HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01 or i47:ii y A Newslettear nfd R Em etirees of Tompkins County . 11?:Zmi ployees ' : :::: uNT....., N...i.c.? 4 ,AI.............. .11 c:......:, C1-11.1,111.1.11,.. . In is ,..:......,::::„,...... ........„.. IP UC7 ........ .......... ......... ........ .....................:.. ...,....::::..:........„... ... . ........., ........ ......... ..:.....i....i....::::::::::::::....:::::....:.......:.... VojlAumNijeA9RNYulm99b6er 1 . . •.:.:.:.:.:.:-,...:::::,:::.:::::::::..::::-......:-.::....::::::::...,...::::.::.:.:::.....,.:.,..:,.-.::.........-,....,'..:::::'- ' . .............::'-:-. ' '.•••••- ... .,.. _ „,..... . . .. . 6.:A,...,,. ...4 ,.,..., 1995 IN REV'IEVrir p !...°.;. t iN ,.. .,,..., iti ',' •., •,„IA . ," '-- -- 4111,K, _,•,•,,11,1,1.-._ ; -,,,••,,,„... _,, _.:..-4 * "• , , _ •,-=',-.',, .,V;'---7•4:.' 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Scott described the action taken by the Board of care of their children under age 21 who have physical Representatives in relation to an amendment to the disabilities or chronic illnesses may be able to get help fiscal policy,proposed by Representative Proto, to limit through the Tompkins County Physically Handicapped rollover to departments to 75% which passed in a 9 to Children's Program (PHCP), according to Ellen 5 vote. This was a shock considering a vote in June Brazauskas, Supervisor of the Children with Special Care Needs Unit. of 11 to 4 in the opposite direction. If you have or know of children with special care Department heads voiced concern over this needs, call or visit the Health Department and find out sudden change in policy, feeling it was in bad faith. more about Tompkins County PHCP. We're joining with Many felt that it would just encourage department the NY State Health Department to celebrate the heads to use up all their money on frivolous items so program's 70th anniversary. that no rollover remains. "PHCP is invaluable to families. It covers drugs, Scott suggested that department heads talk to visits to physicians, as well as equipment related to the their Committee Chairs and to also prepare individual child's health needs, such as wheelchairs," said statements to the Board on how this change will affect Brazauskas. "Many families with little or no health their department. Irene, Aurora, and Jim Hanson will insurance usually are eligible. Currently, 125 of begin preparation of a joint statement from department heads as well. Tompkins County's children are being helped, with a Scott will ask the new budget committee chair to range of medical needs," she added. put the fiscal policy on the first agenda of the new year. The Tompkins County PHCP also has case He said that the new committee would most likely be managers who work with families of children who have formed by the second Board meeting on January 16th. physical disabilities or chronic illnesses. Case managers provide parents with information about their child's condition, assist families in negotiating the often complex New Years Resolutions care of services for their children with special health care needs, and help arrange for medical visits and by Scott Heyman, County Administrator necessary services. They also insure participation in One form of New Year's Resolution is the goals recreational activities; help increase normal linkages and objectives that most County employees establish for between the medical and educational systems; advise themselves and discuss with their supervisor each year. families of other services and benefits and, when My supervisor is the County Board and I go necessary, help them obtain needed services and through this process with them each year. benefits. Two of my goals are probably not of great The Physically Handicapped Children's Program interest to very many employees: 1) Ensure that Board was created by the NY State Legislature in 1925. The members get the information they need to make policy Children's Court Act expanded health services for decisions; and 2) Supervise 18 County department heads handicapped children, with the state and county in a way that supports them and enables them to be governments sharing the costs of providing care. Now, effective. PHCP assists more than 12,000 families each year. Three other goals that I have set for 1996 may The program covers a variety of severe chronic be of some interest to you. They are: illnesses and physical disabilities: cardiac defects; gastro- 1) Support the Partners for Quality initiative; in intestinal, genito-urinary tract and other congenital particular, improve education and training offerings to anomalies; hydrocephalus and convulsive disorders; employees, support County managers in a way that hearing impairments; long-term diseases that cannot be enables them to lead more effectively, and work with the cured or completely corrected; missing limbs; genetic and County Board to develop a long range plan that chronic disorders and permanent disability resulting from becomes a guiding force in the development of the trauma. County budget. For more information, contact Tompkins County 2) With Board members, staff, and Public Health Department, Ellen Brazauskas, 274-6644. Information Coordinator Julie Crowell, to improve the quality and quantity of information about County government that reaches the public. Millions of Americans aren't working ... 3) Complete the budget reorganization process but thank goodness they've got jobs! by determining success indicators for all County programs, and include that information in budget "013000.1 _ documents. Wish me luck. I'll let you know in December or "We're all in this alone." Lily Tomlin January how I think I did. 1 JANUARY, 1996 Recycling Program Update For All County Buildings For the past seven years,Tompkins County employees have been separating out office paper for recycling. In 1993, the program added glass containers,metal cans, corrugated cardboard,and mixed paper to the list of recyclables. Now it's time for another improve- ment to the program that will divert even more material from employee waste baskets. Effective immediately, you may now add boxboard,magazines,opened mail,envelopes and phone books to the other recyclable papers (see the complete list on the back). You may mix them together in your deskside bin and then put them in the appropriate hall- way storage bin. Similarly, all recyclable containers may now be mixed together. This will help increase the amount of recyclable material being diverted from the trash from County buildings and will streamline collection. There is no longer a requirement to keep all the paper or container types separate. All recyclables now come in to the Recycling and Solid Waste Center in two groups-mixed paper and mixed containers-where they are sorted into many different categories for sale to manufacturers. Look for the larger storage bins for mixed paper and mixed containers near your work area. Please turn this sheet over to see the list of recyclables with guidelines for their preparation. A Note About the County Recycling Law: As a gentle reminder, all residents,businesses and institutions in Tompkins County are required to recycle, and that includes County government. If we all do our part by putting recyclables in the proper recycling bins, we will have much less trash left to throw away. NEED A RECICLING BIN I OR IOI;R DESK OR 11ORK STATION? 44 The Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division has small deskside recycling bins that can fit under or next to your desk. If you would like a bin, please speak to the cleaner in your building or call Barb O'Brien at Buildings and Grounds and she will see that one gets delivered to you. She can be reached at 274-5299,Monday through Friday until 1:00 pm. Solid Waste Management Division and Buildings and Grounds staff are working together to make the program convenient and efficient. Please watch County Corridors for notices about future recycling program changes. We welcome your suggestions or comments. For questions about recyclables, call the Solid Waste Management Division at 273-6632; for questions about collection procedures, call Buildings and Grounds at 274-5292. (Over,please.) I - 1 Recyclable Paper Recyclable Containers Newspaper =i Glass Bottles and Jars r YES Glossy inserts and magazines are OK. .�� �8 clear,green and brown bottles and jars 1 r~5`wT5 YES Food and beverage containers only.Discard lids and ' y c-- 't '1, caps.Rinse clean.Labels and neck rings are OK. ' NO Plastic bags,plastic wrap or string. � � "5°1'0 . � gill NO Plastic bags,plate glass,drinking glasses,crystal, ----- = .) Pyrex®,Visionware®,light bulbs and tubes, 'e"tit medicine bottles,ceramics,hazardous product bottles,wire,caps or lids. Corrugated Cardboard and Boxboard ■�� multi-layer cartons and single-layer cardboard YES Clean corrugated boxes;paper grocery bags;cereal, r/i Metal Cans and Aluminum Foil cracker,cake mix,pasta,shoe and tissue boxes;paper Allir food and beverage cans,empty aerosol cans and aluminum foil 4•... egg cartons.Remove plastic windows and liners. *-iii Flatten boxboard and put in with other paper. YES Rinse clean.Carefully place metal lids inside can and `± Flatten corrugated cardboard.Pieces must be no Ws � pinch top together.Labels are OK.Aerosol cans must n�ur larger than 4'x 4'.Stack next to or in recycling bin. It�% be empty and without caps;use contents up according '�----" �_ �fr.sr to directions.Save pesticide aerosols for a special or9r`•'_'al ,� Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off program. r— NO Wax-or plastic-coated boxes,wood,plastic or ilf �t1ii1°.-......- string;no leftover food-grease stains are OK. SND NO Plastic bags,food residue,pesticide aerosol cans, � _y No milk or juice cartons or boxes from wet syringes,gas or propane containers. foods,such as ice cream,frozen foods or take-out foods. Mixed Paper Plastic Bottles and Jugs includes white office paper ":Tvz:1.1 #1 and#2 narrow-necked household bottles and jugs only YES Opened mail,white and colored office paper, YES Household product,beverage or food containers. Q)'D magazines,flyers,posters,fax paper,non-metallic , Check The Neck-top opening must be smaller than 4,�.. .,,,,,,,,„of,..:,wrapping paper and cards,spiral notebooks,manila base.Discard lids and caps.Rinse clean,flatten if I u folders,phone books,soft-cover books.Staples, possible.Labels and neck rings are OK. paper clips,rubber bands,and envelope windows _ are OK. - kV NO Wide-mouth,stackable containers(yogurt or margarine �," ��; ���, NO Carbon paper,blueprint paper,overhead r �'; cups);pails take-out containers,microwave trays,lids, ( c transparencies,string,Tyvek®envelopes,waxed -`, toys,pails or six-pack holders;pesticide containers; \'�� / paper,photo paper,or non-paper items,such as w�,"W;`"; automotive oil-based product bottles;#347 plastics. V;.---Lt, product samples. ®!�, No plastic bags.Please do not tie jugs with string. ■ Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division Stop by County Administration County and brouse through our library of books, videos and audio tapes or Administration call Kathleen Drew at x5551 .'I!,';'' Library and she will send your selection to ou. Y by Kathleen Drew Book Author(s) 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Steven R. Covey Customer Service in Local Government Bruce W. McClendon Deming Management at Work Mary Walton Deming Management Method Mary Walton Empowered Teams Wellins, Byham, Wilson Excellence in Government - TQM in the 90's Carr&Littman First Things First Steven R. Covey Knowledge for Action Chris Argyris Leadership Counts: Lessons for Public Managers Robert D. Behn Leading Teams Zenger, Musselwhite, Hurson&Perrin No Contest - The Case Against Competition Alfie Kohn On Becoming a Leader Warren Bennis Principle Centered Leadership Steven R. Covey Productivity Improvement Techniques ICMA Punished by Rewards Alfie Kohn Putting TQM to Work Sashkin & Kiser Quality is Free Philip B. Crosby Recovering Prosperity Through Quality Robert A. Schwarz Reinventing Government Osborne & Gaebler Running Things Philip B. Crosby Skilled Facilitator Roger M. Schwarz The Reckoning David Halberstam TQM in Government: A Practical Guide for the Real World Cohen & Brand Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative Roger van Oech What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way Kaoru Ishikawa Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment Byham & Cox dtext jtontli: Video and Audio ZapesI Unclassifieds: Personnel Personals: For Sale: Happy Retirement to: Mobile Home at Hillside Acres Rt. 366 Ithaca. Need to see immediately. Asking Kay Cleland, Senior Account Clerk/Typist in Assessment. $7,000. Call Dina at 277-1816. Good Ford runner,Pickup body rough..351$ Windsor. MUSIC TO YOUR EARS Good runner, body rough. $600 obo. 273-1700. by Cheryl Nelson, PW White wedding dress size 12 with veil. On December 19th, Linnett Warner, Doreen Schrader, Brand new, never worn. $600 obo. Call Margo Koonce, Jackie Maloney, Michelle Eighmey, Shirley 277-6462 after 5:00 p.m. Hilker and Cheryl Nelson, all of whom are members of the Public Attention Hunters: PSE Pulsar Works Administrative Resource Team (A.R.T.), donned their Express. 70 lbs. Detachable quiver, Santa hats and went Christmas carolling. The A.R.T. partners arrows, trigger release. Tuned perfectly. were joined by their carolling friends Mary Mills of Assessment, Asking $180. 564-1088 after 6 p.m. her two sons, Matthew and Adam, and Dayton Umholtz. Lynn Leopold of the Solid Waste Division offered her time and musical Wanted: talents by leading the carollers and accompanying the singing by Used kitchen cupboard bases for garage playing her autoharp which truly lent an angelic and seasonal work space. Call Sara at 272-6394. touch to the singing. For Rent: The original plan was to visit both the Reconstruction One bedroom apt. In Interlaken. Large Home and Lakeside Nursing Home, but Mother Nature decided yard, parking.$300 plus. Call 546-2068 or to turn Ithaca into a winter wonderland so the carolling was cut 275-9142. short and took place only at the Reconstruction Home. The Service: residents and staff were very appreciative of the visit and some Toy Trains: bought, serviced, repaired, even joined in the singing. restored. Lionel, American Flyer, Marx, The A.R.T. partners hope to carol again next year, so, if Ives, 0-gauge and Standard. Call Jon you would like to join them in this volunteer effort, and share in after 5 p.m. at 838-3540. the true spirit of the season. Watch for details in future editions of County Corridors. TOBACCO FREE AWARENESS WEEK January 22 - 28 Articles to be considered for the February by Theresa Lyzcko & Sue Kilgore, H.D. issue must be received by Monday, It's not easy being a smoker today. February 12. Send by Inter-dept. mail to Sometimes it seems the only ones who can light Ruth Pond, Finance/Purchasing or 125 up without thinking are actors in old movies. East Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. That's because the health risks of tobacco smoke are not just the smoker's problem. FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS Tobacco smoke hurts everyone who breathes Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees it. And, it literally takes the breath away from and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads people with asthma, allergies or other chronic will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to diseases. Corridors do Finance-Purchasing. Please type or print legibly! Thanks! The Tompkins-Cortland-Cayuga Tobacco Control Coalition urges: If you smoke, be a good neighbor. Don't light up in public places. And, it's especially important not to smoke around children, even at home. The health risks of tobacco smoke threaten everyone. Cigarette smoking is estimated to be responsible for 87% of all lung cancer deaths. COUNTY CORRIDORS The death rate from lung cancer in both men and Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the women continues to rise in Tompkins County. In volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and men, the death rate from lung cancer in 1990 retirees. Material is solicited from current employees,retirees and others. Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right was 45 per 100,000, rising to 60.3 in 1992. In to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social women, the death rate from lung cancer in 1990 Services;Sharon Cooper,Assessment;Iretta Ellis,Data Processing;Scott Heyman, was 16.9 per 100,000, rising to 22.6 in 1992. County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance- Purchasing;cancer has replaced breast cancer as the most Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures. frequent cause of cancer death in NY State women. Correspondence may be sent through County inter-department mail to: County For more information about creating a smoke- Corridors,do Finance-Purchasing,125 East Court St.,Ithaca,NY 14850. free environment, please call either Theresa or Sue at the Health Department, 274-6710.