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Employees and Retirees
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of Tompkins County
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,. . ,... .... „,„ .,„„ ....„. October, 1991
Volume 1V No VII
MINUTES of the Employee Council
t: ,i.
Monday, September 23, 1991 - 9:00 a.m.
iii a .
PRESENT: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Leighann Baldwin, Solid Waste;
Marnie Kirchgessner, Human Rights; Carolyn Prince, Health; Sophie Stark,
Sheriffs; Barbara Karaviotis, Mental Health; Lisa Stephens, Budget & Finance;
. Craig Fuller, Airport; Cheryl Nelson, Public Works; Valeria Coggin, Assess -
ment; Marty Bleiweiss, County Clerk's; Joanne Terwilliger, Social Services;
Frank Justice, Probation; Phil LaPadula, Social Services; Xiaoxia Williams,
Planning; Lawrence Krauss, Highway
[Also present Scott Heyman, County Administrator and Anita Fitzpatrick,
EXCUSED: Cheryl Conover, Health; Dayid Chace, Social Services; Henry
Lee Chan, Social Services; Katie Knapp, Health; and Molly Elmo, Mental Health
Scott Heyman agreed to chair the first meeting if no one else wished to do so.
" x` <! The Council agreed to schedule their meetings for every other Monday at 9:00
a.m. in the Sadd Conference Room of Biggs Building A. This scheduling is
subject to review by the members of the Council who could not be in attendance.
F ,," ` - The October 7th meeting will consist of a freewheeling philosophical discussion
among all Council members, and any other County employee who wishes to
attend, of the results of the employees' survey from last December, of any and
all employee concerns and priorities, and of the proper focus and direction for
- the Council in all of its activities. The Council decided to invite all individuals
• who had served on the Recruitment & Retention Committee and were not now
A sure sign that Fall is here and Winter can't be members of the Employee Council to participate in this discussion and to accept
far behind is the annual testing of the fuel oil trucks the thanks of the Council for all the work they have done. The October meeting
conducted by the Department of Weights and s hould be expected to last two hours
Measures. Fuel oil trucks must be tested in the The Council dec to i nvite the three County employees who were not
successful in competitive elections to attend the Council meetings and to con -
county of origin and must pass three tests, (fast tribute to its activities. Cheryl Nelson agreed to try to recruit a Buildings &
flow, slow flow, and split - compartment) before Grounds employee to serve on the Council.
they can be certified for use for home delivery of Scott agreed to work with Joyce Musson to provide all Council members with
fuel oil. a listing of which Council members are representing which areas of County
employment, which of them represent managers and which line staff, and also a
list of all County departments and their approximately current number of County
Co- Chairs Elected For staff positions.
There was some preliminary discussion of how the Council might organize
Employee Council itself into working groups to develop solutions to specific problem areas and to
oversee various initiatives of the Council, but no decisions were reached. It was
Leighann Baldwin, Senior Typist in the Solid agreed that at the October 21st meeting, the Council will interview the two
Waste Division, and Phil LaPadula, Staff Develop- consultants who expressed interest in working with it and that pending that
ment Coordinator in the Department of Social Ser- decision, it was suggested that task groups be established, permanent officers
vices, were elected Co-Chairs of the Employee » continued on page 4
by Co- Workers
by FeFe Barno- Rossi, Director, TEDC been head of the Personnel Committee.
Eileen Sommcrs (Probation) will continue A new staff lounge is in the planning
It's the start of another year for us at as secretary for the Board, and Debbie stages now and will be dedicated to the
Tompkins Employees Daycare Center, Teeter (Ithaca College) will serve as memory of Ann Raponi who was
which brings many exciting events and chan- Treasurer. It promises to be an exciting, employed at DSS as Supervisor of the
ges. We would like to say good -bye to John fun - filled year for the Center. Heating and Energy Assistance Program
Beach as our Board President. John has when she died unexpectedly on March 3,
served the Center since before it opened, Other news in the Center includes the 1990, at the age of 34. She had worked at
working hard to obtain the State grant that fact that our Preschool room is being en- DSS 6 -1/2 years.
helped to purchase our equipment, and larged and remodeled. Bob Mabee and his W believe that close and lasting
countless other details involved with the crew from Buildings and Grounds are ex- friendships are formed in the workplace
opening. Since then John has been a con- panding our "Panda Room" so that our ac- and that people who work together can
stant force in the building of a top - quality, tive preschoolers will have more room to become like a family in many ways as they
professional daycare that we all can be play and learn. We can't wait! share the joys and heartaches of their
proud of. Although John has stepped down coworkers.
as Board President, he will now assume the We've started planning our Autumn ac- Ann's time at DSS and her unique con
position of Vice President and continue to tivities with trips to a pumpkin farm in Can- tribution to the work that we do should be
work for the good of the Center. dor, and the Cornell Apple Orchards. We acknowledged in a lasting way. We feel
are now getting ready for our annual "Hal- that the lounge can be a lasting reminder
We would like to welcome our new of- Iowecn Parade through the Biggs Build- of her.
ficers to the Board of Directors for 1991- ings ". Look for us Wednesday, October 30: Fund raisers are being held by DSS
1992. Diana McComb (DSS) will take over between 10 and 11 a.m. This is one of our staff; financial contributions would be wcl-
as Board President. Diana, whose daughter favorite times so be sure to come out and say comed. Please contact Tricia Eth (274 -
Angeline attends the Center, has been a hello. 5345), Shirley Kane (274 -5229) or Joanne
Board member for the past year and has Terwilliger (274 -5637) for further infor-
from Your Wellness Committee • 2) Subsidy of Annual Physical - active • 5) Follow -up Blood Pressure Clinics -
By now, you've been made aware of the employees under 50 years of age will will be conducted by Health Depart -
approval by County Administration of the receive $50 towards physical with no ment staff and are aimed at the ap-
subsidy of $80 towards the total cost of $155 diagnosis and Blue Shield payments on proximately 71 County employees who
for the Smoke Stoppers Program at any diagnostic preventive testing; active need to have follow -up on a six -month
Tompkins Community Hospital. We hope employees over 50 will receive $25 in basis rather than an annual basis. Will
we have some participants since 22 addition to the $50 paid by Blue Cross. be paid from wellness funds.
employees expressed an interest on the Because of the cost, we will be limiting • 6) Flu Clinics - already being publicized
questionnaires returned to us. the number of reimbursements we can for October 15, 18 and 25 by the Health
By now, you're also aware of the Work make. Department. The $1.50 fee for County
Out for Wellness Promotion, sponsored by • 3) Weight Management - this will con- employees will be paid in total from
the Healthy Heart Program ... and we're sist of an eight -week program, one hour wellness funds.
very pleased that 195 County employees
per week, probably lunch hour time; we
signed up! The County is paying the $4.00 must have a minimum of 20 employees Our special thanks to County Ad-
entry fee (for employees only) to the Heal - who klattend and the total cost will ministration and the Budget and Ad-
thy Heart Program. be $69 with the County subsidizing $45 ministration Committee for your approval
On October 4, the Budget and Ad- from wellness promotion funds. This and support. Further details relative to the
ministration Committee considered and ap- will be Weight Watchers' "At Work above will be forthcoming as soon as pos-
proved the following programs. Program ". sible via departmental memos. We hope you
• 1) On -Site Low Impact Aerobics - to • 4) Stress Management - will be open to will be a part of this program!
run from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Tuesdays
non - management employees and run �
and Thursdays in the Social Services by staff of our EAP program with 2 °� ���
Conference Room, four weeks at $25 '
clinicians doing three one -hour classes
per employee. County will subsidize ��
per session. Total cost will be paid from 1.,.�.•
• $15 per employee. w p
ellness promotion funds.
Don't be left behind!!
by: Steve Bieler, Mental Health As a supervisor, Eric has been quietly CONGRATULATIONS TO:
excellent. He's got a lot of knowledge and
Whenever you hear Eric Weingarten understanding, and he can apply it readily to
described, say, to a new staff member at the the question you bring him. At the same New Parents...
Mental Health Clinic, one of the first things time, if he doesn't know, he doesn't have to
said is "He's got a great sense of humor ". know - he'll just as easily say you've got a Doreen Lauper, Assigned Counsel, on her
People are always saying how funny Eric is. tough client- situation, and he doesn't know new son
Well, I don't think he's so darn funny - what to do either. (Only he'll say it with that
before he got here, people used to think I renowned humor, giggling and saying some- David Jayne, Buildings & Grounds, on his
was pretty funny, but not anymore, no sir, thing like "Or you could open the window new daughter
now all you hear is "Eric has a great sense of and scream...that's what I'd do...no, not in
humor ", and "Eric is really funny", and "Did the new building, the windows don't open! ") Elvin West, Sheriff's Department, on his
you hear what Eric said in staff meeting ?" - Supervisees talk about liking Eric as a super- new son
Eric, Eric, Eric, that's all you hear around visor because of his helpfulness with cases,
here anymore, and I'm getting pretty or because of his personal helpfulness, or New Hires...
damn....00ps....sorry....got a little carried because of his sense of humor. Different
away with envy there. people say different things because, I think, Leisa Stanley - Stenographic Secretary -
Seriously, the position Eric has made for Eric is adaptable, and he's different with Board of Representatives
himself at the Clinic over the years is envi- each of us. But nobody complains.
able, as well as admirable and unique. He is From clients, too, I've heard different Laurie Lampman - Assigned Counsel -
liked, respected and trusted by everyone. sorts of appreciations, but no complaints. temporary
More than that, because of his mixture of No therapist pleases every client, and there
humor, a light touch, balance and good must be a client out there somewhere who Kathy Keleher, Community Mental
sense, everyone feels easy with him (and didn't like Eric, but 1 haven't heard from Health Nurse, Satellite Office, eff. 5/13/91
that's not easy to attain). Staff members in him. So, if there's a client out there who truly
different jobs and with different per- hates Eric Weingarten, please write to me at Nick Berg, Caseworker in CSS, eff. 9/3/91
sonalities are apt to turn to Eric with clinical this address....or write if you found him a
questions, practical needs, personal issues fine therapist, but not particularly funny. Margrethe Chubarov, Intake Clinic Su-
or political issues. We've come to trust that I probably won't get any replies to that. pervisor, MH Clinic, eff. 9/9/91
talking to Eric will usually help, will almost Everybody seems to like Eric. The office
always lighten the situation a bit, and will staff likes eric. The administration likes Christine Ion, Case Aide, Community
never make it harder. Eric. A wolverine would like Eric. I'd Support services, eff. 10/1191
probably like him myself if he weren't so
damn funny. Nancy Suci, Community Mental Health
? , ,, Nurse, Skylight Club, eff. 10/7/91
r ` "" ' Lisa Nymark, Community Mental Health
Nursc, MH Clinic, eff. 10 /15/91
Marsha Cox, Case Aide, MH Clinic, eff.
a E -- .4. , 10/28/91
` Newly Promoted Employees...
Tom Fox, appointed Program Director -
�` CSS (Community Support Services), eff.
Paul Austic, appointed Senior
Caseworker in Community Support Ser-
vices to replace Tom, eff. 8/19/91
'' ,., irk Recent Retirees...
Eric Weingarten - Mental Health, effec-
tive 10/11/91
Eric Weingarten (Mental Health), retired 10/11/91. A funny guy and already missed by
many. Photo by Bill Chapp
IN THE 1992
By. Walt Cogswell, Probation Supervisor FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PROGRAM!
Alice B. (33 years old) has recently
separated from her husband of 11 years. She Louisc McEwen, Benefits Manager
is looking at a future that is full of economic,
social, and emotional uncertainties. She By the time this issue of "County Corridors" reaches you, Brenda Wagner of RMSCO
calls the Displaced Homemakers Center for will have conducted employee information meetings on our 1992 flexible benefits pro -
information and support. gram. I hope most of you attended one session to learn more about this valuable tax - saving
Jim L. (47 years old) lost the use of both device available to you.
legs in a car accident and is confined to a As you know, health insurance premiums are currently paid with before -tax dollars.
wheelchair. He must undergo regular physi- This mandatory participation was negotiated by the County with our employee unions.
cal therapy, but he has no reliable means of (However, a tax law change effective 1/1/91 may affect a small number of employees,
transportation to the doctor's office. He making it more desirable for them to claim the "Health Care Credit" on their income tax
telephones Gadabout Transportation Ser- return.) •
vices. In addition, you may set aside up to $1,000 for medical expenses not covered under
Bobby S. (15 years old) has been actively your health insurance, for example, well baby visits, eyeglasses, hearing aid devices, dental
involved in Boy Scouts for three years. The work, etc.
skills he has learned have given him greater Also, for those of you who provide day care for dependent children or other depend -
self- confidence and an increased sense of ents, if married and filing jointly, you may set aside up to $5,000 per year for dependent
self - worth. care expense. The premium conversion, non - covered medical expense, and depend
What do these three people have in com- care expense accounts are all set up with b -tax dollars. This costs you nothing to do
mon? First they arc not alone -- there are but it could save you big tax dollars during 1992.
many other Tompkins County residents with I hope you made the effort to learn more about this valuable benefit, and I look forward
similar needs and circumstances. Second, to increased participation by County employees in 1992.
each is using an organization that is funded Enrollment forms are due in Personnel not later than October 31, 1991.
in part by the United Way of Tompkins
County. . ,,.
These three programs are a small frac- i.
tion of the number of programs supported ' ry :.k
by United Way. In 1991 over 1.4 million , ,
dollars were distributed to over 140 �.t ',,;
programs operated by over 40 different or- ,
ganizations. County employees pledged 1% , ,
($14,400) of those monies, and many County
employees directly or indirectly used the . �.-;'
services offered. '`
Recent budget cuts at the state level have A
had drastic effects on local agencies. Many I ., , 1, , _ - °
services have been reduced or dropped _ t-
completely. Because 1992 does not promise 9 '1' 'i • -�'
a brighter economic forecast for theser�~' :="" ,,
programs, our individual contributions are - Y ..... «r
now more critical than ever.: a
County retirees have responded to this t, .41•44,,,,,,,, , 4
crisis with a 60% increase in pledges over ' ,'+ „ � t t� fill
last year's giving. This is a tremendous feat -.. j:: i
which is very much appreciated! As a long- ,i R: ' . ' 410 � ' 4 e
time county employee and chairman of this '' a
year's County Employee Campaign, I ask all ` _ ", 4".' - k . • 1 • 4 y M ri
employees to follow the retirees' lead by Construction is under way at the Tompkins County Public Library to install a ramp for
pledging to the United Way what each can t
afford. Our goal for this year is $16,500. those of us who are physically challenged.
The 1991 -1992 County Employees Cam-
paign will begin on October 28 and will run » Continued from page 1
until November 8, 1991. If you wish to pledge
but you are not contacted by a solicitor elected to chair those groups and serve as an executive committee, and a permanent
during that time period, please call me at chair of the Council elected.
274-5380• Bill Chapp agreed to chair the October 7th meeting of the Council.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Heyman
WHEN: MONDAY, OCT. 21 10:00 a.m.
* * * * * **
WHERE: SALVATION ARMY, 150 N. Albany Street, Ithaca * * * * * *
The Tompkins County Office for the caregivers, an activities group, a support
aging (COFA) will present its proposed group for Alzheimer's sufferers, and the
Four Year Plan (1992 - 1995). We base this Senior Circle.
Plan on information from seniors who have Have you participated in any of these
utilized our programs, agency, staff, survey programs or used any of these services? If so
data and public input. We also have to base we need your input. Do you feel seniors have
our Plan on available resources. YOUR need which our programs are not currently
INPUT IS REQUESTED AND meeting? If participants were asked to share
NEEDED. costs (on a sliding scale basis in relation to by Louise McEwen, Benefits Mgr.
Currently COFA offers directly or in- income), what services would you be willing
directly, through contract, for seniors 60 and to pay for, and what services would you drop Did you know that Chapter 467 of the
over: information and referral counseling, if cost- sharing were instituted? Laws of 1991 has amended the law to ex-
help in completing forms for benefits and Come to our Hearing to give your reac- pand the definition of "time of war and
insurance, legal services, friendly visiting, tions to these questions and to the proposed hostilities" to include:
help in obtaining energy related repairs, a Plan we will be presenting. If you cannot
personal emergency response system, assis- attend, please write or call COFA with your • Lebanon -- 6/1/83 - 12/1/87
lance to caregivers, personal care, comments (277 - 0148).
housekeeping/chore assistance, respite, All comments will be considered before a • Grenada -- 10/23/83 - 11/21/83
home repairs, employment, a registry of final Plan is submitted to the state Office for • Panama -- 12/20/89 - 1/31/90
those seeking and providing all types of Aging. Remember this is the Plan to try to
home care, food shopping assistance, home- meet the needs of seniors in our County. • Persian Gulf -- 8/2/90 to end of hos-
delivered and congregate meals, help for That means you! Make yourself heard! tilities (not yet determined)
This legislation also modified time
periods for World War II and the Korean
CREDIT UNION hostilities to:
EARNS • World War II -- 12/7/41 - 12/31/46
HIGH CREDITS! • Korea -- 6/27/50 - 1/31/55
Credit for Lebanon, Grenada and
Panama will be limited to those who
TOMPKINS EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION in Ithaca has earned a received the Armed Forces Expeditionary
Golden Certificate from the New York State Credit Union League for its marketing efforts. Medal, the Navy Expeditionary Medal, or
The award recognizes the credit union's efforts to provide service to all segments of its the Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal.
membership, including children, teens, adults and seniors.
The annual awards are based on a survey sent to all New York credit unions. The survey This change has far - reaching impact on
asked how many of approximately 30 services the credit unions offered. A given number of the Education Law, the Executive Law, the
points was awarded for each service offered. Services surveyed included credit cards, Insurance Law, the Military Law, the
ATMs, student loans, first mortgages, share drafts and senior and youth programs. First Public Health Law, the Public Officers
place, second place, gold and silver awards were given, based on how well the credit union Law, the Real Property Tax Law, the
was judged to be serving its members' needs. A total of seventy -five awards were given in Retirement /Social Security Law, the So-
four asset levels state -wide. cial Services Law, the Tax Law, and the
Tompkins Employees Federal Credit Union was originally chartered in 1976 as the City Civil Service Law.
of Ithaca Federal Credit Union. Currently the credit union serves the employees of all
municipalities within Tompkins County, and Tompkins Community Hospital (including If you think you maybe affected by these
doctors and volunteers),Ithaca Housing Authority, Bangs Ambulance Service, Austic changes, you should contact the N.Y.S.
Farms and Excavation and Triangle Steel. Also eligible for membership are the retirees of Division of Veterans Affairs at Babcock
the above employers and immediate families of all the members. Hall (272 -1084) to determine your rights as
TEFCU, located in the West Hill Biggs Complex, has a current membership of over 1400 a veteran.
and assets of $2.3 million. is Recycled paper
Service Aids /�'
Visually - Impaired l-
Elde rly • Trick or Treat during daylight • PARENTS PLEASE educate
hours. your children not to sat any '
candy before a mom or dad has
• Stick to your own neighbors or had an opportunity to check it
family friends. out.
I ,
A new program is being offered by
• The Health Department advises /
• A dults should go with children
Tompkins County Office for the Aging, arsntstodiscardun acka ed,
to insure safety with traffic and P P 9
called The Social integration for the Blind prevent children from getting unsealed items such as apples,
Project. This program is designed to serve lost. popcorn or cookies that are
\ homemade.
newly diagnosed blind individuals who are at / /
least 55 ears of age. • Use flashlights to increase
Y g visibility. • Consider an "in- house" Hal- f -
We hope to be able to connect these blind loween party.
individuals with volunteers to help them be- HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! - -
come more independent and less isolated.
The clients need help with somc very basic - - _ — �-
tasks such as reading their mail, ordering — \� �`
talking books, locating important papers,
shopping or even just a friendly visit and
some conversation.
We are currently looking for both clients
and volunteers. If you know of someone who
is in need of our service or if you would like
to be a volunteer, please call Mari Sobus, )�
Outreach Worker, or Marilyn Strassberg, '/�
Aging Services Specialist at 277 -0148. _` ;�'
A UNITED WAY � , . � .. _ ... . ..
. ta
UPDATE FOR j 1 ! -. is , is - .r_. a •0 ex r .ft -, mar
RETIREES ,� i ® t '411111 ri
1, 1 , , ,.., : t ,,,,,, 7 t !Bpi d
by: Louise McEwen 1 aI , ' ��
Congratulations are in order for Count p t '' i , In 1 . 1 r • . ! a r �
gr Y ,
retirees! To date, you folks have contributed N I I 4 r , rr •
over $1300 to the Tompkins County United
Way Campaign, far surpassing past years'
contributions! I thank you very much and I ''_ w
know the folks at United Way appreciate �h " °" - �-- -- -
your kind donations. If you haven't sent in = '.
and wish to there's still time Every con- _ l' et _.- a:"
tribution, no matter how large or small,
helps in many ways. Thank you again. - -
Progress on the expansion of the DSS waiting room (above) is moving right along.
Photo by Bill Chapp