HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05 17." ....•
A Newsletter for
Ills%iiiimi :.:.:.::::':...:::. - •••••:.• Employees and Retirees
of Tompkins County
May, 1991
.:, \' Volume N, No. 111
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r Y. ON
it.,,,,:' "THE BANKER'S
F by: Louise McEwen
� .., , Some of you ordered your personal
1T)') (_) � { copy of "The Banker's Secret" as the
°� - s ,i result of an earlier article in the COR-
4 • ��� � w + KIUORS. I hope it has been useful to you
ill ,
�,, v .4 in saving money!! I just want to make you
WM : . 47, '' all aware that they have started publica-
g tion of a quarterly "Banker's Secret Bul-
$' ° letin" at $19.95 per year ... but you may
i _ t V , ,. have a sample copy by requesting one and
- a to
sending $1.00 to The Banker's Secret, Box
a 4? i , t 78, Elizaville, NY 12523. The Bulletin
covers a variety of topics and is well worth
.. gliti � " $ "` �.. the $1.00. So ... try it and see.
Tompkins County Mental Health Center held its Cornerstone Dedication on March 21,
1991. Shown here placing the cornerstone are (left) Charlie Evans, Chairperson - TC
Community Mental Health Services Board and (right) Dan Winch, Chairperson - TC
Mental Health Center Building Committee. r.:
WANTED! ,,. �:
Tompkins Employees Daycare Center, located in Biggs B, is a private,
not - for - profit Center which is partially subsidized by Tompkins
County. The Board of Directors of the Center is currently recruiting #
Tompkins County employees to serve on the Board. This would be a
wonderful opportunity to work with a committed group of individuals
S whose goal is to continue providing quality, loving child care for the
children of employees of Tompkins County. The only experience
required is love of children and a desire to enhance the workplace. Smokey the Courthouse Cat thinks that
For further information please contact Fefe Barno- Rossi, Center County Corridors needs color! And what
Director, at 273 -6785 OR John Beach, Board Chairperson, at the Smokey wants Smokey gets, thanks to
STOP - DWI office, 274 - 5524. our new printer Gregory Paul Press!
Photo by Marilyn Strassberg - COFA
COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S Employees (except the Sheriffs Depart-
ment employees), who have not received in-
formation on this subject, may ask
REPORT department head or authorized union
There are a significant number of
By: Scott Heyman - County Administrator employees in the CSEA Blue Collar Unit
Tompkins County and New York State difficult. Thanks to this strong sense of in- whose labor grades drop, but whose pay in-
Budgets volvement on the part of department heads creases because of the County's proposal to
The State of New York still has no and their employees, the County is well posi- pay 40 hour employees in that Unit 143 per -
budget, but the acrimony and finger point - tioned to respond to the new State budget cent more than 35 hour employees in the
ing have gained considerable momentum. and to minimize any negative impacts on same labor grade. There is no "catch" to this
County department heads have com- either our service recipients, our employees -- these employees will not be asked to "give
pleted their review of potential impacts of or taxpayers. something back" in future negotiations be-
the State budget on Tompkins County's cause of this change. The pay increases are
finances, and the losses in State aid appear Reclassification and Pay Equity Project just that -- pay increases.
to be in the $500,000 range. How hard will At this writing information has been
this hit us? How difficult will it be to sustain shared and negotiations /discussions begun County United Way Giving Drops
County services and maintain reasonable tax with CSEA white and blue collar employees, Final figures show that giving to the
levels in 1992? Answers to these questions management employees and confidential Tompkins County United Way by County
won't be known until the State actually employees. Negotiations with the Deputy employees dropped 1 percent from 1989.
produces a budget, and its impacts, both ap- Sheriffs' Association have been postponed. Total giving by all departments and
parent and hidden, can be known and as- Salary proposals are being widely discussed retirees was $14,410 for 1990 after reaching
sessed. and a variety of comments received. The $14,525 in 1989. Most County departments
Nevertheless, a cooperative effort on the Personnel Committee is prepared to recom- showed increases, but a significant decrease
part of all County department heads without mend implementation of the study, effective in one department brought the overall total
exception has resulted in the reduction of approximately four weeks after agreement down.
more than $600,000 in County spending with each of the employee groups. Campaign coordinators will be meeting
during 1991 which was done in response to The number of employees whose salaries soon to discuss ways to return to a pattern
State of New York budget cutting in Decem- are increasing as a result of this project out- of significant increased giving over each of
ber of last year. Any failure to have dealt ag- numbers those whose salary range will the last three years.
gressively with these losses would have decrease (while their current salary stays the
made 1992 budget - making that much more same) by more than five to one.
DAYCARE HAPPENINGS help. On Earth Day they went out and col-
lected garbage, and the older kids help us
rinse out the milk jugs for recycling every
by: FeFe Barno -Rossi equipment and have been trying to decide day. We now recycle all aluminum cans (for
On April 27th the Tompkins Employee on just what we want to buy first. cooking), plastic, cardboard and paper at
Daycare Center held an Open House to We also planted a beautiful flowering the Center. We also offer a cloth diaper ser-
enable families to spend some time with tree in our playground during the Open vice and have many parents who take ad-
their children at the Center and to provide House in honor of Arbor Day. The tree was vantage of it. We are doing our best to make
an opportunity for interested newcomers to donated by McGuire Gardens and very sure that the children we care for grow up in
have a look around. It was a beautiful day much appreciated. During the digging of the a clean, healthy environment.
and was enjoyed by all who attended. The hole for the tree the kids discovered that big Our offer is still open for tours of the
big event was the drawing for the 50/50 raf- worms live under the ground. To them, this Center. Just call 273 -6785 and ask for FeFe.
fle - the winner was Tim Hilts of Newfield, was a great treasure!
who is now $900 richer! A special thanks to We have been trying to do what we can to r 10 t 4
all of you who purchased tickets. We plan to help take care of the earth and are teaching
spend our share on some new playground the kids at the Center what they can do to tl.:
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Everyone loves a good sandbox! Shown here are (left) Diana McComb; Sue Hallock (In-
Front row: Alex Teeter and Andrew Clement. Second row: Cas- fant Teacher); Janis and Nicky Avery, enjoying themsel-
sandra Faamuli. and Camillia Faamuli. ves on Open House Day.
RESPITE SERVICES Have A Safe, Sober, Summer
..._. Season
From: John P. Beach - Stop -DWI Coor- and develop even more creative strategies
dinator that will address the needs for rehabilitation
By all indications, during the 1980s a sig- for the drunk driver. The hospitality in-
nificant impact was made in reducing the dustry (restaurants, taverns, hotels /motels,
number of alcohol - related crashes and etc.) must make a commitment to provide all
ry fatalities in New York State. But a disturb- servers of alcohol with the proper training
ing trend is observed when one looks at the to be responsible servers. Those in the in-
.a , available statistics -- almost all significant dustry must also maintain a commitment to
+ gains occurred during the early part of the not serve an intoxicated individual or minor,
decade, and since 1986 most positive in- and, perhaps most importantly, recognize
r dicators have leveled off. that they too share in the responsibility for
A report issued by the Assembly Com- the actions of their patrons.
mittee on Transportation in June, 1990 titled Finally, as a community we need to
' Drunk Driving Reform in New York State: remain committed to the value of all public
A Ten Year Review relates the following information and educational efforts for it is
points: through these that we all gain knowledge
• one out of every 10 American drinkers and make responsible decisions. Children
mob'" has a significant alcohol related are our community's most valuable
" 1 4 resource. We should maintain all efforts that
=0K A - problem;
will provide our next generation with the in-
• 10% of the nation's drinkers consume formation they need conceming substance
Donna Holt, COFA's new Respite Case more than 50% of the entire U.S. abuse (particularly alcohol) and the im-
production of alcoholic beverages; plications of different decisions.
Manager, answers a phone inquiry.
• 7% of the driving population accounts
for more than 66% of all alcohol -re-
lated fatal accidents; and Drunk drivers do not discriminate.
III nationwide, the average drunk driver ar- Each one of us is a potential victim.
rested has a blood alcohol concentra-
tion level of .20 (the equivalent of more The carnage related to drinking and driv-
The following article is taken from The than 11 drinks in one hour by a 180 ing is an ongoing national tragedy that con -
Senior Circle - May 1 991. pound person).
y According to the NYS Division of Al- tmues to demand the attention of all of us.
Donna Holt was named to the new osi- cohol & Alcohol Abuse, the adjusted rate of None of us can relax or divert our attention
P as long as we continue to be threatened with
tion of Respite Case Manager with the Of- recidivism is 32% and has shown a steady in- the presence of drinking drivers on our high -
fice for the Aging beginning April 1, 1991. crease since 1984. ways. We are all at risk. We must continue
Donna received her bachelor's degree in All concerned with the problem of drunk to be vigilant and make even more continue
Sociology from Saint Michael's College, driving need to refocus their energies and
nhicant inroads in reducing, all methods,
Winooski, Vermont and has been with the recommit themselves to working even har- the number of drinking drivers. In the short
Office for the Aging since December, 1988. der to remove the drinking driver from our term we can accomplish this by increasing
Her most recent position was that of Out- streets and highways. STOP -DWI coor- arrests and actually removing the drinking
reach Worker for both the HEAP and Per- dinators must continue to act as community driver from our roads, hopefully before a
sonal Emergency Response System (PERS) catalysts, developing and coordinating a crash occurs. In the long term we need to
comprehensive network of community
P y continue all of our efforts until it is no longer
The Respite Program am provides trained programs. Law enforcement personnel
substitute care for a homebound person must redouble their efforts to arrest the a Drunk drivers do not discriminate. Each
over the age of 60. This in -home service is drunk driver, hopefully before a crash oc- one of us is a potential victim. Since 1981 in
provided for up to a maximum of three hours curs. Our legal system must respond to the Tompkins County there have been over 65
per week per client and enables caregivers needs of the community and deal with the
people killed and over 1600 injured in al-
to take some "time off" from the respon- drunk driver in a firm yet fair manner. Ap- co I hol- related crashes. Enough!
sibilities of caring for a physically or emo- propriate alternatives to incarceration
Perhaps laced when we complete the 1990s and
tionally dependent person. This service is should be developed to provide the courts celebrate the 20th anniversary of the STOP -
usually offered between 9am and 5pm week - with even more viable alternatives for sen- DWI movement in New York State, we can
days. Fees for this service range from $0 to tencing. In addition, the courts must con- look back with a degree of satisfaction that
.25 per houir and are determined using an tinue to open up the judicial process to the this decade marked a recommitment to the
*come -based sliding fee scale. real constituents of the drunk driving
8 challenge of removing the drinking driver
For more information about the Respite Problem - the victims and their families - and from our roads and to even more significant -
Program, please call Donna at the Office for listen to their voices and their pleas for ly reduce eve
the injuries and deaths. I believe
the Aging, 277 -0148. recognition. Probation officers and the
that we reduce the istoourselvesandtoour eve
treatment community must intensify efforts that muray.
i o o Recycled paper
NEW! LOWER NEW CAR RATES! FOR SALE: Extremely well maintained
older mobile home set up in Pleasant View
Park, Dryden. 2/3 bedroom, washer & dryer,
mostly furnished, 12 x 12 add -a -room, 12 x
Come to the credit union first for your new car loan - 12 covered deck, 2 sheds. $14,900 (nego-
Liable) Phone 844 -4765 after 5 p.m. or
compare before you sign. weekends.
$20,000 maximum loan - 100% financing
YARD SALE - Saturday, May 25th (rain
36 months 9.9% date - Sunday, May 26th) 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. -
2039 Elmira Road, Newfield. Household
48 months 10.9% goods, women's clothing suitable for the of-
60 months 11.9% rice, exercise bike, rocking chair, large metal
wardrobe and other odds and ends.
Change your mind? If you have financed your new car through another finan-
cial institution and wish you had financed it at Tompkins Employees Federal NU 2 U STORE, 202 Taughannock
Credit Union - there still might be time to change your mind. We will now Blvd. will be accepting clothing and acces-
refinance a new car loan within 60 days of signing with another credit union or sories consignments starting May 15th from
bank. Stop in and pick up an application - we will be happy to answer any ques 8-10 a.m. and 12-2 p.m., Tuesday Saturday.
lions. Clothing must be clean and pressed (no
Plan ahead! You may have a new car (or any loan) pre - approved. Following stains) and on hangers.
approval we can hold your loan for up to 45 days until you find just what you are
looking for. GRAND OPENING, June 1,1991- NU-
COMING SOON American Express Travel Cheques. 2-U STORE, 202 Taughannock Blvd.
featuring gently worn, quality clothes a
FREE FREE FREE FREE.... accessories at affordable prices. NU-
will also feature an exclusive line of n
fashions by TYNYK ORIGINALS. Store
hours olbeTucdS, 0 a.m. -
p.m. Stop in and d see see our our ever-changing
to Phyllis Howell, retiring after 25 years of faithful service to Tompkins County, most Employee Pool
recently as Clerk of the Board of Representatives. As of May 31, Phyllis will "hang up her
pen" and become a retiree. Many best wishes for long years of continued health and hap- Update
pincss, Phyllis, and thanks!
to Mary DiGiacomo, retiring after 13 -plus years as the Stenographer in the Planning by: Cathy Eldridge, DSS
Department. Mary will be doing some traveling and then just enjoying life with her family. At the last Emergcncy Employee Pool
All our very best wishes to you, Mary, and thank you, too, for your fine service to the Coun- Committee meeting on March 14, 1991, the
t y ! latest financial statement was distributed
r -, and showed a balance of $13,986.46. The
Committee discussed the ground rule: The
FREE U N C LAS S I F I E D S employee would have to give consent for the
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees Committee to review the employee's re
and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal quest and look into the situation. Two words
ads will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed have been added to this at the end, "if
in the ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. needed." So it will now read: "The employee
would have to give consent for the Commit-
tee to review the employee's request •
look into the situation if needed."
The Emergency Employee Pool Com-
mittee is looking into getting some thank you
notes printed to send to donors for donating
their time. No new meeting date has been set
until June 20th unless a new request is
J received.