HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09 COUNTY CORRIDORS A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County Vol. l!, No.Vll September 1989 Jill's Green Thumb Takes AII! .... a .. • .r--+ 9 • � U _. .. -a ,4I.. — i'eS J M i- a T ' z � t+' � 4` 'V h 1 1 FS i' x a w , y . ! 1^ i 470; * .1 111 $41: ,., . ,. qy ��^yy y ' , . . ;: Jill Vuckovic, Dept. of Social Services, is seen here with her winning flower bar- CREATURES ' rels. She is very proud of her accomplish- ment in beautifying County buildings and grounds. Jill took 1st and 2nd place in the FOUND IN til summer "contest" at the Biggs Complex to ` see whose "green thumb" could produce COURT HOUSE the most beautiful flowers. First prize was r; lunch for two at Old Port Harbour. Second WALLS! prize was a $10 gift certificate to Agway. Congratulations and thanks, Jill! FRANK LIGUORI RETIREMENT DINNER By Judy Tynyk It was recently discovered that several frightening creatures have been in the Court by Mary DiGiacomo, Yvonne Stewart, & praise for his vision over the years in public House walls since the building was con - TCDP Staff service in Cattaraugus County from October structed in the early 1930's. It is assumed 1946 to June 1954 and in Tompkins County that the men who worked on the interior of Frank Liguori, retiring Commissioner of from July 1954 to September 1989. His the building put the creatures in the walls Planning, was the guest of honor at a gala guidance in Planning and his love and deliberately, assuming that they would be recognition dinner on Wednesday, August dedication to Tompkins County for all found before now. Although they may ap- 23, 1989 in Phillips Hall at Ithaca College. A people in the County will be hard to replace. pear frightening to some people, there are delicious buffet dinner was enjoyed by over We will miss him and wish him a healthy, no reports of any incidents involving the 100 people who attended, represented by happy, fruitful retirement and prime time to creatures, and most County employees family, friends, colleagues, Board of Repre- enjoy his family and whatever endeavors he questioned about the creatures were un- sentatives members, and staff of the Plan- may undertake. aware of their existence. But just to be on the ning Department. It was a highly successful The following is a song written by Stuart safe side, the next time you're in the Court evening, perfectly planned. Stein, Member of the Board of Repre- House, don't get to close to the walls — walk He was presented with a few "unique" sentatives, for the occasion. Everyone at the slowly, let your imagination run wild and mentos, a framed caricature of himself, dinner joined and sang the song -- a nice don't be surprised if you see something and a chain saw -- so he can do a lot "cutting finale to a happy occasion! resembling the creature pictured on page 2. up". X0 continued on page 3 He received many accolades and much THE LONG ARM OF THE LAW! by Benjamin J. Bucko — District Attorney The office established a Sexual Abuse The Tompkins County District Attorney Task force and works very closely with Rape is a constitutional officer (Art. 13, Section B, Crisis and Task Force for Battered Women. N.Y. Constitution). The duties of the Dis- To fight the drug activities, a Tompkins trict Attorney are spelled out in Article 18, County Drug Task Force was established in Section 700, of the County Law which reads 1988. Working very closely with each agen- as follows: cy including the Narcotics Unit, New York It shall be the duty of every district attor- Sate Police, the Task Force is used as a tool ney to conduct all prosecutions for crimes for gathering data on drug dealers and users, and offenses cognizable by the courts of the providing undercover personnel, electronic County for which he shall be elected or ap- equipment and obtaining search warrants. pointed... This cooperative effort between agencies With six assistants, this office deals with presents a coordinated effort to fight the 23 courts which includes all of the Town and drug dealers. Village Justice Courts, City Court and In 1988 this office handled 984 mis- County Court. We also advise and work very demeanor and felony cases. The projection closely with all law enforcement agencies in for 1989 is 1080 and in 1990, 1198. 17 cases Tompkins County. The District Attorney were tried in County Court in 1988. In 1988, The Creature in the Court House. and the Assistant District Attorneys are on 548 DWI cases were processed. The projec- call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to advise tion for 1989 is 592 cases. There were 24 a every /one We ho and work with police officers. child abuse /sexual abuse cases handled by P 7 To assist the District Attorney and the this office. By June 30, 1989, we had has signed up for Assistant District Attorneys in processing processcd 14 cases. all cases, the office is staffed with a The above statistics do not include other the COUNTY Secretary, one Stenographer, one Senior Penal Law violations or Vehicle and Traffic Stenographer, and a Receptionist. violations processed in local courts. PICNIC! Traffic violations, offenses and mis- To correct a misconception that has been demeanor cases are prosecuted in Justice created by the media, this office does not in- Rail? or Shine, it will be at fp Courts in the Villages and Towns. Felony vestigate or solve criminal cases. The Dis- charges are first processed in Justice Courts trict Attorney only prosecutes cases (Sec- Stewart Park, September 24, and then, if warranted, are presented to the tion 700, County Law). In all cases we work 1989. From 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 Grand Jury for an Indictment. Indictments with the police agencies to advise them in p.m. are prosecuted in the County Court. their investigations. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! COUNTY CORRIDORS Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others. County Corridors is published by County Central Services using "desktop publishing" typog- raphy and layout. Publication and distribution is on glir — the second County payday of the month. :11111P Material for publication is selected by the ".— editorial board which reserves the right to edit any t submissions. The editorial board is made up of Karen Barry (Central Services), Bill Chapp (DSS), Y ( Sheila Ferrari (Purchasing and Central Services), r . Scott Heyman (Administration), Louise McEwen = _ 'a (Personnel), Joyce Musson (Administration), It • - Doreen Schrader (Buildings & Grounds), Marilyn _ sy " Strassberg (Office for the Aging), Judy Tynyk (Weights & Measures), and Linnette Wamer (Solid Waste). / • Correspondence may be sent through County inter- office mail to: Newsletter or Central Services or via Us Mail to: From left to right — Ronna Collins, Secretary; Benjamin Bucko, District Attorney; Newsletter C/O Purchasing & Central Servi Katherine Sundgren, Asst. D.A.; Gary Surcell, Asst. D.A.; Mary Ellen Schramm, Sr. Biggs Center Bldg A Stenographer and Barbara Hazard, Stenographer. 301 Harris B. Dates Dr. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Employee of the Month THEY HELP SUZI Z I SEAR I T! » continued from page 1 • HAIL, ALL HAIL, FAREWELL Written by Stuart Stein, Chair — Planning , . y & Economic Development Committee By Jackie Kippola . (Sung to the tune of "Far Above Cayuga's 04 Waters ") Suzi Cook has been working with the office. His open communication policy, his County for seven years, minus a one year dedication to the job, and his conscientious- Far above the County Court House leave to work in the Supreme Court. Her ness to the public makes her job very enjoy- Sitting on West Hill, work as Secretary in the County Attorney's able. Stands our noble Planning Office office is multi- faceted. Her office is respon- Suzi has been married for two years and Built with care and skill. sible for prosecuting juvenile delinquents, her husband, Deane, is a city firefighter. defending the County in lawsuits and They are expecting their first baby in Refrain: rendering legal advice. Suzi also administers February. They also have three adorable Find the data, run the printouts, the Landfill Neighborhood Protection and curious ferrets. Suzi's hobbies include Write the plans so well, Program. Suzi makes sure all aspects of golfing, skiing, ice skating, and most impor- Hail to thee, our master planner, these projects run smoothly. tantly, Teddy bear collecting. Suzi claims Hail, all hail, farewell. Suzi credits her boss, Bob Mulvey, for the that they do all of the work at her office. efficiency of how matters are handled in the Good luck, Suzi, and keep up the good work. Started up by Frank Liguori A ` - 4 • In his youthful prime, k ' ; Now it stands in all its glory, A tribute to his time. Refrain: (Repeat) l 4004 `. ' ' Highway, landfills, Tomtran, SEQR, e Grants and office space, w All commanded Frank's attention :i a ",% r For a better place. bt. d f t � _ 1111 " ' ' r ii • Y �, Refrain: (Repeat) Liguori's era now is ended ' ` "� `�'� But the work proceeds, " lib. 4 , ' 'a - Built upon a strong foundation, .. Planning for our needs. Suzi Cook, employee of the month, seen here with all her little helpers. Refrain: (Repeat) A THANK YOU NOTE Hi, my name is Barry Nelson. A lot of you know my mom. Her name is Cheryl and she works at the Public Works Department. My mom says a lot of you have asked about me, 1 ., — said a prayer for me, put money in a collet- f tion for us, or came to my benefit jamboree. I think my mom and I are pretty lucky that (1.11I'lk she works with such nice people who care '` when I am sick.,, Right now, I an doing O.K. I go to ,�� Syracuse on Monday, Wednesday and >` Vii' ,- Friday every week and get my blood cleaned ` by a hemo - dialysis machine. I get put on the machine for four hours each time I go. In about a week I will go on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. W So, me, my mom, my dad and my brother, ant to thank you for all the nice things you did for us while I was sick this summer. We Frank Liguori seen here with his caricature, the night of his retirement dinner. think you're all real special! Barry, Cheryl, Greg, & Brent Nelson Photography by Judy Tynyk FAREWELL TO COUNTY EMPLOYEES VACANCIES AND OFFICIALS By: Frank R. Liguori The Tompkins County Personnel Office is ac- cepting applications for IMMEDIATE and AN- TICIPATED VACANCIES in the following post • Thank you so much for the retirement dinner, the kind words, the memorabilia and ACCOUNT CLERK TYPIST: various depts the gifts. It was a grand party which I shall always remember. I look forward to retirement ASST SOLID WASTE TECHNICIAN: P c from County service after 35 years, but with mixed feelings. Works, LG 9 (anticipated) I will miss the challenge of working with County government to help make the Coun AUTO MECHANIC: Public Works, LG 12 (2 ty a little better place live. lace to li vacOMs) COMMISSIONER OF PLANNING: Planning, MG I will miss my Planning Department staff who are loyal, dedicated County employees. H I will miss the numerous local and County officials and County employees with whom I DIRECTOR OF HOUSING: DSS, MG H NOTE: have worked directly or just passed a few words with when we meet. Change in minimum quals. the last few years, in my humble judgement, County employees have become a NEW ei ther 2 yrs. Bachelors din human in specified During Y � Y J g Y area and either 2 yrs. experience in human services more friendly, closer knit group. This is good. A friendly work place is a more enjoyable or property mgmt. or equivalent construction ex- work place and more productive too. perience; OR AAS and 4 yrs OR high school and 6 If you see me as you drive by 1210 Trumansburg Road, blow your horn or stop for a Yrs' INFORMATION SPECIALIST: Public Works, LG chat. If you see me on the street or at meetings, say hello and I will too. 12 (anticipated) You are a great group. I will miss you. MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER: Health Dept., LG 11 MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR: Public Works, LG 10 HEALTHY HEART PSYCHIATRIST: Mental Health, MG H SEPTEMBER 27 — WEDNESDAY PUBLIC HEALTH TECHNICIAN: Health, LG 10 " SOLID WASTE INSPECTOR: Public Works, LG 9 MODIFICATION OF RECIPES FOR PROGRAM (anticipated) CHOLESTEROL AND SODIUM" SOLID WASTE TECHNICIAN: Public Works, LG KICKOFF PRESENTED BY MARIE LAYER. 12 (anticipated) Held at the Cornell Cooperative Exten- SPECIFICATION WRITER: Purchasing & Central C ELEBRATION sion of Tompkins County Women's Com- Services, LG 12 munity Building. SUPERVISOR OF PROGRAM OPERATIONS: Y g Data Processing, LG 14 "KEEP THE BEAT" 12:00 p.m. TYPIST: Various depts. LG 4 in TOMPKINS COUNTY Brown bag lunch YOUTH SERVICES SPECIALIST: Youth Bureau, 50% time, LG 10 WELDER: Public Works, LG 11 Saturday, September 23,1989` Ems" PLEASE CONTACT T.C. PERSONNEL Ithaca Commons J• i FOR JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND MINIMUM Q 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ^ \ \ ! FOR ABOVE. Join the Healthy Heart Program in a \ 1/ UNCLASSIFIEDS celebration of physical fitness in Tompkins County! It's an opportunity to see the variety of FOR SALE: 1985 Plymouth Horizon — programs, resources, and organizations Vti well maintained. 22,000 miles, automatic available to help Tompkins County rest- transmission, 4 door, air - conditioned. Call dents "Keep the Beat ". = 1 Sue — 274 -2233 days or 844 -9420 evenings. DEMONSTRATIONS AND ACTIVITIES WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: • tapda n ncing • dancing FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS tap dacing Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their im- • Southside Street Dancers mediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No • low impact aerobics County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. • Aikido • Hidy Ochiai's karate • children's fitness programs • blood pressure screening • body fat testing • heart health information 410 • nutrition information • healthy heart foods • health clubs