HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12 tii44J.•. ..„., :: ,::, 4 „,...:: :: ::,: : :., :: 7 .:::::*, Newsletter r for C'''''''''" O „': ''''''.* ''' ::..,:*„. ..:::::,„„TY " Employees and Retirees lraa s • of Tompkins County .....:.: P ::::::::::::::::..:::::::::::::::. -.::.,:::::::::::.::: ::::::::::: ,,I:::.. December f 990 Vol. M No. X ACCOLADES A REMINDER FROM PAYROLL: by Donald P. Franklin — Assessment by: Edward Hughes — Assessment Willis Hilker, Senior Assessor, Division Donald P. Franklin, IAO, Tompkins Because December 24 and December 25 of Assessment, has been admitted to mem- County Director of Assessment, has are holidays and fall in a pay week, the bership in the Institute of Assessing Officers received the Lawrence D. Benton Distin- Comptroller's Office will not be able to issue (IAO) and has been awarded the designa- guished Service Award from the New York checks until Friday, December 28. tion of "Professional Assessor ". This an- Institute of Assessing Officers (IAO) at the This will also affect those of you who have nouncement was made by Michael J. Fogar- New York State Assessors Conference held direct deposit into your TEFCU share -draft ty,IAO, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. in October in Monticello, N.Y. Don accounts. Call 272 -8567 for holiday payroll In order to attain this distinction, one Franklin, IAO, was recognized for his con- availability. must qualify by experience and examination tributions made to the IAO, Examination and must subscribe to the Code of Ethics of Committee and his many years of work in es- the Institute. The IAO is a society of profes- tablishing test criteria and review of ITS sional assessors chartered by the Board of qualifications for candidates seeking the RECIRCULATE .. Regents of the University of the State of New IAO designation. Don has received the State • York and is sponsored by the New York Certified Professional Designation and is a by Lynn Leopold State Assessor's Association. At present leading member of the IAO, a Board of Recycling is creeping in everywhere — there are 256 members. Regents recognized Professional Designa- even at the office. For the past two years, Members of the Institute have the ex- tion for Assessors. County employees have been saving good elusive right to use the letters IAO after their quality office paper in their convenient, blue name. desk -side baskets and emptying them peri- odically into the large, specially marked hallway containers. County cleaning staff have been collecting the recyclable paper from the bins and placing it at central loca- tions for pick -up by a local scrap dealer. This simple "paper chase" has yielded some 20 tons of recyclable office paper and com- puter print -out and enough income to pay v back the initial program costs for containers 4 ' and printed materials. -., ' Beginning in December, County employees will be able to add other kinds of d¢'= r�r paper, such as colored paper, "post -it" notes, and white paper with colored ink to those blue baskets. While in the past, only i white office paper, or "ledger ", as it is known in the paper trade, was acceptable in the recycling bins, the local scrap processor who buys our used paper has agreed to take white !n °% .„, i ,. and colored office paper mixed together. c This will keep more good quality paper out It \ of our landfill. Computer print -out paper VraYrowsul Ruavan III w : J __. 4 should still go into its own hallway bins. County Solid Waste Staff are developing Willis Hilker, Senior Assessor, now a mem- Donald Franklin, Director of Assessment, new stickers for the hallway bins and posters ber of the IAO. recipient of the Lawrence D. Benton Dis- that will be displayed nearby to instruct employees how to recycle. tinguished Service Award. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 t Skylight Club T _ , e . i„ - 0 , ...,,,,,,,t k... Open Soon 1991 will be a year of big changes for 3 ,_ , Meadow House. The program will be "' _ ` '""0 ' "' ''" moving to the new Mental Health building on East Green Street, and for the first time Itte in 20 years it will be changing its name. Meadow House has been a day program . _i for adults with a variety of mental health dis- 1 abilities since 1970. Since 1981 Meadow 1 ....T. 4 . ..... . 1' House has been certified as a Continuing 1 __. ,__ Treatment Program by the NYS Office of , ,► Mental Health. A variety of mental health x : z . services is provided to adults to assist them ..4 . _.e.. —•I! -- =--: : » -- --- - -- in recovering from and coping with persist- ent mental health problems, enabling them to function as independently as possible. "Club units" refers to the psychosocial tion in the new building. After a lengthy People come to the program for up to 5 or club aspect of the Meadow House program process which involved voting on many more hours a day, and attend from 1 to 5 days which has taken on an increasing emphasis names suggested by clients and with input per week. Each person has an individual over the past few years. This is related to the from the Mental Health Board, the name plan and schedule based upon a combina- concept of "psychiatric rehabilitation" in "Skylight Club" was chosen. "Club" reflects tion of groups, activities, and individual ses- which people are enabled to improve their the continued direction toward psychiatric sions. This can include such things as seeing abilities and skills in addition to dealing with rehabilitation that the program is involved the psychiatrist for medication, attending a their problems. This concept has received in. "Skylight" relates to the fact that the group to learn work skills, taking part in a increasing support and emphasis of late by building has a large skylight, and as the client • social activity to improve interpersonal the State Office of Mental Health. who suggested the name phrased it, "The skills, or participating in a "club units" In addition to the change of address, idea of the skylight suggests expanding project to learn a skill and improve self -es- Meadow House will change its name to horizons or a window towards personal teem. reflect the changes in program and its loca- growth, openness, and freedom ". AND YOU THOUGHT YOUR JOB WAS TOUGH!! . k , by Cheryl Nelson — Public Works How would you like the job of supervising a "� r if- a group consisting of the Wicked Witch of _ the West, popeye the Sailorperson, a Lady ' of the Evening, Saddam Hussein's Protege, f .. and Bugs Bunny? Really, it's not as bad as - i you might think for Public Works Commis- ! ""°-- t sioner Bill Mobbs since these strange per- , t r, k sonalities only expose themselves on Oc- 9 tober 31st each year. a) It has been a tradition for several years \. ir 1 ' - now that Public Works staff members may V dress up for Halloween festivities if they want. Each year draws out a few more characters but this year's "trick or treaters" certainly spanned a broad spectrum of per- ! sonalities. So, if you're ever out and about in any of the Public Works Divisions on Halloween, be prepared to be confronted by an oc- In case you're wondering who is really lurking behind the costumes, they are (front row) III casional ghoul, witch, vampire or the like. Bara Hotchkiss — Recycling Coordinator, Iretta Ellis — Secretary, Michelle Westervelt But rest assured, it's only a temporary trans- — Account Clerkfrypist, (second row) Bill Mobbs — Commissioner of Public Works, (he formation. always dresses this way!) Andrea Whitney — Jr. Engineer, and Margo Stillman — Typist. ��© NOT S 1 ' ac-.4 S New employees in the Tompkins County OMEONE vision of Assessment: Debra Morais — Data Collector Lois Hughes — Data Collector YOU SHOULD Elaine Shillington — Assistant Assessor KNOW... Retired: Joseph Conley . Sheriffs Department Staff KNOW... When submitting photos for publication, b r P black and white make better reproductions. Fourteen years ago Sophie Stark started Sophie has quite a sense of humor which as a "temporary" Typist at the Sheriff's helps keep her on an even keel after a hard Thanks to Bill Chapp who designed the Department for three months ... she's still day look for County Corridors this month. there, now as a Senior Typist and y at the office! Some of you may have new ty "spokesperson" for the Sheriff's Depart- recognized "Barbara Bush ", a/k/a Sophie, as We hope you like it — your comments are ment. she made her appearance following comple- welcome. So hie has a very bus and varied life tion of a candidates recent campaign for P rY Y A SINCERE THANK YOU ... to all style. She enjoys dabbling in antiques and political office in the County. going to private sales to see what she can fmd Sophie is also interested in making people retirees who have responded so generously in the way of "valuables ". Luckily she has the feel good about themselves. When they're to the United Way Campaign this year. We large family home to fill up with her finds. down, she tries to perk them up with a appreciate your help! She is an avid bargain hunter and shopper, humorous anecdote or a smile. In this She enjoys dancing and socializing, and just regard, she has been a Mary Kay cosmetic CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST She eo le of all ages. Sophie is a consultant for the past several years and en- WISHES to Bob Howard, who's retiring as member of he All Saints Catholic Church in boys that work in her spare time... it's amaz- Tompkins County Sheriff the end of the year, Lansing and is active in planning their ing how a "makeover" can make a woman and to Rachael Pierce, who's leaving the post Christmas party, singing in the choir and just feel better about herself and Sophie enjoys of County Clerk the end of the year also. We for many years of dediced generally being available and willing to help doin All in s all, Sophie is a well ro per- service, and b wish them both good health and whenever needed. son who tries to be friendly and kind to good luck in the future! Sophie enjoys her family. Presently she is everyone with whom she comes in contact. devoting much time to a sister who is ill with • cancer, and makes sure she gets back and Whenever there's a party to plan, a dinner, a Christmas party, or whatever, you'll fmd forth to Syracuse for treatments. She coor- Sophie in there working to see that every- dinates these trips with her brothers and thing goes smoothly. sisters so they all take turns and it isn't too We're certainly glad Sophie has been an CREDIT UNION much of a load for any one of them. important part of the Sheriffs Department Sophie also likes to travel. She s made for the past fourteen years, and look forward HOLIDAY H O U RS . several trips to the West to see her nephew to working with her for many years to come. and other members of the family. Christmas: December 21st — Open All Day December 24th — Closed December 25th — Closed " 4 December 26th — Open All Day � a ; . o .�. New Years: December 28th — Open All Day December 31st — Closed January 1st — Closed January 2nd — Open All Day $*►. • • , a- '''' " y ° , o o. Iff 0 • , : '"""11111 V 60 - . *. 0 0 0 ci 140.0 ° 000 6 -.� O 0 ° o Sophie Stark our Employee of the Month from the Sheriff's Department.‘....- RECIRCULATE... taken to keep any metal strips, such as from hanging file folders, or carbon paper out of g d l into a marked above. Paper for recycling includes: the shredder. The shredded contents can + then go i bag as ab � • white and colored office paper • • notebook paper As this new phase of the County office • typing paper paper recycling program gets underway, FOR SALE: Holiday GIFT BASKETS • stationery there may be questions about what to put in for everyone on your list... New Executive, • copier bond the bins and what to keep out of them. If you Writer's Retreat, English Afternoon Tea, • offset bond have questions, suggestions, or need a blue Ale House, Lovers, New Homeowners, and • "post -it" notes desk -side basket or large hallway bin, please more. THE MARKET SQUARE — 272 — • car "post-it" s forms call Lynn Leopold, Recycling Specialist, at 2090. 273 -5700 or 273 -6632. • legal paper (all colors) And thanks for "Recirculating" that FOR SALE: 1988 Ford Thunderbird LX, • laser print paper good office paper. red, loaded with extras, price negotiable. • aaddd�ng machine tapes (non- newsprint Call 564 -9059 after 6:00. Computer t -out' — green or blue stripe, plan�w�ite FOR SALE: Wedng Gown se 8 -9, •aubonless computer forms should be put into the mixed paper bins. ir. 4 (9 beade • Cc d, lace trim, high neck,10 ft. train, long sleeves, price negotiable. di Call 564 9059 iz after As with any recycling program, con- 6 '�' Lamination of recyclables by non - recyclable Experienced seamstress will create materials is a serious problem, since the mills women's and children's fashions, custom will not accept paper with foreign materials especially you by TYNYK - in it. Therefore, the following materials ORIGINALSvance , from your pattern anselection. d should not be put in the blue bins and should material. Reasonable for price quotes in ad be thrown away or recycled elsewhere: and assistance in material • newsprint For more information call 564 -9244 evenings • rubber bands HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM and weekends. • carbon paper THE COUNTY • food wrappers or containers FOR SALE: Encyclopedia Britannica, • cardboard CORRIDORS BOARD!! 1987 edition, 29 volume set. $900 includes 20 • paper towel or tissue volume set of The Annals of America and . • envelopes (including manila) Britannica Atlas. Call 564 -9244 evenings and • garbage f weekends. • blueprint paper • '�- • phone books • FOR SALE: 1979 GMC Van. 6 cyl. stand- • file folders (see "file stock" below) _ ard. Fair $8008.0.1987 Suzuki Lt 500 Quad • self -stick labels, tape ;; ∎' ' racer with extras. $1500 nego. 564 -9062 Skip. • magazines or glossy paper .• T • paper clips °'^� Need ride M —F Ovid Area—Ithaca. • FAX paper , •t! "�" Work hours 9 — 5 (or 8 to 4). Share expen- • foil, plastic, waxed paper �,� • ses. Eva 869 -5182 after 6 p.m. • cigarette butts This may seem like a large list but these items deserve mentioning because they have ''• . - ~. `r,. `. ilia, Sal _ occasionally been found in our recyclable , III; ; ili'� �?s "� � �y ,l paper, causing difficulties for the scrap ' '' processors and paper mills, and jeopardizing our ability to market these materials. FILE STOCK. There is a special category for old files called "file stock" that can in- FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS elude everything that comes out of a file in- cluding the folder. In the event that an Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their im- mediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No employee is cleaning out files, she or he can County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send put these materials together in one box or your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. bag, label it "file stock" and set it out next to the hallway bins. Since file folders themsel- ves, along with paper types that might be in- side the folders, may not all be acceptable in our office paper program, this paper III category must be kept separate. If file folders and their contents must be shredded to en- sure confidentiality, special care must be