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Ulysses Planning Board
May 12 , 1999
Present : Board members Krys Cail, Rick Geiger, Lorren Hammond, George Kennedy,
and Dave Tyler, building inspector Alex Rachun, Sue Poelvoorde, Jim Seafuse .
Recording minutes : Deb Austic
Interim chair Krys Cail opened the meeting at 7 :40 p . m . Supervisor Doug Austic
attended the meeting briefly to explain the new appointments to the Board. George
Kennedy will be filling the remainder of Peter Demjanec ' s term, and Lorren Hammond
will replace Gregg Hoffmire . Doug also explained that the Town Board voted to accept
the proposal from Kristin Sosnicki at Tompkins County Planning to write the new zoning
ordinance, to start in the next month or so .
Board members introduced themselves and described their backgrounds . Minutes
for previous meetings were distributed but it was decided to wait for a quorum to review
those and the minutes could remain draft. The Town Clerk, Marsha Georgia was called in
to swear in the new appointments so there would be a quorum for the meeting .
Jim Seafuse described the proposed addition to the Shur Save and the materials he
submitted. Seafuse described the portions of the store devoted to retail and storage space
and confirmed there would be no new entrances except a fire exit on the back corner of
the addition. The entrance for the pharmacy will be removed . Alex explained there were
no commercial parking regulations in the ordinance . Seafuse said there would be no new
pavement or parking, the existing 95 spaces would remain, and the location of employee
parking . Seafuse explained at the time of the original project they had planned for a store
of the new size, but it was reduced to fit financing . So parking was set for new size and
store didn' t propose increased growth. The Board inquired about the water and sewer
systems . Seafuse explained the septic was sized by gallonage and the village water was
based on the septic . Seafuse described proposed move of the recycling to behind the
store . Superior Disposal has located developer that will provide fill to the recycling area
and town will grade fill and top with gravel . The size and fencing will remain the same,
but it may take a while to get the area completed.
Krys raised questions regarding the road already existing behind the building .
Krys expressed concern that the road was not shown on the site plan, especially if it was a
fire access . Alex explained that the road could not be a fire access and that accessibility
from three sides met the requirements . Seafuse explained that the parking lot was built
smaller near the entrance because the NYSEG line was uncovered during excavation. The
Board reviewed the project memo and the responses to section 312 . Item 10 was changed
to read "existing - no problems foreseen" . For item 15 , Dave made a motion to waive the
table as to parking space computation, Rick seconded, and passed . Item 18 was changed
to read "none necessary" .
The Board asked Seafuse to draw on the site plan the existing access road behind
the building, parking area as built, and the proposed location of the recycling . The Board
reviewed the EAF provided by the applicant. Th Board found the first page to be
complete . The Board reviewed section C and determined the following findings : Cl —
slight increase in traffic ; C2 — no adverse effects ; C3 — no adverse effects ; C4 — no
adverse effects, consistent with plans ; C5 — no adverse effects ; C6 — none identified; C7 —
slight increase in energy use for new square footage . For section D the Board answered
no .
Dave made a motion to find no significant adverse environmental impacts and for
Krys to sign the EAF as acting chair, seconded by Rick, and passed unanimously . The
Board discussed scheduling for the public hearing and set a date for May 26th at 7 : 30 p .m .
The Board discussed the public hearing and EAF process and decided that it would be
appropriate to hold final vote on the EAF until after the public hearing . Dave made a
motion to rescind his motion for a finding on the EAF so that it would be subject to input
after the public hearing, seconded by Rick, and passed unanimously . Alex asked the
Board to determine what information to put in the public notice for the hearing. Dave and
Alex prepared wording for the notice and was then approved by the Board. The Board
confirmed with Jim Seafuse that he would need to provide one copy of the site plan with
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the three access road, recycling area, and parking lot change added, no engineers stamp
required .
Krys announced meeting dates for the Cayuga Lake Watershed and
Intermunicipal Organization for any members interested in attending. Krys suggested
tabling discussion of selection of a chair and John Barney ' s internship . Sue Poelvoorde
asked whether the Board had discussed their position about the internship and how it
would or would not be useful .
The Board reviewed information supplied by the town' s attorney about the
applicability for site plan review to Veronica' s Gardens . Alex confirmed that Veronica' s
Gardens had been granted their special permit but had not had a sketch plan conference.
Alex asked the Board for direction on how to advise Veronica ' s Gardens as to what
material to bring to the Board . The Board discussed the process and how to prepare
applicants . Different opinions were expressed as to what materials should be presented
and Alex ' s authority to advise what information might be sufficient. Krys suggested that
an applicant could choose to attend an additional meeting and attempt to have
requirements waived rather than pay for professional services . George noted the site plan
drawing submitted by Jim Seafuse was likely from 1988 , since the revision was noted as
1988 , although it was illegible . The Board discussed acting on the Seafuse application
and EAF after the public hearing . The meeting adjourned at 9 :45 p. m .