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El Newsletter for
Employees and Retirees
of Tompkins County
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mod \i∎ 60 APRIL 1997
Volume 10 Number 4
John Andersson Elected President of Cayuga Trails Club
When John Andersson needs a break from new .,
subdivisions, swimming pools, water or sewage systems, his mind is „,,,,' , !;” ',1 4+ , r
likely to visualize a peaceful place along the Finger Lakes Trail. It ,, -''
may be a special place he discovered in the Hike Across Tompkins x : • '"' t` ,¢ '
Cou in 1992 when he walked that event, sponsored by the Cayuga i ' "{ "�'� '`" ry " ' -
Trails Club and the Health Department's own Healthy Heart Program. ,` 7A e
Since then he has completed three additional cross - county hikes and �,te;:', { 1_° "'"^ "- ,.
is on his way to becoming an end -to -ender of the Finger Lakes Trail, `4 ~ ", .j4,4 •-
stretching from the Pennsylvania -New York border in Allegany State "" ,, +�. ' w .`
Park to the Long Path in the Catskill Forest Preserve, and covering e ir
544 miles. The system also has six branch trails and two loop trails, -, ,N
totaling 257 miles. The Trail, which crosses private and public lands ,' F
t, "` , • ,
(and where cooperative landowners have not been found, follows ,' ` ` ,', '
roads), is maintained by volunteer groups like the Cayuga Trails Club r ,
headquartered in Ithaca. The organization and enthusiasm of the ' 0 F4' } x ' 1a v', T , : q
Cayuga Trails Club so impressed John that he joined the club in ~' !, ' °
1992, served on the Executive Board in 1995 -96, and was elected , -,
14' , . • f' ••••,•' ••••,•' �
president for 1997 at the annual dinner in January. . a: ' .„'..,,f, ;-
John, the professional engineer directing the Environmental i j
Health Division since 1977, says while he can't keep up with the ^ - i 1.- ,4-:;., . . ;� ,,,°
bicycle, running or skiing enthusiasts in his office, his mind can o
wander with the best of them. So when he is at the computer
keyboard, on the telephone or in a meeting, and he looks out his window with what he hopes is taken as an expression of
exploring a problem, he may actually be daydreaming about that perfect spring day when hundreds of red efts lined the shaded
footpath like little jewels among the stones and leaves.
There is room for more hikers and volunteers in the Cayuga Trails Club and on the Finger Lakes Trail. The second
Sunday of every month is the traditional Walk, Look and Learn Hike. Call John, 898 -3058 at home, if you are interested in
learning more about the CTC. Leave a message on the machine for him if he is not home; he might be out hiking or buying
cat food for Gillis who moved in with him in 1992. A Grotonian (or is that Grotonite?) since 1983, John also frequents the
lumber company because he is remodeling an old house in the Village, but is just as likely to be walking to the library, video
store, or local diner for breakfast!
Health Insurance Coverage
by Louise McEwen, Personnel I have suggested to employees that they keep a
Because of the publicity surrounding the non- copy; mark it the date received and the date sent to CMC.
member status of Cayuga Medical Center (non Don't forget to endorse the check (if you're sending the
participating hospital with Blue Cross of Central NY), Blue Cross original check) over to Cayuga Medical Center
perhaps my December 1996 memo needs clarification. If and sign the back. If you do not transmit the check to CMC
you have inpatient costs at Cayuga Medical, they will bill within 10 days from receipt date, with the explanation of
Blue Cross; Blue Cross will send you the check which you benefits attached, you will personally be responsible for the
will turn over to Cayuga Medical Center. If you do this difference in the room charges (currently over $200 per day
within 10 days from receipt, Cayuga Medical Center has based on the most recent information I have). For
agreed to not balance bill our employees for the difference outpatient charges, our contract calls for 100% coverage of
in the semi - private room rate over member hospitals. This CMC's charges for outpatient services rendered. Here
is a significant dollar amount so please send the check again, you will receive the check and it must be forwarded
immediately. promptly to Cayuga Medical.
One of the positions that is most important to all "All Foods Can Fit"
County employees, and is perhaps even more important to That's the new slogan from the American Dietetic
retirees, is that of Association. All foods can be part of a healthy eating style,
Benefits Manager in if consumed in moderation and balanced over one or more
the Personnel T�, a days. The Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts
department. =�° €2 label can guide consumers in establishing healthy eating
Since 1967, t patterns through daily food choices.
those responsibilities 01 \ Variety encourages eating many different kinds
have been carried out � \ of foods, prepared in different ways.
with compassion, People need more than 40 different nutrients for
caring and enormous - good health and no single food supplies them all. Daily
skill by Louise • food selections should have all the nutrients needed for
McEwen. good health. Building variety into daily food selection not
For the last 30 R j� only promotes an adequate intake of essential nutrients,
years , when tip r '�y�� but encourages the use of foods and cuisines associated
employees and l with different ethnic and cultural groups. Consumers
retirees have needed l should build on the pleasurable aspects of eating through
assistance in / varying color, flavor, and texture. Experimenting with
understanding their wi preparing foods in different ways also encourages variety.
health coverage, their Moderation is the key to making all foods a part
1t, � , �,
retirement, and in t�I j ` T S /� of healthy eating by addressing how much and how
making hard decisions ''"� ? �atiti often.
at critical times in their i4, Most people eat for pleasure as well as for health.
lives, Louise has been If favorite foods are high in fat, salt, or sugar, the key is
there to make sure - moderating how often and how much of these foods are
that they understand eaten. By keeping portion sizes reasonable, its easier to
their choices and eat favorite foods and stay healthy.
provide a full range of resources to meet their needs. Healthy eating, active living, and positive self -
As detailed in last month's Corridors Louise has esteem are the key to looking and feeling good.
decided to retire. By the time you read these words she will Looking good and feeling good results from a
be making sure that her daffodils get the kind of TLC that combination of eating well and active living. Regular
she gave to all of our needs for so long. physical activity is important to maintaining a healthy
The task of filling the position of Benefits Manager weight along with the understanding that great bodies
is one that we have taken very seriously -- for all the come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
reasons mentioned above.
We are delighted to be able to let everyone know For mom information, call the Healthy Heart/Health Promotion Program at 274 -6710.
that Jackie Yoder has accepted the position of Benefits
Manager. Like Louise, Jackie is someone who has worked
for Tompkins County for a long time, for the last 12 years Are these the original "COUCH POTATOES ?"
as Director of Administrative Services at DSS.
She knows the county and its people well, and she • , ,------,3 ' '
will provide the kind of caring attention to the benefits zH
issues that are so important to all of us. t"ig-; + ,.
Best of luck and thanks, Louise! Welcome Jackie!
t s
Couch Potatoes" are a bumper crop in this country. • �� 2
To help get Sofa Spuds off the couch, the Wellness ' . ,, A
committee is sponsoring Spring into Shape. , £
Spring into Shape is just for county , ra a -
employees and their family and friends, Cayuga Medical
Center is not involved. You'll receive all information from
the Healthy Heart/Health Promotion Program. April 10 .. '
paychecks will include registration information. I , AtiC 30 J o
This year, Spring into Shape is 8 weeks from .; '
May 5 -June 27. The increase from 5 to 8 weeks will give . -..
you the momentum to continue your activity year round. Halloween fun at Solid Waste. L to r: Ceil Grier, Margo Umholtz,
Get those sneakers out and start thinking about an Jackie Maloney, Tom Richardson - The real Mr. Potatohead,
activity you enjoy, and don't wait for May 5 to MOVE!!!!! Susan Dence, Lynn Leopold.
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Marleta Anderson Shelia Chase
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Charlene Dorsett
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Ann Rider Jackie Yoder
New Name for the Octopus
Please keep sending your new names for the Octopus. We have several good ones
but we want more. Be creative - they will all be printed in the next Corridors. Send
to Ruth Pond, Finance /Budget by interdepartmental mail or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
// Q '`�Iry i�� Update on Partners For Quality
(( F�� L
■ In the past year, PFQ made significant progress Three cross functional teams completed their work: Contracts,
0. in policy development, staff development, and DSS Telephone, and DSS Eligibility.
rr ti 1:," continuous improvement. Highlights include: Two more teams began: the Welfare Management Computer
Policy Development: System, and DSS Services.
The Board of Representatives developed its Vision, Mission, DSS and Public Works modified and implemented Employee
Purpose and Goals. Suggestion systems.
A performance management system was pilot tested. A labor-management group was actively involved in the
Recommendations were adopted for recognizing quality teams design of the new Human Services Building to assure that
and progress. departments could offer safe, accessible services.
Staff Development: Looking Ahead:
The County hired staff to coordinate training. Departments will begin to align their activities with the
In- service education expanded to include computer training, County's Vision, Mission and Goals.
mutual gains, stress and time management, improving A strategy and timetable for reaching the rest of the work units
customer service, office professionals training, and other in the County is being developed. Public Works has started.
topics. The Health Department, Assessment, and Information
Technology Services have expressed interest in daily
Continuous Improvement: management training.
A total 186 employees, or 25% of the County's work force, Staff development opportunities will continue to expand. Six
have been involved in quality improvement. high priority areas are in- service education, computer skills,
Thirteen work units participated in Daily management training supervisory skills, further implementation of PFQ
to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services: initiatives, responding to specific department/unit requests,
Board of Representatives Staff; County Administrator; and resource development (people and training materials).
County Attorney's Office; DSS Adult Services,
Employment, Food Stamps, Fraud & Security, Medicaid If you are interested in learning more about the PFQ
Units 1 & 2, and Long Term Care; Office for the Aging; the initiatives, the 1996 Leadership Council Annual Report is
Planning Department; and the Youth Bureau. available on the County's Web site and from your Department
May 10 Saturday July 20 Sunday September 27
(One day trip) (One day trip) Saturday
" (One day or overnight -
lt what would you like ?)
p I c y �., U liti t ' ii � - t!.� abs • i � Y � •I
d r j t , , ,..- u 1
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Turning Stone Nascar
Cost $ 1 O Winston Cup Series New York City
includes a free $28 Casino pkg. Cost $80 A day in the City to see a show,
or includes a $65 grandstand visit Ellis Island, shop, or do
ticket. whatever you would like to do.
a $29.50 Bingo pkg.
For details, please contact Peter Coats, 274 - 6688,
or Lynda Rose, 274 -5553.
The Tompkins County Board of Representatives cordially
invites you to join them in honoring this year's inductees into
the Tompkins County 25 Year Club at a dinner to be held at the
Ramada Inn 2310 North Triphammer Road Ithaca, New York
on May 22, 1997. There will be a social hour 5:30 until 6:30
with a buffet dinner at 6:30 p.m. Reservations, including
payment of $22.00 per person, must be received by May 12,
1997. There is no charge to 25 Year Club members and a guest.
I will attend the 25 Year Club Dinner on May 22, 1997.
Number Attending: Amount Enclosed:
Name of Guest:
Make check payable to TOMPKINS COUNTY and send to Brooke Kominos, Tompkins County
Personnel Department, 125 East Court Street Ithaca, New York 14850.
Your Employee Assistance Program - Help When You Want It
Everyone could use help at times: information, direction, support, training, encouragement,
insight. Many problems we solve on our own, but some defy easy, quick or personal
resolution. This is when your Employee Assistance Program can make a difference for you.
Confidential, Professional Help For Diverse Problems -at No Cost to You, and Fast
You can call your employee assistance program (EAP) regardless of the size or nature of your
difficulty. We will try to help you. Here's how it works:
1. You identify a problem you need or want help with. Thousands of others have sought
assistance in matters involving alcohol or drug abuse, relationships, finances, health, major
life changes, workplace difficulties, career, abuse, low self- esteem, anxiety, anger,
depression, grief and loss, parenting, and many other issues.
2. Call Family & Children's Service (your EAP) for help.
The phone numbers are: 273 -7494 and 1- 800 -834 -1239. State that you are looking for
help from EAP. You will be asked a few brief questions and your name and phone
number will be given to an intake counselor who will return your call, if unable to speak
to you immediately. A 24 -hour live answering service is available for evening and
weekend calls.
3. You will be directed as to the next step, usually a phone consultation leading to either
an appointment or a referral within a few hours or days depending on the situation.
The help you will receive will be confidential and professional. Your employer has already
paid for it, so there is no initial cost to you. Later, your insurance coverage may be needed,
but that will be your decision. In most cases, you will be able to set up an appointment
within days. Emergencies receive top priority.
For Your Family too. And Flexible Hours!
The EAP is a benefit available to your family members as well. They too can simply call for
help. The same confidential, professional assistance will be provided to them. In cases
involving children the extreme care given to assigning the most appropriate counselor for
your child may require additional time to schedule a meeting. During the wait rest assured
we are strategizing on your behalf. For your convenience evening hours are available.
Every effort will be made to accommodate you or your family member's scheduling needs.
Family & Children's Service of Ithaca
204 N. Cayuga Street
273 -7494 or 1- 800 -834 -1239
Guidelines for Tompkins County Employee Assistance Program
1. Tompkins County eligible employees, spouses, domestic partners and
dependent children up to age 19 unless unmarried and a full time student
under the age of 25 and claimed as a dependent on income tax.
2. Employee Assistance Program provides participants with a counselor to
help assess the concerns they present. If the concern can be resolved in the
time provided by the Employers agreement with Family & Children's
Service of Ithaca the participant may continue with the Family &
Children's Service counselor. If the concern will not be resolved in the
time provided by the Employer's agreement with Family & Children's
Service Employee Assistance Program the participant will receive referrals
to qualified professional resources which may include Family &
Children's Service.
3. Employee Assistance Program participants may re- access services four
weeks after the previous use. In an emergency the waiting period would
not apply.
4. Employees eligible for EAP through their employer who have family
members also receiving EAP through an employer use the EAP time
concurrently when seen together.
5. If spouses or domestic partners (when specified as eligible for EAP by the
Employer) are eligible for EAP as a result of their employment, each
employee may use only the individual coverage provided by their
employer. Children may use the benefit of one parent.
6. Telephone referral is available to participants needing additional
assistance for a concern addressed at the EAP.
7. EAP participants may complete counseling up to the amount of time
specified in the agreement between the Employer and Family & Children's
Service even when a new contract year begins. (This applies when the
concern can be resolved in the time provided in the agreement between
Family & Children's Service and the Employer). Once the time is used,
participants will be subject to the four week waiting period before accessing
the EAP for a new concern.
8. Exceptions or changes in the provision of EAP services as defined in the
contract between Family & Children's Service and the Employer must be
pre- approved by both the Employer and Family & Children's Service.
A Tribute To My Staff
CE._ �] he month of April celebrates and acknowledges secretaries. I, however, would like to acknowledge
my entire staff this month. They are a great group of women to work with and I enjoy spending each
day with them.
Cindie Day, our Administrative Assistant has just reached her 10 year anniversary with the County. She is
our resident expert on taxes, foreclosures and certificate of residences. She has always been with the Finance
Department and has just recently proudly stated "I've been sitting here for 10 years -- watching many others just
come and go."
Melanie Merriman, Senior Account Clerk Typist, has been with the County for a total of nine years. She took
off 2 years in between to raise her little daughter Alex. Her voice is usually the one that greets you when you call
into our office. She also sorts and distributes the accounts payable and payroll checks.
Lori Parker, our other Senior Account Clerk Typist is another Finance Department lifer. She has been with
the County for 8 years. Some of her many job duties include writing all the checks that don't go through accounts
payable, depositing and keeping track of all the money that comes through our office in the multiple of county
accounts, and helping with the investment of the county dollars.
Ruth Pond will be reaching her 11 year anniversary soon. Most of you know her as the creative person
behind the scenes getting the County Corridors together and distributed each and every month. Ruth is a welcome
addition to our little office and helps us with the things "we never get around to doing ", as well as still continuing with
the County Corridors.
My deepest gratitude goes out to these women /friends who make my job a whole lot simplier by doing their
jobs so efficiently and enthusiastically. •
' 7 G / ecji(
Budget & Finance Manager
o i After
0 ' ,i • IN MEMORY OF
° 0 ` ' 0 „. ,
/ f� �, 0 ' f 4 0 U
I I �J ° Sharon Van e&fen
o f Who died unexpectedly
"• p D// If you see this Friday, March 28, 1997.
lady wish her a belated
0 s young happy 42nd birthday Our deepest sympathy to her family
R fiD Ai t (April 6). and friends. She will be missed.
Hint: Budget & Finance Sharon worked with DSS
Unclassifieds Personnel Personals
For Rent: Congratulations to:
Cottage available May June and Roger Garrison, retiring Reference Librarian. Among
September - weekend or week. Just 1 /2 mile from other things, he will be remembered for his summer storytime
park. Alison, 387 -5446. programs in DeWitt Park. Enjoy your retirement!
Piano for beginner. Decent, useable A Blast from the Past
condition. Call Steve or Rosa 387 -6564. Alice Cole, Health Dept. found this
clipping from the Ithaca Journal dated 6/9/53.
Pets: "Employees Rap Court House Working Hours i
Cat - quiet, very affectionate 3yr. old Court House office employees loudly I I
indoor, grey tiger. Declawed. Would be purrfectly berated the Board of Supervisors today for its jimaiiiik
happy in an adult -only home. Call Janis, 273 -2416 action Monday in setting up a schedule of
evenings summer working hours.
The Board decreed that the offices should remain closed
Free: on Saturdays during the months of July and August and the first
Saturday of September. They also ruled that the schedule for
Quit Kits, new, improved and free for the Mondays through Fridays would be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. thus providing
asking. Ready to give up the tobacco habit? for an hour earlier start and closing.
Contact the Healthy Heart/Health Promotion What the employes don't like is the 8 a.m. starting hour
Program for a guidebook to quitting - 274 -6710. which means they'll be putting in 5 more working hours this
Summer in return for three hours off on Saturday. Last year the
Looking Ahead to May schedule was 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 9 a.m.
American Bike Month to 12 m. Saturdays.
Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month Department heads are equally displeased with the
Better Hearing & Speech Month arrangement, pointing out the earlier opening 'won't mean a thing
Better Sleep Month for who's coming to the Courthouse at that hour of the day to do
Buckle Up America Week business ?' A petition asking the board to reconsider the 8 a.m.
Clean Air Week opening is expected to be circulated as a result of the genuine
Correct Posture Month employe dissatisfaction with the new schedule."
Alcohol & other Drug - related Birth Defects Month
Arthritis Month Articles to be considered for the May 8 issue must be received by
Digestive Diseases Awareness Month noon, Wednesday, April 16, 1997. Lengthy articles should be on
Employee Health & Fitness Day (May 15) disk. Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Budget &
High Blood Pressure Month Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505.
Mental Health Month
Osteoporosis Prevention Week Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
Physical Fitness Education and their immediate families only. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal
Running & Fitness Week ads will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
Senior Health & Fitness Day this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
Safe Kids Week Corridors c/o Budget & Finance, or 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Sight- Saving Month Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
Skin Cancer Detection Month
Trauma Awareness Month
Stroke Awareness Month
World No- Tobacco Day
World Red Cross Day
The three R's - reading, `riting, and COUNTY CORRIDORS
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
longer enough. They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
`rithmetic - are no !on
9' g solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
We must add the three C's - Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Lisa
Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance - Purchasing; Iretta Ellis, Information Services; Scott
Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor).
Finance - Purchasing; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie
Computing, critical thinking, Wagner, (Artist), Drafting Technician.
Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
Corridors, c/o Finance - Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
And the capacity for change.