HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06 a slattar fo
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Em I aas and t
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of Tom s Co
Cit June 1991
Volume rVN.N
Wave... DSS!!
Lots of new and exciting happenings are library where videos, reference and
going on at DSS as a result of the County resource manuals, training material, and
Employee survey and DSS's own com- Civil Service information is available for
munication project: staff.
* Renovations and Expansions Training sessions have been given to both
Plans are under way to renovate and ex- supervisors and line staff on the perfor-
4 pand our reception area. Based on a mance evaluation process. A committee
client survey, and employee feedback, it has been formed as a result of this to
i ; was determined that our current recep- review and/or revise our current evalua-
tion area was too small and inefficient. tion form, and to develop consistent
440 1 - criteria for rating the job factors.
Medicaid, Staff Development, and
Resources have relocated to the X -wing, An agency `2 month at a glance calendar'
acs * '
off the 1st floor, thus freeing up some was placed in a central location which
much needed space for the Services notifies employees of the agencies ac-
ilc* i ' � division. This area was previously oc- tivities.
.a ° ,� w - cupied by the Alternate School.
4 t t *. The first stages are underway for
.. _; T . * Staff Development developing Supervisory training. Staff
. . ` Training was a big issue which was Development hopes to have this in place
- .. 4 brought up in both the County employee by the early Fall.
° survey and our own communication
project. The Staff Development Unit has * Mission Statement
begun having several in -house training DSS has developed a mission statement
� �'� sessions on topics the employees have to give all employees a clear vision of
and the yellow ribbons still flutter in the requested. what our goals are.
wind on the Freedom Tree between Slater- The Staff Development Unit now has a
ville and Harford.
Have A Safe and Happy 4th of July ! INSIDE
• County Administrators Report
\*.***,%**: Recruitment and Retention ...pg;
AA \ IIA/ • . + # ** * `\ • Happenings ..pg 2
A A , .. � a Health U
plate - Healthy Heart
Program .... ........ pg 5
11 ' • Press Release
1 Health Department . ....... pg 6
/i 1
COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S even than they are asked to -- because they
REPORT care about the outcome of that work. Hence
the irony -- the consultants are telling us t
part of the "work" that we do from no
COMMUNICATING ON THE JOB needs to be to talk to each other -- to to e
care of ourselves, not just the community.
By: Scott Heyman - County Administrator I described above how important it is to
me to make communication happen. Was I
To make County government work, to ward, problems to be solved, disappointed to look a t the results of the first
enable staff to be effective in carrying out the misunderstandings clarified and roles un- County employee survey and find out that so
policies of 15 people elected from every derstood, I have to know when to step for- many don t feel anyone is talking with them
corner of Tompkins County, I have to make ward and contribute. I try to recognize and "about their job performance, about why
good communications happen. I confer con- accept that responsibility, and I encourage they are doing what they're doing, about the
stantly with 27 department heads who over- the people I work with to let me know when challenges their department and County
see 26 departments (Elections gets two, one I don't. government face.
from each major party), 19 of whom report The results of the survey of employees Yes, I was. But because our consultants
to me and 8 of whom report to the Board of that the Recruitment & Retention Commit- and the Committee did a good job of
Representatives or to the voters, with Board tee commissioned and the County Board developing a set of questions that could get
members and with County employees other authorized and paid for confirm, in my view, at what's really on peoples' minds, and be-
than department heads. the worst about this place we work in. We cause so many employees took the trouble
I do other things to make communica- spend far too little time talking about what to provide candid, honest responses (nearly
tions happen. I try to use what I know about we do, to each other or to the community. half wrote in extra comments of their own),
how County government works to help We lack context, a sense of direction, both we know specifically where and how com-
departments get their work done; I let with respect to the services we deliver and muni u' b is not happening.
department heads and other staff with to our relationships to each other. We talk, You'll be hearing directly from the ,and
problems or concerns know whom to go to, sometimes, about everything except what's from in in your June 27 pay d other kind of information to take with them, most important to us. from this publication and in o
and sometimes even how to present it. You won't read it in the consultant's sum - in the weeks weeks s sound, about the things being
I push teamwork very hard -- ask any mary, but I think the survey also confirmed done so that County government becomes a
department head. But teamwork doesn't what's best about "the County" and its place where all employees know where they
mean I'm the coach, and I tell my players employees -- they care genuinely and deep- stand and what s going on and we
how to work together. A lot of the time I'm ly about the work they do to serve their com- Everyone who works for a living is enti
one of the players. For projects to move for- munity. They often work longer and harder to that.
DAYCARE HAPPENINGS "Preschoolers ", are three and four year
olds. The group usually has approximately
14 or 15 kids with two full-time teachers.
ABOUT THE CENTER - Tompkins CHICKADEES - As the toddlers grow, This group works hard to learn about many
Employees Daycare Center (TEDC) is a they move into a room with one teacher and interesting topics, such as Transportation
not - for - profit organization dedicated to 5 kids, and learn many independent skills. A and The Human Body. They also begin to
providing high quality, professional daycare big step is to be able to get a drink and come learn the letters of the alphabet and how let -
to children of working parents of Tompkins back to the room on their own! Much of the ters and words enable us to read. Besides
County. Licensed for a maximum of 50 potty training is done in this room, and it is going to the library, this group visits the Pre -
children, TEDC offers care for infants, tod- equipped with both a changing area and a school class at the Special Children's Cen-
dlers, and preschoolers. Although TEDC bathroom. However, potty training is never ter every Tuesday morning to play with the
remains open to the general public, County forced on the children, only encouraged kids there.
employees receive a 15% discount in fees. when the children begin to show signs of in- THE KITCHEN - Our center provides
CLASSROOM ORGANIZATION terest. all the children with breakfast, a hot lunch,
INFANTS - The infant program provides DRAGONFLIES - The Dragonflies are and an afternoon snack. Our menu contains
loving care for 8 infants between the ages of mostly three year olds and spend their days no red meat, fresh fruit daily, and little or no
6 weeks and 18 months. Two full -time exploring the world around them. They work sugar. We participate in the USDA food
teachers and one part -time teacher care for together with one another a great deal and program, thus guaranteeing all children are
the infants in a warm, stimulating environ- learn what it is to have "feelingc ". They also served a healthy, well balanced diet.
went, tailored especially for our little take care of their beloved pet turtle, OUTDOORS - The teachers at the cen-
crawlers. Sugar -free baby food is provided, "Spunky", and take daily walks outside. ter try to get the kids outdoors as much as
as well as the option of our cloth diaper ser- JELLYBEANS - This is a group of 7 possible, and they maybe seen walking in the
vice. three year olds who really seem ready to rain with raincoats and boots on cert
WADDLERS - Kids between 18 and 26 develop close social relationships with each days! We have 8 toboggans that we us
months are called Waddlers and you just other. They enjoy involved dramatic play, the side hill whenever we can. There's -
have to watch them to see why. Ten Wad- but also are very interested in learning the ways walks throughout the County grounds
dlers are cared for by two full-time teachers answers to so many questions! This group, and the sprinkler in the summer time. We
in a big open room. The Waddlers enjoy ex- as well as the Dragonflies and Panda Bears, feel it's healthy for the kids to be outdoors,
perimenting with fingerpaint, playdough visit the Public Library twice a month by way and try to take advantage of all types of
and anything else they can get their hands of the City bus. weather.
on! PANDA BEARS - Otherwise known as
Tompkins County • ,. t o
i '-
Welcomes g
0 -.
New Citizens! l ' * 1 •f:
It E
by Aurora R. Valenti - County Clerk ay� ,
_ - 5<z, 4d , 0'
On A ril 25 1991 44 erso were sworn w e , or � ; t, 1
p f P , E48 y a r . +n . , o- r
in as new citizens of the U.S. during the t a / i ;y &ri -,g..r
ceremony presided over by Hon. Patrick D. l
Monserrate, Justice of Supreme Court. Wil- r Fill e. , i iw 377 ° 1l T 4,, '' l� " ' P
Liam S. Seldin, Esq. called the roll and led �1 _ ' '.''.1' 1 a'
the Pledge of Allegiance, a function he has *# w ° d ,,_ ,
performed for the last 18 years. Tompkins �< 11R k .
County Bar Association President Wesley ,° y° I t t o i
E. McDermott gave the address and presen- >dr
tation; County Clerk Aurora R. Valenti ad-
ministered the Oath of Allegiance.
"America" was sung by Corey Gettig before
an audience of approximately 125 persons.
The League of Women Voters supplied ,:.. �, ,s
cookies and punch for the reception follow,
ing the ceremony. Boutonnieres and cor- ° �"
sages were graciously donated by the Wells _ 1; ..
family of Flowerfield Florists; the Plantation ,. ' , . ; 7 1 r
supplied a lovely floral arrangement. ` *
You are cordially invited to join the fes- �. N a -
tivities on October 17, 1991, at 2:00 p.m. in w
the main court room at 320 North Tioga _e_
eet for the next Naturalization Day �
emony. It is possible that this will be the °. ,.` ;b`a
ast time Tompkins County will host this im- , , '`T € ,, '
portant occasion, and I know you feel as _g
strongly as I that the individuals who are be- ,, I - ... , „ , .. ,vost coming citizens of our wonderful country M t� .
should be inducted in a manner which will
insure that they will remember this day as
one of the most important in their lives. We Many veterans marched in the parade on June 16 celebrating Flag Day. The parade
hope to have a small reception following the was also held to honor our veterans.
ceremony, as we did m April.
of Photos by Bill Chapp
milillhoilifillim 4 F .
ri rviri by: Marilyn Strassberg
l , l 0 A special low -cost academic program is Elderhostel courses are in the Liberal .
again being offered to older adults this com- Arts and Sciences. They are not for credit,
� " } ing summer at over 1,000 different colleges and there are no exams, grades or
and universities both in the U.S. and over- homework! No particular previous
T. seas. knowledge or study is presupposed. Some
participants have Ph.Ds while others have
Elderhostel is an educational program never graduated from high school. All that
specifically created for individuals 60 years is needed is a lifetime of experience and an
A of age or older. A companion 50 years old inquiring mind to enjoy the Elderhostel
or older may accompany a participant who program of your choice either in the U.S. or
is at least 60. The costs are kept low. The in over 40 countries abroad!
typical charge for a 6 -night program in the
U.S. is $235 and in Canada $255. The costs Please stop in at COFA's office at 309
F include registration costs, six nights accom North Tioga Street to take a look at the latest
modations, all meals, five days of classes and catalogue or write to: Elderhostel, 75
a variety of extra - curricular activities. Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110.
Law Enforcement Carries The Torch..
On Friday, June 14, 1991, the Special •
The Special Olympics Are True ly
Olympics was formally welcomed to Ithaca
at the end of the Law Enforcement Officers
Torch Run with a ceremony on the Ithaca ' , q Y
Commons at noon. , -
% Many local law enforcement officers par- ,, j i�
ticipated in the Torch Run, designed to raise .. 4- t 1 . i� £ •, y
money for the Special Olympics and to "t "° &
promote interest in these events for special 's '. f '
participants. The Torch Run began in Mon- 4 f ; , , -
tauk, New York, on Saturday, June 8, and ., ° "'
me munial
had many "arms" across New York State "
with runners coming towards Cortland from " " , :' a►
Buffalo, Watertown, Albany, and other "`""""'", " --► - i i"`
cities across the State. Y''
Among the participants in the Torch
Run, bringing the run to a close with the final
.r � rn me.rrr
lap from Cortland to Ithaca, was Tompkins -- -- 4
County's own Charles O'Dell, Deputy
Sheriff. Other members of the department
also participated in the ceremony at noon, Some of the law enforcement personnel who carried the torch through Tompkins
among them Sheriff Emery Guest and Sgt. County.
Dewey Dawson.
r ,.,, , _:i e go..; ,,,. v -, , ...,; , y. ,, . ' '‘
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Sheriffs' cars were part of the Law Enforcement escort for runners in the Special Olym-
, $ .. A- x
Photos by Judy Tynyk
*,,,t's ''''''
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FOR RENT - 1988 mobile home set up on spacious lot. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Deck and
, _ shed included. 659- 3941 - Ask for Mary or Jim.
FOR SALE - 1987 Ford Aerostar - 5 speed, cruise, roof rack - $5700. Call 315- 497 -0613
Sgt. Dewey Dawson and Deputy Sheriff
Charles O'Dell. Send your unclassified ad to County Corridors, C/O Purchasing.
blood pressure)?
by: Theresa Lyczko - Cayuga - Tompkins The heart is a pump that pushes blood
Healthy Heart Program Iretta Ellis and of course, Cheryl Nelson. through all the vessels in the body. HIGH
The Public Works team is serious about blood pressure is a disease, usually without
Nearly every day during lunch hour, its commitment to walk regularly. They ar- symptoms, characterized by consistently sus-
Karen Rose takes a break from her job at the ranged for stretching exercises before they tained elevated blood pressure readings.
health department and takes a walk. She start out and they have mapped out routes High blood pressure is a leading cause of
dons her shorts, walking shoes and around their Bostwick Road office. heart disease, strokes, kidney disease, eye
"Walkman" and makes her way around the There are two groups that meet each day disorders, and other serious complications.
Biggs complex and down Dubois Road. in the front office -- one at 11:30 and the WHAT WE ARE DOING TO HELP
Karen's a vigorous walker -- fast pace, long other at 12:30. The walkers cover about 2.8 YOU!
strides with pumping arm movements. "I miles in 48 minutes. "Those are the novice We provide blood pressure screening,
started to walk because I wanted to become walkers," Nelson points out, "but I know we counseling, referral and follow -up services
more fit and to be a better softball player. will increase the mileage as we continue to to over 5,000 people each year.
And since I've started walking, I've noticed walk every day". Some of the walkers in the We make it easier for you to have your
that I have more energy and just feel good group are out of shape or want to shed a few blood pressure checked by having clinics at
about myself," she said. pounds and want to feel healthier. Walking worksites.
Karen has inspired her sister to join her is the place to start. Recent research from We identify individuals who need to see a
also. "My sister and her family decided to the Aerobics Institute in Dallas has shown doctor and refer them to their physician for
change their diet and eat healthier. I sug- that walking three miles a day, five days a diagnosis and treatment.
gested she take it one step further and in- week for six months can help to reduce Car- We aid people who have high blood pres-
clude exercise in the changes she was diovascular risk as measured by significant sure to maintain the course of treatment
making. Now we walk every morning at 5:30 improvement in HDL levels (the good prescribed.
a.m." Her sister has now begun to enjoy cholesterol). Consistency in exercising, not
many of the same benefits as Karen and one intensity is the key. TOMPKINS COUNTY
, ey both share together. "Walking together BLOOD PRESSURE CLINICS FOR THE
ery day has given us some valuable `sister- MONTH OF
to- sister' time that we now enjoy regularly." "Our co- workers have noticed that we JULY
Walking is "contagious." Other County have more energy after our walk. We July 10 County Landfill 2:00 -3:00 p.m.
employees from the Biggs complex enjoy feel like we're ready to `take on the July 11 Downtown Complex - Courthouse
walking during lunch time, and since May 1, world' in the afternoon." Rm. 201 9:00 -12:00 p.m.
the numbers have been growing. The Heal- July 16 Public Works 3:30 -5:30 p.m.
thy Heart Program might be responsible for July 17 Public Works
some of the increase. From May 1 to May 31, Along with the cardiovascular benefits, Lunch room 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
the Healthy Heart Program's Walk to a State walking provides other bonuses as well. July 25 Airport 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
of Health community campaign has chal- Cheryl Nelson explains: "Our co- workers
lenged community members to get fit by have noticed that we have more energy after Other clinics in the county will be
making walking a part of one's daily routine. our walk. We feel like we're ready to `take scheduled in August. All county employees
Sixty-five teams from schools, worksites and on the world' in the afternoon. We have a are invited to come to the site closest to your
community organizations have joined in the chance to vent frustrations and enjoy a laugh workplace. For additional information con -
challenge. And of the sixty -five teams or two together." tact: D.J. Fowler, Hypertension Control
entered, SIXTEEN teams are comprised of The Public Works department team in- Program - 273 -7272.
Tompkins County employees! tends to continue walking together after the
The Planning Department, Department Healthy Heart's walking campaign is over Golden Park Passes
of Social Services, Assessment, Personnel, and to encourage other co- workers who Phased Out
Health Department (10 teams!), and the didn't participate to join them. "We're cer-
Department of Public Works have joined in tainly interested in where our team placed Free access to New York State's parks on
the campaign and made walking a part of in the walking campaign, but no matter weekdays (except holidays) is still available
their regular routine. where we placed, we certainly have achieved
to residents 62 and older but Golden Park
Cheryl Nelson, Public Works Ad- something valuable ", said Nelson. "Not bad
ministrator, said that in her department, for a group of sedentary office people, " she Passes are no longer required. Instead, you
conversation would often center on the need added. Congratulations to all the walkers
o are ma
and desire to exercise. "The Walk to a State making the effort to become more can present your current NYS driver s
who li cense.
If you don't have a license, you may use
f Health provided the incentive we Physically
S eeded," she said. "As a result we have active and take charge of their your pass until March 31, 1992. After that
health, you will need a Non - Driver's Identification
several divisions of the department repre- Keep the Healthy Heart Program in mind Card. Contact the Motor Vehicle Office.
sented: solid waste, highway and engineering for more information on walking, other Entrance passes for permanently dis-
and Public Works administration." Par- forms of exercise, low -fat foods and smok- abled people of any age are available for
ticipants include Andrea Whitney, Michelle ing cessation. Call 277 -8171 or stop by the
office located in the Health Department. New York State parks by writing: Access
Westervelt, Shirley Hilker, Margo Koonce, Pass, State Parks, Albany, NY 12238.
May 20, 1991
To Whom it May Concern, New Yorkers Urged to Use Lower Concentration DEET
I don't know if you will allow a Thank The Department of Environmental Conservation, on the recommendation o
you ad put in the Corridors, but I couldn't Health Department, has filed a proposed rule that would prohibit the distribution or
think of a better way to thank the whole sale of repellents containing more than 30 percent N, N- diethyl -m- toluamide
entire staff of Tompkins County. My name (DEET). Repellents, insecticides and other pesticide products must have DEC
is Mary Church, Case Aide for the registration to be sold in the state. Until the rule making process is completed, New
Tompkins County Out patient Clinic. I Yorkers are urged to use only products with 30 percent or less DEET.
went into the hospital on September 29, Products containing DEET are beneficial insect repellents, but have also been as-
1990 to have a baby and d many sociated with skin and neurological reactions. Recent concern about Lyme Disease,
complications during delivery. I developed
d a dis- which is transmitted by infected deer ticks, has led to the marketing of high concentra-
ease called ec durng a that went unddis- tion DEET products and the possibility that people will apply excessive amounts of
nosed, and became very ill. As a result, I insect repellents.
was in Robert Packer Hospital until In general, reported adverse effects in adults using DEET are limited to skin reac-
was in er 30,1990. tions. But, there have been reports of serious neurological problems in children after
The support I received from my co- excessive application of DEET- containing repellents on the skin. These problems,
workers of Tompkins County was tremen- although uncommon, have ranged from slurred speech and confusion to seizures and
dous - from prayers to cards to flowers. This means:
They even went so far as to help me pay
some of my larger bills. Every time I think • Use all repellents sparingly.
of this I get tears in my eyes. They say that • Avoid prolonged and excessive use of DEET. Use just enough repellent to cover
the Lord works in mysterious ways; well it exposed skin or clothing; do not treat unexposed skin.
is no mystery to me. I work with a very • Particularly with children, try to reduce chemical use be dressing them in long
loving, sensitive group of people. sleeves and long pants when possible. Apply repellents to clothing, when possible.
I just wanted to say Thank You from • Don't apply repellents to portions of children's hands that are likely to go into
the bottom of my heart for everyones' love, their eyes or mouth.
support and generosity through the • Avoid use of any DEET products on damaged skin. Studies show that DEET is
roughest time of my life. I would not be readily absorbed through the skin. Skin damaged by sunburn, cuts, psorias
where I am today. other conditions increases absorption.
• Avoid inhaling or ingesting repellents when being applied. Keep repellents ou
Thanks again, eyes.
Mary Church • After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water.
• If you suspect you or your child are reacting to an insect repellent, wash treated
skm and call your doctor. When you go to the doctor, take the repellent with you.
• A public hearing on the proposed rule will be held at 1 p.m., July 23 at the Depart-
ment of Agriculture and Markets building in Albany. Comments on the proposed
C OMINGS AND rule may also be filed in writing and should be sent to: Frank Hegener, N.Y.S. Depart-
GOINGS ment of Environmental Conservation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233 -7254.
to Denise Green who works for DSS in the Fraud investigation unit and her husband. PLANNING
Their first child, Ashley Elizabeth, who weighed in at 10 lbs. and 11 oz., was born on May NOW AVAILABLE - AMERICAN
to Jim Ellis who works for the DSS employment Unit and his wife. Their first child, Aaron AMERICAN EXPRESS GIFT CHE-
James, was born on May 18,1991, and weighed 7 lbs. and 8 oz. Jim will be spending the next QUES ARE NOW AT YOUR CREDIT
several weeks at home with his new family. UNION! NO FEES OR CHARGES FOR
to John White whose last day was May 31, 1991. John was a Caseworker in the Services OUR MEMBERS.
Ongoing unit at DSS. John is moving on to bigger and better things. Also available are discount tickets to
to Marie Mauboussin whose last day was also May 31, 1991. Marie was a Senior WaterSafari at Old Forge, NY, Darien
Caseworker in the Child Protective Services unit of DSS. Marie has excepted a job with Lake at Darien Center, NY, Seabreeze at
BOCES. Rochester; also discount coupons for Her -
to Maryanne Banks who has been appointed to the position of DIRECTOR OF THE shey Park in Hershey, PA, and Dor
SERVICES DIVISION at DSS. Park and Wildwater Kingdom at Al•
to Hazel Brampton, retiring from Mental Health as a Psychiatric Social Worker on July town, PA.
6, 1991. Best wishes, Hazel, and do enjoy all those things you've got lined up to fill your Part -time and templorary employees
days...relaxing, gardening, etc., etc. are eligible and welcome to join the Credit
to Juanita Quailes' son -in -law, Craig, who returned home to Germany on May 10, from Union so bring in your new co- workers to
Saudia Arabia. We're glad he's back! take advantage of Tompkins Employees
to all the families who have high school graduates this month. ZJ Recycled paper Federal Credit Union services.