HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06 / c.-1411 "' ::i iii i 1 : 1:11illiiigii : INF A 1 for Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County J.„ ... ..... 0:•:;,:•..•:. i:•.•:. ,.. Jun e,1992 t ''''::::::::i::::::::''.:" 1R::::::::.:: pp 1:.:::,:;::::::.;:::::::::::it :::::,::,.::..::::::. � .: , ATTENTION Vii- �,. - �' GRANDPARENTS! PROCLAMATION honor of Grandparents Day on Sep- tember 13, 1992, we would like to have a June 16,1992 page in this newsletter devoted to all those grandchildren you love so much. Send a WHEREAS, persons in the Tompkins County Court House have enjoyed considerable clear photograph (color or black and white), rapport with Smokey, the Court House cat, over the past several years, and and please include their name and age. Send your photos inter - office mail to Pur- WHEREAS,Smokey has presided over numerous meetings and terms of Court, and chasing and Central Services, c/o County Corridors. Or via US mail- Tompkins WHEREAS, Smokey has maintained law and order by assisting the Deputy Sheriff on County Purchasing and Central Services, c/o duty in the Court House, and County Corridors, 301 Harris B. Dates Dr. Ithaca, NY 14850. All pictures must be re- WHEREAS, Smokey has achieved stardom and status through all of his accomplish- ceived by July 31,1992. Please include your ments, name and department (or address) so all photos can be returned to you. NOW Therefore on behalf of all State and County employees and visitors to the Tompkins County Court House, it is So send those photos in now and start bragging about the kids we love to brag DECLARED, That we send best wishes to Smokey as he moves from Ithaca to his new about most! home in the Albany area to pursue a career in politics, on July 1, 1992. From the Editorial Board... A very special thanks to Karen Barry for her invaluable assistance in the production of "County Corridors" each month. Karen ..;,,,.•:..„:,...., � has resigned and relocated to Syracuse. We'll miss her very much and wish her all .. the best. Thank you, Karen. r . 4.:„ Or Cuom .„..„,:;::... deli- SAVE THE DATE .. a When: August 30, 1992 for the Annual County Picnic....More information later. EMPLOYEE COUNCIL A NOTE FROM YOUR ANNUAL REPORT WELLNESS COMMITTEE Well, here it is! This September, the Em- with the county administration, employees ployee Council will be a year old. For a coup are encouraged to participate in problem cil that promised to tackle some rett big solving of crucial issues, and policies have The following is excerpted from "Your issues, this first year has gone by fast. I guess been drafted that insure continued commu- Healthy Best" published by Blue Cross Blue time flies when you're busy. nication and feedback to all employees. Shield of Central NY. Your wellness com- The first thin the Employee Council set None of these changes will just pop up mittec is working on a proposal to assist out to do was agree on why we were even in one day and be noticed! There will probably persons who want to quit smoking, but this existence and what did we hope to achieve be only a few noticeable differences at first. article provides "food for thought" on within this group. We learned a lot about But, as some of our recommendations be- smokeless tobacco. each other and we learned much more about Come reality, it will be impossible to go back issues that are of concern within other county to the way it used to be. We will have opened Tobacco - More Than Cigarettes departments. We realized that some issues the door to new ideas and as you have all were common to us all, and that some issues heard, it is very difficult to "put the genie When you think of tobacco products, you pertained to specific departments. back in the bottle." probably think of cigarettes. But there are We are all working to move the county to The Employee Council has much more other ways to use tobacco. And they all have where you,as county employees told us in last work to do. How can you help? +Open up harmful side effects. year's survey, we should be. Getting such a YOUR fines of communication. Call or diverse group to agree on such hot topics as write to members of the council. Let us know Cigarettes pose a special hazard because communication, personnel policies, compen- what we can be doing for you. Talk to your the smoke is inhaled. But it's the tobacco cation & rewards, and professional growth supervisors and department administration. that does the harm, and the same or similar has been a major task. Within the council, Find out about bow you can participate in tobacco is used in pipes, cigars, chewing being of the there are four committees that are currently but we part are lutio his s, it's cic The tobacco and snuff. working towards solutions to these broad Council's second year promises to be a Smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco or topics. Each committee has charted its own challenge that we look forward to. snuff) presents a special problem because course and individual members contribute with their experience and motivation. many people consider it a safe alternative to With the foundation and structure in smoking. The fact is that smokeless tobacco place, this council has begun to see changes Philip LaPadula contains the same nicotine and other chem- in the way things get done around here. There Leighanne Baldwin icals found in cigarettes. It is just as addic- is open and sometimes heated discussion Co- Chairs, Employee Council tive and just as dangerous. H When smoked, the chemicals in tobacco are introduced into the body through the A lungs; when chewed in tobacco, they are P absorbed through the mouth and stomach. As a result, smoking increases the risk of .'• . P lung cancer, while chewing increases the risk Y of mouth and throat cancer. If you want to conquer the tobacco habit, F but don't think you can do it alone, there's help almost at your fmgertips. Your local Q hospital, "Y" and lung and heart associations U likely sponsor or know of stop- smoking pro- grams close to your home. • T H °- • . O . - � = -i gmle F -- • or L — !! .� Y COMMENTS WELCOMED PERSONNEL The Employee Council would like your comments on the proposed performance PERSONALS evaluation procedure which was developed by the Professional Growth & Development committee. THIS IS ONLY A DRAFT. The Professional Growth & Development committee, in response to the 1991 employee survey, developed this proposed procedure to promote two way communication between supervisors and staff, Employees should have an opportunity to discuss their performance, CONGRATULATIONS TO... achievements, difficulties and goals, with their supervisor during a formal and regular process. The performance evaluation process is a positive step towards providing an New Hires ... opportunity for a bilateral exchange of views regarding job results and performance planning. Contact Joanne Terwilliger at DSS, 274 -5637, with your comments. James Ford has been a new employee at DMV Ithaca since March 1, 1992. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION DRAFT The District Attorney's Office has two OBJECTIVE: To establish a system to promote communication between supervisors new employees starting in June. Linda and staff, improve job understanding, promote effective job performance, and career Gafford will be joining our staff as Assistant development, District Attorney on June 29 filling the po- sition that Susan Harrison vacated last 1. All employees are required to be evaluated in writing by an evaluator at least once a month. Also, Gemma Mahon will become our year. summer law intern on June 8. Gemma will 2. The evaluator must have substantial daily contact with the employee being evaluated. be working under the CIVITAS program. We look forward to working with both of 3. Evaluators should be qualified to conduct effective and meaningful performance them. evaluations. To facilitate this all evaluators are required to attend a training session on New Parents ... the proper administration of performance evaluations. 4. The evaluation process must be based on the performance of current job duties as well Todd VanOrman, Solid waste Inspector, as written goals and objectives which are, to the greatest extent possible, mutually agreed and his wife Tammy had a baby girl, Sarah upon. Lyn on 4/22/92 weighing 9 lbs, 12oz. 5 The evaluation form must be signed by both the employee and the evaluator. Signing Congratulations to Louis Sachetti, Solid of the evaluation form by the employee does not state that he /she agrees with the content waste Dept. on the birth of his son Anthony of the evaluation but that he /she has read the evaluation. Louis" on 6/12/92. 6. Employees have the right to file an addendum to the evaluation if they disagree with New Grandparents ... their supervisors evaluation. Congratulations to Donald Franklin, Di- 7. The signed performance form and addendum, if filed, will be forwarded to the rector of Assessment on birth of his 1st Commissioner of Personnel for placement in the employee's official employment record. grandchild, Jaclyn S. Franklin born June 12, A copy of the signed performance evaluation and addendum would be kept by the 1992 at 7lbs 13oz. employee and the evaluator. Congratulations to Lynn Watros, Ser- 8. The performance appraisal of the evaluator should address how well they have geant, Sheriff Dept. on the birth of his new complied with this performance evaluation policy. granddaughter, Sarah Lyn on 4/22/92. 9. The performance evaluation of department heads should address how well their New Couples ... department has complied with this performance evaluation process. 10. During the performance evaluation process the employee will have the opportunity Congratulations to John Jehu of Build - to discuss their career plan with the evaluator and jointly agrce upon the implementation ings and Grounds on his recent May 22, of this plan. Goals and objectives, related to career plan or current responsibilities, would 1992 marriage to Rebecca Woodard. be reviewed as part of this process. Goodbye ... 11. The employee's goals and objectives may include an education plan comprised of a curriculum and timetable for training and education. Best wishes to Bob Small, retiring as a Cleaner on June 26 .. we wish you good 12. When an employee is eligible for a promotion, the evaluation form should be reviewed health and a wonderful retirement, Bob, and considered in that promotional process. and thank you for your good work for the County. 13. The County Administrator shall report on the extent of compliance with this policy to the Employee Council annually after the management evaluations are completed. 1 1992 ELECTIONS FOR THE TOMPKINS COUNTY EMPLOYEE COUNCIL Elections for positions on the Employee Council will be held in August for two year terms beginning September 1, 1992 through August 31,1994, for persons representing the Social Services, Public Works, and Mental Health departments. Membership will be chosen from both line staff and management staff. Management staff will vote for management staff; line staff will vote for line staff. Definitions are as follows: Line staff: County employees who do not have responsibility for the job performance of any other employee. Management staff : County employees who have any responsibility for the job performance of other employees. All County employees, whether full time or part time and irrespective of length of service, are eligible to vote in Employee Council elections and to serve on the Council. The positions up for re- election and the persons conducting the election for each group are as follows: Employee Council Election Committee Department M.C111b111 Conducting FJecticut Mental Health Line staff 2 Pat Nowakowski 274 -5417 Mgmt staff 1 Sophie Stark 257 -1345 Public Works Line staff 3 Peggy Sniezek 274 -5417 Mgmt staff 2 Mary Brenno 274 -5526 Social Services Line staff 3 Mamie Kirchgessner 272 -2241 Mgmt staff 2 Frank Justice 274 -5380 Voting will be by signed, confidential ballot. The identity of all voters, and the candidate for whom they voted, will be known only to the person(s) conducting the election for each group. Employees wishing to run for election to the Employee Council should first notify supervisors of intent to run and devote work time to the Council activities, and then fill out the statement attached and send it to the person(s) conducting the election for their group no later than Monday, July 13. Ballots will be distributed to all voters in the three departments during the week of July 27th and should be turned in no later than Friday, August 7th. Write -ins are permitted, but voters should be certain the party is willing and able to serve. Ballots will be opened and tabulated at a meeting on Tuesday, August llth at 12:00 at the 6th floor Mental Health small conference room. Employees receiving the highest number of ballots will be considered to be elected and will serve the two year term. EMPLOYEE COUNCIL ELECTION - CANDIDATE INFORMATION Name Position Department Years in current position Total years a County employee Line Staff; Management Staff(check one) I wish to be a candidate for the Employee Council because I feel I can be effective on the Council because I feel the priorities of the Council should be • I feel the Council can be most effective by Signature/Date Return directly or by interoffice to.the person(s) conducting the election for your group no later than Monday, July 13, 1992. The information you have provided on this sheet will be distributed to all eligible voters in your group and will be published in the next issue of Corridors.