HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10 COUNTY CORRIDORS Vol. I, No. VIII A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County October 1988 ............ :::....r::::.v:................................v .•r. ::::_::::::::::::::.�:.�:::::::::::::::::••.v.•.•v.t••::::••:•:::v:x...vv.•n::::v.�n�:.:::::::::::nom::.v..:::::.�n�::.:.:�::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::w::::.�:.:.::::::.. VOTE - ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 8 - VOTE f u ...:L.r:. :::...Y.:L::{?•.:L.i{.Y:?v:n'•:.}Y::{.:{{.::::.:?.YY:.Y:Y:.}:.}:.}Y}:.Y:{.}:.}:..}Y}:.}}:.}:{{.�{ !Y:?k?::{.:{i??.::vv .Y:}:.L.YYY.. LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS by Susan Cook,County Attorney's Office 0 Some of you may have seen our"Court- house Cat" on channel 12 Monday night, September 12. Called "Smokey" or AI- -----4...(...— - "Buddy," he starts his mornings out with i breakfast in Judge Friedlander's cham- - - T _ bers(where he has abed,food,water,and catnip toys) and then makes his rounds .J,. '.._ tom: Sunday in the Park litim......i. . ,t..... ,...„ :, , ..,.. . 1 -0....... , ...- ...... • !--2.---...''la Photos by Jan Nissenson and Judy Tynyk .1... 'dr - ... - • . . 4oPpv • M . -- =., 4•41,••■ • , 0, . . ••• i - - Ilk am ,_ . .,.•.- \ . ... lib ,'‘. . 44 .t.- .., 1 •• . ,640 4 -Irviall , 1 C • . ir:-.... " .4e1 .. • r . • t I, . !• ., .06 ,.0 :• ■ nim.:101 - r Ni. li'•. -.. • • - la gi • ... • A ! i.,14-,. ...ii,,.,.,....1 . .,_;, ....;,...,, ,,- 4,.-,:::. ..1..0 4 . , ; : • , ,i a' r . t.' a t' .• ;• ' e ----- .. 4r s 41., , NO '• Mal .. . . .... ., - t •!. , \...1 . 4.......,,,06,, .,..... . . ,.. - • 1 I I ... ,,,, .i. til f' ' t• - , 1 I I _ ......_.,...,,..,.. .. .• . - .• ...,,.6._ ':"'Vlitiepoe'-'.>' tk giV 1 . •. 1 . , . ■ - r, • .. - .-- ...-- ., • .. , 'kr ,.., 410111 ) "liStik..'I 1 4•"'..1--.1..-----_ . er*I s.,. „a 11I,.A': I ;4/Ar•.\.4".,V 1114111,111 _., .y•s' .IiL t#-■011 1 - . . • ." ' • '4,•,}_ • • • . . _....‘ 't.. t ..211rmaillIPININIONvow 6411,--7. 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Although Other groups who are at moderately increased risk for most people are ill for only a few days, some persons have a serious illness with the flu and who public health authori much more serious illness and may need to go to the liospi ties feel should be vaccinated if possible are: tal. On average, thousands of people die each year in the United States from the flu or related complications. • Healthy people over 65 years of age. WHO SHOULD GET INFLUENZA VACCINE? Because influenza .is usually mild and most people recover fully, • People of any age who during the past year have health officials emphasize the use of vaccine for the elderly regularly seen a doctor or have been admitted to a hospital for treatment for kidney disease, cystic fibro- and people with other health problems most likely to be se sis,diabetes,anemia ("low blood"),or severe asthma. riously ill or to die from the flu or its complications. For example, people who after even light exercise become short of breath due to diseases affecting their heart or lungs, and • People who have a type of cancer or immunological people who have low resistance to infections, are likely to be disorder (or use certain types of medicines) that more seriously affected by the flu. Thus, the following lowers the body's normal resistance to infections. groups are at highest risk for serious illness with the flu and have been particularly recommended to receive vaccine: • Children and teenagers (6 months through 18 years of age) on long-term treatment with aspirin who, if they • Adults and children with long-term heart or lung prob- catch the flu, may be at risk of getting Reye syndrome lems which caused them to see a doctor regularly, or to ( a childhood disease that causes coma, liver damage, be admitted to a hospital for care during the past year. and death). (PLEASE READ OTHER SIDE) - Certain medical staff who provide care to high-risk patients chances of any side effects. Split-virus vaccine can also be in Health-care facilities should be vaccinated, to reduce the used by adults. possibility that these patients might catch the flu when re- ceiving medical care. Family members or others who pro- vide care to high-risk persons at home should also be vac- POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS FROM THE VACCINE: cinated. The possibility for spreading the flu to high-risk per- Most people have no side effects from recent influenza vac- sons can be reduced by vaccinating: - cines. Flu shots are given by injection, usually into a muscle • Doctors, nurses, and others who have extensive con- of the upper arm. This may cause soreness for a day or two tact with high risk patients, such as specialists and staff at the injection site and occasionally may also cause a fever of intensive care units. or achiness for one or two days. Unlike 1976 swine flu vac- cine, recent flu shots have not been linked to the paralytic • Individuals who provide care to high-risk persons at home, illness Guillain Barre Syndrome. As is the case with most such as visiting nurses and volunteers, as well as all drugs or vaccines, there is a possibility that allergic or more household members, including children, whether or not they serious reactions, or even death, could occur with the flu are providers of care. shot. In addition, a flu shot should be given to anyone who wishes to reduce his/her chances of catching the flu. WARNING-SOME PEOPLE SHOULD CHECK WITH A INFLUENZA VACCINE: The viruses that cause flu fre- DOCTOR BEFORE TAKING INFLUENZA VACCINE: quently change, so people who have been infected or given a flu shot in previous years may become infected with a new • Persons who should not be given the flu shot include strain. Because of this, and because any immunity produced those with an allergy to eggs that causes dangerous by the flu shot will possibly decrease in the year after vacci reactions if they eat eggs. nation, persons in the high-risk groups listed above should be vaccinated every year. This year's flu shot contains the strains A/Taiwan/I/86, A/Sichuan/2/87, and B/Victoria/2/87 to • Anyone who has ever been paralyzed with Guillain provide immunity against the types of flu which have been Barre Syndrome, as well as women who might be or circulating in the past year and are thought to be most likely to are pregnant, should seek advice from their doctor occur in the United States next winter. All the viruses in the about special risks that might exist in their cases. vaccine are killed so that they cannot infect anyone. Vaccine will begin to provide its protective effect after about one or two weeks, and immunity may decrease, on average, after several months. • persons who are ill and have a fever should delay vacci Flu shots will not protect all persons who get them against the flu. nation until the fever and other temporary symptoms They also will not protect against other illnesses that resemble the have gone. flu. QUESTIONS: If you have any questions about influenza or DOSAGE: Only a single flu shot is needed each season for influenza vaccination, please ask now or call your doctor persons older than 12 years.but children 12 years or less may before requesting the vaccine. need a second shot after about a month. The doctor or nurse giving the flu shot will discuss this with parents or guardians. REACTIONS: If any receiving influenza vaccine gets sick Children should be given only vaccine that has been chemi- and visits a doctor, hospital or clinic in the 4-weeks after vac- catty treated during manufacture ("split virus") to reduce cination, please report this to: PLEASE KEEP THIS PART OF THE INFORMATION SHEET FOR YOUR RECORDS FOR CLINIC USE Influenza 7/1/88 I have read the information on this form about influenza and influenza vaccine. I have had a chance to ask questions which were answered to my satisfaction. I believe I understand the benefits and risks of influenza vaccine and request that the vaccine be given to me or to the person named below for whom/am authorized to make this request. Chronic Disease [ ] YES [ ] NO INFORMATION ABOUT PERSON TO RECEIVE VACCINE (Please Print) FOR CLINIC USE Name(Please Print) Last First Initial Birthdate Age Clinic(dent Address city Date Vaccinated County State Z p Manufacturer and Lot No X Site of In)ectton Signature of person to receive vaccine for person author zeo to make the request) Date Provider Signature I . all -I,51 _ Ail i 3 _ . AIIIIIM Sunday in the Park ,.. _. ,..,_ ....r _,. . ........ . fv-""li ... -f-'-' - - Photos by Jan Nissenson and Judy Tynyk /11...4.- . , _ _- - - r . ■CS; •1/41 4ar, .... milli jf:( N' , —,sI.,.atit:k- N'•-• , -" .- 41:1 froi ....a... ... 1,1t-,_- • _ . .. . • 1( T _, ' I .--- .6..:•• ''' ' .1' i', •--IP ------...7.- "*. '. • *.{-' ,ftre---' . ' vs. iir - ill pi , 1. - DIRECT DRIVE __ • .....,,,,,. -. , .. _•„:.• _ ...AI' . ..... . ;-------_ ,,, ' ••• i Illt, • - -- - ■ 114 • '-'•.)..) 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ACCOUNT/CLERK TYPIST:DSS;Grade 5. entrance. TYPIST: Mental Health, DSS, Probation, Dryden Schools,Job Training;Grade 4. CASE AIDE:DSS and Mental Health;Grade 4. Unclassifieds MARKETING/MEDIA SPECIALIST: Health READY TO VOTE? Dept.;Grade 12. Ithaca High School Band Citrus Fruit REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE: Sale. Fresh from Florida. Oranges $11 Health Dept. Hypertension Program; one PT Election Day is Tuesday,November 8. g position.Grade 11. Polls will be open on election day from 6 grapefruit $9 for a 20 pound box. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE: Two Openings in a.m. to 9 p.m. All polling places in Delivered December 10.273-1022 the Health Dept.;Grade 12. Tompkins County are accessible to the PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER: Mental handicapped,and member of both politi- WINTER'S COMING! Has your fur- Health;Position until 8/11/89;Grade 14. pace been cleaned this year? Call Steve COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSE: cal parties often provide transportation to y local polling places. For more informa- Crandall,Steve's Mainenance 272-5231 Mental Health;Grade 12. tion, call the Board of Elections at 274- OUTREACH WORKER: Office for the Aging; 5522. GAS RANGE: 30" avocado green. Grade 5. CONN trumpet, good beginner instru- PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER: Health; Grade meat 273-1022. 13. . If you are ill or physically disabled,or if FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR:DSS;Grade 8. you will be out of the county on Election LIBRARIAN I: Library; 1) M-F and every 4th Day, then you may receive an absentee FOR SALE: 1976 Buick LaSabre; Saturaday:10:00 am to 1:00pm;2)Sat.9:00 am ballot. An application for an absentee bal- 51,000 miles;excellent condition;no rust; to 5:00 pm,temp to 6/1/89;3)Tues.,Wed.,Fri.2- lot must be mailed or filed in person with a/c.$3,000 or best offer.Call 277-3238 6:00 pm AND Sat.10:00 am.to 5:00 pm,temp to the Board of Elections by November 1. 6/1/89.Grade 12. The absentee ballot must be postmarked Pure,fresh water from your tap.Multi SECURITY Guard:TC3;Grade D. no later than November 7,and received no Pure Water Purification Systems - SENIOR ACCOUNT CLERK/TYPIST: Health; later than November 15. Removes harmful bacteria, chemicals, Grade 7. * * * chlorine,etc. Call for more info and free DESKTOP PUBLISHING OPERATOR: Pur- home demonstation 272-0912. chasing and Central Services;Grade 5. STOP-DWI COORDINATOR: 6-month posi- tion(Oct. 10 to Feb. 10);Grade D. CLEANER: Public Works; No minimum employee of the month qualifications.Grade 3. MAINTENANCE WORKER: Public Works; Is there someone everyone in the County should know hiding in your Department?Do Grade 7. you know someone you think would make an interesting Employeee of the Month? If AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC: Dryden Schools; there is a County employee you would like to see profiled in County Corridors,let us know. $7.54-$8.29/hr DATA ENTRY OPERATOR: DSS; part-time temporary for 6 weeks;Grade 4. r 1 COUNTY CORRIDORS FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS Articles and opinion pieces for County Cor- Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees,retirees and their immediate ridors are selected by the volunteer editorial board families.Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted.No County addresses based on their interest to Tompkins County or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o employees and retirees. Material is solicited from Central Services. current employees,retirees and others. l County Corridors is published by County Central Services using"desktop publishing'typog- raphy and layout.Publication and distribution is on the second County payday of the month. Material for publication is selected by the editorial board with reserves the right to edit any submissions.The editorial board is made up of Bill Chapp (DSS), Shelia'Ferrari '(Purchasing and Central Services),Scott Heyman (Administration), Joyce Musson (Administration), Janet Nissenson (Stop DWI), Geri Roebel (Youth Bureau), Greg Smestad (Central Services), Marilyn Strassberg (Office for the Aging),Judy Tynyk (Mental Health Clinic),and Lauren Wright(Central Services).Cor- respondence may be sent to Newsletter, Central Services through County inter-office mail, or to Newsletter,c/o Purchasing and Central Services, Biggs Center Bldg A, 301 Harris B. Dates Drive, i Ithaca NY 14850 via US Mail. I