HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02 i
f I 'Newsletter for
��� Employees ._ P
�, and Retirees
of Tompkins County
r ill ) 77 1
' r February, 1992
, Volume IV, No. XI
""'W root . to Racycred Parlor
Another Successful Year ATTENTION
By, Denise Green - Investigation ® ° By Carolyn Croke - Office for the Aging
CANS FOR KIDS would like to thank everyone who participated in our annual toy In the summer and fall of 1990, the Office
distribution this year. The program was a great success. We collected approximately for the Aging carried out the Employee
17,000 cans, and were able to provide toys for over 270 children; 109 families! Elder Caregiving Survey. The purpose of the
survey was to determine the number of
Thanks to everyone who donated cans throughout the year; to all the gift wrappers, to employees caring for elderly loved ones, the
those who manned the tables, to those who made cash and/or toy donations, and special impact of caregiving on the workforce and
thanks to Jim Myers, Mike Moore, and Linda Eva at the Department of Social Services the unmet needs of caregivers. Tompkins
for the deliveries they made. Also, special thanks to Woolworth's Department Store for County was one of 43 employers (with 50 or
all the "help" they gave us in purchasing these toys. more employees) who agreed to participate
in the survey. Questionnaires were sent to
We are looking forward to another great season next year. Remember - -- Drink, Drink, 750 County employees, of which 162 were
Drink those sodas! returned. Results revealed forty -nine
employees were providing carc for an elder
and an additional 35 expected to provide
care in the next few years.
In the survey caregivers were asked about
imminionalliiiiiiiiiinw their preferences for supportive services.
Possible services included information
• about available services, discussion group
with other caregivers, help understanding
,' insurance and legal issues, counseling, adult
day care, respite, flexible time, and flexible
. benefits. This is the first in a scries of articles
as a follow -up to the ..urvey to provide Conn-
.:' ty employees with information on the ser-
vices they want most.
The most frequently mentioned need
a � - among respondents was for information
I ` -f` about services available to seniors in the
community. This information can be ob-
,. r A , . tained in any of the following ways.
..: , ..,� .... - ., .
1. Call (277 -0148) or stop by the Office
for the Aging at 309 North Tioga Street.
Staff, including the Coordinator of the
Caregivers' Resource Center, are available
to provide information to employees who
Pictured from left to right are Ted Merritt (Investigation), Denise Green (Investigation), inquire about local services or even services
and David Chase (DSS). These folks help make the Cans For Kids program possible. for long distance caregiving situations.
» Continued on page 6
By: Scott Heyman, County Administrator the details of how to do this; the Board of Tompkins County Comptroller by the
Representatives will want to make the Board of Representatives on February 4.
In a move that could have major, long- decisions about which services to curtail and Squires comes here from Poughkeepsie
term impacts on County services, how much. Everyone will be working to min- where he served asDutchessCounty Execu-
employees, and operations, the Board of imize negative impacts on both service tive Lucille Pattison's chief budget officer
Representatives on February 4 asked for recipients and employees. for nearly four years. Pattison retired at the
State authority to increase the local sales tax The sales tax increase, which probably end of last year. Previously he served as
by one cent, mandated that reductions will be instituted around December 1 of this chief financial officer in Slidell (outside
totalling one -half million dollars be recom- year, will be used first to restore the New Orleans), Louisiana and before that in
mended, and decided in advance that local County's depleted reserves and then to a variety of budgeting and finance positions
spending for optional expenses in 1993 can reduce taxes on real property. for the City of New Orleans.
increase no more than the cost of living. David Squires started work on February
I am working with Deputy Administrator Welcome David Squires. For 18 years, 10, and a welcome for him was held by
Kathy West, and we will begin discussions County staff with a question or problem department heads on February 11. Dave
with department heads soon on how to related to their department's finances have Doyle retired on February 14. He will be
reduce spending by $500,000. The general "asked Dave ", meaning Dave Doyle. They sorely missed and all wish him the very best.
approach we will recommend will include a can keep on "asking Dave" because David
maximum of departmental authority over all Squires was appointed as the second
�1�' ed ��
by FeFe Barno- Rossi, Director, TEDC
0 °
Remember Art Linkletter? "Kids Say - -
thought he would be l too. He
the Darndest Things ?" Well, it's true. coo.
• stood up, put his thumbs up, and `
Here at Tompkins Employees Day Care we said, "Bbeeeee... " .
find the kids are always coining up with H "
some pretty funny lines, so I decided to Sometimes we hear the strangest
write some of them down. Here's what I things about parents! Last week we 4 ' ' 7 ,.
mean. had the Preschoolers ice skating at
Three-year-old Quin came into day Cass Park. I was helping Michael 11 7
care with his mom one morning in a very
put on his skates and asked him if ,'
good mood. His mom helped him off with they were too tight. He answered, r
his coat and started walking him to his My toes hurt, ? but that's because my - - It lir
room. Quincy playfully slapped his mom on mom bit them. `�
Y P Y Y PPe A „trr , .,
the back of the leg and said. "Wanna stay And sometimes the kids teach us
for the whole day, Mom ?" a thing or two! Three - year -old i _
. 01 . ,
Nicky is very proud of his new trick. 1 t. = , 40, Sometimes the kids don't quite under- He called his teacher into the "�'
stand what we're saying. Last week I had N '` bathroom to show her how he can % ,
lunch with some of the two - year -olds. I •L. ?" $.."'
unroll alot of toilet paper, put one
asked Jake to please take a bite of his car- end in the toilet flush, and then ' H 417
„ '
rots. His faithful buddy, Mitchell, looked at watch the rest of it follow like a , •
me, appalled, and said, "Jake doesn't have - •
PP snake! ► v _ „ ,, „” 1, r .
to eat his parents!" ..N.. ti .'
I'll keep my ears open for more! " q 1
Andrew (three), was practicing being a S. _ ,
"cool dude ". He stood in the doorway of
the Dragonfly room, put his thumbs up and Pictured here in a hard hat is Mitchell Hall, a
said, "Aaaaaaa..." Patrick was watching and TEDC kid.
The following computer training classes EMPLOYEE
will offered to Tompkins County WELLNESS COMMITTEE
employees. Each class will be held in the
Mental Health, 6th floor Conference Room
via large screen monitor. Employees who are
interested in signing up for classes may con-
tact their supervisors for more information.
Intro. to WordPerfect - Tues., March 17 WELLNESS COMMITTEE
9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Intro. to Lotus Thurs., March 26 Weight Watchers ... Current group of approximately 35 employees is doing well! As
1:00 am - 4:00 pm of fourth weigh -in on February 4, a total of 242 pounds had disappeared! Wow!! A new
group will be forming to start March 3 - Biggs complex employees will meet from 11:30
Intermediate dBase - Wednesday, April 29 to 12:30 in the Sadd ConferenceRoom on Tuesdays; downtown complex employees will
9:00 - 12:00 noon meet at the Weight Watchers Center, Clinton Plaza West, from 1 :00 to 2:00 p.m. on
Tuesdays. The program is subsidized from wellness promotion monies and the employee
pays Intermediate DisplayWrite - Tues., May 19 Committee memo th as e eight-week on as s program. If you're interested, contact a Wellness
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Smoking Cessation... We ended up with 11 employees attending the February 4 first
Class participants will receive a handout session at 4:00 p.m. at Biggs. We hope all of them will finish the entire course and be
with highlights of the seminar and useful tips successful in their efforts to quit smoking in 1992!
to try back at the office.
Subsidy for Annual Fitness Center Memberships ... In response to employees'
INSTRUCTOR: Peggy Sniezek, Micro- requests, the Wellness Committee discussed subsidizing employees who buy annual
Computer Specialist, Central Data Process- fitness club memberships, at the expiration of their current membership, in the amount
ing, 274 -5417 of $100. If you bought an annual membership in 1991, when your membership expires in
1992, send us a receipt and copy of your 1991 payment and we will process a $100 subsidy
PLEASE CONTACT YOUR check. This is open to employees who were on the payroll in 1991 and continue to be
SUPERVISOR BEFORE actively employed in 1992.
REGISTERING! Subsidy for Annual Physicals... This program will continue through June 30, 1992,
and offers a reimbursement to employees who have an "annual physical with no diag-
nosis" for the physician's office visit portion of the bill, up to a maximum of $50. We hope
UNCLASSIFIEDS this will continue to encourage preventive medicine for our employees... remember to
turn in your bill if you had a physical in 1991 or have one anytime between January 1 and
July 1, 1992.
FOR SALE: 1988 Ford Escort. Excellent Cholesterol Screen/Blood Pressure Check... In cooperation with the American Heart
Association and our Health Department's Healthy Heart Program, we are proud to offer
Condition, 5- speed, 898 -3337 anytime. If no employees a FREE complete cholesterol screen (this will give you both "bad" and "good"
answer - keep trying. cholesterol readings) and blood pressure check on February 27 and 28. We hope all
employees will make an effort to attend - this is a sure way to get an indication of at least
FOR SALE: MacBenford and the Wood-
one part of your health, and it's FREE.
shed All -Stars on cassette - old time country
music - $10.00. Contact Mac - 387 -9896. Any and all suggestions to expand the program and/or make it better are very welcome
... let a Wellness Committee member know your feelings! If you're writing, please
FOR SALE: Treadmill - Montgomery remember to give us a name and department.
Wards, variable speed - monitor for pulse,
heart rate, speed, distance, etc. - 2 years old
- rarely used. $600 new - asking $250. Call o b AlWa ,
273 -2757 - leave message.
IBM- comp ...ible electronic typesetting Olt.;
and design WordPerfect, Lotus, many other
• J
formats accepted. Postscript or Linotronic
output. Bill Chapp - 273 -7412
° The Council approved the By -Laws for the Tompkins County Employee Council.
° The Council decided to plan an introductory meeting with the Department Heads.
Judy Webster who received a promotion to The purpose of the meeting will be to have each group present what they hope to
Senior Typist in the Child Support Enfor- accomplish in improving County relations based on the Employee Survey results.
cement/Collection unit at DSS. The Council decided to send a preliminary delegation consisting of Committee
heads and officers to a Department Head meeting in mid- February for an introduc-
Sara Hess has been promoted to Youth tion. The Department Heads would then be invited to a meeting with the Council
Bureau Planner. Sara has been with the at the Mental Health Conference room on February 21st at 9:30.
Youth Bureau since September 1991 as a
Program Management Specialist. We wish ° The resignation of Katie Knapp of the Health Department was received by the
Sara much luck and success in her new Council. Volunteers were requested at the Health Department to fill the vacancy.
position. The Council voted that Peter Coates fill out the remainder of the term.
NEW HIRES... ° The Compensation and Reward Committee circulated a draft of an employee sur-
Al Beller started as a Caseworker in the vey on the 1992 County picnic or event and asked for comments and suggestions.
Services division of DSS on January 6,1992. The survey will be sent out in the next few weeks. The Committee Chair is Marty
Al was hired from Cortland County DSS.
Jerri Bernard, student intern from TC -3 ° The Human Resources Committee reported that the Committee will be working
will be working with children under the with Anita Fitzpatrick of the Personnel Department. The mission of the Commit -
Independent Living Program. tee would be to function as an advisory board to the County Personnel Department
and assist with resolutions on human resource issues as appropriate. Chair: Bar -
Kara Reimer, student from Ithaca College bara Karaviotis
will be working in the adoption (in-
take/homefmding) unit. ° The Communications Committee chair, Bill Chapp, reported that progress was
being made in writing a draft of principles and practices for good communications
Tori Poelvoorde, student from TC -3 will be within the County.
working in the Intake/Homefinding Unit.
Elizabeth Arthur who was a Cornell stu ° Professional Growth Committee Chair, Joanne Terwilliger, reported that the Com-
dent in the Services Division in the summer mittee decided to develop a professional growth and development policy as well as
develop an employee questionnaire by June 30.
(1991) has returned as a temporary case
° The Council decided that future Council meetings will be held the first Monday of
Cindy Buchta is a new senior caseworker in every month. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 2.
Child Protective Services from Cortland
County DSS. Kim and Tim Sullivan had a baby girl, NEW GRANDPARENTS...
Anne Meeker, Account Clerk Typist,
Men—Alissa Marie, born 2/5/92. Kim is principle
tal Health, eff. 10/15/91 Account Clerk Typist in the Mental Juanita Quaile, Mental Health, on the
Health Department. Anne Meeker is birth of another granddaughter in Ger-
Amy Miller, Account Clerk Typist, tem- taking over Kim's duties and Amy Miller is many, December 28, 1991.
porary, Mental Health, eff 2/3/92 taking over Anne's duties until Kim
returns. GOODBYE..
Joann Valit, Stenographic Secretary, NEW COUPLES... Paula Kephart Eastman, Clinic Super -
Public Works, eff. 2!3/92. visor, Mental Health, resigning 2/28/92.
NEW PARENTS.. Yvonne Bartlett who is a Social Welfare
Examiner, was married on 12/31/91! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...
Lori Hill who is a Case Aide in Services had We at the Youth Bureau would like to Happy Birthday to Dan Drew who is a
a baby girl (Amanda) on January 24, 1992. congratulate Nancy Zook on her recent Criminal Investigator with the Sheriff's
marriage to Tom Trause. We wish her Dept. Dan's birthday is on February 8th.
Julie Masters, caseworker in Childress much luck, love, and happiness.
Services had a baby boy (Casey) the first
day of February.
By Amy Koren Roth, Director of the FREE CHOLESTEROL AND
High blood cholesterol is one of the three
major modifiable risk factors for coronary
heart disease. The best way to take steps to ** FREE BLOOD PRESSURE **
lower your blood cholesterol level is to eat
foods that are low in total fat, saturated fat ** FREE TOTAL CHOLESTEROL **
and has been placed on cholesterol in FREE CHOLESTEROL LIPID BREAKDOWN
the diet by avoiding egg yolks and organ ( H D L & L D L)
meats, saturated fat is the dietary component
most responsible for raising blood
cholesterol. Examples of foods high in Sponsored by your County Wellness Committee in cooperation
saturated fats are dairy products, red meats, with the American Heart Association.
and products made with palm and /or
coconut oil. Dietary cholesterol is found only
in foods of animal origin. Cholesterol is THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27
needed for normal body function but the
body produces enough without the addition PUBLIC WORKS: 6:15 - 9:00 AM
of dietary cholesterol. HIGHWAY DIVISION LUNCHROOM
The foods with the most fat are whole milk
products, e.g. regular cheese, ice cream, AREA (BOSTWICK ROAD)
cream, and butter; salad dressing, peanut
butter, nuts, margarine, and oil. These are COURTHOUSE: 9:30 - 11:30 AM
the foods that need to be used less frequently
Lean meat, fish, poultry, reduced fat
cheese, low -fat yogurt, skim milk, eggs, 1 %, (OLD COURTHOUSE)
2% milk all contain some fat, and should be
consumed in moderate amounts. SHERIFF & AIRPORT 2:30 - 3:30 PM
The fat free foods are fruits, grains,
cereals (e.g. oats), breads, dried beans, PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING
pasta, rice, vegetables, and potatoes; these
foods can be eaten often. TRAINING ROOM
Of course, the method of preparation of
the basic foods is also important. Fried foods
should be kept to a minimum. Foods should FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28
be grilled, steamed, baked, and broiled.
Sauces should be served on the side so you
can limit the amount of these often high MENTAL HEALTH: 9:30 - 11:00 AM
fat/high calorie items. 6TH FLOOR STAFF LOUNGE
While diet plays an important role in rais-
ing or lowering the blood cholesterol level,
inherited tendencies also influence the level. BIGGS: 11:30 - :30 PM
A small percentage of people may not be
able to lower their blood cholesterol, even SADD A CONFERENCE ROOM
after 6 months on a low - saturated fat, low -
cholesterol diet. Any major change in dietary
pattern should be undertaken with the FEEL FREE TO ATTEND ANY ONE OF THE ABOVE SESSIONS.
knowledge of your physician and /or a
nutritionist. For resources and assistance
please contact the Healthy Heart Program,
COUNTY OFFICE SUPPLY SWAP caregiver - continued from
page 1
By, Bonnie Scutt - Purchasing & Central Services 2. Take advantage of written resources
available at the Office for the Aging and the
The Tompkins County Standards Committee is pleased to announce the first County Resource Center including a recently-com-
Office Supply Swap. During one of the Committee meetings, it was discussed that there are pleted booklet series on services for seniors
many departments who have built up quite a lot of office supplies for which they no longer Tompkins County.
have a use. Instead of throwing these supplies out, the Standards Committee decided to 3. Check out workshops offered through
organize a Swap Day, where all County Departments could bring their surplus office the Caregivers Resource Center. In addi-
supplies to a central location, and "swap & shop" for those supplies which they could use. bon to other important topics related to
The day has been planned for Thursday, March 19, 1992 in the D.S.S. Conference room caregiving, each workshop series that is of-
on the first floor of Biggs A. Department heads or designees and their office supply fered includes an update on available com
personnel are invited to shop, whether they have anything to contribute or not, from 10:00 munity resources. The next workshop series
a.m. to 12:00 noon. The cost for all items is SO. will be offered at Cooperative Extension on
From 1:00 - 3:00 area agencies (ie: Employee Day Care Center, GADABOUT, etc...) three consecutive Saturday mornings start -
will be invited to stop by and see if there's anything they could use.Clean up will be from mg on March 14th. A session entitled You
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Left over supplies will be available to anyone who would like to have Deserve a Break Today: Respite and Other
them. Community Resources" will take place on
All departments are encouraged to call the Division of Purchasing & Central Services Saturday, March 21st. For more information
at the earliest possible date to let us know if you plan on attending and the approximate about this and other sessions or to
volume that you have to bring. preregister for the workshop series, call
Please note that this swap is for office supplies only, not equipment, furniture, etc. If you Carolyn Croke, Caregiver Coordinator, at
have any questions, please call any one of the Standards Committee members or Purchas- 277 -0148.
ing, at 274 -5300. Are any of you caregivers who expressed
HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! a need for more information interested in a
brown bag luncheon workshop series espe-
cially for Tompkins County employees?
THANKS SO MUCH! Which location would you prefer - up at
Biggs or somewhere downtown. The
Many thanks to Louise McEwen for her help over almost a one year period to resolve Caregiver Coordinator is available to set up
workshops as desired. Call 277-0148 with
my Blue Cross and Blue Shield complications when I was a Tompkins County Employee.
Without her expertise, the results would have been disastrous to me.
your ideas and preferences.
Phyllis A. White
i x.. Classified ads up 25 words i
a ' length are free to County to em ,
°F retirees and their immediate families.
AU .046,4 v '-- '' " Ads may be for any purpose except no
3 ° nr 4 4 personal ads will be accepted. No
County addresses or telephone num-
4 1 bers may be listed in the ads. Use this
r o,. 1 coupon to send your ad to Corridors
A „ c/o Central Services. PLEASE TYPE
, 4a
5 w _ .., y. t ''• i
_ :..._ - dt & `
The dedication of the new employee lounge, in Ann Raponi's memory, was held on
January 8, 1992. Shown here is Mary Pat Dolan, the Commissioner of Social Services.
The lounge is located on the first floor of Biggs A, next to the conference room.