HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02 i El Newsletter for
aas and Retirees
Employ R
`, of Tompkins County
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For the men and women serving in Desert
4th, Storm their days can be long, hot, and dusty!
C " Il They really enjoy news from home and need
-► J , '" , to know that we care about them! If you
would like to drop a letter to our troops sta-
''` ; tioned in the Persian Gulf, here are two ad-
1, , dresses to do so.
! it ,
r� i' To reach personnel stationed on land
, it write to:
k e i Any Serviceperson
/ ' ) Operation Desert Shield
/ ,, ' '• APO New York, NY 09848 — 0006
Ilk, ill ?
11 To reach personnel stationed on ships
I in write to:
Any Serviceperson
Operation Desert Shield
FPO New York, NY 09866 -0006
g .. •
If any of you have family members and/or
Marty Luster, New York State Assemblyman and friends stationed in the Persian Gulf, Coun-
ty Corridors would be happy to print their
Stan Lundine, Lieutenant Governor spoke at the official names and addresses so County employees
opening of the new Mental Health building. and retirees can write to them. Send their
names and addresses to:
More pictures on page two.
County Corridors
SAVINGS BOND PROGRAM 301 Harris B. Dates Dr.
or inter - office mail to:
County Corridors
c/o Purchasing and Central Services
by: L. McEwen, Benefits Manager _ \ /411
The County is looking at the possibility of instituting a payroll deduction program for
0 purchase of U. S. Savings Bonds. Before we proceed it would be helpful to have WO
ployee input to determine the feasibility of programming the payroll system to accom- j ,
modate this new deduction.
Would you kindly take a minute to drop Personnel a note and advise ... "Yes, I'm
definitely interested" or "No, I wouldn't be interested ". This would be a great help. Lack
of response will probably mean no further consideration of this program at this time. ,I
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by: Scott Heyman increase is assumed. A "mandates reduction" initiative en-
On February 11th Kathy West, Director School district aid, the largest item in the dorsed by the Governor and the State As-
of Budget & Finance, and I attended meet- State budget, drops 10 percent. sociation of Counties will, if enacted, lessen
ings in Albany at which County Executives, The impact on counties is equally severe. the financial burden on counties and further
Administrators and Budget Officers were Highway aid down 62 percent (for reduce State spending, but it is finding stiff
briefed by the State Division of Budget on Tompkins, approximately $600,000); resistance from some in the Legislature be-
the impact of the Governor's budget on Medicaid assistance for mandated long- cause it includes a wide range of service cut -
counties. term care costs sharply reduced; elimination backs, most notably, medical services to poor
Recent State budgets have been difficult, of State funding for "Title XX" services people.
their impact on localities harsh. This year is through the Social Services Department; a The Governor's proposal closes a gap of
entirely different. probable requirement to accept prisoners $6 billion (in a $30 billion budget) through
The scale of spending reductions sentenced to three years or less in County $4.5 billion in spending reductions and $1.5
proposed by the Governor is unprece- jails (the limit now is one year), which will billion in nuisance tax increases and base
dented. push jail costs up sharply (the State is not broadeners. No increases in general taxes
Every department of State government even going to open some of the prisons it (income or sales) are proposed.
except Corrections faces a 12 -15 percent recently built); Probation aid down; Youth This column will keep employees up to
spending reduction. Bureau aid down nearly 50 percent; a 13 —18 date as the State budget moves toward adop-
Spending for SUNY and CUNY drops percent cut in programs for the frail elderly. tion and as Tompkins County adjusts to the
nearly 10 percent and a $500 yearly tuition And many more. realities it imposes.
The Decision Is Yours
by: Michelle Gladu act according to th w of the patient or The proxy form itself is simple and
Since January 18, 1991, New York State according to what the agent feels is in the straightfo No lawyer is needed to
es idents have had a new means of assuring best interests of the patient. draw up a form, it only needs tobe witnessed
that their wishes concerning medical treat- The health care proxy form differs from and signed by two adults. There is space on
ment will be carried out. a living will in that the living will is an oppor- the form to list instructions for the agent, but
The State's Health Care Proxy Law al- tunity to express beliefs about life and death nutrition and hydration is the only type of
lows adults to appoint someone else to make and outline what types of treatment a person treatment that a person appointing an agent
health care decisions for them should they may or may not want under certain cir- needs to give the agent permission to
become incapacitated. cumstances. The proxy, however, provides authorize.
The person chosen to make decisions, an agent who will be responsible for making An alternate agent can also be named in
known as the health care agent, can only act sure these directives are followed. case the original agent becomes unavail-
once the patient has been declared incom- It may be helpful to have both a living will able.
petent by an attending physician. and a proxy form completed, because a Copies otf the health care proxy form are
Once it is determined that a patient is un- health care agent can use the wishes ex- available at:
able to make his or her own decisions p in the living will as a guide for Office for the Aging 277 -0148
regarding medical treatment, the agent must making decisions concerning a patient. Health Department 273 -7272
Assigned Council Opens in Center I
The Assigncd Counsel Office was created counsel and acting on a list of eligible and approximately 50 attorneys who take these
by the County Board of Representatives and willing attorneys we then make the assign- cases. We continuously look to recruit new
the Advisory Board on Indigent Repre- ment. attorneys to the list and to share the respon-
sentation to serve the needs of those unable Our office is charged with working on sib
* afford an attorney. standardized eligibility guidelines for all We are located at Suite 227 in Center
It is constitutional right for anyone being courts, setting up an attorney mentoring sys- Ithaca and are staffed by 2 full time
charged with a crime, other than traffic in- tem (more experienced attorneys helping employees, Greg Kirchgessner and Doreen
fractions and violations, to be represented by new attorneys in cases) and starting a brief Lauper, and a part time supervising attor-
an attorney. Our office receives referrals and motion bank. ney, Robert E. Stolp.
from the courts and OAR (Offender Aid and The Assigned Counsel Office handles ap-
Restoration) for those unable to afford proximately 1,300 referrals a year and has
1'6' 3 ' ~�� ;'' + PRESS RELEASE
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{ w � ` t " `` Ground Breaking 0
' I Ceremony
• a x Juniper Manor 11
! *, iN r t
A ground breaking ceremony for the new
% � '; 7 — . , - j ; t senior citizen housing complex, Juniper
_ i! Manor II, was held in Trumansburg, NY.
�— • r r' s 14 '1..." • This project is being built for Trumansburg
_" - �? .„f. Seniors, Inc. by Better Housing for
�= "' , Tompkins County, Inc., both not- for - profit
— ` �� corporations. James Mason, from Ulysses
:- = '! � ,�� _ s and chairman of the Board of Repre-
,,! - . -• sentatives, represented Tompkins County at
d. a _.� : - the ground breaking. Other special guests in
i eluded James L. Seward, State Senator; Mar-
- _ t. .
tin Luster, State Assemblyman; Tom Ben
^`'' ,ge r - I ,e ,�_
" . �+ i '"� nett, Mayor of Trumansburg; and Stocky
.. x ''43;"1", " �"' Clark, Assistant Commissioner for the New
_,..201116: _,..201116: . - York State Division of Housing and Com-
munity Renewal.
NEED A SPRING OR SUMMER Juniper Manor II will be a 20 unit housing
GETAWAY? comple x. It is funded by NYS Housing Trust
(LTI � Plan for a day's charter on the "Trophy Fund Corporation — Turnkey Program with
Dancer ", a 28 -foot Carver, for high -tech local construction financing provided by
fishing or simple cruising on Cayuga Lake. Tompkins County Trust Company. The
FOR SALE: 22 FT STARCRAFT contact Captain Bob Dutcher (607 -257- chitect is Anton Egner and Associates,
CHIEFTAIN: 4 -cyl., I /O, aluminum, trailer, 2025) for more information and prices. the general contractor is Two Plus Four C
canvas, AM/FM tape stereo, Port —A — Pot, Makes a great gift, too! struction Company. Completion is expected
rigged for downrigger fishing, all acces- late spring or early summer.
sories. $6000. Evenings 607- 273 -1022 or 607- Experienced seamstress will create For more information call Better Housing
564 -3308. women's and children's fashions, custom at 273 -2187.
. made especially for you by TYNYK
FORSALE:Chevctte — 1982 — 4door, ORIGINALS, from your pattern and
4 speed, good tires and snows, new brakes, material. Reasonable price quotes in ad-
exhaust, springs. $800. 273-1022 evenings. vance and assistance in material selection.
For more information call 564 -9244 even -
Carpentry /Roofing, all phases. Free es- ings and weekcnds.
timates, references. Larry (607) 659 -3918,
everyone on your list... New Executive, Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors
FOR SALE: chest freezer 15.7 cubic Writer's Retreat, English Afternoon Tea, are selected by the volunteer editorial board
feet. Montgomery Ward. $150.00 Jim or Ale House Lovers, New Homeowners, and
based e their interest . Tompkins County to
> employees and retirees. Material is solicited from
Sandy Strchle 315- 497 -0613 Call anytime more. THE MARKET SQUARE — current employees, retirees and others.
before 9:00 p.m. 272 -2090 County Corridors is published by County Central
Services using "desktop publishing" typography
and layout.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial
MY GOES OUT TO THEM! board which reserves the right to edit any submis-
sions. The editorial board is made up of Karen
Barry, Bill Chapp, Sharon Cooper, Iretta Ellis,
Jeanne Frandsen, Scott Heyman, Louise Mc-
by: Louise McEwen
Ewen, Joyce Musson, Marilyn Strassberg, and
Even though Valentine's Day has passed, my heart goes out to the employees of the Cor may be sent through County
Public Works Department for their generous contributions to assist a fellow employee. inter - office mail to:
Hearsay has it that many Public Works employees gave sizable gifts to assist an employee County Corridors
injured off the job in October, who received his last County pay in December, and in so c/o Purchasing & Central Services
doing, enabled that employee to pay off his Retirement arrears and have some money left or via Us Mail to:
over to help with accumulated bills! My hats are off to a group of employees who have al- Newsletter 0/0 Purchasing & Central Services
ways been known to be "generous — plus" in helping someone in need. Thank you, one and Sot Harris B. Dates Dr.
all, for this outpouring of love and concern. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850