HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11 COUNTY CORRIDORS A Ne For Employees and Retirees of Tom kins County V ot I1t�Na ►k" � ty November 1990 COUNTY EMPLOYEES' DAY CARE WILL YOU SAVE CENTER TO OFFER SUBSIDY ! TAX DOLLARS IN 1991? ** 15% REDUCTION IN FEES FOR EMPLOYEES ** by Louise McEwen, Benefits Manager As we all know, taxes never seem to go by John P. Beach enabled the center to provide the quality of down! But there is a way many of us can save Beginning in January of 1991 the car and fiscal management necessary to tax dollars ... and that's by becoming a par - Tompkins Employees' Day Care Center will make it an outstanding example of ticipant in the RMSCO - administered Conn- be f fees an even further reduced schedule employer /employee cooperative initiatives. ty flexible benefits plan. o of fees for child care for employees The Center is blessed with a dedicated and If you did not attend a RMSCO informa- Tompkins County. The Board of Repre- competent staff who have developed a tional/enrollment meeting for 1991 or if you sentatives has included in its 1991 budget a loving, supportive environment for the did but aren't sure what to do, please read grant of $15,000 to the Center for the pur- children. the following article from the "Syracuse pose of providing a has fee subsidy to any Caregiving to children and the elderly is Herald - Journal" on October 29. Then, if you County employee who o has a child enrolled at a paramount lifestyle issue for many people wish to enroll in the medical care and/or de- the Center. currently in, and projected to — /ter, the work pendent care account, please contact Coun- The primary goal of the Center's Board is force in the 1990's. Providing on -site, profes- ty Personnel so we may send you the to provide quality, loving care for our sional child care services is not only a valu- program -- if you don't, please do not children, ages 8 weeks to 6 years, at a able benefit for current employees but also hesitate to let me know and I'll be more than reasonable cost. This grant will allow for is an important recruiting device for the happy to talk with you further. (Note: The even lower child care expenses for any County as it competes for workers. The County's cap on medical reimbursement ac- ployee who takes advantage of the Cen- recognition of this by the County puts its ad- counts is $1,000.) W. The Center has successfully completed ministration on the cutting edge of progres- Don't lose out on this valuable benefit — sive employee benefits for decades to come. learn all you can about the advantages! almost 11/2 years of quality day care service Currently spaces are available at the Cen- A REMINDER — Enrollment in 1990 to children in our community. The facility, ter. Anyone wishing to visit the Center or does not mean automatic enrollment in located in Biggs B, was the culmination of with questions concerning the hours of care, 1991! two years of planning by County employees, teacher -child ratios, or fees please contact and opened in July of 1989 after renovation, Fefe Barno- Rossi, Center Director, at 273 - cleaning, and painting had been completed 6785. Remember that the County par- More workers tap flex by staff of the Buildings and Grounds ticipates in a flex benefits program that al- f ans to stretch Department. County employees have been lows for pre -tax withholding of child care very supportive during the first year of expenses. The sign -up period for next year health -care dollars operation of the Center and this support has is through December 10, 1990 and Person - been greatly appreciated. nel can be contacted for information. Mutual cooperation and support have By Jim Lynch - Knight - Ridder Newspapers Over the next few weeks, many employers —„ 1�- --� will offer their workers a chance to save hundreds of dollars on next year's medical or " ... child -care bills. The help comes from flexible- spending, .r..., ,,,, or reimbursement, accounts. These ac " counts let you withhold money for "�' care or child care before income or health l socia '� ?' �a . • __ Security taxes are taken out. That means a Ilk k x r ,. savings of about one-third for someone in r' ... h the 28 percent income tax bracket. If your q employer has such a plan, expect a notice in the next month telling you how you can sign • . �„ ? up. There's a catch, though, imposed by the '_ f government: you lose any money that A .. ;� . » continued on page 2 page 1 continued 1 FLEX from UPDATE: RECRUITMENT AND Pa you set aside but fail to spend for medical RETENTION SURVEY or child -care purposes in a year. Your employer keeps it. It doesn't happen often, benefits experts say, but they advise estimat- Whether you are a supervisor who inter- responses will be returned to OAP, win ing conservatively how much you should set views and trains new employees, a line will compile the data, analyze the results, aside. worker who carries an extra load while a and report back to the Recruitment and For families that make less than $17,000 position is vacant, or a taxpayer who bears Retention Committee. or more than $29,000, reimbursement ac- the cost of training replacements, the Volunteers will be needed the end of counts are a good idea, said Mike Jones, a County's ability to attract its fair share of November to participate in "focus groups." partner in the Tampa office of Hewitt As- qualified applicants and to retain its most Focus groups are being developed to iden- sociates, a benefits firm. Families that fall be- valuable asset — experienced workers — is tify specific issues employees have with their tween those income levels are better off an issue that affects all of us at every level of employment with the County. The focus taking medical and child -care deductions on County government. groups will be facilitated by OAP. their 1040 tax form. In recognition of that fact, some of your Any survey is only as good as the number The accounts aren't new, but more co- workers from every level of employment of responses received, so help your co- employers are offering them. Nearly one- have joined together (in the form of the workers help you ... take the time to com- fourth of all employers were eligible to sign Recruitment and Retention Committee) to plete the survey and return it. After we up for the accounts last year, up from 5 per- address these issues and to fmd ways to meet receive the final report, we will be publish - cent four years ago, according to the Bureau this County's staffmg needs. While we have ing the results in County Corridors. If you of Labor Statistics. discussed many ideas and alternatives, we would like td know more about this survey Employers like the program ra ice it have discovered that we really need to know or the work of this committee, please con - provides them with tax benefits. They don't what attracted you to employment at tact Mary Pat Dolan, the Committee Chair, pay Social Security or unemployment taxes Tompkins County, what is going well or not at the Department of Social Services (274 - or workers' compensation on the money you so well for you in your job, and what you see 5251), or any one of the following members: set aside. Often, it helps an employer break in your future with Tompkins County. in a flexible- benefits or cafeteria plan, in To find answers to these questions and Faith Allen — Probation — 274 -5380 which you decide how to spend money your more, Organization Analysis and Practice Henry Chan — DSS — 274 -5260 employer sets aside for your benefits. (OAP) has been hired to perform an Joanne Terwilliger — DSS — 274 -5328 You can sign up only once a year, usually employee survey in the near future. All in November and December. Once you've signed up, you can't change the amount with- z' held that year, unless a major change, such If you quit work that same January, your 4 (1 ' - as a death, has befallen your family. employer can't dun you for the $900, said There are two types of reimbursement ac- Stephen Liedman, president of Y.S. Lied- / counts: medical care and dependent care. man & Associates, a Miami firm that ad- (Dependent care covers expenses for ministers benefits programs. By limiting how MEADOW HOUSE children 13 and under and for elderly per- much you can contribute, employers limit sons who are being supported by their how much they can become liable for. CHRISTMAS children.) You can't switch money between What you can use the money for is limited accounts. by IRS regulations, but many expenses that BAZAAR When you sign up, you can put money into insurers refuse to cover — plastic surgery, either account, or both. If you are married contact lenses and fertility testing, for ex- THURSDAY & FRIDAY and file jointly, you can put no more than ample — are allowed. (For more informa- $5,000 in a dependent -care account, accord - tion, check Internal Revenue Service Publi- DECEMBER 13th & 14th ing to federal regulations. (For single tax - cation 502, "Medical and Dental Expen- payers, the limit is $2,500.) The federal ses.)" TOMPKINS COUNTY government doesn't cap medical accounts, At Intercontinental Bank in Miami, about though most employers won't let you put one -fifth of the 360 employees eligible have TRUST COMPANY more than $3,700 into them, according to a reimbursement accounts, said Rachelle (lobby, main branch) survey by A. Foster Higgins & Co., a Prin- Golub, director of human resources. l ceton, NJ., benefits consultant. Most people are wary of the accounts at Employers set the cap to limit their first, she said, mainly because of the so- 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. liability. Once you've decided how much called use- it -or- lose -it provision. The typical you'll put aside, your employer is liable for set- asides: S1,000 for medical expenses and HANDMADE the entire amount as of Jan. 1. So, for ex- $1,500 for child care. ample, suppose you plan to put $100 a month About one -third of the accounts had C RAFTS - $1,200 total - into a medical reimbursement money left over last year. account next year. But the amounts left behind were small, If you must pay $1,000 in medical expen- about $2,000 total. Much of that, about $600, a ' 0 0 0 ses in January, your employer must make up was in one account. Near the end of the year, the difference between what you've paid so employees typically look for ways to spend f v , i far - $100 - and your bill - $1,000. You'll pay what they have left, Golub said. One tried to � your employer back over the rest of the year. claim an air conditioner as a medical neces- :� Employee of the Month • SOMEONE YOU SHOULD UNCLASSIFIEDS KNOW ■ ■ ■ Ph.D candidate enjoys repairing speakers in his spare time. Free pickup and delivery. Call Dr. Woofer at 272 -9414. by Jeanne Frandsen FOR SALE: Sofa and three chairs - $200. Board of Representatives Maytag dishwasher - $50.00. Call John Davis after 6:00 p.m. 607- 257 -3941 Have you been over in the Courthouse ing out at the City Health Club three to four lately, on the second and third floors, and times a week lifting weights, pumping iron, FOR SALE: 1967 Mobil home - 12 X 60. observed the shiny, freshly waxed floors and doing pushups, etc. He likes to cross country 2 bedroom, carpeted, fuel tank and applian- newly polished brass? Or have you noticed ski in the winter and is a member and Chief ces included. $2300 or B /O. 539 -7576 after the clean fixtures and corners in the rest Legislative Officer of the Proud Individuals 5 : 00 . rooms? Motorcycle Club of Corning. This new, polished and clean look is the Jeff has all his weekly jobs written up in a FREE to good home! 7 year old male work of Jeff Vandermark, our Cleaner ex- pie - shaped chart, indicating what work to do neutered springer spaniel. Call DJ Fowler 1- traordinaire and Employee of the Month of when so everything gets covered. His goal is 546 -2239 evenings and weekends. November. Jeff has been employed in the to become a Cleaning Supervisor someday, Courthouse for nearly a year and has done but he feels he needs more experience in FOR SALE: SR12 tires (2) good shape - an excellent job. He is responsible for clean- main tenance and plumbing first. He $12.50 ea. Jack and accessories for small car ing the second and third floors, including the received a commendation letter from his - $5.00. Call 257-2197 evenings. Courtroom and the Conference Room, boss, Terry Chapman, General Building Su- taking care of the flag, providing nighttime pervisor, after only six months on the job. A PART -TIME security for the building and shoveling snow Jeff is interested in the Wellness Program EMPLOYMENT in winter. He even does windows! and would like to be a part of a group of in- OPPORTUNITY FOR Jeff lives in Candor with his family and terested people to do physical activities commutes to Ithaca every day via his shiny together, such as walking, running and other RETIREES glip d motorcycle or his little white Chevette, exercises. oth of which he keeps in tip top shape All in all, Jeff Vandermark does a fine job Roger C. Duffy Associates, a small corn- mechanically. He is 28 years old and in taking care of our needs in the Court pany in DeWitt, NY, which specializes in graduated from Candor Central School in house, property tax searches for banks and other 1981. He is very interested in fitness, work- financial institutions, is looking for one or more "retired" independent contractors in Tompkins County to work on an as- needed basis, part -time, at a starting rate of $7.00 per hour. If you're interested in learning more, some additional details are available f I ' i ' 1 t at County Personnel. The job requires I ; someone good with figures, and good eyesight is a must. 0 I I ' e . Office for the Aging ,w 1I "' Offers FREE Booklets r -, _' Several new pamphlets of interest to seniors are now available at the Office for the g at , Aging. You can call 277 -0148 or stop in at 309 North Tioga Street (2nd floor) to obtain any of the following booklets: S • Long Term Care Insurance in New York State • Medicare Supplement Insurance in New York .'; State • Long Term Support Services in Tompkins Coun- ty • Specialized Ilealth Programs for Seniors in Jeff Vandermark, our Employee of the Month from Buildings and Grounds. Tompkins County Photo by Bill Chapp • Housing for Seniors in Tompkins County NEW CAREGIVERS' SUPPORT GROUP TO VACANCIES BE FORMED! i These are positions for which no C' Service eligible list is in effect. They may by Carolyn Croke filled on a "provisional" or "temporary" basis. Providing assistance to an elderly loved The Caregivers' Resource Center at the DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SER- one often involves a variety of different feel- Office for the Aging, in conjunction with VICES: ings for the caregiver — joy, frustration, con- Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins Case Supervisor Grade B, LG 13 fusion, pride, anger, and loneliness among County, is planning to start a new support Welfare Investigator, LG 11 others. Caregiving also requires knowledge group for caregivers. The group would meet HEALTH in a lot of areas including personal and medi- once per month on a Saturday morning at cal care and communication skills. Par- the Cooperative Extension building, 615 Public Health Nurses, Full -time & Part - ticipating in a caregivers' support group is a Willow Avenue, Ithaca. The format would time, LG 11 great way to meet your needs in both areas. be informal and all information would be PUBLIC WORKS Support groups provide a unique oppor- held in the strictest confidence. An or- [unity for caregivers to explore and express ganizational meeting is set for Saturday, Automotive Mechanic, LG 12 their feelings, to share ideas, and to learn December 1, 1990, from 10 a.m. to noon at Building Maintenance Worker (Plumb - about community resources with supportive, Cooperative Extension. If you are interested er /Steamfitter), LG 11 caring individuals. Most of all, support in this new support group or would like fur- General Highway Supervisor, MG D groups help caregivers to realize that they ther information about it, contact Carolyn Guard, Highway Dept., Holidays and are not alone and that it is important that Croke at the Office for the Aging at 277- Weekends 2:00 am to 6:30 am Monday - they take care of themselves. 0148. Friday and 12:00 pm to 12:00 am on weekends Maintenance Worker, LG 7 Solid Waste Inspector, LG 9 NOTES ... VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Account Clerk(Typists, LG 5 Typists, LG 4 • CONGRATULATIONS to Connie Harris and Ric Holder who were married on Oct 20th! YOUTH BUREAU Planner, LG 14 This is simply a note of "thanks" to all our groundskeepers /maintenance personnel who have planted and cared for the flowers around the Courthouse. They add so much beauty Please contact Tompkins County Person - to the complex, and it is appreciated. Thanks. nel for job descriptions, minimum qualifica- tions, and applications for the vacant posi- FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS ,, _ _ Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their im- � � v '. 4 , � ; - , . mediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No 1e ir rc ` /." � f/'' M County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your � r fir`/ � r,+ T 1 t // 1 /� ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. tir` fj / [ 1( • .I.«., ` \�. i 110 HAVE A GREAT TURKEY DAY!