HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09 COUNTY CORRIDORS A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees 01 Tompkins County September WINNERS PICKED IN "LABOR OF LOVE" FLOWER GROWING CONTEST! A NEW WORKSHOP SERIES FOR THOSE CONCERNED ABOUT OR ASSISTING AN ` fi ? "ti= ELDERLY LOVED ONE i- ` "4".t.' � , �= * - " ' The Caregivers' Resource Center at the — .■; • an " r. Office for the Aging, in conjunction with , ;� Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins ,; ' '= County, is offering a four art workshop en- � ty g P P t.:44", "Labor of Love: A Workshop Series ,:_ ,_. 0 • db. .'# ,..- --,, for Those Concerned About or Assisting an lr # It -4 Elderly Loved One." This series, which is an * 41 viiikiP ; r ± � r updated version of previous series offered in 4, • ' r • the county, presents an excellent oppor- s ` • t � � _ _ I `r " - �� ,, � = � � ' tunity to gain the latest information on L Ay',• caregiving and to share your thoughts and feelings with others in similar situations. •• n c. '! - - , Workshops will take place on four con- '', » , secutive Saturday mornings from 10 am to ,�* , _ noon at the Cooperative Extension building, `;" k,. • 615 Willow Ave., Ithaca, as follows: • Session 1, October 27, 1990: You and 1st Place Winner Your Elderly Loved One: Exploring Emo- Kathy English, Purchasing and Central Services tional Issues and Relationship Changes y g urc g Session 2: November 3, 1990: Financial and Legal Issues: Planning for the Future Session 3: November 10, 1990: Getting whitillak, the Help You Need: Making the Most of Family and Community Resources �.,,A:;'� , • F Session 4: November 17, 1990: Develop- 4 411 ing Effective Coping Skills: Dealing with the ' Challenges of Challenges t' 1 $ it t `° , "N This workshop series is free and all infor- 11 r 1 1 , ,{ li w mation will be strictly confidential. �, t= Preregistration is requested. For further in- ' y ` r formation or to sign up call Carolyn Croke . _ N' . " at the Office for the Aging at 277 -0148. YOU ARE INVITED The Advisory Committee of the County ry _ , Office for the Aging (COFA) invites all 1. County residents to a public hearing on its Plans for 1991 on October 22, 1990, 10:15 s- rl• a.m. at the Salvation Army, 150 North Albany " 1( \ Street, Ithaca, New York. COFA staff will � "' •._ - describe proposed plans to utilize Federal, State and local funds in a variety of programs. • 2nd Place Winner The public is invited to comment. If you'd like to look the plan over in ad- (left to right) Ted Merritt, Denise Greene, Louie Loiselle, vance, copies will be available at COFA, 309 Phil La Padula, Fraud and Investigation Unit, DSS. North Tioga Street, Ithaca, on October 15, 1 THAT EQUITY MAY PREVAIL FREE SIGN 1 LANGUAGE by: Judy I. Tynyk CLASS FOR "This scale is not weighing correctly." for health and safety are necessary to the BEGINNERS! "This package I bought does not have the public welfare. Beyond that, each individual correct amount in it." is free to make their own choice of "quality" "I think that gasoline pump is registering Not so with quantity. The quantity in a Join us in the novelty, fun and usefulness more gallons than it's giving." package can be determined to a high degree of learning Sign Language. This is a free class Thoughts such as these occur to some of accuracy. The Department of Weights offered to County Employees that will be consumers in the course of a day's shopping. and Measures regularly checks packages to taught by Michelle Sturm and Penny Clair. Sometimes these suspicions are correct. determine if the weight or quantity dis- To be held every other Thursday, starting Weighing and measuring devices such as played on the label is correct. This proce- September 27,1990, from 12:00 noon to 1:00, scales or gasoline pumps are mechanical in- dure requires considerable training, a through January 31, 1991. Meet at entrance struments, after all, and so are subject to thorough technical knowledge of the vary- to conference room, Biggs Building B. Bring wear and tear and error. A malfunction on ing characteristics of different types of com- a bag lunch. If you are interested in attend - the packaging line can result in a package not modities, and the use of a wide range of ing this class, please call Penny Clair, being filled with the stated amount. precise measuring equipment and measure- Tompkins County Health Department, at What should you do if you feel you have ment techniques. 273-7272. encountered an incorrect weighing or Since nearly everything that a consumer measuring device or a short weight package? buys today is prepackaged, it is important The Tompkins County Department of that the correct amount be in a package and VACANCIES Weights and Measures has jurisdiction over that the consumer have adequate and cor- all commercially used weighing and measur- rect information on the outside of the pack- CURRENT VACANCIES IN ing devices as well as packaged commodities age. For example, the amount contained in- TOMPKINS COUNTY'S JURISDICTION in the county. A phone call to the depart- side the package must be printed clearly in (These are positions for which no Civil ment will result in a consumer complaint in- a specific location on the label. A declara- Service eligible list is in effect. They may be vestigation being conducted. The disposi- tion of responsibility (name and address of filled on a "provisional" basis.) Lion of that investigation may include devices the manufacturer or distributor) and a dec- PUBLIC WORKS : Maintenance ordered repaired or condemned, com- laration of identity (what the product is) is Worker, LG 7; Building Maintenance modities ordered off sale and possibly penal- also required by law to be on the label. The Worker (Plumber /Steamfitter), LG ties levied against the device owner or com- absence of any one of these three require- General Highway Supervisor, MG D; GuaS modity seller. ments constitutes an illegal package and the 2:OOam to 6:30am Monday- Friday 12:00 pm When a consumer makes a purchase in seller can be held responsible. The Depart- to 12:00 am on weekends the supermarket, gasoline station, or other ment of Weights & Measures plays a central MENTAL HEALTH: Driver, LG 5. retail establishment, two elements are role in the marketplace to assure the con- Hours vary, 35 hours per week primary in the decision process: quality and sumer that these and other packaging and STOP DWI: Typist 17.5 hours flexible, quantity. labeling requirements are met. LG 4 Quality is a subjective matter. One Complaint investigations and package YOUTH BUREAU: Senior Program person's good quality can be another checking are not the only functions of the Management Specialist, LG 12; Planner, LG person's bad taste. In a free market society, Department of Weights & Measures. 14 deciding on the level of quality to purchase „ continued on page 4 LIBRARY: Pages, four positions. is left to the judgement of the individual pur- PLANNING DEPARTMENT: Planner, chaser. Government regulates quality only „ LG 12 to the extent that certain minimum standards HEALTH: Supervising Public Health Nurse, LG 12; Team Leader, LG 13; Registered Prof. Nurse 17.5 hours, LG 11; Public Health Nurses, Full -time, LG 11; �! Public Health Engineer, LG 13 SOCIAL SERVICES: Staff Development Coordinator, LG 12; Caseworker, LG 11 BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES: Deputy Clerk, LG 10 1 %. �� BOCES: Typist; Librarian III ....IMP.. — TC -3: Security Guard ♦ i g i o +. - - PROBATION DEPARTMENT: Proba I ■ „ ` ` lion Officer, LG 10 " JOB TRAINING PROGRAM: Emplo - . .dc / . 16) 3 r +" meat and Training Counselor, LG 11 "- •' "} 4 Please contact Tompkins County PersclIF nel for job descriptions, minimum qualifica- The departments 1989 Dodge Ram pick up, weighing in at 6100 pounds, is used regular- tions, and applications for the vacant posi- ly as a substitute weight when testing vehicle scales. tions listed above. PICTURES FROM THE PICNIC R. s a � i '1 c .1 t" f , M There was plenty of barbecued chicken for everyone. The Beach Boys put in an appearance d is- guised as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. ..... 8' 1 • .t s ; . , III 4,4i 1 If ) • 4 � is y yr. ..,, , ♦. •+ t � .010\446 • ♦ ♦ 4, . ♦0•4♦�•e �' 4 : • • „ '-� • i. ° fir • •kg'4%::._::*.,:$:::;:igkwi4, • ♦i •� ; , t y J j 5 �+ • . ** e.* . . �•- . • :::::::::::%-; The young and the young -at -heart enjoyed the carrousel. Everyone seemed quite content. i CONTEST! �, CONTEST! p p : \ Win a free, life -time subscription to COUNTY CORRIDORS by simply iden- �j'� tifying the owners of these feet. Send your = educated guesses to COUNTY COR- 11.3'1:1 :: , -- RIDORS c/o Central Services, Biggs A. ` Contest not open to members of the , '" ;- r . 4. Editorial Board or their families. AC*. , :- EQUITY to speak up if you disagree with what you see, and when purchasing gasoline at a full U N C LASS I FI E DS continued from page 2 service station, check the pump to make sure Testing for accuracy such things as the there is nothing registered on the pump FOR SALE: Yamaha double keyboard scales and other measuring instruments in before they start filling your tank. The next organ with bench, earphones and $300 worth the supermarket, hardware, drug, or depart - time you buy salad at the deli in your favorite of sheet music. Mint condition asking Sl, ment store, the neighborhood gas station — supermarket, ask if they took tare on the Call Dolly at 539 -7418 evenings a almost every weighing and measuring device container — tare is the weight of the pack- weekends. that affects your pocketbook — is done aging and it must be deducted from the total regularly. Weights and Measures is behind weight of the finished package before deter- FOR SALE: 36" Electric Range - the scene, at grain elevators, livestock stock- mining the total price. If they say, "no", ask Panasonic - Dresser 2 piece $25.00 - Cot yards, scrap and precious metals dealers, them to reweigh the package taking tare. Frame, nice B.O. - BLK Mountain Dulcimer and fuel oil companies, checking devices to This law applies to any bulk commodity that Kay guitar, good beginning guitar - 1977 assure accuracy. is packaged per your specifications at the Nova (Parts). Call 387 -5304 evenings. Ha piece of meat, selling at S4.98 a pound, time of purchase. has an error in weighing of only one ounce, "That equity may prevail" is the motto of FOR SALE: COMMODORE 64 COM- the error will cost the consumer 31 cents; a the National Conference on Weights and PUTER/SOFTWARE. Includes Color Dis- scale that overweighs by one ounce on each Measures, in existence since 1905. Its play, External Drive, Printer and Reference weighing, making 100 weighings a day for primary reason for existing is to make that Manuals. Great for kids or Beginner Adults. 300 days a year at a unit price of $2.00 per motto as true as possible in commerce. $850.00 or B/O. 257-4874. pound, will result in S3750 additional profit Weights and Measures officials from each for the scale owner; an error of one cubic state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico FOR SALE: MFG Boat Wide Beam, inch below the acceptable tolerance on a and the Virgin Islands, meet each year with Trailer, 7 1/2 Evinrude complete with oars, gasoline pump will result in thousands of industry and consumer representatives to PFCs, anchor and rope. Floor board and dollars a year additional profit for the sta- work out laws and codes and methods that canvas cover. Call Joe at 273 -4141 after 3 tion owner based on today's average pump will assure that consumers get what they pay p.m. volumes, and ever increasing price per gal- for, accuracy prevails in commercial lon. measurement and that the same system is FOR SALE: Super MTA Diesel Interna- Weights and Measures is consumer used nationwide. The Tompkins County tional Farmall Diesel Tractor: WFE, power protection, but you, the consumer, can help Department of Weights and Measures, steering, excellent condition. Call 273 -0288 - in that process. Check the labels on pack - under Article 16 of the New York State Jimmy Miller. ages for the required information, watch the Agriculture and Markets law, provides the scale indicator in stores when your pur- local enforcement factor for the laws, codes FOR SALE: Twins, 1983 Hondas cus- chases are being weighed and don't hesitate and methods resulting from the NCWM. tom, 1,000 cc. One has 16,500 miles Veter Fairing. Other 25,000 miles windshield. Both are in excellent shape. 3,232 for the both. Call Dave Browe - 607 - ANNOUNCEMENTS 898 -5149 FOR SALE: Baseball Cards - entire col - Congratulations go out to Leighann Sibal, Tompkins County Coordinator for the lection. Almost complete set - 1989 score Cayuga - Tompkins Healthy Heart Program, and Marty Sullivan who were married Septem- S25. Small packages for sale .50 ea. Call 387 - ber 1, 1990! 3481 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE: SEGA GENESIS with 2 controllers. Two free games included. $200. Like new! 257 -4506. FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: DATSUN 280Z - 1977. Good condition - runs great! Some body Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their im- work needed. $1500. 607- 257 -4506 mediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. FOR SALE: Diamond Engagement Ring - 1/4 carat diamond; gold band. $300. 257- 4506. FOR SALE: 22 FT STARCRAFT CHIEFTAIN: 4 -cyl., I/O, aluminum, trailer, canvas, AM /FM tape stereo, Port -A -Pot, rigged for downrigger fishing, all acces- sories. $6600. Evenings 607- 273 -1022 or - 564-3308. EXPERIENCED seamstress will create women's and children's fashions for you by TYNYK ORIGINALS. Call 564-9244 eves.