HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07 COUNTY CORRIDORS
A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County
Vol. II, No. V July 1989
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On Monday, July 17, 1989 the doors "' ;,,
opened to the Tompkins Employees' Day � t ,�
Care Center,located on the ground level of \ t� c r
401 Dates Drive(Biggs B).After two years -
p",... '
of planning and preparation, County
employees will have, as an available child r_ ,.
care option,an on-site employer subsidized
i1 w-:
center.Tompkins County can be very proud . � a.�. - r ''
iii of the fact that it is in a leadership position
in our community in relation to family sup- -- -
portive policies. ett. �•
BETSY BURGDORF has been recently - '-_:..'' ,g': -_:x,
named as at the Director of Smith Center.Betsy Betsy Burgdorf,Director of the Tompkins Employees Day Care Center,(far left),seen
is a graduate of William Smith College and here with some of the children trying out the sandbox at the new center.
has worked with young children in diverse
settings, including special needs children,
Montessori, and public schools. She most JOB will be available for review at the Personnel
recently was involved with child Office during this review and appeal period.
ment services for the U.S. Army and was CLASSIFICATION/ The letter will outline the review and appeal
responsible for both center and family child process to employees in more detail.
care operations at the Seneca Army Depot. PAY EQUITY August 7-18 — Appeals will be reviewed
She is currently involved in graduate level UPDATE and employees will have an opportunity to
studies in Education. submit a written statement or schedule a
Betsy,the center's teachers,and County The Personnel Department has received conference.
renovation and cleaning personnel spent the the preliminary job specifications and al- The Pay Equity Study is scheduled for
preceding two weeks preparing the center location list from the New York State completion by mid-September and this in-
for opening day. The staff and administra- Department of Civil Service. The job formation will be made available to
tion of the Center look forward to satisfying specifications include changes in title,duties employees by October 1st.
the needs of County employees and com- and/or qualifications. The rating factors
munity parents for quality child care by have also been incorporated in the job SEPTEMBER
providing a caring, developmentally ap- descriptions for each title.The allocation list
propriate early childhood environment for indicated the present and proposed titles /�/� ' '1 989 I S
our children. and jurisdictional class. This phase of the 24
study does not make labor grade or salary A reception and open house will be an- y ry THE COUNTY
nounced in the near future to formally recommendations.
recognize the efforts of all who have made July 19-20 — Department Heads will
our center possible. receive copies of the allocation list and job PICNIC'
Spaces are still available for children ages specifications. By August 1 they will make
12 weeks to 5 years.For further information verbal or written recommendations for I,
contact Betsy at 273-6785. revisions to the Commissioner of Personnel. Dj
At present,the Center is nameless and is August 3-4 — Each employee will ice-, 1∎►. '*• +i,...4
Imili looking for suggestions with which the receive a letter indicating the proposed job 'WIT"
children could identify.Please contact John title and jurisdictional classification for their tr..`1n�)osition.Each De artment will have co ies Beach at 5524 or send suggestions to John at P P P �,
the STOP-DWI office in the Courthouse. of the job specifications for employee =��Jf _'',)s�.
review. In addition, the job specifications == _t�_
S ONES Question:How can I estimate what I will
receive from Social Security when I retire?
SOLID WASTE A NEW EMPLOYEE AT THE Answer:The Social Security Administra-
DEPARTMENTS NEW HEALTH DEPARTMENT tion has recently instituted a program
EMPLOYEES Penny Clair, the new Disabilities Coun- whereby people may complete a "Request
selor for Tompkins County Health Depart- for Earnings and Benefit Estimate State-
by Linnett Warner,Solid Waste Assistant meat,started the end of March,1989.Penny ment",send it to them on the pre-addressed
has a degree in Sociology and her working form, and have a response within 6 to 8
Doreen Starks joined the Solid Waste background includes (as will as various of- weeks.It is suggested that everyone,not just
Department in January of 1989. She is the lice jobs) working with the disabled at the those retiring, get a complete statement so
Solid Waste Account Clerk Typist. If you Finger Lakes Independence Center in they may check accuracy of wages reported
call our department, Doreen will probably Ithaca for over one year. by past and present employers.There is no
be the one answering your call.Doreen and Ms.Clair's main area of expertise is deal- cost to do this.Forms are available from the
her family moved from Pennsylvania to New ing with the hearing impaired and she is also local Social Security office, or in limited
York three years ago.Her husband Gordie, an active member and officer of the local quantity for County employees from Per-
works for Wilcox Press,and their son,Keith, Ithaca SHHH Group(Self Help for Hard of sonnel.
who wants to be the next Jose Conseco,is an Hearing). Although hearing impaired, in Question:Is there an upper limit to what
upcoming freshman at Newfield. Doreen most situations she copes quite well.There the County's health insurance plan will pay
has been very busy traveling to attend her are times, however, especially in noisy en- per person or per year?
son's All-Star baseball games, in competi- vironments, when she depends even more The County's health insurance plan is a
tion for Western New York Babe Ruth upon lip-reading;in most situations she ap- very generous benefit. Blue Cross provides
Championship title. Doreen is also a preciates the person talking to her to face up to 365 days per calendar year,per enrolle
seamstress who has done alterations profes- her. or dependent.Blue Shield medical/surgical
sionally for three years. She feels that the has no benefit limit per person or per year.
fast-paced Solid Waste Office is always a The major medical portion of the plan
challenge and is glad to have made provides fora$1,000,000 maximum lifetime
Tompkins County her home. benefit per person except for outpatient
Barbara Hotchkiss(known as Barbara or psychiatric services which has a maximum
"Bara"to differentiate her from Barb Eck- ,;'‘ ,!, lifetime benefit of$50,000 per person.There
strom,Solid Waste Manager) was hired as s j is no maximum on the drug co-pay portion
the County Recycling Coordinator in July ■ of the plan.
log WOULD LIKE ANSRED Barbara is a mayoral-appointed f`" ' YOUR FRINGE ENEFITS,SEND
member of the Ithaca Recycles ,
Task force and the Conservation r PERSONNEL.
Advisory Council. `_
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors
Barbara grew up in Binghamton and _ are selected by the volunteer editorial board based
came to Ithaca in 1974 as an undergraduate on their interest to Tompkins County employees
in Cornell's College of Human Ecology, and retirees. Material is solicited from current
from which she graduated in 1978. After employees,retirees and others.
County Corridors is published by County
several years of work in various health and Central Services using'desktop publishing"typog-
human services agencies around Tompkins raphy and layout.Publication and distribution is on
County,she moved temporarily to Amherst, Penny is excited about being a part of the the second County payday of the month.
Massachusetts to pursue a Masters Degree Tompkins County Health Department and Material for publication Is selected by the
of Public Health in Community Health looks forward to: editorial board which reserves the right to edit any
-Keeping the pre-school Vision Screen- submissions. The editorial board is made up of
Education at the University of Mas- Karen Barry (Central Services), Bill Chapp (DSS),
sachusetts. In her Masters program she ing Program going. Sheila Ferrari (Purchasing and Central Services),
worked on educational projects that ad- -Investigating the possibilities and needs Scott Heyman (Administration), Louise McEwen
dressed recycling,groundwater protection, for a Hearing Screening Program. (Personnel), Joyce Musson (Administration),
-Counseling and referring to the right Doreen Schrader(Buildings & Grounds),`Marilyn
pesticides, and community organization. Strassberg (Office for the Aging), Judy Tynyk
She received her Masters in 1987 and agencies, individuals with various dis- (Weights&Measures),and Linnette Warner(Solid
returned to Ithaca to work in a Cornell abilities. Waste).
Cooperative Extension office called the -Educating the General Public more Correspondence may be sent through County
about the disabled person's rights. inter-office mail to:
Chemicals-Pesticides Program. She was Newsletter or Central Services
responsible for developing educational •Educating the General Public the or via Us Mail to:
programs and materials on the health and proper way to approach and refer to the dis- Newsletter C/O Purchasing&Central Services
environmental effects of pesticides. abled. Too often, "hurtful phrases" are Biggs Center Bldg A
She has extensive volunteer experience, used,either intentionally or unintentionaly. 301 Harris B.Dates Dr.
-Education of herself through infor- Ithaca,N.Y. 14850
and currently is a mayoral-appointed mem- matinal sources, ie:workshops,media,and
* continued on page 4 any other source,on new findings about the This paper is recyclable.
Employee of the Month
There is to be a recognition dinner in
By Tom Parsons plan and the training programs for fire- honor of Frank R.Liguori,Commissioner
fighters and emergency medical tech- of Planning,who after 35 years,2 months
Two Groton fire-fighters crawl up a set nicians(EMTs). service to Tompkins County(and 7 years,
of stairs in a smoke filled house searching for The communications system was archaic 8 months prior to 1954 with Cattaraugus
a young child trapped in a house fire.A 90 by even 1960 standards when Jack first came County),has announced his retirement in
year old woman who lives alone in a on board in 1972. Since then several mile- September. The dinner will be held on
farmhouse m Dryden, has fallen down a stones have been passed to bring the Coun- Wednesday, August 23, 19892 7:00 p.m.,
flight of stairs and cannot get up; she sum- ty fire, medical and police radio corn- Phillips Hall,Ithaca College Campus.All
mons help by pressing the button on a pen- munications system to the forefront in tech- County employees who are interested are
dant that she wears around her neck. In nology and design. In 1974 portable radios welcome to attend.Call Yvonne Stewart at
Trumansburg firefighters and EMTs work were first installed in the volunteer am- County Planning(274-5360)for details as
feverishly to save the life of a 25 year old man bulances, which allowed communications to the cost of the dinner and directions to
trapped in a car after a severe automobile between ambulances and the hospital for Phillips Hall.
accident. the first time.
You may ask what these all have in com- The Emergency Medical System made a IN REMEMBRANCE
mon.It is the Tompkins County Fire&Dis- great stride in 1980 when all ambulances in
aster Coordinator and his staff who provide the County were outfitted with equipment
the services that support all of these opera- and radios to provide advanced life support We note with shock and disbelief the
services.The age of Squad 51 with John & death of Leslie Iris Gould, EISEP Case
Manager, on June 26, 1989 as a result of a
car accident while vacationing in Arizona.
Ms.Gould,23,was a field work student at
ylVaiak, i DSS during her studies at Cornell. After
. graduating from the School of Human Ecol-
ogy in 1988, she was hired as the Case
' yr- """ ' "�' Manager of EISEP, a Health Department
ilft" ' 4.
s and Office for the Aging Program providing
. `� s -- .c,— in-home care for the elderly.All who knew
`" fr :'•� - her and worked with her will miss her great-
. ~` R ,t ly.A memorial service was held in Ithaca on
" ., 1 • Sunday,July 2, when a tree was planted in
'` f •' -' ``" ' Cascadilla Park in her honor. Her parents
. to .-. a request that any contributions be made to 4.
__i__ the Tompkins County Task Force for Bat-
tered Women, P.O. Box 164, Ithaca, N.Y.
Jack Miller,Employee of the Month,with the Fire/Rescue truck. ®®$45)Em
p Y � /R
tions. Roy from the TV show "Emergency" had GIVE US YOU R
In December 1971 the Tompkins County come to Tompkins County. Tompkins n TOYS
Board of Representatives created the posi- County has since had the reputation of being !
tion of Fire & Disaster Coordinator. On exceedingly advanced in comparison to
January 1, 1972 John L. (Jack) Miller was other counties across the country with its ��t-
appointed to the newly created position and ability to provide such a high level of emer- your tired dolls;your unused trucks
put in charge of the entire County fire com- gency care in an essentially rural area.The THE TOMPKINS EMPLOYEES'DAY
munications operation which consisted of communications system was again the com- CARE CENTER
one base station at the top of Snyder Hill, mon link that made the advancement such a needs children's toys,books&music for
the mobile radios in all the fire apparatus success. infants to 5 year olds
within Tompkins County and the four fire The communications system has been
dispatchers who were hired to staff the upgraded several times since with the most Call John Beach at 5524
Tompkins County Emergency Dispatch recent being a major$1.5 million expansion or
Center, located in the Ithaca Central Fire which provided for new mobile radios for all Cathy Wedge at 5324
Station.Jack's other responsibilities include „ continued on page 5 MAKE OUR KIDS SMILE!
the coordination of the County's mutual aid
U pd ate Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees,retirees and their im-
mediate families.Ms may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No
County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads.Use this coupon to send your
by Louise McEwen 4iM ad to Corridors c/o Central Services.
New York Stale and
Local Retirement Systems
On May 22,we held two seminars for Tier
3 and 4 employees, one at TC3 and one in
the evening at the First Court House.About i
75 people total attended the two meetings plied for after 10 years in the System and one
conducted by Bob Hall of the N.Y.State and must be unable to perform his/her job.Ac- VACANCIES
Local Employees'Retirement System. cidental disability may be applied for when
Tier 3 and 4 are considered"temporary an employee is injured on the job through no The Tompkins County Personnel Office is ac-
legislation"and may be changed by the State fault of the employee's and there is no min- cepting applications for immediate and anticipated
vacancies in the following positions:
Legislature. (Tier 1 and 2 benefits are per- imum time period of membership as with or- Assistant Director of Budget and Administration:
manent and may not be amended.) dinary disability.There is no workers'com- Mental Health,MG D
Tier 3 members are those who joined the pensation benefit reduction on Tier 3 and 4 Case Manager: EISEP; Health Dept./O.F.A.,LG
System between July 27, 1976,and Septem- accidental disability allowances.There is no 9
Commissioner of Planning:Planning,MG H
ber 1, 1983; Tier 4 members joined after cost of living adjustment to disability retire- Continuing Treatment Specialist: Mental
September 1, 1983.The normal retirement ment allowances. Health,LG 10
age for both tiers is 62.Tier 4 members have Death benefits are paid if the employee Director of Housing:DSS,MG D
no provision for early retirement. Tier 3 is on payroll; paid in lump sum with first Equipment Service Manager:Public Works,LG
members may retire at age 55,with 10 years $50,000 tax free. Ordinary death benefit
Y g Y rY Heavy Equipment Operator: Public Works, LG
of service,with a 30% reduction in benefit. equals one month's salary for each year of i 1
Each year between 55 and 60,there is a 3.3% service up to 36 years (i.e., three years' Medical Social Worker: Health Dept.,LG 11
reduction and between 60 and 62 years of salary) for Tier 3; Tier 4 members have a Motor Equipment Operator:Highway,Lg 10
age, a 6.6% reduction each year. If one choice of the same as Tier 3 or 1 year's salary Psychiatric Social l Health,Mental Health,LG 14
Y Y �' Psychiatrist:Mental Health,MG H
chooses early retirement,once the retiree is after completion of one year in the System, Social Welfare Examiner: Dss,LG 9
age 62, the benefit is reduced by 1/2 of So- two after two, up to a maximum of three Solid Waste Assistant:Public Works,MG D
cial Security for which he/she is eligible from years'salary.Both carry a maximum of up to Specification Writer:Central Services,LG 12
Supervisor of Program Operations: Data
P ublic employment only through a public three years'salary.
Processing,LG 14
employer who participates in the Retire- Death benefits are always payable to the Typist:Various Departments,LG 4
ment System. beneficiary(ies)you name when you join the Youth Care Worker:DSS,LG 10
System unless you change them. An ac- Please contact the Tompkins County Personnel
cidental death benefit is payable if death is Department for job descriptions and minimum
Retirement allowances are based P Y qualifications for the above listed vacancies.
on employee contributions plus directly related to an employee's job duties.
A monthly allowance is paid to the spouse » continued from page 2
interest plus employer contribu- until death or remarriage, or to dependent A 9
lions. children, or to dependent parents, or to ber of the Ithaca Recycles Task Force
and the Conservation Advisory Council.
other dependents,if any,in that order.The In her spare time,Barbara enjoys spend-
Vesting for both Tier 3 and 4 members is first$50,000 is tax free. ing time with her fiance gardening, hiking,
after ten years. If a Tier 3 member leaves There are several retirement options playing tennis, bicycling, doing aerobics,
public employment,he/she has 7 years to get available to Tier 3 and 4 retirees,as for Tier
skiing, windsurfing, and other outdoor ac
back into the System but if he/she does not 1 and 2 retirees. If you provide for a tivities. Barbara also likes to pursue her
rejoin ars,he/she/m a must rejoin
may get their ln beneficiary, the monthly allowance to you creative interests with a vocal jazz group
Y g will be lower based on the age of the called Jazzmatazz,based at the Community
contributions out of the System if they beneficiary you name.Again,it is wise to get School of Music and Art.
choose to do so when they leave after they've an estimate 12 to 18 months before your "Bars" is looking forward to the new
been off payroll for 15 days;Tier 4 members retirement date. position, and welcomes suggestions and/or
may not withdraw their contributions. Checks are always mailed the second to feedback from County colleagues as to how
Retirement allowances are based on last banking day of the month.There is no the County's pilot recycling project might be
employee contributions plus interest plus New York State tax but a retiree may have improved. She applauds all efforts to
employer contributions. Calculations are Federal tax withheld by supplying Retire-
made based on Final Average Salary ment with a W-4P form. There is direct recycle, and, in addition, encourages
(highest 3 consecutive years) percentage deposit of retirement checks if requested by everyone to help reduce the amount of gar
times years of service-- X years until bage going into the landfill by being waste-
conscious Y a retiree. conscious consumers: try to buy products
25 years of membership, 2.0% for first 25 '�' Y P
Y P� Currently, a retiree may earn ap- with less packaging,or in containers that can
years(half pay at 25 years),and then 1.66% proximately $8400 per calendar year if be reused or recycled;look for the chasing
per year after 26 years. working for a public employer. arrows symbol that indicates that items are
Ordinary disability retirement may be ap- made from recycled materials.
`10d f
or C
14,.;,��,�� offered so that the high level of skill can be A R E 1111 I N D E R
maintained in the field.Specialized and ad-
vanced firefighting courses are also ar-
ranged so that firefighters can sharpen their The Vending Machine Committee
continued from page 3 skills and be trained on new techniques in makes monies available for sending
fire suppression.
County fire apparatus and Sheriff's flowers to those employees in the hospital,
Jack also provides logistical and resource
patrol cars, six more radio towers and two and to employees who may experience a
support to emergency incidents. The Fire
new communications consoles for the death in their immediate family for flowers
Coordinator's truck carries several impor-
Emergency Dispatch Center and the new or a memorial contribution. PLEASE ...
Cant resources that County fire departments
Public Safety Building.The new upgrade al- advise Personnel immediately if one of
lows for more frequencies for both fire and may request in case of a major incident: a your department's employees is hospital-
ambulance use, as well as improved radio supply of breathing air for fire department ized or experiences a death in his/her fami-
reception in the remote areas of the Coun- air packs,foam for fighting fuel fires and ex ly so we do not neglect sending our
trication equipment for motor vehicle acci
ty. dents. "thoughts"to such employees.
The heart of the communications system An incident requires several depart-
is the County Emergency Dispatch Center ments to handle the situation. The Coor-
located in the Ithaca Central Fire Station on dinator can be used to coordinate the activa U N C LH.7�7I F I EDS
Green Street in Ithaca.It is staffed full time, tion and use of mutual aid departments.Dis-
24-hours a day and 365 days a year, by six aster planning and special event planning
full-time and four part-time dispatchers. are taking up more of the Coordinator's Apartments for rent between Catatonk
In 1972 when the County first took over time in recent years, especially with the and Owego. Quiet country setting. Studio
the dispatch center, 642 alarms were dis- enactment of the Federal bill known as the and one bedroom. Furnished, utilities in-
patched to only four departments. Sixteen Emergency Planning&Community Right to eluded.Tony 272-4370 days,273-0711 even-
years later in 1988,the dispatch center dis- Know Act of 1986 and the Empire State ings.
patched 10,280 alarms to 16 fire depart- Games planning for the summer of 1989.He WANTED: Baby crib.Used but in good
ments and one commercial ambulance ser- represents the County fire services interest condition.Reasonably priced.Contact Bar-
vice. The dispatchers receive emergency in the planning of these matters. bara Eckstrom at 273-6632 or 272-0552.
calls over one of six emergency telephone The backbone of the Fire & Disaster
lines.They also monitor a radio alarm sys- Coordinator's Office are the people who
tem that can receive signals from facilities work there.The dispatchers who provide 24
County-wide, such as the Groton School hour coverage of the dispatch center are
System and the Elderly Housing Project in trained in both the Fire and EMS fields so
Newfield.Also in 1987 the dispatch center they are able to understand what informa- BROW N B LUNC :
began answering PERS (Personal Emer-
gene Response System) alarms from
tion is being communicated over the
y P y telephone and radio.The five Deputy Coor- "' - L= I
private residences. PERS alarms are in- dinators who are appointed by the Fire & �`' ( '�
stalled by the County Office for the Aging Disaster Coordinator provide additional as- �I '
for occupants who are elderly or disabled sistance in training, EMS, fire and disaster Biggs Building A,Sadd Conference
and may not be able to summon help by dial- management.They can also respond to inci- Room
ing the phone in an emergency. The oc- dents where the Coordinator's presence is Tuesday-Noon-130 p.m.
cupant wears a pendant around their neck needed, but he is unable to respond. The 7/5/89 Training by staff of the Employee
which can activate the system by the press of Secretary, Chris Strizack, is truly the right Assistance Program, Family &
a button. arm of the increased volume of calls, arm of the office.She fronts many of the calls Children's Service.
much of the dispatch system has been for training course sign-up, information 7/18/89 Supervising in a Civil Service
automated and computerized to make the about emergency incidents as well as the System.
operation utom
as efficient as computerized to The the handling of the general business of the of- 7/25/89 Time Management.
lice. 8/01/89 Understanding your fringe
patchers use a computer to look up phone
numbers, property information and road What is in the future for the Fire&Dis- benefits.
location umbers, property information and road aster Coordinator's Office? The corn- 8/08/89 Training by staff of the Employee
r to file mporn on y a
calls they dis- munications system is constantly requiring Assistance Program, Family &
attention to maintain peak performance. Children's Services.
patch.The data that is collected from the in- Upgrades and replacement are a must for 8/15/89 Supervising in a Civil Service
cident reports is later compiled and the system to operate efficiently and provide System.
evaluated for future planning. the best service for the County fire and EMS 8/22/89 Performance Evaluation.
Even though much of Jack's business is departments which depend so heavily on it. 8/29/89 Sara Rushmore, Social Services
communications,a great deal is spent coor- This year over 200 class hours will be taught Department, is organizing some
dinating training, disaster planning and tofrefghtersin the form of County training.
follow-up to the June 20th AIDS
providing logistical support at emergency In the fall a basic EMT and an advanced information session.
incidents.EMS and fire-fighting training is EMT class begin again. The EMS system 9/05/89 Current trends in the Tompkins
offered to all members of the fire service in which is heavily burdened with calls is in County budget and in County service
Tompkins County. EMT courses and Fire- constant need of new trained personnel. delivery.
fighting Essentials courses are taught at a Whatever the situation,the Fire&Disaster
Countylevel so that a standard level of train- Coordinator and his staff are always BE PROVIDED
lug is offered throughout the area.Continu- prepared to meet the needs of the County
ing medical education for County EMTs is and its residents even in the worst of times.
WISHES. Got the low-cholesterol diet blues? Beginning around October 1,RMSCO of
410, Syracuse will be starting the open enroll-
Tired of all those boring fish and chick- ment period for the flexible benefits plan
en-without-skin dishes? year beginning January 1, 1990. Under this
Try this one: program, employees are allowed to defer
Special congratulations go to Tompkins Using as much of each ingredient as you State and Federal income tax on health in
County Department's Public Health Tech- or your family can eat, lightly saute sliced
surance premiums (done automatically
nician, Ava Battiste Watkins and her hus- onions, green peppers*, and mushrooms.
Add large can of tomatoes and spices to through Payroll),as well as dependent care
band Kevin on the birth of their first child, expense and health care expense not
Anwar Battiste Watkins,on May 26,1989. taste - I enjoy garlic, pepper and covered through our group insurance (ex-
Congratulations go to Tompkins County oregano...and,if I feel particularly resentful am les: eyeglasses yeglass asses and exams,dental work
Health Department Dwyn Dithmer, PHN, about my Spartan diet that day,I dare add a
including orthodontics, and annual "well
upon her May 1989 graduation from SUNY dab of margarine (heaven forbid, NEVER visit" physical exam). By carefully estimat
Binghamton.Dwyn has earned a Masters of butter which is an enemy to our arteries.)On what such costs might be in 1990, an
Science degree and certificate for Family top of these ingredients place a fish fillet(I employee may elect to set aside a fixed
Nurse Practitioner.We're proud of you. use cod but you may prefer another fish). amount per payroll for such expenses and
Congratulations to Tompkins County Cover and simmer gently for 5-10 minutes or have that amount deducted from the gross
Health Department Barb Riley,PHN,upon until fish is white and flaky. Serve im- amount of the check before Federal and
her May 1989 graduation from SUNY Bin- mediately with rice...or with a baked State taxes are calculated.Because of Inter
ghamton. Barb has earned a Masters De- potato...or boiled beans!
Revenue Service regulations,employees
nal ee as Clinical Nurse Specialist in Corn- If You don't care for cooked green pep-
! P must fully understand the program and we
munity Health Nursing.We're proud of you. pers,try a stalk or two of broccoli-or,just anticipate many informational sessions will
Congratulations go to Tompkins County use your imagination. be held in October and November to ac
Health Department Susan Turner, PHN, Submitted by Virginia Polak-Stop DWI quaint new employees and other employees
upon her recent graduation from Syracuse who may not have attended meetings late in
University. Susan has earned a Masters in French Salad Dressing 1988 for the plan year effective 1/1/89. Be
Nursing Degree.We're proud of you. Submitted by Judy I.Tynyk-Weights&
thinking about this benefit-it's a good way
Best wishes go to the newlyweds:Healthy Measures to save paying taxes on qualified expendi-
Heart Program,Jean Lanzafame,Tompkins 1/2 cup vegetable oil ture amounts.More later!
County Coordinator, and her groom, 3/4 cup catsup
Richard Easterly,who were married on July 1/2 cup white vinegar CORRECTION -
15 1989. 1/2 cup sugar Under "Congratulations" on page 5 in
Tompkins County Health Department 1 tsp.salt June County Corridors,it should read:"...to
welcomes Priscilla Smith who has recently 1 tsp.paprika Patti Bennett upon her graduation from
come on board as a temporary nutrition aide 1/2 tsp.onion(put through garlic press) Cornell University in Human Ecology on
in the WIC Program. garlic to taste
Special congratulations go to Debra Combine all ingredients in bottle and Connie Bo
Bennett, stenographer grapherin the
Fowler, Tompkins County Health Depart- shake well. Can also be made in blender at Division of Environmental Health."
ment Registered Nurse in the hypertension high speed for a thicker dressing
- r.,....._.4 r , z. d e":` N,,... a .,, .. 3a
program,and her husband,Joe Barbeito,on ,
the birth of their first child,Dillon,on June -� � r> 4.,,-. , .
'1, ii\
___----1--- Q:-- ., ,-+Ii`4 % : --#4t, - -:,,,' '.., .."-. _ , '..7:
'� `, .ter„ f - g
Due to space limitations, some
articles may not appear in the e
same month's newsletter as they -.1',.."�
are submitted.All articles will be , °°' "
published as soon as possible. ��
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Betsy Burgdorf,Director of the new Day Care Center with one of the children
Photography by Bill Chapp investigating a turtle!