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Volume 10 Number 8
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Several members of the Board of Representatives were present as new
members were inducted into the 25 Year Club. Pictured L to R. back row DAY k ,
- Peter Meskill, Ted Merritt, John Miller and Daniel Winch: middle row - ,,
George Totman, Tim Joseph, Michael Day, Martin Adams, Charles Evans
k, ,,
and Michael Lane: front row - Susanne Davis, Beverly Livesay and
Barbara Mink.
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CONGRATULATIONS!! 09acly ...7ynvh
Short Subjects Personnel Pointers
by Scott Heyman, County Administrator by Jackie Yoder, Benefits Manager
=J Congratulations to the Department of WHO'S YOUR BENEFICIARY ? ? ??
This summer you will be receiving your New
Public Health on your York State Retirement member statement. When you get
fiftieth birthday. Welcome , mnr it you should review all the information carefully,
to the ranks of the i especially the "Beneficiary Information" where your
"seniors ". beneficiary(ies) are listed. Both "primary" and "contingent"
beneficiaries are identified. The difference between the
The celebration two can be confusing. A PRIMARY beneficiary is the
, fr person who will receive your death benefit if you die
held at the Holiday Inn on t while you are still in service. If you have more than one
June 10 was inspiring and primary beneficiary, they will each receive an equal share
fun. The community's — *. of the death benefit, unless you have specified otherwise.
affection and gratitude for
it A CONTINGENT beneficiary is someone you
the guardians of our , 1, ; ; name to receive the death benefit if all your primary
public health are genuine. j ' beneficiaries die before you do. For example, if you
Thankfully, we have not , ;[ � designate your spouse as primary and your children as
..' 1 - contingent beneficiaries, and your spouse dies before
depended on them for our 6-- �. ,: ,rw you, the benefit will be payable to the children.
musical inspiration, " - 0 Remember, however, that children under 18 will have to
however (they will know have a guardian of the property appointed to receive the
what this means). money for them. If you and your primary beneficiary
die simultaneously and you have not designated a
contingent beneficiary, your benefit will be payable to i
The County Board thanked the Day Care your estate -- not necessarily to the person(s) you want
Task Force at its June 3 meeting and accepted it to go to.
its recommendations: 1) that a voucher If you need to update your beneficiary
payment system be developed to reimburse designations, forms are available from Personnel.
employees for a part of their child day care Additional information about beneficiaries can be
expenses (this will replace the provision of an obtained from the Retirement Information Bureau at
employee day care center); and 2) that the (518) 474 -7736.
current day care center in Biggs Building B
should remain as a community (not an BORROWING AGAINST YOUR RETIREMENT
employee) center and should begin to pay part What You Need to Know
of its own way.
Tier 3 and 4 members (and Tier 1 and 2
The Task Force met many times and did members who have made voluntary contributions), can
y borrow from the Retirement System using their
a great deal of data gathering and other contributions as security for the loan. There are some
homework. As a result of their hard work basic rules however. Among them:
difficult issues raised by the closing of Biggs
Building A have been addressed thoroughly and —You must have a minimum of one full year of
openly. service credit and be on the payroll
-You may borrow only once in a twelve month
Leighann Fowler, who was the employee Loans may be made for up to 75% of your
chair of last year's United Way campaign has retirement contributions and at minimum $1,000
left County employment to move to Maine. Any —Loans can be paid back by payroll deduction
individual who is willing to consider taking on —If you retire with an outstanding loan balance,
there will be a permanent reduction in your
this important volunteer responsibility please retirement allowance.
call yours truly at 5552 or e mail me at
sheyman. Taking advantage of a low cost loan from the
Retirement System may make financial sense, but it's
important to consider all of the facts so that your decision
to borrow is a well informed and sound one. Loan
Don't count the days, information can be obtained by calling (518) 473 -1355.
make the days count:• -
S incere apo /o jiei to the Roar' o/ leepreJentattveJ /or
the production error. Jhe picture of there on the cover 110.1c
h ave appeared a6 64own tcdow.
-:1 •
Several members of the Board of Representatives were present as new
members were inducted into the 25 Year Club. Pictured L to R: back row
- Peter Meskill, Ted Merritt, John Miller and Daniel Winch: middle row -
George Totman, Tim Joseph, Michael Day, Martin Adams, Charles Evans
and Michael Lane: front row - Susanne Davis, Beverly Livesay and
Barbara Mink.
Tompkins County Training & Development
This provides you with updates and information about in- service education and workshops,
Partners for Quality, and helpful hints for your professional development.
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! =., Can you make time in your busy schedule for some �. f Ar
_ 7
\vs ; computer training? Two upcoming classes have openings f �
" which need to be filled to be offered. �" f!/ / "� ��
0.. . • Intro to Excel has 7 openings ( 8:30 -11:30 on 6/17, __,F-
l :
_ . , 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, 7/15).
.* • Intro to Access has 4 openings (8:30 -11:30 on 6/17, r�`� , IA
-.'- �' 6/24, 7/1, 7/8). 1 �� �!' f l
OPF y Want to improve your supervision skills? There is still o.!` , • il / t',
� room in Supervision 10 1(9 -12 on 6/19, 19, 6/26, 7/10). 10). Topics 4 1 4 1 1 ! 1 - 11I
ill will include leadership, team building, mutual problem- f. >44..:11, r
solving, coaching, managing multiple priorities, and more. � - ! l +� ;,
B uilding Self - Esteem n ever hurts. Join Susan Lerner /t. �? r,,"�i. • ,
from 9 -12 on 6/24 if you would like to learn how to feel r �41i �� � �, •_ � i ,�; , ;
better about yourself. re` s ; / s ! , ! f ` � z
t 1. ' v
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- cut here
Training & Development Registration
(DSS employees should register with Wendy or Marleta. Probation employees register with Mitch.)
Your Name: Work #:
Your Department: Unit:
Program Name:
Program Date(s): Program Time:
Program Location:
Today's Date:
Your Signature:
Department Head's Signature:
Please return this registration form to Diane Bradac, Personnel, 125 East Court Street
11 l ore /rom the County Arcitivei ...
heads Countr O.�o I ard ,nemherrj in 1901 sfri e a serious po.e as prepare to r headfo - head with the then count department
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Backyard Voices
from John Andersson, Division of Environmental Health
Spring has finally arrived in Tompkins County, and you are spending more time outside. You may be Springing
Into Shape with the Healthy Heart Program or just sitting in the back yard when you realize you are not alone. If you hear
them talking, don't worry, that is not evidence you're going crazy. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, people
have been putting words in the beaks of birds for years, and if you hear these phrases, you are close to these birds:
"Kill -dee, KiII -dee ", a piercing cry: Killdeer P
"Who cooks for you - who cooks for you all ": Barred Owl y I
"Wick, Wick, Wick", 20 to 80 times: Northern Flicker
"Phee -bee, phee- beeee ", wheezy, not whistled: Eastern Phoebe t . .. {
"Pee-a wee", lazily: Eastern Wood Peewee ,
"Jay, Jay!" or "Thief, thief!: Blue Jay J ‘,•%,‘ . �
ii ;
"Hi- sweetie" or "feee- beee ", whistled, or "chick - a-dee- dee ": Black- capped Chickadee 1 J J J f • • I V
"Peter, •
pe peter": Tufted Titmouse • JJ "J 11 JO' / i i '
"Cheer -up, cheer -up, cheer -up ": American Robin Ii i � %, ,
"See me, hear me, here I am, where are you.... Red -eyed vireo , J ! '; I
"Sweet, sweet, pretty, pretty, sweet ", clear: Yellow Warbler e'i
"I am Iazyeeeee ", buzzy: Black- throated Blue Warbler
I 4,11 r l�i
"Tea - cher', tea - cher', tea- cher "' increasingly loud: Ovenbird I ';;
"Here, here, come right here ": Baltimore Oriole , : , '\ia'r f ( i
"Tweedle-eeee" like a rusty hinge: Brown- headed Cowbird �' ° �'
"Birdy, birdy, birdy and "cheer, cheer, cheer": Northern Cardinal , ; ,
"Drink your tea-e-e" or "see towhee-e-e": Rufous Sided Towhee t'
"Pure sweet Canaada, Canada" or
"Old Sam Peabody, Peabody, Peabody ": White- throated Sparrow
"Sweet, sweet, sweet" followed by a trilling "put on the teeee- kettle, ettle, ettle" Song Sparrow.
Now, go look these up in in your field guides!
Susan's dollhouse is the fifth dollhouse I have G ;�
completed since 1985. This Greanleaf model required
a commitment of three to four hours per evening for more
than a month. Stefan has laid claim to the sixth house, 000mm "�
a log cabin, that is still in progress. My first attempt at 1efP• a
dollhouse building was a Barbie Condo which I hand � ^`
crafted from scratch for m daughter Sherri on her fifth 4,1,1$
birthday. According to Susan's sharp memory, this first
attempt resulted in much profanity. Since then, I have
opted for house kits. They go together a lot easier, have
a more finished look and cursing is kept to a minimum. k
The second and third houses were built for
Samantha. We lost Samantha and Blake in 1990 and it ' t H I
was two years before I could even think of doing another, ^''�
house. Finally in 1992, I did build a fourth house for a y 11114' co- worker as a Christmas present for her daughter. I i -
found that taking up the hobby again provided me with a
different focus and an ideal time to reflect and heal. t j
Anyone can build a miniature house but you have 1a
to do it for love because you couldn't afford to do it for CIO
money. The main requirements are commitment, ■n' /" :.
patience and attention to detail. Pride and satisfaction H ,
in a job well done are the main rewards. However, a .F. ■11 Irr
huge smile on a child's face is a great bonus. Get
yourself a kit, gluegun, paint and have fun.
S ierhen (J6 fe3
from Caro/ Mohler, Health Department
* Keep your child away from peeling paint and broken plaster.
* Damp mop floors and damp wipe surfaces twice a week to reduce lead dust.
* Wash your child's hands often, to rinse off any lead dust or dirt.
* Wash your child's toys often especially teething toys.
* Provide your children with a diet high in calcium and iron to help prevent lead poisoning.
* Use cold water - not hot for infant formula or cooking. Let the cold water tap run for at least a minute to flush lead
picked up from the pipes.
* Store food from open cans in glass or plastic containers.
* Use lead -free dishes.
* Be careful with your hobbies. Some crafts call for use of paints, glazes, and solder which may have lead.
* Don't bring lead home with you from work. People who work at construction, plumbing, auto repair, and certain other
jobs can be exposed to lead.
* Don't let your child play in bare soil, especially next to old buildings. Lead paint falls off buildings into the soil and
remains there.
* Beware of folk remedies which may contain lead. Examples of folk remedies include: azarcon and greta from Mexico;
chuifong tokowan, pay - loo -ah, ghasard, bali goli, and kandu from Asia; alkohl, kohl, surma, saott, and cebagin from
the Middle East.
For Sale:
1984 Chevrolet Caprice Station Wagon,
runs very well. Has NC, good tires, AM /FM 1997
Cassette Deck. $1,500 Call 257 -8310.
`90 Chevy S -10 Blazer Tahoe pkg. Tompkins County Employees
Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Air. 77,000 mi. $7,800. Call Golf Tournament
eve. 277 -0218 / day 266 -5438 leave message.
Suzuki GS650L '82 original. Great
shape - must see! $995. Call 589 -4966.
E -Force Cross Trainer - $50. Call Judy,
564 -9244.
1985 Toyota P /U, runs great. $700 or 4- -/N
b /o. 589 - 4966. \ �
1984 Dodge Charger $500 or best offer.
Call 273 -2569 leave message.
Employment: 41111111. ...I 11111111111
Tutoring & Child Care: accommodating
those with milk, wheat allergies; lactose
intolerance, environmental sensitivities. Day and Friday, Sept. 5, 1997, 8:00 a.m.
evening hours; HEPA air purifier. 277 -7351.
Trumansburg Golf Course
For Rent:
1 bedroom, unfurnished basement
apartment with off - street parking, and utilities Articles to be considered for the July 17 issue must be received by
included - $450 /mo. Available August 1st. July 7, 1997. Lengthy articles should be on disk. Send by
References required. Call Mary or Dale 273- interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance, or 125 East Court
2770. St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
Your next issue of will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
Corridors will be these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
ty this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
distributed with your Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850. .
Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
July 17 pay check. Due
to the printer's
vacation, there will NOT
be an issue on July 3.
When you open a new bag of cotton COUNTY CORRIDORS
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
balls, is the top one meant to be editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
thrown away? solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
+ ++ Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
Some people would say more if they Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment;
talked less. Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance - Purchasing; Iretta Ellis, Information Services;
Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond,
+ ++ (Editor), Finance; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie Wagner,
(Artist), Drafting Technician, Assessment
Is there another word for synonym? Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
Corridors, do Finance, 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.