HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03 ( ( -11 [ „ ,r A Newsletter for c ....., oc agi) Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County 1 a wiz, ` / I March, 1992 ,.........),, ! , \ , , Volume !V, No. XII rim am moo. W lrrr../ I First Annual EMPLOYEE COUNCIL HUMAN RESOURCE COMMITTEE Success Recognition Day ESTABLISHES COURSE OF ACTION By Henry Lee Chan - DSS It is time to open for business. The Em- ployee Council has been organizing to be- come a coherent functioning body of elected By: Mary Carnal DSS representatives of the County work force. The Council consists of four committees A reception was held at DSS on February 5, 1992 to honor DSS employees. After that directly result from the employee survey opening remarks by Commissioner Mary Pat Dolan, awards were given to the following conducted last year. The four committees individuals: are: Compensation and Reward, Communi- cations, Professional Growth, and Human • A) Special Mentions - awarded to the group or individual who de-onstrated the Resources and they will address topics of n best suggestions for cost efficiency or client satisfaction: significant interest to County employees. • 1 -Clara Andrews The members of the Human Resources Committee are: Marnie Kirchgessner • 2 - Denise Green (Human Rights), Pat Nowakowski (Data • 3 - Cans for Kids Project - Dave Chase, Ted Merritt, Denise Green Processing), Mary Brenno (Personnel), So- phie Stark (Sheriff), Frank Justice (Proba- B) Outstanding Employee Awards - given to groups or individuals tion), Henry Lee Chan (Social Services) and demonstrating excellence in specified areas: Barbara Karaviotis (Mental Health - Com- mittee Chairperson). • 1. Mark Crimmons- Murdock - promoting teamwork As members of the Human Resources • 2. Ted Merritt - good morale Committee, we have determined that the • 3. Sharon VanEtten - client advocacy best course of action is to become a clear- ing -house of information concerning human • 4. Joanne Terwilliger - creativity and innovation resources issues. There is uneasiness that questions are either answered incorrectly or C) Commissioner's Award - awarded to the group or individual who has done the incompletely, partially due to the large vol- most to promote the Agency mission: ume of information involved. We are hoping • Sarah Rushmore Jones that this committee can serve as a liaison between Personnel and County employees Recipients of the awards had all been nominated by coworkers. All nominations were to simplify the many areas of County em- reviewed by a Nomination Review Team which selected two of the recipients for Special ployment. Mention Awards and made recommendations to the sr. staff and Mary Pat Dolan for the All inquiries will be handled with the other categories. utmost confidentiality. Some questions may In addition to many DSS employees, guests included members of the Commissioner's take time to answer depending on the nature Advisory Council and the Board of Representatives. of the question, but all questions will be This was a wonderful opportunity for staff to take a break from their usual responsi- answered. Several commonly asked ques- bilities and come together to acknowledge and celebrate their many accomplishments tions that may be of interest to all would be Illiring 1991. More activities like this are planned for 1992. published in the Corridors without names or departments to ensure confidentiality; hopefully this would cover as many em- If ployee concerns as possible. Questions that to Recycled paper are not publicized in County Corridors » continued on page 3 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Completing the Pay Equity Project • By: Scott Heyman - County Administrator higher on that factor the Personnel Com- basic things they needed to know about mittee could not take the time on the spot such a Project and about factor ratings of How is the Pay Equity Project like the to review other pertinent information: mat - positions. They talked about not assuming Energizer Bunny? You know the answer -- ters such as how other similarly situated that you know more than you do about it keeps going, and going, and going.... employees have been rated, what the other people's job descriptions; about the The Project was scheduled to be final- employee's and the supervisor's job de- fact that it should be expected that many ized by the County Board on February 18. scription say about a responsibility to su- positions would improve their standing rel- But a significant number of employees pervise the position in question, and how ative to other positions, many would not, complained that the Personnel Committee employees with greater and less autonomy and many would lose in standing; about had accepted too many of its staff's recom- have been rated. the fact that a rating of a position has noth- mendations to change, and generally re- The Committee was well aware that ing whatever to do with the job perfor- duce, tentative ratings arrived at by the these considerations needed to be in- mance, or personal worth, of the person or Committee during personal appeals. So eluded in its process, but the fact that liter- persons who currently hold it; and about the matter was withdrawn from consider - ally hundreds of individual employees the fact that budget considerations would ation until a new subcommittee of the Bud- chose to appeal in person to the Commit - be completely put aside while the process get and Administration Committee could tee already meant that the Committee had of rating jobs occurred -- although it cer- review all recommendations for changes to spend a significant portion of 1991 sim- tainly could have an impact on the negotia- (up or down) in labor grades of County, ply hearing those appeals. This necessi- lions with bargaining units about im- TC3, and library positions that were made tated a full review of all of the plementation of the new rating system. by staff (Hugh Hurlbut, Anita Fitzpatrick, Committee's initial recommendations. Sadly, many of these important points and yours truly). As it has done so many times through- have been forgotten. They are still import - Why were so many positions reduced out this process, the County Board and its ant and they still hold. It will always be un- after the Personnel Committee finished its Personnel Committee, forced to choose derstandable for an employee or a depart - appeals process? Because the Committee between accuracy and fairness on the one ment head to feel that a disappointing rat - made a large number of decisions during hand and speed on the other, chose the ing is less than fair; but I urge all employ-AI personal appeals presentations based on a former. ees and department heads to understand small fraction of the information that is re- When the Project began more than and believe that the effort to be fair - -by all quired to make such a determination. three years ago, State and County officials involved County Board members, by When an employee or group of employees held a series of meetings at various County Hugh, by Anita, and by me - -has never claim, for example, that they function locations and explained, personally, to been less than 100 %. quite autonomously and should be rated hundreds of employees some of the most NEWS FROM A RETIREE... =x I TH Many of you knew Bob ( "Strawberry seconds in the 100- C, LL/ Bob ") Clauson when he worked in Assess- meter run. Not bad J ment. Bob retired in 1986 and spends win- for an age 67 retiree, ., ters in Arizona where he's active in many Bob writes, and we 'x "senior" activities. heartily agree. Thanks = ' - ` Bob has sent along this picture as his for the news, Bob. F suggestion for the 1992 Ithaca Festival ... h 44'.1 MIIVXM 440 e created this for the theme "Would You A 1, Believe ", based on the widespread ,." changes in the world leading to freedom. now we know it was not the design se -`'' � � lected but feel Bob should be recognized for this most attractive entry. +,, Bob also writes he participated in a , , . ' 3 Vi Q' ;'`,.=: February photo exhibition in Arizona. His 1 3 a E 4 I .. favorite activity, as many of you know, is � 1 - playing ball. He's also a runner and re- cently took a bronze medal in the 50- , r t,., meter and 100 -meter runs in the Arizona { ' State Senior Olympics, with a time of 16.8 FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ISSUES TOMPKINS COUNTY illoR CAREGIVERS EMPLOYEE This is the second in a series of anti- WELLNESS COMMITTEE Iles as a follow -up to the Employee Elder Caregiving Survey conducted by the Office for the Aging. The Second most needed service cited by Tompkins County employees was help under- AN UPDATE FROM YOUR EMPLOYEE standing insurance and legal issues. Twenty-five people, or 51% of the car- WELLNESS COMMITTEE egiving employees, reported this need. Financial and legal issues are some- Weight Watchers -- The initial group of approximately 35 employees finished up on times confusing but necessary aspects February 25, with 367 pounds gone! Two new groups have formed, beginning March 3, of caring for a frail older person. Plan- with 25 enrolled for the program at Biggs and 22 enrolled for the program downtown at ning ahead in these areas enables the the Weight Watchers offices. Again, employees receive eight weeks of participation for caregiver to use the older person's re- $24. sources to provide the best quality care, particularly if and when the older per- Smoking Cessation -- Nine employees were scheduled to complete this program on son becomes no longer able to make de- March 10, and we truly hope they remain successful in this important part of their wellness cisions for her/himself. The Office for program. If you did not complete this course sponsored by the Lung Association, and you the Aging can help in several ways. do wish to quit smoking, we suggest you consult your personal physician and if he /she feels it would help you, many of the new transdermal nicotine patches, e.g., Nicoderm, Staff at the Office for the Aging pro- are covered under your prescription drug plan for $1.00 (as opposed to a cost of vide information, referral, and counsel- approximately $100 for a prescription). Any brand name considered should be verified ing on a wide range of benefits and ser- by name through the 800 number at Blue Cross Blue Shield to verify the coverage under gr ces for seniors. COFA staff assist with the $1.00 plan (1 -800- 633 - 6066). These are in the BXBS computers by trade name and eparing applications for partial Prop- each one should be checked individually. We know Nicoderm is covered. erty Tax Exemptions, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), the New Cholesterol Screen/Blood Pressure Check -- Several hundred County employees York State tax credit for homeowners participated in this program on February 27 and 28 (and the rescheduled portion on and renters (IT -214), and determining March 6). By now, many of the results have been forwarded to employees and we sincerely potential SSI (Supplemental Security hope you will follow up with your physician where warranted. An informative article on Income) eligibility. cholesterol appears elsewhere in this issue. If you wish, remember that Healthy Heart Program employees are always willing and able to answer your questions free of charge. The Legal Assistance Program of The office may be reached at 274 -6710. the Office for the Aging provides or ar- ranges for legal service to Tompkins Low Impact Aerobics -- By the time this issue is distributed, we hope the program will County residents aged 60 or older. Pri- have begun on the target date of March 17. We apologize for the delay but trust the wait ority is given to those individuals with will be worthwhile! We feel we have an excellent instructor in Marilyn Nyhill and this the greatest social or economic needs. program should be beneficial and enjoyable for all participants. Thanks for your patience! Legal problems that are given high priority include the need for power of attorney, the rights of nursing home res- idents, landlord and tenant problems, Social Security and Medicare, and other benefit programs. Will and estate problems are of low priority. Fee- gener- ating and criminal cases are excluded Human Resources by law. Services provided by COFA staff are free. Voluntary contributions are al- Continued from page 1 ways welcome and are used to expand services. Home visits can be arranged. will be answered by the committee if they are not submitted anonymously. 11277 -0148 for further information Send us in writing your questions/concerns regarding human resources or the process stop by our office at 309 North Tioga we will use. Remember, all inquiries will be handled with the strictest of confidence and Street to pick up a copy of our new if you want a direct reply please submit a name and department so we can forward your booklet, "Financial and Legal Re- answer in a sealed envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL. sources for Seniors in Tompkins County." RABIES EMPLOYEE COUNCIL Tompkins County Department of Health HIGHLIGHTS • Division of Environmental Health IMPORTANT PHONE #'S ANIMAL BITE The Council had an introductory meeting with the Department Heads at the Mental REPORTS /QUESTIONS Health Conference room on February 21st. A representative from each Committee reported on the structure and goals of the Committee. Department Heads responded Tompkins County Dept. of Health with questions and helpful suggestions as to what they are doing to improve communica- Environmental Health Division: tions, to offer reward and recognition to employees, and to have effective staff meetings. 274-6688 Thanks to the Department Heads for their input and assistance! The March 2nd meeting of the Council was attended by Mary Call, Chair of the Budget Wild/Unidentified Animal Bites and Administration Committee. She received and answered questions from the Council Evenings and Weekends: about the pay equity study. This input will be taken back to the Committee. 274 -6600 The Human Resources Committee reported that they will be sending out a letter to employees asking for questions on County issues that they do not understand. The MEDICAL QUESTIONS Committee will publish answers in future issues of the Corridors. The Compensation and Reward Committee reported a good response from the Picnic Director Available through survey. Thanks to all employees who contributed! Medical D - Avail Frank Chase, Public Health a l Sanitarian: A training session will be held for the Council on Wednesday, March 25. The morning 274-6688 session will involve moving Committee work forward; the afternoon session will include the Department Heads. The next Employee Council meeting was scheduled for Monday, April 6 . DOG WARDENS SPCA: 257 -1822 Towns of Ulysses, Enfield, Ithaca, Lansing and Groton; City of Ithaca • Lorraine Bard: 273 -2613 RABIES CONTROL POLICY Towns of Danby, Caroline, and Dryden Gordon Gabaree, Sr.: 272 -9017 Town of Newfield • 1. The purpose of the Health Department Rabies Policy is to prevent any human death due to rabies. NUISANCE • Rabies is fatal to humans only if post- exposure vaccination shots are not adminis- WILDLIFE CONTROL tered or are administered too late. Post - exposure treatment consists of a series of five shots given in a large muscle such as the arm. Painful shots to the abdominal List of licensed Wildlife Control region are a thing of the past. Officers available from the Tompkins County Health Department • 2. All warm - blooded animal bites are considered possible exposures to the rabies 274-6688 virus. For this reason it has been mandated by New York State Public Health Law that every animal bite be reported to the local Health Department. PET VACCINATION • 3. Any animal bite should be thoroughly cleansed with soap and water and medi- cal attention should be sought immediately. 1. All cats and dogs are required by • 4. The County Medical Director is recommending rabies post- exposure shots for Tompkins County to be vaccinated for ra- anyone bitten by certain animals which are not identified or captured. Report all hies. animal bites to the Health Department. 2. A pet must be rp oven to be currently • 5. The biting animal must be identified if it is an owned pet, or captured if it is a vaccinated, or it will be regarded by Tomp- stray cat or dog or wild animal. kins County rabies policy to be unvacci- • 6. A bite by an uncaptured wild animal or unidentified cat or dog may need im- nated. Your vaccination certificate is the mediate evaluation. Call the emergency number evenings and weekends if neces- best method of proof. sary 3. Regardless of age, your pet's first in • 7. A biting pet will be confined for observation for ten (10) days. If no symptoms ovulation is valid for just one (1) year. develop, there is no danger of rabies exposure for the person bitten. • Subsequent vaccinations must be re- peated every three (3) years. • 8. A biting stray cat or dog, a biting wild animal, if captured, or any exotic pet, such as a ferret, will be submitted to the New York State Rabies Laboratory and tested for the virus. Continued on page 6 County Employees Cholesterol Screening PERS Update: A Success! III By: Hank McCrillis - Office for the Aging But What Do All Those Numbers Mean? The Personal Emergency Response Sys- By: Pam Purvis - Coordinator Healthy carried through o u r b (fat like substances) PERS Advisory Committee has a Heart Program carried through our bloodstream to the [is tem (PERS) D' P sues. The bulk of the body's fat is in the proved installation of PERS units in Se- For the three - hundred employees who P form of triglycerides, stored and later used nior Citizens Housing Apartments. Since recently had cholesterol screening, this ar- the approval, we have placed units in Titus ticle will help you interpret your Tabora as energy. Normal lrigly an levels range Towers, Center Village Court, Ellis Hol- tory results. from 10 to 250mg t i For an accurate ve low, Woodsedge, Willowbrook, and New- CHOLESTEROL - A soft waxy sub - fast a f o reading it s important to e have field Garden Apartments. stance. Your body needs a certain amount fasted for 12 hours before being tsted. P The cholesterol level of your blood is af- of cholesterol for normal body function, fected by both the cholesterol your body I gave a demonstration of the PERS and produces a sufficient amount on its produces and the saturated fat and choles- units to the Titus Towers residents at their own• terol in your diet. Your body can produce regular monthly resident council meeting 1. Blood Cholesterol- Cholesterol that is all the cholesterol it needs without dietary on Monday, arch 2, 1992. made in the liver and absorbed from the y food you eat; it is carried in the blood for cholesterol. Saturated fat and cholesterol in your et increase your blod There are now 201 PERS units placed use by all parts of the body. A high level of terol eel. Cholesterol levelsundc r in homes around Tompkins County. blood cholesterol may lead to heart dis 200mg/dl are considered good: over ease. 240mg/dl is considered high and cause for 2. Dietary Cholesterol- Cholesterol that is concern. Between 200 and 239mg/dl is a in the food you eat. It is present only in potential problem if there are at least two foods derived from animals. Dietary cho other heart disease risk factors. The pri- lesterol, like dietary saturated fats, tends wary risk factors include being male, over MANY to raise blood cholesterol, which increases weight, smoking, high blood pressure, dia- the likelihood of heart disease. betes or a family history of heart attacks. (THANKS... LIPOPROTEIN Protein- coated pack- The total cholesterol number is import - ant. However, your HDL and LDL levels ages that carry fat and cholesterol through provide more information on your risk of the blood. Lipoproteins are classified ac- developing coronary heart disease. cording to their density. A very important indicator of coronary To all my friends in the County who 1. High Density Lipoprotein. (HDL - the risk is the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL helped me, in very special ways, celebrate good guys) We want a lot of this type. Li (the total divided by the HDL level). Ra- the 25th anniversary of my hiring in poproteuns which carry cholesterol away tios of 4.5 or higher have been associated from body cells and tissues to the liver to County Personnel on March 6, 1967. Your be excreted from the body. The higher with higher rates of coronary heart disease. beautiful sentiments were heartwarming It is often easier to lower your total cho - and much appreciated. A special thanks to your level of HDL, the better. Research lesterol number than to raise the HDLs. has shown that persons with higher levels the Wellness Committee members for the of HDL have a lower incidence of heart You can increase your level of HDL cho - plant and "autographed" card, to Mary disease. Normal levels of HDL are 45 to lesterol by exercising, as well as by eating a Sue Brenno and any others who instigated SOmgJdl for men and 50 to 60mg /dl for low fat, low cholesterol diet. the surprise party, to Hugh Hurlbut for tol- women. An individual with a desirable When looking at your results, take the erating me for 25 years, and to all of you total cholesterol into consideration. level for total cholesterol (Amg/dl) can It is who contributed in some way to make also important to look at the ratio of HDL March 6 a very special day I'll remember still be at risk if their HDL level is below to total cholesterol. But remember, your for a long time ... my sincerest thanks not 35mg/d1. Conversely, higher than normal cholesterol level is only one risk factor for levels of HDL cholesterol are thought to only for the day, but for your continuing be protective. heart disease. Smoking is the single most support and friendship. 2. Low Density Lipoprotein (LDLs the preventable cause of chronic disease in bad guys) contain most of the body's cho- this country. If you smoke, STOP, because lesterol. They are responsible for deposit- it can also raise cholesterol levels. And, ing cholesterol in the artery walls. Eventu regular exercise has been shown to fin ally this build -up narrows the artery, se- crease HDL levels. verely blocking the blood flow, and caul The Healthy Heart Program is located 00PS••• ing a heart attack. The lower your level of in the Health Department. We have a LDL, the better. It is desirable to have a large lending library, and lots of free infor- Illt Our apologies to Jo Ann Vliet, (Steno- LDL level of 1 or lower, 130 to oration. Please feel free to call or come by aphic Secretary, Public Works), for her 159mg/dl is borderline high risk, and our office. can speak your group on cer misspelled name in the February issue of above 160mg/dl is considered high risk. topics concerning cholesterol ol and low fat County Corridors. eating, smoking cessation, exercise and general heart health. FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS UNCLASSIFIEDS Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their FOR SALE: 1985 Chevette. Excelle immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. shape. Call 898 -3337 after 5 p.m. .No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY. FOR SALE: King size waterbed with frame, mattress, liner, headboard, heater, and side rail pads. $125.00 or BO. Evenings 582 -6490. FOR SALE: Treadmill - electric with speedometer in good condition - $150.00. Call 273 -7732 - leave message. t J FOR SALE: 12 X 65 3 bedroom trailer. Rabies Must be moved. Asking $3500. Call 844- 3656 after 6:00 p.m. » Continued from page 4 • 9. If a cat or dog fights with a known or suspected rabid animal, the rabies virus in FOR SALE: 1986 VW Jeta 72K, Auto, that animal's saliva may remain alive on the pet's skin or in it's mouth for up to sunroof, body fair, runs good, $3,950. Call two (2) hours. If it is necessary to handle the pet during this period, wear gloves. 387 -6247. Wash the animal with soap and water. CaII the TCHD to report the incident. • 10. Avoid exposing any open wounds, sores or rashes or any mucous membrane FOR SALE: 1990 Mazda Protege, 36K (i.e. eyes, nostrils, mouth or genitals) to the saliva or nervous tissue of any animal mi - 5 speed. AC, AM FM cassette. $7900. which might be rabid. Consider any such exposure by any mammal a possible ex- 387 -6247. posure to rabies and report it to the TCHD at 274 -6688. • 11. Animals which are frequently confirmed to be rabid in New York State, and PERSONNEL therefore should always be assumed to be rabid, are: raccoons, bats, foxes and skunks. PERSONALS • 12. Animals which are occasionally found to be rabid in New York State include dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, deer, woodchucks and otter. Congratulations to.. • • 13. If any wild animal behaves in a strange manner, displays paralysis of the hind quarters of the body, is unusually friendly or excessively aggressive: Promotions... • a. Leave it alone!! Unless there is a bite involved, no agency is responsible for Congratulations to Katie Knapp who was a wild animal; but, if there is a real threat to public safety, you can call the DEC promoted to Secretary to the Director of or your local police to dispatch the animal. Otherwise, you may contact a Public Health. We wish her luck and success, Nuisance Wildlife Control person who will dispatch the animal for a fee, or call and miss her cake and ice - cream. the SPCA. • b. If you do choose to destroy the animal yourself, use a method that will not New Hires ... damage the head or expose you to saliva or nervous tissue. DO NOT TOUCH Nancy Bish, Sr. Account Clerk Typist, re the animal at any time without using rubber gloves or a plastic bag. Gently hired in the Probation Department. • 14. If an animal is found dead on your property and you have no reason to be New Parents ... lieve that person or pet has been in contact with its saliva or nervous tissue, rec- Walt and Joann Cogswell, on the birth of ommended disposal is by burial under 24" of soil or by double plastic bag and their new daughter, Julianna Ruth, on Feb regular trash hauler. (See 13b.) ruary 20. Walt is an employee of the Proba- • 15. Rabies vaccination for all dogs and cats is mandatory. Harboring an unvacci- tion Department. Best wishes to the new nated pet may result in a $250 penalty. Barn cats and stray dogs should be cap- parents! tured and vaccinated or tumed over to the Animal Control Officer serving your Congratulations to Iretta (Public Works) town. and Skip Ellis on the birth of their son, Feb- • 16. Vaccination is not a guarantee of protection from rabies for either your pet or ruary 15. yourself. Any vaccinated pet which encounters a wild animal must receive a booster shot within five (5) days. New Couples ... • 17. Any unvaccinated pet which is exposed to a wild animal must be either: Tammy Vietch daughter of Sharon Coo- • a. Sacrificed and buried. per (Assessment) who was married on Feb- • b. Closely confined in a manner acceptable to the Health Department at the ruary 5. expense of the owner for four (4) months. Happy Anniversary ... • 18. Should your animal develop any rabies -like symptoms (see #13), isolate it Congratulations to Louise McEw and contact the Health Department. Benefits Manager for twenty -five years . • 19. Any person who is at risk of exposure to rabies by frequent contact with warm - service, 3/6/67 - 3/6/92!! blooded animal saliva or bodily fluids may wish to consider rabies pre - exposure shots as a precaution. They are not a guarantee, but they may reduce the chance of disease. Consult your personal physician.