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Town of Ulysses Planning Board
Public Hearing, September 23 , 1999
Present : Chair Krys Cail , Lorren Hammond, Paula Horrigan, Budd Stover, Dave Tyler,
zoning officer Alex Rachun, attorney for town Bruce Wilson.
Recording minutes : Deb Austic
Public present : Chas Fletcher, John Wilson, James Brown, John Wiessinger, Cheryl
Nickel, Betty Jane Knight, Jean Smith, MB Livers, Art Pearce, Katy Pearce, Tom Myers,
Michael Cohen, Pat Wachs , Tim Wachs, Janet Hawkes, Angela Nicholson, Allison Pritts,
Matthew Wachs, Steve Nicholson, Bob Leathers, John. Pearce, Jared Bisogni, Jenna
Leathers, Pheobe Beierle , Bob Thomas, Liz Thomas, Mary Beth Bunge, Barb DeWall,
Cathy Hoover, Caroline Hoover, Mr. & Mrs . Charles Houghton, Dwight Austin, Barbara
Hotchkiss, Jim Spear, Mr. & Mrs . Greg Sajewski
Krys started the meeting at 7 : 35 p . m. Krys announced an upcoming workshop by
the Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Planning Federation and a panel discussion of water
issues in the town sponsored by the Jacksonville Community Association. Paula reported
that the village Main Street project was rated # 1 for the TEA grant. Krys also noted that
contrary to discussion at the previous meeting, the Planning Board was able to raise a
quorum for this public hearing .
Krys noted that contrary to discussion at the previous meeting, the planning board
was able to raise a quorum for this hearing . Paula gave a short explanation of the purpose
of site plan review and the need for a presentation by the applicant.
Janet Hawkes gave a short presentation of the history of the development of the
all people ' s trail and treetops project and explained some of the maps and locations of
exhibits .
Bob Leathers addressed the project and site plan. Leathers reported no change in
parking with a total of 80 spaces near lodge and 100 spaces in an overflow lot on
Houghton Road. Pedestrian access to the project would eventually be wheelchair
accessible . Leathers described plans to protect the soil and creek and plans to remove a
total of four trees . Leathers described the replacement of a bridge, a new ramp with 42"
rail, overlook, and treehouse . There would be no lighting and a small sign . The structure
would be clad in black locust to blend with the surroundings, plus 1 " vinyl-coated steel
mesh enclosure . There would be 3 exhibit areas with a total area of 500 square feet with a
maximum capacity of 50-60 . Leathers reported that OSHA precautions would be taken
during construction to protect volunteers . There was a brief discussion about security and
it was determined to be a concern of the Nature Center.
John Wilson questioned why the preparations for the project had not taken place
earlier and felt the Nature Center should follow the same guidelines as other residents of
the town . Wilson also suggested that work had already begun at the site .
James Brown reported that the Nature Center was a poor neighbor and he had
trouble with trespassers from the Center. Brown said he understood the property was to
be kept as a farm. Brown also reported that construction was well under way .
Tom Myers said he had spoken with many of the neighbors and felt there was
little problem with the treetops project, but were concerned with the Nature Center ' s
attitude toward the neighborhood and lack of respect for zoning law. Myers suggested
neighbors were concerned about trespassing, the compost project, and crowds .
Michael Cohen reported he was not an abutting neighbor, but hoped the Nature
Center would hear the concerns of neighbors and respond, but not stop the project .
Pat Wachs reported that the Nature Center was not a good neighbor. Wachs
expressed concern for the deterioration of the meadow containing the compost and
overflow parking .
Tim Wachs stated the Nature Center has ignored zoning in the past with the
building of the parking lot and composting . Wachs suggested building had already begun
and suggested the Nature Center was a bad example to the teens involved. Wachs
expressed concern that funding for the project was not secured and the farmhouse owned
by the Nature Center was in disrepair. Wachs also expressed concern for safety .
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Angela Nicholson said as a resident of Trumansburg, teacher in Lansing, and
Nature Center board member that the project gave a lot to the community and expression
of volunteer effort and heard no objections to the project.
Allison Pritts stated she has used programs and felt it was a wonderful project and
excellent site with volunteers doing their best.
Steve Nicholson said he felt the project was an appropriate land use for the
property and the aims of the community .
Liz Thomas stated she was the compost project manager and was concerned about
neighbors ' problems and would be like to address them . Liz briefly explained the
Mary Beth Bunge said as a resident, member, and employee she was glad to meet
neighbors and said the Nature Center had a small staff and apologized for mistakes .
Barb DeWall said she was a resident and board member and expressed concern
that the Nature Center was being a bad neighbor but felt the project was a well-planned
site and use for the facility .
Cathy Hoover said she was sure the site plan was good and supported the power
of volunteerism.
MB Livers introduced herself as the new director of the Nature Center and said
she was encouraged neighbors were present and she was hearing her concerns . Livers
said she had faith in the people doing the project and apologized for the situation .
John Wiessinger introduced himself as program director at Cayuga Nature Center
and project coordinator of treetops . Wiessinger stressed the positive educational value of
the project.
Greg Sajewski said he was excited about the wheelchair access of the project and seeing
young people working on the project.
Barb Hotchkiss stated she supported the project and that it fit the parameters of
the site and town .
Cheryl Nickel expressed appreciation for the planning board taking time for the public
hearing .
Janet Hawkes pointed out other exhibits close to the treetops area, including 40
exhibits in the lodge , a wildlife exhibit, overlook and falls exhibit, composting,
constructed wetland, cops, pond, rotational grazing, pioneer homestead, Native American
garden, teen challenge course . Hawkes pointed out a trend toward larger scale exhibits
and the majority of visitors were school-aged students with a paid educator.
Art Pearce stated he felt the project fit well with the Center' s long-term strategy
and appropriate land use for this site .
Tim Wachs said that blame was being placed on volunteers and should be
shouldered by the Nature Center.
Barb Hotchkiss questioned the board about the process for permits and how to the
applicant would know .
Paula Horrigan said her concern was for protocol and lack of timely application.
Paula expressed regret that it took site plan review so long to be adopted by the town and
professional volunteer did not adhere .
Lorren echoed Paula' s statement and questioned whether the importance of this
project eclipsed the rezoning of the entire town .
Katie Pearce expressed support for the project and said the site was wonderful and
being dealt with appropriately.
Cheryl. Nickel said that if the project didn ' t begin this week, then it wouldn ' t
happen at all .
Jim Brown questioned no illumination in the site plan and asked if the powerline
to the site was temporary . Brown also said that construction was underway .
Dave made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Lorren and passed.
The public hearing ended at 9 : 05 p . m . Dave made a motion for executive session to
consult with the attorney for the town, seconded by Lorren, and passed . The Board
adjourned to executive session at 9 : 07 p .m .
The Board returned from executive session at 9 : 30 p . m . and began the regular
Paula discussed the need for a site plan at an appropriate scale with parking and
pedestrian trail and area shown and labeled . There was a discussion of emergency access
and that it should be represented on the site plan also . Paula stated the importance of the
town having a site plan on record .
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Lorren questioned why there was no need for increase parking anticipated .
Leathers and Livers responded that the same number of school trips was planned and the
existing lots could support ordinary daily volume . There was a discussion of security and
it was determined not to be a concern of the board . There was a discussion of the
overflow lot and Nature Center plans for buffering .
There was a discussion of trespassing concerns brought up by neighbors and
possible options . Leathers pointed out the benefits of the site selection. Neighbors pointed
out the closest adjoining house . Livers explained the use of live-in caretakers and
scheduled programming . There was also a discussion of wheelchair access currently by
vehicle with plans for access by trail within 5 years .
The Board moved on to consideration of SEQRA . Alex reported that his
determination was that it was an unlisted action and did not meet any of the thresholds to
move it into a long EAR The Board reviewed part 1 of the short EAF . The Board
reviewed part 2 and answered as the following : a) No , b) No, cl ) No , c2) No , c3 ) No , c4)
No, consistent with comprehensive plan, c5 ) No, c6) none known, c7) none anticipated ,
d) No .
Dave made a motion that the board finds the project will not result in significant
adverse environmental impacts . Paula seconded the motion . The Board voted .
Dave — AYE
Krys — AYE
Lorren — AYE
Paula — AYE
Budd — AYE
The motion passed . Paula suggested the board accept the site plan as presented so
the project could move ahead as planned . Paula said there was no question about the
merits of the project but the applicant' s response to the process and pointed out that this
was an exception to the process .
Paula made a motion to approve the site plan as presented conditional upon
submission of a 40 scale annotated site plan showing the location of the treetops project
in relation to the lodge , vehicle and pedestrian traffic, and safety access with additions to
the text. Lorren seconded the motion .
The Board discussed when the site plan should be filed in relation to issuance of
the building permit and building schedule for the project. Lorren and Dave suggested that
in light of the exceptions already made for the project the applicant should be required to
submit the plan before the permit was issued.
Dave made a motion that the existing motion be amended so the building permit
only be issued upon satisfaction of the condition . Lorren seconded the motion. There was
brief discussion of Dave ' s amendment. Leathers indicated he had no problem with the
amendment. Krys called the question on Dave ' s motion.
Dave — AYE
Krys — AYE
Lorren — AYE
Paula — AYE
Budd — AYE
The Board voted on the main motion.
Dave — AYE
Krys — AYE
Lorren — AYE
Paula — AYE
Budd --- AYE
The motion passed and site plan was approved. The meeting adjourned at 10 : 30
p . m .