HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04 _. �_ f A Newsletter for
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of Tompkins County
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Volume 11 Number 4
Downtown Parking Problems Solved
by Harlie Parker
) 4 �.
r This is to advise all county Those county employees who drive cars to work
,� ' ,,% employees that the formation of a
may, upon application to and with the approval of their
" „--A committee which has been charged with department head, which shall have sole and discretionary
}`I 0 f impacting on the question of sufficiency powers in this matter, be allowed to continue to drive their
•-� y i v of parking accommodationalities in the cars to work for a period not to exceed two months from
downtown county complexs and on local the May 1, 1998, date of the implementation of this policy
--- area streets was approved nine months provided always that they park in public spaces available
ago by the Tompkins County Board of to all and will either use all their free break time in order to
Representatives. This committee was also charged with move their cars regularly among the several and various
working with the Budget and Finance Committee, so as not short-term parking areas available in the local vicinity or put
to impact negatively or otherwise in a manner such that its money in the meters or walking several blocks from the
results would of necessity be negated. spatial locations where their cars are parked to their jobs
Said committee has studied the appropriate, and then back again as long as this poses no significant
pertinent, and relevant situational parking factors and their interferiencial problematics with their dutys as their job
report was released eight days ago. descriptions describe, especially with the "other dutys as
It was stated in their report that it had been required” phraseologys.
determined that less parking accommodationalities than
were needed or wanted were available, and that because 1 st Vice President Installed
of said lessageness it was necessary to enhance the
effectivity of the parking situation. It was further determined
that in the event of negative incidents such as an extreme " "
snow or ice occurrence or other negatively materializing i
circumstances that the normal parking availability would be
lessaged to below a critically ascertained minimum such
that measures would be needed to be taken to ensure the
availability of parking accommodationalities. ;;� , A, , .....
It was unanimously recommended by the ,
committee and approved by the Budget and Finance "�" "" i
9 May I
Committee that starting .
as of Ma 1, 1998, all vehicles � � �, -_
belonging to the county would be replaced with 1 f 0 = MaimMit . .
motorcycles as they become ready to be traded in and /or ,
replaced, and that all vehicles purchased by the county, Tompkins County Clerk, Aurora Valenti, was
starting as of May 1, 1998, be motorcycles, and that all installed as 1st Vice - President of the New York State
county employees be encouraged to ride motorcycles to Association of County Clerks (NYSACC) at their
and from work, as motorcycles are less financially intensive February meeting in Albany. In February, 1999, Aurora will
to buy and maintain, and are known to achieve more accede to the office of President of that association, and
positive mileage -to -gas ratios than other motor vehicles, she is planning that Tompkins County will be the site and
and are considered to be more maintenance - friendly host county of NYSACC's four -day summer convention in
because more of their mechanisms are accessible from June '99. Aurora advises us: "We are hoping that many
both sides, and as the county parking lots will be repainted of the 63 County Clerks, staff, and families will attend
to accommodate motor vehicles that can fit into slots no the convention and see for themselves the beauty and
more than three or perhaps four feet wide. vitality of Tompkins County which I have been lauding
all these years."
SQ(01 [a `S,
County Administrator's Report ( °' 1 Passport to Spring
by Scott Heyman t ' 9 _ by Sandi Chambers, West End business owner
Many thanks for all the good wishes on my birthday in March. -, q 1.
The zanies in my own office in particular outdid themselves. It ,k N. , Sponsored by West End Businesses
was a St. Patty's Day to "'�. ..,
remember. 's ''''''''' you know? West End Businesses have
contributed over $1,428461.00 in sales tax to the State of
It is no April Fool's prank if I
f New York and to Tompkins County for the calendar year
remind everyone to watch for 1997. They employ over 273 full time and 202 part time
Finance Director Squires' recap and have a combined number of years
on year - end County finances.
The size of our reserves on '1 °' / p roviding great customer service, of over 579 years.
� : i. Th West End, post construction, is planning a
December 31, 1997, will almost ."
surely be the biggest single factor ,, ,a P P 9
great ce lebration. We have had a difficult 3 years trying to
in the 1999 budget equation. I service our customers around orange construction cones.
won't be involved in this year's � . The construction is over and spring will show how nice our
budget process but I'm sure staff i( t r f area will be. Ithaca City Mayor Alan Cohen will designate
and the Board will work together s (I April 18th through April 24th as "Support West End
and produce more magic (lower Business Week"
taxes, more services) — IF the itt West End business owners, managers,
year -end totals do their part. s.w
�_ employees and volunteers will be spending the week
This month's column is brief ,,,..„ before getting the West End ready for company, you our
since I have to head off to customers. We will be picking up litter, washing our
vacation in South Carolina. Many of you have asked -- when I windows, and giving our businesses a general
get back I expect to decide pretty quickly when to conclude my spring - cleaning. Area youths from Family and Children's
County service. At the earliest I'II leave in April, at the latest in Service will be out helping pick up litter from our streets.
late June, and I know that in the event a permanent Administrator Member workers from GreenStar Cooperative Market will
doesn't come on board until after that some steps will have to be be picking up litter in the general area of the market. The '
taken to get Administration's work done, particularly with budget Tompkins County Youth Advocate Program (277 -5254) has
recommendation season looming. area youths available for any West End Business owner or
Now if I had had the nerve to write an April Fool's Day column I manager to help get her or his business ready for the West
could have alerted everyone to the multi -level underground End celebration.
parking garages in the works for the Courthouse Complex and Starting Saturday, April 18th many West End businesses
Mental Health. will begin a weeklong celebration called "Passport to
Spring ". The West End Business celebration will begin at
9:00 A.M. Saturday April 18th. Saturday's Ithaca Journal
The Age Game - will list the names of participating businesses and extend
an invitation to all to shop and dine in the West End.
It's Amazing!! Flowers outside their respective doors and "Passport to
Spring" posters in their windows will easily identify
1. Pick the number of days a week "Passport to Spring" participants. You may find your
that you would like to go out. passport in the Ithaca Journal on that Saturday. They will
also be available at all advertised West End businesses.
2. Multiply this number by 2. x Just visit 10 different eligible West End businesses, have
your passport stamped and you could to win a $500.00
3. Add 5. + Travel Voucher donated by Baker Travel. Leave
completed passports at the fast business you visit by 5:00
4. Multiply by 50. x P.M. Friday April 24th. The passport will have a map of the
West End with the new traffic patterns and have advertised
5. If you have already had your birthday business identified.
this year, add 1748. As you visit participating West End businesses, during
If you haven't, add 1747 + "Passport to Spring" week, you will have many other
opportunities to win fabulous door prizes. Many of the
6. Subtract the four digit year that you businesses will be having door prizes in their respective
were born. - establishments and some are planning special events for
that week. Winners of the grand prize and individual door
prizes will be announced in the Ithaca Joumal the following
RESULTS: week.
WHCU AM and WYXL FM are planning remotes
You should now have a three digit number. with some of their West End business customers during
The first digit of this was your original number ( i.e. how that week.
many times you want to go out each week). Remember carry your "Passport to Spring" with you during
The second digits are your age. the week of April 18th through the 24th as you shop and
dine your way through the West End.
Watch the sky Monday April 20th at high noon.
Tompkins County Recognized Avoiding Head -On Collisions
for Innovative Programs Submitted by Frank Croteau, Safety Coordinator
by Jack Potte y -
4 President Clinton announced today at a roses t
garden ceremony an award of Quality Innovation
for the Tompkins Employees Vending Committee. „I ,q `'
This honor was in recognition of the Vending -
Committee's efforts to improve employee morale \\ .,
by offering international shopping experiences µ
i. l
which were not only educational, but assisted the ,.
Tompkins County Airport in securing Concord service to ,Qlrl
Asian markets.
Head -on collisions are the most dangerous kind of
Lori Parker, a senior member of the Vending Committee collision. In a recent year, 1,700 people died as a result of
explained as she was accepting the award, " that it had head -on collisions. The majority of these collisions could
long been recognized that the isolated location of the have been prevented using defensive driving techniques.
county limited the ability of our employees to avail Take a moment to read these tips on avoiding collisions -
themselves of Indonesian, Singapore, Malaysia and other they could save your life
markets of Asia. Our employees were forced to accept Reduce Risk With Safe Driving
substitutes found at 'Walmart' and 'Sam's Club' and were
deprived of truly enlightened shopping ventures. Finally the Once you get into a collision situation, the options are few
situation became intolerable and the committee decided to and dangerous. But you can increase your chances of
think outside the box for a solution." avoiding a collision by following a few safe driving tips:
* Only drive when you are alert and sober
The idea for a new approach started in our last visit to the Scan the road ahead frequently for hazards. Look
Turning Stone Casino. "What if we could somehow as far as the next hill or curve, or the next corner in
generate casino activity here in the County." The cities. This way, you have more time to get out of the
Committee was able to have a 3'X 3' section of the way of an approaching hazard.
county complex declared as sovereign territory of the * Stay well to the right of the center line, where
Mohican nation and therefore available to house a video oncoming traffic is less likely to stray, and so that you
poker device. Commissions from the equipment would be can get to the side of the road more quickly.
used to finance international shopping experiences.. * Obey speed limits. You will have more time to react
to a hazard, and should a collision occur, it will not be
The new program was named "Bet on Tompkins" and as damaging at a lower speed.
featured games at 25 cents a chance. The most brilliant
aspect of the plan was to locate the equipment right outside When a Vehicle is in Your Lane
the Board of Representatives Chamber. This action If an oncoming vehicle veers into your lane for any reason,
promoted attendance at Board meetings and brought the slow down right away and sound your horn. Be prepared
public closer to their elected representatives. Another to stop or drive off the road. Remember that driving into a
unique element of the program was that winnings were in ditch is far less dangerous than driving into a head-on
Ithaca Dollars redeemable for organic produce from area collision.
When a Collision is About to Happen
The program has been so successful that every county Remember these principles in case you need to make split -
employee now has the opportunity to visit Asian markets . second decisions to avoid a head-on collision:
* Always drive to the right to get out of the way, since
the driver of the other vehicle is likely to move back
4 ,, into his or her own lane after recovering control.
U .
v . . Security First * slamming skidding when
Avoid slammin on the brakes and skiddin
by I. D. Handee * driving off the road.
- Effective May 1, 1998 all persons employed by the If the choice is between a head -on and hitting a
County or State will be required to enter the Courthouse by fixed object such as a tree or utility pole, it's always
the FRONT DOOR ONLY. Due to employees not using safer to hit the fixed object, which has no momentum
swipe cards all of the time and letting non - County or State of its own.
employees into the building, the Rear entrance /exit will be * If you must hit an object or oncoming vehicle, aim as
reclassified as an emergency exit only. We apologize for far to the right as possible, where the collision forces
any inconvenience this may cause; our justification is to are much less intense.
insure the safety of all employees. During their lifetime, one third of all drivers will be
Please forward any comments about this new involved in a collision that results in a fatality. Take
policy to your Department head. Persons with complaints the time to learn and practice defensive driving, and always
will be frisked before appearing before the Security Board. wear your safety belt. If you are involved in a head -on
collision, you may get hurt but you are far less likely to be
Taken from 1994 PARLAY INTERNATIONAL 1520.013
*', el' /' Dear Danielle,
_ Sometimes I see co- workers playing solitaire on their
� / computers at work. Should I tell my supervisor, or am I a snitch
,. . if I do?
i:j � a ° lie d -Stumped
1,1 .
Lie6 de Dear Stumped,
This type of activity is deplorable and should not be
�� tolerated by anyone. The exception might be during a lunch
` 1 ; hour bk -tim, when everyone should get up,
walk or aroundrea, and e get but away this from is their computers for awhile.
This is totally unacceptable behavior and must be stopped
immediately. If you are concerned about repercussions within
* * * * * * * *, *** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * , s * ** * * * * * * ** your work unit, your observation could be reported
Dear Danielle,
anonymously either to your supervisor, or to the Commissioner
I have a full day's work at my job at the County. Once of Personnel. It should not go unreported.
in a while, a Board member will request some research from me ******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
and I can't fit another task into my schedule. How do I politely
tell this to our very honorable Board members? Dear Danielle,
— Not Bored One of the men in the department I work in wears after -
Dear Not Bored shave that smells worse than road kill in July. Some days I have
We are a customer service organization. The Board to work fairly close to him and I can't stand the smell! What
members are our customers. You should respond to the Board would you do?
member that you will look into it and get back to them within a ~Holding My Nose and My Tongue
day. You should ask how soon they need the information. Any Dear Holding,
alterations in your work schedule, or priority rearrangement This is tough. If he smells this bad, I doubt that he's
is at the discretion of your supervisor and /or department
wearing after- shave. You might ask a generic question, such as
head. It is ultimately your supervisor's decision as to how or "what stinks ?" Then start looking around for food that's gone
where this research fits into your work schedule and it is up to bad or something. If this gets no reaction, you should get out the
your supervisor to contact their supervisor or department head air freshener and spray the place down. It's impossible to
for guidance if the work cannot be completed within the eliminate someone else's body odor.....but you can do anything
timeframe needed by the Board member. within reasonable limits to mask the odor and make yourself
******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** comfortable. If others are sensitive to chemical sprays, I suggest
you have a fragranced hanky on hand.
Dear Danielle, ******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * **
There is a very good looking man that works in another
County department. I'd like to date him, but have no idea if he's
single or married. Is there some way I can find this out, maybe e Aetziegq..
through the Personnel Department? Also, what is the best way
I can meet him, since we're both county employees?
— Status Checking
Dear Status Checking, yel�U CC/11"/"4"
It's tough to tell who's married or not anymore. & we. 09/ gocal hice to- Ita/le Joine advice
Wedding rings have become optional. Access to Personnel
records for personal gain or use is prohibited. It's unethical, ow a ,ehm y %zave, dend it to,-
"sneaky", a major invasion of privacy and it would certainly
discredit your integrity. I would encourage the Vending 2
Committee to put together some "singles" events. Perhaps a
dinner dance, theatre performance, a gathering at someone's o /p. Aced �owd - L naanwe 2
house, a MarsNenus lecture, or a winery tour. The nice thing c
about it is that everyone there would have something in 125 -baat ioa,/et ,et
common a built -in conversation starter. If your "man" t C %�C�
doesn't show, it's may mean he's otherwise involved. At least t/aaca, 14850
it would give you an opening, such as "great party the other �
night..... ". In case the Vending Committee doesn't see this V fteVoierrawu to- one.
column, why don't you send it to them?
******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
P fain in a
of the 20 -year County career of
ScoFF Heyman
as he retires from the position of
Tompkins County Administrator
4 -7 PM
Friday, May 8, 1998
Moakley House
at the Cornell Golf Course
Warren Road
� •:s rn, f q
1 ■I(E�9111 �f �w� i ` �,, ,,. r.- s�e�1': `1 � C �
$I() per person will help cover the cost of
hot (i cold hors d'oeuvres,
non - alcoholic drinks, crake and giFt.
A crash bar will be available.
R$UI' by completing the reservation Form
and returning by April 20
Parry For Scot Heyman
Yes, I will attend!
Enclosed is this form and $10 (cash or check made out to Kathleen Drew) for:
Send to: Tim Kessler, Tompkins County Administration, 125 East Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Unfortunately, space is limited. We don't want to exclude spouses, but we want to make sure we have enough
space for co- workers, family and business associates. Thank you for your cooperation.
There will be an opportunity during the evening for folks to
share an anecdotal story about Scott.
r Please check this box if you wish to share a story. n
cut here f
A I R p0 T Party for Scott Heyman
R May 8th — 4to7pm
MDA K L E Y Moakley House
--- W4 RREN R D. `- Y2 -
From Ithaca, take Route 13
North to Warren Road.
Turn right on Warren.
Continue past the four -way
stop at Hanshaw Road.
Moakley House is about 1/2
mile further, on the left.
Parking is free.
I7 14Ac A
Tompkins County Training & Development
Please contact Jerry Feist or Diane Bradac at 274 -5590 if you would like to register for any of these workshops.
"Balancing Your Life" Friday, April 24, 9:00- 12:00, TC3 Extension Center
A discussion of Stephen Covey's "First Things First" Time is a truly finite commodity. Making each day
work towards your important goals is not an easy task. Join Pat Ryan, certified Covey facilitator, to discover true
"North" in your life. Learn how to keep the urgent from getting in the way of the important. Regain
control of your options, so that you can take back control of your life. Benefit by experiencing a higher level of
accomplishment for yourself and your work, and a greater sense of balance in your life.
"Four -Step Project Management Model" Tuesday, May 5, 12:00-4:00, TC3 Extension Center
Orchestrating all the details of a complex project, particularly when it is not the only work on your plate, can be a
challenge. You must draw on your skills of estimations, negotiation, time and resource management, coaching,
communications, and much more. Give yourself a head start by learning this four step model. Find out how to
smooth the rough edges of participation, gain and understanding for the value of communications, and really
develop your ability to set and meet project milestones.
"What's your Role in a High- Performance Workplace ?" Thurs, May 7, 1:00 -4:00, Old Jail Conference Rm
Especially offered for managers and supervisors, this participative workshop, will provide powerful tools to help
you analyze the root causes of performance gaps, see examples of performance improvement interventions, and
apply these ideas to your own situations. Diane Gayeski, Ph.D. is a Partner in OmniCom Associates, an Ithaca -
based consultancy that helps organizations worldwide to improve their training and communication systems to
improve performance and morale. Diane will provide examples from some of her client projects with organizations
like Fiat, the Bank of Montreal, and Cracker Barrel Old Country Store.
"Conflict Resolution" Wednesday, May 13, 12:00 -4:00, TC3 Extension Center
Conflict is not bad, but it certainly can be uncomfortable. We would all prefer that everyone just got along.
Sometimes it's a matter of point of view; for others, a turf battle. Regardless, conflict can ruin your day, if you don't
know how to deal with it. Learn why conflict occurs, different ways to view conflict, the three roles in conflict, and
how to maximize your own effectiveness. Get some insights on how to make conflict work for you.
"Keyboard Shortcuts Tuesday, May 19, 9:00 -1 1:00, TC3 Extension Center
Once you have logged some hours with Windows 95 and MS Office 97, learn the secrets that experienced computer
users know. Use this fast -paced two -hour session to learn how to minimize mousing and cut down on keystrokes.
For instance, just because you changed from DOS to Windows, those function keys haven't lost their usefulness.
You can also set up shortcuts for your work. If you want to save time, this workshop is well worth your time.
Maximum 15 participants
"Re -Fuel Your Energy, Sustain Your Flame: Burnout Prevention" Tuesday, May 19, 1:00-4:00
Are you in danger of burning out? Learn the warning signals of burnout that can affect you physically, mentally,
emotionally, and behaviorally. Identify the causes of burnout, as well as positive solutions to prevent this condition
individually, interpersonally, and organizationally. Understand how to replenish your energy on the job and
counteract the negative aspects of stress. This workshop will present you with a variety of ways to restore and
maintain a sense of balance and prevent your flame from dying out. Facilitated by Penny Baron
"Caring for your Aging Parent" Thursday, May 21, 9:00- 11:30, Old Jail Conference Room
Whether you are helping clients struggling with this issue or are dealing with an aging parent yourself, here is an
opportunity to explore issues and answers about caring for an older adult. David and Sunny will cover family
dynamics, communication, balancing roles and managing stress, legal issues, financial, housing and health
concerns, in -home care and community resources available to support both parents and caregivers. Co- facilitated by
David Stoyell, Caregivers Coordinator in the Office of the Aging and Sunny Bat -Or, MSW, Caregivers Counselor
with Family and Children's Services
Tompkins County Training & Development
"T &D" will provide you with updates and information about in- service education and workshops,
Partners for Quality, and helpful hints for your professional development.
Barbara McCrosby - "Everything that I
Ever stop to think and forget to start again? experienced during my first fifty years began to
pay off like an investment. I may be doing less
So much to remember, so little storage spac...do each day, but I'm doing more worthwhile things.
you get headaches from endless lists of things to Eliminating the unnecessary clutter of a too busy
remember? Things to think about later? Experiencing life can make your days full to the brim."
the all too common phenomenon of brain strain?
Important Words to Forget...
Excess mental baggage can unconsciously weigh you
down, hold you back, and take up space in your 10 words to forget
brain. We all carry around a certain amount of It doesn't matter what I do - I'm only one person.
counterproductive cerebral baggage. 9 words to forget
I'll change just as soon as everyone else does.
Dump this data from your memory banks and free up 8 words to forget
space for more lighthearted, challenging thoughts Do I as say, not as I do.
and a few chuckles. 7 words to forget
That's their opinion...what do they know?
6 words to forget
My experiences have shown me that life truly is a journey, Because I said so, that's why.
and the less baggage we carry the easier the ride. 5 words to forget
I win and you lose. //ar
Wally Amos, Famous Amos Cookies 4 words to forget N" } t„'�,'�i
Brains are like closets. Over time, they become filled It's not my job.
with things we no longer use - things that no longer 3 words to forget
fit. Every once in a while they need to be cleaned out! I don't care.
2 words to forget
Older folks aren't necessarily forgetful They've just learned that Those people. '11
most things aren't worth �Zanbei remembering, Crary Apple, Humorist 1 word to forg �- _
"Partners for Quality" Debunked!
Recent anecdotal evidence has cast serious doubts upon the underlying principles of Tompkins County's PfQ initiative.
Countering "the conventional wisdom," some County employees have indicated their direct experience proves the principles
"are a bunch of baloney."
Regarding Customer focus, one manager said "If everyone is my customer, that means I can be my own best customer. As far
as I'm concerned, it's 'Me first' in this dog- eat -dog world. As soon as everyone realizes this, everyone will begin to take care
of him- or herself. Then we won't even need a County government. That will really save the taxpayers some money."
Shared leadership was challenged by another supervisor. "Who says two heads are better than one ?' 1 know better than all
my employees. That's why the County pays me the big bucks." One employee, when promised anonymity, said "What do I
care? If the emperor wants to lead a parade dressed like this, go for it. It's no skin off my nose."
Likewise, the principle of Continuous learning drew criticism. "Hey, remember the book Everything I Needed to Know I
Learned in Kindergarten? Well, 1 got a darned good education back then. I haven't learned anything useful in years."
Management by fact was also debunked. "I can find facts to support any conclusion. Let's face it, it's the squeaky wheel that
gets the grease, and we don't need any more facts to know what kind of grease it needs. If we don't get it right the first time the
wheel will squeak again."
Problems with process, not people drew the greatest criticism. "You're just trying to absolve people of their responsibility.
When I was young I learned `A poor workman blames his tools.' The way we do things around here has evolved over a period
of time, and it probably can't be improved. If a person can't do the job right, give it to a different person until you find
someone who knows how to produce."
Hott Sayman, former County Muckity-Muck, indicated these comments supported his worst fear. "All is for naught. Quality,
• schmality," Sayman was heard to utter. "1 think I'd rather get a real job where people pay me for maintaining the status quo.
What's good enough for my forefathers is good enough for me."
by Penny Wyse
As a result of the budget surveys completed by the Board, Agencies and Save this date MAY 28, 1 998
County Departments, the following pieces of information will be requested for the annual 25 Year Club dinner. Watch
for the 1999 Budget: the May issue of County Corridors for all the
1. A comprehensive listing of all office supplies to be purchased in 1999
2. The political party of all contractual agents
3. The desired salary for each employee (to be utilized during the next WHO DID IT?
contract negotiation)
4. A proposed work -week schedule (ie., four days on, three days off, The following sign was posted on the
etc.) entrance door of the County Clerk's office
5. Justification for hotel reservations during conferences and seminars* 4/1/98.
*(if the answer is that it's too far to drive, include a justification for
lodging at any hotel other than "Motel 6')
6. A comprehensive listing of employees in your department who are Quarantined
related (directly or indirectly) to employees in other County
7. The clothes sizes for all employees (in the event that a County uniform Office Is contagious
policy is imposed)
8. An inventory of all departmental assets, when purchased, cost, useful Closed until further
life (including staplers)
9. Justification for any employee who has more than the following items notice!
in their desk drawer:
- 5 pens (blue, black, red, violet, and green)
2 pencils
2 magic markers (black & red - unscented)
- 1 eraser
- 4 highlighters (pink, yellow, green, and blue) Snow Closing Regulations
1 stapler
- 1 staple puller Effective April/ st, the Sheriff will
1 pair scissors relinquish control over
- 1 ruler closing roads to a special 1. '.
- 1 phillips head screwdriver committee chaired by
- 1 straight head screwdriver Meteorologist David Bush,
- 1 hammer Tompkins County Sheriff's
-- Assortment of tacks & nails Department.
- Nail file, nail glue, assorted tweezers & nail clippers, One committee
Aspirin, lbuprophen, Alka - selzer, Rolaids, Band- member will be selected
aids, sewing kit, shoe polish (no limit on these items) from each township. In
10. An inventory of screen savers installed on all PC's (listed in order of order to qualify, you must live the furthest
best to worst) away from the Dollar Store cash register in
11. The number of email messages that each employee received during Center Ithaca and live in the town of
the period 7/1/97 - 6/30/98 Caroline, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton,
Ithaca, Lansing Newfield, and Ulysses.
Please take a poll of all your employees in response to the following If you believe you qualify, please send your
question: application to Dave. He'll get back to you.
A. Should Kleenexes, hand lotion, coffee, nail polish (for
runs), be standard office stock items? C
c on ue C7 cu&' Finance, found these
Aurora Valenti, County Clerk, shared the following with us: and shared them with us:
"Every day, I am reminded of my status when I read the `directory' which The trouble with bucket seats is that not
appears on the wall in the basement between the County Office for the everybody has the same size bucket.
Aging and the County Clerk's Office. It reads as follows."
The real reason you can't take it with
you is that it goes before you do.
Office of Aging Hospitality is making your guests feel at
County Clerk home, even if you wish they were.
Thanks Bonnie
Unclassifieds Personnel Personals.
For Sale: Congratulations to:
Two healthy, unique female guinea Shirley Pierce Naragon, who retired from her 12 - year stint
pigs $25. Includes all supplies: cage, food, with Tompkins County's DMV on 3/20/98. She was given a
water bottle, and a book on caring for them. Over celebratory dinner by her co- workers, and NYS road test inspector
$75 value. Call 387 - 5467. at Lucatelli's on March 18; and the landlord of the Hancock Plaza
where our local DMV office is housed threw a pizza party for Shirley
on her last day of work. Shirley graduated from Ithaca High School
1989 Dodge Conversion Van - runs the same year as our County Clerk, and they will celebrate their
good, high mileage, needs some work. Has TV, 45th high school reunion this summer. Shirley was previously
captain chairs and more. Asking $3500 obo. Call employed by and retired after 23 years with NCR; has three
after 4 p.m. Ask for Don or Ceil 607 - 589 - 4095. daughters and six grandchildren; and is "on the road" to Florida to
enjoy the fruits of her long and appreciated labor. All of us are truly
Childrens bicycles - 20 -inch, 6 -speed happy for Shirley, but we shall sorely miss her positive attitude,
TREK mountain bike excellent condition $75; and patience, and dry sense of humor.Good luck, Shirley, and have
a 33 -inch one - speed, good condition $15. For a wonderful time.
further information, contact Barb Ekstrom at
272 - 0552. Ann Levatich, Health Department, who retired 4/3/98.
Wanted: Check out the Bicycle Safety Check at Cooperative Extension.
More members for Weight Watchers - call It's free and open to the public.
Esther Sullivan, 274 -6333. Reimbursement from
Wellness Committee. Saturday, April 25 - 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. - Safety Check
Cooperative Extension Parking Lot - 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca.
^ , Join in a Bike Parade down Tioga Street to celebrate Earth Day at
�f the Commons - 12 Noon.
`, L V Also happening at Cooperative Extension is the 4th Annual
2 ( vll <7\1 Compost Fair from 10 til 2.
American Heart Walk - April 25, 1998
The Devil made them do it! Watkins Glen International Race Track
�����, `; Details- Lorie Skurka 274 -4498.
/ / . Articles to be considered for the May 7 issue must be received by
Monday, April 27, 1997. Lengthy articles should be on disk. Send
by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance, or 125 East
= __ Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505.
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
_ , these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Please type or print legibly/ Thanks!
lei -
f : 1 °y Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
.kl 4 They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
,,,\- Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
Board is made up of Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriffs :Liz
ii ‘ k Croop, Mental Health; Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance- Purchasing; Iretta Ellis,
Information Services; Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Ruth Pond, (Editor),
Finance; Michelle Pottorff, Bd. Of Representatives; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights
and Measures; and Vickie Wagner, (Artist), Drafting Technician.
Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
This pistol- packing momma may run for Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Sheriff. Will she measure up?