HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06 COUNTY CORRIDORS • A N F Employees and Retirees of Tompkins Count V lll N o. IV P Y June 7990 DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT state and federal units concerned with dis- crimination law (with a one year time limit). DISCRIMINATION RIGHTS? This office can help if a person is alleging that they have been the victim of discrimina- tion because of their race, color, creed, na- by Theda Zimrot tivities but gradualy, first part -time and then tional origin, sex, age, marital status, dis- "Can my supervisor tell me how I have to full -time staffing was hired. Presently, the ability or prior arrest or conviction record dress ?" day -to -day human rights activities are per- (some limitations) in employment, appren- "The interview was going really well; I felt formed by the trained and experienced staff: ticeship, training, housing, credit, places of sure I was going to be offered the job. Then Director/Head Investigator, Theda (Teddy) public accommodation, or non - sectarian tax I said I was pregnant. Everything changed - Zimrot; Human Rights Investigator, Mar- exempt educational institutions. As a result I wasn't hired." garet (Marnie) Kirchgessner and office of work with the Human Rights Depart - "We really weren't all that eager for the manager, Carrie Himko. Fifteen volunteer ment, jobs have been obtained or restored, apartment, but it was in our price range. Commissioners still devote their energies to rights such as equal terms of employment or When we gave the agent our names, he asked community concerns and projects. promotions obtained, apartments secured, if we were married and said he would not Local, State and Federal laws have been and compensation granted. rent to an unmarried couple." enacted to protect persons from discrimina- Equally important, every action taken to People call or drop in at the Tompkins tion and the Tompkins County Human enforce human rights laws helps to deter County Human Rights Office in Biggs "A" Rights staffers will supply information on further violations and distress to others. with such questions when they have en- these laws and rights and give free assistance Formal complaints are investigated by countered a situation which makes them and advice to persons in order to prevent staff except in cases of county employment wonder, "Is this legal? Are my rights being and take action when discriminatory acts - to avoid any question of possible conflict violated? What can I do about this unfairness have occurred. Too often people are un- of interest or bias. Where issues are not ap- or discrimination ?" Some people may have aware of their rights or they are reluctant to propriate areas under discrimination laws, 0 previously known about the Human Rights take appropriate action. This local office has staff will help with referrals to suitable Department or they have been directed to a working agreement with the New York resources. this office when they suddenly experience an State Division of Human Rights which And — yes: supervisors/employers can act of discrimination which makes them enables the local office to offer an array of establish a uniform dress code — that is search about for assistance. assistance to protect people's rights or ob- legal and non discriminatory. { The Tompkins County Human Rights tain redress. The assistance ranges from in- Discrimination because of pregnancy is a Commission was created in 1963 by action of formation (including written literature), ad- violation of law. Pregnancy must be treated the Tompkins County Board of Repre- vice, intervention where requested or ap- like any temporary disability and a person sentatives. Originally the volunteer Com- propriate (phone calls /conferences with can only be evaluated as to their present missioners would respond to inquiries and employees, landlords, store owners, etc.), ability to perform the job functions. also initiate community human rights ac- and formal filing of legal complaints with the A rental agent or landlord can not reject y.-- _ _ _ - „- as tenants an unmarried couple — this is a I, 1 . , violation regarding marital status. 1 ! I . 1 - . Furthermore, in the city of Ithaca the Fair I _ ;. Practice Ordinance extends protections on the Unfortunately, se orientation. sexual harassment still • ? •, — 1 , I r "' occurs although it is unfair and illegal. A m_` ;°4-,,. county -wide questionnaire is to be dis- -. tributed shortly to help inform and assess its S occurrence among county workers. Please 4 .' . 1- j c - :_ t ` 1 . f. a- — - ^�_, ' Se \ cooperate and return the filled -in question - r ' .; _- . y t c- , mire. _ ;nMrr M ' `'' f, ,;,; 1 Do you have any specific questions or = - "�'�' " ' concerns regarding discrimination and your t - 4 ill WIC= ; i u i 1 " - : . y , � . ' rights? Others have found that we really care . - _ ;i -s ' and can help. Call 274-5305 or drop us a note , i- ' ,' �- w t ` ' = .. '• and we will get back to you — Tompkins 0 voz,, - � de t -�' L 1 ' a ' ,� �. L . ' " County Human Rights Department — Biggs Building "A" — Rooms 115 - 116, 301 Harris The new Mental Health building as of May 1990. B. Dates Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850. Construction is moving along as brick facing is being done now. Paolo by Bill cnapp KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. WHAT'S THE VENDING COMMITTEE? ELDERHOSTEL CORRECTION! by Kathy M. West Please note the correct address for the The Vending Committee is comprised of seven employees from various County depart- Elderhostel Program: ments who make decisions regarding the disbursement of vending machine commissions. Elderhostel III The Committee members represent the employees at their specific location. 80 Boylston Street, Suite 400 Your representatives are: Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Name & Job Location Representing: You can also register by phone — (617) John Davis, Highway Department Public Works 426 -8056 — between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Carolyn Hewitt, Health Department Biggs B using a VISA or Master Card, for this spe- Michel Kelly, Social Services Biggs A cial educational program for older adults. Harold Herman, Probation Biggs A For those interested in International Lynn WatroslJudy Miller, Sheriffs' Dept. Public Safety Programs, the Office For The Aging now Kathy West, Budget & Finance Courthouse Complex has the Elderhostel International Winter Sheila Ferrari, Purchasing All Other Locations 1991 catalog, as well as the summer 1990 HOW MUCH MONEY IS RECEIVED BY THE VENDING MACHINES? catalo In 1989, $5,551.59 was received in commissions. The present rate of commissions is 15.5% on coffee, 5.25% on canned soda,10.5% on snacks & candy, 7.5% on ice cream, 55% on New Materials on food, and 5.25% on juice. WHAT IS THE MONEY USED FOR? Caregiving In 1989, $1,265.75 was spent on flowers and memorials for County employees who were by Carolyn Croke ill or bereaved. The Personnel Office should be contacted when such c rcumstances occur. The Caregivers' Resource Center, lo- Also in 1989, $1,007.46 in equipment items were purchased. Those items include a cated at the Office for the Aging's new loca- refrigerator for Biggs B, a microwave and cart for the Courthouse Complex, picnic tables tion at 309 North Tioga Street, has recently for the Biggs A Complex, and an engraver for labeling certain equipment items as Vending acquired some of the latest books and videos Committee purchases. on caregiving. Books are available on a The County picnic in 1989 was financed with Vending funds at a cost of $1,332.10. variety of topics including Alzheimer's Dis- In 1990, similar spending will occur, in addition to funds being allocated for an Employee ease, home care, and options for care arran- Disaster Fund. gements including nursing home placement. WHAT'S THE EMPLOYEE DISASTER FUND? Other materials suggest ways of dealing wi In the event of a fire, certain immediate needs arise. On top of the devastation of such the emotional aspects of caregiving and t an event, an employee can be left without cash resources for shelter, dinner, or even a loss of a loved one. Coping with the stre toothbrush. The money given is intended to assist with such immediate personal needs. The of caring through relaxation techniques and goal of the Committee is to get cash to the employee as soon as possible. The cash is not in- stress reduction are also covered. Still other tended to take the place of insurance — but rather to demonstrate that fellow employees, resources address the special needs of the County and Committee want to help. Within 48 hours of the creation of the Disaster women and spousal caregivers. Fund, Stephen Estes (Personnel) suffered a tragic loss. Soon after, Jack Ramsey (Highway The Center has also acquired several in- Department) and most recently, Jim Church (District Attorney) have also experienced fire teresting videos. "A Family Decision" helpful information to familes con- losses. If anyone you work with should be stricken with such an event, please contact any of s nursing home placement. "Caring the Committee members, the Personnel Office, or the County Administrator's Office. for the Elderly" explores the wide range of HOW DOES MY LOCATION GO ABOUT GETTING A PIECE OF EQUIPMENT? services available to elderly persons and All Committee members have request forms available. Once completed, for either equip - their families. "The Sixth Sense" portrays ment or for the repair of any equipment purchased with Vending funds, the Committee will some of the sensory changes which may review the request at its next monthly meeting and contact you with a response. Guidelines occur with age and suggests effective com- for equipment purchases are: munication techniques for caregivers. Final- ly, "For Those Who Care" presents informa- l. Equipment items must be related to food and eating in some way. tion on a variety of topics related to caregiv- 2 . Equipment items must enhance, rather than detract, from use of the vending area. ing such as emotional issues, health and per - 3. Refrigerators are limited to no more than one per floor or per wing. They must be sonal care and legal issues. centrally located. All of the videos, which can be played on 4. Microwaves are limited to one per building. 5. Requests must be submitted in writing. regular VCRs, and books are available for 6. Requests will be reviewed by the Committee, subject to the Committee's approval. free loan to individuals and org stop by the WHO DO I CALL IF THE VENDING MACHINES ARE MALFUNCTIONING? Resource Center where someone will be Versatile Foods. 347-6712. available to help you. WHAT IF 1 DON'T UKE THE FOOD SELECTION? In addition to the materials mentioned Versatile Foods. 347 -6712. above, the Caregivers' Resource Center qffik HOW OFTEN DOES THE VENDING COMMITTEE MEET? fers information and support to caregive At least monthly. both family and professional, in the form of workshops, support groups, newsletters, in- ANYONE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE COMMITTEE IS EN- formation and referral and counseling. Call COURAGED TO CONTACT ANY OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS . 277 -0148 for further information. Employee of the Month BEHIND THE STORIES... UPDATES from the Health • Is our own Desk Top Publisher, Karen has supported her family while Mike at- Dept. Barry. This month, we would like to honor tended college on a full-time basis. After a The Ithaca Lions Club presented e sented th Karen as the "Employee of the Month" for long wait he graduated in May 1990 with a Bruce Watkins Memorial Bike n he her dedication to this newsletter. She works baccalaureate in Animal Sciences. This Sunday, June 3, 1990. The proceeds will help just 8 -hours a week, but when it's time to month, Mike started work on a master's publish the newsletter, she puts in over time program, again at Cornell University. Karen sponsor two Ithaca Children at the Empire if necessary to ensure that it makes it to the is very proud of the accomplishments Mike State Speech and Hearing Clinic. Accord printers on time. has made!! ing to James Dormady of the Lions Club, the Karen's desk resides in an office in the Karen is equally proud of her ever grow Bike-a-thon was fairly successful consider - Purchasing and Central Services Depart - ing family. On October 29, 1989 Karen an d mg the confect with the Ithaca Festival. ment, where, in November of 1988 she first Mike were blessed with a beautiful baby boy, Monetary donations would be greatly ap began work for the County. When she isn't their first child. "Little Mike ", as they call preciated to help obtain services for speech working on the "County Corridors," she is him, keeps them very busy. So busy in fact, and hearing - impaired and visually - impaired helping to process paperwork on specifica- that Karen had to resolve to work part -time. children. Please send your contributions to: tions and bid packages, more often than not Being a new mother, she wanted to be home Lions Club, PO Box 383, Ithaca, NY 14850. meeting stringent deadlines. When Karen with "Little Mike" to watch him grow. Every comes to work on Monday afternoons, she day she's at work she always has some little meets an in- basket that is often filled to the tidbit to tell us about his progress; the first Beginning in July the Hypertension Con - top with word processing and mailings to be time he rolled over, his first day in his new trol Program of the Health Department will completed by the end of the day. When she walker, his first taste of baby food (yum- be conducting blood pressure clinics for in- leaves, the in- basket is almost always empty. yum!) — all the exciting details of being a terested County employees. The nurses will Karen also tries to help out other depart- new mom. be at 7 different County buildings to take ments by assisting them in preparations of Even though juggling a job, baby, college blood pressures and offer related counsel - newsletters, questionnaires, and surveys. husband, and a home isn't easy — it can have Wi This service is free, voluntary and con - Always eager to help, Karen is truly a valued its ups an d downs — Karen has always come fidential. employee to Purchasing and Central Ser- through it gracefully. Her motto: "When the Look for posters in your building for I " ees. All in all, Karen enjoys the newsletter Going Gets Tough — The Tough Go Shop- dates and times; or call Alice Cole (273 pect of her job the most. ping." Through it all, Karen always has a 7272) for more information. smile for everyone. As a matter of fact, she ON THE HOMEFRONT was once titled "Little Miss Mary Sunshine." We all feel really lucky that Karen's hus- SAVE THIS Karen moved to Ithaca from Syracuse in band decided to stay at Cornell for a couple 1988 with her husband, Mike, so that he of more years, because we' be lost without DATE!!! could continue a course of study at Cornell her!! Thanks Karen for all the hard work you . ■ . University. So, for the last two years Karen do for us and the "County Corridors "! August 26, 1990 1 �� 11 -3 p.m• Stewart Park , Tompkins County tall +R ffi 93= i ,b x ° . .. VI " en barbecue! Clowns! j Chick w !. r , ; n . ` Merry -go -round rides! Music! 4 ° A :r , * r . r !: Y Laughter! T.E.Day Care Rafifel . " Face- painting! Good times! Details to Follow See you there! Karen Barry, Employee of the Month from Purchasing and Central Services. Photo by Judy Tynyk IT'S A TOUGH JOB BUT SOMEONE HAS x TO DO IT 1 , .. by Judy Tynk Catching bad guys isn't the only aspect of _ _ _ being a Deputy Sheriff. In May, Deputy t....f- ` Michael Day gave the children from his daughter Carne's day care a tour of the 111: Public Safety Building. The children Iiosteld, ,. ii , ,. especially fascinated with the recreatn a fa with its high fence edged with barb . plc f L ft ater that same month, Deputy Dast , part of the morning at the day care rerg r° 1.- the fingerprints of those children we . parents had given prior permissi. e fingerprint cards are then given o e - parents for safekeeping. ~` '�� The Clothing Makes The Man -1 Michael Bach, Assistant Airport Maintenance Worker, must " wear special protective clothing when operating the ARFF L "" ± , 4 vehicle at the Tompkins County Airport. The ARFF vehicle holds 1500 gallons of water and 180 gallons of AFFF and is used 1111 „ . 1 ”' ' ! in case of an aircraft fire or fuel spill. . In early June, Michael demonstrated the Walters ARFF °,..,. vehicle to children from the South Seneca School System. Every- `i thing except one hand line can be operated from the cab by driver. (How many of you know what ARFF and AFFF st —° for? If you're interested see next issue.) a r j UNCLASSIFIEDS If you live south of Ithaca and need good day care, call Robins Nest Child Care 1 -594 2471. Reasonable, Reliable, Fun! i - , ,. -,� . a FOR SALE: Fish Equipment for 10 gal- , 1` Ion tank. Call 257 -2568 after 6 p.m. t 1 t " hi 1 l' 1 It iiiiie 1 r b FREE kittens to good home. Call 564- ��`- ` THANK YOU TEDC Thank you in a big way to all County Answer to last months Corridors quiz is employees and retirees who have taken the This summer TEDC will be offering a the courthouse entrance. time to send cards and other good wishes school -age program for siblings of children during my medical leave. It's nice to be enrolled at the center. This will be a full -day remembered and thought about! One of program and will offer a variety of acti ' ' these days I hope to be "back in the harness" such as woodworking, cooking, bicyclin but until then, thanks also to the staff in Per- tore studies, and play production. There y sonnel who have taken over for me. be openings for children without siblings Photos by Judy Tynyk Thanks again to all. currently enrolled at the center as well. If you Louise McEwen are interested, please call the center at 273- 6785.