HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08 i � 1 s\ \/ El Newsletter for
,, 1 Employees and Retirees
U of Tompkins ns Cou n t
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L int AUGUST 1997
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Volume 10 Number 11
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Hello! My name is Jared Jones and I'm the new Employee Health Nurse for all the county employees. My job
is to look out for and improve the health of all the county employees by doing the following:
• Provide up -to -date, reliable and confidential health information and counseling for county employees
• Design and present health- related programs for county employees on lots of different health related topics (good
examples would be exercise, nutrition, stress management, weight loss, smoking cessation, being a good health
care consumer, etc.)
• Coordinate long term attempts to improve the health of the county employees as a group.
Well, what does this mean for you, as a county employee?
If you are currently free of serious disease and you want to improve your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic
disease in the future, I can provide you with the latest information on and support for making those changes.
If you currently have a significant disease (or know someone who has one), I can be your link to the ever changing
world of health information and can provide you with the latest information you can find anywhere. I can also translate
that information from the "Medicalese" into language you can understand and use.
In short, although I can't be responsible for your health or change your health, you and I can work together to
make sure that you're making the most of your current state of health and looking ahead to maximize your health in the
future. And, I might add, I'm no fly -by -night health promoter from Las Vegas... I was born here in 1949 and have many
ties to the surrounding area. 1 live with my family (including 2 stepsons) on West Hill and enjoy a wide range of hobbies
and interests including local history, nature study, bicycling, travel, calligraphy, folk dancing, singing and music, sports,and
a pile of other pursuits I don't have enough time for. I'm eager to get to know you, one at a time!
County Administrator's Report Immunize'....
by Scott Heyman
Vicky's caricature It's great health advice
and Kathy West's by Karen Bishop, RN; Health Dept.
caption in the last Do you have a child entering kindergarten or
r yryjss
college this fall? Has he or she received all the
Corridors showed yours necessary shots to enter school? Not sure? Call your
truly flipping burgers to doctor or the Tompkins County Health Department to
make budget decisions. review your child's record.
Did you know the Health Department offers walk -
Of course, as f ,,,10/ in immunization clinics? No appointment is needed. Just
everyone knows, the _ bring your child and his/her immunization record to clinic.
recommendations I We offer free immunizations to infants and children from
make for spending in birth to 18 years of age. For those over 18 years of age, I
the County budget are we charge a nominal $5 fee per immunization.
not arrived at in that y , I'.,.,� !
way at all. The most �i� , Here's where we are every month:
sophisticated public ! i i J. %11 First Tuesday Tompkins County Public Library
administration practices { `.; ; a First Floor Conference Rooms
are brought to bear so y ('. 312 Cayuga St., Ithaca
that all spending will be V,CK.E v.,,.„. 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
determined b y Second Tuesday - - Southside Community Center
conformance to the policy goals of the Board of 305 S. Plain St., Ithaca
Representatives and will reflect my intimate 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
understanding of every detail of the administration
of each County department and funded agency. Third Tuesday - - - - Tompkins County Health Dept.
401 Dates Drive, Ithaca
Similarly the great state of New York, the Empire 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
State, has finished its deliberations and enacted a In addition to these sites, a nurse staffs all WIC
1997 - 98 State budget. This great document had clinic sites throughout Tompkins County to administer
already been revealed to include massive tax immunizations.
reductions in numerous areas, all based on funding .
that will be realized from reductions in welfare k costs, an even healthier economy including
especially the Stock Market, and mild winters for the Healthy tots
next five years. need all
6� their shots.
I hope they did a good job — they might have it duo
done better, and quicker, by flipping burgers.
Immunizations are not just for kids, but adults, too. Safe
Why is it? and effective adult shots help prevent:
• influenza • pneumococcal disease
• hepatitis A & B • measles
• No one is listening until you make a mumps rubella
• mistake. tetanus • diphtheria
• chickenpox
Has it been longer than 10 years since your last
In order to get a loan, you must first prove tetanus diphtheria booster?
that you don't need it. Do you get a flu shot every year? Have you ever
had the chickenpox?
Only adults have difficulty with childproof Ask your doctor today about the shots you need.
For information about clinics and vaccines
available through the Health Department, call 274 -6616.
Tompkins County Training and Development
This section provides you with updates and information about In- Service Education and Workshops, Partners for Quality,
and helpful hints for your professional development. Feel free to contact Jerry Feist or Diane Bradac at 274 -5590
if you have questions, suggestions or requests.
All progress is based upon a universal innate Twenty County employees attended a workshop with
desire on the part of every organism to live Robin Schwartz on Controlling Clutter. The
beyond its income. - Samuel Butler following suggestions are from the workshop.
All paper needs to have a home; a place where it
Self - Paced Computer CDs and Videos belongs. Sorting your mail and incoming paper into
several different categories may be helpful:
If you have access to a computer with a sound card and TO DO, TO FILE, TO PAY, TO READ, TO COPY,
CD -Rom drive or a TV and VCR, the following self- TO MAIL, ON HOLD, NEEDS APPROVAL, OUT,
paced CDs and/or Videos may be of interest to you. TO REVIEW WITH SUPERVISOR, etc.
• Access - Introduction Designing a paper processing system to fit your needs is
A Excel - Introduction key to keeping organized. Paper needs to be tossed,
H Excel - Intermediate /Advanced filed, or put in the appropriate place. Assign categories
• Microsoft Office for Windows '95 into a file drawer with tabs, several wire trays, or a
▪ Microsoft Word - Introduction series of baskets handy at your work site.
8 Microsoft Word - Intermediate /Advanced
8 Windows '95 - Intermediate /Advanced If you work on a number of regular projects, rather
than keeping them all in one in- basket, make project
files or trays to help keep organized. As correspondence
r" comes in, place it in the appropriate project file or tray.
T Have we i», This will save time searching through your in- basket
missed '
anyone? ; -� several times a day.
A. l There are State Laws on record retention and
• I , .o ` disposition for official County business. NY State
� "' °� r Archives and Records Administration publishes written
guidelines for government departments on what needs to
be retained and for how long.
i 1 Confer with fellow employees or your department head
irtri I -� if you have trouble deciding what can be tossed or needs
to be saved. The less paper you have, the easier it will be
We are providing certificates for employees who to function.
participate in professional development workshops and
for teams that make significant Partners for Quality When we procrastinate, we make moment to moment
contributions. A copy is placed in your personnel file. If decisions to postpone action. Eventually, it becomes
we missed you or any certificates need to be corrected, overwhelming. Take one project that you are struggling
please contact us. The TC3 computer class certificates with and break it down into reasonable, bite size pieces.
are given directly to participants. If you want a copy of Make a "To Do" list with a few of the necessary first
your TC3 certificate in your personnel file, send a copy steps and then set some due dates. Give these first steps
to Diane in the Personnel Office. your best effort at the most productive time of your day.
It may also be helpful to designate a "project buddy."
Similar to an exercise buddy, a buddy may provide
encouragement to keep you going and focused. Once
To do important tasks, two things are you get started and can see progress and have smaller
necessary; a plan and not quite enough time. steps of it completed, it may be easier to keep going.
- Anonymous Celebrate when the project is done.
Tompkins County Training and Development
Fall '97 Computer Class Schedule
Introduction to Windows 3.1 (12 Hrs) Bob Yavits Creating Brochures with PageMaker (15 Hrs) Bob
Tues, Sept 9, 16, 23, 30 8:30 - 11:30 Room 106 Edgecomb
This course is designed for those who use Windows 3.1 and Thurs, Sept 11, 18, 25, Oct 2, 9 1:00 - 4:00 Room 105
have no prior knowledge or experience with computers. Discover the power and simplicity of this popular desk -top
publishing software. Learn how to create newsletters,
Introduction to Windows 95 (12 Hrs) Arline Coffelt brochures, & flyers, put graphics into documents, and
Wed, Sept 17, 24, Oct 1, 8 9:00 - 12:00 Room 105 flow text around graphics.
This course is designed for those who use Windows 95 and
have no prior knowledge or experience with computers. Introduction to Access (9 Hrs) Lana Pfann
Tues, Oct 7, 14, 21 9:00 - 12:00 Room 105
Introduction to Word (12 Hrs) Lana Pfann Do you find yourself performing repetitive entry tasks, or
Mon, Sept 29, Oct 6, 13, 20 9:00 - 12:00 Room 106 having to keep track of large amounts of information?
Learn how to create, name, and save files, and use menus, Learn the basic concepts of database design, queries,
accessories and the help feature. forms, and reports. Prerequisite: completion of Windows
Introduction to Excel (12 Hrs) Arline Coffelt 3.1 or the equivalent experience.
Wed, Sept 17, 24, Oct 1, 8 1:00 - 4:00 Room 106 Intermediate Word (12 Hrs) Lana Pfann
Spreadsheets offer much needed flexibility and time Mon, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24 9:00 - 12:00 Room 105
savings in today's offices. This course will teach the Increase your word processing productivity with this
basics needed to take advantage of spreadsheets. course covering mail merge, table creation, templates,
Introduction to PowerPoint (12 Hrs) Hans Zobel headers and footers, columns, graphs and drawing.
Tues, Oct 14, 21, 28, Nov 4 1:00 - 4:00 Room 106 Prerequisite: Intro to Word or equivalent experience.
Increase the power of your presentations with Power Intermediate Excel (12 Hrs) Hans Zobel
Point. Learn how to combine text images and backgrounds Tues, Oct 14, 21, 28, Nov 4 9:00 - 12:00 Room 106
to effectively communicate a message (slides, handouts, Want to learn how to create complex formulas and
notes and outlines). Prerequisite: completion of Windows graphs? Sort and find information? Use the Microsoft
3.1 or the equivalent. function wizard? Have you already taken Intro to Excel?
Introduction to FileMaker Pro (12 Hrs) TBA Then this is the course for you.
Wed, Nov 5, 12, 19, Dec 3 9:00 - 12:00 Room 105 Intermediate Access (6 Hrs) Hans Zobel
This is a simple -to -use yet powerful database. Learn how Tues, Dec 2, 9 9:00 - 12:00 Room 106
to create, modify, format, and manipulate information. Intro to Access is a prerequisite for this course, in which
Managing Electronic Files (3 Hrs) Bob Yavits you will learn to benefit from the more advanced features
Tues, Oct 7 8:30 - 11:30 Room 106 of Access.
Electronic files can quickly get out of control. Learn how
to impose and keep order so you can find what you need g,
when you need it.
Are you interested in evening computer classes?
Several people have asked about evening computer classes. We are exploring this with TC3. The classes would
probably start between 5:00 and 6:OOp.m. Monday through Thursday. Please call Diane Bradac at 274 -5590 if you are
Register for In- Service Training in any of these methods:
e -mail: = phone: fax: ®` mail:
dianeb @einstein.co.tompkins.ny.us 274 -5590 274 -5401 - c/o Personnel
r ,
"News You Can Use" from Employee Health
by Jared Jones, Employee Health Nurse
Fiber: Bulking Up without Pumping Iron
° iber? Oh, sure, we're supposed to eat a lot of it but after all, it doesn't even get digested - -I mean, what's the
big deal? The big deal is: fiber is one of the best kinds of health insurance you can eat and it travels in
great company.
Time for a quick review: Fiber is the almost completely undigestible part of many grains, nuts,
vegetables and fruits that passes through our gut largely unchanged. It only exists in plant foods and ` =_ .
comes in two different forms:
Insoluble fiber acts like a sponge in your bowels, absorbs lots of fluid and increases the •
bulk in your bowel movements. That's important if you're constipated or at risk for colon or rectal /trim.
cancer (the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.). You'll find insoluble fiber mainly in
whole grains and in the outside coverings of seeds, fruits, beans, and other foods.
Soluble fiber works a little differently. It chemically reduces the amount of some substances �`' �. ' ». 4. x
(good examples: cholesterol and glucose) that are absorbed into the bloodstream. That's good news
for reducing cholesterol (and preventing heart disease) and may have an important effect on .4.-- -
preventing diabetes as well. Soluble fiber is found in fruits and vegetables,seeds, brown rice, barley,
and oats.
Note well: almost all fiber hangs out in highly nutritious foods loaded with health promoting and disease preventing
antioxidants, phytochemicals and other vitamins and minerals.
What you can do:
Read food Iabels:Almost all labels indicate the amount of dietary fiber in each serving.
Public health guidelines suggest that each adult get at least 25
grams of fiber a day.
( t -, ` Jet
..;. Eat more fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are low
in calories and fat but high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eating VU v •
the recommended 5 servings a day seems like a lot but t �
remember that the portion sizes that are recommended are very ��
small (e.g. 1/4 cup of dried fruit or 1/2 cup of raw vegetables)
Keep fresh or dried fruit on hand for snacks: They're excellent sources of fiber and are a
tasty and refreshing alternative to other high fat and high calorie snacks like potato chips.
Eat lots of foods that contain whole grains:Whole grain products like whole wheat bread, shredded wheat, whole grain
pasta are great sources of fiber and also include excellent additional nutrients.
Throw 'em in: Add beans to salads, soups and stews whenever you can and substitute bean based dishes for meat dishes
Cook vegetables minimally and preferably eat them raw.
Start the day with a high fiber cereal, topped with bananas, raisins or berries for an excellent start on meeting your daily fiber
needs. Spread out your fiber intake throughout the rest of the day.
Add fiber rich foods to your diet gradually to reduce the chances of gas or diarrhea.
Eat a wide variety of foods, the less processed the better.
Get your fiber from food rather than pills or powders: Pills and powders don't contain the healthy other nutrients you often get
in high fiber foods.
Questions? Call the Employee Health Nurse at 274 -6711
t -
�— _--
The second day of There are many Advertising is what
the diet is always more people trying makes you think
easier than the to meet the right you longed all your
first. By the second person than to life for something
day you're off It. become the right you've never heard
person. of before.
Unclassifieds Personnel Personals
For Sale: Congratulations to:
Graco Stroller and Bassett crib with Dianna Crane, COFA on the birth of her grandson
mattress, mint condition: $85 for both. Nathaniel James Crane bom 7/26/97. Also to Great Grandmother
Call 272 -2204 evenings. Doris Maybee, retired from the County Home.
Super Nintendo w /original box, incl. 2
control pads and three games: Super Mario
World, Zelda, NFL Football. Hardly used - $75. •
Call, leave message. Theresa 277 -7321. *
1 bedroom unit in longhouse
cooperative. 30 acres with pond, ballfield,
basketball court - shared by nine households.
Must be interested in being part of a community.
Tim Joseph, 277 -2519.
Sunline Truck Camper on a Hvy Duty'` £gym
1986 Ford F -250, 46,000 mi, 11 ft, sleeps 4. Full
shower, stove, fridge, furnace. Immaculate
condition "Truly Like New" 539 -7351.
1995 Chevrolet W/T 1500 Pickup truck,
32,000 miles, air, 5 speed manual transmission.
Asking $12,000. Please call Chris or Harold at
589 - 4467 after 6 p.m. TRUST YOUR SUMMER IS GOING WELL
`95 Ford Escort LX station wagon:
40,000 miles, Auto, AC, PS, PB, cruise control, Articles to be considered for the August 28 issue must be
trailer hitch, am /fm- cassette, $9000. Call Pat or received by August 18, 1997. Lengthy articles should be on
John at 844 -4127. disk. Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance,
or 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Kitten (s) - one or two fluffy black. Call Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
687 -1307. and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
Free: this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
Part Siamese? Cat free to good home. Corridors do Finance, or 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850. .
(This cat came to our house in the winter, Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
injured and abused. I've gotten it back to good
health and appearance). 273 -7303.
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
Be sure to visit the New York State solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
Weights & Measures booth in the Center Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment;
Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance- Purchasing; Iretta Ellis, Information Services;
Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond,
of Progress Bldg. at the New York State (Editor), Finance; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie Wagner,
(Artist), Drafting Technician, Assessment.
Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
Fair from August 21 to September 1. Corridors, clo Finance, 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.