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Ulysses Planning Board
June 9 , 1999
Present: Acting Chair Krys Cail, Rick Geiger, Lorren Hammond, George Kennedy, and
Dave Tyler, zoning officer Alex Rachun, Bill Albern and Dick Parker. Also Doug Austic
and Kristin Sosnicki .
Recording minutes : Deb Austic
Krys called the meeting to order at 7 : 55 p . m . The Board reviewed minutes from
4/ 14/99 , 4/21 /99 , 4/28/99 , 5/ 12/99, and 5/26/99 . Minutes from 4/ 14/99 , 4/21 /99 , and
4/28/99 were tabled for lack of a voting quorum . Minutes of 5/ 12/99 were revised to
correct date to. the 12th, include Lorren ' s last name, Hammond in the third sentence; 4th
paragraph specify the table of parking space computation; page 2 , 2"d paragraph specify
Dave made a motion to rescind . . . so that it would be subject to input after the public
hearing ; 3 `d paragraph Cayuga Lake Watershed and Intermunicipal Organization; last
paragraph change multiple meetings to an additional meeting, and specify professional
services . Dave made a motion to approve the minutes as revised, seconded by Rick, and
The minutes of 5/26/99 were amended in the 3 `d paragraph to clarify that Lorren' s
motion including a revival of the May 12 , 1999 motion to approve the EAF . There was a
discussion of the number needed for a quorum to approve minutes, whether a majority of
the Board, was needed or not. Dave made a motion to approve the amended minutes
subject to approval of counsel for the Town as to number needed for a quorum. George
seconded by George, and passed. Dave abstained .
The Board moved to consideration of the subdivision. Alex stated that for
purposed of SEQRA, the subdivision would be considered an unlisted action with long
for EAF . Bill Albern described the subdivision, the two lots already developed, and road
to be developed and adequate turn-around of 200 foot diameter. Albern explained the
health department did not require approval because less than 5 lots . Krys pointed out that
under section 210 . 2 , Parker or Albern should have been present when the subdivision was
declared a major subdivision. Albern stated the applicant had no problem with the finding
of major subdivision in their absence . There was a discussion of the location of electric
tansformers .
Albern stated that TG Miller did the preliminary subdivision map, but the current
surveyor would be Wyler. The Board asked Parker for his plans for the back fields or
wooded areas . The Board requested on the final plat that the diameter of the turn-around
be specified, the lots be changed to letters rather than numbers for consistency, remove
the term swale and refer to drainage to field, reference to Wyler map . Parker stated that
the structure on lot E would be removed .
There was a discussion of the work on the road and the dedication to the town.
Albern assured that Jim Meeker, highway superintendent had been out to see the road and
it would be built to his specifications , most likely oil and stone . Rick made a motion to
set the public hearing on the preliminary plat for July 7 , 1999 at 7 : 30 p .m . , seconded by
Dave, and passed unanimously .
The Board decided to do a preliminary review of the EAF and briefly discussed
the answers . The Board suggested that B21 include reference to 2 existing households
and the answer to C3 be changed to 30+/- homes and C5 be not applicable . Rick made a
motion to accept the subdivision as an unlisted action with long EAF for purposes of
SEQRA, seconded by Dave and passed unanimously . Deb agreed fax a public hearing
notice to Dave for review before posting .
Supervisor Doug Austic and Kristin Sosnicki from Tompkins County Planning
joined the meeting to discuss the upcoming zoning revisions . Members discussed the
zoning revision process . The working group would consist of the Planning Board and
Town Board members . At the end of the process the Planning Board would take action by
a vote to pass the revisions along to the Town Board . Kristin passed out a schedule of
meeting topics for the upcoming months and it was decided to meet at the Planning
Board meeting on the second Wednesday of the month to deliver information and a
working session on the fourth Thursday .
There was a discussion of the mapping for the zoning revisions and how that
would be done . The Board discussed John Barney Jr' s offer to work with GIS mapping
and Kristin explained the services of county planning . Doug agreed to call John Barney
Jr. and discuss the mapping . The Board also discussed the possibility of soliciting public
or special interest input and how that might be accomplished. Interest was expressed in
seeking business input, perhaps through survey or informational meetings and Krys
suggested the Trumansburg and Tompkins County Chambers of Commerce . Kristin
suggested that August would be a good time for public input. Kristin also reported that
there will be public information sessions through the Chamber of Commerce available to
the Town.
There was a brief discussion of the process to appoint a chair for the Planning
Board. Doug explained that the Town Board would appoint upon recommendation of
Planning Board . Consensus of the Board was that Krys was doing a fine job as acting
chair. Doug handed out a statement from attorney Bruce Wilson regarding the site plan
review process . Krys expressed that a locator map identifying the tax parcel was very
useful . Dave suggested that if Alex could be in contact with the Planning Board chair
about waiving application requirements it would facilitate the process . Doug explained
the expiration of the commercial moratorium and the Town Board ' s plan to rezone the
areas under the moratorium . The meeting ended at 9 : 50 p.m .