HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03 7 , :\/ A Newslette r for \ Isom:mu , 6im Employ aas of To and Ratir Tom County aas , _, r ((,:till ' \ i \ Ii t J March, 1993 The Lilac Festival Saturday May 15, 1 93 Entertainment and Activities Include: • Thunderbird Air Show R , • • Drum and Bugle Corps Show ,,,...r--'' ' +, • Antique Craft and Collectible Show wr • Free Highland Bowl Concert s , , I' 16 tit s+- j . ► ro • Free Entertainment on Outdoor Stages . 0 • Lilac Parade '''.'''''t\ ' • NASA Space Camp ; .; • Volleyball Tournament p: • Free Children's Activities %kl. 4 ii P� A bus trip to the Lilac Festival in t ` p'A,, Rochester is being organized by the Reward and Recognition Committee of EMPLOYMENT UNIT AWARDED the Employee Council, for County Employees, their family and friends. We will be leaving the Public Works Depart - By: Mary Carnal DSS ment parking lot on Bostwick Rd. at 8:00 a.m. and returning by 9:00 p.m. The cost for the bus transportation will be $15.00. State Department of Social Services Commissioner Mary Jo Bane awarded the Tours of the Lilac Festival will be on your Tompkins County DSS Employment Unit an award in recognition of the exceptional own. To make a reservation, or if you have work done by that unit in preparing job seekers for employment. any questions, call Leighann Baldwin at 272 -9257. Commissioner Bane presented a Commissioner's Award for Excellence for high ADC JOBS participation rates to David Chase and Lee Carter, both pictured with Commis- We are interested in providing oppor sioncr Bane, and accepted the award on behalf of their staff at the annual meeting of the tunities for future bus trips. If you have any Human Services Coalition in Ithaca on February 5, 1993. Congratulations! ideas about where you would like to go, call Margo Koonce at 273 -6632 or Peter Photo by Kathleen Drew Coats at 274 -6688. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT By: Scott Heyman, County Administrator in buildings that do not yet have them, train- In addition the Committee is reviewing The County Safety Committee continues ing in back injury prevention, evaluation and the possibility of a systematic review of of- to meet monthly and at its last meeting es- training of highway work site traffic control, fice ergonomics -- the adjustment of office tablished a safety program for 1993. First right to know training for department Safety equipment and practices to avoid repetitive priority was placed on indoor air quality. A Officers, safety management training for su- motion injury. The list of department Safety testing, evaluation and remediation pro- pervisors, confined space training for Solid Officers appeared in the January COR- gram will be carried out in all County build- Waste employees, bloodborne pathogen RIDORS; if you don't know who your Safety ings. control policy (update only), update of the Officer is, call Louise McEwen at 274 -5526. Other projects that will be undertaken lead exposure control program, three more this year include department safety rule sessions of driver safety training for those development for Public Works Divisions, driving regularly on County business and establishment of building emergency plans several others. EMPLOYEE COUNCIL CHAIR'S REPORT By: Cheryl Nelson, Council Chair Have you been wondering what the employees, and phone numbers that the employees understand the outcome) see ar- Council is up to, what tasks the Council is department wishes to have published for ticle in this Corridors); Goal. - Exit Inter - undertaking, and when will these tasks be public knowledge; Goal - Communication views. Objective - 5/93 - develop exit inter - complete? Well, have I got some informa- Task Force - by 6/93 - work with a volunteer view format to be used when employees tion for you! The following is the list of tasks group of Department Heads and super- leave Tompkins County employment; Goal - the various Council Committees have as as- visory staff to function as a task force to Use of Comp Time. Objective - 4/93 - pass signments: develop better lines of communication Employee Council resolution on to Depart - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Goal - Fill amongst all employees. ment Heads. Purpose is to streamline under - Council Vacancies;Objective - 4/93- present REWARD & RECOGNITION COM- standing of comp. time usage. names of employees interested in filling MITTEE - Goal - Bus Trip. Objective - 5/93 (These timelines are tentative and subject vacancies to the full council for voting (per _ Employee and family trip to the Lilac Fes- to change if needed.) council bylaws) tival (see article in this Corridors); Goal - The tasks that the Council Committees PROFESSIONAL GROWTH & Employee Recognition. Objective - by 7/93 are working on have come from the Recruit - DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Goal - - develop a list of criteria with department ment and Retention survey completed by Performance Review Policy. Objective - head input for employee recognition certifi- County employees in 1990. Since that survey 4/5/93 - present final draft to Dept. Heads cates and letters of recognition; Goal - is almost three years old, the Committees are for approval, 4/7/93 - present fmal draft to Employee Incentives. Objective - by 12/93 - picking up and working on other more cur - Employee Council for approval, 4/20/93 - develop an incentive program for employees rent topics as they develop as well. approval by the Board of Representatives; to share or benefit from cost saving ideas So, if you have been wondering what the Goal - Career Development Training Bul- they present that become workable /func- Employee Council is doing I hope your ques- letin. Objective - 3/93 - Develop format; tional. tion has been answered. If, however, you Goal - Management Trng. Objective - On- HUMAN RESOURCES - Goal - Person- think there are other subjects that the Coun- going work with the Education and Training nel Dept. Mission Statement. Objective - cil should address, please let your repre- Committee Work with the Personnel Department staff sentative know. Also, the Council meetings COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - to develop a mission statement for the Per - are open to all employees. All employees are Goal - "OH" Communication Newsletter. sonnel Dept. (This project will begin when invited to attend. Objective - 3/93 - Print and disperse second a new Commissioner of Personnel is edition; Goal - Co. Telephone Directory. named.); Goal - Personnel/Employment Objective - by 4/93 - work with Data Process- Questions. Objective - function as "liaison" ing to create a list of County departments between employees and Personnel Dept. to and agencies, the address, names of get answers to questions and help PERSONNEL NOTES FROM YOUR PERSONALS EMPLOYEE WELLNESS COMMITTEE... CONGRATULATIONS TO... Self- Defense Training - will be held from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the DSS Conference Room, Transfers... Biggs A on March 25, 1993, and will be taught by Kathleen Garrity. Katie Knapp recently joined the staff of Stress Management for Non - Supervisory Blue Collar Employees - will be held at the Tompkins County Planning. She was pre - Public Works Department as follows: viously secretary to Public Health Director, April 6, 9:00 a.m. -noon Suzanne Stopen, at the Health Dept. Her April 7, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. recent acceptance (12/29) has been to the April 13, 9:00 a.m. -noon position of secretary to the Planning Com- All Public Works division managers are encouraged and reminded to try to make time missioner. Welcome her aboard!!! for all employees to attend one of these sessions. Classes are sponsored through, and taught by, employees of Family & Children's Service, provider of the County's Employee Assis- New Parents... tance Program. Congratulations to Harold and Chris ,.-. 40 .... Brill (Purchasing) on the birth of their son, Seneca Robert on March 3. Seneca weighed in at 91b 4 oz and was 20 1/2" long. Bara Hotchkiss (Recycling Coordinator) gave birth to a baby girl 2/28 at 6:29 a.m. - % � 4, ,f Eliza Hope. ; 0 10 7-- " - 1 i IV i — r '' = v � — Happy Anniversary To... Evan Jehu - Assessment - 10 years Kay Cleland - Assessment - 8 years EMPLOY THE OLDER WORKER WEEK New Grandparents... Dave Grosvenor - Assessment - 9th W HEREAS, in Tompkins County, we strive to build a system of employment and grandchild, Joshua Charles Seymour, born training that will afford all individuals, regardless of age, the oppor- January 25, 1993. tunity to find appropriate work, and Vickie Wagner - Assessment - had a new grandson Dorian Alexander Wagner born W HEREAS, employers are seeking ways to expand employment to benefit from October 1, 1992, and a new granddaughter the expertise of older individuals who are valuable resources of Markie Victoria Ritter born November 29, maturity, experience and stability in our work force, 1992 Kay Cleland - Assessment - has a new N OW THEREFORE, grandson Andrew Martic Schug born I, Robert I. Watros, Chairman of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives, January 21. do hereby declare March 7- 13,1993 to be: Happy Birthday To... EMPLOY THE OLDER WORKER WEEK IN TOMPKINS COUNTY Susie Fast - Assessment Anne Moses - Assessment IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great seal of the County of Tompkins this 2nd day of March, 1993. Good- bye... The District Attorney's Office is very sad l c to say good -bye to Ronna Collins who has ti �t . ::. \\A been Confidential Secretary to the District t d Robert I. Watros, Chairman Attorney for over eight years. She left our :�` ,'.: Board of Representatives office on February 26, 1993. • — . # 1. 1 ` it •,� p =1 N. i Get Well... +� �∎ % ,� _ // - Get well wishes to Doris Rumsey �' y " 'ate° (retired Health Dept.) Sincerest Sympathy... The Tompkins County Office for the Aging supports these efforts to ensure that older Sympathy to Marguerite Smith (retired - workers be afforded equal access to employment by offering a small job listing and referral Hospital) on the sudden loss of her husband, service for workers in Tompkins County age 55 and older. To be listed, prospective Charles. employees or employers wishing to describe a position need only to call Marilyn Strassberg Sympathy to Rolland Manley, Sheriff's at the Office for the Aging, 277 -0148. Department, on the loss of his mother, Audrey Nesbitt. The following resolution was passed by the Tompkins County Board of Repre- IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: sentatives on January 5, 1993. At its March 3,1993, meeting the Employee Council agreed WORKERS' that this resolution should be published on behalf of all Tompkins County employees. COMPENSATION CLAIMS Anyone wishing to make a contribution to the Memorial Fund is encouraged to do so to the address referenced in the resolution. By the end of March, all of Tompkins RESOLUTION NO. 13 - RESOLUTION IN MEMORIAM - County's workers' compensation claims and files will be transferred from the Rochester SCHUYLER COUNTY office of The State Insurance Fund to their Liverpool office. All C2 copies will continue to be sent by departments to the Personnel Office as we have been doing, however, this WHEREAS, the Schuyler County on October 15, 1992 experienced the tragic "transition" may cause some delays in get - murders of four members of its Department of Social Services staff, ting paperwork processed until we are "set - and tied in" with the new Claims Unit in Liver - WHEREAS, the lives of these county staff were taken in the course of their as- pool. This is advance notice from Personnel signed duties in the support collection unit of the Department of So- in the event any employee /department ex- cial Services at Watkins Glen, the county seat of Schuyler County, periences a bit of a wait in getting a case into and the hopper with The State Insurance Fund. WHEREAS, the entire Schuyler County community grieves the loss of these ex- I do not anticipate any real problems and am emplary staff members as a result of a senseless and wanton act of assured the transition will be handled as violence committed by a disturbed individual who thereafter took smoothly as possible! his own life by gun shot, and WHEREAS, the victims' families, their co- workers and friends continue to mourn their deaths, it is now an appropriate time to remember each Pa Only For The of these dedicated county staff in this period of sorrow - and corn- ray y mit that all concerned work together to prevent such senseless acts Prod uct in the future, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives pauses to Not The Packaging remember the four women killed in Schuyler County on October 15, 1992 while serving the citizens of the County and the clients of the Department of Social Services: Courtesy of Weights and Measures Phyllis K. Caslin When you buy apples in a plastic bag, you a Support Unit Investigator. She had worked for the County for 18 years and was the should pay only for the weight of the apples. mother of three grown children. If you buy potato salad at the deli counter, you should pay only for the salad, not for the Florence A. Pike weight of the container. the Support Unit Supervisor. She had worked for the County since 1972, was married In many stores, the electronic or com- and had three grown children. puterized scales used at the check -out counter are set to automatically deduct the Denise Miller Van Amburg weight of the packaging. On other scales, an Account Clerk who worked for the County for two years. She was married and had the sales clerk must adjust the scale to two young children. deduct the packaging materials. Scales must be placed so you can see the N ancy J. Wheeler weight. If you have a question, ask to have a Senior Account Clerk. She had worked for the County for eight years, was married and the package weighed again before you buy. had three grown children. Ask if the weight of the packaging has been deducted. R ESOLVED, further, That Tompkins County residents be aware that the Schuyler Weights and measures officials often visit County Legislature has established a fund entitled the "Schuyler stores to inspect and weigh prepackaged County Workers Memorial Fund" to assist families to the victims products. They also check the accuracy of and that contributions can be made by payment to "Schuyler Coun- the scales being used. ty Treasurer - Memorial Fund" and sent to Schuyler Treasurer, 105 Ninth Street, Watkins Glen, NY 14891, RESOLVED, further, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Schuyler County Legislature Chairman and to the New York State Associa- tion of Counties. N N N r DSS Recognizes Staff Achievement LEAN CUISINE By: Mary Carnal - DSS • When the recipe says "fry" or "saute ", The second annual Success Recognition try broiling, baking, poaching or department is immense. They handle their steaming instead. (Broiling meats on Day was held at DSS on Thursday, January job very effectively and maintain this ef- 14. Prizes were awarded by Commissioner fectiveness under the most stressful con- a rack allows the fat to drip out in Mary Pat Dolan to individuals who had ditions day after day. They should be com- cooking.) been nominated by their coworkers. The mended by the entire department for a job • Use a non -stick skillet for fat -free ceremony at 2:30 was attended by DSS staff well done." frying or sauteing. Enjoy greaseless and family members, Barbara Mink (Board of Representatives), and Rev. Robert pancakes, French toast, omelets, Richardson (Commissioner's Advisory Award for Promoting Teamwork: scrambled eggs, crepes, etc. Council). The event provides an oppor- Michael Moore - "Undercare One has • Non -stick sprays and coatings are tunity for DSS staff to come together to been without an examiner since October. reflect on and take pride in the accomplish- While cases were distributed, Mike never very useful for fat -free frying, saute ments of the entire staff and to honor in- complained about the extra work. He re- ing, and greasing pans for baking. dividuals who have been determined by quested extra cases in addition to those • Strip the fatty overcoat off meat, and their colleagues to have made a special con- distributed. He always showed considera- the skin off chicken, before cooking. tribution. tion to the unit. He is surely a team player The following DSS employees received and demonstrates excellence in this area." • Brown meat in a non -stick skillet awards at the January 14 ceremony. The without fat, or under the broiler, so quotations sum up the qualities which that the fat drips off. coworkers valued in winners. Award for Creativity and Innovation: Kathleen Drew - "Correspondence and • Avoid browning vegetables with the Award for Promoting Good Morale: Nick memos she sends to other units are usually meat; they're notorious fat sponges! Award - "Nick has a really good sense spruced up with appropriate graphics and • Drain the fat from browned ground of humor. He's always cheerful and/or not just boring white paper. If she does y that with just correspondence, I believe beef, using a colander and /or paper knows when to leave a person alone. Nick that it gives evidence that she is this way in towels. knows ive. He maintains incredible balance in a all of her work. She is professional n every • Refrigerate soup stock, stews, meat high- stress job." way." drippings, and sauces, removing the hardened surface fat before rewarm- Staff Award: Roberta Steve -"Roberta has Award for Suggestions for Cost Efficien- ing. given several years of service to the com- cy: Jackie Yoder - Jackie has been active • If you must have sausage, give it a munit .She has hel ed man eo le in working to creatively reduce agency y p y p p spending. She took the lead in compiling bath: prick it with a fork and boil it in through these years with patience and un- all suggestions for cost efficiency and water, allowing the fat to escape. derstanding. She has inspired compassion working with the committee to prioritize Drain water and brown it in a skillet. among her fellow employees and by ex- issues." ample, has made the delivery of the DSS • Tenderize leaner cuts of meat by mission possible." soaking in a fat -free marinade and /or Commissioner's Award: Debra Kelley - by cooking longer at lower tempera - Award for Advocacy and Service for "Debra is dedicated to excellence in her tures. Clients: Beth Jolles - "Beth is an advocate job. She has a heart for our clients and is for foster parents as well as families with always willing to help out where she can. children in foster care. Sometimes, this is She knows her business well and performs a delicate balance. Beth is adept at ad- it well. She goes above and beyond her vocating fairly for all. Her efforts and responsibilities to get the job done. You commitment in establishing a clothes couldn't ask for a better worker. I�believe , A closet are exemplary to both the agency's she should be recognized for this." UNCLASSI FI EDS benefit and the foster care children of Tompkins County." In a letter to the award winners Commis- FREE Puppies: Golden sinner Dolan commended them for "rising Retriever/Lab/Shepard/Bouvia cross (Big, Award for Promoting DSS Community to the challenge" and demonstrating the furry). Call 277 -5072. Image: Rose Parker and Jo Hulslander - compassion and intelligence which we a "Jo Hulslander and Rose Parker handle g e n will always be the hallmarks of this numerous clients and inquiries each day. g Both of these individuals are very helpful and efficient. Their knowledge of the 1 NEW LOCATIONS... "DECORATE YOUR DOOR 4" NEW PHONE NUMBERS... sj • On April 1,1993, the Tompkins County Office for t , PPI4V$ ►;� the Aging will be moving across the street! The new address is: 320 North Tioga Street (County Courthouse Basement). New Telephone: 274- 5486 • Purchasing has recently moved to the Old Jail and ` 4� their main number is now 274 -5500. • Planning has moved to the First Court House and their new main number is 274 -5560. The annual "Decorate Your Door" contest was held at Public Works in December 1992 As the result of organizational changes, for the fourth consecutive year. As usual, there was a wide array of designs and decorations. there have been a few changes made in the Scott Heyman, Dan Winch, and Beverly Livesay judged the doors and did a splendid Health Department phone listing. The job as usual. The Public Works staff would like to thank Scott, Dan, and Beverly for taking Health Dept. would like to encourage both time out of their schedule to serve as the judges for this contest. employees of the County and the general The contest was won this year by Cecilia Grier, Keyboard Specialist for the Solid Waste public to direct dial the main number for the Division. Her door decoration consisted of a Christmas tree made of hand tracings of the division or program that is trying to be Solid Waste staff and family members. The hand tracings were cut from the green wrappers reached. from the copier paper reams. The tree was decorated with small ornaments. The entire door was decorated completely from materials either recycled or recyclable. • Administration 274 -6674 Ceil received a plaque as her prize for winning the contest. • Brenda Vassalotti, Acting Public Health Director 274-6674 Children With Special Needs 274-6644 FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS • Childre • Suzanne Stopen, Program Director 274-6644 Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their • Early Intervention Program (EIP); Infant Health immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. Assessment Program (IHAP); Physically Hand- No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to 'capped Children's Program (PHCP) 274 -6644 send your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY! • Environmental Health 274 -6688 • John Andersson, Director of Environmental Health 274 -6688 • Ilealth Heart Program 274 -6710 • Amy Koren -Roth, Program Director 274 -6710 • Nursing Division 274 -6604 • Alice Cole, Director of Patient Services 274-6604 L J • Clinics (all) - Well Baby/Immunization /Dental 274 -6616 • Susan Pesco, Home Care Supervisor 274 -6656 COUNTY CORRIDORS • Horne Care 274 -6656 Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer • EleanorJohnson ,SpecialServicesSupervisor274- editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees. 6604 Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others. • Expanded in Home Services for the Elderly County Corridors is published by County Purchasing and Central Services using (EISEP); Long Term Care Coordinating Service "desktop publishing "typography and layout. (LTCCS) 274 -6650 Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right • Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) 274- to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; 6622 Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Airport Scott Heyman, County Ad- ministrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Joyce Musson, County Administration; Ruth • Elizabeth Wright, Prevention Supervisor 274- Pond, Purchasing and Central Services ;Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and 6604 Judy Tynyk (Chair), Weights and Measures. • Prevention 274-6604 Correspondence may be sent through County inter- office mail to: County Corridors, • Women, Infants & Children (WIC) 274 6630 c/o Purchasing and Central Services: or contact any board member, or via US Mail to: County Corridors, c/o Purchasing and Central Services, 125 E. Court St. Ithaca, NY • Mary Arimond, Program Director 274 -6630 14850. ti