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V A Newsletter for
Em P Y
to ees and Retirees
1 of Tompkins County
r� -'
Volume 10 Number 2
by Cheryl Nelson
'. Even though Christmas eve was quite a few days
away, Rudolph decided to take a practice run at the Public
Works facility on Bostwick Road. When employees arrived
' II T4iger „,,
0 „ at work on December 11th, they noticed a young, male
1 . deer trapped in the `pit” adjacent to the basement of the
building. Apparently the deer had become confused or
& e. was being chased and tried to leap through or over the
building only to run into a concrete wall and fall into the
"i'' pit.
Cornell was contacted and a veterinarian arrived
on the scene. Rudolph was tranquilized, removed from the
• premises, his wounds treated, and then released when he
woke up.
S0000000, if you stopped believing a long time ago
that reindeer could fly, you might want to reconsider! If you
are passing by the Public Works facility on Bostwick Road,
;.'t keep an eye out for Rudolph and his friends practicing their •
take -offs and landings.
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Many thanks to Leighann Fowler pictured here at the "Mystery
Dinner," for all the wonderful trips she organized for us. She will
be leaving the area and we wish her well.
by Scott Heyman by David S. Boyd, AICP Executive Director
The Year Ahead The results are in from the second Employee Child
Care survey. Following are some "sound bites" from those
The end of the year is a time for taking stock. * The second survey was directed to employees with
What has gone well, what hasn't, and what should be our children ages 12 or less. We received 99 responses;
goals for the upcoming year. however, four of them were "invalid" (i.e., respondents
did not have children or submitted duplicate information).
From where I sit: f ill" MIN * One of our primary "objectives" of this survey was to get
E a "census" of employee's children. We can't be sure if we
Last year c• , / got them all, therefore the figures should be considered to
we made good 11111)4/ v i5 have a small range of error. However, it is logical that
headway on what I Q since parent - employees recognized their vested interest in
think are our two `� k I► participating in the survey, we suspect that the response
most critical long - `'=' a rate was very high. In all, 153 children were identified. Of
term goals, IX these children, 69 (45 %) were under the age of 4 with the ll'
improving the remainder, 84 (55 %) being age 5 or older (up to 13).
training and These figures will be very useful to the Task Force in
education at generating and analyzing alternative forms of an employee
opportunities for assistance program.
employees and * Another primary objective was to find out how parent -
making the Board 11 ' � 1 employees felt about the choice between "a cash subsidy
of Representatives' i, 0 employee ti , to the e t to help pay for day care rovider/ ro ram"
P llit p Y Pp Y Y P p 9 goals clearer and O �. il l !i. and "a day care center in a centralized location in or near
more well - defined. .11,-. .11,-. - k downtown Ithaca that accepts all children, but give
For the �'� = preference to County employees' children and offers
first time we hired ' discounted tuition to County employees." The results
v... w..O".R ' 94.
a countywide overwhelmingly supported the "subsidy" alternative: 88
T r a i n i n g (93 %) favored the subsidy, while 7 (7 %) favored the center.
Coordinator. He has a strong employee training The survey provides a lot of other really interesting data;
background, he has staff assistance from the Personnel however, for the most part, it is supplementary.
Department, he has a budget to work with, and someday, Information on weekly expenditures, types of child care
somehow, he will have an office. providers /programs, and where employees live and work
For the first time the Board of Representatives has will all be useful for the Task Force in generating its
stated, by a Resolution enacted on January 21, what is the alternatives and making its fi nal recommendation to the
role of County government, what is their vision of the Board of Representatives.
community we all serve, and what are the improvements in Finally, I think it would be appropriate to let
service delivery outcomes that they most want to see employees know that the summary and results are
between now and the end of the century. available upon request. I would be very happy to provide
I won't surprise anybody when I say that in my copies, on paper or electronically, should employees
view Partners for Quality is the focal point for the most contact me.
important efforts to improve this organization. The above NO PROOF! NO PUFFS!
two accomplishments are absolutely essential for us to Sue Kilgore, Healthy Heart Program
succeed in achieving the aims of PFQ — more and better The Tompkins County Health Department and Tompkins -
teamwork, labor /management partnership, better Cortland- Cayuga Tobacco Control Coalition reminds everyone
supported employees, well trained supervisors who about ATUPA -- Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Act.
coach more than they direct, open candid This law prohibits sales of tobacco to children under 18 and
communication in all directions, the use of data to make requires that cigarette vending machines be placed only in
decisions, and a customer - focus in everything we do. specified areas under the watchful eye of a vendor.
The upcoming year needs to be a breakthrough The law is intended to reduce children's access to
year when Partners for Quality gets well established in the tobacco. Merchants may sell tobacco only to an individual who
demonstrates, through a driver's license or other photo
Public Works and the Health Departments, completes its identification, that he or she is at least 18 years of age.
"rollout" in Social Services, when well conceived training Why is this important?
opportunities for employees multiply, and when we use the ...research indicates that limiting access reduces the number of
opportunity of the Board of Representatives goals teens who smoke
statement to "connect" what we staff do with the goals of ...every day 3,000 kids become addicted to tobacco
the Board of Representatives — speaking for all of our ...for every one person who dies from heroin abuse, over 100
taxpaying and service receiving customers. die from tobacco addiction begun before age 14.
Help promote the effort that makes it difficut for kids to
get cigarettes (and other tobacco products) by calling 274 -6710
for NO PROOF! NO PUFFS! Badges and Bumper Stickers.
Here are more hobbies of county employees. We'd like to have yours, too! Please send a picture of your hobby and a
short statement about it to Ruth Pond, Finance. Thanks!
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Fran Armstrong, Payroll, has crafted eight afghans for her Galina Rozenfine, Assessment, enjoys spending her free
children and grandchildren as a "remembrance" of their time doing pen and ink drawings of animals, vehicles, and
mother and grandmother. Each has the person's name houses. She also designs logos for fun and extra
and birthdate and is of their current interest. spending money.
Solid Waste is still giving tours to •
grade school children. Some of the thank you notes came f c ' ; I , � �,,� j.
replete with pictures. from Linnett Warner 0 L.
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by Jerry Feist, Training Coordinator
The Leadership Council has added some new members. The
Leadership Council was created by the Board of Representatives "to
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have primary guidance responsibility "for the Board's effort "to review, � —�—
restructure, and improve the ways in which it carries out the , � NOP
responsibilities assigned to it..." The Leadership Council has been
overseeing the County's Partners For Quality effort as one part of MOTORCYCLE RIDER
their charge. They want to hear from you. If you have thoughts,
questions, concerns, or ideas about how to improve the County, please COURSES AVAI LAB LE
contact a member of the Leadership Council. by Cheryl Nelson, Public Works
The motorcycle rider training courses
1997 Leadership Council Members schedule administered by BOCES and
conducted at the Dryden High School is now
Barbara Mink Chair, Board of Representatives 274 -5434 available for the 1997 season. Courses are
Beverly Livesay Board of Representatives 274 -5434 available for both beginner and advanced
Charlie Evans Board of Representatives 274 -5434 riders.
Scott Heyman County Administrator 274 -5551 Through a grant from American
David Chase CSEA White Collar 274 -5294 Honda Motor Company, funding is available
Penny VanSchoick CSEA White Collar 274 -5321 for three (3) county employees to take the
Tony Denmark CSEA Blue Collar 274 -5290 course free of charge. The only requirement
Jim Strehle CSEA Blue Collar Alternate 257 -0456 is your commitment to attending the four
Emery Guest Sheriff 257 -1345 sessions in order to complete the course. If
Lynn Watros Employees' Union of Tompkins 257 -1345 you are interested, contact Cheryl Nelson at
County Sheriffs Department 274 -0302 for details. Courses fill up quickly -
Bill Mobbs Department Heads 274 -0304 so don't delay!
John Beach Department Heads 274 -5524
David Boyd Middle Management 274 -5570 p 1 p
Loretta Bernal Confidential Employees 274 -5252 &I' <<"‘ LOS
Other people connected to the Leadership Council: Recognition
Anita Fitzpatrick 274 -5526 Nancy Zahler 274 -5310
Jerry Feist 274 -5526 Cheryl Nelson 274 -0302
Mary Pat Dolan 274 -5251
44b the Count C0t CLb
by Aurora Valenti
valid there any legsl document which is as
r The Department of Social Services held its
1 valid to be used for identification as is a sixth annual Employee Recognition Awards
driver's license (or passport)? Ceremony on January 23, 1997. Employees
Answer: YES. It is a non - driver's photo
Ni lt o
I.D. ,which can be obtained from your local received awards in the following categories:
Staff Award: Vicki Farrell, Fran Swartout,
Motor Vehicle Bureau. Peggy Thomas -Carr, Lori Hill; Behind the
For those of you under the age of 62 years, it will cost around $7 for Scenes: Joann Hill; Suggestions for Cost
a four -year I.D. , around $13 for an eight -year I.D. Efficiency: Holly Stevenson; Promoting
Teamwork: Liz Norton, Chen Hartman, Judy
For those of you 62 years of age or older, a photo I.D. card from the Ryan, Sally Ryan; Advocacy and/or Service
for Clients: Penny Calderazzo; Promoting
DMV will cost only $3.75, valid for 10 years. DSS Community Image: Michel Kelly;
Promoting Good Morale: Wendy Lutz;
Many of us are unable or unwilling to obtain a permit to operate a Commissioner's Award: Andrew Timm.
motor vehicle for one reason or another. Many of us find that in our
later years, operating a motor vehicle is cumbersome, exhausting, and A special award was given to Mary Pat Dolan
unnecessary. The non - driver 1.D. is for you! for her part in Promoting DSS Community
Questions? Call Aurora Valenti 274 -5431 or Penny McGuire 273 -7187. Image.
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Tompkins County
Courthouse, Ithaca. N.Y. 14850
Date: January 6, 1997
To: All Tompkins County Employees and Officers
From: Catherine Covert, Clerk, Board of Representatives
Scott Heyman, County Administrator
Subject: Conflict of Interest
The General Municipal Law of New York State and Tompkins County Local Law No. 4 of 1992 require
any County officer or employee who has, will have, or later acquires an "interest" in any actual or
proposed contract with the County to disclose the nature and extent of such interest in writing to the
Clerk of the Board of Representatives. The laws define "interest" as follows:
"'Interest' means a direct or indirect pecuniary or material benefit accruing to a municipal
officer or employee as the result of a contract with the municipality which such officer or
employee serves. A municipal officer or employee shall be deemed to have an interest in the
contract of (a) his or her spouse or domestic partner, minor children or dependents, except
a contract of employment with the municipality which such officer or employee services; (b)
a firm, partnership or association of which such officer or employee is a member or
employee; (c) a corporation of which such officer or employee is an officer, director or
employee; and (d) a corporation any stock of which is owned or controlled directly or
indirectly by such officer or employee."
If you as an individual, member of any partnership, or stockholder or trustee in any corporation, have
an interest in any actual or proposed contract with the County, or anticipate acquiring such an
interest, you must disclose the nature and extent of this interest in writing to the Clerk of the Board
of Representatives.
Your disclosure of an interest in a contract with the County does not necessarily mean that this
interest must be ended. All disclosures will be carefully reviewed by the County Attorney, and if
necessary, by the Board of Ethics and/or the appropriate committee of the Board of Representatives.
The issue that will be examined in every instance is whether your contract creates a conflict with your
responsibilities as a County employee and, if so, how this should be eliminated.
If the position you hold is designated as a "key employee ", you must also file an Annual Disclosure
Statement with the Clerk of the Board no later than May 15, 1997. The form for this filing was sent
under separate cover. If you believe you should file this form and have not received one, please
contact the Board office at 274 -5434.
A memorandum similar to this one is sent to all employees every year as a reminder of this obligation.
If at any time during the course of any year an interest such as described above should arise, you
must notify the Clerk of the Board in writing at that time.
Unclassifieds Personnel Personals
For Sale: Welcome to:
1982 Winnebago Motor Home: 27'
Class A, 45,000 miles, roof air, sleeps six, rear Diane Bradac to the Personnel Office as of January.
bath. $12,500 or best offer. 607 - 533 -7651.
The January Bth minutes of the
Department Head meeting are now
Two year old Beagle. Needs good available on the common directory in the
home. Has all shots, good with children. Call DHMIN folder and also in the "Employee
273 -5631. Only" section of the County web page.
For Rent:
Ithaca Neighborhood
.� ^. �i►�
Interlaken - One bedroom apartment: Ell i�" Housing Services
large yard, off street parking. $325 includes. 1Jli —i,.] ;�,-,
532 -8769 evenings and weekends. ..'..'-=-. L- Y. , i1 %
by Ann DiPetta, VISTA Volunteer
Found: Thought you couldn't buy a home? Think again! Ithaca
in a recent Ann Lander's column: Neighborhood Housing Services is offering Home Buyer
"Dear Rosalia: Education courses that will teach you:
It's amazing to me that the article you sent p How the home buying process works
was written over 50 years ago. Thanks for y g p
sharing. Some of those 'isms' fit today. o How to assess and enhance your credit worthiness
0 Where to find special financing to make your monthly
housing payments lower
ling c Where to find a beautiful, completely renovated, yet
affordable home.
The first thing you need to do is attend one of our Lunch hour
Orientations. The upcoming dates are February 11, March 13,
and April 17 from Noon until 1 p.m. at INHS, 115 W. Clinton Street.
Call 277 -4500 now to register!
A rticles to be considered for the March 13 issue must be received
ISMs by noon, Wednesday, February 19, 1997. Lengthy articles
Socialism: You have two cows. Give should be on disk. Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond,
one cow to your neighbor. Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505.
Communism: You have two cows. Give
both cows to the government, and they may give UNCLASSIFIEDS
you some of the milk. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
Facism: You have two cows. You give all and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
of the milk to the government, and the govemment these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth
sells it. Pond, County Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Nazism: You have two cows. The Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
government shoots you and takes both of the
Anarchism: You have two cows. Keep
both of the cows, shoot the government agent and •
steal another cow.
Capitalism: You have two cows. Sell one
cow and buy a bull." COUNTY CORRIDORS
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
1 soli editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
cited from current employees, retirees and others.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
f � Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment;
Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance- Purchasing; Iretta Ellis, Information Services;
Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond,
, / (Editor), Finance- Purchasing; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and
17 Vickie Wagner, (Artist), Drafting Technician.
J Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
Corridors, Go Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.