HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08 .:::::00:::::::i:::::::.. i :::ii : :m. Newsletter for A 0 :..._. Employees and Retirees i of Tompkins County .:'...: /.--, .\'' . ..' 1 _.__� __ Au 1991 L Volume 1V, No. V \ ` ,1111N BIG BASH AT Fr �—� BIGGS B! • ,s ,, DON'T a� 1 FORGET! --' x , The fourth annual County °'� picnic has been scheduled! - DATE: Thursday, Sept. 5, .r, , ,, 1991 F TIME: 2:30 pm -6:00 pm WHERE: Biggs Complex - THE RESULTS ARE IN! The winners of this years' flower barrel contest is Suzanne north of Biggs B Phillips and Doreen Schrader from Buildings and Grounds. Congratulations! TO YOUR HEALTH! by Louise McEwen Material has been gathered by commit- of us -- less absenteeism from work, higher The County's Wellness Committee has tee members on what's available in many self - esteem, lower costs resulting from less met twice, and this will bring you up -to -date areas of employees' health -- weight need for use of medical providers, and on where we're at. management, exercise, smoking cessation, probably you can think of more reasons to We have a great committee representing stress management, and other areas. The participate! all County work locations. Members are: insert in this issue of COUNTY COR- We have many ideas ... from stress Chris Brill and Bonnie Scutt, Purchas- RIDORS is very important. It will give US management presentations, to on -site ing; Sandi Draghi, Airport /Fire Coor- direction on what you as employees want weight management programs, to subsidiz- dinator; Molly Elmo, Mental Health; D. J. and would participate in ... so PLEASE take ing fitness memberships, smoking cessation Fowler, Health; Leighann Sullivan, Healthy the time to complete the form and return it classes, etc., etc. BUT WE NEED YOUR iit eart Program; Cheri Hartman, Social Ser- to one of the committee members by Sep- HELP AND INPUT. PLEASE RETURN es; Carrie Himko, Human Rights; Donna tembcr 9. We need to get a "feel" from THE INSERT BY SEPTEMBER 9 AND olt, Office for the Aging; Cheryl Nelson, employees as to what's of interest to them so HELP US TO DO A GOOD JOB FOR Public Works; Sophie Stark, Sheriff; Doug we can proceed in the right directions to set AND WITH YOU! BETTER YET, FILL Stewart, Data Processing; Vicki Wagner, up programs to benefit all employees who OUT THE FORM TODAY AND Assessment; and Louise McEwen, Person - wish to participate. RETURN IT TO YOUR COMMITTEE nel. Better health means many things to many MEMBER. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S UNCLASSIFIEDS REPORT III Employees Elect First Employee Council Good Home Needed! 18 month old by Scott Heyman -County Administrator The first Council will include the follow- neutered female half husky, half sheep dog. Tompkins County government's first ing employees: Loves kids & space. Very pretty! 539 -6704. Employee Council has been elected and is Courthouse Complex: Manager, Lisa FOR SALE: 1987 Renault Affiance - slated to begin meeting in September. Stephens, Budget & Finance; Line Staff, The group was conceived by the Recruit- Valeria Coggins, Assessment, and Marty Red, 4 door, standard, 40 m.p.g., cheap and ment and Retention Committee as a Bleiweiss, County Clerk. reliable transportation. Asking $2250.00. response to the survey of all employees con- Biggs A other than Social Services: Call Don 257 -9122 (days) or 844 -9242 ducted last December. The Committee Manager, Frank Justice, Probation; Line (evenings). recommended, and on August 13 the Coun- Staff, Xiao Xio Williams, Planning, Mantle APARTMENTS FOR RENT - One ty Board of Representatives endorsed, the Kirchgessner, Human Rights. bedroom apt. in Valois and Interlaken. following purpose for the Council: Biggs Social Services: Managers, David Deposit required $230 - 250.00 Interlaken. heat "To serve as an advisory body within Chase and Phil LaPadula; Line Staff, Bill p q p County government ... whose purpose is to Chapp, Henry Chan, and Joanne Terwil and utilities. Call Anita at 532 -9556 even - foster a workplace where all employees can liger. ings and weekends. see their role in the larger departmental, Airport /Public Safety Complex: Classified ads up to 25 words in length County and community picture; where their Manager, Sophie Stark, Sheriffs, Line Staff, work is acknowledged, recognized, Greg Miller, Sheriff's. are free to County employees, retirees and evaluated, and rewarded fairly and consis- Public Health: Manager, Sherry Con- their immediate families. Ads may be for tently; where they are treated professional- over; Line Staff, Carolyn Prince and Katie any purpose except no personal ads will be 1y; where adequate resources are provided Knapp. accepted. No County addresses or so they can accomplish the work expected of Mental Health: Manager, Barbara telephone numbers may be listed in the them; where their professional growth is Karaviotis. ads. Send your ad to Corridors c/o Central fostered; and where they have opportunities Public Works: Manager, Cheryl Nelson; Services for involvement in decisions affecting their Line Staff, Leighan Baldwin, Solid Waste, • work areas and programs." and Mike Kraus, Highway. EMPLOYEE AND FRIEND OF THE MONTH by: Linnett Warner - Solid Waste Jack has a hobby, or should I say another Division life, that doesn't include the landfill - his Jack Daugherty has been a great friend ponies. He raises ponies and mules and takes and co- worker since I came to the Solid them to shows, the State Fair, parades, etc. Waste Division three years ago. Jack has Ever since I can remember I have seen Jack, worked for Public Works since 1963. He first his wagon and ponies in every hometown worked at the Highway Department in July parade; it just wouldn't be the same without s ue " • of 1963 as a Heavy Equipment Operator him. Jack has a very beautiful country home - until accepting a position at the Caswell with lots of blooming plants that his wife Jean landfill in 1973. Jack is presently the landfill helps to keep healthy. Jack has two well supervisor at the Tompkins County landfill trained German Shepherds that mind him , f" in the Town of Spencer, but to his employees the minute he speaks. Jack is the father of It he is their father, friend and advisor. He will twin sons, Patrick and Robert, and a be the first one to help somebody in need if daughter, Jacquelin, all of whom are married it be S5.00 for lunch or to advise on who's a and starting their own adult lives. good mechanic to fix y car. If there was Jack's favorite joke is to call the office and one word I could use to size up Jack, it would disguise his voice and give each new staff be "friend ". Jack has always been one of person a rough time. He once called the • those employees who will go above and office and gave the Senior Typist such a hard beyond to fulfill his duties. He's been called time about not having the answers he 1 )1 as late as 11:30 at night and as early as 2:00 needed, she was almost in tears. When she in the morning about a problem at the found out it was Jack she never wante • landfill or a piece of machinery that is talk to him again. So to make it up to her ` needed for tomorrow's opening of the said he was going to give her a pie his Jack Daugherty, a friend, a co-worker, and landfill and still needs more repair. made. Guess what? The pie was an artificial our Employee of the Month! Whatever the case may be he always has time one that he found at the landfill. to listen and will, if in his power, take care of The landfill just wouldn't be the same the problem. without the king of Solid Waste!!!! My friend, Jack Daugherty. o E= a 0 oe ble. y /Li ti) a, k F •kt ' I .. iiclf f 1 4; '.›-: ' .. ,r,,j, , .. i,,,,,„ .„......, r. u N pp CD F . _ t i I ' ' ,', 1. .,-. c ii, i:: ci,' .4 11 U co y v) 0 Z -0 • n *• !' °,.. g y cl. .4 '-"*° 7;1 ' 4 1.i cs -° .4... 1.c. , t ,. . 0 CCI �h a '.kt, • 5 T. b '"' . 1 y . yak , w f P • �. , •-- 7 5 • a a �o 6' 5 Lk t„ PO 1 b O �4 . a, .a tb y o El 1 : 1 1‘47‘.° * v to g4 a o } T,, • I S a 0 U v) ,a o u i , t. 4;,,, 7 -. ..., 'I y asst: r M m 0 -, y al HA fir' °4, s ,., .- g4 9 O 9 �0� pry ',..;',...).1•.1%;,, 9 . 7 LL el st .. tS 4 ......1.: • 'C Pr 41, a"' � dtb's l r z . ' > ,� � sea .#gl loss9 U • CL _ . ;a la' y t Pr r �. Hi !7 Al.. t!! 6. y 1 it 2 td x g „,,./....,..-...,..0,1„. ° � t ,,: + t � i 4 t0 O - •: r . N - .,:< t g C , ; s. ...• 4. ; .f. . * 41. � t r e is ; ' T n t. • r J f ,, f, a . 4 Jill, t v x� .e f '« '' 4.2 « «t" r lll tt k U s, st' ! ,..1...„ . ' «, +t ' U W V 1 -„:,:„...:$1,,,,,;,,,,,,,,„ . ,o- GA a I Grandparents' Bragging Page - continued 4 y it sin , "it I A , ......, IP T J ilk f r .' J , ; . Y F 4 . Adam, Drew, Emily, and Zach Sent in by Shirley and Bill Hilker i 1 ° ` -, r , ` ° _ Dylan Michael Faith - Born June 24, 1991 Sent in by Sharon Cooper • L 1 ________—_,) c- COMINGS AND GOINGS , 1 , . I , CONGRATULATIONS ... to Ed Hall, r etiring August 19 as Chief Criminal Inves- ;r; ' tigator for the Sheriffs Department after 24 414 "' d 1/2 years of service. Best wishes to you, Ed, Heather French - 3 years, 9 mos. and thanks for your many dedicated years of Benjamin Reynolds - 1 1/2 years service. We wish you improved health and Sarah French - 6 years many fulfilling and enjoyable years of retire- Sent in by Joan P. Sheffield ment. es • Rec'.cled paper T ARE YOUR RECORDS UP -TO -DATE? ATTENTION by: Louise McEwen experience a divorce and perhaps remar- EMPLOYEES! During employee orientation sessions, I riage, you must update your health insurance try to emphasize the importance of keeping enrollment form. Likewise, as you know, un- your personnel records up -to -date par- married, dependent children who are full- County Corridors Wants You! ticularly in the areas of retirement and health time students maybe covered until age 25 but insurance. Retirement records must be up- this must be substantiated by a dependent The County Corridors volunteer dated if changes occur in your family struc- student form filed with Blue Cross Blue editorial board needs new members! If ture, e.g., death, divorce, etc. In the event of Shield through Personnel. Again, forms are you enjoy writing, taking pictures, editing, an employee's death, any death benefit will available from personnel. Any dependent or enjoy working as a team, then this be paid to the beneficiary(ies) as named on child who is on your policy but reaches age board is for you. We pride ourselves on your last form filed with Retirement regard- 19 is automatically removed in the event of a putting out a quality newsletter that not less of any existing will or other document. It claim submission unless the appropriate stu- only informs our fellow employees of hap - is very important, therefore, that this record dent form or handicapped child form, as penings in and around the workplace, b be kept current. Forms to change applicable, is on file for each dependent over which entertains as well. New faces a w beneficiaries are available through Person- age 19. fresh ideas are always welcome. The next nel. If you need assistance on either of these meeting is September 10th, 9:30 a.m. at Also, health insurance dependents for items, please let me know. The more current the Assessment conference room. Please those carrying family coverage should be your records are, the better your service can feel free to drop in, or contact any board kept current. If you have a new addition, or be from Retirement and from Blue Cross member. Blue Shield. , L