HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-10-230 1 Date:getober 23rd, 113130 To Jack. Baker, Chr. , Dt�yderi 'down Z. B. n. S I'nFz)llwood 10r•ive Fruf��vX l lLar New York. Frarn:Heramy Mi Slater, Zr= iriirig R Building Cl =ide Enf1 =1rcern(='nt Df ics Town of Dryden E5 E. Main Street Dryden, New York 13033 Sub. = Rie ached �-� 1 e Z.B. A. Hear i 1r�g Date Fl =lr Noverab�,&mlr 1990, Dear Jack: Plp�ase bL4 advised that it has himcome necessary to reschedule the IUov mF +r' 6th r e ). rj,y +scijsdUlcd rti rtig Saar ^d of AFM L E71 hearing 5e5siov) tin, WEDNESDAY NOVf;-.' 1BER 14th 113900 AS YOU May Ov% niay 10i0t General Election Lay differe;?rit P-1cm:?ntion d], facility. Thp r'ex re� available i5 the 14th r'Leca111 Tuesday November 6th, is and sin= the 'down Hall is used fi-ir stricts; wc� ��n not h,&:�vc? Ur*e '=if the t0io that thiR ball is of NovembLar. Tf YOU rjr• :kIrl Of tHa, bi :'lard menqh*r`S have zrly prizziblems with this date, please deride rnC:il leC'U IVE�l bLZ2twLa rn yj= jjsr,sQl,ves an acceptable day arid 1 ct me know by n1D later t harp M drida October 29th 4�kt 844 -9120 between 7:30 A. M. arid i :Oo P, M. at 844 - '371,5 evL=nlr,g5. if I do ricit hear from you by that date, 1' 11 prrzice:p.:d with scheduling fimir t:he 14th. Very truly your, Henry M. Slater CC: ill. 1 Z. T. R. Bizziard Members Jean Ryan, Recording Secretary Dr den Town Z. Bm no — -- OCT L 3 1 5K 1 I 1 Q rl or• F i Date ;October 22nd, 1990 Try: Al l Members and Town Saver nment nUents Frore:Henry M. Slater, Zi -ining Building Cede Enf1z)rceripnt Office Town of Dryden 65 E. Main St reet Dryden, New York 13053 Gub.:Required Pr^iv4�jte 5 'pewage Syeterrr Design Changes Inforril4jk tir-Y1 ,Session, October *_'3th, 19130. Ladies 1 Gentlemen: Plea Se find attached a copy of the mateklial sent t- r-rs by the Ti= irapkins County DLapartriinnt of Environrrrental }lea1.th. fps yo{.t I I note, these changes are Mandatory and wi 11 take effect bw_c;Rme Some on December goals Ist iggOm that that In a recent phone � Y�V r ~satiar7 like with attend Triwn Cruncil(llal7 please note. t11140!1� you Should you ROVIAld Roberts, it accomplish bw_c;Rme Some of apparent, the goals Department that that some the of P. n. tFtie ne Zoning charlpos District may purposed to distribute Thieve. this data It to was each them of yltil,m that Ron for review suggested and thzkt informatirr, to do so. and so that c :lu could attend if you would 1,i See If you Should like to attend this sessiron, please note. t11140!1� you Should you call. thpa Tompkins County Health Department as as possl ble for a reservation. The nrunber; is. 273_17275. Ve Y truly oUr He M. Slater 0 C 2 3 19$9 . ILI [i7 E, TOMPIONS SUZANNE W $TOPI =N, A.N., M.P.S. Public Fleallh Dlreclor [ rlm 941 EnWIMnMenUl H"11h 01villon 401 Heirl• 0, betas Driv* llheee, Nww Torn 148W13to TO Sewage System Contractors, Design Consultants, Tompkins County Board of Realtors, Tompkins /Cortland Name Builders Assoc., Code Enforcement Officers, Planning Commissioner Hanson FROM: John M. Andersson, P.E., Director of Environmental Healt Steven Kern, Senior Public Health Sanitarian 5K DATE: September 29,1990 SUBJECT: General Information Meeting - Individual Sewage Systems There will be a general informational rneeting concerning the revised Now York State Sanitary Code hart 75 and Appendix 75 -A, which regulates Individual Sewage Systems, in the Sadd Conference Room In the County Biggs A Building at 301 Harris H. Dates Orive,.Ithaca, NY, on Monday, October 29, 1990 at 7!00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the nevo code previsions as a prelude to future public meetings, hearings, and educattan sessions. Enclosed is a summary of how the 75 -A revisions compare to current practices of the Tompkins County Heaith Department for your reference and information. Copies of Part 75 and Appendix 75 -A are available from the Environmental Health offices at 401 Harris 8. Dates Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850 for a cost of 13.25, if you wish to obtain a copy in preparation for the meeting. We would appreciate a telephone call to our office at 273 -7275 if you plan to attend the meeting. JMA /91< /kk EnC5. cc: Suzanne Stopen, Publit Health Director Dr. Fox, Chairperson, Board of Health Frank Preto, Chairperson, Health Committee E I TS CO SUZANNt A. StOPEH, R.N., M,P.S. Public Heailh Dlreclor TUt FROM % DATE: VOJL LT i Tompkins County Board of Health F HL41TH EnYlranmenW Fleolkh alYldpm 401 bends E. Date* Drive I1hoeo, Now Yar1k 1 40 50 -1 314 Sohn M. Anderssnn, P.E., Director of Environm 1 Hea h Steven Kern, Senior Public Health Sanitarian July l3, 1490 Part 75 -A Review ' Part 75 -A revisions of the New York State Sanitary Code is effective across the State on December 1, 1490. While the Tompkins County Realth Department's individual sewage program has not conformed to the very rigid 75-A in existence in years past, we feel the restate will now take steps to ensktre that the counties with sewage programs do conform. While the new 75 -A is more liberal than the old 75 -A, it is more restrictive than current Tompkins County Health Department codes and policies. After spending many hours reviewing Part 75aA of the New York State Sanitary Code, we feel the attached are changes to the way we now apply individual sewage system standards. The impact of the change, and our recommandation on how or if to implement the change, are also notedd In order to implement these changes, we need to modify most or all of the system specification sheets, train our field staff, and train installers, code officials, etc. The changes will also require modifications to {articles I, VI, and VIE of the Tompkins County Sanitary Code. We envision this happening through a series of public meetings, draft codes, and finally, a public hearing prior to adoption by the Tompkins County Board of Health, and finally filing at the New York State Health Department. This cannot happen before Spring 1991. The most 8igniflf$nt thanges are highlighted below: i. The minimum vertical dimension from the bottom of a system to a restriction (rock, maximum high groundwater, unsuitable soil? will be two feet instead of three feet. The Tompkins County Board of Health can adopt a greater distance. We may recommend one later (especially in areas where wells are prevalent). 2. The imposition of a maximum slope is significant, and will restrict the area where on -site systems are allowed. Towns where the percent of land is over 1S percent aret Newfield (36X), Caroline 1247.1, Danby (23%), Ithaca (17x1, Dryden tle%), Enfield (9%), Groton 179'.1, Lansing (6%), and Ulysses (42). If we accept enginearkng designs on steeper slopes, casts will increase, s ILI Memo to TompkinO County Board of Health July 13, 1990 p6ge Two 3. L-arger tanks and dual septic tanks are often required, which will increase cost but also impraves the systemn 4. Maximum trench width of 24" instead of 36" will increase length of trenches and total area necessary for a system. 5. Six -month settling for raised systems means this alternative will not Often be usedl the lesser known mound *sill be the builders' chbire. 6. Pumps are mandated for all mounds and sand filters, increasing cast. 7. The dispersion trench foilowir+g a sand filter will he replaced by a mound, causing more raised sand filters and increased cost. S. All these changes have a deep effect on subdivision approvals. The State Wealth Department has recommended that of the alternative tystemsp only raised systems be allowed in subdivisions. Cur experience with raised systems in subdivisions is mixed. More thought ig needed hereR the lot size for any alternative may need to be increased. JMAIkr Ott. cc: Suzanne Stopen, Public Health Director CL I U!, m e, cr Q ,a 6 IT Ch �F a C2 LF) n [x Z � We u w U) 0. 2 IL O O IMME 3 lu m 0] ri ro 0 u �r 14 ti crk D I= a, C L L. LI s in w-■ kn 1� w Q lu 1L a M OD v L i° „ +°x' m a C ° 'a m CL r- o ym C I .� ti o t- w In G j w dP ra jp► ., m r. cri rc 4,% dp C a, C r -� m 4i s o m . + }�y e� di � o � Ll '04 ,, o sx .. � � m 0 a u %tr v� u w 1 u la CL r L ' u u in m 0 V 4 v +� LM m +x CL u :" i ., EW few 4m e L 111 fo L f ul m QI %I a' .r L] J ul C 1 j 0 14 tU e -ri Jn X FMO ■ O C L . C], A -" 4A v 01 L11 Or 4kb e �QI1 I cd L+1 14 O U #+ QL ., 1� a -P w 47 1v ED a tr 'lt u R m lb C V 1p L +s ■ 0 -P m QI � Lx 43 m � L dc rM C 16 ri 0' u U1 ul M a.r 1n 4;b "fi Ep (A O +* r 4 U1 V ++ 0 AI m nl UI %. o L- •+ 0 .. trl t� M +0 U t to u Ql ... d ++ w bl [A � r � 111 A M m ul O up v q1 al lfl N v 3 iQ v v 7t w dl m 1V ill ra ■ L t� 1R Id s- or in i!1 p C N 01 1!1 G tlt ru OL 0- CL la '' C 1a it w 6L L In k C .� i ra fig {m - Gq1 ri e, w C1 p m ■t m 9* L I r 4 CI L l p1 u :1 L. L Q L, 4 6 L 1! 1a :# x p] [r1 17 u U U 11 Imo- 'o F- R F L: C r. +.. " ■+ I � Q u ,r w va -13 .mow W In m 111 Y 111 ro Cp wk 41 er M 93 "9 ■LD t* p 462 p rb To •T 13 3 �l 00 m #' AP rr4 G UT fI 111 r-1 Q +� �F li a "0 -0 U +t C I .� L. O l- + mi 461 OF 7 � u L *' • 1 ■A ryi CI 111 +r 1.. C In q t. r .w rp LP QJ C i 4J -m $ C+ L Ilf ... L N 17 in O a+ V G Q1 } L`t re -4 -P 4p lu m r fll 7 + rn .Q ktw g l 10 0 O D {11 4 .. 1 111 t +t 1 1� rt •.* •F4 "� 4 .. � Q1 1 i 110 -r #+ .. u 99 if _ rd L l 40 it r4 r4 "E L t rd In ■A Lk 1l Ja Yx ilf b 3 IQ IQ I 1h L ant 1 cc m X11 ", 1u Ch to IOL ttk UI .CT c r0 N z O S O` CC +" i� 47 C' 13 J C d• fi S p7 L� w- 4P Z 4 7 to lop CL u C1J ►-4 UI NZ ;PFL jCL Z r 0 IU !t Out y IY C u C 8 E its L CT G k i+ a M- C�.1 E Q� a- AIM I L a [x Al tj M at c e � .rI Iri k CL 1 C 1f PIA to NINE 41% -0 Y' }. 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As L .-. .-. a C A r V'= u 'L*�111 yy lip . ra f wk pmq .ma�yyy IA �{ 1 {ul ��}(1% P4 y[*� u! p Y lF tT Y 46t ML I • III 43 Ir�I �fu i1 nJ u O l# IU w fb ru fg rip m u U a 1••1 " m w .r.. L OF rm lip SC 1` tlr fIS 4= QI #► L1 r* CU M" L rti I � Y F 7 w, w +4 K 11F a C Y m firr" [71 UI IL Al OJI 7 D � in 4t �Y N rt E 1UI i L7 ••• i X11 as 1a to L1 ni Ell Ll ' - r) CT F I6 IL Cl 11r 11 49 *! N k Jul Imp 1.•I tn �4 NZ tn r� IMP 91 0 iJ' M -N • " }i Ilk l.J UP -+ '_ +I) -r+l ih .� 'MP 4A 1 +0 Ir CLA S # 1M, Ur 14 fu low 1A 14 0 ji 0 1L 1b IV t ar •+t CL #i � •.•r w 1p 0 RJ L L 1T Yl •"� ap N Q 91 C %M C3 4* IMP 1 QF NOE u Pit ILIO` p! h CL Lip qy i 1C Let • Cu kc 4j* to CL .a a u07 O iC LfI a 8 u 6p 1•-r 1 Cr 06 0 1k ra -•"r O' 1C f. Li YY U r•1 1U L a s QF � 4t (ll Rr 41 = t11 10 %P� IMP o +t CL ut u -0 jp� r 1Y i= ro pl J� ,.n O 111 0 ' i • O !:•1 U F id N d Al u d UI FM ar C L G L1 U tJ m� I� Q, O r7 O 4x d Q J: rn er 1d # 1� i • al A3 43 } >I V nj d u�� 4! ++ -P YM u r O .1'11 'r# 41 ib , ,1� ' . - 4 • i , L C: C G 9l Ol #s l-* rs1t1, N 1L LE d >4 14 ' + 01 u to w C a C I= O O ill 0) C Q :1 :P L W QJ L # dot N G C ID I= L' d c !OL C C u C3 4 w,M �in j y LJ IQ + . r0 0 13 C- -P rL O L" +i 7 4+ al C {� � t L UI 7 2 F 00 • .1 # Ix III to 6 OI QI M L r-r rd 'L � � 41 '*� tll :G Q Q 1A Is M ur L Ilk E V !_ "t- $ .- Y L1 3 043 }}M L L 3 '� al I 11w it C a [C m ' *� L•! f ra CL Lo !' Cn OF Q! L L. m se,1 L Ui .� •,.• .� 1n 0! As L .-. .-. a C A r V'= u 'L*�111 yy lip . ra f wk pmq .ma�yyy IA �{ 1 {ul ��}(1% P4 y[*� u! p Y lF tT Y 46t ML I • III 43 Ir�I �fu i1 nJ u O l# IU w fb ru fg rip m u U a 1••1 " m w .r.. L OF rm lip SC 1` tlr fIS 4= QI #► L1 r* CU M" L rti I � Y F 7 w, w +4 K ds C! F� E 4s a ul 1. ?� UP 1] Oh ill L i u N 11 L a-r 1 ul ,G1 L ,•. b!r a lip t} u! t 11F a C Y [T firr" Ilk UI IL Al OJI D in 4t �Y N rt E 1UI i L7 ••• i X11 as to L1 ni Ell Ll ' - r) CT F I6 ds C! F� E 4s a ul 1. ?� UP 1] Oh ill L i u N 11 L a-r 1 ul ,G1 L ,•. b!r a lip t} u! t M a C Y [T firr" I,i UI Al OJI D x] �Y N rt E ds C! F� E 4s a ul 1. ?� UP 1] Oh ill L i u N 11 L a-r 1 ul ,G1 L ,•. b!r a lip t} u! t M a C Y � firr" I,i L 4- Ur w 4, 1b IL Cl 11r 11 49 CL $. U! i= Ul 1.•I ++ q NZ T] r� Q 111 Vk .w 4P Jr Ilk l.J UP -+ '_ +I) ih .� CLA S I— L1 Ur I'h ds C! F� E 4s a ul 1. ?� UP 1] Oh ill L i u N 11 L a-r 1 ul ,G1 L ,•. b!r a lip t} u! t . � a Cit 2 � 1� |] ■ E k $ Q � ■ 4jF 22 Li kk � z \ � s � k ■ � 2 2 � da 2 4 ■ CP it § [ k ) ¥ f � 0 : 4PO g � % b � CL ■ 13 do 4A N § lip t ■ uk 17 LE ■ k � _: CL CL r qlp @ I � ■ � % +0 2 ® t 2 ® &40 ap k . 93 § ƒ CL 2 im ■ &L �L fCL ■ cx E 0 LP 4§ m H tp al Ic _ 2 ■ k is � � � � ) - ■ ch ■ � � � � _ � � c _ 2 2 CL ■ 2 G k � , � � 0 � �. 2 , ■ � @ � 2 � � [ 2 t � ■ 2 r � k tp /2 fo f 2 E _ . ® z a k2� & Lp 13 { � k2 � o 2 LA I � ■ |. � o � 2 o Lo 19 �2 V ' & f k C Lot q In is wt— ��k U 7� ■ cl 0-0 � 2 �2 L � : Date September Elsto, Iggo To Jack B■k■r Chr.,Dryden Town 24 A. p. 5 Krollwood Drive Freeville New YorR From Henry M. Slat Town of Dryde E5 E. Main St Dryden, New Y Sub.: ZoEinu VarlB Dear Jack: E, Zoi r n ng & Building Code Erforcemere Offi=@ n feet oxk !3053 rice Agenda, for Oetob@r end -1990 please find lrelo5ed a copy of (!) application For Zorin§ Varian =o Hear-trig request* 7 =30 G@r u eld Hoag i� reqC#tlnn permisGior to creAte a non- EOnformir§ lot which will have 75 feet of road fr &a�aHe as apposed to the Dryden Town zoning Ordin&rce requirm,ent of !@S feet. Sincerely, Z �� "Slat r CC n ±1 ^R @wbers of the Dryden Towr z. e, n. Jean Ryan, Nee, See., Dryd @m Town Z. r. q, Ithaca SF= PUPI..I51•1 Journal Newq Iatar4 1,23 I I the Wm ,hate Str Pmet Ttf'Fkca New York 14P yr,r Fit t en Dizzinna C Irr, Legal Ads PL-E SF= PUPI..I51•1 no Iatar4 hi I I the Ti�iwrr cpf DRYDE=N. t ha rr WE!)IgEgDrIY EPTEMD R 26th, 7. `3 9 r_r And PLEASE TARE NOTICE that tine 7r_�r,zr�g Hv:Far•d of Dr'ydert w111 cl�irrdr_irt a p u b I is IIC-:ar•i a p p I icAt iizirr of Oura18 Hi=ia ll of 571 Mze xrt st „it }isciYr a V8k`i AnCp to Lmitahtls3h a rron�cinr,fizi ;LA t ,_ir. Atozziut 86 Lower Creek Road Etna wi.tpj 1. .I. P5 feet 0f pF.AbI iC r- ;:id fri_intage and XtU s9 to, tIon 75 1 Of the Dryden Town Zoning Midin {rAID F♦F_ARIf wi i ,Z Fie P, Mm prevai 1 arty *ane Dryden I�lew� Yr,rnk apt giver+ •rn IDF3pZIrtrar,itY by agent. hu I d o rr TLIE SDPY OC I at the Dryden Towr- wh i r%h t• i me all i nt tcr tae heard. Pink Szn Datad. SQpterrabern ti 1st, I9'1c) Henry hT, S1a=mtter', Ziziniriq Officer Town of Dryden i- ApPQals rf the Towri r,rl t LC4ns1'.dnr tIrr.., r e t Etna hje-vj Y�LgrIr -F,ci r ruing rwQ ai.cjertiL i . lass th;�ri the requi.r r-20 req�_ea; J.nq A v��r�i,m!�rrc: anr_e to do scim 1113ER 2ND, 199 {_r A'r 7 • ,::;i 1.14111. 65 E. Main St9kNvov €?r Qsted 1arsi.Dr, Will r, rioty appeza r x rr pr'7 ^f;'ll!qr•, =:a r'• 9 TOWN Or UMEN NEW YORK AP LAL TO BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS TOWN OF DRYDEN Having been dented permi ss i orr to ko� LP t S n At O Y1 . o ou.r 8 iz) Y . 4c a GCS Dryden, N.Y. as shown on the t1ccorrrrr;1nylrrg Ikppllc;ntlon and /or or other supporting (1c)cruoinnts, for the stated reason that the lssumince vF srich per-rairt would be irf Vlol,-�tinrr of Section or Sertlon(s) - . _ f i} 3 J c the Town of Drydeo 7Qnirig Ordinance the UNDERSIGNED respectfully 50banits this appeol from sij�lh denial and Tt, 5i1P[xar1: of- the appeal, affirms that Strict olaservancc or the Ordinance would iiiiPOSe PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES ; nmd /or UNNECESSAPY BARDSI.IIT' tns fnl lowr-q cVe I am.I1CJ�L rwxv et.i 11 1 If you have additional supporting details of informs )tinrr9 Please atulch such details to tills application an make rcrererrce to such klttachrnent. I}1T1:D Dryden, N.Y. llpp iralit STgnatnre: 4z.2 z4VOI Address : 4 Phone Muni bc r ; Date f U-7,cl A til I 1 I.. Aq part of a agreed to split a) She will with 173.7 map) . ZBOA Pg . divorce settlement, my wife and I have the property as f of to ws ; retain the house and the land around it feet of road frontage (A on the survey b) I will get the 6,39 acres in lack of the house {� on the survey map) plus the storage building and some land around it with 75 feet of read frontage (C on Ehe survey map). I Propose making this into one large parcel. Parcel A remains a conforming lot in all reapects. 3- Marcel C has a storage b1lilding On it which conforma to all zoning ordinances. 4. Parcel B has no road frontage and Present. This situation causes both and economic hardship. The creat.aorn access to parcel U, and would only be F s unusable at Practical diff -iculty of parcel C would give used for such access. � I � � } I . 7 r �/ — 1 \ LT �mj JNW ow. by / P. q[ ®' /;2± b1� N\ f b ¥z(m; \�|! # � , | / \ | { } } �\ � ..� f f ! � f 2 N � \ �( ! r• rk Ef� � Ila � , L LF { \ 2 w 2 k 2 ) ,fvh� � , +� p # ewe [f � -4 12F - }\ f� � ! � — �........ jy-ze\� D \ f |r Mk I v �{ / �r . [ / . \ ! �r�= / ` $ ° /.\ . . , � .. . .. � � � ,�j . � .. 9� �. / ��\� } ka `� ■, �f 1 9 /- � ^ -�, rI IF k�@ @4� « ` m Km, ;\ [ & IN, /� f/ Al � | . # \ h 2 7 kfm % � , !■ F ° k 4 � ��- �l « r ¥ z ■: �£ m� � m � , , 0 , ' ms t � / Kpm r i ! � IF \ .� r | IF IL L .!L ) f ! ; /� P ] / IF \ �l « r ¥ z ■: �£ m� � m � , , 0 , ' ms t � / Kpm r i ! � IF \ .� r | IF IL L .!L ) f ! ; /� P ] / IF \ � | \ r �-= P / \ r J .: IF -- _� It I EI I .m IIIIIP .. y r IIIIIII 1 A ' n t- JJQep A,�t.. i jl o LO a * o rl JIt.aR o• 1 ff •� ' � i .: I %I w t �. � �:•� 'off aaIN2 adat �eUA 4 1� /♦fore C1 t 3 J ~ a w Z � � � n Ar ko /Jn�ev fI • .l p w _ 1 I of Y� 1 r o tipw o I `f tf i i t I , r j .r , r . r :I A FT 3.•s: JO So#if. �• ' •� L�MYD. � f i L to M.wv,Y/C yfl 1. TOWN OF DRYDEN ZONING BOnRD OF APPEALS 40 OCTOBER 21 19W MEMBERS S PR£5E lT0 feting Chairman Dominic Bordonaro, Ann Everett and Alan LaMotte. Also present but not limited to: H. Slater, C. Cotteri,ll, Randy Mail, David Russell Wallace} David Goyett, Harald Weiser, and Howard Lelik, Joann Schaff and Gerald Hoag, applicant. The Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting was call to order on October 2, 1990 at 7:55 PM by Acting Chairman Dominic Bordonar^o. D prose could membe L f a t d pu S(!7 us edirrg be h r•s co decis blic Sion ens due to eard ton uld read ion soul Part icip ued whethe lack of me i ght and d the minut d not be r ation that r to hear the case mber�s being present ecision adjaurned, es in order to r*eac eached tonight. It the hearing would One case was heard as follows: HARDLO HOAGa variance to about 88 Lo 125 feet of variance to Ordinance. of 571 Main Street, Etn establish a nonconfor -mi war Greek Road Etna with public road frontage an sections 753.1 of the Dr Al N n g )* les d is yderr e eai s t re Ta nr� ad j Du The m until th h a cone was dec be heard Yo de ha qu wn rk nt i n t est Zo rn the atter e other fusion, ided due . to obtain ak a 1 1 of at or he required ing a ning Acting Chair man 1). Bor~donaro read the public Notice as published in the Ithaca Journal and flirther stated: Having been denied perm feet of road frontage a New Fork as shown on th or other supporting doe i455LLance of such permit fission to t or about e accompan uments, fo would be The undersigned respectfully denial and in support of the observance of the Ordinance and/or Unnecessary Harwdship explanation and Survey map create a BB Lower y ing appl r the sta in violat lqt with less than 125 Creek {load, Ithatca, ication and /ors plains ted reason that the ion of Section 753.1. submits this appeal frDm such appeal, affirms that strict would impose practical Difficulties as follows: See attached The explanation is as follows: El 40 E111 1. As part of a agreed to split a) She will with 173.7 map)* ZBOA Pg. 2 ON divorce settlement, my wife and I have the property as follows: retain the house and the land around it feet of road frontage (A on the survey b) I will get the 6.39 acres in back of the house (B on the survey map) plus the storage building and some land around it with 75 feet of road frontage (C on the survey map). I propose making this into one large parcel. 2. Parcel A remains a conforming lot in all respects. 3. Parcel. C has a storage building on it which conforms to all zoning ordinances. 4& Parcel B has no road frontage and present. This situation causes both and economic hardship. The creation access to parcel B, and would only be �I is unusable at practical difficulty of parcel C would give used for such access. ZBOA pg. 8 OPENED TO COMMENTS PROM THE FLOOR RANDY HALL. of 84 Lower Creek Road owner of the property nest to the property in question stated he was here: 1. To clarify Road the notice he had received and to hear what was being trailers that when proposed, development. 2. His concern is that when he purchased his home he bought it due to the property being in a rural area and hence forth he has had a home built behind him by Mr. RLlssell and then the Hoags built next door. A housing development is going in above his property with at least 8 or 10 Domes and no one has ever notified him of any of the development. He is concerned about septic systems and water supply, which has never been great in that area, and haw this will affect his property. His privacy has also been affected and he is concerned whether Mr. Hoag would ewer develop the piece of property with a housing development} subdivision, as all of the property in question adjoins his. Wood Road has trailers that when told may be turned in to a development. He awns an acre of land which shows as "Selover" an the map. Mr an we wa Pardon y other re grant s not en st becau a t P t 5 ro Yp do L t e explained th e of variance That becaus led to develo a variance ma t procedur which may e a varian pe the prat yant ed. e for subdivisions or be requir ~ed if this ce is granted the owner perty any way he desired Ann Everett asked why the property could not he divided on the road frontage so that it did comply with the codex and to descri be the land? Mr, Haag answered that d�Le to an in ground swimming pool it was not feasible for road frontage of la5l each. The land was describes} as being an opened field with a hedipe row, swamp and trees with a stream /pond located at the back of the property. The Board reviewed the map. Ann Evav4ett : Q. What do yaU intend on doing with the (7 acmes) land? G. Haag : A. Hi do D f la s wi esn' ve h r an nd i fe wo t hav im th d som s wor uld like to purchase the house but P enough money and has proposed to t land which he needs a variance e money. Without the variance the thless_ ++.. What do you intend t o do with it? ZBOA Pg. 4 A. Possibly build a house. There is a place ® there now by the pond for the children. (Cub— Scouts, chickens) He does not live there. iI1 C] A. LaMotte at asked wanted was the variance. He if he wanted the variance now in order to home assure him, the if the the proposed would also settlement was agreed on, that he would have for legal development grounds and for future use? G. Hoag answered in the affirmative, occur. that that the his lawyer had advised him to obtain the variance before doesn't finalizing to see the agreement. land developed Joann Schaff at also wanted was the variance. He stated to that land and have his without their home as part of the divorce settlement. the variance the the property would also be limited about for future development sale and if it should to stipulate occur. Mr. Hoag stated at this time all he wanted was the variance. He intends to keep the land and have his wife buy out his part of their home as part of the divorce settlement. DAVID RUSSELL WALLACE stated he owned parcel #45 -1 -29.02 shown as Coleman on the map. He was also concerned about future development and wishes the Board to stipulate that the land could not be subdivided. He doesn't want to see this land developed and had offered to purchase the land from him. MR. HALL would /has offered to purchase in order to keep it rural. DAVID GOYETT speaking for CHARLES GOYETT, 17 Wood Road, was also concerned about future subdivision. HAROLD WELSER, has life use of 72 Lower Creek Road, was concerned about future subdivision. Would not object to single home being built. also HOWARD LILIK, 78 Lower- Creek Road, did not object to a variance as long as it wasn't for a subdivision. D. BORDONARO: He hasn't applied for a subdivision, so we can't address that issue. We can't deny some thing he hasn't applied for. He has applied to have a non conforming lot for access so he could lay claim to it and say he owns it. He would be free then, with out further approval, to build a house once he went through the proper procedure. Obtaining a building permit, and assuming he conforms with Health Department regulations for well and septic. If he ever decided to subdivide or any thing else he would have to go through another process for approval. Right not it is for a single residential lot. III ZBOA Pg. 5 There were not objections to a single residential lot. HEARING CLOSED AT 8:30 PM Mr. Bordonaro explained the procedure of deliberation and decision, that the public was welcome to stay for the decision or call the Zoning Office in the morning. MEETING OPENED AT 8150 PM MOTIONS AND DECISION MADE. ATTACHED. Respectfully submitted, J. C4� )rding Secretary Ed NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY OCTOBER 21 1990 A public hearing to consider the application submitted by GERALD HOAG of 571 Main Street, Etna, New York to obtain a variance to create a lot with less than 125 feet of road frontage at or about 88 Lower Creed Road, Ithaca, New York and is requesting a variance to Section 753.1, of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public Appeals motion hearing was duly on Tuesday, October conducted 2, 1990 by the with members Town of Dryden Board of Zoning present: Acting Chairman, Dominic on Bordonaro, Alan LaMotte, and Ann Everett. Hoag be granted the variance without FINDINGS: UNDER PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES AND ECONOMIC INJURIES: 1. The divorce settlement may or may not be accepted if the property is divided and conformed to the law. 20 The motion land made is currently by locked Alan Everett on all YES four Gerald A. sides Hoag be granted the variance without requested access unless the following variance is granted to provide such access. 30 Granting the variance will not necessarily have an adverse affect on the community as it stands. A motion was made was by Ann Alan Everett that YES (3) Gerald A. Everett, Hoag be granted the variance as requested with the following stipulations: that a one family dwelling be placed on the acreage. Second to the motion was made by Alan LaMotte. VOTE YES (3) A. Everett, A. LaMotte, and D. Bordonaro. NO DECISION: jr (0) VARIANCE GRANTED. 0 ABSTAINED (0) Respectfully submitted, 9&"C Dominic Bordonaro, Acting Chairman C 1 it NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY OCTOBER 21 1990 A public hearing to consider the application submitted by GERALD HOAG of 571 Main Street, Etna, New York to obtain a variance to create a lot with less than 125 feet of road frontage at or about 88 Lower Creed Road, Ithaca, New York and is requesting a variance to Section 753.11 of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, October 2, 1990 with members present: Acting Chairman, Dominic Bordonaro, Alan LaMotte, and Ann Everett. FINDINGS: UNDER PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES AND ECONOMIC INJURIES: 1. The divorce settlement may or may not be accepted if the property is divided and conformed to the law. 2. The motion land was is currently locked Ann on all that four Gerald (3) sides Everett, without access unless A. LaMotte, the variance is granted to stipulations: provide such access. 3. Granting the variance will not necessarily have an adverse affect on the community as it stands. A motion motion was made by Ann Everett Alan LaMotte. that VOTE Gerald (3) A. Everett, Hoag be granted the variance as requested A. LaMotte, with the following stipulations: that a one family dwelling be placed on the acreage. Second to the motion f was made by Alan LaMotte. VOTE YES (3) A. Everett, A. LaMotte, and D. Bordonaro. NO DECISION: jr (0) VARITNCE GRANTED. ABSTAINED (0) Respectfully submitted, Dominic Bordonaro, Acting Chairman