HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04 COUNTY CORRIDORS
A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County!
Vol.II,No.II April 1989
SAFE AND SOUND...IN THE AIR Seventh Annual New York State Senior
AND ON THE GROUND! June 8,9,10,11 — State University Col-
Once again New York State seniors, 55
by Robert A.Nicholas — Airport ever-present Maintenance Supervisor,John and older,have an opportunity to have fun
MacLean, supervises over Maintenance while keeping fit.Scheduled activities at the
Because it is associated with travel and Workers Mickey Carlisle, Joe Longo and Games include track and field, swimming,
conjures up pictures of Florida beaches and Jim Strehle together with Assistant Main- cycling,horseshoes,table tennis,bocci,bad-
the like, the airport tends to have a some- tenance Workers Michael Bach, Craig minton,billiards,golf,cards,bowling,arch-
what glamorous image. While this is often Fuller and Gail Jones.Administration mat- ery,scrabble,racquetball,shuffleboard and
the end product of passing through an air- ters are attended to by me and my ac- more!Clinics in dance,fitness,aerobics and
port,it neglects the fact that some very basic count/clerk-typist Sandi Draghi. yoga will be conducted. Drop in (anytime)
and unglamourous tasks need to be per- activities will include bait casting, basket-
formed to make it all work. ball, darts, softball and more. Free swim
Though there is great emphasis on Airport staff provide vital Crash, time will also be provided. You can par-
making the passage through an airport as Fire and Rescue services for ticipate in an activity just for fun (Recrea-
speedy and painless as possible for the tional Division)or for more serious athletic
aircraft in trouble. activity(Competitive Division).
traveler, the overwhelming concern of the y( pe )
airport staff is to ensure that travelers can Special events include an Olympic track
do it safely. and flag ceremony and evening activities of
Last year the airport handled over dancing,a social hour,a cocktail hour,guest
220,000 passengers and 62,000 aircraft speakers and a dinner dance.
Invisible "clear zones" ensure operations. Not counting capital projects, There is a ten dollar registration fee;
we operate on a budget of just under half a however, a limited number of scholarships
aircraft can fly safely around the million dollars and usually have a small will bel available.
airport. surplus of revenues over operating expenses Call your office for the Aging for further
at the end of the year. information(274-5450).
There is much to be done to improve this
All public-use airports operate under airport, particularly in respect to the ter- COMING SOON ... Retirement
very strict rules.Each airport is certificated minal building. To that end, applications
and must continue to meet rigid standards have been submitted to the FAA for a run- Information
to retain that certificate.Annual compliance way extension and a new terminal building- On May 15 and May 22, Tompkins
inspections are performed by the Federal both to be constructed by the end of 1991.In County will be sponsoring retirement in-
Aviation Administration(FAA).Our safety keeping with the rest of the country's air- formation seminars conducted by a repre-
concerns include the provision of satisfac- ports,I expect Tompkins County's facility to sentative from the New York State and
tory pavement surfaces where aircraft can grow steadily over the coming years. I am Local Employees'Retirement System,Al-
land, take off, taxi and park. During the proud of my small team and with their help bany. This will be an opportunity for all
winter this will involve the control of snow I feel confident that we can meet the chal- employees and/or retirees to listen and ask
and ice which can often be a day-long battle. lenges that lie ahead. questions about State retirement.Because
We provide runway and taxiway lighting, of the differences between Tier 1-2 and
wind direction indication, navigation aids - Tier 3—4 plans,separate seminars will be
and invisible"clear zones"to ensure aircraft lt: held to provide information pertinent to
can fly around the airport without meeting the specific plans.
unexpected obstacles. On May 15,we will aim toward Tier 1
In addition to the more routine jobs such $. and 2 members,with seminars at 1:00 p.m.
as grass mowing and buildings,grounds and I and 7:00 p.m.in the upstairs Court Room,
equipment maintenance, airport staff `,� Old Court House, 121 East Court Street.
provide vital Crash, Fire and Rescue ser- �l��';7��' On May 22,we will aim towards Tier 3 and
vices for aircraft in trouble.Though thank- �Ow 17-iii
11' 4 members,with a seminar at 1:00 p.m.at
fully these skills are not tested very often, 41 TC3 and another at 7:00 p.m. in the
our staff is required to maintain a high level / its upstairs Court Room of the Old Court
of competence in this area. House.We hope this advance notice and
All this work is performed by a small the evening seminars will give all members
group of very dedicated employees. Our an opportunity to hear the latest informa-
tion and ask questions.
From the Personal Report for the routine.If you find it difficult to repeat the OFFICE FOR THE AGING
Professional Secretary story often,ask your boss,"Could you let the
assistant account executives know about
How do you cope with a personal problem this, so that they aren't left guessing about DATE: Wednesday,May 3,1989
or a crisis,such as death or illness in the what's going on?"
family,a spouse's job loss,financial strain, Note: Assume that anything you say to PLACE: Coddington Restaurant
or a child's behavioral difficulties?It is not another person maybe repeated.Even when
umcommon to feel competent at assisting told,"Please don't repeat this,"people may SPEAKER: Mr.Norman Andrzejewski,
someone else,but lost or inept when it unintentionally reveal information because Area Administrator,
comes to helping oneself. they forget which part you didn't want Health Systems Manage.
Added Problems.Personal problems can repeated or they misunderstood what was New York State Dept.
be overwhelming and leave you feeling confidential and what wasn't. of Health
depressed, fearful, worried, angry or in- When to Tell:Talk about your situation Syracuse,N.Y.
secure. Trying to cope with these feelings as soon as you see the problem affecting
while holding down a responsible job can your work.This is hard to determine.People TOPIC: Turning pages:A story of
magnify the effects of the trauma.You may tend to fool themselves about whether their changes in long term care needs&service
be so preoccupied that you forget details or work actually is suffering.Look for warning during the past few decades.
have difficulty concentrating; you may feel signs:15 minutes cannot elapse without your
so depressed that it's hard to motivate your- thinking about the problem;you have had to SCHEDULE: Lunch: 12 noon
self to tackle your work or even to get up in ask your boss or a coworker for special con- Speaker: 1 p.m.
the morning;you may be so angry or fearful siderations more than two times.
about your situation that your emotions How to Tell: Tell the person that you You are Invited to attend the
color your interactions with coworkers and would like to speak in private. This shows lunch and hear the speaker
bosses. that the matter is serious.It also ensures that
OR you can attend either one.
you won't be overheard.
Expect to be asked questions,and think Reservations are necessary;
problems can be over- about how you will handle those you don't y;
whelming and leave you feeling want to answer. An effective response: "I please call the Office For The
depressed, fearful,worried, just can't talk about that right now." Aging, 274-5450.
Rule of Thumb:When it comes to office
angry or insecure. gossip, keep this rule in mind: If you feel
reluctant to divulge the source of a certain UNCLASSIFIEDS
piece of information,you are better off stay-
Here,then,are some guidelines that can ing quiet.If people won't tell you where they
help make things easier for you—and for the got their information,disregard it. FOR SALE: 1966 Harley—Davidson
people with whom you work. Police Trike, complete/needs work. $1200.
What to Tell: Don't talk on incessantly. ., or BO.Call Pau1272-5288
Tell others only as much as they need to • C.U.S.C.O. — Custom Upholstery Set-
- P rY
know to get the idea that a major trauma has - . vices.We're available for all your upholstery
occurred in your life.After informing them c'. ntiui iR needs.Call Bill at 273-2993
of the nature of the trauma,add a few words > mC A .„
Air Conditioning Season — auto and
to communicate how this is affecting you. it; r"
g Y home start-up,check&clean,full servicing.
You might say something like,"My son has
suffered a heart attack.His wife works and %"I. 4 — Steve's maintenance.272-5231
they have two small children,so the children _ FOR SALE: 1981 Suzuki GS 650G —
Y . a,'" " '4? Black, Purchased new in 1983 - Excellent
are staying with me while their father is in _AA r• :• �; Condition-New tires/rear brakes this year,
the hospital.I have to drop off the children "' `- Y
����— $1100. incl. cover/2 helmets. Bruce 257—
at a day care center in the mornings,but it ` '+"� 6185 eves.
doesn't open until 8:45 so I'll be coming in z I i' ���• �r
Pe g r l ` r .+ , �,� Zenith Console Stereo — Solid Wood
late for a few mornings.I'd like to make up t I,'' I ' '
r- �J � �..r-.( ,. Cabinet, AM/FM, Phonograph — $100.
the time at lunch or after this family risis is I V .1 ---- "r' 1
Y aa , ! �' tF�_ 257-5184
over,if that's okay with you." .P ,r', ,a '.-E ,
Whom to Tell:Tell you boss.In addition, -`- -,-
tell people whose work may be affected.For DIRECT
instance you may need to take long lunch DRIV SOUND
periods or come in late or leave early or SYSTEMS
make personal phone calls in private.So,the A Mobile DJ Service With Sound"
secretary who shares your office or an ex- I Harold Brill Your MudcDoougla.
ecutive with whom you work closely should (so7)Oda-ms (315)266.2067
know the reason for such changes in your
If you are a New York State resident age
We Miss You Already! 62 or older, you can obtain a Golden Park
Already! Pass.This pass entitles you to free access to
State Parks and recreational facilities in
by Joan Sheffield&Virginia Polak fluenced with her own knowledge and train- New York State,free passholder admission
Y to State Historic Sites and arboretums and
ing took over the Unit as Supervisor.
Tommie has one daughter, Tia, who is a 50%reduction in some park activity fees,
To know her is to lover her...this is the happily married, employed by Kodak, and including swimming and golfing
sentiment of many who have worked with living in Rochester,New York. Golden Park Passes are honored Mon-
and for this gracious lady during her twenty Tommie enjoys reading, traveling, visit- day through Friday,holidays and weekends
six years of service in various Children's ing with friends and is an advocate of health- excluded.Passes can be obtained at the Of-
Units in the Department of Social Services. ful living via proper diet and exercise.She fice for the Aging in the Court House base-
Tommie Fish began working for herself hikes long distances each morning ment.Proof of age and residence,such as a
Tompkins County Social Services in Novem- before coming to work and often spends her driver's license,are required.
ber,1962.Coming to Ithaca from Florida to noon hour taking another brisk walk.
visit a friend,she fell in love with the locale Tommie left Social Services in October, Vacancies as of April 11, 1989
and has never left except to return peri- 1988 and is now Interim Coordinator of EXAMINATIONS ASSISTANT: Personnel Office,
odically to Florida to visit her brothers and STOP-DWI (Stop Driving While Intoxi- Cont.LG 5
sisters ers a and her parents. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND AD-
cated) on the third floor of the Court
In approximately 1973,a new unit of DSS MINISTRATION:Mental Health,MG D
House. Tommie finds this job challenging
was created,with Tommie as its supervisor. MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER:Health Dept.,LG 11
This Unit is now known as the CPS (Child and a relief from her emotion-draining and PSYCHIATRIST: Mental Health,MG H
often chaotic role as a Supervisor-B in Child PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE:Health Dept.,LG 12
Protective Services) Unit. This Unit was Protective Services. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE Health
developed by Tommie into a group of Senior Tommie plans to retire permanently who receive reports of pos- p p Y Dept.,DSS,LG 11
Bible abuse or neglect of children in from the County April 22, 1989, to visit an YOUTH SERVICES SPECIALIST: Youth Bureau,
Tompkins County. Over the years the Unit aunt in Georgia,then on to Florida to build LG 10
grew, under Tommie's supervision, into a a new life there among her large and close- PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR: Health,
group of highly-trained,efficient,dedicated knit family of brothers,sister,cousins,nieces MG 0
workers of whom she can be justifiably Tommie — we will miss you! May the Health,LG 10
proud. When Tommie left the CPS Unit, FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR:DSS,LG 8
one of the workers she supervised and in- wind be always at your back. WELDER:Public Works,LG 11
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors
are selected by the volunteer editorial board based
`� � ,.;tw on their interest to Tompkins County employees
,; and retirees. Material is solicited from current
employees,retirees and others.
County Corridors is published by County
= - Central Services using"desktop publishing"typog-
„M , ,.; raptly and layout.Publication and distribution is on
« the second County payday of the month.
,1A, , ,� Material for publication is selected by the
editorial board which reserves the right to edit any
,. submissions. The editorial board is made up of
•d �` Karen Barry (Central Services), Bill Chapp (DSS),
Lr Sheila Ferrari (Purchasing and Central Services),
> ; ■ :,< Scott Heyman (Administration), Louise McEwen
.'. �. (Personnel), Joyce Musson (Administration),
'- r�S Doreen Schrader (Buildings & Grounds), Marilyn
a-�f`:,: 1 Strassberg (Office for the Aging), Judy Tynyk
�k �` , (Weigh su is &Measures), and Unette Warner(Solid
'''. " ` Correspondence may be'sent through County
interoffice mail to:
Employee o the month — Tommie Fish. Current Interim Coordinator of STOP-DWI. Newsletter or Central Services
of Photo by BIII Chapp or via US Mail to
Newsletter d O Purchasing¢ral services
Biggs Center Bldg A
301 Harris;B.Dates Dr.
Ithaca,N.Y 14850 '?
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees,retirees and their im-
mediate families.Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No The Conservationist
County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads.Use this coupon to send your
ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. In the Northeast a lot of us spend time
fishing, hunting, hiking, camping or
whatever it is we like to do to get outside.
What you probably do not know about the
great outdoors is that there is a hidden
health hazard that is becoming quite a
problem in New York State,as well as many
other northeastern states.
Lyme disease was named after a strange
outbreak of arthritis-like symptoms in
Lyme, Connecticut in 1975. Deer hunters
are probably familiar with Lyme disease be-
cause the disease is spread through contact
with the deer tick, a parasitic insect that
SHOPPING FOR A HOUSE Chocolate — point
commonly attaches on itself deer's wbltod. deer
where it feeds on the deer's blood. Deer
IN A RURAL AREA? counter point hunters, however, are not the only people
who need fear infection from Lyme disease.
Better Housing's AHOP Program GOOD NEWS. Cholesterol. Cocoa, the In some areas of New York,particularlySuf-
Better Housing's Affordable Home basis of all chocolate,is a plant product,so folk and Westchester counties, a simple
Ownership Program will soon be getting it is cholesterol-free. Milk chocolate, backyard cookout could bring a person in
into full swing, offering individuals in the however, does have a small amount of contact with a tick.The summer months and
$15,000—$33,000 income bracket an oppor- cholesterol because it contains a dairy the late fall are the periods where the highest
tunity to become homeowners. The product. incidences of tick bites occur.
program was made possible through a Acne. Numerous studies have failed to Some early symptoms of Lyme disease in-
$165,000 grant awarded by the New York show that even large amounts of chocolate elude a skin rash, fever, headache, and
State Affordable Homeownership Develop- trigger outbreaks.In fact,there's little or no fatigue.After the disease moves into its later
ment Program. evidence that diet affects this skin disorder. stages some of the symptoms include
The program features the renovation of Tooth decay. Chocolate, especially milk paralysis of the facial muscles, arthritis, ir-
four homes and the construction of six chocolate,has a fair amount of sugar,which regular heartbeat, heart blockages, and
others for sale to people of low and promotes tooth decay.But some laboratory meningitis.
moderate income. The average cost of the studies have indicated that cocoa itself con- To reduce the risk of being bitten the fol-
ten homes is $60,000; however, one of the tains substances that may inhibit the bac- lowing measures are recommened: wear
homes to be renovated costs $80,000, be- teria that transform sugar into polysac- long light colored pants and tuck the pant
cause it has a rental unit attached. Fifteen charides,which in turn promote plaque for- legs into the socks;use insect repellent that
thousand dollars has been allocated for each mation and,ultimately, tooth decay. contains high quantities of DEET;if bitten
home with the exception of the duplex which BAD NEWS. Heartburn. People who by a tick carefully remove and save it so that
will be subsidized $30,000. Better Housing tend to suffer from heartburn may do well to it can be identified.
will award the funds to the buyer for the cut down on chocolate. A recent study at If you would like to learn more about
down payment on the homes. Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, Lyme Disease,contact the Tompkins Coun-
Two homes in Newfield, one in Groton, North Carolina, found that a chocolate ty Health Department.
and a fourth whose location has not yet been beverage consumed after a meal may relax
determined will be bought, renovated, and the valve between the stomach and the
resold by Better Housing. Three sites in esophagus.This allow acids to back up into
Groton,two in Ulysses,and one in Newfield the esophagus,resulting in a burning sensa-
have been determined for the development tion.
of the new homes. Headaches. Chocolate contains
For more information,call Better Hous- tyramines, substances that may induce ~
ing at (607)273-2187. headaches in sensitive individuals.
Better Better Housing for Tompkins County Though not a"health food,"chocolate is
201 West Clinton St. clearly not the villain it was once thought to gt&#Iii
Ithaca,NY 14850 be.
Please remember to return your completed Wellness Ques- Nassau Pi�.�
tionare to Sigrid Kerr, RN. Rockland
Save September 24, 1989 for the County picnic! Ulster