HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04 ar f and r I tt o N w a as ■ t : h .,............ L i, .... Ty l as E Io a at r s m P a y s R of Tompkins County R� t ::::::::..:::.: • p Sri APRIL 1995 Volume 8 Number 4 "JUST FORTUNATE TO BE IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME" Tom Cannon by Janet Steiner, Library Director On Friday, April 14 at the Tompkins County Library on Cayuga Street, a ten month old baby awoke from her nap and went" into convulsions. She fumed blue, began frothing at the mouth, and appeared to be unconscious. Tompkins County Maintenance , Worker TOM CANNON, who happened to be nearby, took control ` AO ; of the situation. He loosened the baby's clothes, positioned the 4 ` head and neck to ensure there was adequate air, and was ready to begin CPR, when the baby began to breathe on her own. Library '" .,, staff called for help which arrived quickly and took over transporting the baby to Tompkins Community Hospital for observation. " , ' All of us here at the Library are grateful for Tom Cannon. He acted quickly, calmly and with authority. Tom, you have our thanks and admiration! (Tom served 4 yews as a Navy Hospital " ,u Corpsman in Vietnam with the United States Marine Corps. He also worked as a Respiratory Technician 20 years ago). Photo by Bill Chapp, DSS Tom Cannon, Library * $ r ,r �A ', 4 Why is this man smiling! „w aw a�a ,;' Sometimes a sense of humor is the only thing that keeps things under P , -,1 Y 9 ps 9 ' f,' control. This picture taken by my staff (artificially imposed smile) represents the initiation of a new telecommunication skill. I usually try to r` ” „, ' � � conduct one conversation at a time. Today however was a special occasion. I came back from lunch to discover in my mail a computer A generated letter from the IRS indicating that they intend to impose a levy ° of $83,000 against the County for underpayment of taxes. I immediately 8 • - ,• , ` . dialed the IRS customer service 800 number to inquire about the apparent p i l ,b„ misunderstanding. After successfully navigating the menu of options - w7 press 1 and press 1 and press 1 to the final menu - if you desire to speak to a real person" press the # sign followed by your tax identification number, and finally contact - with "please hold a customer representative „ , will be with you shortly." i , . :' 4 . Shortly usually means a 20 minute hold. Today I am not disappointed. si k 0 ! , ; I decide to continue to review my mail while I am on hold. To my surprise � I find another piece of correspondence which piques my interest in a not . " particularly positive sense. You might say that I got a little excited, I had photo by Bonnie Scutt, Finance - Purchasing this uncontrollable urge to find out the rest of the story." Fortunately for David Squires, Director of Finance me the County has made available a long cord on my phone so that I can walk over to another location and reach out and touch someone else. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COLUMN FOR APRIL EARLY RETIREMENT Please see the story on page 7 for information about this program. DEFERRED COMPENSATION Anyone who wants independence and some good times in retirement may need to consider an individual, tax- sheltered How would you like to lower your salary? savings plan for retirement. Employees can defer as little as $20 per month or as much as $7,500 per year. Silly question. Who but a County Administrator would ask a A representative from PEBSCO will be here to present question like that? information to County employees at the following times and places: Well, 97 of your fellow employees have done just that. Thursday, 4 May, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Old Jail Conference Room (small side) They have signed up for Deferred Compensation through 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. in Biggs A, PEBSCO and County Personnel. Sadd Conference Room B Money that they have earned and are entitled to receive is taken out of their paycheck every other week and invested by Monday, 8 May, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Sherman PEBSCO -- Public Employee Benefit Services Corporation. It Peer Room, Library is placed in their own personal retirement account. They decide 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. Mental how the money is invested -- there is a "fixed account" that pays Health Board Room (6th Floor) a guaranteed minimum rate of interest for the year and for the 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Public quarter, there are "money market" funds that pay a higher or Safety Building Training Room. lower rate of interest as money markets push those rates up or down, there are stock funds that aim for steady dividends and You may attend any session that fits your schedule. Or you growth, there are bond funds that shoot for a higher rate of can set up a special appointment with Suzanne Slimbaugh from interest, and there are stock funds that go all out (meaning take PEBSCO; call her collect at (607) 798 -0799. risks) to grow faster. All of the money that those 97 of your co- workers take out of The list of investment choices offered under this program can be their own paychecks, and all of the money that their invested bewildering, especially to anyone not familiar with the world of funds earn, is tax free until the employee retires or otherwise (for investment, with weighing choices that offer more and less risk, any reason) leaves the employ of Tompkins County and decides more and less return. Please let me or Louise McEwen know, by to start taking the money. phone (Scott 274 -5552, Louise 274 - 5526), fax (274 -5401) or interoffice mail if you would like us to organize training sessions Well, you say, that's very nice for those 97 people but I can't in management of investments for retirement. We could find a afford to lower my pay. professional who could demystify this complicated picture if there are employees who would like that. So be it, that is your choice. But the social security trust fund is in trouble, and laws have already been passed that mean that persons who are now in their FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE PEACE & QUIET 20s and 30s are going to have to wait longer to receive social security. The New York State and Local Employees Retirement A PHONELESS CORD Fund is fully funded for present and future benefits, but cost -of- living increases in benefits seldom occur. Department Head Meeting Minutes March 15, 1995 Present: D. Eckstrom, Leinthall, Franklin, Beach, Cole, Budget Review Task Force - Nancy distributed a Hansen, Stein, Zimrot, Squires, DeLuca, Crowell, report from Mary Pat. Items to be considered are cost West, Covert, Zahler, Mobbs, and Heyman savers, part three of the budget forms, County 1. Labor - Management Partnership Agreement - The Administrator's budget recommendations, role of the revised agreement was approved after discussion of the program committees in budget review and development of possibility of lay -offs in one department affecting another budget review forms. department, in the case that the job title exists in another Technical Issues Kathy said that this group is department. reviewing fringe benefits - should this be a centrally distributed item ?; administrative costs, rent and space 2. Informing Middle Managers - Several Department costs/utilities, contracts and memberships, and self Heads did survey their middle managers to determine how insurance. best to serve their need for information and to provide input Statistics - Dean saki this small group is looking at on policies, etc. The consensus seems to be that the middle measures of units of service, etc. and deciding what managers do not want additional meetings. It was decided information would be the best measure for our programs. that the agenda for the Department Head meeting will be Capital - John said their first meeting was spent circulated to middle managers who want them. They could discussing the group's mission. then choose to attend a particular meeting if an item of Public information - Kathy reported that the county interest appeared on the agenda. Scott will survey middle newspaper insert will expand to the Herald- Examiner. They managers on this issue. Also items on the agenda requiring will also try to do a feature article in the Corridors on key a vote will be brought up and discussed at one meeting and issues. Julie Crowell has a person available on Mondays then voted on at a later time, whenever possible, to allow for who is able to interview appropriate employees for these middle manager's input. feature stories. Any staff with comments or suggestions for any of 3 . Early Retirement - The county is being offered the these task forces should feel free to contact the Department option of offering early retirement to its employees. The Head listed for that group. catch is that if an employee takes advantage of early retirement, their position must be abolished. The county has 6. Department Head Reports - Dean is concerned never offered early retirement in the past. As soon as the about the county's contract with Command Services. There county gets official word on this proposal, more information have been some problems with poor service. This item will will be released and the county will decide if they will offer be added to the next meeting to allow for a full discussion. early retirement. If offered, it would affect employees who Bill Mobbs announced that the Recycling Center have at least 10 years of service and are 50 years of age or opened last week. The Airport is working on a special event older. The incentive is those employees would be given one to have the Concord come to Tompkins County. month's credit for each year of service for a maximum of 36 months credit. 7. County Administrator's Report - Scott reported that the BIGGS A Space Committee will be giving its report 4. State Budget Impact - Scott distributed a summary to the Board of Reps on March 21. The committee will sheet listing the impact to the various county departments. recommend the best downtown option. Scott received an The savings to the county could be approximately $107,529 early morning tour of the Airport. He heard from Solid Waste if the budget remains as proposed. Some departments may on the contract process and he will be initiating some face reductions. Will the state budget be passed by April 1? changes in the process. Who knows? Anyone desiring a copy of the handouts listed, please contact Kathleen in Administration. 5. Reports - Leadership Council - Nancy reported that Barbara Mink has developed a proposal to begin long range planning for the county. It will be presented at the March 21 Leadership Council Members Board of Reps meeting. Barbara Mink, Board of Representatives 274 -5434 BRAC - Irene reported that BRAC would like to Bob Lampman, Sheriffs Deputy Assn. 257-1345 develop focus groups to provide the public viewpoint on Charlie Evans, Board of Representatives 274 -5434 Loretta Bernal, Confidential Employees 274 -5252 specific issues. BRAC would like more representative input Scott Heyman, County Administrator 274 -5552 at a deeper level and feel that smaller groups would Ward Hungerford, Middle Manager 274 -4262 accomplish this task. Emery Guest, Sheriff 257 -1345 Budget Policy Task Force - Alice stated that two Mary Pat Dolan, Department Head (DSS) 274 -5252 meetings have been held. The group has been discussing David Chase, CSEA White Collar Unit 274 -5294 targets and will soon discuss a proposal on rollover. Irene Stein, Department Head (COFA) 274 -5482 Program Review Task Force - Bart announced that Penny VanShoick, CSEA White Collar 274-5321 the second meeting will be held on March 16. They will Leighann Baldwin, CSEA White Collar 274-6674 continue to review the forms and will look at multi-year Tony Denmark, CSEA Blue Collar Unit 277-5290 Staff: Nancy Zahler 274 -5310 budgeting. Anita Fitzpatrick 274 -5526 Department Head Meeting Minutes March 29, 1995 Present: J. Yoder (for Dolan), J. Hanson, D. Eckstrom, D. Squires, N. Zahler, S. Heyman, J. Crowell, A. Valenti, T. Zimrot, I. Stein, D. Franklin, J. Beach, A. Cole, K. Leinthall, C. Covert, A. Fitzpatrick, L. McEwen, B. DeLuca, J. Steiner, G. Dentes, B. Mobbs 1. CONTRACTS: A handout distributed by Scott relative to Contracts As departments, we provide services. Public replaces the 01 -10 Administrative Policy, and the policy on information is a means by which we share information bidding. The new (proposed) policy charges the Director of about those services. Department heads need to take a Finance with the responsibility of awarding all bids. Scott's few minutes to pen the following: question: Can there be a department head who would not approve this? • What current Public Information activities does my department provide? 2. COMPUTER MAINTENANCE: Dean gave a hurried account of the status of computer • How might the Public Information program assist my maintenance within County government. He is trying to department in its efforts? assess how we should proceed in the future with regard to our computer maintenance. The choices are essentially the • Of the attempts my department has made with respect following: to Public Information, • continue as we have been with Command Services; 1) which have worked well? • allow Purchasing to negotiate the labor rate and 2) which have failed, and why (if you know)? pay a fixed markup for parts; 3) what things would my department like to try to • allow each department to establish a separate do, or would like help doing? contract for computer maintenance. Send this information to Scott Heyman by Thursday, Department heads should notify Dean of their preference April 6, 1995. in this matter. 5. MANAGEMENT ISSUE: 3. EARLY RETIREMENT: Scott announced that the Management Negotiating Scott presented a brief overview of the early retirement Committee has asked that managerial timecards reflect plan offered to counties from the state. Two handouts gave biweekly totals. He sees the issue as one which might the specifics. (Department heads not present will receive restrict the power or discretion of department heads to run the information under separate cover). Scott wants to their departments and, for that reason, believed it prudent receive from department heads their written vote on to bring to the department heads for discussion. The issue whether the County should offer this option to its has to do with a Management Time Card Policy enacted by employees. An initial hand count revealed that 18 the Board of Representatives in 1983. It was then that department heads were in favor of this being offered; 1 Management was singled out as a different group of opposed; 9 neutral. employees, DTO (discretionary time off) was restricted to 70/80 hours (the equivalent of one's pay period), and 4. PUBLIC INFORMATION: department heads were allowed to further restrict the use As part of the Public Information Committee's Program of time any way it wished with other managers. Scott Plan, this section of the meeting was designed to conduct announced that department heads who wished to demand a communication needs assessment with department a daily accounting of time have the right to do so. In other heads. Scott opened the topic by explaining that this was words, if a manager were to work 15 hours on Monday, and to be a meeting with some of the County customers. What on Tuesday ask to leave work at 10:00 a.m., the are you (department heads) getting out of Public department head could insist that said employee use 6.5 Information for Your department? hours of a fringe on that Tuesday. Much discussion followed, some heated, without Discussion strayed off the topic to the Updated Services resolution. Guide, the PEGASYS (Public, Educational and Governmental Access) survey, whether or not taxpayers realize that they are paying for this program, and whether or not there should be a Public Information program. These DON'T COUNT THE DAY DONE not being the purpose of the discussion, attention was 'TIL YOU'VE MADE THE DAY COUNT finally tumed over to Nancy Zahler, who attempted to focus our attention on a more narrow topic. DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING MINUTES Old Jall Conferenoe Room, Wednesday, 12 AprII 1995 PRESENT: Kathy West (meeting leader), Nancy Zahler, Bart DeLuca, David Squires, Don Franklin, Judy Tynyk, Irene Stein, Kathy Leinthall, John Beach, Aurora Valenti, George Dentes, Cathy Covert, Alice Cole, Teddy Zimrot, Julie Crowell, Jim Hanson, Mary Pat Dolan, Michelle Lovejoy, Scott Heyman BUDGET REORGANIZATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 1. WHAT DO DEPARTMENT HEADS WANT FROM THE Irene reported that the group has proposed a set of focus groups COUNTY PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM? After a made up of a cross section of residents that would provide input discussion of current public information activities carried out by to the Board on community values, needs, and priorities. departments Nancy Zahler led a discussion of what department heads want that they are not now getting from the program. BUDGET REVIEW TASK FORCE. Jim Hanson described a Suggestions included seminars to meet with media draft proposal to amend the defmition of Cost Savers for 1996 representatives and get their advice, training sessions in how to budget purposes. write effective press advisories, and sharing/coordination of mailing lists maintained by different departments. BUDGET POLICY TASK FORCE. Alice reported that The group then began discussion of current efforts. The first proposed revisions to rollover policy are still being reworked. item discussed, cablecasting of Board and Board committee She said she still has concerns about what is being proposed but meetings, led to several department heads proposing that the that the trend of revisions is favorable. group recommend that the Board pay for this through its own budget. Support for this was widespread so Kathy West called PROGRAM BASED BUDGETING TASK FORCE. Bart for a vote and it was overwhelmingly supported. reported that the definition of "program" is under discussion, that This discussion will be concluded at the next meeting. "budgeting units" may joint "programs" and "subprograms" as a defined aspect of budgets, and that the group is discussing 2. MANAGEMENT TIME ACCOUNTING. Scott said that the where/when to require Board review and approval of budget group negotiating for management staff had requested that this changes. issue be taken up and resolved after the conclusion of the current negotiations over salaries and benefits. CAPITAL PROGRAM TASK FORCE. John reported that the group is reviewing a set of recommendations from Eric Lerner 3. REPORTS ON COMMITTEES AND TASK FORCES about changes in the format of the capital program and in how WHERE DEPARTMENT HEADS ARE REPRESENTED: budget payments for capital projects are shown. INSERVICE EDUCATION. Nancy Zahler reported that training 4. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS. in civil services rules and processes has been scheduled by the Teddy said that the Human Rights Commission is very actively Personnel Department. Notices to all departments of times and and passionately involved in the dispute about science honors places will follow soon. programs at Ithaca High School, to the point where awards have been presented to science teachers for their initiative and two LEADERSHIP COUNCIL. Mary Pat Dolan reported that the members of the Commission are running for the school board in group had gone through one day of training in "Leading in a May. She urged department heads to learn about the issues and Quality Environment ", a similar session to the one that to vote in the next election. supervisors in departments will be going through. David passed out preliminary year -end balances for all departments and explained how to read them. They will be PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF certified in May and should not change much. The figures are LEADERSHIP COUNCIL. David Squires reported that early not cumulative, i.e. they do not include any leftover 1993 money discussions in the committee had focused on depersonalizing the that was not reappropriated. review process and making it mutually suppportive. Nancy reported that Partners for Quality trainer Ipek Kursat will bein Ithaca all next week. She will be interviewing Board HUMAN RESOURCE POLICY COMMITTEE OF members as the beginning of the attempt to develop a long range LEADERSHIP COUNCIL. Alice Cole reported that the group plan for county government. Ipek will also present a training met once, is seeking more members to fill vacancies, has drafted session on how to develop a client satisfaction survey on 21 a mission statement for itself, and is beginning to address issues April from 9:00 to noon. that were in midstream or proposed when the Employee Council Nancy also reported that the City Youth Bureau staff are went out of business. moving from their building at Stewart Park to the City Hall Annex building for the summer. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE OF LEADERSHIP COUNCIL. Irene Stein reported that the pilot employee 5. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. suggestion system that will be tried out in the Public Works The policy changes on contract approvals will be reviewed by Department is in its final draft stage and Scott reported that it is the Contracts Pilot Team before he presents them to the being submitted to the Division Managers and the Coordinating Governmental Affairs committee; the Team may want him to Committee in that department. hold off on this proposal. 1 I Department Head Minutes of 4/12 (Continued from previous page) Nancy reported that Partners for Quality trainer Ipek Kursat will be in Ithaca all next week. She will be interviewing Board members as the beginning of the attempt to develop a long range plan for county government. Ipek wilt also present a training session on how to develop a client satisfaction survey on 21 April from 9:00 to noon. Nancy also reported that the City Youth Bureau staff are moving from their building at Stewart Park to the City Hall Annex building for the summer. 5. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. The policy changes on contract approvals will be reviewed by the Contracts Pilot Team before he presents them to the Governmental Affairs committee; the Team may want him to hold off on this proposal. Early retirement incentive has been recommended by the Governmental Affairs Committee. Questions and answers about the program and the timetable affecting it were passed out. Scott said he is recommending a minimum level of 250% of final salary be saved within five years. The question was asked whether this is open to further review and he said it is; the Board will not vote on this until May and other suggestions are welcome. After these have been received Scott will decide whether to amend his recommendation. Scott described some changes he and Anita have proposed to the Governmental Affairs Committee on position changes. Reclassifications would no longer be subject to a vote by any Board committee. The Personnel Commissioner would rate and reclassify positions subject only to the review and written recommendation of an appeals body made up of three employees appointed each year by the Board's personnel committee; that group's recommendation would be shared with the department head and any affected employee(s) and would be submitted to the Personnel Commissioner who would then make a final decision. All present supported these changes but Scott asked for any further comments since the item was handled quickly. A committee to recommend changes in the County Ethics Code made up of Board members George Totman and Charlie Evans is inviting two employees and an elected official to serve with them. The group will also recommend any changes in the composition and selection of future Boards of Ethics. 22 EMPLOYEES TRAINED AS FACILITATORS A cross section of employees, supervisors and managers from 12 different departments and divisions completed the four day x � �" „. .., Facilitator Training Course held in a _ - _ . 1,; . � t. February and March. The I. 11-'1,. facilitator will eventually help : y' 1. .r tea in Social Services and -' , it � � � Public Works when they ,� il .ti determine which work groups will 0 '' lk be first to implement the Partners , t - for Quality initiative. In the . meantime, facilitators may be 4 available to help departments or - , divisions conduct better meetings. If you have a special _ meeting and would like an 00 ii, vat >1 = outside facilitator to help you establish ground rules, structure the agenda, generate ideas, picture by Bill Chapp, DSS make decisions and generally keep on task while allowing all Cheri Bowers, DSS; Al Beller, DSS; Cheryl Nelson, Public Works; Nancy Zahler, Youth group members to participate Bureau; Katie White, Natural Resources (Planning); Kathy West, Administration; Marcia actively, send a note to Nancy Calicchia, Director of Labor Management Programs, CU Albany; Liz Norton, Health Zahler at the County Youth Department; David Bly, Library; Sally Ryan, EISEP; Jane Speyer, DSS; Joan Jurkowich, Bureau who will refer an available Planning; Sue Robinson, Probation; Regina McGriff, COFA; Judy Ryan, DSS; Tim Joseph, Board of Representatives; Camila Faraday, Health Department. facilitator. 1 Questions and Answers about Targeted Early Retirement Incentive By Scott Heyman, County Administrator, and Louiso MoEwen, Benefits Manager On May 2, 1995, the Board of Representatives is scheduled to If no reductions were to occur, the incentive would vote on whether to offer the state- sponsored early retirement amount to nothing more than a bonus to retiring incentive program. Below is the information we provided to the employees for no public purpose. Board about this program so employees can understand how the Early retirement incentives cannot be offered too program looks from our and Board members' perspective. frequently or too regularly or they lose their effectiveness; employees just wait for the next incentive Individuals will become eligible for this incentive only if all four to come around, so in some cases they will retire later of the following occur: 1) the Board of Representatives decides than they otherwise might have. to offer it; 2) their department head recommends that their For all these reasons the Board should require position be included; 3) the department head's plan for saving substantial payroll reductions from departments that payroll costs is accepted; and 4) the Board of Representatives wish to offer the incentive. Scott's recommendation is designates the position that they hold. that at a minimum every department head proposing to target a position or positions bring forth a plan that This article does not attempt to cover the kinds of questions shows how 250% of the final salary for the position(s) individuals who are offered this option will have: How much will be saved in salary lines within five years. will I gain? How much will I lose if I am under 62 (Tiers 3 and 4) or under 55 (all Tiers)? Which of the several retirement Q: How much does the County have to pay for this system options should I choose? Can I ever go to work for a incentive? public employer? Can I change my mind? And many others. Please call Louise at 274 -5526 with questions about your A: For Tier 1 and 2 employees, an estimated 15% of final individual circumstances; if appropriate she will help you to get actual salary for five years for Tiers 3 and 4, 9 %; for in touch with the Retirement System offices. She can also tell Sheriffs law enforcement employees 25 %. you about information sessions held in nearby cities that the Retirement System provides on a regular basis. Q: How will it be decided which positions will be targeted and which will not? Q: Who is eligible for the program? A: That is a local option. Scott is recommending that we A: County employees with ten years of service not permit department heads to target the positions provided including any portion of this incentive, who are at least that they prepare a cost- reduction plan that meets the 50 years of age. above criterion (250% saving within 5 years) and that the Board find the plan acceptable after Scott Q: What does the employee who takes advantage of this recommends on it. program receive' The action of targeting positions will happen by Board Resolution on 16 May. This will leave little time A: An additional one month of service credit for every for committees to review, but it is the only schedule that full year of service credit actually served. For example, permits our eligible employees the full 90 days to an employee with 24 years of County service would consider whether they wish to retire early. This is a receive an extra 24 months, or two years, of service very difficult decision for individuals and we do credit. Depending on the employee's retirement tier, recommend that the full 90 days be allowed. this would increase the monthly retirement check by 1/30 or by 1/25, 3.3 - 4.0 %, for the rest of the Q: What happens if a department has more than one employee's life. person on the list of eligible employees who are in a In addition this incentive allows employees who are position with the same title? younger than 55 to collect retirement. Normally, no one younger than 55 can collect retirement benefits. A: When a department has more than one employee However, employees younger than 55 are penalized 5% eligible in the same job title the department head has to for each year that they are under 55. decide how many of those positions the department is prepared to recommend doing without. If the Q: What are the main considerations for the Board? department head recommends two positions, and three What are the reasons to offer, and not to offer, this people are eligible and all sign up, the senior two incentive? employees in years of service will have the right to retire early. (Continued on next page) A: In Scott's opinion, the Board should offer this incentive for only one reason: to encourage or enable • departments to reduce their payroll. �5 • •• Recycle Early Retirement (continued) ELDERHOSTEL an Educational Adventure Q: What is the calendar of events that is being By David Hugener proposed? Are you an older adult looking for something A: Board approves local law on 2 May. Department Heads different? Elderhostel is a non- profit educational recommend which positions to target and present cost organization which offers inexpensive, short -term cutting plans by 11 May. academic programs hosted by educational institutions around the world. There are 1,800 Board passes Resolution on 16 May targeting positions participating institutions with programs in every occupied by eligible employees. American state and Canadian province as well Employees designated by the Board are notified on 17 as over 45 foreign countries. While Elderhostel • May that they have the choice of whether to retire early may not be for everyone, if you have an or not. adventuresome spirit and a yearning to be challenged by new ideas and experiences, it Employees provide notification no later than 15 August offers one a rich variety of programs and places. whether they choose to retire or not, and all who opt to do so retire no later than 31 August. The earliest effective date of an early retirement will be 3 June. Individuals 55 years of age and older are eligible. Participants' spouses of any age are welcome. Companions of age - eligible GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS participants must be at least 50. Elderhostel COMMITTEE by Beverly Livesay, Chair encourages diversity and welcomes people of all races, colors and religions. Attempts are made Opportunity for employees to become experts on Tompkins to match hostelers who have specific disabilities County's job rating system and to serve on an appeals with institutions that can accommodate their committee. special requirements. The Governmental Affairs Committee, in an ongoing effort by this board and administration to simplify policy- making and You can study college -level liberal arts or remove the mystique from administrative decision making, has science courses selected by the institutions recommended a policy that would, in addition to eliminating hosting the program. Generally no specific multiple committee review, remove the board from the appeals educational background is required. Courses process on position rating. The new policy calls for the Board of are not for credit, there is no homework, and Representatives Committee responsible for the personnel there are no exams or grades. A program function to form a committee each year consisting of employees who have had training in the current County job rating system to typically includes five or six nights, starting review the appeal and to issue an advisory opinion. Sunday afternoon and ending Friday after lunch, If you are interested in being trained and offering such service or Saturday after breakfast. It will offer three to the County, please send your indication of interest in writing academic courses that meet for one and one -half to Beverly Livesay, Chair, GA Committee, Board of hours each weekday, scheduled so you may Representatives by May 5. take all three: dormitory accommodations; meals; Share comments, concerns, compliments on any employee and some extracurricular activities. Tuition per performance related issues that you feel merit some attention. program is usually in the $300 range. The Governmental Affairs Committee, in order to continue To obtain a catalog and registration form, write efforts to recognize and improve employee performance, and to provide an outlet for frustrations that are perceived to be to: generated by the performance of an individual or individuals, has Elderhostel dedicated their meeting on the fourth Monday of each month to 75 Federal Street the discussion, in executive session, of any and all related issues Boston, MA 02110 -1941 at the request of any employee. COFA has a copy of the catalog you can look at If you have such issues, even rumors that you are concerned also. They are in the basement of the with, that you feel need to be heard or resolved by the Board of Courthouse, 320 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca. Representatives, please contact Beverly Livesay, Chair, GA Committee at the Board of Representatives Office or by phone David Hugener is a Syracuse School of Social Work at 272 -2276 or 274 -5434. All such contacts will be handled with student doing his field work this academic year under the the utmost discretion. direction of Marilyn Strassberg, CDFA. -' cl Board of Representatives Oks Labor Management Partnership Agreement The County Board on April 18 gave its unanimous approval to the Labor Management Partnership Agreement, that defines how Partners for Quality will be carried out. The Agreement, which had previously been approved by CSEA White Collar, CSEA Blue Collar, Management staff, Department Heads, and Confidential staff, gives employees assurances that they won't work themselves out of a job if they participate in quality improvement efforts. Barbara Mink, County Board Vice Chair and Leadership Council Chair, said the concern of employees that if they pitch in and work in teams that improve efficiency they could find themselves out of work has been taken seriously from the beginning. "1 was very happy to see the Board's overwhelming support for this Agreement as well as the backing of employee groups," she said. This is an important landmark on our path to improved cooperation at all levels and programs of County govemment." is r ARE YOU 55 OR OLDER? SHARE DRAFTS Come Play With Usl DISCOVER THE MAGIC by Marilyn Strassberg, COFA by Roberta Chiesa, Manager Are you tired of paying for every check you write? Are The SUNY College at Cortland will host the 1995 you tired of paying a per month fee on your present New York State PARKS SENIOR GAMES on checking account? Do you wish you had the convenience June 8 -11, 1995 for New York State residents 55 of payroll deduction of all or part of your paycheck to go years of age or older. Applications are available direct to your checking account? Have you ever forgotten from the Office for the Aging, located in the to write a check in your check register and then wondered basement of the County Courthouse, and must to whom you wrote that check and for how much? If you be POSTMARKED by May 1, 1995!! answered "yes" to any of the above questions - DO WE The Games are an organized sport and leisure HAVEA DEAL FOR YOU! program for New York State residents 55 and Fora limited time only, when you open a new share draft older which provide recreational opportunities for account with Tompkins Employees Federal Credit Union seniors and combine sports and games with you can have your choice of most of the drafts we offer at fitness, fun and fellowship. Competition is a new, low, introductory price. The drafts also come with divided into two sections, recreational and free monograms, free fancy lettering and free cuts (pictures competitive. All participants must include a $25 of your choice). You choose your share drafts and there registration and facility use fee with their are no hidden costs. application. Share drafts offer you an NCUA insured account up to E For more information, please call COFA at 274- $100,000; monthly statements, monthly dividends on the 5482. REMEMBER, "YOU DON'T STOP average daily balance; a large selection of drafts; no PLAYING BECAUSE YOU GROW OLD, YOU minimum balance to avoid fees and overdraft protection GROW OW BECAUSE YOU STOP PLAYING." loans are available. / Discover the magic of Share Drafts! It only takes a few minutes to open a share draft account. For more information or to open your account, call 272 -8567 or stop • by the Credit Union office 301 -B Harris B. Dates Drive. _ j Do it soon!! \--P IMMUNIZATIONS ARE FOR EVERY SEASON SUMMER SPECIAL! ! Give the Gift of Health TOMPKINS COUNTY EMPLOYEE by Karen Bishop, Supr. County Clinical Nurse WELLNESS COMMITTEE Did you know? 80% of the immunizations a child needs If you have been thinking about joining a health are given by the time they are 2 years old. Childhood club, now is the time. The Wellness Committee is vaccinations protect children from 9 different diseases offering a SUMMER SPECIAL to employees' who including: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, Tetanus, take advantage of any health club's "summer Whooping Cough (Pertussis), Diphtheria, Hepatitis B, special ". Employees will receive a $35 and Hemophilus Influenza type B (Hib). New York State reimbursement at the end of the 3 months just by law requires that children are immunized before they go to submitting their receipt to the Wellness Committee certified day care, nursery school, or kindergarten. c/o Personnel. Immunizations are free for children under 18 years at the Tompkins County Health Department Immunizations To be eligible you must: Clinics. 1. join for 3 consecutive months between What can I do as a parent to help? May and September Make sure your child stays on the immunization schedule 2. not have received previous reimbursement (at birth, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 15 months and before fora health club membership from the kindergarten). Always keep your child's shot record up-to- Wellness Committee date. Don't forget to take it to the clinic or to the doctor's appointments. Always carry your child's shot record in your So, check out their summer special wallet or purse in case of an emergency. Register your and then take advantage of ours! child's shot record with the Health Department for a permanent record should you move, change doctors or need for school. Make sure you read the immunization information carefully before your child receives the immunization. Always ask about possible reactions or side UPCOMING DATES TO effects from the immunization. REMEMBER Walk -in Clinics (no appointment necessary) are available as follows: 1st Tuesday of the month May 14 Mother's Day Henry St. John Building Clinton Street, Ithaca New York May 20 Armed Forces Day 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. May 29 Memorial Day (observed) (Our day off) 2nd Tuesday of the month Southside Community Center May 30 Memorial Day 305 S. Plain Street, Ithaca, New York 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 3rd Tuesday of the month Tompkins County Health Department 401 Dates Drive, Ithaca, New York 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Remember: Adults need to get a Tetanus Diphtheria booster every 10 years. This is available at any of the walk -in clinics for a $5 fee. YOUR CHILD IS COUNTING ON YOU! For more information call the Tompkins County Health Department at 274 -6616. DID YOU KNOW •••• COMPUTER HUMOR If you are having problems when you first arrive at Access denied nah nah na nah nah! your computer it could possibly be that someone else • has logged in to the network on your computer. To find out who is logged on just type "Whoaml" at any Who's General Failure & why's he reading my disk? DOS prompt. If it is not your logon then simply type • "logoff' and then "login" and it will prompt you for RAM disk is "not" an installation procedure. your password. • Smash forehead on keyboard to continue.... If your computer is connected to one of the downtown • networks you can reach most people in the downtown complex by Email on the computer Pegasus Mail Press any key.... no, no, no, NOT THAT ONE! system. At the To: prompt on the Send Message • screen simply press the "F2" key to get a list of users. Press any key to enter and any other key to quit... • Do you have any "Did you know...? " computer tips? Please let us know. Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue. LEADERSHIP COUNCIL UPDATE by Nancy Zahler, Youth Bureau CONTRACT PROJECT TEAM READY TO START F T I GI {� F{�S The County's first cross - functional team headed by Jackie p "Y ©EN • • Kippola will streamline the steps involved in getting contracts between the County and those who provide our departments with goods and services. The current process is being documented to provide data to the team comprised of: Chris Brill, Kathleen Drew, Brenda Grinnell- Crosby, Jim Kazda, Peter Meskill, Cheryl Nelson, Bob Nicholas, Jim DRYDEN FOOTLIGHTERS TO DO Skaley, and Linnett Warner. The team got started on April 25 with a one day training to learn the TQM -style problem "MY FAIR LADY" solving process. Two trained employees will act as facilitators to help the team through their work over the next For a thoroughly "loverly" evening of three months. entertainment, the Dryden Footlighters invite you to see their production of Lerner and Loewe's DSS COORDINATING COMMITTEE ORGANIZED grand musical, "My Fair Lady", on May 12, 13, 19, The Department of Social Services is one of two pilot and 20 at 8.00 p.m. at the Dryden High School departments which will receive training and help in Auditorium. It is a romantic, intellectual comedy implementing the quality process. Eventually, all employees will receive training, but it is the job of the intertwined with some of the most irresistible Coordinating Committee, made up of management and tunes of all time. Janice Wood, Health employees, to determine where to begin. They are in their Department, is Lighting Chairperson for the organizing stage and we look forward to reporting more production. Advance sale tickets are available progress over the next few months. from Janice Wood or in Dryden at Hill Drugs, Dryden Wine & Liquor, and the First National PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE GETTING READY TO Bank of Dryden Main Office; in Ithaca at the START Clinton House Ticket Office; and in Cortland at A Coordinating Committee of 3 managers and three the Cortland Savings Bank Main Office. Prices in employees is being finalized and should be ready to hold a first meeting in early May. Public Works has already advance are $6.00 for Adults and $5.00 for made some progress toward quality and the County Seniors and Students (under 18); at the door initiative will provide the resources to systematically get $1.00 more. For further information call 844 - everyone involved. 8377. UNCLASSIFIEDS ® ® ®; FOR SALE: More Computer Training Classes Rott/mx puppies born March 17. Ready to go April 29. Cali Offered at TC3 Extension Center Rich 589 -4966 after 7 p.m. DOS and Hard Disk Management Vermont Vigilant coal stove, black, can also be used w/wood. Wednesdays, 9:00 - Noon July 12, 19, 26, Aug 2. 9 Includes all insulated pipes (about 20 ft.). Seldom used. Tuesdays, 9:00 - Noon Aug 15, 22, 29, Sept 5, 12 Includes approx. 1 ton coal. $1,000 firm. Call 564 - Thursdays, 9:00 - Noon Sept 21, 28, Oct 12, 19, 26 9436. Thursdays, 9:00 - Noon Nov 2, 9, 16, 30. Dec 7 Introduction to Windows Bentley 286 -Color Monitor/Epson printer. $400 o/b /o with (Prerequisite: DOS and Hard Disk Management) several programs. Also, a white buck storm door (new) $100 Tuesdays, 1:00 - 4:00 May 30, June 6, 13, 20 o/b/o. Call Cindy evenings 277 -1106. Thursdays, 9:00 - 12:00 July 6, 13, 20, 27 Wednesdays, 9.00 - 12:00 Sept 6, 13. 20,27 AKC Shih Tzu puppies, 11 weeks old. First shots - Vet Mondays, 9:00 - 12:00 Oct 9, 16, 23, 30 checked. 1 black/white, 1 brown/white. $350 Call 273 - QuattroPro for DOS 3325 after 5 p.m. (Introduction to Spreadsheets) WANTED: (Prerequisite: DOS and Hard Disk Management) Mondays, 9:00 - 11:30 Sept 11, 18, 25, Oct 2 Wednesdays, 9:00 - 11:30 Nov 1, 8, 15, 29 Very reasonably priced canoe for kids and family use. WHO Please call Andrea Whitney 844 -4575 evenings or Classes are free to ANY County employee who currently weekends. uses computers on the job. (Departmental approval will be required.) CLASSES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ONAFEE- BASISFOR Men's 10-12 speed bicycle. Call Chris at 589-4467 after OTHER EMPLOYEES. 5:30 p.m. HOW Register in your department. QUESTIONS Call Pat Nowakowski, Data Processing, 274 -5407 NOTE: A 3 DISKETTE IS REQUIRED FOR EACH CLASS. FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no professional ads will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone Hooked On Phonetics! numbers may be listed in these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o Finance - Purchasing. Please type or print legibly! Austere: source of au jus Bigamist: fog, in Italy Commentator: your plain average potato Conceit: eye strain Geometry: what an acorn says when it grows up COUNTY CORRIDORS Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the Hypotenuse: the bathroom volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees. Material is solicited from current employees, upstairs is occupied retirees and others. Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves Metronome: subway pixie the right to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; lretta Ellis, Data Polygon: dead parrot Processing; Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance - Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Transparent: a dad kids can see Office for the Aging; and Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures. through Correspondence may be sent through County inter -office mail to: County Corridors, c/o Finance - Purchasing, 125 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.