HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-03 (2) ' . 1 A Newsletter for :::::::.:\,../ .: ' 414 : 1:1;_i„ ..:,: j "'� . , Employees and Retirees ' of Tompkins County vv e AO -''' f7111171H - 117-711iN I i ` \ 481, r E i \1 i \` ��/ MARCH 1997 � "11 // Volume 9 Number 3 THE JOB'S NOT DONE 'TIL THE PAPER WORK IS FINISHED! TO: All Employees FROM: M.R. Whipple Date: April 1, 1 996 Subject: Restroom Privileges In the past, employees were permitted to make If an employee's restroom trip bank balance reaches zero, trips to the restroom under informal guidelines. Effective the doors to the restroom will not unlock for that April 1, 1996, a restroom trip policy - RTP will be employee's voice until the first of the next month. In established to provide a consistent method of accounting addition, all restroom stalls are being equipped with timed for each employee's time. paper roll retractors. If the stall is occupied for more than Under this policy, a RESTROOM TRIP BANK will three (3) minutes, an alarm will sound. Thirty (30) seconds be established for each employee. The first day of each after the alarm sound, the roll of paper in the toilet stall will month, employees will be given a restroom credit of 20. retract, the toilet will flush and the stall door will open. If Restroom credits can be accumulated from month to the stall remains occupied, your picture will be taken month. The picture will then be posted in the hallways. Within two weeks, the entrance to all restrooms are This is being done to eliminate dilly - dallying in the being equipped with personal identification stations and restrooms. Anyone whose picture shows up more than computer linked voice recognition devices. Before April 15, three times will be terminated. 1996 each employee must provide two copies of voice If you have any questions about the new policy, prints (one normal and one under stress) to Personnel. please contact M R. Whipple who reminds you "Please The voice print recognition will be in operation, but not don't squeeze the Charmin." restrictive for the remainder of the month. Employees should acquaint themselves with these stations during that period. ■ I SPRING IS COMING... * coo .A., cov w: e e:S AV. * tr 4,4 000 ..• 1 /N 1 Ntit, r ,..vim— 4 r 1 i i,, r I I r i b, i e / --....,_J u / /I " - DON'T FORGET to send in your entry form for "SPRING INTO SHAPE" by March 29, 1996 Department Head Meeting Minutes Lauren Austin pointed out that the thrust of the 2121196 law may be in conflict with State Human Rights Law which by Scott Heyman, County Administrator prohibits discrimination based on any accusation that did not result in a conviction. 1. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO MOTOR VEHICLE Mary Pat said she feels this group needs to OPERATOR QUALIFICATIONS POLICY. discuss the problem of Board members not feeling that Department heads decided to vote on this they have control of base budgets in County departments, proposed policy change without further discussion. Five but only of special request amounts. Scott agreed and said voted in favor of the proposal, eleven against. Scott asked he would schedule that for the next meeting and invite those voting against to state what were their reasons since Budget Committee Chair Tim Joseph for the discussion. the Board of Representatives will want to know why Scott reported: department heads did not endorse the policy. They - BRAC has recommended to the Budget provided these which will be made available to Board committee that they continue to exist for one more year members. and that their charge be to complete the work they started; 2. PROPOSED POLICY REQUIRING HEALTHY FOOD specifically this will mean participating in discussions of CHOICES. how to develop better, measurable objectives for all County Alice Cole explained that this policy would require programs; development of interim in -depth reviews of all that healthy choices be offered in all County vending programs; and improvement of budget forms for the benefit machines and at all events. She further explained that of the public, departmental staff, and Board members. there is no intention to prevent anyone from buying or - An Employee Day Care Task Force to selecting what they want, only to guarantee a choice. recommend on the future of the County Day Care subsidy Department heads said they liked the policy but felt it has been appointed with representatives from all employee should be an administrative decision, not a Board of groups (Scott could not remember in the meeting who was Representatives policy. Scott said he would issue a the Management employees' appointee -- it is David Boyd, directive. MPO Director). 3. PERFORMANCE REVIEW POLICY. - A new Criminal Justice Coordinator will be Discussion of this proposal was deferred to the appointed momentarily. next meeting. 4. INFORMATION SERVICES REPORT. The Future Dean Eckstrom reported: - Nearly all departments that are receiving new of County Sponsored Day Care computers through the countywide computer modernization by Scott Heyman, County Administrator project have them now; all departments are internally The mass exodus of County employees (nearly networked; about half of the connections between and 220 of them) from the Biggs Center to West State Street among networks now exist and the rest will be in place this near downtown Ithaca sometime early in 1998 has spring; about half of departments are now live on the triggered a new look at the County's Day Care subsidy. Internet and the rest will be by September. The Board of Representatives has created a Day - This year his department will be organizing and Care Task Force and Board Chair Stu Stein has appointed offering computer training through both BOCES and TCCC. its members. They include Personnel Commissioner Anita Word on this soon. He will be surveying departments on Fitzpatrick as Chair, Tompkins Employees Day Care their needs and priorities for this training. Center Director Diane Bradac and Board Chair Deb Teeter, - The large departmental computing systems in CSEA White Collar representative Sharon Van Etten Elections and County Clerk that used to be on the (DSS), Andrea Whitney (Engineering) from CSEA Blue mainframe are completed and operating independently on Collar, David Boyd (MPO) from the management group, PCs. The one in Mental Health will be operating Sue Cook from the confidential employees, and yours truly. independently by the end of March. The Pentamation The Task Force will recommend to the County system that will put out the payroll, pay the bills, and handle Board by June on the future of County sponsored day care: accounting and budgeting is expected to be operational by Should we continue TEDC as is where it is? Should we July 1. continue to sponsor an employee day care center but in a REPORTS. more central location? Should we discontinue sponsorship Mary Pat reported that Eliza's Law has been of an employee day care center and offer employees enacted which for the first time gives to County Social vouchers to help them pay for whatever day care center Services Commissioners the responsibility to determine they choose? Should we do something different from all when to release publicly information about allegations of the above? child abuse. In the past this information always had to be Contact any of the above Task Force members held in confidence. and let them know how you feel. Everyone on the Task There are guidelines in the state law about when Force has the same first priority: The Day Care subsidy information should and should not be divulged which she we choose should be the one that has the most support will share with department heads. This raises important among our employees. community issues; Spring Is coming... , Which Are you the shy, cautious type? Or the aggressive, in your D river face" kind? Many of us reveal our personalities in the way we driv Others t drive. 0 he s ake on an entirely different personality when driving. Knowing what personality is at work when Are O we hit the road helps make us better drivers. Which of the u • following driving styles most closely describes your driving? THE DISTRACTED Di S tR A c red THE SLEEPY DRIVER S (.. EE ?y Distracted drivers spend their driving time plan- /� ,, Some people are lulled into a drowsy state by �.. ning their day, rehashing yesterday's meeting, Z. ' . ; the sound of the car engine and the monotony 7, t;, � or worrying if they forgot something at the / � of the road. It's difficult to be olert when // store. Distracted drivers may think of the �� you are sleepy. If you get drowsy when dri-2 \ daily commute as a time to shave, have a snack, catch up on business details or ving, stop, get out and take a breath of chat on the phone. They are so busy with these activities they may not always be fresh air. Take a coffee break or stop for a nap on long trips. Stopping to rest will not alert to rood and traffic conditions. If you spend your time behind the wheel thinking delay your trip nearly as long as falling asleep at the wheel will. about anything but your driving, try setting aside driving time to just enjoy the ride. You'll probably arrive otwork in a more refreshed state of mind, ready to tackle all THE INDECISIVE DRIVER those distracting chores. Should I change lanes or not? Do I wont to tum here? I n d Ec t r v Should I speed up? Slow down? Indecisive dri- e THE TIMID DRIVER ■ —____- versnever quite seem to know what they're __ Timid drivers often drive so slowly that they tie �� going to do next. Unfortunately, neither do 4, f up traffic and cause other drivers to have to �� r � : ' - the other drivers around them. If you are ( .J brake suddenly. Speed and traffic makes c _� /� indecisive, try mapping your trip in advance > �� . them nervous and causes them to make poor '� and deciding what you are going to do before you get in the car. full over if you and unexpected driving choices. If you are a timid driver, leaming defensive driving get confused. Learning defensive driving techniques can also help you make better techniques might be the way to boost your confidence. driving decisions. Signal your intentions to other drivers by using tum signals. THE AGGRESSOR (A W esto THE AUTOMATIC A* These people are easy to spot. They are habitual / These drivers are the picture of calm: eyes tailgaters, and they do not hesitate to cut in / ti : fixed on the road ahead, while inside they i ii t front of other drivers. Their message is clear. / , area million miles away. Nothing ruffles \ t Get out of my way if you know what's good them, because they don't notice anything for you. Unconsciously, they may think of driving as a contest to be won at all costs. If outside of the narrow focus of the road ohead. They are totally unprepared for the you find yourself slipping into this personality when you drive, take a minute to think unexpected. If you find yourself driving on automatic," make yourself look around of the other drivers on the road as real people with needs just as important as yours. and observe what's going on all sides of your vehicle. Check conditions ahead of the By cooperating, we can all get where we're going safely and with no feelings hurt. car in front of you. Notice the scenery, anything to get bock to the present. THE SPEEDER 5PEEdep THE GOOD DRIVER Good DR1veR Some speeders just like to drive fast. Others drive All of us have some of the above personality that way because they're a little behind f, traits. the good driver tries to be aware of // _ -� schedule. They'd like to drive more carefully, G u these tendencies and balance them with but they just don't have time. Yet for most ,— extra caution and common sense. trips, they save only o few minutes by driving 65 mph instead of 55 mph. If you Though good drivers often would pre - speed because of poor time management, get into the habit now of adding 10 fer to be somewhere else than on the rood, they maintain their focus in the minutes onto your estimated trip time. And don't forget to allow extra time for finding here and now, pay attention to what's going on around them, and practice courte- a parking place, or locating an unfamiliar address. ous, defensive driving. Submitted by Frank Croteau, Health Department ®1994 PARLAY INTERNATIONAL 1520.003E9 Defensive Driving Courses are in the process of being set up for 1996 and further information will be provided to the Safety Officers in the near future. SPRING 1S COMING... - Partners ,; - , 7 _ N` Letter of Thanks For Quality �o ,/ from Stephen R. Griffin, Foodnet Dear Employment Unit Staff, 1996 WILL INVOLVE EVEN MORE EMPLOYEES Foodnet has been fortunate to have the services by Nancy Zahler, Youth Bureau of some very dedicated and reliable Work Relief workers County Administration, Board of Rep's staff, for the past couple of months. These people deserve and County Attorney's office are all getting training to credit for doing a good job. With their cheerful attitude and improve the services they provide to other departments productive work habits, they exemplify what the Work and the public. Relief Program can accomplish. The new Long Term Care Unit at DSS will get the Two of them have now been employed elsewhere training they need to consolidate the services formerly and one is still reporting to Foodnet provided separately by DSS, Health, and COFA. A new person started yesterday, and we look Youth Bureau staff will get the training to improve forward to a positive work experience with him, as well. their team approach to the agencies and municipalities who Last summer we were able to hire one of the provide programs for youth throughout the County. people who had been participating in the Work Relief Stakeholders who work in and maintain the New Program. That person has proven to be an excellent Human Services Building are actively meeting to employee and a true asset to our organization. recommend ways to design entrances, security, and / look forward to our continuing association. Keep meeting spaces to improve public and staff access. up the good work! Training for Office Professionals will be offered Sincerely, in the Spring - look for flyers soon! Stephen R. Griffin, Nutrition Program Director YOU WERE BORN AN ORIGINAL MOTORCYCLES WIN DON'T DIE A COPY Proposed Motorcycle Ban Defeated by Cheryl Nelson On March 11th, the Government Operations and DSS CELEBRATES STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS Administration (GOA) Committee voted down, in a vote of 3 to 1, the proposed policy to ban the use of motorcycles by Mary Camal, DSS by County employees while traveling on County business! More than two dozen DSS employees received Because the proposed policy did not receive the awards during the 5th Annual DSS Success Recognition recommendation of the GOA Committee, it will not move to Ceremony held at DSS January 25, 1996. Achievements the Board of Representatives for action. At last the in promoting good morale, promoting the mission of the discussions, debates, votes, and tax dollars spent to do so agency, and excelling in their day to day work have ended and the motorcyclists emerge victorious! performance, were celebrated at the event according to I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of Commissioner Mary Pat Dolan. the employees that helped distribute copies of my original During the ceremony, Commissioner Dolan editorial, to all of the employees and County taxpayers that commended members of the Success Recognition took the time to write a letter or make a call to a Board of Committee for their ongoing efforts over the past year to Representative member or were planning on attending the recognize their peers with individualized gestures of Board of Representatives meeting to voice their thoughts appreciation ranging from bouquets of flowers to gift and concerns on the issue, and to the department heads certificates for restaurants. and GOA Committee members that voted against it. A Dolan also said that DSS is a place where special thank you goes to the American Motorcyclists employees are "motivated by a real and true desire to help Association (AMA) staff and to Tom Duffee, State people; where we believe individually and collectively in the Coordinator of the American Bikers Aimed Towards worth of what we do." Dolan concluded her remarks by Education (ABATE) for technical assistance and support. saying that "we must take especially good care to be as For any of you that may think that you can't make kind and compassionate and supportive of each other as a difference on an issue, I hope you see this as an we are to those we are here to serve." illustration that you can make a difference! Don't be The Success Recognition Committee for the content to sit idly by when you see something coming your coming year consists of DSS staffers who received awards way that is contrary to your beliefs, freedoms of choice, or at the January 25 event. common sense. Get involved and do something about it! Funds for the past year's activities were raised by I think that the following quote sums up what I am trying to the Committee, which was chaired by Connie Clark. express: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead SPRING IS COMING... enior Scene PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in Tompkins County, a 1995 telephone survey of residents sixty years of age and older found that 19.8% of those surveyed were employed and an additional 9.8% reported that they would like to find work, and WHEREAS, in Tompkins County, we recognize that investing in these older workers makes good business sense because of their maturity, stability and experience, and WHEREAS, in Tompkins County, both employers and employees are continuing to explore ways to benefit from the expertise of older individuals, NOW THEREFORE, I, Stuart W. Stein, Chairman of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, do hereby proclaim March 11 -15, 1996, as EMPLOY THE OLDER WORKER WEEK IN TOMPKINS COUNTY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great seal of the County of Tompkins this 5th day of March, 1996. Stuart W. Stein, Chairman Board of Representatives �t �irniCur proclamation to Me one above wai of jnec ‘y governor / GRANDPARENTS RAISING CHILDREN best job possible as the challenges facing these In 1993, the US Census Bureau reported families are enormous. that more than three million children live in Some of these challenges - both households headed by their grandparents. Over emotional and financial - will be addressed at the one million of those children were being cared forthcoming workshop on Strengthening for by their grandparents because no parents Grandparent Caregivers, to be held on were present and it is likely that this number will Wednesday, April 24, 1996 from 10 a.m. to 12 continue to grow because of the pressures and noon at the Cooperative Extension Center, 615 stress on families, including teen pregnancy, Willow Avenue, Ithaca. This free workshop is substance abuse, death, divorce and parental being co- sponsored by the Caregivers' Resource incarceration. Center of the Office for the Aging and Cornell Grandparents who are not required by law Cooperative Extension. to care for their grandchildren are doing so For more information, please call Marilyn because they love them and believe that it is the Strassberg at Office for the Aging, 274 -5482, right thing to do. They just need help doing the SPRING IS COMING... Emotions Unclassifieds: Do you recognize the emotions of your co- Position Available: workers? Try to match the faces below with the RTP (see front page) Investigator. Must have ability to add Irst of emotions. Draw a line between those that and subtract up to 20. Experience in photography and computer match. (Answers are on bottom of page). linked voice recognition helpful. Will help to install Personal Identification Stations (PIS). Must have trench coat. stop watch, -, and 20/20 vision. Picture framing knowledge helpful. Preference 1. ''U Puzzled given to applicants with the name John. WiII work directly under 0 the supervision of M.R. Whipple, T.P.. (Top Puppy as he's not quite Top Dog), and be privy to RTP records. 2. Cr Loved For Rent: Three bedroom house: full bath up, half bath down, Fall Creek area, on- street parking, on Ithaca Transit route, room for gardening /pets - $695.00 plus utilities. Kate 387 -9503 Hobbies: 3. c Shocked Fingerlakes Rail Fair Train Show Saturday, March 30, and Sunday, March 31, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day at the New York State Armory, Hanshaw Road. r -) Phil is perpetually late, and it was getting him in trouble at 4. `� Hopeful work. "Maybe it would help," a friend suggested, "to set your watch ahead fifteen minutes." Desparate. he agreed to try it His friend asked later how the plan worked. "I wasn't late all week," Phil said. "Then they fired me for leaving early." f 5. Jealous Articles to be considered for the April � issue must be received by Monday, April 8. Send by inter -dept. Mail to Ruth Pond, Finance /Purchasing or 125 East Court r 9 St.., Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505. 6. Cautious I was just wondering - why don't they hire the fattest man in the world to be a professional hockey 7. Anxious goalie? Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to l Corridors c/o Finance - Purchasing. Please type or print legibly! Thanks! 8. Fearful 9. Excited COUNTY CORRIDORS Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the (�y volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and 10. � Determined retirees. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others. Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Data Processing: Scott Heyman, County Administrator, Louise McEwen, Personnel. Ruth Pond. (Editor), Sp ring is here: Finance - Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and Judy Tynyk. p 9 (Chair), Weights and Measures. Correspondence may be sent through County inter- department mail to: County Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. H'f"3 d'd.d'0'0'S =6 :SJ8MSU'