HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08 0
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I ' 1 Mike Armstrong,Central Services Joyce Musson,
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0.. Photos by Jan Nissenson Ceitte.
__________ Judy Tynyk
Elizabeth Woodside,Elections ..,,....:4--
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Eleanor Carroll(L),Shirley Burun,Health Sue Cook,County Attorney's Office,Lou Emick,Weights&Measures "ql , - '.... !. ----4 -- 1
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Jim Miller,Barb Hazard,District Attorney's Office Paula Kephart-Eastman(L),Marge Kline, Bill Hilker,Jennifer Goldenson,Assessment
Mental Health Clinic
Kim Glosenger,Data Processing 4
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Photos by Jan Nissenson
Judy Tynyk )
R . Helen Beach (L),Colleen Fields,Comptroller's Office
,cllins, District Attorney's Office
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We would like to thank Cornell
by Louise McEwen,Personnel Are you providing care or anticipating University and particularly Dean David
caring for an elderly family member or Call of the N.Y.S. School of Agriculture
Half of the population of the U.S. friend? Or a senior citizen who wants to and Life Sciences for the generous dona-
smoked in the 1940s. That percentage is know more about the aging process?The tion of apples for County employees to
now approximately 25%. In 1986, only Tompkins County Office for the Aging in enjoy as part of the American Cancer
36%of the firms in the U.S.had a smok- collaboration with the T.C. Comprehen- Society's All American Lowfat Pigout on
ing policy;that percentage is now 54%... sive Health Planning Council is offering a August 17, 1988.
and Tompkins County is joining the six week program called "Practical Help
group. For Those Caring For An Elderly Person." Vacancies as of August 11
In the negotiations which led to the The course will increase understanding Contact the Personnel Department for more
present contract,between the County and of the aging process,teach practical ways information about the following positions.
CSEA a committee made up of 3 Union to provide care and assistance,secure in-
and 3 County people was set up to agree formation about community resources WELFARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS COOR-
on a smoking policy.That group first met and bring together others with similar DINATOR: DSS.Grade 10
on October 28, 1987. It was decided that concerns. ACCOUNT CLERK/TYPIST: Health Dept.
each individual County building should be For meeting times and locations or Grade 5.
visited and discussions held with more information, call the Office for the TYPIST:Mental Health,DSS,TC3,Probation,
employees. It was also decided that Aging at 274-5450. Human Rights, Dryden Schools, Job Training.
Grade 4.
another survey of County employees CARDIOVASCULAR COORDINATOR: Health
should be done with regard to smoking. unclassifieds Dept.Grade 12.
The survey revealed that approximately CASE AIDE: DSS,Mental Health.Grade 4.
70%of our employees do not smoke or are For Sale: 1968 Camaro Convertible, SENIOR STENOGRAPHER: District Attorney.
bothered by smoke. Grade 9.
327 V8, Needs some body work, $3,500,
County buildings were visited and op MARKETING/MEDIA SPECIALIST: Health
tions were pursued for designated smok (315)497-0613 Dept.Grade 12.
ing areas. In some buildings, smoking REHABILITATION SPECIALIST: Mental
areas could have been developed: in For Sale:1976 Kawasaki-KZ400,Good Health.Grade 12.
others,an additional structure would have condition, with helmet $300, (315) 497- REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE:
0613 Health Dept.(Hypertension Program).Grade 11.
been required.Meetings were held at dif- AUTO MECHANIC:Dryden School.
ferentsco and difrenttimes so the com- For Your Special Occasions - PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE:Health Dept.Grade
nittee could hear r firsthand from the Michael's Stretch Limousine. Call 277- 12.
employees,and comments with regard to MIKE. SENIOR PUBLIC HEALTH SANITARIAN:
a smoking policy.When all this was corn- Health Dept. (Temp-5/89).Grade 15
pleted,the committee reviewed the infor- GARAGE ATTENDANT: Public Works. Grade
For Sale: Siamese Kittens. Chocolate 9.motion gathered and after much discus-
Points. $40. Call Chris after 5 PM. 277-
sion unanimously recommended that ... PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER: Mental
"There be no smoking in any County 3972. Health.Grade 14.
facility or vehicle, whether owned or COMMUNITY MENTHAL HEALTH NURSE:
rented by the County, after January 1, For Sale: Vasque Hiking Boots, new, Mental Health.Grade 12.
1989." womens' size 6,vibram soles$40 and 27" COMPUTER OPERATOR/TECHNICIAN: Data
men's 10-speed bike$50.Call 539-6756. Processing.Grade 7.
This recommended policy has been SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK: TC3. (Temp.-
voted on and approved by both the CSEA TYNYK ORIGINALS Sewing and 5/31/89).Grade D.
and the County Board of Representatives. alterations. Reasonable rates. Call Judy, COUNTY CORRIDORS
We will be scheduling smoking essa evenings and weekends at 564-9244. Articles and opinion pieces for County Cor-
tion programs for County employees in ridors are selected by the volunteer editorial
the fall. board based on their interest to Tompkins Coun-
ty employees and retirees. Material is solicited
from current employees,retirees and others.
r -9 County Corridors is published by County
Central typography andl using "desktop and tbu-
o rh and layout.Publication and distribu-
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees,retirees and their immediate lion is on the second County payday of the
families.Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No County addres- month.
ses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads.Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o Material for publication is selected by the
Central Services. editorial board which reserves the right to edit
any submissions.The editorial board is made up
of Bill Chapp (DSS), Sheila Ferrari (Purchasing
and Central Services), Scott Heyman (Ad-
ministration), Joyce Musson (Administration),
Janet Nissenson(Stop-DWI),Geri Roebel(Youth
Bureau) Greg Smestad (Central Services),
Marilyn Strassberg (Office for the Aging), Judy
Tynyk(Mental Health Clinic)and Lauren Wright
(Central Services).Correspondence may be sent
to Newsletter, Central Services through County
inter-office mail,or to Newsletter,c/o Purchasing
and Central Services, Biggs Center Building A,
l J 301 Harris B.Dates Drive,Ithaca,N.Y. 14850 via
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'I f r >„ Mike Armstrong,Central Services Joyce Musson, `" - _ i l
I County Administration -- r"-
T.. N. Kim Glosenger,Data Processing • _
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- _ � Photos by Jan Nissenson Cilir==: Judy Tynyk i
Elizabeth Woodside,Elections 4:11. -
i —`• - •� & ¢,^ Helen Beach(L),Colleen Fields,Comptroller's Office
t a -✓ ' ht Rona Coll,ns,District Attorneys Office•. iL ,. "
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Eleanor Carroll(L),Shirley Burun,Health Sue Cook.County Attorney's Office,Lou Emiek,Weights&Measures
, , - (L FI Barb Emery,Lou Cornish,Roberta Chiesa,
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,t ' r_ : — k 41,li Rachael Pierce,County Clerk
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Jim Miller,Barb Hazard,District Attorney's Office Paula Kephart-Eastman(L),Marge Kline, Bill Hilker,Jennifer Goldenson,Assessment
Mental Health Clinic
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II I I - s. O. - ? Kim Glosenger,Data Processing -•
Photos by Jan Nissenson '
Elizabeth Woodside,Bechar* + .�.. r Judy Tynyk
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Jim Miller,Barb Hazard,District Attorney's Office Paula Kephart-Eastman(L),Marge Kline, Bill Hilker,Jennifer Goldenson,Assessment
Mental Health Clinic