal. Each year a
Community Would Include: portion of the gifts from the
Visiting, writing and telephoning more often. annual campaign is added to
Being available, or organizing something. the endowment fund.
Getting to know more people, taking time for myself and a new activity, Businesses and individuals are invited to
getting back in touch with an old friend or contact, or making a special call the Library if interested in
effort to keep in touch with someone. underwriting a particular phase of the
The classic reminder Reach Out and Touch Someone is basic to The Tompkins County Public
our well being.We can touch and be touched in numerous ways providing Library Foundation was established in
ourselves with a way to fulfill a basic need and to help manage not only 1993 by the Tompkins County Public
our stress but give support to others. If you are having problems using Library Board of Trustees to provide
this stress management technique, please call your Employee Assistance fund raising to maintain the stability of
Program for consultation, assessment and/or referral- 273-7494. the Library as well as achieve new goals
and directions.
Unclassifieds The Personal Touch
For Sale: Congratulations to:
Four 15"Ford Aluminum Wheels. $200
takes all or$50/ea.Call Phil Chaffee at 564-3332. Scott Heyman, County Administrator, on his new job as
Executive Director at Planned Parenthood of Tompkins County.
1989 Dodge Caravan. Nothing fancy but Our best wishes go with you.
no known problems. One owner, all maintenance
done regularly. New battery last winter. Trailer
hitch. STANDARD transmission. $2000. Call Ann Rob Corpora, ITS, on his new job as Cortland County
at 272-2361. Director of Central Services. We wish you well.
Free walk-in Upcoming Trips
Diabetes July 11 Sterling Renaissance Festival
July 25 NY Yankees vs. Chicago Baseball
Screening Game. "Old Timer's Day"
October 25 "Riverdance" in Rochester
For Individuals
The Committee is also working on two other trips:
a Dinner Cruise, and a Shopping Trip.
55 and Over
For more information, call:Peter Coats 274-6688
Lynda Rose 274-5553 or -
at the Patty Stamm 274-6604.
Newfield Fire Hall Articles to be considered for the June 4 issue must be
received by Friday, May 22, 1998. Lengthy articles should
Wednesday, May 20 be on disk. Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond,
Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. UNCLASSIFIEDS
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees,retirees
For more information call and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads,however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
Cayuga Medical Center at 274-4127 this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
Corridors do Finance,or 125 East Court St.,Ithaca,NY 14850.
Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
or the
Senior Citizens' Council at 273-1511
Made possible by a grant from the New
York Department of Health Community Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
Diabetes Coalition solicited from current employees,retirees and others.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriff's;Liz
Croop,Mental Health; Lisa Eaton,(Proofreader), Finance-Purchasing;Iretta Ellis,
Some people find fault Information Services;Scott Heyman,County Administrator; Ruth Pond,(Editor),
Finance;Michelle Pottorff,Bd.Of Representatives; Judy Tynyk,(Chair),Weights
and Measures;and Vickie Wagner,(Artist),Drafting Technician.
Like there is a reward for it Correspondence may be sent through County inter-department mail to:County
Corridors,do Finance-Purchasing, 125 East Court St.,Ithaca,NY 14850.