HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08 A MQWSlattar for Employees and Retirags 7 '" ' . \ • : .. ::' ::::: C :t of Tompkins County August 1992 Volume 7 'L, D I . Fr V, No. IV lord to Recycled paper THE "SPRING INTO SHAPE" PROGRAM WAS A SUCCESS! - I Pam Purvis, Healthty Heart Program County employees and their families and friends "took off' in the 1992 "SPRING INTO SHAPE" program. Fourteen County teams participated. The final team standings and miles reported are shown below. In addition, we salute the first place winners in the Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced categories. Ron Elston, Health Department "Hearty Gang ", 73.1 average miles per week in the Beginners category; Kevin Miller, Health Department "Herbettes ", 43.9 average miles per week in the Intermediate category; Paul Draghi, "Air/Fire ", 157.6 average miles per week in the Advanced category. We salute all who participated, and thank them for making the 1992 program such a huge success. Keep your exercise spirits high...the "Workout for Wellness" program is coming in the fall! Final Team Standings: RANK TEAM NAME TEAM AFFILIATION TOTAL MILES 1 TOUGH COOKIES ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 3261 2 HERBETTES AND CO HEALTHY HEART PROGRAM 1654 3 HEARTY GANG HYPERTENSION CONTROL 1609 4 LEAN MEAN WALKING lift. MACHINE HEALTH DEPT. 1601 a'l 5 AIR FIRE AIR FIRE 1545 6 TWO AND FOUR PERSONNEL 1165 \ "s'�• 7 DSS GLADIATORS DSS 1066 / . I 8 YOUTH BUREAU BLITZERS YOUTH BUREAU 992 — �. . 9 PURCH & CENTRAL SVS PURCH & CENTRAL SERVICES 9041 10 NEXT STEPPERS HEALTHY HEART PROGRAM 803 1 ..04 ..r 1 1 DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 648 12 LULU'S LOONIES PROBATION 594 13 HEART THROBS HEALTH DEPT 476 14 E 911 FIRE CONTROL 210 COFA NEED VOLUNTEERS 1 JUST A REMINDER.... The Tompkins County Office for the Aging is THE FIFTH ANNUAL COUNTY PICNIC seeking volunteers who can visit homebound seniors on a weekly basis to provide com- SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1992 panionship, stimulation and emotional support. 12:00 NOON - 6:00 PM Matches are based on shared interests, geographic arrangement and degree of need. A friendly visitor can help restore the joy of NEWHART'S LODGE being wanted and liked and the pleasure of (Maps available at the Budget & Finance Office) having a friend who cares. If you are interested in volunteering for this program or if you know ofanother person who would like a regular visit LOTS OF ENTERTAINMENT, FOOD FUN AND by a caring volunteer, Please call Marilyn GAMES Strassberg at the Office for the Aging, 277 -0148. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT MUSICAL DEPARTMENTS by Scott Heyman, County Adminstrater We neighbors of the Old Jail renovation project are totally sick of the noise and the dirt, but the project is proceeding very smoothly (on time and within budget) under the guidance of County Engineering employees Jim Kazda and Craig Hopkins, and the building may be ready for occupancy of January 1. The County Board on July 28, gave the go -ahead to plan for a move of the Planning department and thc Office for Aging into Courthouse Complex buildings, and to a consolidation of administrative offices into the "new" old jail -- included will be the County Attorney, Budget and Finance, Comptroller, Personnel, Purchasing, STOP -DWI, the Children's Interview Program, and yours truly. The Assessment offices won't be moving, but a new elevator serving their floor of the Courthouse Annex is nearly operational. In this column last month, I said I would be using this space to answer questions from employees. This month's question is anonymous and is as follows: "WHAT ARE CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES? I AM A CSEA WHITE COLLAR EMPLOYEE, BUT MY FRIEND IS A "CONFIDENTIAL" EMPLOYEE. I DO MORE HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL WORK THAN SHE DOES, SO WHY AM I NOT CONSIDERED "CONFIDENTIAL ?" Confidential employees are defined by the Taylor Law of thc State of New York not as people who (necessarily) handle confidential materials, but as people who provide direct support (usually clerical) to management employees. Management employees are defined, in turn, as people who play a major role in the negotiation or implementation of union bargaining agreements on behalf of employers. Many of the County positions in the management and confidential groups do not exactly fit these definitions; this is because the County has requested that those positions be taken out of the bargaining units, and those bargaining units have agreed to this. NOTES FROM YOUR EMPLOYEE WELLNESS COMMITTEE.. • Weight Watchers - A new session will run from August 18 through October 6. By the time you receive this issue of the Newsletter, re- enrollment and new enrollments will have taken place. Welcome to new participants and welcome back to prior participants we wish you all much success as the program continues. Reimbursement will be the same as it has been. • Low - Impact Aerobics - This program is on hold until the fall of 1992 when it will be reassessed for continuation with Marilyn Nihill, our instructor since May of 1992. We'II keep you updated. • Reimbursement for Physicals - This program has been very successful and continues at least through 12/31/92. If you have an annual physical with no diagnosis, you may send a copy of your doctor's bill showing "annual physical, no diagnosis" and we will reimburse you up to $50 towards the cost. Employees who are over 50 years of age should remember to send the bill to Blue Cross with an additional notation, "active employee over 50 years of age ", and receive $50 through our health insurance (or the amount of the office visit portion of the bill, whichever is less); then such employee can process any unpaid portion through Wellness for an additional reimbursement of up to $25. Bills should be sent to Louise McEwen at Personnel for processing. • Reimbursement for Fitness Club Memberships - Prior policy allowed for a $100 reimbursement upon expiration of an annual membership; the new policy allows for a $50 reimbursement after a six -month membership expires which makes this a bit more attractive for anyone who wants to buy a monthly or six -month membership. Again, the $50 would be paid upon submission of a receipt showing the payment made by the employee, on the organization's letterhead, and the period covered. We must have complete information, and no reimbursement will be made prior to the expiration date of the membership. We are currently working on getting showers in various County buildings in good working order, and greatly appreciate the cooperation and help from Bob Mabee and the very helpful folks in Buildings and Grounds. We hope to sponsor a County employee Bloodmobile visit through the Red Cross in the fall and will be doing an interest survey as we need to hopefully come up with a minimum of 50 donors to have "our own" Bloodmobile credit. We hope to have other new projects in the works. We appreciate your kind letters commenting on the benefits you get from the wellness activities for County employees. If you have suggestions for programs and/or improvements, send them to us and they'll be considered. Many thanks for your participation and support! 1 PERSONNEL TOMPKINS COUNTY CLASSIFIEDS PERSONALS EMPLOYEE COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS The Council approved the Performance • Wanted: Full size womans English or CONGRATULATIONS TO and Evaluation Policy. The draft of the Mountain bicycle, 10 speed. Call 257- NEW HIRES... policy will next be presented by Scott to the 2197. department heads. • Accounting Softare For Small Busi- Ken Reynolds- Maintenance Supervisor The Communications Committee is nesses. DATA DIRECTIONS 844-3774. Bldgs & Grounds developing a bulletin on communications Willa Mae Montejo- Part time Cook at which will be published soon. • Wanted: Plastic Model Cars. Preferred the Jail The Human Resources Committee has from 50's -70 -s. Call Bernie 657 -8184. Mary Arimond- new WIC Director. prepared a draft of Rules of Conduct for Council meetings and a sample proxy state- • TYNYK ORIGINALS experienced NEW PARENTS... ment. seamstress specializing in wedding A " The next Employee Council meeting has and formal attire for women of all ages. Robby McCormick- Bldgs & Grounds - been scheduled for Monday, August 31, at Michael James Harris born July 27, 9 :00 in the Biggs A Conference Room. This Reasonable price quotes and assis- 6lbs.14oz. meeting will take the place of the September tance in material selection. For more MOVING UP... meeting. information, call 564 -9244 evenings Council elections were held and the and weekends. Beverly Knapp- Permanent Full time results arc as follows: • TOWN & COUNTRY LANDSCAPING cook at the Jail Public Work Commericial and Residential. Free Es- S PECIAL NOTES Management staff - Cheryl Nelson timates Seasonal Cleanups, Fertilizing ` " `' •*" ' Line staff - Leighann Baldwin, Planting & Design Trimming Lawn In- A special note to Sally Lewis from all the Margo Koonce stallation Serving: Tioga &Tom Tompkins people at DSS "Hurry back, hope your g• g p recouping nicely!". Mental Health Counties. Robert Stanley, Owner (607) Management staff - Barbara Karaviotis 659 -4462. "Smokcy" the Court house cat sent a post Line staff - Christine Decker • FREE TO A GOOD HOME: Adult cats card to Paul Pagliaro. He said "just a note to let you know that I ' m well and happy in Social Services and several kittens. All must go, most my new home in Oswego. I stay home a lot Management staff -Phil LaPadulla have had their shots. Males and and I'm quite contented. David Chase females. Some have been fixed. They I miss you ! Smokey" Line staff - Hiroshi Takashima, are very friendly, all are litter box trained Henry Chan, Bill Chapp and stay out doors most of the time. New baby granddaughter is allergic to cats. Please help me find good homes for these cats. Call Dianna at 387 -6559 CURRENT VACANCIES IN TOMPKINS COUNTY'S after 6 pm. JURISDICTION as of August 6, 1992 • WANTED: VCR in good condition, 2 rugs 12 X 13,12 X 71/2. Please call Sally (These arc positions for which no Civil Service eligible list is in effect. They may be filled on a provisional or temporary basis.) 272 -9024. • APARTMENT FOR RENT: Sept 1 Fall HEALTH Creek, pleasant, quiet, two bedroom. County Clinical Nurse I and II, full -time & Part -time, LG 0 (15) No pets, No smokers. Call Regina 277- Continuous Recruitment Examination Supervising County Clinical Nurse, Full -time, LG 0 (17) 3944. • Mobile Home: 14X70, 2 bedroom on MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT shady lot in Newfield Park. Stove, Psychiatrist, Full-time refrigerator, Dishwasher, Washer, OFFICE FOR THE AGING: Dryer, Large Shed, New Carpeting. Aging Services Specialist, 60% time, Permanent, LG M (13) 564 -773 nights /weekends • For Rent: One bedroom apartmnent.ln PUBLIC WORKS terlaken. Yard /Parking. $265.00 Plus Associate Civil Engineer, Full - time, Permanent, LG N (14) Assistant Solid Waste Engineer, Full -time, Permanent, LG J (10) Deposit Required. Anita 532 -9556. • Wanted to buy: 1930 and 1931 Ithaca VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS High Annuals (year books) call 273- (Continuous Recruitment Examinations;) 3745 Account Clerk/Typist, LG F Keyboard Specialist, LG E Senior Level Clerical, LG H _ a cn m 3 N .. CD 5 -i CD W .. ji.•., "4 0 g .si r an ".• 3 W� X X 0 � ni • �� , crn m NO (tno Wo 121 — A t0 N N •C K • � :.. , , N t I 3 4 .1 t¢ O m r s = m o t N N 3' C. O E x • v G T o � � _ 3. S" t ; 3 o '' y =, A ..... • m F-) 3 3 -, s 1 Cr 14) Q 3 C_ V i , a. 7C� 3 m , (� M CO v 3 E m a3 -13 up yNp w D N CD 'C to —. Xi N F' m W ` to CD la) 3 = ", m N n h t7 cn y ,'� • 5 33 o C./) ,$ rt co (, �. v . . , I, . , f it. Fi o PO rt 4 , r ( cn l ) M CD H ••F to f ..✓' : 3" W N W tS? ri r; m_ as �$ ��� 4 e'. .1/4 I 1: 4144400 ) H W Z 3 N W � cD t y am° Ali IF .<. . , hi W rt „ y a ,, N M N `. co M LC _ rr OUR PRIDE AND JOY - continued . 4 4/#/ . y , Tt , AN, ,. * ,,,,, 1811 ,- ,,, . t j A. / ' A' 4 , - " Chloe Mae Scutt, 3years Old _. ., Justin Sutfin, 3 years old Sent in by Ina Sutfin ., $ Left to Right Michael, Coleen, Jeffery, Kevin, Mathew, Andrew. Sent in by Ellis Grist CPS -DSS g ,., 2-5,14-r-Ydr'-4.-!,'" � �'1 , yS5 �"p ,y'p.°'# 1 s 3t , .y §e s 4 , e 1 ' F a t 4 .! 6 S 1 * f / Anthony Scott Grier Age 3 1/2 k Sent in by Ceil Grier, Solid Waste t David 3 & Steven 15 months Fetter Sent in by Robert N. & Margery Clauson Retired.. Assessment Div. OUR PRIDE AND JOY - continued P , aoj? 1 � K a li s. A , , A , , , ,, j . . t , 0 { .,. Sabrina Ann Schrader Age 2 1/2 years old Sent in by Dorren Schrader, Bldgs. & Grds. Kevin Crane Age 8 Sent in by Doris Maybee.Retired AllIF pt 1 ' / 0 t eilill'ikA . ,..‘ .. � x a' 4 . ._ } i:r� ! . , 1 '? r 1 .,,.„1,, \‘ Ilk , „ 111: 1 ,,, , _ , i ' . Nathan Age 3 years old Sent in by Ruth Pond, Biggs B No Ansen Age 6 1/2 years old Kendra age 4 years old Sent in by Ruth Pond, Biggs B Sent in by Ruth Pond, Biggs B