HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01 COUNTY CORRIDORS
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A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County
Vol. I, No.XI January 1989
Greetings for 1989 Little Reminders
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A reminder re: your flex
I am pleased that the County Corridors benefits program-- This program,
editorial board has offered me the oppor- administered by RMSCO,is not an
tunity to extend greetings and best wishes open enrollment program; enroll-
for 1989 to all Tompkins County employees went and changes will be made in
and retirees.I am particularly pleased to be December of 1989(except in emer-
able to do so on behalf of the members of gency situations as explained
the Board of Representatives. during the seminars).
As I embark on my second year as Chair- Please keep in mind that if you
signed up for premium conversion
man of the Board, I am increasingly aware and now have family coverage,un-
less the vital role that each and every one of
4 you have in the delivery of services to the less you have a family emergency
y rY im
residents and taxpayers of Tompkins Coun- situation(i.e.,death,divorce,etc.),
ty,and I continue to be impressed with the you may not submit paperwork to
level of energy and commitment that you Personnel/Payroll to change your
bring to your work. , coverage to individual until 12/1/89
It is truly rewarding when,as it frequent- at the earliest.
ly happens, someone mentions to me how ' ,,.$ ,
pleased they were with the sensitive and Enclosed with today s
caring treatment they received from the staff paychecks is a questionnaire to all
in DSS, or how courteous and helpful the employees concerning cost con-
gate staff at the landfillis,or how quickly the tainment on health insurance.
Sheriff's Department responded to their call ' Please take a few minutes of your
for assistance.These are but a few examples time to respond as soon as possible.
that illustrate what the public has come to Jim Mason, Chairman of the Tompkins County Answers will be compiled by the
expect from the responsive and dedicated Board of Representatives joint County/ CSEA committee
people we have working for Tompkins which is looking at the area of cost
County. containment in an effort to keep the
Sometimes, though, we don't take the employer/employee costs within
time to pass on the compliments and that reason.Your help is appreciated.
Health Notes
well deserved"thank you". I would,there- „y>Y >:- :»>Y:=
fore,like to take this opportunity to do just A special thank you to our
that and to say that your efforts have not Walking a mile burns only about 10 to retirees who contributed over
gone unnoticed and they are truly ap- 20% fewer calories than jogging a mile, $1,000 again this year to the Salva-
tion Army's annual giving campaign
preciated. though obviously it takes a little longer. If at Christmas.Your response is sin-
The year ahead promises to be another you walk briskly,you can get nearly the same cerely appreciated!
one full of complex issues and challenges. aerobic benefits provided by running.
But challenges also provide opportunities. Medicare Information For
Each day as we go about the business of So-called "stress vitamins,"which claim Retirees! On Tuesday, February
"government" there will be new oppor- to help you deal with emotional stress,serve
tunities to better serve the citizens of no purpose.Although your body may need 7th at 10 a.m. John Brown of the
Tompkins County.I look forward to work- more vitamins during periods of physical Federal Health Care Financing Ad-
ing with you in meeting those challenges in stress (after surgery, for instance), there's ministration, will talk about the
the year ahead,and I hope each of you enjoy no evidence that these special formulas provisions of the new Medicare
a healthy and happy new year. (usually vitamins C,E,and B-complex)will Catastrophic Law in the Unitarian
help you if you're facing psychological Church, Aurora and Buffalo
stress. Streets, in Ithaca. Please call the
Jim Mason,Chairman Senior Citizens Council at 273-1511
for reservations.This talk is being
Tompkins County Board of Repre- co-sponsored by the Office for the
sentatives Aging and the Senior Citizens
Employees of the Month
A Just Weight Is His Delight Major Flies South, Nicholas
By Sheila Ferrari and Judy Tynyk "ro,,,�Gx=`'S'A ��
Question:What's the definition of a true r So/Go0nk7Ilx:f ..,, < By Sandy Draghi
"Civil Servant"?
Answer: Lou Emmick, Director of Air: &
Weights and Measures.He's on the job even t liar rS His "BOYS" will certainly miss
when he's off the clock;forever watchful for hearing all those old war stories now
violations of the Agriculture and Marketing — ii V that our airport manager, Major John
Laws which could affect you,the consumer. Joubert,is retired! Besides his military
The Director of Weights & Measures is 3 ir career, John worked for Cornell
responsible for the inspection and accep- rig University and had his own business
tance or rejection of all commercial weigh- A 0. before joining the County.To fully real-
ing and measuring devices and their ;• ize the advancements in the past 13
suitability for use for the product weighed or years here at the airport,one needs to
measured.The position is also responsible think back to"the days before JJ".Now
for the inspection and acceptance or rejec- I' we have vast improvements both on the
tion of commodities that are weighed and ti J I ground and in the air, renovations to
products measured. .t and within the buildings,and upgrades
What this means,folks,is that this person in both personnel and equipment.
makes sure that you and I are not being `{ v Some of his major accomplishments
cheated in the grocery store or at the gas .,i: include: The first phase of a 120 foot
pump.That when we buy a pint of blueber- ',. . runway extension, purchase of two
ries,we are:1)actually buying a pint,and 2) '. . - ; crash fire rescue vehicles and a runway
paying only for the blueberries and not also .. plow, two renovations of the terminal
for the container. That when we pump 10 - lobby,a new runway and taxiway light-
gallons of gas we are actually getting 10 gal- .a �� : _; , ing system,and perimeter fencing.
Ions, not 9.5. That when we buy packaged His past honors include: Honorary
round steak we are not paying for the John Joubert, Former Airport Manager membership with the East Hill Flying
"soakers" (material underneath the meat Club,Secretary,Treasurer,Vice Presi-
that absorbs the juice)as well as the meat. dent and President,and Director of the
Most of us are either blissfully unaware New York Airport Managers Associa-
of the many consumer pitfalls or trust that tion. His many memberships have in-
the store is correct. Lou checks. He takes eluded Reserve Officers and Retired
that pint of blueberries and checks to see _ r----- Officers Associations, National Rifle
that it is at least level full.He pumps 10 gal- t t,. Association,Air Transportation Com-
lons of gas out into two 5 gallon provers to 1 mittee of the Tompkins County Cham-
see if the device is delivering the correct 1, '� ber of Commerce, American Associa-
amountof product-the pump is then sealed , • tion of Airport Executives, and
with lead and wire to maintain accuracy.To Veterans of Foreign Wars.
check meat, an empty package is weighed, „i1 With no more committee meetings
scales are adjusted back to zero to take out i ' •_ to attend or paperwork to worry about,
its weight(taking the tare),then the package Xt `? hopefully he will now be able to enjoy
of meat is weighed.All this is done without �( his new RV traveling in the South,when
disturbing the package that is offered for he is not spoiling his grandchildren.
sale. �`_ "I rr The new airport manager, Robert
Lou test weighs some 10,000 packages a D.. _+ R,. Nicholas, was formerly operations
year. A trip into a giant grocery store like •1 manager at Fort Lauderdale airport.
Wegman's means the testing and possible He has also been previously employed
recalibration of 50-60 scales. A visit to at Heathrow airport in London.
Pyramid Mobil means the testing and seal-
ing of 24 gas pumps-this means that over a .
ton of product has to be carried and A.
returned to storage. fit'
Lou's authority comes from the State
Law of Agriculture&Markets.He can level
fines and penalties; he can confiscate im-
proper weighing devices or"red tag"them Lou Emmick, Former Director of Weights and
continued on page 3 Photography by Bill Chapp
Vacancies as of Jan. 17, 1989
Twas The Year Before `89 ACCoariatiVI sr Sof d'1Nasie"."
Grade 5.
By Karen Barry, and Chris Brill CASE AIDE: Mental Health;Grade 4.
CLEANER:TC3;Grade 3.
Purchasing and Central Services LIBRARY CLERK: Library(2 1/2 time positions);
LG 4
Twas the year before`89 PAGE:Library;Grade 1.(Two positions avai-
Y The Courthouse Cat made his T.V.debut, able.)
And all through the time, As good as Garfield he was with his cue. PSYCHIATRIST: Mental Health;Grade H.
It seems there was nothing to do, For years he's watched over the Court- PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE:Two openings in the
Until the following came true. house with care, Health Dept.;Grade 12.
Silently watching,and listening,protectng REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE:Health
Robert Nicholas left Budget&Finance, his lair. Dept;PT positions(20%and 50%time);DSS
For Washington to work with his clients. (50%time).Grade 11.
Kathy West took his place as director, The Youth Bureau misses Nancy Zahler a TYPIST:Mental Health,DSS,District Atorney,
With our money she'll be the protector. heap, Budget& Finance(25%time),Grade 4.
More knowledge from Cornell is what she PROBATION OFFICER: Probation;LG 12
Tompkins County Child Protective will reap. HEALTH AIDE: Health; LG 4
She said
caseworkers are great, , TEAM LEADERS(1): Health,LG 12
she'd only be gone for a bit ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND AD-
They received recognition from New York In her director's chair Chuck Nocera did
State. sit. CASEWORKER(2): DSS,LG 11
The Commissioner and Mrs.Cuomo they
did present, November visitors brought some good SENIOR CASEWORKER: DSS,LG 12
A plaque to the caseworkers,with much g g YOUTH CARE /HUMAN DSS, S:10
thanks for time spent. They put the county up for review. Rights,MG B, (50%TIME)
New York State was their name, COUNTY HIGHWAY MANAGER: HWY,MG F
Personnel tried to help us stay fit, Evaluating our jobs was their game. PUBLIC WORKS DRAFTING TECHNICIAN:HWY,
With programs that were a big hit! LG 9
From diet,to exercise,to stress control, Meadow House had a bazaar that was AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC:HWY,LG 12
Keeping us healthy,was their main goal. great, YOUTH SERVICE SPECIALIST: (50%TIME)
To make wonderful things is their fate. Youth Bureau,LG 10
Harris B.Dates was under construction, From woodwork,to crafts,to all kinds of PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR:Health,
To get us quickly to work is its function. sewing, MG D
At noon on July 20, 1988, The prceeds helped Willard's patients PUBLIC HEALTH SANITARIAN: Health,LG 13
phoning. CLINIC SUPERVISOR: Mental Health,LG 17
The new road was opened,not a moment keep p g' BUYER: Purchasing and Central Serv-
too late. ices,LG 10
The end of the year PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER:Mental
County employees gathered all together, Brought some people cheer. Health,LG 14
To do something they hadn't done ever. For others it brought nothing but fear, WIC PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Health,LG 13
Forever in time it has set its mark, Because the non-smoking law was adopted BUILDING MAINTENANCE/PLUMBER STEAM-
The first annual picnic was in Stewart Park. here. FITTER: Public Works LG 11
» continued from page 2 COUNTY CORRIDORS Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors
so they cannot be used. are selected by the volunteer editorial board based
on their interest to Tompkins County employees
Lou started working for Tompkins Coun- children,who still live in the County,and and retirees. Material is solicited from current
ty on July 1, 1974 as County Sealer.In those operated a successful Ma&Pa store for 23 employees,retirees and others.
14 1/2 years the job title changed to Direc- years. The store was closed when he ac- County Corridors is published by County
for of Weights and Measures.The program cepted the position with the County. Central Services using*desktop publishing'typog-
raphy and layout.Publication and distribution is on
has been brought into conformance with The new Director of Weights and the second County payday of the month.'
state standards. The State Department of Measures is Judy Tynyk, formerly Ad- Material for publication is selected by the
Ag& Markets conducts annual training to ministrative Assistant in the Mental Health editorial board which reserves the right to edit any
ensure that Weights and Measures Clinic, and a charter member of the Cor- submissions.ry The tr edo is made to of
Karen Bar {Cenal itorial rvi Secebs),ard Bill Chapp (DSS),
programs are run uniformly from County to ridors Editorial Board. Sheila Ferrari (Purchasing and Central Services),
County.The program has seen a shift from Judy has spent the past several days with Scott Heyman (Administration), Louise McEwen
purely mechanical devices to electronic Lou and became immediately aware of two (Personnel), Joyce Musson (Administration),
scales and UPC scanning devices. things: 1) Lou takes pride in his job, and 2) Doreen Schrader ( for the Aging), Judy Marilyn
Strassberg (Office for the Aging), Judy Tynyk
Lou is also active in his community. He he's highly respected by all of those he (Weights & Measures), and Linette Warner (Solid
has driven school bus for Lansing for 38 comes in contact with during the perfor- Waste).
years.The last 9 years Lou has served on the mance of his duties.Thanks,Lou,for doing Correspondence may be sent through County
Lansing Town Council,where he notes as an what we, as consumers, aren't knowledge- inteNewis etterr or Central Services
achievement the bringing of good water to able enough to do—look out for ourselves. or via Us Mail to:
the town. Yours is going to be one tough act to follow! Newsletter C/O Purchasing&Central Services
Lou and his wife Dorothy have lived in Biggs Center Bldg A
Lansing for many years.They raised three 301
haca,N.Y. 14850 D Dr.
' Unclassifieds
FREE U N C LAS S I F I E D S 300/1200 Baud Internal Modem for IBM
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees,retirees and their im- PC's&compatibles,Procomm communica-
mediate families.Ms may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No
County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads.Use this coupon to send your tion software and$15 introduction package
ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. to Compouserve information service.Satis-
faction guaranteed. $70.00. Call Dwight
Mengel at 277-2917.
COMPUTER: 1 1/2 years old — hardly
used. IBM compatible, MS-DOS, plus 4
other programs, complete with printer.
$800.00 Call 273-2757.Leave message.
FOR SALE:Large one bedroom mobile
home,ready to move in early spring.Good
condition, set up in T-Burg park. Asking
$3500.00 or Best Offer.See Scott in Build-
FOR SALE: 1979 Dodge Aspen,
PS/PB/AC, V-6, 78,000 miles. $800.00 273-
2757.Leave message.
Did You Know...
f 0 1 i 1 r i7 f1 Needs pump fixed.3—level wash,wood top,
• Americans ate more potatoes than any portable.Call after 5:30 at 272-2478,or 274
other vegetable last year - more than twice ® 5269 and ask for Ruth.
as much by weight than the number two ®® ®®® FOR SALE: Bought a house, so must
vegetable,tomatoes.This made potatoes the i;l• g
second greatest source of vitamin C in the sell: 12 x 65,2 bedroom, mobile home.Lo-
American diet,after oranges. n x. ..t•; sated in small quiet park in Dryden.Asking•
' '> z $7000•Call Harold Brill 844-8953.
• Nearly 94%of all cans today contain no :i 3 t lead solder,so the risk of lead leaching into e FOR SALE:Smith-Corona electric port-
foods is minimal. Even so, you shouldn't ‘ •�
Y '.c l. i• of able typewriter(Coronet Super 12), metal
store foods in opened cans in the ,...g„,„, !; ...T :',.''.",;,N....>.; construction, very fine condition. Carrying
refrigerator,since the metal may impart an --.2., •:� �. case and ribbon.$75.00 Call 272-8183 after
off-flavor or discolor the food. ^ ' "�`
This 1Mnter... 6pm.
• Tea is a good source of fluoride.Green Make Tracks On TOMTRAN
tea is particularly rich in it,depending on its FREE to good home—Pure white male
source, usually having twice as much Winter bus ridng is safer than winter driving. cat.Needs territory of his own.Very affec-
fluoride as black tea - three to five times The TOMTRAN bus offers reliable,safe and tionate and calm.532-9361 after 7pm.
comfortable transportation ....&remember we
more than fluoridated water. go In snowI
• About 80%of the food commercials TOMTRAN routes serve Trumansburg,Dryden,
aired during Saturday morning children's Groton.Freeville,Etna,Jacksonville,vama DIRECT
programming are for products of"low nutri- and Newfield. DRIV SOUND
tional value,"according to a recent study at SYSTEMS
the University of Delaware. Ads for high- Call 274-5370 or 255-RIDE for bus information.
A Mobile DI Service With"Sound"
sugar products, such as candy and cereals, II you need bus tickets for your county program Advice For Your Musk Needs.
prevail. call the Planning Department -274-5360. N -69 sa (315)Douglas Brill
IN TH 101(IN&SF,r%TION!! J # WN0zeveR I FIN' IT
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